Night Ride
[] "No, no I'm not ignoring you. In fact, I want to be very good friends with you, Manaka. Very good friends, I think we can help each other in this War."

Right. You need to do this properly.

"No," you replied with a firm tone. The girl's eyes widened as you hit your cane lightly on the ground and met her gaze, "No I'm not ignoring you. In fact, I want to be very good friends with you, Manaka."

Once your cane struck the ground, you were able to dampen her intimidating chill by making it warm. Drawing a rune on the ground, you slowly raised the temperature and made her give you a curious look.

"Very good friends indeed... I think we can help each other in this War," you continued as you took a step closer to her even as your entire being screamed you to get away, "Whatever you need, I may just be able to provide. Within reason, of course. Plus I think you and Berserker would prefer the warmth of a roof over your heads than cold police station cells."

Berserker watched your little performance as you stood before her. You raised your cane and spread your arm.

The girl then had her lips curl into a smile, "I see. You're an amusing person, Mister. Sorry, I can't remember your name when you spoke it before. It didn't seem important but now..."

"Just call me Hans," you replied with a patient tone. It seemed that she took well to your tune.

What a childish personality despite her appearance. That was going to take some getting used to.

"Hans..." Manaka said as she touched her lips, letting your name roll over her tongue, "I see. I'll try remembering it. You look like a better time than Berserker over there."

"Oi, what's that supposed to mean?" Berserker said as he stepped forward.

"You're too rugged and brutish. You look like an orc, Berserker," Manaka giggled.

Berserker blinked before shaking his head, "You're lucky, boy."

"Am I really?" You asked him with a helpless look.

Finally, Manaka looked back your way and said, "Well, since we're friends now, I'll tell you something nice, Hans."

You blinked as she walked towards you and placed a hand on your chest. You felt your circuits flare up in response to her touch as the sensation of undergoing cardiac arrest filled your body. You didn't fall but you saw...


Within a Bounded Field, hidden from plain sight, a world of sand...

Within it a building... A hospital?

Inside it, at the innermost chamber you saw her. A young girl with black hair and glowing golden eyes, her head perking up and meeting your gaze.


You gasped as you stepped back as you looked at the girl before you. She swayed on her feet before she fell towards you, catching her you kept her from falling.

"Tomorrow, the Grail will release her location. Every three days, the Grail will make itself known to all Servants through the city... Masters as well," Manaka said as she held on to your shoulder as she regained her strength, "It's another rule of this War."

Every three days? Then... It didn't matter if you secured the Grail first. Every three days, it would broadcast itself throughout the city, no doubt attracting Servants from afar and forcing Masters to act.

The keepers of the Grail must then defend the Grail from all six Masters...

"How... Did you know?" You asked her as she slowly backed away.

"This girl asked the church. You'd be surprised what they can share," Manaka said with a mischievous look.

Berserker chose this time to speak, "Hey, missy. Are you all right? You're not ruining that body are you?"

"Her circuits are mediocre and average in number. Magecraft I'm used to while potent won't be useful as they normally would... How strange," Manaka said as she looked at the back of her hand.

That may be true but it was clear which one of you was the better Magus.

"Right. Why don't we leave this place. You're welcome in my base of operations-" you said as Berserker tensed and turned.



He raised his blade and parried an arrow flying through the air.

"Get back!" Berserker barked as he swatted several more arrows out of the air before gritting his teeth.

Manaka remained quiet as she let her Servant protect the two of you from the sudden hail of arrows. Berserker masterfully swung his swords and pushed aside the incoming projectiles with expert ease.

"In hindsight, talking in an open space is just asking for this to happen," you noted as you got behind Berserker.

Manaka looked ahead towards a building where the arrows were flying from. She then raised her hand and smiled, "There she is. Berserker, go."

"Gotcha. Boy, keep an eye on her," Berserker said as he jumped off the ground to shoot towards the skyscraper at the distance.

The arrows continued to fall, forcing you to act and pull Manaka close. Slamming your cane on the ground you called out loud.

"Aegis!" You declared as a shield of light manifested and stopped three of the projectiles from hitting you two.

"Archer is going to keep Berserker busy," Manaka said as she looked at her Servant, "We should be safe."

"Let's not get complacent," you advised as you tapped your bum leg and reinforced it for now. You can walk properly for now, "We need to vacate the area."

You let your cane float in the air as you grabbed Manaka by her hand. Her eyes widened just as more arrows rained down on the two of you. You ran alongside her before a distant boom denoted Berserker's encounter with the final servant.

You ran towards a nearby apartment building and pulled Manaka along.

"You can make it float?" She asked while looking at your cane.

"It's just a party trick. Nothing special," you replied as the two of you entered an alleyway as you deployed familiars of light behind you to cover up your path.

You and Manaka ran down the alleys to escape Archer's sight. Just as things were getting good for you, this had to happen. You need to get Manaka out of here somehow.

"Ah, a dead end," Manaka said as she stopped by your side.

You turned and saw a figure step through the curtain of gray smoke coming from the ground. You got between them and the girl behind you before you grabbed your cane out of the air.

"Tonight was sure to be a lucky one, don't you think?" An elderly man in a black suit said as he tightened his gloves, "I was told to hunt one Master but to catch two at once is just a strike of fortune."

A Hitman that's come to assassinate you? And to employ an enemy Master at that...

"An acquaintance?" Manaka asked behind you as she stared at the old man with her piercing blue eyes.

"An enemy," you told her as you lowered your cane, "Let me guess who sent you then, a girl with orange hair?"

The old man simply smiled and spread his arms, "Perhaps..."

Your Command Seals weren't reacting to him. Was he a Master?

Just as you were thinking that, the old man raised his fists and got into a stance. He was going to engage you in melee then? You readied yourself and raised your cane towards him.

"Let's just say that killing you would bring a large amount of money in our hands," the old man said with a cold look in his eyes.


Between him and the girl behind your back, you were more afraid of Manaka. But she didn't have the capacity to sustain her power so while she was strong, she probably couldn't be of help with her limitations.

The old man moved and you tensed. You spun your cane and swept it on the air. Blue fire erupted before you as you blocked the old man's punch with Aegis. Runes appeared around him and had a conflagration consume him.

"Aegis!" You roared as your shield expanded and pushed forward, sending the Hitman staggering back.

He was unscathed but you already grabbed Manaka's hand and kicked down the door to your left.

"Aren't you going to kill him?" Manaka asked as you pulled her along.

"I'm thinking," you replied as you ran through the kitchen of a restaurant at the foot of the building, passing through some people before getting through the dining area and stepping into the streets.

You crossed the road as tapped your cane once and a black car came speeding towards you. It stopped a few feet away from hitting you as your driver raised an eyebrow at you holding hands with the girl by your side.

The Driver raised his sleeve with your rune on it as you got around the car and opened it. Manaka got on the back as you took the passenger's seat.

"Pleasant evening, sir?" Your driver asked.

"He's coming Hans," Manaka said as the Hitman stepped out of the restaurant.

"FLOOR IT!" you barked and your driver indeed floored it, the car shooting forward before the Hitman could even chase you.

