[X] To the dorms. I still have to unpack my things. As Dr. Roman said, the sooner the better. Besides, I might even meet my dorm mate there.
And Ilya's batteries.

"Just what the hell does Heracles want from you?!"

"My batteries!"

"Give it to him, then!"


And Gil's motorcycle collection.

"Honey, are you really sure you want to take this thing together with you to the school?"

"Of course, mom!"

Much later.

"Welcome to the Holy Grail Grand-Prix!"

"What riding skill! What on Earth did you immerse yourself into in your spare time, Himura?!"


"Hey, you mongrel, that's my bike!"

"Your things are my things!"

"Even her personality has changed..."

"Gal Undo! Garam Masala!"

"What's wrong with her?"

"Somebody said they don't like curry."


And Medea's Saber outfits.

"Himura, what is..."

"I don't have to explain anything."


"My hobbies are of no concern for you."
I know! He's one of those people that you could see on fire and you wouldn't piss on him to put out the flames.
Permission to sig or something? :D

So our things to unpack are actually just millions sets of Kitche Knif- "Miracle Maker" ? :V
And so I pray,
Unlimited Friend Maker Works.

[X] To the classroom. Maybe Tamamo-san and David are still there. I should show them I'm fine now.

Apologize first, THEN skedaddle.
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Vote Tally : Fate/Chaldea Academy | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6

[X] To the classroom. Maybe Tamamo-san and David are still there. I should show them I'm fine now.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] To the dorms. I still have to unpack my things. As Dr. Roman said, the sooner the better. Besides, I might even meet my dorm mate there.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 6

I'm not getting that from my tally.
Edit or some people switched from the time between your comment and my tally.
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To the classroom it is.

It was good that I remembered where it was exactly because asking people directions was a bit hard for me. That said, I did stray off a little bit since the school itself was so huge. I now feel a deep of sense of gratitude for the person that made the decision to put maps around the place.

Still, the halls were filled with people, despite the fact that the lessons were already over. Well, there are things like clubs and such, and besides, it's not like students have to return home. Dorms, gyms and other facilities were placed on the school property, mainly – for our convenience.

I learned this from Tamamo-san, while she also promised me to show a really nice café she frequented. That sounded good. And while I was immersed into my thoughts, I didn't notice how the halls emptied until it was me and another person, a frail-looking old man with a cane. He must be a teacher here.

"Hello," I nodded politely and walked past him. For some reason, this old man felt like… something dark and crawling. I knew this was rude, but my general impression of that old man was horrible and I wanted to walk away as soon as possible.

"This is the wrong way, young lady. If you want to reach your destination, take another turn. Otherwise, you will be led astray," he said and wandered off, disappearing at the next corner. His words seemed to be true. I just hoped this advice was sound.

I did make another turn and found myself in the same corridor I saw this morning. The students were wandering around again. As if this whole meeting was non-existent, the daily life proceeded as normal. Just like always.

Before entering my classroom, I stopped. Somebody was arguing inside. Pretty loudly, too.

"I told you already! She isn't here! And whatever you want from her, back off."

That voice… Tamamo-san?

"Listen. Himura-san doesn't feel good, so we put her somewhere else. Somewhere quiet."

David, too. To whom they were talking to? I peeked a bit and saw their angry faces. The person they were arguing with, I saw only his back. Fairly short, with brown hair, he was about as tall me as… which wasn't that much, sadly.

"The mysterious transfer students enters the academy mid-term, has enough raw power to match the year's best and vanishes without a trace! And for what reason? Because she petted a dog. Look, whatever you're selling, I don't buy it. If you don't want to tell where she is, throw me a bone and tell what really happened."

"But we did already!" Tamamo-san said. "Just because the bone doesn't taste so good, it's not a reason for the journalism club to bother an ill student. Have you no shame?"

Journalism club? Sounded positively mundane.

"I may have no shame, but I definitely have something else – work ethics. I either have to present a finished story or an interview. And without the interviewed being here, there aren't lots of opportunities, right?"

"God, you're quite a piece of work, aren't you?" David said. "That's why nobody wants to join the journalism club anymore, you know? Because you like butting in so much."

"The inner politics of my club are not for you to care about!"

I entered the classroom. The moment my eyes met my friends' their faces turned pale. Tamamo-san made a strange sound with her throat, while David started making strange gestures with his arms. Something about walking? I wasn't sure.

"What now?!" the mysterious person said and turned around. He – well, I assumed because the uniform was male – had a pretty feminine face with a pair of small glasses on his face. Yet again, I wondered why people around here wear glasses.

And then, he teleported.

"Good day! My name is Joseph Pulitzer from the 1-E! I came here on the behalf of the journalism club to interview the school's newest star!"

