in b4 we become the new vessel of All The World's Evils

Because it's not like it hasn't appeared in female form before, right? :p

You do realize that you would just end up with a useless servant with the Noble Phantasm about tanking hits like a champ to hurt your enemies in any meaningful way

Also, Irisviel-sensei would like to have a word with you
You do realize that you would just end up with a useless servant with the Noble Phantasm about tanking hits like a champ to hurt your enemies in any meaningful way

Also, Irisviel-sensei would like to have a word with you
Well, we are a pacifist anyway, Angra Mainyu extreme defensive style would fit us. Sides, it's sorta romantic, of course I prefer Shuten, since the interaction would be hillarious, but Weakest Senpai is fine too.
What if she's already serving as a vessel to Spooky Hassan, something nobody notices until she tries summoning. A twist only papa bones can predict.
Impossibru. Trying to stop shippers is exercise in futility. :V

Hey! I'll have you know I'm mearly a would be shipper, I can still be saved!

But about which servant we get, I kinda hope it's completely random or at least the gm takes limited control in this rather then have the floodgates open to every possible servant. It just feels overwhelming in terms of choices.
Hey! I'll have you know I'm mearly a would be shipper, I can still be saved!

But about which servant we get, I kinda hope it's completely random or at least the gm takes limited control in this rather then have the floodgates open to every possible servant. It just feels overwhelming in terms of choices.
That's what they all say...:V

True. Making all of them available would be rather overwhelming.
Did somebody just say make every possible servant available?

Because I won't, just so you know
"Y-Yes! I… mean, nice to meet you! Sure, I will help."

I tried to show my most pleasant smile. As a respectable senpai, it was duty to lend a helping hand to those in need. Besides, helping people was something I liked to do a lot. In reasonable amounts, of course. Therefore, this "famous transfer student" would be glad to help! Wait, did she say "famous" right now?

"… Eh? Famous?"

I mean, for someone like me, being famous was literally impossible. To begin with, my most notable traits were being good in household chores and the like, not swinging swords or shooting arrows from a bow. As far as I knew, there was nothing interesting about my person.

"Naturally," said Nero. "It's an exceptional rarity for a student to transfer after the beginning of the school year. Since the demand on demi-servants is so high, people with sufficient capabilities to qualify as one rarely get overlooked. Most students get scouted around the time they enter the elementary school, with bottom line being their first year in high school. So, your sudden appearance was a surprise for everyone around here, even the teaching staff."

Well, that certainly was true. It's mandatory for children to take the HS-Compatibility test on a yearly basis. I was no exception to this rule, but all those test, except for the last one, clearly showed than I lacked the aptitude to become a demi-servant. Usually, this fact doesn't change with age, but for some reason, in my case, something did change. I wonder what exactly.

"And not only did you transfer so suddenly, but right into the class for elite students," said Nero.

What? Elite? I'm no elite. I'm average! Just your ordinary wallflower of a schoolgirl girl! It's some kind of "first among equals" thing going on, right? Right?!

"With the beginning of each school year, all students are tested and put into different classes, based on a few factors. For one, it's the strength of the Heroic Spirit fused with them. The more well-known their partner, the most likely the demi-servant is to be put into the better class. Well, there's also such things as the results of the written exams, which include things like sciences and advanced battle tactics for military nuts, and the level of compatibility between the vessel and the spirit."

Level of compatibility?

"For example, Tamamo-senpai here is an example of the first category. While the written part of her exam was fairly lackluster, the fact that the legend of Tamamo-no-Mae is a particularly powerful Heroic Spirit that killed an army of eighty thousand soldiers by herself was enough for her to become a member of the Class A," as far as explanations went, Nero's was pretty good.

"Too bad it takes her too long to prepare any useful spells. Well, at least her Noble Phantasm is decent enough," David muttered, only to cry out in pain. Even though I saw Tamamo-san's heel press right into his leg, I pretended not to notice. Because angry Tamamo-san was scary.

