Hey everyone has to start somewhere.Well this is interesting, but I've only been apart of one other GSRP and that one got cut short because the GM kinda got Temp-Banned.
So my experience is very limited.
Is that alright?
I could totally double as both the Emerald City and the Great Khans just to keep things populated if no one else takes up something over there.
*Sighs*Player: Chinesedrone
Thing I'm Claiming: Portland as the Soviet Republic
Brief Background: Woe to the sons of the America! The Enclave, that great whore of the demon Capital is laid low! The thousand year reign of Capital has fallen as it is prophesied in the immortal Manifestations! The promised age of the holy proletariat has arrived!
We offer praise to the Elder God, Mar'cks, that he may guide us in the days to come! We pray to the Lennon, the vanguard of the gods, that he may bless our affairs with sweet pen and tongue! We offer sacrifice to the Voice of Stal'leen that he may lead us to victory and crush our enemies before us and bring them to strife! We ask Mauw the harvest god that our fields may be bountiful, Ho-oh that our revolutionary blade strike true, Fidellus that we shall be safe from harm, and Keem that we shall be blessed with sun and fair weather in the times ahead! The Dialectic of the world holds the paths of all men, and we must lead this cursed land along its path to salvation!
Special Equipment: Some caches of prewar weaponry ganked from what used to be an Enclave outpost in Portland.
Player: Chinesedrone
Thing I'm Claiming: Portland as the Soviet Republic
Brief Background: Woe to the sons of the America! The Enclave, that great whore of the demon Capital is laid low! The thousand year reign of Capital has fallen as it is prophesied in the immortal Manifestations! The promised age of the holy proletariat has arrived!
We offer praise to the Elder God, Mar'cks, that he may guide us in the days to come! We pray to the Lennon, the vanguard of the gods, that he may bless our affairs with sweet pen and tongue! We offer sacrifice to the Voice of Stal'leen that he may lead us to victory and crush our enemies before us and bring them to strife! We ask Mauw the harvest god that our fields may be bountiful, Ho-oh that our revolutionary blade strike true, Fidellus that we shall be safe from harm, and Keem that we shall be blessed with sun and fair weather in the times ahead! The Dialectic of the world holds the paths of all men, and we must lead this cursed land along its path to salvation!
Special Equipment: Some caches of prewar weaponry ganked from what used to be an Enclave outpost in Portland.
That sounds like CAPITALISM to me.Yeah, that's cool and all, listen you want to buy a boat or some fish?
What about Mercantilism? Or Piratism?That sounds like CAPITALISM to me.
We're not entirely sure what CAPITALISM is, but we are AGAINST it.
I will be getting around to approving claims tomorrow. Overall though fairly happy with the results and some minor revisions may be needed but nothing too drastic
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here is the invite again
So @See my smile I think the Pirate Republic of Oceania might pay you a visit on occasion to use your facilities, trade and offer our services. We will be perfectly polite and won't cause trouble so long as you don't harm our citizens or break a deal.
Also please remember that while the fleet is in harbor our citizens are under Oceanic Law, not yours. If someone breaks a law while on shore leave we ask that you contact the Captains and let us handle the trial.
That sounds like CAPITALISM to me.
We're not entirely sure what CAPITALISM is, but we are AGAINST it.
Our food is edible but regardless we appreciate the hospitality and don't worry all damages will be payed for. Also we will be selling a lot of Mirlurk meat, it's sort of our nation's staple food.Sounds reasonable, We'll offer fair prices, warm beds, and edible food whilst we do the work. Break anything and you'll pay for it.
Our food is edible but regardless we appreciate the hospitality and don't worry all damages will be payed for. Also we will be selling a lot of Mirlurk meat, it's sort of our nation's staple food.
Also just so you know our nation has a system where when any citizen makes a profit a portion of it (the exact percentage determined by how much they make, with the largest scores being a 50/50 split) is given to a fleet treasurer and put into a community fund to pay for repairs, buy ammunition and purchase supplies. Any attempts to steal from the community fund, regardless of who they are be they citizen or foreigner, is punished with death by keelhauling.
Yeah we tend to hunt Mirelurks along the coast, keep their numbers down and collect supplies for the fleet. Not to mention the fact that they tend to nest around Pre-war shipwrecks and we like to salvage those, sometimes we even manage to get the ship working again.Yeah, Mirelurk meat is most of what we got too, we also got a bit of Anglerfish and the occasional fog crawler that gets to close to the settlement.
On the subject of punishment, don't worry about any of us stealin from ya, the only stupid enough to try have already been used as live bait.