The Closing Act
[] Assassin will stay on her feet and calm her nerves. She needed a clear mind and focused thoughts. If she could last the next ten blows from Saber, she would be able to find a chance.

Assassin stood her ground and let out a breath, holding on to her sword as she purified her mind of fatigue. It wasn't the same for her body though but she endured it nonetheless. She just had to make it out and recover enough of her power to fight back. If she could get an opening, she'll be taking it. It was now or never, all of her skills and patience would be put to the final test.

Saber moved, vanishing from her sight until her senses quickly sharpened. Catching him on the last moment she parried his swing, knocking his blade aside before Kusanagi followed and she used her kunai to do it again. Spinning her kunai in her hand she held it in reverse before clashing and knocking aside the man's blades.

She fought and weaved through his blows as she kept a cool head, being inches away from his swings as he unleashed bolts of lightning that could a mere man. Assassin remained in close quarters as she tried blowing past Susanoo's guard with her weapons. Sparks flew in the air as she bent her back and flipped to evade his strike.

Saber then cleaved the air as she bent low and shot upwards her blade directed at his neck while he dashed back. Saber tossed aside Kusanagi and let it vanish as he sheathed Ame no Habakiri. He then smiled and drew his sword with lightning fast swings which created wind blades Assassins was forced to evade and strafe past.

Tapping her feet on the ground, she sharply changed directions and threw the kunai she had in hand towards him. Saber dodged it as it detonated behind him. The sound and light caught his attention but Assassin charged him head on, prompting him to slash with his sheathed sword, only for her to jump over the swing.

Assassin threw her kunai down but she missed hitting the floor and forcing Saber to dodge away.

He was surprised to notice it not exploding and it was in his shock that Assassin closed in. She was getting faster as she recovered more of her power. Wielding two kunai in her hand she tried getting in range but Ame no Habakiri kept her from getting any further. Her guard was blown open by the sudden swing before Susanoo held out his hand to re-summon Kusanagi.

"It's over, Shinobi!" Susanoo roared as he swung down Kusanagi with Chiyome within its range.

Blocking won't work and he was swinging faster than she ever hoped to evade...


Blood flew upwards as Chiyome's shoulder was cut open by Kusanagi, the blade shattering her collar bone and tearing flesh. Susanoo knew that sound, it was the sound of real flesh being sundered...So why did he feel pain? it was then he noticed that Chiyome had crushed his wrist with her kunai, lopping it off before Kusanagi could truly fall.

The entire time, Chiyome's eyes were clear.

Susanoo never expected that and couldn't help but feel sheer amusement. She risked being chopped on half to get at his hand. The insolence of a mortal woman had cost him his hand. His ruined hand let go of Kusanagi as it remained lodged into Chiyome's torso. Now that he had a split second to think, she allowed him to cut through her non-vitals... With her heart being a few inches away from being cut.

"What a remarkable woman..." Susanoo noted as Chiyome dashed back and fell down her knees.

Susanoo was smiling the entire time as he tore a piece of cloth from his sleeve and wrapped it around his stump. He watched as this mortal woman, the lowest wrung of Heroic Spirits, a Cursed Child bearing Orochi's power, grab Kusanagi lodged on her body and pull it out. She was bleeding and exhausted but she was not out of the fight.

Saber was at a loss for words.

She was beautiful.

Stained in blood she held Kusanagi in her hand as she kept her eyes on him. The sword was still his own but Susanoo did not recall it. He would not rob the woman of her efforts. He was impressed and he knew he had a story to tell his kin. Assassin held Kusanagi in her hand and it responded to her quite well.

Her black hair danced as her white clothes were stained red.

"I'm ready, Saber," Chiyome declared as she wore a grim look.

Saber held up his remaining sword in hand, "Good. With one blow then."

Assassin said nothing as she remained calm. She held the Kusanagi in hand and felt power course through her frame. Death was not an option... For she still had much to do. The winds howled and lightning rolled overhead before the two of the Servants narrowed their gaze and took the step forward.

Chiyome thought back to her first summoning. Hans was truly an odd man to draw this much power out of her with his thoughts alone. Chiyome felt happy as she stepped among the flowers stained red with her blood and faced a Demigod. She was not worthy to stand among the brilliant Heroic Spirits she had fought alongside and against.

She was a woman who killed in the dark, bound to live and die in the shadows.

But fighting this War, fighting her Demons and holding his hand, Assassin... No, Mochizuki Chiyome found a Legend which allowed her to accept her place among Heroes.

If she wasn't a Hero for the world, she would be his Hero alone.

Chiyome and Susanoo closed their distance between one another, Ame no Habakiri flashing with electricity as Kusanagi no Tsurugi howled with curses. With a flash Assassin faced the lighting bolt that was Susanoo head on and burnt her flesh from his electricity but she managed to plunge Kusanagi through his chest and stab him, smashing through his torso before he could pass her.

Susanoo choked out blood before finding his footing and shoving Assassin back.

Sliding a few feet, Assassin let out a breath as she dashed forward one last time to which Saber responded by clashing with her and Kusanagi. Assassin locked her cross-guard against Susanoo's and kicked the pommel of her sword upwards, leaving the man open. Susanoo sought to swing his left hand but found that it had been chopped off earlier.

Assassin was able to run Kusanagi across his stomach and cut through.

A heavy sigh left Assassin's lips as the Great Slayer of Orochi fell down to his knees.

"That's right... You're... Not Orochi," Susanoo breathed heavily before gritting his teeth and enduring, "You... Are human."

Assassin walked to his side as his body began to break apart. Golden lights began to break away from Susanoo's body as he was halfway from being taken to the Grail...

"Not yet!" Susanoo roared and he forced his Spirit Origin to remain intact. Golden light ceased to emerge from his body as he sat on his knees, back ramrod straight with a dignified look, "That Sword is yours, Shinobi. Now use it... Properly!"

Chiyome looked down upon not the God nor the Exile of Takamagahara but a Man ready to face his end. She raised Kusanagi in the air, its dark blue glow ominous as she held it before swinging it down. Chiyome cut and Susanoo's body finally broke apart.

"Good luck, Shinobi," Susanoo breathed as Chiyome watched him fade. The Reality Marble began to break down as well as she held Saber's sword. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

It was almost over.


Miyu stopped and felt her chest grow hot. She stumbled on her feet and fell down the ground, only for Caren to catch her before she could fall.

"Miyu? Are you okay?" Luvia asked as she knelt by the girl's side.

"Saber is dead... Only... Only Assassin remains," Miyu reported as she raised her head, "But... But..."

"The Grail won't manifest. This is a problem," Caren murmured as she placed a hand on Miyu's shoulder, "How do you feel?"

"S-Sleepy," Miyu said as she held her chest. She then shook her head and said, "But I can't. My Mom..."

"Your Mom is right here, Miyu," a voice spoke in the distance, causing Luvia and Caren to look up to see Minerva holding Sakatsuki Hiyoko on gunpoint.

Luvia blinked before clenching her hands into fists, "Minerva!"

"Seems like my guard dog is dead. Well, as long as he keeps that Assassin out of my hair, he did his job. You folks are good ones, taking Miyu here to me. I might just do something nice for you for doing that," Minerva replied as she pressed the gun against Hiyoko's head.

"Let her go, Doll," Caren ordered as she held her black keys.

"Okiedokie," Minerva said before kicking Hiyoko into the ground with her gun still trained on her, "Done. Now it's your turn... Hand over the Grail now."

"Do you truly expect us to do that?" Luvia snarled.


Hiyoko was shot right on her back, knocking her down and leaving her to bleed on the floor. Caren's eyes sharpened as Luvia's expression was that of shock. Miyu broke off from Caren's hold and ran to her mother.

"MOM!" Miyu cried out as she went to her Mother's side and looked down at Hiyoko's wound.

Hiyoko winced in pain as she looked up at her daughter. Luvia moved but Caren held her back.

"Why?!" Luvia snapped but Caren said nothing but simply glared at Minerva.

Minerva on the other hand smiled brightly, "Next shot is right through her skull. And no, I don't expect you to hand the Grail. She'll just come with me..."

"Wha-?" Miyu gasped before Minerva cut her off.

"Like my Brother, I'm quite good with Curses. I placed an extra special one on your mom and if you don't come with me, I won't tell these idiots how to cancel it," Minerva said as she kept her gun trained on Hiyoko.

"Miyu!" Luvia barked.

"So, what's it gonna be?" Minerva sneered as she rested her finger on the trigger.

Miyu grit her teeth and turned her golden eyes at Minerva, "I hate you... I'll never forgive you!"

"Wrong answer," Minerva sighed as she aimed at Luvia and fired. The bullet penetrated the Edelfelt's shoulder and sending her staggering.

"Luvia!" Miyu cried out as Minerva move to aim at Caren.

Minerva however found a black key was lodged on through her forearm with the Exorcist rushing her down. She sneered and moved to tear it off and raise her gun at the Nun when-


Black Mud burst from the ground and took hold of Miyu. Minerva's eyes widened but Caren was already on her. She used her handgun to block a black key aimed at her neck.

"Son of a bitch," Minerva hissed.

"Luvia!" Caren snapped as the Edelfelt moved to reach for Miyu, however a girl emerged from the mud and drew a single rune. Luvia recognized Ayumi's appearance but the girl before her was obviously not.

Luvia was thrown back by an invisible force and smashed into a wrecked house. Manaka grabbed hold of Miyu and giggled as she took Hiyoko as well before the three of them were dragged through the mud. Minerva broke Caren's guard and went past her, reaching for the mud and was pulled inside it as well.

