[] Knock her out of the Throne Room. Get her as far away from Miyu as possible. You're not taking your chances, you'll kill her now.

Your name was Hans Derrinsmith and you were running out of time.

You let out a breath as you closed your eyes. Your vision was growing faint and the strain of both your wound and Eye was taxing what's left of your willpower. Faced with Minerva now spelled certain death. One misstep and you were good as dead, she'd be able to split your head open before you could even have time to think.

You were just human while Minerva was close to the perfection the Luctworth desired. A good little Doll they made to kill you.

But so what?

You braced yourself as you took a step forward.

You've come too far to lose heart now. Your entire body was aching but you forged on. You can overcome her if you put your mind to it!

Minerva saw your move and dashed forward to meet you. The two of you closed in on one another before she hammered down her leg upon you. Catching it with your left arm, you grabbed her leg and swung her straight into a pillar.

Spinning in the air, Minerva landed against it and jumped high. She then performed a dive kick as you were forced to evade at the last moment, watching her split the floor from the impact.

Rushing in, you swung at her as she deflected your blow. Weaving to the right from her jab, you delivered a crushing blow to her abdomen. She doubled over before grabbing your head and slamming her knee into it, your vision blurred before she brought her fist down, nearly striking you.

Letting out a breath, you kicked off the ground and smashed your head against hers. You broke her footing with a well placed kick to her leg before forcing her to block your next jab.

"Anzus," you snarled as the ground was set on fire, distracting her as you pulled her close to smash her sternum with your elbow.

Minerva braced herself to defend against your kick as she was sent flying through the door and into the chamber you fought Manaka in. The Killer Doll laughed as she set the ground on fire with the color of lilac, gathering spheres behind her and launching them towards you.

Tensing, you dashed to the side, weaving past her shots before jumping towards her. You smashed your fist against her as she countered to force you down, making you sidestep her punch and striking at her side.

Leaning back, you barely avoided her backhand as she brought up her knee. You used your left arm to strike it with your elbow before smashing her sternum with your palm.

Minerva slid back and exhaled a short breath, "That fighting style... I never knew you had enforcer training. You're full of surprises now that you have complete limbs."

"Shut up," you barked as you held up your fists.

"You have just the right friends to keep up, don't you?!" Minerva laughed as the two of you clashed.

She swung her elbow while you leaned back, swinging at her head to which she knocked your hand aside. The two of you raised your legs and struck one another at a low angle, only to raise your legs higher and catch each other even then.

Sliding away from one another, you activated the runes marking your flesh. Each one of them shined in succession, increasing your physical output as you shot forward.

Minerva palmed the ground and raised the concrete to protect her. You smashed through her pillar, knocking dust and debris into the air before she grabbed your clothes and threw you across the chamber.

You hit the floor and tumbled, palming the ground to evade Minerva's follow up.

"Gotcha!" You roared as you inscribed a rune past her, reversing gravity itself as she fell down her knees.

You were then pulled down as well as you drew your left arm. Minerva smiled as she stood up to meet you, clashing with your cursed arm hard enough to blow it clean off.

The black mass shattered for a split second before reforming as you canceled the rune and the two of you jumped away.

"That all you got, Brother?" Minerva mused.

You grimaced as you studied her form. She wasn't fazed at all... Then that means you just needed to do this smarter.

"Aegis!" You roared and four shields appeared before you.

"Oh! I can do that too!" Minerva sneered as she held her hand up, "Aegis!"

You used your shields to obscure your body while charging at her. You'll manipulate the shields to smash against her, during your clashes you'll etch the biggest rune you could make in secret without her noticing.

Slamming your shield against hers, the two of you were quick to bounce off one another. You slid back and dashed to the side, etching the rune as you ran while Minerva was quick to intercept you. You allowed her to send you flying back before you jumped and brought down your shields on her.

Two of each of yours shields shattered but Minerva swung her own at the last second and sent you flying. You turned in the air and finished drawing the rune in the ground.

"Brother!" Minerva laughed as she shattered your last shield. She then projected a hollow sword in her hand to swing at you.

You stepped back and opened your Mystic Eye, letting her sword vanish as the runes beneath her feet appeared. Her eyes widened as a surge of electricity rushed through her body.

"Don't fuck with me," you grit your teeth as you activated the rest of the Runes, conjuring firestorms within the chamber which swirled to smash into Minerva.

