The Closing Act
Rabbit Faced
[] Assassin will stay on her feet and calm her nerves. She needed a clear mind and focused thoughts. If she could last the next ten blows from Saber, she would be able to find a chance.
Assassin stood her ground and let out a breath, holding on to her sword as she purified her mind of fatigue. It wasn't the same for her body though but she endured it nonetheless. She just had to make it out and recover enough of her power to fight back. If she could get an opening, she'll be taking it. It was now or never, all of her skills and patience would be put to the final test.
Saber moved, vanishing from her sight until her senses quickly sharpened. Catching him on the last moment she parried his swing, knocking his blade aside before Kusanagi followed and she used her kunai to do it again. Spinning her kunai in her hand she held it in reverse before clashing and knocking aside the man's blades.
She fought and weaved through his blows as she kept a cool head, being inches away from his swings as he unleashed bolts of lightning that could a mere man. Assassin remained in close quarters as she tried blowing past Susanoo's guard with her weapons. Sparks flew in the air as she bent her back and flipped to evade his strike.
Saber then cleaved the air as she bent low and shot upwards her blade directed at his neck while he dashed back. Saber tossed aside Kusanagi and let it vanish as he sheathed Ame no Habakiri. He then smiled and drew his sword with lightning fast swings which created wind blades Assassins was forced to evade and strafe past.
Tapping her feet on the ground, she sharply changed directions and threw the kunai she had in hand towards him. Saber dodged it as it detonated behind him. The sound and light caught his attention but Assassin charged him head on, prompting him to slash with his sheathed sword, only for her to jump over the swing.
Assassin threw her kunai down but she missed hitting the floor and forcing Saber to dodge away.
He was surprised to notice it not exploding and it was in his shock that Assassin closed in. She was getting faster as she recovered more of her power. Wielding two kunai in her hand she tried getting in range but Ame no Habakiri kept her from getting any further. Her guard was blown open by the sudden swing before Susanoo held out his hand to re-summon Kusanagi.
"It's over, Shinobi!" Susanoo roared as he swung down Kusanagi with Chiyome within its range.
Blocking won't work and he was swinging faster than she ever hoped to evade...
Blood flew upwards as Chiyome's shoulder was cut open by Kusanagi, the blade shattering her collar bone and tearing flesh. Susanoo knew that sound, it was the sound of real flesh being sundered...So why did he feel pain? it was then he noticed that Chiyome had crushed his wrist with her kunai, lopping it off before Kusanagi could truly fall.
The entire time, Chiyome's eyes were clear.
Susanoo never expected that and couldn't help but feel sheer amusement. She risked being chopped on half to get at his hand. The insolence of a mortal woman had cost him his hand. His ruined hand let go of Kusanagi as it remained lodged into Chiyome's torso. Now that he had a split second to think, she allowed him to cut through her non-vitals... With her heart being a few inches away from being cut.
"What a remarkable woman..." Susanoo noted as Chiyome dashed back and fell down her knees.
Susanoo was smiling the entire time as he tore a piece of cloth from his sleeve and wrapped it around his stump. He watched as this mortal woman, the lowest wrung of Heroic Spirits, a Cursed Child bearing Orochi's power, grab Kusanagi lodged on her body and pull it out. She was bleeding and exhausted but she was not out of the fight.
Saber was at a loss for words.
She was beautiful.
Stained in blood she held Kusanagi in her hand as she kept her eyes on him. The sword was still his own but Susanoo did not recall it. He would not rob the woman of her efforts. He was impressed and he knew he had a story to tell his kin. Assassin held Kusanagi in her hand and it responded to her quite well.
Her black hair danced as her white clothes were stained red.
"I'm ready, Saber," Chiyome declared as she wore a grim look.
Saber held up his remaining sword in hand, "Good. With one blow then."
Assassin said nothing as she remained calm. She held the Kusanagi in hand and felt power course through her frame. Death was not an option... For she still had much to do. The winds howled and lightning rolled overhead before the two of the Servants narrowed their gaze and took the step forward.
Chiyome thought back to her first summoning. Hans was truly an odd man to draw this much power out of her with his thoughts alone. Chiyome felt happy as she stepped among the flowers stained red with her blood and faced a Demigod. She was not worthy to stand among the brilliant Heroic Spirits she had fought alongside and against.
