"This isn't what it looks like!" I shouted as I was slowly put back on my legs. What kind of a romcom-like situation is this? The whole class was here for some reason. Why? Moreover, why now? Just my horrible luck that they all had physical education lesson right now.
"Oh," Tamamo-chan smirked. "If this isn't what it looks like – and it looks to me like you two were in the middle of a date here – what were you doing here, then? With Shirou having his arms wrapped around you and all. Seems pretty suspicious, if you ask me."
"Ugh!" Well, here comes my mental fortitude. Maybe Shirou knows what to say. He is her childhood friend, after all. I looked at his face and… no-good. He is totally spaced out. It's like he's ignoring the reality altogether. "Y-You know, stuff. We were doing stuff together."
Good work, me. Maybe I still had some knack for talking.
"Say what?!" Ouch! David-san was painfully loud. My ears are very sensitive; you know? "We were busting our asses here all day long, while you were doing "stuff" together." Uh-oh, why were he making those air quotes? "Damn it, Emiya! You sure work fast, don't you?! Getting all lovey-dovey with the new girl."
Eh? "B-But," I tried to assure him we weren't doing anything "lovey-dovey" at all, but my mouth betrayed me. I was unable to insert even a single world. "But!" Finally, the words came out in a form of a shout. "Shirou and I weren't doing things like that at all. We were searching for this!"
I said and pulled out the device from my pocket for all students to see. "Here!" I said. "It's for the Wright's machine. As per her request." And now, all those gazes were directed at me. Maybe I acted too rashly since now I felt like a helpless lamb before wolves. Somebody, save me…
"Enough, you lot! If you still have enough power to cause such a commotion, you have enough for a few more laps across the campus. And I'm not talking about the main building, either." What? Whose voice was that? There, carrying a naginata in her arms, was that teacher from before. J-Jaguar-man, right? Or is it Jaguar-sensei?
"Can't see you running!" she shouted passionately and made an entire class of super-humans to act like a bunch of little kids. No, it was more like they were prey that tried to ran away from something dangerous. An apt estimation, if the first impression I got from our teacher was right. How scary.
And then she looked at me. Oops. "Hmm," she said. "You must be our newest addition. I'm Fujimura. While Irisviel-sensei is on medical leave, I'll be taking care of your class. That is to say, making sure you won't blow up something by accident. Gods know I have my hands full with those brats from 2-B."
Despite saying "those brats," she seemed awfully fond of them, if her smile was any indication. Maybe I was reading too much into it, though. Still, now only the three of us – Fujimura-sensei, Shirou and me – remained here. And Shirou was in shape to say anything for a while.
"For what it's worth, you have my respect, kid. I own a lot to Iri, more than she's willing to accept. You did a good work back there, but before using your skills, make sure to check them first. We don't want any unfortunate accidents here, don't we?" I nodded and she continued. "Well, I say this, but I'm hardly the one to point this out. Heck, does this make me a hypocrite? Probably. Guess that's what makes me a teacher."
Fujimura-sensei had a very strange concept of "teaching," it seems. That's probably what happens when you make soldiers teach children. Still, even looking so scary, she was kind. Not in a motherly way – that belonged to Iri-sensei – but more in a "rowdy, big sister" kind of a way.
"There's probably no use making you run now. Just do whatever you want and we'll call it a day. My advice: have a good rest." Hmm? Why so? "Your legs are shaking. And Shirou," he bobbed his head a bit. "You too. I know when you're tired. Go home before I make you or God forbid, call your sister."
That made him shiver and after giving me an apologetic look, he fled. As for me…
[] Maybe I really should rest. Back to the dorms, it is.
[] No, I feel quite fine. Should I visit someplace either?
- [] Write-In.
[] I'll better wait for the lessons to end.