Fallout: The Cascadian Wastes

hi, if i'm allowed

Thing I'm Claiming: Junker's Haven, 40km west from Fort Collins
Brief Background: The Old One, a eccentric ghoul who survived the war, had once guided a ghoul-only community near Glen Haven but even if they're are ageless they weren't immortal and madness or the many dangers of the wastes took them one by one until only he remained. Years later when a battered tribe stumbled in the the walls of of the fortified junkyard they found more than they expected, they found a teacher, a crazy one at that.
Now that the new generation has reached adulthood what was once a nomadic tribe has turned into a small but flourishing community, every individual taught personally the "art" of jury rigging, how to repair anything useful with the most improbable tools and each one is expected to build their own energy weapon as proof of adulthood.
As a new young chief is elected, the tribe is for the first time looking at the surrounding wasteland and instead dread they feel hope... the Junkers are here baby!
Special Equipment: A large stockpile of charger weapons, a fortified scrapyard, absolute mastery of Jury Rigging, a crazy ghoul tinker, The Old One(once called Rick)

Not approved, Colorado is not allowed for claims, and I have reservations about Rick
Hmm is there space along the highway near the mouth of the Columbia River for a town?
welp ill just make a sheet anyway than and just get declined if there is no room.

Player: Cybandeath
Thing I'm Claiming: The Enclave IN A YELLOW SUBMARINE (that's not actually yellow so just a submarine)

Brief Background: Despite the events of the Capital Wasteland the Enclave has moved on, regrouping and gather what strength it can before heading on a expedition by sea back to the west coast, for this under a changed President Eden in a whole new computer system aboard the Atlantis the Enclave hopes to gain a foothold from which to begin the restoration of America into its rightful glory.

Unfortunately, the nuclear arsenal of the submarine is depleted and the Enclave lacking in its Power Armor due to the scattering of its forces, and many of those that would not answer the presidents call. But it is hoped the Atlantis can still serve regardless as a formidable base of operations for the Enclave, and a safe place for orderly, well fed, well educated America can be reborn anew.

Still, supplies and manpower run low from the journey and devastation the Enclave has faced and to keep things running the Atlantis will have to find a good place to rest up and scavenge or even recruit. The Enclave has moved on from the shortsighted insistence of absolute purity, all that matters now is remakeing America from the ashes, AT ANY COST!


Special Equipment: USS Atlantis is an advanced Pre-War submarine designed to serve as a dreadnaught of underwater combat and mobile carrier base for several small submarines that one might even call mini subs alongside underwater transports refitted with post-war Enclave technology and onboard Pre-War industrial equipment though the latter is of little use with the lack of supplies aboard the Atlantis.
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Player: Cybandeath
Thing I'm Claiming: The Enclave IN A YELLOW SUBMARINE (that's not actually yellow so just a submarine)

Brief Background: Despite the events of the Capital Wasteland the Enclave has moved on, regrouping and gather what strength it can before heading on a expedition by sea back to the west coast, for this under a changed President Eden in a whole new computer system aboard the Atlantis the Enclave hopes to gain a foothold from which to begin the restoration of America into its rightful glory.

Unfortunately, the nuclear arsenal of the submarine is depleted and the Enclave lacking in its Power Armor due to the scattering of its forces, and many of those that would not answer the presidents call. But it is hoped the Atlantis can still serve regardless as a formidable base of operations for the Enclave, and a safe place for orderly, well fed, well educated America can be reborn anew.

Still, supplies and manpower run low from the journey and devastation the Enclave has faced and to keep things running the Atlantis will have to find a good place to rest up and scavenge or even recruit. The Enclave has moved on from the shortsighted insistence of absolute purity, all that matters now is remakeing America from the ashes, AT ANY COST!


Special Equipment: USS Atlantis is an advanced Pre-War submarine designed to serve as a dreadnaught of underwater combat and mobile carrier base for several small submarines that one might even call mini subs alongside underwater transports refitted with post-war Enclave technology and onboard Pre-War industrial equipment though the latter is of little use with the lack of supplies aboard the Atlantis.


Yeah... Not approved like... at all.

The Enclave is not claimable, same with Brotherhood of Steel.
Second, there are reasons why an Enclave Submarine is impossible in this game, along with limiting aquatic factions
Third, rebuilding the country is not that easy. There's a reason that after 200 years that the NCR and Vegas are probably the furthest along the road to a rebuilding
Fourth, removing one of the critical flaws of the Enclave and then asking for that to be your nation. Yeah no. NOT APPROVED

Rebuilding any sort of semblance of the Old World Order is supposed to be incredibly hard, if not impossible. it can not be accomplished by a secret submarine that solves all the wasteland's problems. There is no secret vault or ship, or stash somewhere that contains 20 GECKS, Industrial automated fabricators, and friendly AIs equipped to rebuild a Representative Democracy with Civil Rights and Freedoms.

Yeah... Not approved like... at all.

The Enclave is not claimable, same with Brotherhood of Steel.
Second, there are reasons why an Enclave Submarine is impossible in this game, along with limiting aquatic factions
Third, rebuilding the country is not that easy. There's a reason that after 200 years that the NCR and Vegas are probably the furthest along the road to a rebuilding
Fourth, removing one of the critical flaws of the Enclave and then asking for that to be your nation. Yeah no. NOT APPROVED

Rebuilding any sort of semblance of the Old World Order is supposed to be incredibly hard, if not impossible. it can not be accomplished by a secret submarine that solves all the wasteland's problems. There is no secret vault or ship, or stash somewhere that contains 20 GECKS, Industrial automated fabricators, and friendly AIs equipped to rebuild a Representative Democracy with Civil Rights and Freedoms.
who said anything about fabricators or gecks? I went with a ship settlement, and industrial equipment, secondly I was never assuming I would ever actually accomplish the Enclaves goals o_O Thirdly they still have A reputation issues, B manpower and resource problems, C, countless people that still hate them and want to kill them, it is bar far from removing their flaws, it's called change/learning from experience. Fourthly so far ive seen people with working and expanded vaults, a fleet of ships etc. That aside very well ill try and come up with something else.
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Some funny idea I toyed with for a second was an Amish Commune that grew into a local power thanks to the awesome powers of Hydraulics!
The Tacoma Dome Conductors

These hip kats and cool kittens all got coal in their stockings, cause they are capital B A D bad! Operating on the broken spiderweb of passenger and freight rail lines through the Tacoma area, the Conductors race their chromed out RailRods from the bizzare bunkerscape of JBLM to the vast racing fields of Seatac scavenging for parts for their ever expanding railway network and engines and trading with the settlements along their lines.
