Fallout: The Cascadian Wastes

Well this is interesting, but I've only been apart of one other GSRP and that one got cut short because the GM kinda got Temp-Banned.

So my experience is very limited.

Is that alright?
Player: See my Smile.
Thing I'm Claiming: Bellingham Docks. (Port Refuge)
Brief Background: Bellingham is in an unusual case when it comes to luck in the Great War. Its location put it far enough away from most of the major cities in the area that it avoided most of the significant damage from the initial blast and the mountains and wind patterns kept it mostly safe from the Fallout. The problem came when it was inundated with refugees and looters from surrounding cities. The township quickly fell into anarchy and lawlessness.

200 years later the descendants of those that managed to survive the chaos and death of that time are a hardy people. Tempered by the rad storms that rolled off the Pacific and pounded the coast. They weathered the winds, the pirates, and the Sea monsters. They stood tall through it all and kept one of the finest trading ports of the North West coast. They fixed ships of shapes in sizes and offered better rates than those assholes in the NCR would even think of.

Special Equipment: Two Working Cargo Vertiberds(i.e. slightly larger and unarmed to carry heavy loads.) And a working dockyard. (i.e. Heavy Wielders, Riveting tools and rivets, makeshift cranes, assorted tools, a small machine shop, four Diving Suits, and a two jury-rigged dry docks.)

(Hows this Look? @Firebringer2077 )
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@Firebringer2077, suuuuper sloppy but just throwing it up before I head out for work

Player: @TenfoldShields
Thing I'm Claiming: Sprawl (the smaller settlement to the South-West of Seattle, centered around Madigan Army Medical Center but with outposts through the Tacoma area)
Brief Background:
Militaries exert a powerful pressure on their host countries, driving and shaping demand. They need bullets and munitions manufacturers compete for contracts. They need vehicles and aeronautics industries field new designs. They need aggressively mutated Jackson's Chameleons to serve as front-line shocktroopers and Megahybrid! crawls into the niche. Megahybrid! provider of cutting edge gene-therapies, pharmaceuticals, and the hit All-In-One Recombo TV Dinners to a depressed and unruly populace. Operating under Joint Base Lewis-McChord with the full sanction of the highest echelons of the Pre-War Government they established a biological factory in the North-West. Producing and training Deathclaw units for use at home and abroad in addition to FEV-experimentation on volunteer soldiers in parallel to the studies at the Mariposa facility.

Forewarned and prepared the company's board and select portions of its staff survived the initial exchange with China. Evacuating to the subterranean Menagerie-complex. Continuing their work with increasing dysfunction as contact with other Enclave facilities became intermittent. After providing the Enclave with a process by which to engineer enhanced, sapient Deathclaws from wild stock there was a civil war within the bunker populace, eventually culminating in the release of the uplifted test subjects in 2241 and a swift end to the conflict.

Communal and largely curious about their surroundings the Deathclaw population (and their human and ex-human dependents) have taken to this new world well. The settlement, Sprawl, has grown into a small, but prospering, fishing town.

Special Equipment: Pre-War Corporate Bunker Complex (Upper levels exposed and integrated into settlement), Military Police Armory (Energy weapons cache + riot gear), Simple Shipyards (lumber and reclaimed metal, powered engines), Sapient Deathclaws (and smaller populations of other weird flawed/failed super soldiers)
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@Wade Garrett

Thing I'm Claiming:
Avernus (Seattle, Washington. Especially/specifically the Underground and catacombs below it.)

Brief Background:
"....and then did Trivia hold discourse with the Centurion, and said to him:

"If thou would perish as did thy brethren, it shall be so. But if thou would lengthen thy days, this only do I require of thee, one kiss from thy lips."

More a fool he, that kissed those lips cold as clay and earthly strong, and so vouchsafed his own damnation.

-fragment from The Testament of Diamus

Seattle is a dead city. Murdered in the opening blows of the Great War, its great buildings turned to charnel houses, the habitation of the Radrat and the mad Ghoul.

And yet there are stories. Of a city beneath the city, of shrouded figures seen from the corner of one's eye. Of stragglers plucked from the expeditions brave, greedy, or stupid enough to seek the city's riches. Of skulking things snatching at children from the nearby settlements.

Just rumors. Stories, to frighten children.

Rumors no more.