Caren was left alone with the aftermath of the fight, the mud nowhere to be seen.


You opened your eyes to see the warehouse door slide open, revealing a familiar figure. You were greeted by the sight of a bloody Assassin exhausted beyond measure as she set her eyes upon you. The moment you both exchanged looks a weight of relief was taken off her shoulders. She was holding in her hand a new sword, one you were unfamiliar with.

She was wounded yet not enough that she would start dying. In fact, she seemed to regain her energy upon seeing you again.

"Hans," she breathed before stopping to see how you were chained up.

"Chiyome. That was fast," you noted as you saw her smile back at you. She let go of the sword and grabbed the chains wrapped around you before shattering them. Once they were off, she quickly pulled you in for a deep hug.

She was trembling...

"I was... Afraid," Chiyome murmured as she buried her face on your chest, "I was afraid that I would have lost you. That I'd never see you again. I thought... I thought I failed you. That I was careless. I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

The Closing Act
[] Hug her tighter but not too tight to make her wounds hurt. Just...Just give her comfort. She went through a lot already.
[] Say nothing. You couldn't really say anything now that she was crying. You didn't know what to do except...Be here for her.
[] Write in...
An Eye for an Eye
[] Hug her tighter but not too tight to make her wounds hurt. Just...Just give her comfort. She went through a lot already.

You closed your eyes and held her close, wrapping your arm around her waist as you hugged her back. Chiyome tensed in surprise before letting herself lean on you while you managed a small smile of relief. What a silly thought she was having, you were the one who got careless. You should have known better to leave yourself open to Minerva's moves.

Now Chiyome suffered because of your mistakes, that wasn't something you could allow.

"I'm still here. We're still alive. That's all that matters," you told her as you stroked the back of her head.

"Saber's dead... We won but I know it's not over yet," Chiyome said as she held on to your clothes, "It's too much for you. Hans, your body's..."

"So you can feel it, huh? Yeah. I'm... Almost spent as well," you said as you placed your hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her away. You managed an awkward smile, "Seems like the years are catching up to me."

You looked down at her to see her eyes turned yellowish with her pupils becoming slits similar to a Serpent's. Her birthmarks bearing the appearance of scales had turned true scales, colored as black as charcoal.

Within her lips were fangs, sharp enough to intimidate a lesser man. But nonetheless, you held her face as she looked at you, gently running your thumb over her tears.

"I... Look bad don't I?" Chiyome said as she lowered her gaze.

You smiled and pressed your forehead against hers, "No. You're beautiful... Just as beautiful as the day I first summoned you."

"Very funny..." Chiyome said as she stepped away wiping her eyes, "We still have much to do."

"I know. Just let me dispel this hex Minerva put on my tongue," you growled as you tried fixing yourself first.

Chiyome picked up her sword and watched it respond to her touch. She opted to hold it instead of dismissing it so she decided to report what she knew first, "I split up with the others earlier before I fought Saber. They were in trouble..."

"Minerva?" You asked with a frown.

"Yes," Chiyome replied with a nod, "Minerva was after Hiyoko, probably to start a hostage situation. I haven't been in contact since then."

"How'd you find me anyway?" You asked as you managed to unlock the curse mechanics and overwrite the hex.

"Manaka. She pointed me your way and made me choose between them and you. I chose you," Assassin replied as she rubbed her arm.

You then got up and walked towards her. You inspected the wound on her shoulder. You wrote runes to aid in healing it as you spoke, "Thanks. But this leaves us with finding the others on top of our list. Knowing Manaka, she's not doing this for free. With Saber dead, she's the last person we need to deal with."

You then noticed Assassin's side light up and she took out. It was a blue gemstone, one of the means of communication Luvia had with her. A voice came from within and immediately rang all around you two.

"Assassin if you're still alive, meet us at the church. Miyu has been taken and Luvia is injured. Come as quickly as you can and tell Hans that we need him too."

"Caren..." You frowned as you eyed the gemstone.

"We should hurry," Assassin said as she held out her hand towards you upon pocketing the stone, "Let's go, Hans. We have a war to finish."

You took her hand and smiled, "Yeah. Let's go."


Half an hour later, it was almost 1am in the morning. You arrived by cab at the church before you sent the driver away. You and Chiyome stood before it before you walked past the entrance and through the bounded field which surrounded it.

The doors opened with Artoria there to greet you, her eyes widening at the state you and Assassin were in.

"Hans," she blinked.

"Artoria... What about the others?" You asked as you wore a grim look.

"We're here. Fancy of you two to join us," Caren said as she sat by the Altar where she had set down Ophelia.

Sakura was standing beside Luvia with her shoulder wrapped in a bandage. The Edelfelt raised her head and glanced your way while Sakura sighed in relief upon seeing you.

Luvia sat on one of the pews and straightened herself, "You two look like you've been through hell."

"Can't confirm that. You look like you got it worse," you told her with a smirk. You then turned to Sakura to see her lightly wounded, "You two okay? Anything I can help with?"

"We're fine. It's just that I'm worried Miyu," Sakura said as she shook her head.

Luvia sighed and said, "We all are. Especially now that she's in the hands of whatever is possessing Ayumi. Still, we believe that you're the only one who can stop her, Hans."

"Is it because I'm the only one with a Servant left?" You asked.

"It's because you know her. You... Spent the most time with that Outsider. Knowing you, was this a part of your plan too?" Ophelia said as she laid on the altar with a pained expression.

"Not a plan but I did take it into account," you replied as you walked over to her, "It's nothing concrete though. Manaka is connected to the Root, granting her powers beyond our own. Fortunately she's not from this world which means her powers are muted. We have every condition and advantage to win but it's going to be an uphill fight."

Not to mention that this was all a game to her.

"Then you'll need all the help you can get. Isn't that right, King of Knights?" Caren said as she crossed her arms.

Artoria had a determined look on her face as she spoke, "She's right. Consider my strength yours. Knowing the enemy has the capabilities to put the city in jeopardy, I can't stand idle while she's loose."

"Do we know where she is though? She could be anywhere and we don't exactly have the time to look," Luvia said as she held her shoulder.

You had an idea...

"I know... If my guess is correct, she knows that Saber is dead, leaving me an Assassin. She'll be in a place easy to find," you explained in a heavy tone.

"Good. Then there's one thing left to do," Ophelia said as she grunted, rising up from the table she was lying on.

You turned to her as she took off the bloody eyepatch that hid her eye.

"I fought her once. You'll need my power. I can't exactly be there but I can lend you my eye," Ophelia said as she glared at you, "This goes beyond the Holy Grail War, Hans. If we do nothing, that girl will bring untold destruction. It's not about winning anymore, humanity itself may be at stake here... And I am still part of Kirschtaria's Chaldea. Humanity takes precedence above all else."

"Do you realize what you're doing? There's several complications to lending me that thing-" you tried telling her.

"Don't try to be the voice of reason now!" Ophelia snapped as she looked at you, "You're the only man crazy enough to do it. So stop complaining so I can collect this favor later."

Caren stepped forward with her arms crossed, "I'll be performing the surgery."

"That doesn't really inspire confidence," you pointed out.

"I'm quite qualified," Caren answered with a raised eyebrow, "What about you? Are you sure about this?"

An Eye for an Eye
[] Accept Ophelia's offer.
[] Deny Ophelia's offer.
Blackened Sugar
[] Accept Ophelia's offer.

You hesitated as you stepped forward, only for Assassin to hold your hand. You stopped before glancing her way as she gave you a serious expression. You slowly let go of her hand before placing your own on her shoulder. Assassin conceded and stepped back but not before speaking up.

"You better know what you're doing," Chiyome said as she met your gaze.

"Don't worry, it'll work out. No matter what it takes, I'll win. Let's do this, Ophelia. You better not chicken out," you told her with a grim look.

Ophelia smiled right back as she slowly got up the table, "Overseer. Ready the backroom."

"Are you two sure about this?" Luvia asked as she held her shoulder with a pained expression, "There's several factors you need to consider upon transplanting a Mystic Eye. If it Rejects Hans due to incompatibility, there's no telling what the consequences would be. Not only that but your Eye is supposed to be Jewel Ranked, you're just going to hand it over?"

"He'll need all the help he could get," Ophelia said as she held her head.

You glanced at them and said, "Well, guess that's one thing that's true. Assassin, Luvia, Sakura, I'll be seeing you three later."

"Very funny, Hans," Luvia sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

You smiled and waved your hand as you and Ophelia were brought to the back by Caren. This was going to be an experience, wasn't it?


And so the surgery began. Assassin was left standing inside the Church while waiting for her Master. She didn't know what the surgery entailed but she was familiar with how powerful Ophelia's Mystic Eye was. Was she really just handing it over to him to combat Manaka? Chiyome couldn't help but feel worry and hesitation.

Maybe she should have stopped him.

"Assassin, you should relax. It won't be good for your wounds," Artoria advised as she crossed her arms.

Assassin blinked and moved to sit down on the side. Artoria then glanced at Luvia and deigned to ask, "Tell me, Luvia. What's the worst case scenario?"

"Death among other things. The ritual/surgery the Overseer is performing doesn't necessarily mean she's pulling the eye out and giving it to Hans. It's more of a Buddhist Foundation than anything. She's going to try and move the boundary and allow the transfer to occur, namely preventing Hans' body from rejecting the eye outright," Luvia explained as she grimaced. She shook her head and said, "Even thought it's a temporary measure, using it as a weapon in this stage of the War is just... You saw what happened to Ophelia and she owned that Eye. What do you think someone like Hans borrowing it would do to him?"