You leaned back on your seat with a sigh and pulled out your phone, "Fuck me, I hate this."

"It comes with the War, sir," your driver said.

"Nice car," Manaka noted from the back seat.

"Your praise warms my heart, Miss," your driver replied with a chuckle, "Though it would seem that our hunter has yet to give up."

You looked at the mirror to see the old man from before drive a sleek black motorbike.

Night Ride
[] "Lose him in traffic. I hope you can show me your skills you love boasting about."
[] "Open the windows, I'm going to blow him up. I hate stubborn people."
[] "Miss Manaka, please put your seatbelt on. Mr. Driver is going to slam the car into that prick."
[] Write in...
note: It's 2am. Here, this is to make up for the short update earlier.
Last edited:
[] "Open the windows, I'm going to blow him up. I hate stubborn people."

The car drove down the road and avoided traffic as the pursuer gunned his own motorbike to stick close to you. He pulled out a gun from his hip and started shooting just as you etched a reinforcement rune on the side of the car, letting the bullets harmlessly bounce off the surface.

"Open the windows, I'm blowing him up," you hissed as you constructed a familiar from steel and iron and injecting it with magical energy. Your circuits flared as you opened the window, "I hate stubborn people."

You threw out the familiar where it suddenly grew wings and became an unstable sphere of cogs and bolts. You Hitman saw it coming before shooting it, detonating the familiar out of the air as you smirked.

Etched on a piece of that familiar was ansuz which erupted into a second more violent explosion. The Hitman maneuvered his bike and avoided the blast before shooting off to the right, avoiding your line of sight.

"Excellent fighting, sir," your Driver chuckled as he shifted gears and drifted the car to the left.

"It's not over yet," Manaka said behind you as something landed over a light pole ahead of you.

A woman dressed in sea patterned kimono appeared, her face was sharp and her eyes fixed on you. She notched an arrow on her bow, her chest wrapped in bandages as her silky black hair swayed behind her in a ponytail.

"Shit!" You cursed as the arrow was let loose.

Your Driver jerked the car to the left and avoided the arrow, only for the ground to split and explode, throwing the car into the air. You braced yourself as the car flipped over and rolled thrice before stopping.

The air bags threatened to suffocate you but you managed to push it aside.

"She's coming," Manaka observed as she held her head.

"Sir, I believe the time for escaping is now," your Driver said as he put in his cracked glasses.

You kicked open the door as the woman landed on the empty street. She wore her bow on her body before drawing the naginata strapped to her quiver.

You stumbled out before you opened the door for Manaka and let her out of the car.

"Sir, I will buy you time. Please leave," you Driver said as he drew his handgun and fired at the Servant.

The woman blocked his shots and reflected a bullet back into the elderly man's shoulder.

"Dammit! Manaka, we're going. Where's Berserker?" You asked her as she looked behind you.

You turned and immediately the Servant swung her glaive at you. You stood your ground and slammed your cane upon the floor. A wall of light caught her blow and was enough to push her back, only for the Servant to shatter it in the next strike.

You were sent flying back. You hit the ground in a roll before you looked to see the Servant approaching the girl that was with you. Manaka remained where she stood as you saw her body light up in preparation to defend herself.

The Servant simply stepped forward and raised her weapon.

"Took you long enough, Berserker," Manaka said as something fell from the sky.

Berserker managed to catch up and landed behind the Servant that could only be Archer. Berserker dragged his sword along the ground and cleaved Archer in half, taking a chunk out of her body before turning to send her flying straight into a nearby closed down store.

The man was out of breath and filled with arrows yet he still stood. He had an annoyed look on his face as the three of you looked at the fallen Servant that too a direct hit from him.

"Stay back, this woman's bad news," Berserker warned you as you watched Archer slowly rise up.

Her fatal wound closed and shifted to heal itself while a new arm grew in place of the one she lost. Her eyes flashed red as she cracked a smile and picked up her weapon, her clothes restored anew.

"You caught me by surprise. But that won't be enough," Archer said as she switched her weapon for her bow, "No... It will never be enough."

"Regeneration?" You blinked as you slowly got up.

"Berserker, did you hold back?" Manaka asked her Servant.

"No. I've killed her several times already. Crushed her head, split her body, tore her spine, ripped her apart, nothing worked and she just kept standing back up," Berserker assessed as he glared at Archer drawing an arrow, "Get ready!"

Archer fired twice and Berserker blocked them both before dashing in. The woman drew her naginata and blocked his strike as she slid back and countered.

The two servants were soon embroiled in fierce melee as you walked over to your Driver where he sat against the car. He was bleeding as you knelt down and cast a charm to dull the pain.

"You know protocol. Get to safety," you told him as you placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Good luck, Mr. Derrinsmith," he said with a polite nod.

"Hans. Our hunter is back," Manaka told you as you hit up to see Berserker push Archer through a building and out of sight.

The Hitman from before drove his bike towards you without stopping.

[] Use Aegis to block his path. That should force him to stop.
[] Take Manaka and run again. It was fine as long as you could lose him.
[] Etch some runes on the ground and let gravity be his judge. You're done with this farce.
Moonlit Evenings, Sunny Mornings
[] Etch some runes on the ground and let gravity be his judge. You're done with this farce.

You looked ahead and etched three runes on the ground before imbuing them with the magical energy you had. Your circuits flared and you watched the runes come to life and distort the air before you.

Scripts etched themselves in the ground and twisted the air there too. At the hands of a more adept Magus such tricks would have been more useful in an array of applications.

But for you, they served their purpose.

The elderly Hitman drove straight for you until he came upon the range of your runes. Gravity turned against him and he lost control of his vehicle, forcing him to abandon it... Only for him to remain seated on it as gravity pulled down beneath him.

You let him pass and he ended up crashing into a parked car and fly towards a window. The bike exploded and you prepared yourself for the next assault. The old man jumped off the broken window he went through and landed on his feet, unfettered by your trick.

You were hoping he would smash into a wall and turn into paste but it seemed that was too much to ask.

"Not bad at all Mr. Derrinsmith. No wonder you were able to evade the agents of you family like that," the Hitman praised as he clapped his hands.

He then loosened his tie and spread his arms.

"But I am a persistent man. You would have to do better," the old man declared as he kicked off the ground and dashed forward.

"Manaka, step back," you warned as you raised your cane.

You reinforced your arm and caught the Hitman's blow. You braced yourself before ducking and swinging your cane at his legs, only to lean back to avoid his jab.

He then stepped in for an upper cut as you swung down your cane at him. The blow sent you sliding back while he clawed the ground as he came to a halt.

You noticed a shining pieces of steel on his gloves as he pressed his hand on the runes you etched. Siphoning the magical energy you used to activate the runes, he disabled their effect and converted it as his own.

"Ah youth, how pleasant," the Hitman chuckled as he raised his fist and smashed it into the ground.

Spikes of rock thundered towards you as you reinforced your legs to dodge out of the way.

"You could do better," Manaka noted behind you. You glanced at her as she gave you a look as if she was assessing you, "Why stick with runes? Do you find them fun?"