She was a woman who killed in the dark, bound to live and die in the shadows.
But fighting this War, fighting her Demons and holding his hand, Assassin... No, Mochizuki Chiyome found a Legend which allowed her to accept her place among Heroes.
If she wasn't a Hero for the world, she would be his Hero alone.
Chiyome and Susanoo closed their distance between one another, Ame no Habakiri flashing with electricity as Kusanagi no Tsurugi howled with curses. With a flash Assassin faced the lighting bolt that was Susanoo head on and burnt her flesh from his electricity but she managed to plunge Kusanagi through his chest and stab him, smashing through his torso before he could pass her.
Susanoo choked out blood before finding his footing and shoving Assassin back.
Sliding a few feet, Assassin let out a breath as she dashed forward one last time to which Saber responded by clashing with her and Kusanagi. Assassin locked her cross-guard against Susanoo's and kicked the pommel of her sword upwards, leaving the man open. Susanoo sought to swing his left hand but found that it had been chopped off earlier.
Assassin was able to run Kusanagi across his stomach and cut through.
A heavy sigh left Assassin's lips as the Great Slayer of Orochi fell down to his knees.
"That's right... You're... Not Orochi," Susanoo breathed heavily before gritting his teeth and enduring, "You... Are human."
Assassin walked to his side as his body began to break apart. Golden lights began to break away from Susanoo's body as he was halfway from being taken to the Grail...
"Not yet!" Susanoo roared and he forced his Spirit Origin to remain intact. Golden light ceased to emerge from his body as he sat on his knees, back ramrod straight with a dignified look, "That Sword is yours, Shinobi. Now use it... Properly!"
Chiyome looked down upon not the God nor the Exile of Takamagahara but a Man ready to face his end. She raised Kusanagi in the air, its dark blue glow ominous as she held it before swinging it down. Chiyome cut and Susanoo's body finally broke apart.
"Good luck, Shinobi," Susanoo breathed as Chiyome watched him fade. The Reality Marble began to break down as well as she held Saber's sword. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.
It was almost over.
Miyu stopped and felt her chest grow hot. She stumbled on her feet and fell down the ground, only for Caren to catch her before she could fall.
"Miyu? Are you okay?" Luvia asked as she knelt by the girl's side.
"Saber is dead... Only... Only Assassin remains," Miyu reported as she raised her head, "But... But..."
"The Grail won't manifest. This is a problem," Caren murmured as she placed a hand on Miyu's shoulder, "How do you feel?"
"S-Sleepy," Miyu said as she held her chest. She then shook her head and said, "But I can't. My Mom..."
"Your Mom is right here, Miyu," a voice spoke in the distance, causing Luvia and Caren to look up to see Minerva holding Sakatsuki Hiyoko on gunpoint.
Luvia blinked before clenching her hands into fists, "Minerva!"
"Seems like my guard dog is dead. Well, as long as he keeps that Assassin out of my hair, he did his job. You folks are good ones, taking Miyu here to me. I might just do something nice for you for doing that," Minerva replied as she pressed the gun against Hiyoko's head.
"Let her go, Doll," Caren ordered as she held her black keys.
"Okiedokie," Minerva said before kicking Hiyoko into the ground with her gun still trained on her, "Done. Now it's your turn... Hand over the Grail now."
"Do you truly expect us to do that?" Luvia snarled.
Hiyoko was shot right on her back, knocking her down and leaving her to bleed on the floor. Caren's eyes sharpened as Luvia's expression was that of shock. Miyu broke off from Caren's hold and ran to her mother.
"MOM!" Miyu cried out as she went to her Mother's side and looked down at Hiyoko's wound.
Hiyoko winced in pain as she looked up at her daughter. Luvia moved but Caren held her back.
"Why?!" Luvia snapped but Caren said nothing but simply glared at Minerva.
Minerva on the other hand smiled brightly, "Next shot is right through her skull. And no, I don't expect you to hand the Grail. She'll just come with me..."
"Wha-?" Miyu gasped before Minerva cut her off.
"Like my Brother, I'm quite good with Curses. I placed an extra special one on your mom and if you don't come with me, I won't tell these idiots how to cancel it," Minerva said as she kept her gun trained on Hiyoko.
"Miyu!" Luvia barked.
"So, what's it gonna be?" Minerva sneered as she rested her finger on the trigger.