"But he's going this far just to end the war," Sakura said with a quiet tone.

"He's trying to win, that's what he's doing... He's not a typical Magus but he's not normal either. He's insane if he still seeks victory at this stage," Luvia growled as she glared at the door Hans and the others went through.

"You're wrong," Chiyome murmured, causing Luvia and Sakura to turn her way.

Artoria faced her and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Winning or losing, none of those matter. Not to him at least. All that's left now is getting Miyu back and he's willing to drop everything for the present. It's true, he's obsessed with his past sins but he doesn't let them shackle him from what's happening before him. The only thing we know now is that Miyu needs our help," Assassin said as she kept her gaze forward, "Winning can come later, when the dust settles and the embers fade."

"Can't you convince him to stop? His body..." Sakura murmured as she watched Assassin.

Chiyome shook her head as she replied, "No. All I could do is guide him... And help him make the right choice. That's... What I decided to do for him."


It was 2am and the doors opened.

You staggered out of the backroom with Caren supporting your weight. You were breathing hard as you got used to walking with one eye open. Assassin stood up from her seat to see you before she ran forward and helped you in Caren's place. For her part, Caren looked visibly exhausted as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

You were unconscious during the surgery and you didn't know what sort of trouble she went through but it must have been something. You on the other hand felt like you gained weight on the left side of your head. It was being covered by a black cloth which acted to keep the Mystic Eye from Activating.

It wasn't something you can turn and off at a leisure. Nonetheless, it should work if you open it. You were a little tired but you should be able to move. You held on to Assassin's shoulder as you smiled at her.

"Guess we match now, huh?" you managed with a small chuckle.

"That's not funny," Chiyome hissed as she let you sit down.

Luvia turned to Caren and asked, "So you managed it? Only people with the Absorption Trait should be able to acclimate to such surgeries."

"Wait, then couldn't I have-" Sakura began before Artoria glared at her.

"Don't even think about it. Even then, it's too late already," Artoria said as she crossed her arms. She then glanced at you and asked, "How do you feel? Where's Miss Phamrsolone?"

"I feel like shit," you grunted as you held your head. It was still throbbing... You shook your head and said, "Ophelia is sleeping, it should help her pass through the pain. I have to return this by the end of the night or I'll have my ass up shit creek with some scary people."

"You should rest and take a moment. You don't look too good," Sakura noted as she held your shoulder.

"He can't. He has to go," Caren interrupted as she grimaced, "The longer that thing stays in his socket, the quicker it will erode. Past that point, it's a dice roll."

"But that's-!" Luvia sought to argue but you held up your hand.

"It's fine. Let's just get this over with," you said as you got up your seat and faced the Church's doors, "If we fail, I'll leave things to you to handle the Clocktower. I'm sure they'll think of something that'll deal with this mess."

"You... Damn it. Artoria, could you make sure he doesn't die?" Luvia grit her teeth in frustration.

"I will..." Artoria said as Assassin walked by your side.

"We'll bring Miyu back," Chiyome assured Sakura and Luvia while staying close to you. You also gave them a reassuring look as you walked towards the door.

This wasn't the first time you drawing the curtains to a Holy Grail War.


You... Commandeered a car to take you to your destination. You were seated in the backseat alongside Chiyome while Artoria drove the car for you. You knew where to go this time, you knew where Miyu was waiting for you.

It shouldn't take you long now.

You still had two Command Seals left, it was all you had left to face your final foe. You endured the pain on your left eye, biting back your urge to wince as you watched the city go by outside.

Snow fell from the sky as everyone was spending their Christmas Eve in relative peace. You were breathing shallowly as you held Chiyome's hand. You took comfort in her warmth as she squeezed your hand.

You were used to this feeling, the final battle in each war.

Will you be as lucky as the last 7 Wars you have fought?

You were slowly falling asleep. You eventually weren't able to handle your own exhaustion and dozed off, leaning against Assassin. She didn't mind and let you rest as you slumbered.


"I knew a man like him," Artoria began to speak as she kept her eyes in the road.

Assassin glanced her way and blinked, "You did?"

"Obsessed men are troublesome to rein in. They're so fixated on what they want that they lose sight of those around them. But for this one by your side, he loses sight of himself while protecting what's around him," Artoria sighed as she gripped the car's wheel, "What a selfish man, you have bad taste."

"Did you grow find of the man you knew as well?" Chiyome asked.

Artoria paused for a moment before smiling, "I am. I still do."

"Then your taste is as bad as my own," Chiyome giggled.

Artoria glanced at the rearview mirror and asked a question, "Tell me, Assassin, what do you think about Fate?"

"It... Can give us the sweetest things but also let us taste bitterness after. Too much of one thing isn't good. I think it's the best of both things," Chiyome replied as she leaned against Hans, "Like Blackened Sugar."

"Sweetness and bitterness. I see. Then if you had a chance what would you wish for the Holy Grail?" Artoria asked as she looked ahead.

Chiyome looked out the window and said...

Blackened Sugar
[] Write in...
Visions and Delusions
[] To stay with Hans.

Assassin only had one desire now. A small smile curled upon her lips as she spoke her hypothetical wish.

"I'd like to stay with Hans if I could," Chiyome replied as she held her hands together, "I don't know what he'll do without me. When I was first summoned, I never had such a wish, save for freedom from my curse. But Hans risked his Life and Soul to make me embrace my curse, that I was stronger than it was."

The car went further out into the outskirts of the city. Trees raced by outside the window as the car went farther and farther.

Assassin continued to speak as she clenched her hands into fists, "For generations my clan has been haunted by this curse, only now in my existence as a Heroic Spirit did I truly overcome it. I would have never done it on my own. He has his own demons but he still helped me. I thought serving him would make it up to him but... I realized that I just wanted to be by his side. That's enough for me."

Artoria blinked and saw the expression in Assassin's face, causing her to reflect as well. The King of Knights thought back to her second chance at life and felt the same towards the people that accepted her. Looking past her Legend, they treated her as a person, a human being rather than a King.

The trip through this war may be worth it, if she could bear witness to the bond of this Shinobi and Magus.

If Rin hadn't done what she did, Artoria may have returned to where she belonged without experiencing this.

"Sweetness and bitterness," she whispered as she kept driving forward.


"Hans. Hans wake up. It's time."

You opened your eyes to see Chiyome smiling down at you. The car seemed to have stopped as you slowly got up, the ache on your eye was not as bad as before. You recognized the outside of the car and it seemed that Artoria had already departed from the vehicle.

Chiyome sat by your side as you tried to get your bearings before speaking, "Are we here?"

"Yes. It's almost morning," Assassin said as she nodded.

"I see. I fell asleep. I didn't dream anything though," you replied as you held your head, "Sorry about that, I should have spoken to you more."

"I think regaining your strength is what's more important," Chiyome said as she cracked a small smile, "We have a big battle ahead of us."

"Yeah. This is the last fight. Let's make the most of it," you told her as you met her gaze.

Chiyome stared up at you before drawing close and giving you a deep kiss. You didn't resist and returned it by bringing her close, letting her warmth spread through your body before you parted from her, pressing your forehead against hers.

"You ready?" She asked with a confident smile.

"We have a War to finish," you replied as you both stepped out of the car.

Shutting the door, you looked up at the amusement park which served as the first battlefield for this War. At least, it was the first battlefield you held against the other Masters in this war. It was the one you and Manaka held down and where you made your promise with Miyu as well.

It all just had to return here, huh?

You walked forward alongside Assassin to the entrance. Artoria guarded the rear as you noticed the bounded field which covered the entire amusement park. Manaka must have restarted the dormant spells you left in the vicinity to work for her instead.

As soon as you stepped in, it should notify her of your presence. However as soon as you passed through the barrier, you immediately saw a girl standing at the center of the Main Street. Manaka had her back towards you as she looked up the broken down castle in the distance.

She perked up and turned your way.

"So you came," Manaka said as she met your gaze, "You've done something unexpected again, haven't you?"

"Call it a precautionary measure," you replied as you stepped forward, "You know why I'm here. Give Miyu back."

Manaka smiled as she spread her arms, "Sure. If you can get to her. But every story's end had to have a final confrontation, doesn't it? The protagonist will face their final foe in an epic battle."

"If you're going to pen a story, don't write it in the blood of others," you told her, "I'm done with you, Manaka."

"Well, I'm not done with you, Hans," Manaka replied as she held up her hand as the ground behind her bubbled and a man emerged.

He had long black hair and grayish robes as he stood up.

"There's still so much more you can do. So many more plans to make," Manaka said as she spread her hands, "I want to play some more. This feeling I have, only you could give it to me. A real 'challenge' so to speak."

"You really are just a child," you told her with a narrowed look as you stepped forward.

Manaka's eyes widened as she watched you approach her.

"Do you truly think that just because you've seen everything from the Root, that makes you something special? Do you truly think that just because you wield power you never even earned makes you special? Are you so delusional that you could play god when this world itself rejects them?" You asked as you glared at her, "You're just a kid who won't leave her bubble. You can see things yes, but you will never understand. That makes you inferior so cut this shit out and let Miyu go."

"Is that so?" Manaka breathed as she looked up at you, her eyes glowing but you took off the black cloth concealing your Mystic Eye.

Trails of blood marked the side of your face but the Mystic Eye shined bright. Manaka's spell never came to be as her expression turned to that of surprise.

