What if? Fallout: Boneyards (Chariots of Steel playtest / New Vegas Sequel Quest!)

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War never changes.

In the 20th century, war had become total. Entire nations fought entire nations. Cities were ground to rubble underneath the treads of tanks and a millions tons of bombs. This set the stage for the grim, twilight struggle of the 21st century - a deadlock that was broken with the release of the greatest weapon of total war ever devised.

Atomic fire scorched the world. And for a time, total war was a distant memory, replaced with the warring of tribe on tribe, raider on raider, town on town.

Now, in the 23rd century, total war has come again. The New California Republic, confident in their power and wealth and democracy, stands against Caesar's Legion. Born of the enslavement and conquest of eighty six tribes, the Legion sought to take from the Republic their most prized new possession: New Vegas.

They succeeded.

And now, at last, the great Bear of the West has awakened to the realization that the desultory border war they had fought was, in truth, a war of extermination. Caesar's Legion, supported by the looted technology of the Mojave and the logistics of an enslaved Vegas, have come to California.

Now, after a year of brutal fighting, a stalemate exists in a tenuous balance. Grinding attrition has claimed the lives of a million men, women, and children. The war has spread, from the distant Rockies to the southern reaches of Mexico. Now, a new fulcrum point has formed. A century before, the Boneyards was where the fate of humanity was decided as a lone wanderer matched wits and words with a man who would be God.

Here...it will be decided again, but not with words. It will be decided with tanks and guns and fire. For, in the end...

War never changes.


Welcome to Fallout: Boneyards! This is a CHARIOTS OF STEEL playtest that I'm running for @open_sketch! And this time, the quest is co-authored with Erika! Yay! It is set in the same timeline as Fallout: Necropolis!


Because German is a silly language!

Here are the rules

1) Write ins are allowed
2) Democratic voting
3) Plan voting is required! This is mostly because plan votes make the counting so much easier!

This quest is going to be medium length - the Battle of the Boneyards involves a slightly less lethal, slightly longer term game than STRELOV.

CONTENT WARNING: This quest is going to have violence, the death of the innocent, and generally...horrible 20th century total war stuff in it!

CONTENT WARNING 2: ALSO, THERE IS SEX! Sex scenes will be spoilered!
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