"The opposite of this is Emiya-senpai. Nobody's really sure who or what is the Heroic Spirit bonded with him, so your guess is as good as mine. However, because the compatibility between Emiya-senpai and this Nameless Servant is ridiculously good, he can match the raw power output with his mastery. You see, when your level of compatibility as a demi-servant rises, so does your efficiency. If your usual demi-servant is a sledgehammer, Emiya-senpai is a scalpel."

"Yeah, it's not like Emiya has ten years of practice over us," said Tamamo-san.

Ten years? Last time I checked, the FATE-System itself was formed only… ten years ago, or so. Don't tell me Emiya-kun was one of the first demi-servants in the world. To think that I'm in the same class as a person like that.

"Don't blame me for actually being competent," Emiya-kun said. With one remark, he hurt the collective pride of all people around here. David, Tamamo-san, Nero and Artoria all had a matching scowl now.

"So, when I said it was a surprise for you to be put straight into Class A, it was because your raw talent must've been so high, you qualified to be the best of the best without any formal training. Makes me wonder what kind of a Heroic Spirit you would attract," said Nero with a smile.

What kind of a Heroic Spirit I would attract? What does she mean by that?

"What she means is that there's no way to assign a specific spirit to a specific individual. As far as we know, in order to create a demi-servant both the vessel and the spirit must be similar in some way. The more alike they are, the stronger is the demi-servant. For the most part, Heroic Spirits find the most suitable partners for themselves, but there are some exceptions," added Emiya-kun. "Also, they don't have to be perfect copies, even minor traits would suffice. So, if you meet Jack the Ripper around here, don't be afraid."

Even though he said that, I'm not so sure what I would do when meeting such a person for real.

"We're wasting time!" said Artoria. "If we don't want to be late, let's work together. Everyone, spread out and search. Fou must be here somewhere around here."

And thus, an agreement was reached. With everyone going around, looking for this dog, I too decided to help. According to the description, it was a fairly tiny dog with short legs and white fur. Apparently, it was also wearing some kind of a tiny mantle… because weird people are weird and have weird pets.


I perked up. From somewhere, I heard a voice. It was faint, barely a whisper, but enough for me to follow. And with every step I took, it grew louder, more pronounced. Like a transmission slowly growing clear of any white noise. Finally, when the voice grew pretty loud, I found the source.

There, sprawled on the ground, laid perhaps the most adorable little thing I ever saw, sleeping peacefully. Its tiny body was hard to notice, so it was no wonder somebody missed him. I stretched out my arms, wanting to pet this cute puppy, and the moment my arm touched this snow-white fur…

Death. Destruction. Murder. HELLO. Genocide. Kill. Regress. Devastation.
Slaughter. Ruin. Demolition.
I. Kill. AM. Kill. FOU. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Primate…

I opened my eyes. For some reason, I felt the soft sensation of a bed mattress under me. The first thing that came into view was the white ceiling, followed by the concerned face of Emiya-kun. Whoa… so close.

"Are you alright?!"

[] Write-In.
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[]*blush and try hiding under either a pillow or the sheets or if there is a blanket, when that's done peek your head out and say* "I-I'm Ookay."

Death. Destruction. Murder. HELLO. Genocide. Kill. Regress. Devastation.
Slaughter. Ruin. Demolition.
I. Kill. AM. Kill. FOU. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Primate…

There, sprawled on the ground, laid perhaps the most adorable little thing I ever saw, sleeping peacefully. Its tiny body was hard to notice, so it was no wonder somebody missed him. I stretched out my arms, wanting to pet this cute puppy, and the moment my arm touched this snow-white fur…

Death. Destruction. Murder. HELLO. Genocide. Kill. Regress. Devastation.
Slaughter. Ruin. Demolition.
I. Kill. AM. Kill. FOU. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Primate…
Fou confirmed to be the BBEG of the quest.

[X] *Eep* and hide under your blanket.
-[X] W-What happened after I pet the dog, Emiya-kun?
Changing vote.

[X] *Eep* and hide under your blanket.
-[X] W-What happened after I pet the dog, Emiya-kun?

Wow, these incredible social skills.:tongue:

I wonder how many others have a high synchronization like Shirou?
:???: I was more curious about the other students.
Ain't no thing like Shirou, except Shirou. Because he's literally fused together with himself.