Minerva screamed as she was bound, burned and electrocuted all at once. You stepped near her and clenched your hand into a fist.

"You won't kill me today!" You roared as you punched her right in her sternum, shattering her ribcage and sending her flying through her runic cage.

Minerva flew back first into a wall.

"I'm not done yet!" You roared as you nicked your right hand and let it bleed, throwing your blood into the air, "Oh Spirit of Malevolence, answer the lure of my Life and destroy my enemies!"

The screams of Evil Spirits echoed through the air and a massive amalgam of the damned was made manifest. Lured by the scent of your blood, they were quick to turn their attention on Minerva and glide towards her.

The gargantuan ghost swung their claws to rip her soul out but Minerva smiled, rising from where she crashed and catching the blow.

"Activating Emergency Mode," Minerva sighed as she pulled the Evil Spirit down towards her, grabbing its chest and splitting it apart.

You were left staring as Minerva was showered upon by the negative karma.

Her side ponytail was burned away from your last attack, leaving her bright orange hair to flow behind her. Her body was filled with magic circuits, humming with power as her eyes turned bright amber.

"Ah... To think I've been pushed to this state. You're really stubborn, Brother," Minerva giggled for a moment before her expression turned blank, "I will no longer make any errors. Your execution... Is my top priority."

"I'd like to see you try, you fucking piece of tin can junk," you snarled as you weaved your runes. You tried to maintain your focus as best you could.

This was bad...

This was pretty bad.


"I want you to live..."


You blinked as you felt... Something slithering underneath your clothes.

"Chiyome," you breathed as you met Minerva's gaze.

[] Continue using Magecraft against Minerva. Runes, hexes and Spell. Every bag of trick you could muster, you need to outsmart her!
[] Use Luvia's Alchemical ingredient that you got before. You can mold it into a weapon of your choosing, you're not engaging Minerva as she was without something in hand.
[] Summon Faux Pandora and let her be consumed by your Curses.
Road of Solitude
[] Use Luvia's Alchemical ingredient that you got before. You can mold it into a weapon of your choosing, you're not engaging Minerva as she was without something in hand.

You and Minerva looked at one another as she made her approach. Your body was screaming, straining to keep itself functioning. You didn't know how much you have left in you but...

The most you could do was struggle.

Clawing, dragging, struggling to overcome every single trial you were faced with, you never hesitated to pay the price. No matter the cost, so long as you moved forward it didn't matter what you had to pay.

This was your Path. It was your Road to walk until you reached the end.

You took out Luvia's vial from earlier while Minerva dashed towards you. You raised several protective runes which she easily bulldozed with her punches and kicks. Minerva was quick to dart to your location as you turned to evade her, weaving beneath her punch and igniting a rune between you two.

Minerva swept the air with her leg, blowing apart the wall of fire between you two. You used Luvia's vial, splashing the contents to the air as it reformed to short sword. Minerva leaned back from the range of your blade as she swung at your gut.

You caught it with the pommel of your blade as the two of you were but a foot from one another. Blocking her punch, you kicked her in the stomach and slashed down. Minerva sidestepped your swing and projected her own sword in hand.

You clashed with Minerva causing sparks to erupt between you two.

"You're not getting anything out of this... Your life's a dead end even if you win," you told her as you disengaged from her.

Minerva went for your head as you ducked beneath her blade. Her fist intercepted you and smashed right into your face, knocking you back as she followed up with an axe kick. You dodged and she managed to split the floor.

You thrust and her sword was ready and waiting.

"But the same... Goes for me," you admitted as you grinded your sword against hers, "But that's just how it is for us, isn't it? This fight is pointless but we pretend there's a reason for it. We pretend that by beating one another there's some grand purpose to it all. Even if I say this, even I believe it. That's just how fucked up we are."

You broke contact as you and Minerva exchanged blows, your arm going numb with each strike as you caught your breath. You evaded her attacks and managed to disarm her by knocking her blade upwards.

Minerva held her hands on either side of her and projected two more swords while you brought your own down.

"These fights, these battles, they're nothing but an escape. I believed that as well. Fighting for ten years can turn you into a scumbag of my caliber," you told her as you pushed her back, "But I knew that. I knew everything! I knew that this road will be nothing but Hell! But what about you, Minerva?! Do you love Big Brother so much that you'll follow in my fucking footsteps!?"