Well, not teleported, but the speed with which he moved was something to see. From my viewpoint, it was like he instantly shifted from one position to another. And that was position too close to me to feel comfortable.

Suddenly, as if he was a kitten, this boy was lifted by the nape of his jacket, meeting David's disappointed face. "Aren't you being too pushy? She just got there from the infirmary. I don't think it's the best time to bother her with your expressions, Pulitzer."

"U-Unhand me!" ordered Joseph. Hmm. As expected, the name "Joseph" reminds me only of half-naked men with muscles and vampires. However, Pulitzer sounds a bit pretentious, too. "Look, isn't it better to finish the troublesome thing first? Like, eating your vegetables first and eating the desserts last. This kind of thing. I do mine and you do yours."

What should I do? I mean, talking for me is hard, but this person looked like he needed my help. I promised myself to be more assertive…

"D-David-kun," I said, "Put him back, please."

Surprisingly, he followed my words. Still, the way he sighed was unlike how Emiya-kun does. "N-Now, Joseph-kun, I'll answer the question for your interview. B-But only normal questions allowed!" Answering question like what kind of a person I prefer as my partner was a no-no for sure.

"So be it," Joseph said and pulled out a mechanical pencil and a notebook out of somewhere, ready to record. Where did those come from? He shooed David and Tama-san away, so there would be no one to listen us.

"Before we start, let me thank you for your cooperation," I nodded with a smile. So far, he looked like a normal person. "Well, here are the questions."

Now, he started reading from his list, but not before crossing about half of them, clicking his tongue. I-Is this really fine? I can understand two or three, but half of them! I heard Joseph Pulitzer was the person behind the yellow journalism, but to such a ridiculous degree.

"Can you describe yourself for me?"

[] "I'm… a pretty boring person, actually. There is nothing much for me to tell. If I were to say, everything about me is fairly average. You know, that sounds… pretty depressing."

[] "I'm perfectly normal. Well, there are some things special here and there, but most of them aren't that interesting. If anything, I'm just your ordinary schoolgirl."

[] "W-Well, I really like helping people. Like, supporting them from behind. Honestly speaking, I'm a bit of a coward and large crowds scare me, but… I can work on that."

[] Write-In.

"Okay. So… What about things you like?"

[] "Motorcycles. I love them so much! I owned lots of models back home, but maybe I can afford the real one here!"

[] "Something like cooking, perhaps? Well, I do that in my spare time, so that counts as a hobby. Yes, cooking is something I enjoy greatly."

[] "There is nothing specific I like."

[] Write-In.

"And the things you dislike?"

[] "People that hurt other people, I think. Yes, certainly… hurting someone because you can is no-good."

[] "L-Loud noises are no-good. And humans that speak noisily, too."

[] "There is nothing specific I dislike."

[] Write-In.

"What about the people you've met? For example, Tamamo-no-Mae-san?"

[] "I-I like her very much. Because she's my friend."

[] "She is okay, I guess. Seems nice."

[] "I won't answer this question."


[] "He is a very good person. David is… my precious friend."

[] "I don't care much about him."

[] "I won't answer this question."

[] Write-in.

"And Emiya Shirou? Have anything to tell about him."

[] "E-Emiya-kun… He is very kind and reliable. A-And he took care of me, too. S-So…"

[] "He is my friend! Because Emiya-kun is so nice to trustworthy, I'm glad to be friends with him."

[] "To be honest, I didn't know him good enough to comment."

[] "I won't answer this question."

[] Write-in.
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[X] "I'm… a pretty boring person, actually. There is nothing much for me to tell. If I were to say, everything about me is fairly average. You know, that sounds… pretty depressing."
[X] "Something like cooking, perhaps? Well, I do that in my spare time, so that counts as a hobby. Yes, cooking is something I enjoy greatly."
[X] "People that hurt other people, I think. Yes, certainly… hurting someone because you can is no-good."
[X] "I-I like her very much. Because she's my friend."
[X] "David is very nice and friendly. And also very serious."
[X] "Emiya-kun can seem a bit threatening, but he's really caring, reliable and motherly. He's always looking after others."

You know, it is very nice and refreshing to play character like Kotone.

@Tada Taro Should the vote be planned, or just regular?
[X] "I'm… a pretty boring person, actually. There is nothing much for me to tell. If I were to say, everything about me is fairly average. You know, that sounds… pretty depressing."
[X] "Something like cooking, perhaps? Well, I do that in my spare time, so that counts as a hobby. Yes, cooking is something I enjoy greatly."
[X] "People that hurt other people, I think. Yes, certainly… hurting someone because you can is no-good."
[X] "I-I like her very much. Because she's my friend."
[X] "David is very nice and friendly. And also very serious."
[X] "Emiya-kun can seem a bit threatening, but he's really caring, reliable and motherly. He's always looking after others."