The elderly man ahead of you frowned.

"Oh yeah. They're gifts and I'm not one to squander them, you know?" You replied as you slammed your cane into the ground.

"It's similar to watching an eagle neglecting its wings to hunt," Manaka said as she crossed her arms.

The Hitman charged through the spikes of earth and jumped into the air. You met his gaze and held out your cane.

"Gandr," you whispered and a bolt of magical energy fired from your cane.

The Hitman punched through it, "Ehwaz!"

Light filled his vision as you clicked a button on your cane and it extend a small blade upon the head of your cane. You pressed your thumb upon it and drew blood as you let yourself bleed.

The elderly man landed before you as you splattered blood in the air.

"Let this curse be paid with blood. Let order and chaos be put to the Scale," you declared as you watched the droplets halt and expand into crimson smoke, " Scarlet Teardrops(Delusional Fog)."

Your magic circuits burned hot as the cursed fog flooded the air and rushed towards the enemy Magus.

"Not bad, boy!" He laughed as he clapped his hands with enough force to split the fog apart.

You dashed to the side and evaded his vision as you channelled your magical energy through the fog made from your blood.

"Sowilo," you breathed as you etched a rune from a distance with your cane, the fog acting as fuel and engulfing the elderly man in flames.

The Hitman stepped forward and extinguished the flames with a single punch. Cinders danced around him before his eyes widened and he felt for his chest. A strained look appeared upon his face as he looked at you.

"This is..?" He asked as he coughed out blood.

"The cursed fog I left behind. It won't kill you. Curses aren't meant to kill after all. They exist to punish and inflict suffering upon others," you explained as he fell down his knees, "They hurt, they bring agony, and without the proper respect they turn against their casters. They're meant to warn others... You won't die but you would certainly wish you were dead."

You tapped your cane once on the ground. A black box began hovering beside your head.

Manaka's eyes twinkled as she saw it.

"Runes are fun and all but let me give you a taste of what I'm truly capable of, Old Man," you declared as you tapped the black box, "Now... Let Calamities Dance... Let Loose the Depths of Despair..."

The black box turned and twisted like a rubic cube.

Your circuits responded to your chant as you directed the box towards your foe.

" Black Box of Calamities(Faux Pandora)," you finished chanting as smoke rushed out of the black box.

However just as the old man was about to be struck, red light shined in front of him. You recognized that light, it was a command spell. The crimson miracle brought forth the figure of Archer in front of the Hitman.

She didn't hesitate in tearing her own arm right off its socket and casting it to the Swarm of Curses. You frowned as the Curses latched upon the flesh and corroded it by encompassing it all at once. Archer bled but she remained unscathed from your attack.

She knew how to counteract Faux Pandora?

"Theodore, it's time to leave," Archer said as she regrew her limb.

"HEY! WE'RE NOT DONE YET, WOMAN!" Berserker roared from nearby as he landed on the street.

Archer grabbed hold of the old man and carried him away, the two of them escaping from the area. Berserker tried to give chase but soon stopped as he lowered his swords.

You eyed Archer's escape route before looking down at the arm she had fed to your curses. She's like a lizard... But you doubted that was what she was. An Immortal from the Orient, capable of regenerating her limbs at impossible speeds.

The upkeep for her must be huge...

A hermit? Or something else..?

You turned to hear clapping echo through the air. You turned to face Manaka as she clapped her hands with that serene smile on her face. She walked up to you and stopped right before you.

"That was fun. You looked really cool back there, Hans," she praised as she stood on the tips of her toes to pat your head.

"I would have appreciated you not spoiling my act," you replied as you grasped her wrist and gently pushed it aside.

Berserker seemed to have calmed down as he walked towards you, "Looks like you fended that guy off. Not a bad job, boy."

"An honor, coming from a Heroic Spirit," you said as you bowed his way.

Manaka then leaned by your side with her hands behind her back, "So... I guess this means our friendship is official?"

"You could say that. My doors are open for the two of you. Maybe I can even introduce you to my Servant," you said as you faced them both, "A pleasure to be working with you two."


And so ended the second night.


You didn't know how you got to bed that night. But the next thing you knew was that you were awake in your safehouse again. You... Vaguely recalled providing Manaka and Berserker a room in your building before you limped your way back to your own room.

Sleep escaped you as you slowly stirred away. You sensed a presence before you shot upwards to see Assassin standing by your door with an apron and tray. She had a pink bandana on her head with her hair tied behind her head.

She blinked in surprise upon meeting your gaze before she spoke, "Good... Good morning, My Lord."

"Assassin... Good morning," you breathed as you calmed down.

She brought the tray by your bed and set it down, "I brought you breakfast. Miss Manaka had helped in preparing this. I hope it is to your liking."

You blinked. Who did what now?

"So you met her already. Right. I was hoping to introduce you properly but I just collapsed. Assassin, should you really be walking around?" You asked her as you glanced at where her wound should be.

"It's been a day, Master. If I'm truly debilitated by such a wound, I wouldn't be a proper Shinobi. I've had worse injuries in my past life," she said before she glanced at you and pushed the tray, "Now please eat."

You looked down at what she made. It was omelette and some rice. There was a smiley face on it.

Well... It was one way of starting your day.

"Miss Manaka wishes to speak with us as soon as you're ready. She will be with Berserker in the living room of the suite," Assassin said as you took a bite.

It tasted... Plain. You blinked and found that odd when just a few days ago her cooking could be classified as a biological weapon. You took another bite and it just tasted plain. Filling but plain. It felt normal.

Chiyome was giving you an expectant look from the side, "How is it?"

Moonlit Evenings, Sunny Mornings
[] "Not bad. Could use a little flavor though. But it's definitely filling."
[] "It's an improvement. You're really getting better, aren't you? Thanks, Assassin."
[] "Can't wait for the next dish. Think you can one-up this one? I'm looking forward to it."
[] Write in...
[] "It's an improvement. You're really getting better, aren't you? Thanks, Assassin."

Judging her meal right now, it was certainly better than the last. You wouldn't be putting her down by complimenting her now, would you? Setting down your chopsticks, you washed down your meal with the nearby water.

"It's an improvement. You're really getting better, aren't you? Thanks, Assassin," you told her with an impressed look.

"I have been practicing in my mind. I'm slowly recalling things but I believe that I have yet to truly gain a grasp on it. But your words mean a lot, thank you, Master," Assassin with a gentle smile.

"No problem. Why don't you stay a bit? I can run you up to speed on what happened last night," you offered to which Assassin seemed surprised. She then nodded and stood by your bed as you got to explaining.

It didn't last that long though but you did give her a brief description of the Servant you fought last night. Thinking back, you still didn't know who that Servant could be. Berserker was sort of easy to guess but an Immortal Archer just left you confused.

A Japanese weapon and clothing that was a sea patterned kimono. Those were the most you could get out of her description aside from her immortality. It felt like it was at the tip of your tongue but you couldn't say it out loud.

"An immortal woman. I can't say such a person existed in my time period," Assassin admitted as she grimaced, "But if your words are true then this will be a difficult opponent to defeat."