Minerva pushed you back and swung her swords while you brought down an icicle from above. Runes shined and formed a spear of ice which you smashed downwards to stop her advance.

"Are you prepared to for what comes next?! Because you better be!" You roared as Minerva dashed to the side as you activated a rune which caused the ground to burst with ice.

Minerva jumped over it and spun towards you with her blades. You rolled to evade and parried her next blow, allowing you to smash her gut with a kick.

"You're just a kid not even a year old. Power, talent, and your output, those mean nothing in the face of actual experience," you kept talking as Minerva slid to a halt and swung down her sword, "I'm telling you this now, you can still give up. You can still turn your back on this. One Doll already made her choice, who's to say you can't do the same."

Catching her sword, you felt the floor beneath you buckle.

"I'm not... Like her. I'm not defective," Minerva snarled as her blank expression gave way to venomous rage, "I... Am perfect."

"You're immature that's what you are. It's the same as what I told you in the graveyard. What comes after you kill me? And even if you know an answer, are you prepared for it?" You hissed back as you pushed, "I thought cutting myself off the Luctworth would make me happy... But I was wrong. I wasn't prepared for the next ten years and look at me now... Here I am in a pointless fight."

"Shut up," Minerva snarled as she grit her teeth.

"I'm prepared to die for my ideals and cause. What about you? Are you prepared to die chasing me?" You questioned her, feeling something slithering under your clothes.

"Shut up! I'll kill you! That's what I was made for! That's all I was born for! What else do I have?!" Minerva screamed as she shattered your sword and swung upwards.


Minerva sliced off your left arm in one swing while you caught her other arm. From within your clothes, a black Serpent peered out of your jacket, its red eyes flashing as it jumped at Minerva. The Doll's eyes widened before the Black Snake sunk it's fangs into her neck and sent her reeling.

Chiyome's final curse.

You picked up one of her fallen swords and slashed her stomach, feeling the blade cut through her flesh as her blood danced in the air. Minerva's eyes widened as she sought to return to her Emergency M-

"Stop!" You roared as your Mystic Eye activated, freezing her in place. Tears of blood slid down your cheek as she stood stiff.

You knocked her into the ground and held the blade on her neck. You were looking down on her as she looked up on you. A satisfied look filled her face as she sighed.

Her eyes widened as the curse from the Serpent's bite coursed through her body, causing even the slightest spike of magical energy to hurt her. You watched as the marks of scales appeared on her flesh as she gasped for air.

"Brother..." Minerva breathed as you kept the blade on her neck, "Brother... I'll kill you."

She raised her hands and clasped them around your neck, only that she didn't have the strength to squeeze.

"Celine... Even if you... Revive her... She will never forgive you. You... Will always be... A Monster," Minerva hissed with every word dripping with her hate, "I know... Because a part of her... Is inside me. Is inside that Traitor Doll... Is inside all of us made by Grandfather. Your journey, your sacrifice, it's for nothing. It's pointless. You're pointless."

Minerva's hands fell as she was left staring up at you in utter exhaustion.

"That's probably true. But I don't regret any of it," you replied as you looked down on her.

"Oh Brother... So pitiful... So unloved... Even if I were to die, the family will send another after me to keep you company. Another Minerva, another Brie, another Doll will always come chasing you... So you will never be alone," Minerva chuckled as she endured the curse coursing through her body, "You will never know peace or rest."

You braced yourself.

Road of Solitude
[] Kill her.
[] Spare her.
[] Curse her.
[] Reprogram her.
[] Trap her.
Last edited:
Black and White...
[] Reprogram her.

You couldn't kill her.

You couldn't give her a fate worse than death either. Sparing her was out of the question, not as she was. You could only fight her off like this so many times. You've brought yourself to the brink of death for this and you have your chance to be rid of her forever.

But she still had Celine's face.

A future that never happened was right before you. If only you won that War in her stead then she might be here, she might have this face instead of this broken Doll. Your weakness was what caused this in the first place and the Family knew you well enough.

You could never truly kill someone with Celine's face, not without you crossing a line you could never return to...

That's why..!

You raised the blade in your hand and jammed it into Minerva's chest. You enhanced your right eye and fired off magical energy from your body through the sword. You needed to pin the coordinates in the conceptual space just right.