"You... What have done to yourself?" Manaka asked on genuine surprise.

You felt like your head was just shot by a handgun but you endured, you stared her down with your Mystic Eye and culled the magecraft she was about to perform.

The Blackened by her side reacted but Assassin was faster, cutting apart the sphere of energy he let loose while he pulled Manaka away. Assassin moved to pursue but arrows descended from above to keep her at bay.

A Blackened Archer was perched on the rooftops of the shops but Artoria had jumped to get in his level.

Manaka was staring at you in shock before her expression turned to amusement, "Hans... You really are insane."

You shut your eye and breathed heavily as you fell down to your knees. That was one use. You could hazard a guess that you can keep it up ten more times. Beyond that, it would be too dangerous. Your body was rejecting it vehemently, you're not sure if you could keep moving beyond your limit.

"I'm coming for you. Just you wait," you declared as you and Assassin faced her, "I'll get Miyu back."

Manaka smiled as she gently pushed aside the Blackened holding her, "Fine. Come and get me then, Hans!"

Manaka vanished in a burst of light leaving behind the Blackened Caster before you. Above you, you could hear the sound of blades swinging as Artoria began her advance on the Blackened Archer, kicking off the roof to charge forward.

Fire erupted from the feet of the Blackened Caster, forcing Assassin to pull you back as she dashed forward. She got the Blackened to aim at her instead, getting her to jump as she drew her glowing blue sword.

She slashed down and forced the Blackened to dash back.

Glowing gemstones appeared on the sides of the buildings, sparkling all at once before shooting down at Chiyome. She reacted by cutting through the air and shattering each gem the moment they fired.

Assassin stood tall as she held her sword in hand.

"Where'd you get that one?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Saber gave it to me," Chiyome replied as she glanced at you, "Nice isn't it?"

You couldn't agree more.

Visions and Delusions

[] Fight alongside Chiyome and take down the Blackened.
[] Go on ahead and chase after Manaka while Assassin and Artoria kept the Blackened busy.

Light of the Grail
[] Fight alongside Chiyome and take down the Blackened.

"Right... Assassin, prepare for combat. We're taking that guy down," you told her as you got ready to fight.

"Hans, don't push yourself," Chiyome warned you as she got ready.

The Blackened responded by summoning multi-colored gemstones which all shattered into a cacophony of elemental blasts. Wind howled and shredded the streets as flames burst forth, swallowing everything in its path only for water to flood the ground and surge forward while lightning pierced the air. Stepping forward, you grabbed Assassin as you held up your hand towards the approaching blast of elements.

"AEGIS!" you roared as you manifested the golden shield of light you had and took the brunt of the blow. It was like holding back the might of a dam by yourself but you lasted long enough for Assassin to grab you and hide in the alleys.

You recognized a pulse to detect your through elemental sight before you responded by calling forth black crows to shoot out of the alley. Assassin moved out alongside them. The Blackened launched streams of flames to burn away the crows along with Assassin but she jumped over his projectiles and drew her sword.

The Blackened then reacted by letting wind swirl around him and cut the air. Assassin's eyes shined as she cut and cleaved through them, landing close to him as he held up his hand. The ground split and she evaded the numerous spikes which shot upwards to pierce her. Moving side to side, Assassin evaded and got closer as the air grew tense.

Lightning fell down where she stood, only for Assassin to shoot out of the smoke and come for him.

The Blackened's golden eyes flashed and a swirl of wind gathered before him, taking the form of a person before throwing a punch of pressurized wind. Assassin didn't stop and simply forged on as you stepped out of the Alleyway, opening your Mystic Eye as you held out your hand.

"I do not observe thy Brilliance," you declared and you felt like the eye was going to be gouged out of its socket.

However it managed to cancel out the appearance of the elemental, shocking even the Blackened as he drew his sword. He clashed with Assassin and was pushed back before forced to parry another of her swings. He then called upon the numerous gemstones he had hidden within the shops as they all shot towards Assassin at once.

Chiyome broke off from him and turned to flip in the air, evading the strike as the Blackened held up a gemstone and fired it at her. She was able to detonate it by throwing a Kunai. The gem burst into ice and created a wall between Assassin and the Blackened as he stepped off the ground and began floating in the air.

You reinforced your legs as you tried catching up before the Blackened began gathering magical energy around his body. That's a Noble Phantasm waiting to fire off.

"Assassin! Stop him!" you barked as Chiyome took off to catch him. However the Blackened was already one step ahead and readied to release his true power.

Gemstones appeared behind him and zipped through the air as Assassin dodged and weaved through them as the Blackened activated his Noble Phantasm. You braced yourself and opened your Mystic Eye to halt him once more, the strain with each activation was palpable, you didn't know Ophelia managed to keep up with this thing.

The Noble Phantasm fired but its power must have been halved somehow as it smashed through the shops in a violent beam of destruction. Chiyome was nowhere to be seen from below as you felt the eye grow hot in your skull.

Your chest tightened as you grit your teeth.

Your circuits were screaming before you shut it off. The Blackened turned his gaze towards you as you were reeling from repeated activation of your Mystic Eye. Culling possibilities was no joke, you had to look through different possibilities and severing them before they could happen, redirecting possibilities to another course.

You can't stop a Noble Phantasm in full swing but you could lessen its effects. Had that thing hit Assassin head on at full power, things would have turned bad.

"Come on, that's it, eyes on me, buddy," you barked as you stood in the open for him to target you.

The Blackened reacted by swiping the air and launching blades of wind towards you. You responded by wielding Aegis once more, taking the brunt of the blow as you slid back. The Blackened landed down the ground and used his Gemstones to smash open your barrier, shattering it. You looked at the Blackened in the eye as he moved in to blow you apart with a gemstone but a shadow darted from the corner.

Assassin kept her Presence Concealment down the very last second and managed to jam her sword into the Blackened's side so hard she pinned him into the wall. The Blackened coughed out blood as Assassin drew her sword out, only for the enemy to detonated a gemstone of light and escape down the street.

"We have him in the corner," you sighed as you narrowed your gaze.

"Hans, try not to communicate without talking again. I can never tell," Assassin advised you as she lowered her sword.

"Don't worry, I trust you," you winked as she looked away and turned her gaze to her foe.

She had managed to hit him but she doubted he would fall that easily. However it was that moment that the Castle burst with ominous light. Your eyes widened once you recognized what it was. That light... You recognized it as the Holy Grail waiting to go off. It was the same light you saw one year ago when that Doll made her wish.

Was Manaka..?

"Shit, we're too late," you growled as you looked past the Blackened.

"You can still make it. I'll finish things here! Go! Stop Manaka!" Assassin yelled at you as she got ready to face the Blackened again.

Light of the Grail
[] Run. You can still make it. You have to keep Manaka from doing something unbelievably stupid.
[] Use a Command Seal and get Assassin to finish this fast, even if she uses a Noble Phantasm if she has to!
[] Stay here and finish the Blackened together. You're not going ahead without her. Finish the fight!
Eye Uses left: 7
A Duel of Magi
[] Run. You can still make it. You have to keep Manaka from doing something unbelievably stupid.

The light was gathering at the top of the castle. That girl... Manaka was really driving you up the wall this time. She wasn't about to give you any breaks or chances, was she? No, she's trying to raise the tension. That was what she was doing, she didn't want you to end idling too long here. She wanted her confrontation when she wanted it.

Always demanding, always sitting on her high horse, she's nothing but a spoiled brat with too much power in her body to know what to do with it. You needed to get to her and fast but... You hesitated. One look at Assassin you couldn't help but hesitate but she shook her head once and you knew that you had to go.

She'll catch up.

You took off, running towards the Blackened as Chiyome kept up with you. You etched a series of runes which reversed gravity for you, allowing you to leap higher than you normally would even with reinforced legs. The Blackened aimed for you but Assassin was close enough to launch an attack, forcing him to stand his ground and catch her sword.

You fired off shards of glass toward the Blackened's back and forced him to negate them with his own attack. Assassin inched closer and was able to shatter the inferior barrier he managed to set up haphazardly. You didn't look back and simply ran. You were charging straight for the castle all by yourself. Rushing through the amusement park, you were only fixated on getting to the castle as fast as you could.

The Light of the Grail continued to shine but showed no intention of going off. Was she waiting? She had to be. Manaka was a demanding, selfish and childish girl and you had experience with someone like that. She demanded your presence so you can't afford to waste her time. Not that you planned on wasting your own.

Your head was throbbing from the pain of using your Mystic Eye, the adrenaline following each use was fading away.

Ophelia did warn you not to rely on it and now you've gone ahead and used it a couple of times. It was limited but overuse will definitely lead to your death. You smiled.

Maybe this was why you fought these wars.

It was the only moment you truly felt alive, fighting past the memories and the grief, you looked ahead and charged straight for the castle. You reached the lowered gate and crossed the moat, stomping on the ground to see that it was filled with mud. Black mud, the same mud you saw the Beast was discharging.

Running inside the Castle, you saw that the interior was filled with a dreadful air of malevolence. It was powerful, strong enough to drain the lifeforce from a normal person. You ran through it, seeing the Evil Spirits that had been drawn to this place. Souls of the Malevolent and twisted stood in your path before rushing towards you.

You responded by holding out your hand and drawing runes, flushing the lobby with light which kept the advance of the spirits while you summoned your familiars to get them. Light crackled as your circuits burned on your skin, runes filling your body as you blew apart ghosts in our advance. Black mud began to bubble and arise into shadows.