You know, it is very nice and refreshing to play character like Kotone.

@Tada Taro Should the vote be planned, or just regular?
Go for regular.
Guessing this will narrow down what servant we will get.

"Can you describe yourself for me?"

[X] "I'm perfectly normal. Well, there are some things special here and there, but most of them aren't that interesting. If anything, I'm just your ordinary schoolgirl."


"Okay. So… What about things you like?"

[X] "Motorcycles. I love them so much! I owned lots of models back home, but maybe I can afford the real one here!"

Then this, but I'm tempted to go with boring person for this because that sounds like it's hilarious.

"I-I'm a boring person."

What are your hobby's then?

*Serious face*



"And the things you dislike?"

[X] "There is nothing specific I dislike."

Can't think of a better answer here.

"What about the people you've met? For example, Tamamo-no-Mae-san?"

[X] "I-I like her very much. Because she's my friend."

Tamano seduced. Also establishes that we befriend people easy even though we barely interacted with them. Some would call that naive, but I call that the making of a magical girl.

[X]He's my friend.

I don't like the romantic intones the "precious friend" implies and it opens us up for teasing and being overwhelmed by the reporter if we go that way. Besides we barely know the dude. You can make friend easily but you can not make precious friend easily.

"And Emiya Shirou? Have anything to tell about him."

[X] "He is my friend! Because Emiya-kun is so nice to trustworthy, I'm glad to be friends with him."

Away with your ero protagonist charms Emiya! AWAY!

And adding all of that together we are a withdrawn average girl with a few special things about us here and there. We Like motorcycles and have an interest in buying one. We make friends easily, but not above that. We don't have any specific dislikes that are noteworthy. And we are immune to ero protagonist charms.

Servant Verdict: Mahou Shoujo Gilgamesh-chan.

"E-Emiya-kun… He is very kind and reliable. A-And he took care of me, too. S-So…"

Damn it Shirou! You ero protagonist you!
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[X] "I'm perfectly normal. Well, there are some things special here and there, but most of them aren't that interesting. If anything, I'm just your ordinary schoolgirl."
[X] "Motorcycles. I love them so much! I owned lots of models back home, but maybe I can afford the real one here!"
[X] "There is nothing specific I dislike."
[X] "I-I like her very much. Because she's my friend."
[X]He's my friend.
[X] "He is my friend! Because Emiya-kun is so nice to trustworthy, I'm glad to be friends with him."

Going with OverReactGuy's plan.
Honestly, I don't like the motorcycle-vote. Seems really out of character for Kotone to be fan of something so loud and eye-catching.
Honestly, I don't like the motorcycle-vote. Seems really out of character for Kotone to be fan of something so loud and eye-catching.

Not really. There are quiet and withdrawn people that have surprising hobbies like that. Honestly, where did you think the beware of the quite ones saying came from? There is a truth in reality.

...Yeah, I don't want to argue I'm sick so I'm coming off as more antagonistic than I would like right now. Sorry for that. Just instantly calling out something as OC when it probably wouldn't be an option in the first place if it was bugs me. Then again, we haven't fully established Kotone's character so things like that can be added now as she is being molded.
[X] "I'm perfectly normal. I am definitely not hiding something, and no, I am not in denial. I'm just your ordinary schoolgirl."
[X] People watching, I just like to see day-to-day life of people, of the world, and record them. Oh and also helping other people by fulfilled their wishes? I guess?
[X] Aliens, some of them is just too much. Also, certain people with clairvoyances, those people are not fun to be with.
[X] Like the lone white moon hanging low in the sky, shines with gentle light.
[X] Playful calf running around the prairie, wise leader for the herd despite its appearance.
[X] A good boy, with glass as hands. He's n-nice I guess?

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Honestly, I don't like the motorcycle-vote. Seems really out of character for Kotone to be fan of something so loud and eye-catching.
"Motorcycles aren't loud! They are awesome!"

"But this doesn't make any sense..."

"Can't hear you over the sound of how awesome this bike is!"
[X] "I'm perfectly normal. I am definitely not hiding something, and no, I am not in denial. I'm just your ordinary schoolgirl."
[X] People watching, I just like to see day-to-day life of people, of the world, and record them. Oh and also helping other people by fulfilled their wishes? I guess?
[X] Aliens, some of them is just too much. Also, certain people with clairvoyances, those people are not fun to be with.
[X] Yes.
[X] Yes.
[X] People die when they are killed.


Geez, I wonder what kind of a Heroic Spirit you want to summon