Minerva's eyes widened and soon realized what you were doing.

"Coward... I... Knew you couldn't... Do it," Minerva chuckled as you tears slid down your eyes and hit her core.

The light within Minerva's eyes vanished as you pulled the sword out. Blood didn't escape the pierced flesh but instead you were met with the sight of void. Emptiness filled Minerva's insides in the place of muscle and organs.

You knelt over her and tore open her clothes, fashioning tools from the debris and steel nearby as you began to work. You did this once but not on the level you were about to do. You had taken out the 'Kill' Order from this body but that was akin to taking a program within the body itself and deleting it.

What was problematic was Minerva herself, or rather the personality that she came to be. You weren't a genius like Touko Aozaki or a Master at this craft like your grandfather, tinkering with Minerva's personality was something you weren't comfortable of rewriting.

The most you could do is render her primary directives incompatible with her... But to do that you would have to do a reset of her memory storage. You didn't prefer that... No.

You would prefer her to live with her since as punishment but there's a limit to what you could do.

You'll be wiping her memory.

'Minerva' will be no more... But that in itself isn't a guarantee.

She is and has always been a Luctworth in terms of software. Traces of who she was would remain but her hatred, her lust for violence, and her cruelty would be locked up. Were you hoping that she'd turn out to be like that other Doll Scathach took with her?

"You're right Minerva," you breathed as you hovered your tools over her exposed core, "I am a coward."

You initiated the wipe it and restructured her entire being. Switching off her prime directives, changing them and wiping her memory. You tinkered and twisted her internal systems, writing new code for her to follow. In the end, she was just a Sculptures, a Clay Doll you were forced to work on when you were young.

And that was the last time Minerva was truly herself.


You made your way back to the Throne Room. You had sent a message out using Minerva's phone which surprisingly had a little charm which raised its durability. In any case, it served its purpose to get you in touch with your men as well ring the Church a message. You then pocketed it for now as you made your way through the doors again.

With the Final Battle behind you, you stopped and looked down the ground. Kneeling down, you checked on Hiyoko Sakatsuki as she remained unconscious on the floor. You inscribed a rune to soothe her as well as a charm to provide her with a dreamless sleep. Looking at her back, it seemed to have been healed somehow. Did Minerva do this?

Did she heal Hiyoko before confronting you?

You decided to think about it later. You stood up and approached the light of the Grail. You ascended up the steps until you reached the castle's false throne. The air was humming with Magical Energy as you approached the Light.

You had to strain your eye to see through it before reached out and held it in your hand. Almost immediately you were awash with power which made your knees buckle. The energy which filled the Grail made your skin tingle as you held it in your hand.

The prize many bled for was finally in your hand. The arm you had paid a piece of your lifespan for vanished, leaving you with the phantom pain of your lost limb. You kept your eyes on the golden chalice in your hand and held it tight.

This was it... Your ticket so to speak.

"I'm almost there, Sister. Almost there..." You breathed as you glanced at the Throne.

Sitting on it was a girl fast asleep, her expression filled with that of exhaustion. Her expression was just as captivating as the Grail in your grasp. You knelt down and set down the Holy Grail, letting go of your prize to place your hand over the sleeping girl's.

In a soft voice, you spoke, "Miyu, it's time to wake up."

The girl stirred and when she opened her eyes, she looked at you with a dull colored gazed. The air of mystery and power within her eyes had vanished, leaving only the twinkle of innocence present within a child's.

"Hans... You're here," Miyu murmured before rubbing her eyes. She then looked to the side and blinked, "That's..."

You picked up the Holy Grail and handed it towards her, "Here. You carry it."

"C-Can I?" Miyu asked.

"Sure. I don't see why not," you said as you slowly stood up.

"Hans... Are you sure you're okay?" Miyu asked as she got on her feet with the Grail in her arms.

"Yes. For now at least," you told her as you glanced her way, "Come on, your Mom's downstairs. By the door. You should go wake her up."

Miyu's eyes widened as she looked past you to see her mom unconscious by the door. She quickly descended the stairs, leaving you in the dust. You followed after her with your hand in your pocket. You smiled as you made your way down the stairs, watching Miyu kneel by her mother and shake her awake.