A new power is rising from the grave of the old. War drums beat in the depths. Raiders and treasure hunters are enslaved, slaughtered or worse, and each time one is set free, to walk the Wastes and tell the tale.

Of a white faced warlord, in armor like that of the Legion, who has cast aside Mars to offer devotion to Trivia and Prosparina, and bears as his standard great black wings.

Special Equipment:
Limited ability to control and influence certain animals of the Wasteland (Dogs, Yao Guia, Mole Rats and the like) and the Feral Ghouls that infest Seattle. Affinity for night attacks. Caesar's Legion by way of WHF Vampire Counts sort of thing.
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Player: Chinesedrone
Thing I'm Claiming: Portland as the Soviet Republic
Brief Background:
Woe to the sons of the America! The Enclave, that great whore of the demon Capital is laid low! The thousand year reign of Capital has fallen as it is prophesied in the immortal Manifestations! The promised age of the holy proletariat has arrived!

We offer praise to the Elder God, Mar'cks, that he may guide us in the days to come! We pray to the Lennon, the vanguard of the gods, that he may bless our affairs with sweet pen and tongue! We offer sacrifice to the Voice of Stal'leen that he may lead us to victory and crush our enemies before us and bring them to strife! We ask Mauw the harvest god that our fields may be bountiful, Ho-oh that our revolutionary blade strike true, Fidellus that we shall be safe from harm, and Keem that we shall be blessed with sun and fair weather in the times ahead! The Dialectic of the world holds the paths of all men, and we must lead this cursed land along its path to salvation!
Special Equipment: Some caches of prewar weaponry ganked from what used to be an Enclave outpost in Portland.
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Player: Chinesedrone
Thing I'm Claiming: Portland as the Soviet Republic
Brief Background:
Woe to the sons of the America! The Enclave, that great whore of the demon Capital is laid low! The thousand year reign of Capital has fallen as it is prophesied in the immortal Manifestations! The promised age of the holy proletariat has arrived!

We offer praise to the Elder God, Mar'cks, that he may guide us in the days to come! We pray to the Lennon, the vanguard of the gods, that he may bless our affairs with sweet pen and tongue! We offer sacrifice to the Voice of Stal'leen that he may lead us to victory and crush our enemies before us and bring them to strife! We ask Mauw the harvest god that our fields may be bountiful, Ho-oh that our revolutionary blade strike true, Fidellus that we shall be safe from harm, and Keem that we shall be blessed with sun and fair weather in the times ahead! The Dialectic of the world holds the paths of all men, and we must lead this cursed land along its path to salvation!
Special Equipment: Some caches of prewar weaponry ganked from what used to be an Enclave outpost in Portland.
Prepare the Legion.

(Just replace the Muskets with Combat Rifles)
Player: Chinesedrone
Thing I'm Claiming: Portland as the Soviet Republic
Brief Background:
Woe to the sons of the America! The Enclave, that great whore of the demon Capital is laid low! The thousand year reign of Capital has fallen as it is prophesied in the immortal Manifestations! The promised age of the holy proletariat has arrived!

We offer praise to the Elder God, Mar'cks, that he may guide us in the days to come! We pray to the Lennon, the vanguard of the gods, that he may bless our affairs with sweet pen and tongue! We offer sacrifice to the Voice of Stal'leen that he may lead us to victory and crush our enemies before us and bring them to strife! We ask Mauw the harvest god that our fields may be bountiful, Ho-oh that our revolutionary blade strike true, Fidellus that we shall be safe from harm, and Keem that we shall be blessed with sun and fair weather in the times ahead! The Dialectic of the world holds the paths of all men, and we must lead this cursed land along its path to salvation!
Special Equipment: Some caches of prewar weaponry ganked from what used to be an Enclave outpost in Portland.

Yeah, that's cool and all, listen you want to buy a boat or some fish?
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Hmm so that dot at the top left corner is Blaine County right? I'm thinking taking that and writing it as a former staging ground for the Invasion of Canada, more specifically British Columbia and presumably the Yukon territories.
So @See my smile I think the Pirate Republic of Oceania might pay you a visit on occasion to use your facilities, trade and offer our services. We will be perfectly polite and won't cause trouble so long as you don't harm our citizens or break a deal.

