Fate Doctor [Young Justice SI]

You know at first I liked your representation of Nabu, but now I kinda hate him. He's done nothing but berate or push Lee around.

Also Lee really shouldn't be so forgiving of Zatanna, she really does deserve punishment. She killed Nabu (and presumably ended Lee's life as well) effectively forcing Lee to say yes to being fused with Nabu and becoming his final host, or else they'd both die.

I don't think Zatanna killed Lee, sounds like his dead is more on his side of the universe.

Beside, it is fully within Zatanna right to fuck Nabu up. He enslaved her father so she killed him to set Giovanni free. It is a logical, reasonable and predictable outcome.

Nabu is not a hero. Heroes sacrifice themselves, villains sacrifice others then make excuses. Nabu is a lesser evil, and not all that necessary. He's fully capable of being nice and helpful, he just choose to be a egoistic dick.

Klarion isn't that high on a list of DC's BBEG. Nabu isn't an absolute requirement for countering Klarion when the Justice League has faced worse foes.

Tldr: I'm with Zatanna. Nabu need a kick in his dick. Everything is Nabu fault.
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Only complaint I could possibly have for this story would be that the MC is too... weak? passive? soft? I'm not sure what word it is I'm looking for. But the MC's seeming need to over-apologize and backpedal irks me.