Hiyoko stirred from her sleep and opened her eyes to see the face of her daughter before her. She blinked before holding her daughter's face and pulling her in for a hug. They were safe, they were here, they survived the war together just as you promised. The Holy Grail sat by their side but you believed that the sight of them was just as precious as the Grail itself.

The Liar's Grail War was over.

"Thank you..." Hiyoko said as she looked your way, "Thank you, Hans."

"It's fine. What's important is you're safe," you replied as you nodded their way, "I keep my promises. Help should be on the way so just sit on tight. We should have enough time for a little party if I can manage it."

"Oh... It's still Christmas," Miyu murmured with wide eyes.

"That's right. Merry Christmas, Miyu," you greeted her with the same confident and friendly smile.


The War has ended but the wounds remained. It was the same for every war you had the misfortune to participate in. Miyu and Hiyoko were taken away on Helicopter alongside the unconscious body of Minerva. You finally called in your employees after weeks of radio silence and they were ready for an all out war.

Armored vehicles won't do jack shit against a Servant.

They offered to ride you home but you had other things to deal with. You took the Grail and made your way back to the City on your own. You waited until every employee you had left, leaving you alone in the amusement park once more. You were alone, just you and the Holy Grail in your hand. Once they were gone, you walked, making your way through the ruined park until you found what you were looking for.

You stared at the House of Mirrors before tapping your foot, a rune appearing upon the floor and causing a line of fire to rush towards the structure.

The Hall of Mirrors burned, the sound of glass shattering inside reaching your ears.

"So you won," a voice spoke.

You turned and saw a young girl standing nearby. She had long shaggy orange hair with a tiny bit tied to the side of her head like a ponytail. She was wearing a beaten up jacket and a short skirt and black boots. Behind her back was a backpack and a long wrapped pole.

"Come to gloat?" you asked as you watched the fires before raising the Grail in your hand, "Or did that Hag ask you to get this?"

"I was wondering if you'd be giving back my body. But seeing as you spared Minerva, I guess that's a no go," the girl said as she shook her head.

"Get Touko to make you one," you told her as you faced the fires.

"She's as bad as Scathach, what do I look like, stupid?" the girl scoffed at your suggestion.

The two of you stood in silence as the flames crackled underneath the waking dawn. The sun was just about to peer over the horizon. You looked down at the Grail in your hand and gave it some thought.

"What are you going to do now? Still up for that stupid goal of yours?" the girl asked as she rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Yes. Now I can make the War to achieve it a reality... And I don't suppose you'll be joining as well," you guessed as you glanced her way.

"The Grail that'll come from that would let Medb stick with me for a long while... Of course I'll join," the girl sighed as she met your gaze, "And I'll kill anyone who gets in my way of achieving that. No doubt that you'll do the same for those getting between you and seeing your sister again."

"You're not wrong," you replied with a smirk.

"I don't know what you're planning but thanks... For giving me this chance," the girl said with a cold smile, "I'll definitely win this one."


The two of you stared each other down as the sun rose in the East, heralding the beginning of a new day.

"Merry Christmas, Brie."

"Merry Christmas, Hans."


Soon the New Year came and went. In the coming days, the survivors of the War would part ways. The citizens of the city were none wiser of the events that unfolded right under their very noses. The Magus had taken with him the Child of God and her Mother, keeping them safe under his protection from those that would seek to do them harm. The memory of this war would be one they would remember for a long time.

The Matou and Edelfelt had left the country alongside the King of Knights. They have done their duties to prevent the War from going out of control but their search for the man named Emiya had left them nowhere. So they would search once again in new lands hoping to find him.

The Administrator had returned to the Church to deliver her report and findings as well as a curious request and invitation for a future War that would transpire.

The unconscious Doll wiped of her sins remained asleep, stored in the dark, forever sleeping until the day she would fight once more.

And the Interloper that stood with the Magus had returned to the Land of Shadows, waiting for the Day she and her Queen would be reunited once more...


Several Months Later

A black car came to a halt just before a school. A young girl was looking out the window with an uncertain look on her face before sitting back down. She didn't know what to do or how to act, it was... Her first time speaking and being with other children her age.

"Is something wrong, Miyu?" the man beside her asked.

Miyu glanced at the man wearing a dark blue shirt under a black suit. He was seated on the other end of the backseat, taking off his sunglasses to glance her way.

"I'm... Nervous, Hans,"Miyu admitted as she lowered her head.