They lunged down at you while you swept your hand before you and created a Bounded Field which surrounded you. Inscribing properties into a single spell, you watched the Shadows clawed at your barrier trying to break through. You gasped as the weight which surrounded your Bounded Field forced you down to your knees.

You couldn't see beyond their ghastly forms, your vision was being swallowed by the malice of these souls. You gasped as you held out your hand.

"Cliffs at the Shores of World's End..." You managed to spit out as you held up your palm, "I stand against Eternity. I am the Rock unmoved by Time's waves..!"

A spark crackled before your palm. Your circuits glowing bright as the wall of malicious souls sought to drain you dry. They hammered against the safe space you created, cracks appearing. You looked up and saw Manaka looking down at you as the shadows climbed over one another and pressed down on your barrier.

You grit your teeth and stood up, "Strike me and feel retribution. Strike me and be destroyed!"

Your voice began to echo as you mustered your strength and faced the wall of malice weighing down on you. You felt your circuits flare up as you let out a breath, "Manifest oh shield of Wisdom! Shelter me from my enemies! AEGIS SUPREMA!!!"

A brilliant golden shield burst on all sides of you, smashed right into the wall of shadows and bringing them down. You caught your breath as you grabbed hold of one of the floating shields and swinging it down. You crushed a Shadow before the others lunged at you. You turned and smacked them with your shield as you faced Manaka at the top of the stairs.

You dashed upwards as her shadows gathered around her and flew towards you. You braced yourself as you made a sharp evasion to the right before ducking another, bringing up your shield to smash into the next one. Aegis cracked before the next shadow shattered the shield in your forearm completely.

"NEXT!" you snapped as you called the second of your four shields.

It shined with the same intensity before you watched Manaka walk away while the rest of her shadows rained down on you. You smashed and deflected them aside as your shield became worn and showed cracks. You caught your breath and got to the top and watched a creature born from the mud rise up to meet you.

It swung down its arm and forced you to flip to the side, sliding beneath its second swing as it charged straight at you. You gathered the remaining three shields and created a layered defense which allowed you to take the brunt of the blow.

"Shit, shit, shit!" you gasped as you held it back.

Looking up, you pressed the shields against the mud creature before overloading each of them, having them explode. Each shield broke apart right in front of you, erupting into a blast of golden light which took the entire chunk of the mud creature with it. You were thrown back and sent tumbling as your arm went numb.

Your entire body ached and you nearly lost the strength to even roll to your side. You didn't give up and just dragged yourself back to your feet.

You were looking at the double doors leading to the Throne Room or rather the rundown attraction that led to it. You started walking and pressed your hand on the door before you, pushing it open to reveal a wide and open hall. You could see the light of the Grail just up ahead of you. Waiting for you in this hall was a lone girl.

She had her back turned to you as you came to a halt, breathing heavily. Manaka stared at you with a smirk on her lips as you tried recomposing yourself. You breathed in and let out a sigh as you met her gaze. You moved to approach her as she swept her hand through the air and had shadows emerge from the black corruption which spread from her feet.

However compared to the first time you met her, your thoughts were unclouded by the thought of winning or surviving. You simply had a job to do.

You swept your hand through the air as well and called upon the golden shields which accompanied you before.

The two of you stared at one another as the chamber slowly darkened. The light from the nearby lamps began to dim as you stood your ground. You weren't afraid, not of her. You knew her, you knew how she ticked and you had done every bit of preparation to get to this point.

"This duel, I've been waiting for it," Manaka declared as her Magical Power began to rise, her eyes glimmering with untold might, "After all I've put you through, it's time to pluck the fruit you've become."

"Time to end this game, Manaka," you told her as the lights died out and you were enveloped in pure darkness. Only the light that came from your Shields brought illumination in your view alongside the light of annihilation which surrounded Manaka.

"All by yourself? Aren't you a bit confident?" Manaka sneered.

"I don't hate you," you told her.

Manaka blinked as she was caught off guard by your words.

"What?" Manaka asked.

"Even after everything you've done, I don't hate you. I don't like you either," you replied as you felt the ground shift underneath your feet. You knew what it was but you ignored it, "Beast of Revelation and all, it's not all too impressive, really."

Manaka stared at you in silence as you realized that the transfer was a success, you were no longer in the grand chamber before.

"I've fought my fair share of wars. Ten Years of fighting and I've fought all manner of people. Magi with principles and dreams, with desires and cruelty, they're a colorful bunch. And I've felled every last one of them," you told her as you kept your eyes on her, "But you? You're different. You will be different. You may think this is some sort of grand duel between the two of us, that may be how it looks like to you... But to me?"

You took a step forward to which Manaka reacted by firing a javelin of darkness at you, only for one of your shields to automatically catch it.

"You're just another person in my way," you told her in a cold tone.

Manaka's expression turned sour as she held up her hand and you watched the creature behind her emerge. It was just as monstrous as the last time you saw it. You felt your knees buckling just from breathing the same air as it did and you met it thrice now. You held your chest as you watched the scarlet dragon covered in black mud extend the seven heads it had upon its grotesque form.

Spreading bat-like wings, it towered Manaka and loomed over you.

"You want a duel, Manaka? You'll have to learn to say please," you smirked as you placed a hand between your lips.

One of the Draconic Heads howled and lunged downwards and closed in on you. It scraped by your shield and shattered it in one go. You felt the brunt of the blow as if you had been struck by a sledgehammer. Your shield shattered and fragments of it flew through the air but you stomped on the ground and caught yourself.

"Do you intend to play around?" Manaka asked with a deadly serious voice.

"I'm just doing as you did. Annoying, isn't it?" you chuckled as you raised your remaining three shields, "Still, I won't be playing your game. I'm playing my own."

You took a step forward and another Dragon head descended on you and you caught it with your remaining Aegis, the Beast easily shattering it and blowing you back. You didn't fall and you simply kept yourself standing, letting magical energy flow through your body as you re-summoned your shields.

You walked again, retracing your steps and walking past the point you had been on.

"Aren't you going to attack? Isn't that why you got that Eye from that woman? To get a chance at winning?" Manaka asked you as she glared your way.

You simply smiled.

You took a step forward and another Dragon Head came crashing down on you. You defended against the blow but this time you didn't go flying. You stood your ground as your shields rained all around you.

"Aegis," you called once more and the shields returned.

Giving Manaka a firm look, you took another step forward. More Dragon Heads flew towards you but you endured and watched your shields shatter past you. Taking a deep breath, you summoned your shields once more and prepared yourself.


A Duel of Magi

[] Take another step forward. Keep walking towards her.
[] Use your Command Seal. Call Assassin.
[] Summon Faux Pandora... For one Final Curse.
[] Relinquish: 3 Year of your Life. Call upon a Cursed Shield which will protect you in exchange for blood.
Cutting Fate
[] Take another step forward. Keep walking towards her.

You took one more step forward.

The Draconic heads howled all at once, causing your shields to waver as they descended. However you took out a gemstone from your pocket and crushed it open, filling the shields with the necessary enhancement to remain aloft. You braced yourself as the impact of the Dragons passing forced you down your knees.

Keeping one eye open, you watched Manaka look down on you. You got up and took a step forward and manifested another shield. Turning to the side you watched as a Dragon came rushing down. You jumped and rolled forward and weaved to avoid a second dragon head from biting your remaining arm. You gasped and took the next forward as three Dragon Heads roared to unleash a flood of black mud towards you.

Drawing several runes, you reversed gravity before you and evaded by throwing yourself the air.

The Seven Heads of the Beast howled and rushed at you, knocking you out of the air and slamming you down into the ground. Blood flew out of your mouth as your entire body ached. Runes lit up on your flesh as you forced yourself on your feet.

"AEGIS!" you roared as you continued your approach.

"Why won't you fight?!" Manaka roared back at you as she set fire to the air and turned it to color of her eyes. Blasts of powerful energy flew past you as she missed your broken form.

You stood your ground as the ground was blasted behind you.

One of the Beast's Head descended to crush you but Manaka instinctively tugged her hand and forced it to graze your shield. You were thrown to the side but you slid to a halt and continued walking towards her. Manaka's fingertips crackled with energy as she held it towards you. She fired and you gathered your four shields to take the brunt of her blow.

She shattered three of your golden shields before she held up her hand to fire off a shadow.

You canceled the last Shield and weaved beneath it, taking three more steps towards her. Manaka grit her teeth as the Beast howled to descend upon you with the force of a coming surge of water. They slithered through the air and bared their maws. You stood alone before them but Manaka twitched her hand and forced them to miss again.

Magic Circles began to rotate behind Manaka as she began casting. You braced yourself and opened your Mystic Eye, culling the possibility of her spell going off. She glanced at it and clicked her tongue, a smile curling upon her lips as she spread her arms.

"That's it! Fight back! Fight back or you'll die!" Manaka cheered as you watched the air open up with more Magic Circles as the Beasts roared.

You simply kept your gaze on her and used the Eye once more, culling the magic circles from firing off. You watched as a Dragon head swept in with its maw opening to crush you. Bringing your shields forward, the Dragon crushed all four of them with ease. You managed to get through the impact site and keep moving.

Manaka held out her hand and the Beast reacted. Reinforcing your legs, you dashed forward. You dodged and weaved past the Beasts before holding one Aegis in your arm as you took blow after blow. You etched a Rune on your chest as one of Chiyome's snakes slithered beneath your clothes. Manaka smiled as she summoned two shifting crystals which exploded shards in your direction.