As for other students, that depends. Arthur has a pretty good compatibility, but Artoria - trying to make the distinction here - is still to fresh. As for the others, watch and see.
Interlude - The Three

"I concede, Tokiomi. The girl you sent me proved to be an adequate successor. Such a shame I can't say the same for my own."

A pair of men were talking. The only source of light was an object in the center of the room, its fain glow providing just enough light to show their general outline. An old man shook his head in irritation. His name was Makiri Zolgen, better known under a different name.

"Thank you, master Zouken. You're too kind. As a father, I'm glad to know my daughter is to become the keeper of the Grail."

Pride obvious within his voice, Tohsaka Tokiomi smiled to himself. Truly, when the old friend of his family made this offer, he felt the greatest of joys. Despite his youngest daughter's sorrowing lack of ability to become a proper demi-servant, she still could honor herself and her family by becoming the pillar that will support the future generation.

"That we will see, boy. Just because she shows a bit progress doesn't automatically mean I'll retire with a drop of the hat. I put too many years of my live to let youngsters like you to destroy my work."

"As you say, master Zouken."

And yet, the man's expression betrayed his amusement. For his whole life, he knew the grumpy old man known as Matou Zouken, and never once did he see the old man smile. When he was younger, he often wondered what it would look like. The general consensus among the school body was single - creepy as hell.

The sound of door opening resonated through the empty room, followed by heels hitting against the concrete.

"You felt that, didn't you?"

That was Irisviel von Einzbern, finishing the trifecta of the founder families. Her steps were sharp and precise, her voice tinged with worry.

"Felt what exactly?"

Tokiomi asked.

"The Grail fluctuated. About twenty minutes ago."

Tokiomi, who came her about ten minutes earlier to check on the old man, had nothing to say.

"Don't be surprised. It does that sometimes. Fairly often, actually. Every time new demi-servants appears. You have to observe very closely to notice, though."

Zouken said, still looking at the object in the center of the room.

"And believe me, I was watching this thing for a very long time."

"That's not what I meant."

Irisviel crossed her arms across her chest and huffed in annoyance. A habit developed recently, Tokiomi noted.

"I know. This one was unlike the others. Too strong to be normal. Even that boy's reaction wasn't as strong. Was it because of that girl, perchance?"

"Yes. She's in infirmary. Shirou made sure to keep an eye on her."

"Ah, your son. Good lad. Always a hero. I expect you to ask me what happened. Well, the short answer is I don't know. The long answer is I don't know. Pick your favorite."

Irisiviel's eyes scrunched in silent anger. This one, Tokiomi noted, was pretty old. He refrained from butting in into this conversation. The inner workings of the Grail… he was one of the top experts in that area, but between the person who created the thing and the person who was literally connected to it, he felt overwhelmed.

"I'm not a miracle worker, girl. Though I do work with one on a daily basis. What do you want me to say?"

"If the girl will be okay or not."

Ah, Tokiomi thought to himself, here comes the mother-hen. If she was unbearable before, with the birth of her daughter, Irisviel became a machine of destruction.

"She will. I'm more concerned about the Grail. Such a strain might cause it to malfunction. If the girl proves to be a liability, we will have to take care of…"

"Don't you dare to finish this sentence!"

"… Between a single person and the future of mankind, the choice is obvious. This girl is a potential disaster. I say we take this matter into our hands before it blows up right into our faces."

"You don't get to decide this, old man. For all we know, she might be our future. No student under my watch will be killed. Not if I have a say in it!"

The tension in the air was obvious. While Tokiomi was from a true genius, a fact he sadly knew about all too well, his words still carried some weight.

"I say we procced with caution for now. Not acting rash, but also keeping a close eye on the girl. If our fears were incorrect, we would simply follow our plan."

And if they don't… That was pretty much a certainty.

"Irisviel… "
Zouken said, and for this grumpy old man, calling someone by their name was a rarity.

"… Your glasses. Why did you start wearing them?"

A minute has passed, and another followed, but no answer came. Irisviel stood there, shocked by such a simple question.

"Does your husband know? Your kids?"


"Then you better tell them. The sooner the better."