"Not if you get to her Master first," you said as you finished eating your breakfast.

"That is my purpose after all," Assassin said as she looked down at her hands.

You smiled and placed a hand on her head, "Well, I'll be with you during that time. You won't have to fight her alone, got it, partner?"

"Yes. I understand," Assassin said as her shoulders relaxed.

It was just about time for her to truly shine after all.


You got out of your room before noon rolled around. You took a shower and wore a new dress shirt and pants as you stepped out of your room. You limped towards the living room with your cane and found that it was already occupied.

Manaka was having tea by herself while Berserker looked out the window. Assassin shadowed you by your side before revealing herself as Manaka met your gaze.

"I hope you're enjoying your stay. Are the accomodations to your liking?" You asked as you drew closer to the girl before you.

"It's all fine. I hope you don't mind me using your kitchen. Assassin needed the help so I offered mine," Manaka said as she smiled your way.

Berserker glanced at you and kept his arms crossed. He was still putting quite the distance between himself and his Master... Or whatever was possessing his Master.

"I don't mind. You're free to use my facilities as you please. Still, I was told you had something to discuss with me?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

You took your seat on the sofa by Manaka's left as she sipped her tea. She set down her cup and smiled your way. It never stopped unsettling you how she looked at you the way a child would at a school pet.

"Tonight, the Grail will announce its presence again. When that happens, the other Servants and Masters will act again. Now it's just a matter of whether you're going to join in or not," Manaka explained as she held her hands together, "It's a requirement to win the war to convince the Grail. With the time it has spent with Caster and her Master, it would no doubt favor them even when you steal it away."

Which would make things difficult if you had to defend it from other Masters. The Grail would have its own thoughts by then and judge others to be more worthy than you are.

Manaka glanced at Assassin by your side and said, "She's hurt and it would take time for her to heal. Would you risk her in the inevitable fight?"

"I am a Servant. No matter my state, it is my duty to fight for my Lord's wish," Assassin said with a firm tone.

"You look like a stiff wind can blow you over. You think you can last?" Berserker questioned Assassin from the side.

You tapped your cane on the ground, letting its dull this echo, catching everyone's attention.

"Thank you, Assassin. Berserker does pose a point. You're far from optimal at the moment but... That's not to say I can't do anything to support her," you said as you glanced at Berserker. You then turned to Manaka, "We'll go. I would assume you would to. I can't let Berserker do the heavy lifting and no doubt that Assassin is tired of staying here. So we will go. What I'm worried of is what happens next."

"You mean defending the Grail?" Manaka hummed as she tilted her head.

"You count your eggs before they hatch? Aren't arrogant, boy?" Berserker noted as he looked your way.

You gave him a smile and said, "With a capable ally and a powerful Servant, why shouldn't I have confidence in our victory? Not unless you doubt yourself and your Master, Berserker?"

This comment made Manaka turn to her Servant, making him scoff and cross his arms.

Manaka for her part began to giggle, "Oh wow. This alliance is more fun than I thought."

"The more the merrier, isn't that the saying?" You agreed with her for the sake of it.

"Still, why are you fighting, Hans? Do you have a wish?" Manaka asked as her eyes twinkled in curiosity.

"Isn't that a bit personal to ask?" You wondered as you tried to deflect her question.

"We're friends after all... So maybe we can share more things about ourselves," Manaka said as she gave you that chilling stare behind her serene smile.

Your Wish.

In all your battles... It remained the same.

You fought Seven Wars, won Six, lost One. The pain of losing your left arm returned but you kept a composed look.

"My wish is simple. I want the core of this Grail," you explained as you met her gaze.

That interested Manaka a bit, "The... Core?"

"Essentially the concept which makes the Holy Grail capable of granting wishes. The Grail we fight for is weak compared to the grand ritual originally conducted in the far East," you explained as you recalled, "It can't even be a fraction of what miracles true Heaven's Feel could achieve but that in itself doesn't matter. While it can perform minor miracles it can't give me what I want."

"Which is?" Manaka asked once more.

"I want to see someone again. Someone I lost. Someone I failed to protect," you told her as you recalled the figure of a girl thrust upon a Grail War, "For that, I need power. Seven Grails, that's what I need. I have six and i only need one more. If I could get my hands on this one, I could conduct a Holy Grail War on par with the dismantled Fuyuki Wars."

Manaka stared at you while Berserker watched your expression. Assassin kept silent as you raised your head.

"I've been fighting for years now. I've killed many to realize my wish. I can't stop now. That's why I fight," you finished as you leaned back on your seat, "People come and fight for different reasons. Some of them beautiful, others simply revolting. My wish wouldn't compare to their grand visions but I'll fight for it. Even if I have to pay an arm and leg for it I would."

In the last war, you came so close to winning. Had you won, you would be fighting in your final war by now.

But that Doll... Even if she tore your arm off and dragged you down to more battles, you couldn't bring yourself to hate her. She had a stronger drive to obtain her wish than you did... Even if it would result in the disappearance of an entire city.

"This person you're trying to see again... Do you love them?" Manaka asked as she leaned forward toxl study your face.

You thought about it...

"Big Brother!"
"Yes," you replied as you met her gaze.

Manaka blinked before her lips curled into a smile, "Then, we're more similar than I thought, Hans. Wishes like that... They're beautiful."

Beautiful, huh?

[] "When you meant the same... Does that mean you have someone you wish to meet too?"
[] "What about you, Miss Manaka? What wish do you have?"
[] "Beautiful... I wouldn't exactly describe it as such. But it's something I'm looking to see through till the end."
[] "When you meant the same... Does that mean you have someone you wish to meet too?"

You gave her a measured look as you gripped your cane, "When you meant the same... Does that mean you have someone you wish to meet too?"

Manaka brightened up and nodded as she clapped her hands, "Of course! The only one who truly understood me. He was an exceptional man and it was truly a love at first sight. I'll never forget the day we first met till I die."

He must have been quite the guy. You didn't know if he was lucky or just plain unfortunate having someone like this girl fawn over him.

"What's he like?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh you, you're making me blush by making me remember. I don't recall much because of how I came to possess this body... But he felt warm, beautiful... He was truly a Knight in Shining Armor," Manaka said as her cheeks turned rosy red.

Berserker rolled his eyes while Assassin looked like she understood but at the same time she didn't.

"He had a beautiful wish too. One that I wanted to grant him. But instead of memories, all I have are feelings. Talking about him really makes my chest swell with warmth," Manaka said as she sighed with a dreamy look on her face.

She was like a real love stricken girl. You wondered if he was going to be okay.

"This feeling of longing, it's the same as yours, Hans. Surely you understand how it feels to search for someone out of your reach, yes?" Manaka said with that serene smile of hers.

"Well, it's true that I love the person I'm trying to meet. But it's not of the same level as yours is," you replied with a wan smile.

"Who are you trying to meet? A lover?" Manaka asked as her eyes twinkled.

You waved your cane, "No. My little sister."

"Oh, a sister?" Manaka said as recognition passed her eyes.