You saw them coming as you smacked and deflected each one while detonating the ground before you. This launched you to the air and evaded a Dragon head from smashing into you. You enhanced gravity with a rune and pulled yourself towards Manaka as she launched her Beast towards you. You used your shield as they grazed and went past you, your shield shattering as you dived towards her.

Manaka smiled as she held up her hand and fired off a crimson spear from behind her.

You braced yourself before you shut your eye and canceled your shields. Manaka's eyes widened as the spear flew straight for your heart as you smiled at her.



Hans was dead.

Manaka's eyes widened as she was left watching the only man she found interesting besides her Prince die before her eyes. Even as the crimson spear pierced his body he kept that smile on his lips. A smile of defiance in which he kept till the end, his eyes was looking at her, not with hatred or jealousy but one of understanding.

And Manaka...

She looked through the Root, finding possibilities that led to this moment all the same. Death, she found him crushed by a Dragon head. Death, she found him blown apart by her spells. Death, she found him a ruined stain from one of her earlier attacks. Manaka saw the man's death as inevitable and he had managed to distract her enough to keep her from seeing this.

Was this his plan? But she... Wanted more.

She wanted more out of him. She wanted...

The Beast howled behind her and lunged forward just as the body of the dead man in the air... Turned into a Serpent, a black Serpent.

From the smoke and debris emerged Hans as he ran towards her. He was close... So close.

Did he trick her again? Manaka watched as one of the Dragon Heads descended upon him from above but Hans was able to evade to the side. Manaka had her arm up again as she prepared to fire another spell.

"Fight back..." she whispered.

Hans kept his eye on her as he approached.

"Fight back!" Manaka screamed as she unleashed her Spell, only for Hans to cull it with his Mystic Eye. Her body tensed, he was too close for her to cast another projectile at him. Barriers, she had to make a barrier-

The Beast screamed and rushed the man to protect her.

"NO!" Manaka roared as she tugged her hand, driving her own Beast down but then Hans managed to reach her.


You managed to run up to Manaka through certain death as she summoned a crystal shard to fall from above. You wielded Aegis and took the brunt of the blow, only for her to weave writhing fire but you canceled that out with your eye once again. Only Three left... You could feel it... Your body was trying to reject the Mystic Eye.

You managed to take the last three steps as Manaka looked up at you.

You reached out towards her as metal spikes erupted on the ground to graze your side. You reached out and clenched your hand into a fist, you then brought it down and lightly knocked her on the head. Manaka gasped in pain as she instinctively held her head.

"Go home," you told her.

She looked at you with surprised eyes before you knelt before her, holding your side. Manaka continued to stare at you as she gave you a blank expression. You managed a smile before speaking once more.

"You're in the way, think you can step aside?" you asked calmly as you held your bleeding abdomen.

"Why... Would you deny me? You could have called Assassin, you could have burned your life in a blaze of glory, you could have endured and suffered to buy time for your betters to save you... Why? Why would you be so cruel as to give me this boring outcome?" Manaka questioned as she gave you an irritated look.

"The outcome may be boring but... What about the lead up?" you asked her in return, "Did I keep you at the edge of your seat?"

"You..!" Manaka grit her teeth but you simply stood up.

"I'm not a good Magus, but I guess I'm a good entertainer. Winning Wars and surviving isn't done by heroes. They're won by scumbag like me that dance to the tune of others right until it truly matters," you told her with a smirk, "You didn't kill me. You let me dance... And I kept you entertained right until the very end while you hoped to see if I would do something interesting."

You then placed a hand on her shoulder as she lowered her head.

"You're... a Horrible Man, Hans," Manaka declared as she moved your hand away from her.

"Like I said... Go home. Show's over," you told her as you sighed.

Manaka closed her eyes before lifting her hand, only for a warm gust of wind to blow past you. Your fatigue and exhaustion ebbed away while your wounds and pain were healed as well.

"My final gifts. I learned a lot in my trip here," Manaka said as she glanced at you, "With this, I should be able to take my Prince's hand. When I rule my old world, I'll come again to meet you when I'm Queen. Maybe you can be the Merlin of our Camelot?"

"Are you going to be up to some evil shit again?" you asked with a frown.

"Maybe," Manaka mused.

"No thanks. It's not my kind of scene. I don't care what you do with your world as long as you keep your hands off mine. It's your funeral," you told her in a dry tone.

Manaka closed her eyes and sighed, "Right. Perhaps I could do things differently. Still, it was fun, Hans Derrinsmith. What kind of ending will your story have? Will it be a happy one or a tragedy?"

You turned and glared at her.

"Be careful, a red spear might ultimately kill you," Manaka warned as she held her hands behind her back.

Light began to escape her body as she smiled your way. Her body began to glow before her blue eyes turned brown, widening as she fell forward and forcing you to catch her. The girl fell into your waiting arm before you looked to see her Soul be pulled out of your world... However.

"A red spear, huh? Guess that means I've got a chance," you said as you looked up at the rampaging Beast howling before you, enraged and out of control. You set down the girl's body and held up your hand, "I'm not dying here... WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG?! COME ON, ASSASSIN!"

The darkness cracked and the Bounded Field you were trapped in shattered. From above a hole was punched through the sky, light came within, the light of the moon cast its rays down on you as Assassin made her descent. Wielding her blue sword in hand, she dived downwards and unleashed the a gargantuan serpent to come down with her.

It sunk its fangs on one of the Beast's heads as she managed to cut one with her blue sword and land directly before you. The Beast ripped apart her familiar as Assassin stood before you.

"Hans!" Assassin cried out, "What about Manaka?!"

"We've come to an understanding. Now that? That's here present," you told her as you both faced the Beast as it turned its gaze towards you.

"Lovely," Assassin as she faced it.

"And Artoria?" you asked as right on timing golden light cleaved through the darkness, expelling it and allowing a woman in blue armor to advance and appear behind you. She wielded with her the Strongest Holy Sword in the world as she locked gaze with the Beast. Upon seeing her, the Beast was quick to shudder.

"Forgive me if I'm late," The King of Knights apologized as she faced the Beast.

"I've seen your Noble Phantasm... Think you can handle that?" you asked her as she got ready.

"Give me fifteen seconds," Artoria readied her sword as she held it before her, golden light appearing within the dark bounded field which surged with the Beast's mud.

You smiled as you turned to your partner, "Chiyome."

"Hans," Chiyome nodded as the two of you faced the Beast head on.

Your right hand shined with crimson light.

The Beast howled and lunged all at once.

Cutting Fate
[] Have Chiyome use Ame no Habakiri.
[] Have Chiyome use Omen of the Great God Ibuki.
Last edited:
The Dance for the Gods
[] Have Chiyome use Omen of the Great God Ibuki.

You held up your hand as you activated your Command Seal. The roaring Beast charged at you, holding nothing back as they howled all at once. They screamed and tore through their, extending their necks while the twisted crowns in their heads shined bright. They were like writhing worms coming forth from the dark abyss, their maws open to devour you.

The wind screamed as the crimson light from your hand pierced the darkness.

It empowered Chiyome as she took her place before you. She met the Beast's gaze head on before she prayed. A silent prayer as she poured her everything for this final call. Her eyes opened as she called upon her Noble Phantasm's name. You placed a hand on her shoulder and the two of you gave it your all.

" Kuchiyose-Ibuki Daimyonjin no Engi!(Channeling-Omen of the Great God Ibuki)" shouted and what came forth wasn't Black Serpents.

Bells rang within the darkness you stood in before Serpents appeared. Their gargantuan size dwarfed by the Beast but power radiated from their bodies. Their scales were the color of moonlight as they emerged from behind you and Chiyome. The slithering Serpents howled and moved to intercept their foe but the Beast did not waver.

The Beast with Seven heads and Twelve crowns clashed with the Eight Headed Dragon which bared its fangs fearlessly in the face of this foe. The two monsters clashed, the Serpents being shredded by the might of the Beast as their Curse seeped into the monster's body once more. Yamata no Orochi managed to stall the Beast for a few moments, allowing Chiyome to run.

"Go!" you ordered as she broke into a sprint. She ran to Orochi's back with her blue sword in hand, the two giants locked in combat.

Assassin ran as fast as she could, climbing the Great Serpent's back until she reached the top of one of it's heads. The head she was on raised itself, giving her a better altitude, but a Dragon Head clamped down on the Serpent's neck and crushed it. Assassin was forced to jump with Kusanagi in hand before fixing her eyes upon the Beast's head.

Blue light shined from the sword she held as she shot downwards, splitting the air and cleaving past the Dragon's maw.

Chiyome landed on the ground before she flipped and evaded the Beast's heads as Orochi found the throat of one of the Dragons. Assassin then held her blade tight and thrust it towards the Beast's eye and jam it deep, causing the Dragon to howl in pain, lifting her up and throwing her high into the air.

She spread her arms and legs to slow her fall before landing on top of Orochi's head, jumping to avoid a Dragon Head before kicking off the air and slashing at the Beast's neck. Shadows shot into the air and dived towards Chiyome's back while you held out your hand, summoning shields to cover her back and deflect the shadows.

Landing on the ground, she dashed along it before looking up to see the Beast diving down to smash her, forcing her to dodge and weave through the rain of Dragon heads until one swept through the ground and opened its maw. Assassin jumped at the last moment and took to the air, looking down and descending to drive her sword into the monster's head.

Tearing her blade out, she jumped off and had the head be pinned down by Orochi's fangs. The Beast howled and descended upon her as she stood her ground, deflecting and parrying each pass the monster made at her. Her body strained to take the brunt of the blow before she gasped and smashed aside one of the Beast's head straight into the ground.