Miyu grit her teeth and turned her golden eyes at Minerva, "I hate you... I'll never forgive you!"
"Wrong answer," Minerva sighed as she aimed at Luvia and fired. The bullet penetrated the Edelfelt's shoulder and sending her staggering.
"Luvia!" Miyu cried out as Minerva move to aim at Caren.
Minerva however found a black key was lodged on through her forearm with the Exorcist rushing her down. She sneered and moved to tear it off and raise her gun at the Nun when-
Black Mud burst from the ground and took hold of Miyu. Minerva's eyes widened but Caren was already on her. She used her handgun to block a black key aimed at her neck.
"Son of a bitch," Minerva hissed.
"Luvia!" Caren snapped as the Edelfelt moved to reach for Miyu, however a girl emerged from the mud and drew a single rune. Luvia recognized Ayumi's appearance but the girl before her was obviously not.
Luvia was thrown back by an invisible force and smashed into a wrecked house. Manaka grabbed hold of Miyu and giggled as she took Hiyoko as well before the three of them were dragged through the mud. Minerva broke Caren's guard and went past her, reaching for the mud and was pulled inside it as well.
Caren was left alone with the aftermath of the fight, the mud nowhere to be seen.
You opened your eyes to see the warehouse door slide open, revealing a familiar figure. You were greeted by the sight of a bloody Assassin exhausted beyond measure as she set her eyes upon you. The moment you both exchanged looks a weight of relief was taken off her shoulders. She was holding in her hand a new sword, one you were unfamiliar with.
She was wounded yet not enough that she would start dying. In fact, she seemed to regain her energy upon seeing you again.
"Hans," she breathed before stopping to see how you were chained up.
"Chiyome. That was fast," you noted as you saw her smile back at you. She let go of the sword and grabbed the chains wrapped around you before shattering them. Once they were off, she quickly pulled you in for a deep hug.
She was trembling...
"I was... Afraid," Chiyome murmured as she buried her face on your chest, "I was afraid that I would have lost you. That I'd never see you again. I thought... I thought I failed you. That I was careless. I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
[] Say nothing. You couldn't really say anything now that she was crying. You didn't know what to do except...Be here for her.
[] Write in...
Assassin stood her ground and let out a breath, holding on to her sword as she purified her mind of fatigue. It wasn't the same for her body though but she endured it nonetheless. She just had to make it out and recover enough of her power to fight back. If she could get an opening, she'll be taking it. It was now or never, all of her skills and patience would be put to the final test.
Saber moved, vanishing from her sight until her senses quickly sharpened. Catching him on the last moment she parried his swing, knocking his blade aside before Kusanagi followed and she used her kunai to do it again. Spinning her kunai in her hand she held it in reverse before clashing and knocking aside the man's blades.
She fought and weaved through his blows as she kept a cool head, being inches away from his swings as he unleashed bolts of lightning that could a mere man. Assassin remained in close quarters as she tried blowing past Susanoo's guard with her weapons. Sparks flew in the air as she bent her back and flipped to evade his strike.
Saber then cleaved the air as she bent low and shot upwards her blade directed at his neck while he dashed back. Saber tossed aside Kusanagi and let it vanish as he sheathed Ame no Habakiri. He then smiled and drew his sword with lightning fast swings which created wind blades Assassins was forced to evade and strafe past.
Tapping her feet on the ground, she sharply changed directions and threw the kunai she had in hand towards him. Saber dodged it as it detonated behind him. The sound and light caught his attention but Assassin charged him head on, prompting him to slash with his sheathed sword, only for her to jump over the swing.
Assassin threw her kunai down but she missed hitting the floor and forcing Saber to dodge away.
He was surprised to notice it not exploding and it was in his shock that Assassin closed in. She was getting faster as she recovered more of her power. Wielding two kunai in her hand she tried getting in range but Ame no Habakiri kept her from getting any further. Her guard was blown open by the sudden swing before Susanoo held out his hand to re-summon Kusanagi.
"It's over, Shinobi!" Susanoo roared as he swung down Kusanagi with Chiyome within its range.
Blocking won't work and he was swinging faster than she ever hoped to evade...
Blood flew upwards as Chiyome's shoulder was cut open by Kusanagi, the blade shattering her collar bone and tearing flesh. Susanoo knew that sound, it was the sound of real flesh being sundered...So why did he feel pain? it was then he noticed that Chiyome had crushed his wrist with her kunai, lopping it off before Kusanagi could truly fall.