"Yes. She was a genius. Probably just like you. She fought a Grail War I was involved in and lost her life in the ensuing battles. I won but I lost her in the end," you said as you lowered your head, "I couldn't do anything... I was told that it was just how things were. I couldn't accept it though."

"And so you fought numerous wars... In your own words, you killed a lot of people too," Manaka said as she got up her seat. She walked over to you and reached down for your face, "But the question is... How much more people are you willing to sacrifice for your Wish?"

Assassin reappeared by Manaka's side and grabbed her wrist away from you. Her lone eyes giving her an admonishing look as she stayed by your side.

"Assassin, let her go," you ordered and your Servant did as she was told.

Manaka stepped back as you gave her a measured look.

"In this war, I can't think about others. Not if I can't help it," you said as you slowly stood up from your seat, "My wish is selfish, there's bound to be deaths and pain born from my way there. It won't benefit the world and surely I will hurt many, but in order to grant my wish, it's certainly a curse I'm willing to bear... What about you, Miss Manaka? What sort burdens would you carry to achieve your wish, or are your words merely excuses for your true desires?"

Manaka stared at you with a cold gaze. You felt your blood freeze for a moment and even Berserker unfolded his arms in concern. Manaka simply looked down on you, her crystal blue eyes judging you and your words.

You stood your ground though, the same way you did just the previous night.

"Excuses, was it?" Manaka said as she cracked a smirk.

"What I'm trying to say, my friend... We're not the same at all," you clarified as you stepped towards her.

Manaka looked back at you before her smile grew wider. She started giggling and holding her side before looking away.

You watched her before she held up a hand and wiped a tear from her eye, "I see. I guess you're right, Hans. I guess wasn't wrong in making you my friend."

She walked past you and stretched her arms. You remained where you were as you heard her speak.

"Tonight, let's go get Caster. I'll meet you when it's time, okay?" Manaka said as she made her way to the door and waved her hand, "Bye!"

Manaka walked all the way to the door and left. It was only then you released a sigh as you lowered your head.

Berserker gave you a sympathetic look before walking by you, "You did good, boy."

He moved to follow his Master and disappeared as he assumed Spirit Form. You sat back down and rubbed your forehead.

"Master?" Assassin blinked as she leaned by you see your face.

"Yeah?" You asked as you glanced her way.

Assassin held her arm as she replied, "So... You too have a curse to bear?"

"Yeah. We all do. It may not be great but that's just is being people," you said as you smiled her way.

"Do you wish to see her that much? Your... Sister?" Assassin asked you in turn.

"Yeah. That goes without saying," you said as you limped towards the window and looked down at the city below, "I'm an older Brother so I have to apologize to my younger Sister, don't I?"


Night fell upon the Third day.

The city was caught in the holiday fever. Even with the strange events going on, Christmas would no doubt continue. Snow fell from the sky with a gentle descent, the people ignorant of the secret war that happening in the darkness.

The moon shined brightly and as the page of the storybook turned. Night turned brighter as the snow was replaced by sand. The world changed as magecraft was enacted upon a certain hospital to put its residents to sleep.

Buildings rose from beneath the moonlit sands as the air went from cold to cool. The hospital was plunged into an isolated world overlayed on top of the Earth.

A young man with flaxen colored hair had his hands in his pocket as he looked down on a girl in a hospital room.

"Miyu is it time yet?" He asked and the girl turned her golden eyes from the pages of her storybook, "Yes. They know where I am now."

At the moment she declared that, the young man's command seals burned hot. He held it against his other hand and let out a breath.

"Okay. Don't worry, Caster and I... We'll definitely keep you safe," the youth said with a determined look.

"I'm sure, your mother will be happy..." The girl said as she sat on the floor.

The youth nodded before clenching his fist, "Yes. We're counting on you to grant our wish... Miyu."


Your Command Seals burned as you knew exactly where the Grail was being kept. You eyed a hospital at the fringes of the city, away from the busy streets of downtown and the packed roads to the suburbs. It was the General Hospital, one of the few which littered the city you were in.

It was thanks to Manaka that you had an idea where this was.

You stood on top of a building looking down on the hospital before you. The magical energy in the air was palpable. No doubt this was Caster's stronghold but a boundary field got in your way of viewing the hospital in its true state.

Behind you, you heard the sound of clinking.

Chiyome stood before you with her sword ready behind her waist. Her black hair glistened in the moonlight while the wind made it dance.

You eyed her wound, no doubt still fresh from her mishap a day ago. But the two of you couldn't stand idle, not now.

"Master, so how will you do this?" She asked as she met your gaze, "Will you be joining Manaka and Berserker or will you direct me from here?"

You looked up the air as the Scrap Bird descended to land on your shoulder.

The second battle for the Grail was about to begin...

[] Meet up with Manaka and Berserker. You'll go with them on the frontline of the assault while Assassin takes the back route alone.
[] You'll use the Scrap Bird to monitor the hospital from the air, hopefully above Caster's hideout. You can also follow Assassin as she moves while you stay here independent from Manaka.
[] The two of you will enter the bounded field together. You won't stay outside of Caster's field since you might need to bail Assassin out or help her yourself.
Arabian Nights
[] The two of you will enter the bounded field together. You won't stay outside of Caster's field since you might need to bail Assassin out or help her yourself.

"We'll be going together," you said as you looked at the hospital, "Staying here is dangerous and I don't want to get in Manaka's way or be in her line of fire. Don't worry. I won't stick with you the entire way."

"Is that wise? Won't you be in more danger?" Assassin asked you with a frown.

"I can't just sit idly by while you work. Especially with that wound. Don't worry, the plan is simply," you said as you leaned on your cane, "You infiltrate the hospital while Berserker raised some hell. Hopefully Caster won't be able to pinpoint your location with the chaos Manaka will raise."

"And if you encounter Servants?" Assassin asked as she crossed her arms.

"I still have my command seals. You need not worry," you replied with a nod.

Assassin stared at you before looking down at her wound. You smiled as you walked towards her side and tapped her shoulder with your cane.

"It's fine. I'll be there this time," you said with a confident tone, "Let's go get that Grail."

Assassin raised her head and nodded, "Understood, Master."


The two of you departed the rooftop you were both on and entered the bounded field. However the second you did, you experienced a drastic change from the cold winter evening to the chilly desert night.

That's right, a desert.

Snow was replaced by sand and the few meters between you and the hospital before expanded to at least a kilometer and half as an entire city stretched before you. Your eyes widened as you beheld a grand nightless city as you stood.

Stars twinkled in the sky and you couldn't help but be surprised. This wasn't just a bounded field but some manner of Noble Phantasm. One which Caster used as a stronghold for their operations.

A magic carpet, djinns, and now this desert.

You're slowly starting to understand what sort of enemy you may just be facing. To think you'd be caught up in this sort of Servant's clutches was funny.

You wondered if they had a good story to tell.

"A city..." Assassin whispered as she had her eyes widen.

"The Grail is at the hospital, no doubt about it. I'll be staying somewhere safe in the mean time," you told her as you glanced her way, "Care to escort me for a bit?"

"Yes, Master," Assassin said as she slipped into her presence concealment.