She looked up to see four heads gather together and blast a flood of black mud straight down at Chiyome. With no clearance to evade, she was forced to take the brunt of the blow and be swallowed by the Black Mud.

"Chiyome!" you cried out in shock.

"I'm fine."

Her voice echoed in your head before you saw something glinting beneath the Mud. It was the blue light which came from her blade.

"Help me! Hans!"

You held out your Command Seal and gave her your final Command, "By the Order of my Final Command Seal... MOCHIZUKI CHIYOME, WIN THIS BATTLE!"


Chiyome smiled beneath the torrent of mud hammering down on her. If it's for him, she can take on the world. The sword in her hand began to emit a ethereal blue light which slowly crawled along her hands. The light which came from the sword shined brighter and brighter as she felt her body change.

Black scales appeared on patches of her flesh, her eyes became more serpentine and her fangs became sharpened. Blue streaks appeared upon her black hair as she felt horns grow on her head. Chiyome endured the painful transformation but she kept her hands on the sword, looking up at the Beast before her as it showered her with great evil.

She gripped her sword tight and let it burst with power as she brought it down, eightfold slashes erupting from her one stroke. The Beast was sent reeling as it turned its gaze towards her. However Assassin let out a breath and jumped, slashing upwards and shredding chunks of the mud and flesh away from the monsters.

She became a shining blue light which zipped from head to the other as the Beast roared to catchher. She split its jaw and cut down head after head as she landed on the ground. Her attacks were brutal but the Beast remained unfazed as it regenerated from her blows. Chiyome's appearance had become more monstrous but her eyes remained the same.

The expression on her face was that of determination.

Humanity filled her heart as she fought with the strength of one blessed by her God. The Heretic Beast lunged towards her as she parried and deflected each bite it sought to take out of her body.

"Are you watching, Hans?" She whispered as she looked up at the Beast ready to swallow her whole, "This... Is what a Hero looks like."

Assassin held up her sword and braced herself. Orochi howled and lunged at the Beast to stop it once more, keeping Chiyome safe. Kusanagi began to glow brighter and brighter as she swung it with grace and elegance. Ripples began to spread out of Chiyome's feet before she turned and slashed the air, the sound of bells chiming and the Beast howling filled the entire Bounded Field.

White Lotuses began to bloom around her while fireflies danced alongside her.

She turned and opened her serpentine eyes, " Blade Dance of Eightfold Prayers(Dance of the Ancient Gods)."

The Beast broke through Orochi's hold and lunged at Chiyome. She then cut upwards, knocking each and every head of the Beast upwards as water splashed to the Heavens. She brought her blade down as eight slashes crashed down upon the monstrous form of the Beast before Chiyome jumped and slashed once more to the side.

With each swing of her Dance, Chiyome was able to make the Heads follow, as if the Beast was charmed with each movement. She cut and swung Kusanagi and blew apart chunks of the Beast's flesh while in a trance. Yin and Yang appeared beneath her feet, equilibrium between man and the Divine, she danced and cut.

Sweat flew as she moved, her sword rising and falling as she had the Beast at her mercy.

With a tranquil expression she held the sword in her hand as the Beast roared. In the face of such utter Evil, she remained calm, her heart unclouded.



Your legs moved before you realized it. You ran forward, reaching out towards her. Artoria called for your name but her words fell deaf to your ears. You ran as fast as you could, hoping your legs would allow you to reach that girl.

You knew you told her to go but...

It just felt wrong not to end this with her.

You reached Chiyome's side as she raised her sword, your own hand grasping her own. Her eyes widened, looking at you through her horns. You squeezed her hand as she smiled in satisfaction. The Beast howled as it descended upon you two.

"One last..!"


Kusanagi fell. In a single slash, the mighty sword which could create eight valleys and rivers with a mere roar split through the darkness a brilliant blue light. The Beast's heads were awash by this vicious swing and sent it screaming in anger, the might of Chiyome's sword fueling the Beast's hatred as it looked down on you and Chiyome.

Your Servant was about to face it again before you held her shoulder, "Time's up."

Her eyes widened as Artoria's golden sword shined brighter than before. The Golden Light of the Strongest Holy Sword dwarfed the elegant cuts which Kusanagi was able to produce. The Beast realized too late and recognized the light at the last moment.

Assassin let go of her sword and grabbed you, lifting you up and jumping out of the way, leaving the battered Beast within Artoria's line of fire. The King of Knights opened her eyes as Excalibur unleashed a golden pulse, burning away the black mud as she took another step forward. She held her sword up and brought it down.

In one grand display of power, she brought down a pillar of light and unleashed all at once.


The Beast... Recognized this light. The Thunderous Roar of the Planet. It felt the Heat of the Golden Light, then the sensation of being burned away. The Beast mustered every power it had to fight back but was easily overwhelmed due to its numerous wounds. Its red eyes found you as you and Chiyome sought to escape.

The Beast gave you a hateful look before being burned away and a pillar of golden light pierced through the ceiling of the bounded field, the castle and straight through the Heavens.


Caren looked up the sky and sighed.

Sakura and Luvia were watching as well, relief filling their chests before they smiled.


A girl holding a long wrapped object behind her back stood at the edge of the city. Her eyes saw the pillar of light, her hand holding the silver tiara in her hand tightly.


The light vanished and so did the Beast, the Bounded Field shattering and bringing you and Chiyome back to the real world. The two of you had your eyes fixed on Artoria's back as she lowered her blade, letting it vanish her hand. She then turned to you and Assassin and smiled.

"It's over," Artoria declared as she met your gaze, "You have won this Holy Grail War, Hans Derrinsmith. You've fought long and hard, congratulations."

You blinked before lowering your head, "I didn't do anything special. That glory goes to you Heroic Spirits."

"Even now you take that tone as if you don't care. Nonetheless, facts are facts. Compared to the last year, this one was easily contained. You have yourself to thank for that," Artoria said as she knelt own and placed her hand over Ayumi, "I will be taking this girl back to Caren Hortensia. I'll see to it that she's safe."

"Don't you want to go get Miyu with us?" You asked.

"That honor goes to you two," Artoria said as she picked up Ayumi from the ground, "It's not the place of an Outsiderlike me to meddle. Mr. Derrinsmith, Miss Chiyome, good day."

Artoria walked past you and Assassin, leaving you both alone in the devastated chamber. With Artoria gone, you realized that you had been holding Chiyome's hand the entire time. Instead of letting go, you held on as the two of you turned to look forward.

"Miyu's waiting," you sighed before glancing at your Servant.

"I... Is it all right if I go like this?" Chiyome awkwardly said as she tapped her horns.

"I think it looks cute," you said with a chuckle.

Chiyome let go of your hand and lightly punched your side. You winced and laughed some more as she slowly reverted back to her normal appearance. Orochi's Curse and Kusanagi's Touch ebbed away from Chiyome, leaving her as she once were.

"Well... No, cute isn't the right word," you told her as you held her face, lightly caressing her cheek, "You look beautiful no matter what form you look."

"You're... a Horrible man," Chiyome said as she grasped your hand and hugged you, "Hans...Have... Have I served you well?"

The Dance for the Gods
[] Write in...
[] Much more than I could ever hope for.

You held her close as you sighed, "Much more... Than I could ever hope for..."

She's done so much for you in this war. More than any Servant you had met and fought alongside with. Chiyome had gone above and beyond what you expected of her and she did it out of her own volition. It was her choice, her decision to fight as hard as she did.

This caused you to never give up on her. To keep believing in her and hold her hand. Words cannot describe the Titanic effort she's out for you, even if you did fight together. You were there with her through thick and thin. You got to know her as more than just a Servant, but also as a woman with her own baggage to carry.

You connected with her.

"Frankly, I don't want to let go," you admitted with a low chuckle.

"All things end, Hans. Even us," Chiyome reminded you as she pressed her head against your chest, "I... We have to go."

"Yeah," you murmured as you stepped back and held her hand.

The two of you moved towards the final door and opened it. The Light of the Grail was there to greet you, the same vibrant light which you only saw at a distance one year ago. You were staring at it for real this time as you could feel the magical energy in the air.

You could almost taste it...

You looked up to see a girl waiting for you, dressed in a dark kimono sleeping soundly upon her false throne. You and Chiyome made your approach as the Grail drew upon the power that was siphoned from it and shined even brighter.

You held on to Chiyome as her body began to fade away.

Miyu's eyes slowly opened, her golden eyes resting upon you and Chiyome. Her eyes widened as she parted her lips in surprise.

"H..ans..." Miyu whispered before glancing to your side, "Assassin..."

You smiled as you spoke, "Kept you waiting, huh? Sorry... That we took this long."

"Manaka... Told me of the future..." Miyu whispered as she held to the side of her throne, "She told me... How much pain and suffering you'll end up in. That you'll get hurt... That you'll hurt others. That... If you keep walking that path... You'll end up dying. I don't want... You to die, Hans."

Assassin gripped your hand harder then as Miyu's tears began to fall. The girl on the throne held a hand to her eyes and wiped them.

"You can't... Win. Manaka saw it. You'll die," Miyu sobbed as her shoulder trembled.

"Manaka... Can be wrong too," you told her.

Miyu met your gaze as you walked up to her and ascended with your Servant. You eventually stopped before her seat and knelt down before her.

"I won't die so easily. All I need is your trust, Miyu," you breathed as you wiped away her tears, "Still, if you can't believe it, why don't we make a promise?"