The entire time, Chiyome's eyes were clear.
Susanoo never expected that and couldn't help but feel sheer amusement. She risked being chopped on half to get at his hand. The insolence of a mortal woman had cost him his hand. His ruined hand let go of Kusanagi as it remained lodged into Chiyome's torso. Now that he had a split second to think, she allowed him to cut through her non-vitals... With her heart being a few inches away from being cut.
"What a remarkable woman..." Susanoo noted as Chiyome dashed back and fell down her knees.
Susanoo was smiling the entire time as he tore a piece of cloth from his sleeve and wrapped it around his stump. He watched as this mortal woman, the lowest wrung of Heroic Spirits, a Cursed Child bearing Orochi's power, grab Kusanagi lodged on her body and pull it out. She was bleeding and exhausted but she was not out of the fight.
Saber was at a loss for words.
She was beautiful.
Stained in blood she held Kusanagi in her hand as she kept her eyes on him. The sword was still his own but Susanoo did not recall it. He would not rob the woman of her efforts. He was impressed and he knew he had a story to tell his kin. Assassin held Kusanagi in her hand and it responded to her quite well.
Her black hair danced as her white clothes were stained red.
"I'm ready, Saber," Chiyome declared as she wore a grim look.
Saber held up his remaining sword in hand, "Good. With one blow then."
Assassin said nothing as she remained calm. She held the Kusanagi in hand and felt power course through her frame. Death was not an option... For she still had much to do. The winds howled and lightning rolled overhead before the two of the Servants narrowed their gaze and took the step forward.
Chiyome thought back to her first summoning. Hans was truly an odd man to draw this much power out of her with his thoughts alone. Chiyome felt happy as she stepped among the flowers stained red with her blood and faced a Demigod. She was not worthy to stand among the brilliant Heroic Spirits she had fought alongside and against.
She was a woman who killed in the dark, bound to live and die in the shadows.
But fighting this War, fighting her Demons and holding his hand, Assassin... No, Mochizuki Chiyome found a Legend which allowed her to accept her place among Heroes.
If she wasn't a Hero for the world, she would be his Hero alone.
Chiyome and Susanoo closed their distance between one another, Ame no Habakiri flashing with electricity as Kusanagi no Tsurugi howled with curses. With a flash Assassin faced the lighting bolt that was Susanoo head on and burnt her flesh from his electricity but she managed to plunge Kusanagi through his chest and stab him, smashing through his torso before he could pass her.
Susanoo choked out blood before finding his footing and shoving Assassin back.
Sliding a few feet, Assassin let out a breath as she dashed forward one last time to which Saber responded by clashing with her and Kusanagi. Assassin locked her cross-guard against Susanoo's and kicked the pommel of her sword upwards, leaving the man open. Susanoo sought to swing his left hand but found that it had been chopped off earlier.
Assassin was able to run Kusanagi across his stomach and cut through.
A heavy sigh left Assassin's lips as the Great Slayer of Orochi fell down to his knees.
"That's right... You're... Not Orochi," Susanoo breathed heavily before gritting his teeth and enduring, "You... Are human."
Assassin walked to his side as his body began to break apart. Golden lights began to break away from Susanoo's body as he was halfway from being taken to the Grail...
"Not yet!" Susanoo roared and he forced his Spirit Origin to remain intact. Golden light ceased to emerge from his body as he sat on his knees, back ramrod straight with a dignified look, "That Sword is yours, Shinobi. Now use it... Properly!"
Chiyome looked down upon not the God nor the Exile of Takamagahara but a Man ready to face his end. She raised Kusanagi in the air, its dark blue glow ominous as she held it before swinging it down. Chiyome cut and Susanoo's body finally broke apart.
"Good luck, Shinobi," Susanoo breathed as Chiyome watched him fade. The Reality Marble began to break down as well as she held Saber's sword. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.
It was almost over.
Miyu stopped and felt her chest grow hot. She stumbled on her feet and fell down the ground, only for Caren to catch her before she could fall.
"Miyu? Are you okay?" Luvia asked as she knelt by the girl's side.
"Saber is dead... Only... Only Assassin remains," Miyu reported as she raised her head, "But... But..."