"This is Caster's workshop or Territory. But it feels more like a Reality Marble, don't you think? It's easy to get confused about these things but Caster is certainly powerful enough to provide this sort of stage," you told her as you walked through the sand, "There's no telling what sort of things they have in store. Just by being here, I doubt Presence Concealment could work but that would depend on her Master's competency."

"Assassin's are disadvantaged against her wiles," Assassin said with a grim tone.

"True, but you're not the run of the mill Assassin," you said as you climbed up a sand dune.

You looked far ahead and an explosion burst in the distance. An inferno began to erupt from the front gates.

You looked to see Berserker moving to cut open a path through the city and crushing the city guards that got in his way. You looked some more and saw that Manaka was staring right at you with a smile.

You shouldn't be surprised.

She then followed Berserker and broke into the city. They'll be gathering attention for a bit.

"Let's go Assassin," you said as you reinforced your bum leg and slid down the dune.

You began running towards the city as fast as you could.


Collapsing a wall, you entered through a hole and stepped into the nearby houses by the city walls. The guards seemed to be busy with Berserker and Manaka slaughtering their way in and you could hear the sounds of battle in the distance.

You half expected them to be overwhelmed but they seemed to be doing well enough. That was until silence came as soon as you thought that. The absence of explosions somehow made things more ominous for you as you entered an empty house.

You tapped your cane and tried detecting any forms of life within the vicinity, finding none. You ended up constructing familiars from crushed wood and stone debris and had them erect a barrier.

You turned to where Assassin was and said, "This'll be your safehouse. Manaka and Berserker became quiet but let's not think about them first. I want you to find a route to the hospital and get in. Now that we're here, we can take our time unless it turns into a slugfest with the other Servants jumping in at some point."

"Will this place be truly safe?" Assassin asked you with a worried tone.

"It sure will," you assured her. You then sat on a chair and said, "I'll be monitoring things from here. Don't push yourself or your wound will get worse. Return here if you sustain injury or require mana, got it?"

"Understood," Assassin said with a bow.

"Go," you told her as she vanished.

You waited for a few more seconds before you started thinking. No sign of Manaka yet, you'll have to be wary of whatever silenced her and Berserker... Or did they hide away as well?

They might just have the same plan as you did.

Now you better get to work.

Arabian Nights
[] Use the Scrap Bird and monitor the city through its eyes. Survey the area and try getting close to the hospital yourself.
[] Go find Manaka and Berserker. You're wondering what happened to them and they may need assistance. Especially in this place.
[] Find this World's anchor points throughout the city. If you loosen it, dispelling it should be much easier later on. You can't do it yourself but you could destabilize it.
[] Sit tight and reinforce your safe spot's defenses. You didn't want anything crashing through the wall and killing you.
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The First Tale
[] Find this World's anchor points throughout the city. If you loosen it, dispelling it should be much easier later on. You can't do it yourself but you could destabilize it

Leaving the safehouse, you marked it so you wouldn't end up losing it in the event you needed to run. Being in Caster's domain, you're not sure what you would find so it's best to have an escape route. You weren't going to stray far from the house you were in especially now...

Now that you looked at the houses, they were pretty similar weren't they?

There was a mark on the door of your safehouse, something that looked like blood. It made your house stand out from the others. You thought little of this and decided to look for large pools of magical energy in the vicinity.

You cast a concealing charm over yourself if only to keep eyes off you. You're uncertain if it'll work against whatever constructs Caster would create but it certainly better than nothing.

Sneaking through the alleys, you were able to see a bustling city... Or at least a recreation of it. It was only normal you supposed and but you couldn't help but wonder if all of these people were real or not. Were they similar to videogame NPCs?

That was the closet explanation you could get. Getting seen by one of them could be bad. They could be a form of tool for Caster to look through their eyes. Slipping by the alleys, you kept moving until you reached what looked like a well.

There were a few people around but they didn't take notice of you. Merchants did business and donkeys pulled carts. They didn't act like it was the evening at all, everyone was lively and busy even at this late hour.

Following the pool of magical energy, you reached what looked like an abandoned home. It was broken down and weathered but there were signs of people coming and going in it. No one seemed to be there at the moment...

You hoped that Chiyome was having a better time than you were.

Entering the abandoned house, you took care to scan for traps. Once you were in the clear, the pool of magical energy became palpable. It was... Right beneath your feet.

"Strange," you whispered as you knelt down the ground. You could detect an illusion nearby, it was like a different frequency signal melding with the ambient magical energy you were detecting.

Even to a second rate Mage like you it stood out.

"Reveal yourself," you whispered and you noticed a hatch appear.

Standing up, you limped close to it and read the inscription. Arabic...

It was a phrase.

Magic carpets, Djinns and this whole town... This should be one way of confirming your suspicions.

"It was a rock barring a cave mouth once upon a time, not a hatch. Were they trying to be clever?" You wondered before you tapped the etched letters and spoke them out loud, "Open sesame."

The hatch loosened and soon levitated to reveal a passage down and a ladder. You climbed in and began your descent, taking careful steps before reaching the bottom and being in the presence of the Anchor of this world.

"I'm sure Ali Baba had the same feeling getting here," you murmured as you limped to the pool of magical energy, "Now it's just a matter of me being Ali Baba or Cassim in this case."

The swirl of magical energy held this world together, anchoring it upon the surface of the world as part of Caster's territory. Just how many tales has Caster brought to life? Being against all 1001 Tales would be harrowing indeed.

Can Chiyome take the Grail from such a foe? Depending on what you do to this anchor, it will affect your future battles.

The First Tale
[] Destroy the Anchor. It will take longer to do so by yourself but it will no doubt help Assassin in the long run. The looser this world is, the better.
[] Destabilise the Anchor. A temporary hindrance but it should stifle the normal flow of magical energy anchoring this world. It will only take you a few moments to throw your metaphorical wrench in.
[] Look around the Thieve's cave for any mystic code you can use. There must be treasure you could use hidden here that could help in a pinch.
[] Destroy the Anchor. It will take longer to do so by yourself but it will no doubt help Assassin in the long run. The looser this world is, the better.

It's going to take a bit... But you can't let this thing stand. It will take a bit of time to dismantle but it was worth the risk. You just hoped that the thieves didn't make a comeback while you're breaking this Anchor. It should loosen this world's hold on the Earth's surface and if you take out enough, Gaia can sort out the rest.

You began by tapping your cane on the ground and imbuing it with magical energy. It surged with black light before you lifted it up and thrust it into the Anchor.

Your legs buckled as you felt the swirl of magical energy kick back. You held on and pushed your cane in deeper, causing the entire cave to shake and rumble rather violently. You gasped as you held on, pouring in your magical energy into the swirl and breaking the flow from the inside.

Instead of a wrench, you'll be decaying this whole thing at once. It would help if there were other mages with you but you didn't have such leisure. This was going to take a long while so you decided to get comfortable and jam your cane deeper into the swirl.

You focused.

This... This will take a few minutes.


Assassin blended with the shadows and looked up the sky. It flickered for a moment before going back to normal.