Miyu blinked and stared at you.

"I've never broken one with you, haven't I?" You told her with a confident smile, "I promise that at the end of this fight of mine, I'll come back to you and introduce you to someone important to me. I'm sure... You two will be good friends."

Miyu parted her lips and sniffled as she wiped her tears, "I... O-Okay."

Chiyome managed a small smile behind you as she held your shoulder. You watched Miyu close her eyes and hold out her hands, you grabbed on to them and uttered your Wish.

"To the Holy Grail, I pray, relinquish your Miracle unto me. Let the tears, the pain and the sadness fade away. This War's curtains has come to a close, let the actors exit this stage... Of sadness and strife," you whispered as you closed your eyes, reciting the wish you've repeated for several Wars, "The War is over, let Heroic Spirits be laid to rest. Let the souls of Heroes and Villains know bliss as they return to the Throne. Oh Holy Grail, this is my Prayer..."

Miyu smiled as she relaxed, her hands slipping away from your own. Magical energy began to gather as you and Assassin watched the girl slowly float in the air. A high pitched whine filled the air as Miyu began her work.

"This is the end," Chiyome whispered as she glanced your way.

"Yeah. It is," you agreed.

"It's beautiful," Chiyome sighed as she looked up at the Grail shining.

"I've seen it happen a lot already. Every single time the sight never ceases to amaze me," you admitted as you faced her, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Chiyome wondered.

"For... Not taking you out on a single date... Or shown you what's so good about this era," you told her in an awkward tone.

Chiyome blinked before smiling, "So you did have plans."

"Things just happened. One after the other," you sighed as you scratched your head.

"You were always such a workaholic. But I guess that's one of your charm points. I pity the girls that fall for you," Chiyome giggled as the two of you stared at the Light of the Grail.

"Isn't that just you?" You asked.

"Yes... But it isn't so bad," Chiyome said as she held her hands behind her back, "I once read about this dessert on a magazine. A bitter sweet cake was the description it had."

"Cake, huh?" You murmured.

"I would like to try it... But in lieu of me, perhaps you could do it. Didn't you like sweet things?" Chiyome asked as she glanced your way.

"Yeah. But I don't like bitter things," you sighed as you shook your head, "I always put tons of sugar in my coffee."

Silence filled the air as the two of you savored each other's company. The two of you simply stood side by side, watching the lights fill the air.


"I have the same wish as Miyu, Hans."


"I want you to live..."


"I want you to be happy."


"It may be too much to ask but, I want you to be free from your past."


"Which is why, I'll answer your call again if you need to fight. I may not remember this moment but my soul will. I will... Love you even then."


You were staring at the Light as tears slid down your cheek. Your heart hurt... It was like you were getting stabbed with each beat.

"Chiyome... I..." You began as you faced her.

You began but she stopped you. Placing a finger upon your lips and pulling you close. She wrapped you in a hug and... You felt warm. Her body was breaking apart, fading into golden light. You could feel her crumbling as she breathed deeply, holding on to you.

[] "Thank you... For being here."
[] "You can rest now. It's over."
[] "I... Will see you next time. I promise."
[] Write in...
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Light and Darkness
[] "Thank you... For being here."

He was just a broken man. A man that chased atonement through multiple Hells. He had hurt, suffered and he knew pain above all else but it was the touch of warmth which allowed him to understand true pain. It almost made him laugh that for ten years he had fought on numerous battlefields, goodbyes remained the most painful things he had ever come across.

Farewells, severing bonds, and parting.

Hans held on to Chiyome tight and braced himself. Even if it was painful, even if it seemed unfair, he never regret opening up to this girl. Every second, every moment, he was happy. He was able to forget the gnawing guilt which ate him from the inside, he was able to think of others, of her and people he would have normally discarded.

Just as much as he had helped her, Hans knew that she had helped him as well. It felt... Good.

"Thank you..." Hans finally said as Chiyome's body began to fade, "For being here."

Chiyome's eyes widened as tears slid down her cheek. She smiled and hugged him in return.

"Live, okay? Don't dwell in the past. You're... You're much stronger than you think you are," Chiyome said as she held Hans' face, giving him a bright smile. It was a smile he would burn into his memory.

"I know. I'll keep going forward. Till we meet again," Hans replied with a nod.

"If I'm ever fortunate to see you again, I would stay by your side for good then. You can count on it," Chiyome replied as she wiped his tears, "Ah... I got so used to losing someone that I never knew what it'd be like if I were lost. It... Hurts just as much."

Hans' eyes widened as Assassin's body shattered into golden light. Her faint smile remained until the last possible moment, leaving his hand to grasp at nothing but air. The broken man was left falling to his knees, reaching to the golden motes of light which drifted to the air, becoming one with the Grail's light.

He held his hand up and saw the faint marks of his Command Seal before he clenched it into a fist.

"Yeah... It... Really hurts," Hans hissed as he closed his eyes. Breathing deeply, he slowly got to his feet and stared up at the Holy Grail's surging magical energy. The Crystallization should be finishing soon...

With this, the War was truly over.

Hans turned his back to the Grail and descended down the Throne's steps. Each foot fall hurt as his bum leg reminded him of his old injury. He forgot to reinforce it but he didn't care. He limped down the Throne, the image of Chiyome's smile lingering in his mind. He kept descending, the feeling of her warmth fading away, replaced by the cold.

He stepped away from the Light of the Grail to the Shadows of the Throne until he stopped at the last step.

"Thank you, for letting me say my goodbyes," Hans said as he looked down the Throne Room towards the open door, "Miyu's working hard right now, do you think we can reschedule this at another time?"

Minerva stepped out of the door carrying with her Hiyoko Sakatsuki. Minerva looked beaten up and bruised from the looks of it but Hiyoko was otherwise unharmed... No, he can smell blood on Hiyoko. She was wounded? Hans glanced at Minerva as she took a step forward and gave her reply.

"No. I'm afraid I can't do that, Brother," Minerva said as she met your gaze, "I've waited far too long for this... You manage to weasel your way out every time. I won't let you seize the Grail, that miracle of yours, it won't come true."

Minerva knelt down and set down Hiyoko's body.

"No more Servants, no more Command Seals, no more allies... Just you and me," Minerva said as she glared at Hans, rising up as she drew her handgun from its holster, "I will show no mercy."

"So that's it then. That's all you have to cling on. Can't say I dislike it... After all, I'm clinging on something important to me too," Hans growled as the Grail's Light shined behind him, "We're the same after all."

Minerva took aim and fired all while Hans erected a barrie-


Her bullet flew through his barrier and slammed into his stomach. It was like being struck with a sledgehammer, nearly knocking Hans off his feet. He looked down and saw a red stain soaking his clothes. The pain soon came as Hans was forced on his knees.

"Last shot!" Minerva cheered as she aimed for Hans' head and fired.


Minerva's gun no longer fired. She was out of ammo.

She sneered as she tossed it aside, "Well that's disappointing."

"Minerva..." Hans snarled as he slowly got up.

"Standing up, huh? Good, that makes things more interesting," Minerva said as she cracked her knuckles, "Get up... So I can smash your head while you're on your feet!"

Minerva dashed towards Hans with a burst of speed. Magical Energy flowed through her body as she reinforced her flesh to go above and beyond humanity. She kicked off the ground to smash her knee right on his skull but Hans raised his hand.

"Eihwaz," Hans breathed as Runes glowed on his hand and caught her blow.


"Ho?" Minerva raised her eyebrow while looking down on the broken man. Hans remained on his feet, absorbing the impact despite his gunshot wound before he opened his Mystic Eye.

Minerva tensed and felt all strength leave her body. Her reinforcement was gon-?!


A fist landed into her face, sending her sliding back.

Minerva blinked and fell down on one knee. That had been... A solid hit. Her eyes looked up as Hans remained standing before her, unfazed by his wound and exhaustion.

She grinned and moved, swinging her leg at his head while he leaned back to evade. Minerva reinforced her arms to harden them but Hans opened his Mystic Eye once more and cut off her power, allowing him to block it with his arm and deliver a backhand across her face. Bracing herself, she endured the blow before driving her own fist into his stomach, lifting him off his feet and throwing him backwards.

Hans smashed into the pillar near the Throne.

"You surprised me but... You're dying," Minerva said as she wiped the blood off her lips.

Hans coughed out blood but otherwise got to his feet, "I'm not dead yet. Don't write me off."

"This body was made to kill you," Minerva said as she spread her arms, "Do you think you have a chance?"

"Curse: Relinquish 3 years of my Life..." Hans growled as he stood up, a swirl of black energy gathering upon where his left arm should be. The black masses stuck together and formed what looked like a Blackened Arm made out of Curses. Clenching his fists, Hans was breathing heavily as he kept his eyes on Minerva.

"So you finally lost your mind..." Minerva giggled as her circuits blazed to life, marking her body as she smiled towards Hans, "Come then, Brother. Let's settle this!"

Hans grimaced as the Curse left arm he had began eating away at his flesh. He tried to maintain his consciousness as he got ready. He won't let her get past him.

"I won't let you touch Miyu," Hans answered in return.

Light and Darkness
[] Stand your ground and conserve your strength. She's stronger and faster, you need to understand her in order to fight back.
[] Knock her out of the Throne Room. Get her as far away from Miyu as possible. You're not taking your chances, you'll kill her now.
[] Don't waste any time. Summon Faux Pandora and end this in one go. You're not going to give her the chance to breathe.