Also please remember that while the fleet is in harbor our citizens are under Oceanic Law, not yours. If someone breaks a law while on shore leave we ask that you contact the Captains and let us handle the trial.
So @See my smile I think the Pirate Republic of Oceania might pay you a visit on occasion to use your facilities, trade and offer our services. We will be perfectly polite and won't cause trouble so long as you don't harm our citizens or break a deal.

Also please remember that while the fleet is in harbor our citizens are under Oceanic Law, not yours. If someone breaks a law while on shore leave we ask that you contact the Captains and let us handle the trial.

Sounds reasonable, We'll offer fair prices, warm beds, and edible food whilst we do the work. Break anything and you'll pay for it.

That sounds like CAPITALISM to me.

We're not entirely sure what CAPITALISM is, but we are AGAINST it.

So, is that a no on the Fish?
Sounds reasonable, We'll offer fair prices, warm beds, and edible food whilst we do the work. Break anything and you'll pay for it.
Our food is edible but regardless we appreciate the hospitality and don't worry all damages will be payed for. Also we will be selling a lot of Mirlurk meat, it's sort of our nation's staple food.

Also just so you know our nation has a system where when any citizen makes a profit a portion of it (the exact percentage determined by how much they make, with the largest scores being a 50/50 split) is given to a fleet treasurer and put into a community fund to pay for repairs, buy ammunition and purchase supplies. Any attempts to steal from the community fund, regardless of who they are be they citizen or foreigner, is punished with death by keelhauling.
Our food is edible but regardless we appreciate the hospitality and don't worry all damages will be payed for. Also we will be selling a lot of Mirlurk meat, it's sort of our nation's staple food.

Also just so you know our nation has a system where when any citizen makes a profit a portion of it (the exact percentage determined by how much they make, with the largest scores being a 50/50 split) is given to a fleet treasurer and put into a community fund to pay for repairs, buy ammunition and purchase supplies. Any attempts to steal from the community fund, regardless of who they are be they citizen or foreigner, is punished with death by keelhauling.

Yeah, Mirelurk meat is most of what we got too, we also got a bit of Anglerfish and the occasional fog crawler that gets to close to the settlement.

On the subject of punishment, don't worry about any of us stealin from ya, the only ones stupid enough to try have already been used as live bait.
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Yeah, Mirelurk meat is most of what we got too, we also got a bit of Anglerfish and the occasional fog crawler that gets to close to the settlement.

On the subject of punishment, don't worry about any of us stealin from ya, the only stupid enough to try have already been used as live bait.
Yeah we tend to hunt Mirelurks along the coast, keep their numbers down and collect supplies for the fleet. Not to mention the fact that they tend to nest around Pre-war shipwrecks and we like to salvage those, sometimes we even manage to get the ship working again.

Ahh good, because it can get really annoying when some port thinks they can get away with trying stuff like that. Of course the last one that thought it was a good idea soon learnt why you don't piss off someone when they have a cannon pointed in your direction.

Oceania is like the ocean in a way, respect her and she will provide. But disrespect her in any way, forget her power and she will unleash her fury upon you.
Player: Ironanvil1
Thing I'm Claiming: Ghostdog Tribe, Yellowstone National Park
Brief Background:
When Caesar's Legion came to Dog Town, the Hangdog tribe fell before their brutal attacks on their home and their beloved dogs. However, before their final capitulation and incorporation into Caesar's ranks, a Hangdog Shaman was given a vision from the tribe's totem animal, of a potential rebirth of the tribe, in a place far to the North West. Secretly dispatching a band of the best remaining warriors and hounds under the leadership of his apprentice, they fled, taking a fragment of the Hangdogs out of the Legion's grasp even as the rest of the tribe was destroyed.
After a long and eventful trek, the group now calling themselves the Ghostdogs arrived in a land of forests, lakes and great jets of steam. There, they encountered the vision the Shaman had given them, packs of huge dogs of uncommon intelligence, whom the Ghostdogs and honoured and eagerly incorporated into their tribe. In fumbling communication with the canines, they described originating from a great underground den, the People who accompanied them dying shortly afterwards, leaving the dogs to survive alone.
Revitalised by the vindication of their destiny, the Ghostdogs spread to dominate the scattered settlements of the region.
Special Equipment: Dogs with increased intelligence and physical capabilities. Gun and gunpowder making from the Cody Firearms Museum and the chemical resources of Yellowstone.