A frown appeared on her face. Looking by the corner, she found that no one was in the vicinity and darted through the darkness as she got closer and closer to the hospital. She avoided the people and guards as much as possible and left no trace as she continued onwards.

Caster was going to be cautious now that there were two teams of Masters and Servants in her territory, but the silence from Berserker was quite worrying. Assassin knew of Berserker's strength first hand and for him to be silenced in this manner made her nervous.

What could Caster have done to him?

Assassin could only approach the hospital as she slipped through building after building. She was careful not to make a sound or even reveal herself for a moment. Her wound ached, reminding her of her previous failure...

Today was different. She won't let her Master down.


Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, sweat slid down your face as you watched the decay of the swirl of magical energy. Your efforts were bearing fruit and you smiled at the prospect of breaking this Anchor. You needed to grab Manaka, the two of you could make this task a whole lot easier together.

However just as you were in the middle of thinking that, you heard voices. You looked down the cave and saw the light of torches and the shadows of men.

"Well fuck... Looks like I'm Cassim," you murmured as you tried pulling your cane out.

You struggled and hissed trying to undo your spell as the Thieves returned to find you in their treasure room. You couldn't break the Anchor, you took too long!

Pulling your cane out, you stumbled as the Thieves drew their swords and charged at you.

"Sowilo," you etched the rune on the ground and created a wall of fire between you and the thieves.

You felt your head sting. You turned to the sealed hatch and tried remembering the words to open it... But you can't.

The words, the phrase to open the hatch. You were blanking out.

You were going to be cut and quartered. That was how the story will go. It seemed that this room was deliberately applying memory interference the longer one stayed within it.

It was a pretty good defense system. Simple yet effective.

You can't even remember how you got here and you found it funny. The wall of fire wasn't going to last and you weren't about to play by the story's rules. You climbed up the ladder and made your way to the hatch.

Tapping it once, you etched a rune beneath it before it was forced out of its spot.

"Out of my way," you growled as you held on to your cane while one the ladder.


The Thieves yelled and spat less than savory words your way as you cheated the story.

Rolling out of the hatch, you tapped the walls of the old house and had it collapse over the entrance. You staggered back and moved.

Open sesame.

Your eyes watered as you recalled the words. That place was pretty bad. You failed to destroy the Anchor but you knew how it worked now. You heard the cries of the Thieves at the distance and reinforced your legs to move.

You had to get back to your safehouse. If your memory wasn't failing you, then the thieves will track you down. You needed to create the same circumstances as the story.

You returned to your safehouse and recognized it by the mark on the door. The Thieves were coming behind you, they'll find you eventually at this rate. What happened in the story need to happen in the real world too.

You may have failed in destroying the Anchor but so long as you survived, it should be fine.

[] You decided to fight off the 40 Thieves with your runes and magic, crushing them with your strength. They were just men with swords and you were a Magus, of course you would come out on top.
[] You broke the rules once more, using your command seal to bring Assassin back to your side and slaughtering your pursuers. This'll break the story's hold on you.
[] You copied the mark on the door and applied it to the identical houses nearby.
[] You went in your safehouse and reinforced the bounded field that would keep the Thieves out. You can hide there while they searched for you.
[] You abandoned the safehouse and kept running through the city. You'll try and lose them while you run, you're not going to play by this place's rules. Enter a new building and try losing them in a hiding spot.
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As the Story Goes
[] You copied the mark on the door and applied it to the identical houses nearby.

You recalled that Morgiana replicated the marks that made Ali Baba's house stood out from the identical houses. You just had to do the same. You held up your cane and burned a pattern of the mark on your door into the air, splitting it with a tap of your cane.

You then sent it flying on to each of the other doors, marking them at the same time with hot orange fire. Footsteps ran towards your location and you moved, charging straight into the house you reinforced with enchantments and shutting the door. You slid down the ground and placed your cane before you.

You muted your presence and placed a charm upon your body that would direct attention away from you.

Hopefully it would be enough to fool them.

Footsteps rumbled outside of the houses and you waited patiently where you hid. If they so much stepped in, your runes will respond and burn them to a crisp. There were whispers followed by frustrated growls.

A sword was drawn and the sound of flesh being cut rang through the air. A body fell and the sound of numerous footsteps moved away. You waited for a whole minute and let out a breath. Standing up, you figured that they would leave by that point.

The story said that they would leave as soon as they weren't able to know which house they were supposed to raid. If you're not mistaken, which it was easy that you could be, they could return the next night with a new marking which was the chipped stone leading to your house.

You decided to pre-emptively mark the other houses so you won't have to deal with their farce. However just as you were thinking that, you heard movement nearby. Looking out the window, you saw the body of the first thief vanish as the sound of footsteps drew close.

Stepping out, you tapped your cane and marked the ground. That way they won't be able to find your own house just before you drew back in.

You watched the outside as the thieves returned and you hid. You waited as they scouted the area and looked for the right house you resided in-

"What are you doing?" A voice whispered behind you.

You turned and a soft hand clasped on your lips as your eyes widened. Assassin held you against the wall beneath the window and kept you from making any noise. She was surprisingly strong for her figure but you chalked that as being a Servant thing.

Holding her wrist, you frowned to give her a reply.

"I'm hiding. I'm playing along with the story so they'll go away," you told her as she gave you a surprised look.

Chiyome blinked before giggling silently and speaking, "I see. Well, I hope you had your fun, Master."

"I suppose I have," you breathed as you scratched your head.

"Were you afraid without me, My Lord?" Assassin asked as she slowly stood up.

" Little bit... But now's different," you said as you held your cane.

"Then, your orders if you will," Assassin said as she walked to the door.

"Kill them silently," you declared and Assassin gently opened the front door. The Thieves all turned her way but she was already gone.

Instead, you stood up and walked to the door frame, letting the thieves see you. The moon shined down on you as you leaned on your cane. You looked their way and tapped it once to catch their attention.

"Why don't you come on for dinner?" You offered as you smiled.

One by one, the men died as a black shadow jumped from one man to the other.

A sword sang as blood danced through the air. Assassin silently killed her foes in what could only be described as a sword dance. Instead of going to the next part of the story, you skipped right to the end. You didn't both with the boiling oil to kill all of the thieves when you had a Servant willing to do this for you.

Assassin cut, sliced and jammed her sword through bodies and darted through several of them only to turn the air into a curtain of red. She dashed forward and slammed into the scimitar of the Leader Thief, her free hand spinning a kunai before she turned and kicked his guard open.

The Leader watched in horror as behind this young woman were he bodies of all of his men.

Assassin cut and sliced his head off.

A blade dance worthy of the Slave Girl Morgiana, interpreted as a Kagura of killing by Assassin. With this the story should end but this was but one of the many challenges you'll face.

"Master, it's done," Assassin said as she cleaned her blade and sheathed it.

She was covered in blood and gore but even those vanished as the thieves broke apart. Assassin was left clean again as you stepped out to approach her.

"Pretty good timing all things considered," you said nodded her way.

"How did you anger them?" Assassin asked you with a frown, "I merely left for a few moments... And you've already found yourself in trouble. It's a miracle you haven't died last night."