"The Grail won't manifest. This is a problem," Caren murmured as she placed a hand on Miyu's shoulder, "How do you feel?"
"S-Sleepy," Miyu said as she held her chest. She then shook her head and said, "But I can't. My Mom..."
"Your Mom is right here, Miyu," a voice spoke in the distance, causing Luvia and Caren to look up to see Minerva holding Sakatsuki Hiyoko on gunpoint.
Luvia blinked before clenching her hands into fists, "Minerva!"
"Seems like my guard dog is dead. Well, as long as he keeps that Assassin out of my hair, he did his job. You folks are good ones, taking Miyu here to me. I might just do something nice for you for doing that," Minerva replied as she pressed the gun against Hiyoko's head.
"Let her go, Doll," Caren ordered as she held her black keys.
"Okiedokie," Minerva said before kicking Hiyoko into the ground with her gun still trained on her, "Done. Now it's your turn... Hand over the Grail now."
"Do you truly expect us to do that?" Luvia snarled.
Hiyoko was shot right on her back, knocking her down and leaving her to bleed on the floor. Caren's eyes sharpened as Luvia's expression was that of shock. Miyu broke off from Caren's hold and ran to her mother.
"MOM!" Miyu cried out as she went to her Mother's side and looked down at Hiyoko's wound.
Hiyoko winced in pain as she looked up at her daughter. Luvia moved but Caren held her back.
"Why?!" Luvia snapped but Caren said nothing but simply glared at Minerva.
Minerva on the other hand smiled brightly, "Next shot is right through her skull. And no, I don't expect you to hand the Grail. She'll just come with me..."
"Wha-?" Miyu gasped before Minerva cut her off.
"Like my Brother, I'm quite good with Curses. I placed an extra special one on your mom and if you don't come with me, I won't tell these idiots how to cancel it," Minerva said as she kept her gun trained on Hiyoko.
"Miyu!" Luvia barked.
"So, what's it gonna be?" Minerva sneered as she rested her finger on the trigger.
Miyu grit her teeth and turned her golden eyes at Minerva, "I hate you... I'll never forgive you!"
"Wrong answer," Minerva sighed as she aimed at Luvia and fired. The bullet penetrated the Edelfelt's shoulder and sending her staggering.
"Luvia!" Miyu cried out as Minerva move to aim at Caren.
Minerva however found a black key was lodged on through her forearm with the Exorcist rushing her down. She sneered and moved to tear it off and raise her gun at the Nun when-
Black Mud burst from the ground and took hold of Miyu. Minerva's eyes widened but Caren was already on her. She used her handgun to block a black key aimed at her neck.
"Son of a bitch," Minerva hissed.
"Luvia!" Caren snapped as the Edelfelt moved to reach for Miyu, however a girl emerged from the mud and drew a single rune. Luvia recognized Ayumi's appearance but the girl before her was obviously not.
Luvia was thrown back by an invisible force and smashed into a wrecked house. Manaka grabbed hold of Miyu and giggled as she took Hiyoko as well before the three of them were dragged through the mud. Minerva broke Caren's guard and went past her, reaching for the mud and was pulled inside it as well.
Caren was left alone with the aftermath of the fight, the mud nowhere to be seen.
You opened your eyes to see the warehouse door slide open, revealing a familiar figure. You were greeted by the sight of a bloody Assassin exhausted beyond measure as she set her eyes upon you. The moment you both exchanged looks a weight of relief was taken off her shoulders. She was holding in her hand a new sword, one you were unfamiliar with.
She was wounded yet not enough that she would start dying. In fact, she seemed to regain her energy upon seeing you again.
"Hans," she breathed before stopping to see how you were chained up.
"Chiyome. That was fast," you noted as you saw her smile back at you. She let go of the sword and grabbed the chains wrapped around you before shattering them. Once they were off, she quickly pulled you in for a deep hug.
She was trembling...
"I was... Afraid," Chiyome murmured as she buried her face on your chest, "I was afraid that I would have lost you. That I'd never see you again. I thought... I thought I failed you. That I was careless. I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
The Closing Act
[] Hug her tighter but not too tight to make her wounds hurt. Just...Just give her comfort. She went through a lot already.
[] Say nothing. You couldn't really say anything now that she was crying. You didn't know what to do except...Be here for her.
[] Write in...