"All kids normally are. It's the first day after all, new kids, new faces... And quite possibly new friendships. Do you want me to take you to your classroom?" Hans offered in a polite tone.

"You sound like Mother," Miyu huffed with a frown.

"Alright, alright..." Hans sighed with a small smile on his lips. Miyu opened the door and stepped out of the car, bracing herself before turning towards Hans.

"I'll be going now!" Miyu said.

"I'll pick you up after school. Have a nice day," Hans replied as he waved his hand and car door shut. He watched Miyu take a few steps forward before a few kids walked up to her. They seemed to be talking animatedly as one of them pointed at the car.

He then leaned back and said, "Take me to the office."

"Yes sir," the Driver answered.

Miyu glanced at the leaving car and waved. Hans watched until she went out of view before relaxing himself. It was a beautiful day so he should ease himself to the morning routine. He checked his phone and noticed several messages from Miyu's mother if her daughter was okay and that if he needed anything, he should call her.

It took all of his will not to block her number. Ever since that woman was let out of the Apartment she and Miyu lived in, she was getting all sorts of certifications, passing all sorts of weird courses. Now she was studying up a storm for an IT Exam to work for Hans' company when he offered to take care of the two of them.

Unfortunately the menace that was Hiyoko Sakatsuki could not be contained.

He looked through his phone to look at the news. It seemed that the after effects of Petty Wars was starting to catch up to the world. The Association was planning on taking a more aggressive stance on clamping down on such Wars from happening. Should have expected that from them but them's the works.

Hans glanced out his window to watch the cityscape go by.

A few minutes later, he arrived at his building as his car stopped by the entrance. A man in a suit opened the door for him and Hans stepped, greeted by rows upon rows of men in dark suits.

The car behind him drove off as he surveyed the numerous people waiting for him, their numbers in the hundreds.


A young woman then walked up to him and greeted him, adjusting her glasses as she met his gaze, "Good morning, senpai. Welcome back to HQ."

"Open up a schedule for this afternoon. I need to pick up Miyu in her new school," Hans said as he walked down the path opened for him to get to his office, "Is there anything that needs my attention?"

"Well, judging from the deal you made in the UAE last night, things have been going well. But some shareholders would like to speak with your regarding the shipments of materials going by sea. They want to be compensated for delays due to the storm in the Arctic," the Secretary said as she kept up with him.

"Schedule them for this evening then. I want some of our top members with me during the meeting. Also, have you handled the paperwork for our projects in England?" Hans asked as he climbed up the stairs to the lobby.

"Yes, senpai. I've also retrieved reports of our progress on securing a good rapport with the Holy Church. They've sent their interest in your Project," the Secretary said before stopping, "Oh and senpai."

"Yes?" Hans asked with a curious look.

"Welcome back to Seoul," she finally said as the rest of the men in suits bowed.

Hans glanced at her and the others before smiling, "Yeah... It's good to be back."


Hans sat in his office reeling from having to go through another workday. Spending six months as a homeless bum in a city was nothing compared to this. He rubbed his forehead and tried recomposing himself as he let out a breath. He leaned back on his seat, savoring what break he could get as he closed his eyes.

Miyu had a good day in school, he managed to make several deals which would help his company stay afloat for now, and there wasn't any word from the Luctworth.

He opened his eyes and felt for his left one. His vision had never been the same since he returned Ophelia's Mystic Eye. Had he kept it any longer than he did, he would have gotten some manner of injury or something. He was lucky but he couldn't rely on luck forever.

"Living is sure hard, huh?" he said as he slowly stood up from his seat. Grabbing his cane, he limped towards the window of his office and looked down at the city below him. Preparations were underway... He had all the ingredients he needed to start. But he needed more time to make sure everything was just right.

He then tensed when he sensed the presence of someone behind him, causing him to tap his cane and cause a rune to appear on the floor. Ice crystals traveled along the ground and stopped before the neck of a peculiar individual.

"Wow, as expected of the man who won Seven Wars. Your senses are sharp!" a girlish voice giggled.

"Who the hell are you?" Hans asked as he faced her.

"My name is Francesca," the black and white girl spoke as she held her hands behind her back, "I'm a big fan of yours... I heard you going to try and set up a big War..."

Francesca walked past the ice crystals and sat on the Magus' desk and asked.


"I'd love to hear more about it."