"Hehehe, right," you chuckled nervously as you pulled your collar.

Assassin gave you a look before giving her report, "I've found an entrance to the hospital. A route to Caster's inner workshop is guarded by an unsavory beast of great stature and strength."

Getting in will be difficult...

"What of other entrances?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Sealed," Assassin explained as she held her arm, "It seems that to advance, this beast must be brought down."

"What did it look like?" You wondered with a curious look.

"Large, it's hide was charred black and its eye burned with a light not too dissimilar from a furnace," Assassin said as she met your gaze.

You blinked and wondered from which story that thing could be from.

"I see. Then I trust that you can kill it then?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I will if you order me to," Assassin said as she bowed towards you.

You smiled and tapped her shoulder with your cane, "Good. I'll be counting on you."

"However, my Lord," Assassin said as she grabbed your cane pulled you close to her, "Refrain from endangering yourself further."

A nervous chuckle escaped you, "No promises."

Assassin pouted and turned away. She vanished from your sight before you were left on your own again. You weren't able to loosen the Anchor of this world but it seemed that you underestimated that girl.


Berserker found himself beneath the city with his Master. The man grunted as he smashed the body of an elderly man into the ground as the latter flipped and called upon the waters of the sewers to aid him.

"Tch, this old fart is pissing me off," Berserker growled as Manaka watched behind him.

"That's the Old Man of the Sea, Sinbad. You better have wine to trick him with and kill him," Manaka said as she giggled.

Berserker split apart the water before driving his sword into the old man's chest, "I'm not Sinbad, you know? If I was, I'd have an easier time!"

"But you are. With each tale, you play a role. In order to overcome the tale, you either play it to completion, defy it entirely or come up with an ending of your own," Manaka explained as Berserker slaughtered the Old Man of the Sea, crushing the narrative construct born of Caster's tales, "But Caster certainly has their job cut out for them."

"What do you mean?" Berserker asked with a narrowed look.

"Heroic Spirits who have defied fate itself in their legends are far more difficult to contain in the 'roles' within her story," Manaka said as she walked ahead, "I pity her, honestly."

Manaka looked at the ceiling and stared at the glass hidden in the ceiling and gave it a serene yet haunting smile.


Caster gasped as she held her chest. Sweat slid down her cheek as she stepped away from the perspective glass. That girl... She was dangerous.

"Master... Please," Caster said as she lowered her head.


You stayed within the house you had found before and relaxed a bit. You opened your eyes as you noticed from the Scrap Bird's perspective that someone was coming.

A young man jumped down from a magic carpet and started walking to the house. You kept silent and held your cane... Not long after a voice echoed from outside.

"I know you're in there. A Master without his Servant is vulnerable and you know where you are. Come out, I have a request to make..." The young man yelled to catch your attention, "You want Grail, right? Isn't that why you're here?"

What's he on about?

"If you do as I ask, I'll pass her on to you," the young man offered as he then said, "In exchange, I need you to kill Berserker's Master."

Pass on? What did he mean by that? But to think he'll be asking you to kill Manaka... He seemed to be prioritising the real threat in this world.

"Do this for me and you can go," the youth said with a firm tone.

As the Story Goes
[] "That's a big ask! If I step out there, do you promise you will not harm me? I'm simply making sure!"
[] Keep quiet. You're not falling for that shit. You're not stupid. If he wanted to keep going, he can walk in himself.
[] Summon your Black Box. If you cover him in Curses, you might just make things easier for Assassin.
[] Write in...
A Third Player
[] Keep quiet. You're not falling for that shit. You're not stupid. If he wanted to keep going, he can walk in himself.

Listening to his words, you remained silent. You found that he was making the right move in extending his hand towards you. If he could ally with you and use your combined forces to take down Manaka, then it was one way out of the situation he was in. You would have done the same but there were some problems for you in this case.

To extend his hand towards you would mean that he saw you as an easy target. He would be willing to hand over the Grail not because of trying to make goodwill but to get the Grail back later from an easier opponent. He must have at least accounted for that before he came here.

Which you declare bullshit to of course.

You remained quiet. If he was serious about this then he will walk in where your runes could fry him. So you waited and waited only to feel a presence enter your barrier.

Ho? He's approaching you? Instead of running away, he was approaching you?

The young man knocked on the door and opened it. Your runes primed and began to glow as he stepped in.

He was a skinny young man, quite possibly in his early twenties with flaxen colored hair and green eyes. He wore a simple parka and pants, his command seals burning bright in your presence.

He had his hood up and he gave you a determined look as he stepped just above your first rune.

"I wish to negotiate," the youth said as he held his hand to his chest, "My name is Luke Myers. Master of Caster. I've come in peace."

"Pretty brave for a young man, aren't you?" You noted as you leaned on your cane, "Stepping right on my territory like that, you must know what you're doing... Or you're a bigger idiot than I hoped for."

"The Grail has already come to trust me. Taking her from me would only make her cooperation with you difficult," Luke said as he met your gaze, "I am at least willing to hand her to you and Caster will not harm you and your Servant. In exchange, do whatever means you have to take Berserker's Master away from this place."

You studied his face and noted, "You believe she's that much of a threat?"

"Caster thinks so. I elected to acquire your assistance in this endeavour myself. If I get your help now, I would only lose the round but not the war. But if that Master is left unchecked, it could spell disaster in the future," Luke said with a grim tone.

"And if I refuse?" You asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"The war continues... You don't want to fight me when I'm cornered," Luke said as he shook his head.


A distant explosion rang through the Nightless City.

"What the hell? Was that your Servant?" He asked with a sharp tone.

"I don't know. We probably have another guest," you murmured as you walked past him.

Luke seemed surprise by you ignoring him as you stepped out to have a look. This can't be good.


Assassin hid in the shadows as the Giant was brought down by a Servant. Having shot through the sky with the force of a meteor, the Heroic Spirit flew over the city and straight to the entrance of the hospital. The giant had gotten up but with a vicious kick, the beast was sent down.

It was the armored man from before, his cape billowing in the wind of his descent. But his form flickered, once he was an armored man filled with ethereal light and then the next he was a shade with a black mantle.

The armored appearance returned as he adjusted his helmet.

The man then moved in to kill the Giant. His fist balled up and glowing as each step was heavy for him.


"No... Caster!" Luke cried out as he called for his flying carpet.

You watched the carpet dart from the sky and make its way towards the youth. He got on and flew upwards, taking to the skies to return to the hospital.

You connected with Assassin and spoke, "Do you know what happened?"

"It's the Armored Servant. He had just taken down the Giant I was supposed to slay. He has his back turned to me, should I kill him?"

That young Master hasn't heard your answer yet. He shouldn't touch you until he deals with this new threat. You were probably free to head towards the hospital now, you should stick close to Assassin now that things were ramping up.

A Third Player
[] Give Assassin the chance. Eliminate this new Servant before it notices her.
[] Direct her to hide and stay away from the new Servant. You'll meet up with her.
[] Order Assassin to use the opening this new Servant made to get inside the facility. Her priority is securing the Grail first and foremost.
[] Write in...