Fallout: Boneyards (Chariots of Steel playtest / New Vegas Sequel Quest!)

NAME: Xiuyuan "Alderesh" Yang
AGE: 41 | GENDER: Male


Fen Yang: She's having a hard time at work/school and are unsure about their future​
(*)(*)( )​
[-1 Stress Per Routine!]
Bronwyn Yang (aka Browny): They're struggling with long-form Warflu and need expensive meds to kick it. Fortunately, you've managed to send some.​
(*) (*) ( )​
[-1 Stress Per Routine!]

Get It Done: Each Routine, hold 3. Spend that hold to get a partial hit on any check before rolling.
Old Reliable: The tank gains +2 Integrity, +4 Safety and +3 Reliability for ground vehicles, and removes Unreliable and gives +1 to Attack for a firearm.
Domestic Bliss: When you're at 0 stress, take +1 ongoing to all rolls outside of air combat. You're not in air combat. Haha. Holy shit. Really, Erika?

Cortex Comrade, a miniaturized personal computer which uses a persistent heads-up display to help workers perform their tasks… or soldiers target the enemy.
A bandoleer with three smoke grenades.
A super stimpack, purchased with your own money. Just in case.

Getaway Mastery: Passive (Every move you take adds +1 Handling in ground vehicles.)
Can't Miss: Reduce your Speed penalty to shooting by -3. When your vehicle attacks at Knife range, +1 AP. At Melee range, +2 AP.​


A9 "Wander Home", M7 Oliver
Speed: 4 | Torque: +2 | Handling: 23
Armor: 4/2/1 | Integrity: 25 | Safety: 3
Reliability: 0 | Fuel Use: 7 | Stress: 1

Festooned with Hatches: Every position on the tank counts as having a Hatch, and any member of the crew can leave from any side or fire personal weapons in any direction.​
Gun Stabilizer: The addition of a gun stabilizer reduces the movement penalty from the vehicle's own Speed by 2.​
Linked: All crew positions have an intercom.​

Yang: Commander | Type: Closed | Visibility: +1 | Escape: +2
Drives-Fast: Driver | Type: Closed | Visibility: -1 | Escape: +2
Trudy: Main Gunner | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 |
1 F. Cannon (AP/HE) | Hits: 1/6 | Range: Long/Extreme | Damage: 24/3 | AP: 4/0 | Specials (Both): Reload 1, Artillery, Heavy 4, Awkward -5 vs Planes. HE Shells gain burst​
Arcs: Fore, Rear, Left, Right​
1 WMG | Hits: 6 | Range: Long | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Special: Rapid Fire (always on rapid fire because there's no penalty while in a vehicle), Braced, Heavy 2​
Arcs: Fore, Rear, Left, Right​
Dora: Bow Gunner | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 | Engine Access!
1 LMG | Hits: 4 | Range: Long | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | | Special: Repaid Fire (see above), Braced​
Arcs: Fore​
Mask: Loader | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 | Assists Cannon Shooting


H2 "Mighty Mighty Man", M2 Dumont - Armed with an MG
Sergeant Baalaji: Commander/Gunner
Private Iron Moth: Driver

P9 "Lil' Mo Action", M2 Dumont - Armed with a Cannon
Corporal Aubrey Angel: Commander/Gunner
Private Caitlyn Smith: Driver


Sergeant Christina Morales: Squad Leader

Corporal Arnold Brick: Second in Command

Lance Corporal Betty "Doc" Tracy: Medic

Private Gordon Xavier: LAW Man

Private Nosejob: LAW Man

Private Samantha Yeager: LAW Man

Private Michael Burnside: Sniper

Private Thomas Barker: Rifleman

Private William Barker: Rifleman

Private Gwendolyn Price: Rifleman

Lance Corporal Zǐhán Quin: Rifleman
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IDK Flying Circus stats, which ones are needed/best vs. which are nice or situational.

`No Drama` seems perfect for the Team Dad role if it works the way it sounds, calmly hearing someone out and helping them work through their issues then giving them a pat on the back and a pun that breaks the Geneva Conventions.

Pistol also sounds good because in the absence of a pintle MG to blaze away with the tank commander is religiously obligated to wave something in the air.
It took like, a 10 minute* argument to allow assaultrons into the quest. I have a religious objection^ to Fallout 4.

*2 seconds
^I don't like it


with hips
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[X] Plan: Latecomer
-[X] Jobber (+1 Hard, +1 Keen, +1 Calm, +1 Daring)
-[X] Old Reliable: The tank gains +2 Integrity, +4 Safety and +3 Reliability for ground vehicles, and removes Unreliable and gives +1 to Attack for a firearm.
-[X] Get It Done: Each Routine, hold 3. Spend that hold to get a partial hit on any check before rolling.
-[X] There For You: When you Get Real, the target always loses 1 stress.
-[X] A bandoleer with three smoke grenades.
-[X] A super stimpack, purchased with your own money. Just in case. (Regen syringe)
-[X] Country Roads

I know this plan is almost certainly too late to win, but I can't just give up on the idea of a total +4 to our stats.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Nov 25, 2021 at 10:15 AM, finished with 30 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan No Heroics
    -[X] Safety Inspectors (-2 Hard, Keen +2, Calm +4, Daring -2)
    -[X] Get It Done: Each Routine, hold 3. Spend that hold to get a partial hit on any check before rolling.
    -[X] Old Reliable: The tank gains +2 Integrity, +4 Safety and +3 Reliability for ground vehicles, and removes Unreliable and gives +1 to Attack for a firearm.
    -[X] Domestic Bliss: When you're at 0 stress, take +1 ongoing to all rolls outside of air combat. You're not in air combat. Haha. Holy shit. Really, Erika?
    -[X] Cortex Comrade, a miniaturized personal computer which uses a persistent heads-up display to help workers perform their tasks… or soldiers target the enemy.
    -[X] A bandoleer with three smoke grenades.
    -[X] A super stimpack, purchased with your own money. Just in case. (Regen syringe)
    -[X] Wandering Home
    [X] Plan: "TROGDOR!"
    [X] New Lease on Life (+2 Hard, -1 Keen, -1 Calm, +2 Daring)
    [X] Get It Done: Each Routine, hold 3. Spend that hold to get a partial hit on any check before rolling.
    [X] Hard Drinking: You may re-roll two dice in End of Night rolls.
    [X] Old Reliable: The tank gains +2 Integrity, +4 Safety and +3 Reliability for ground vehicles, and removes Unreliable and gives +1 to Attack for a firearm.
    [X] A pistol you brought with you from overseas, which fits comfortably in your shoulder holster.
    [X] A thermite grenade for scuttling the tank in case you have to abandon it.
    [X] Plan: Latecomer
    -[X] Jobber (+1 Hard, +1 Keen, +1 Calm, +1 Daring)
    -[X] Old Reliable: The tank gains +2 Integrity, +4 Safety and +3 Reliability for ground vehicles, and removes Unreliable and gives +1 to Attack for a firearm.
    -[X] Get It Done: Each Routine, hold 3. Spend that hold to get a partial hit on any check before rolling.
    -[X] There For You: When you Get Real, the target always loses 1 stress.
    -[X] A bandoleer with three smoke grenades.
    -[X] A super stimpack, purchased with your own money. Just in case. (Regen syringe)
    -[X] Country Roads

0.3: Pencil Pushers
You sigh, and figure...you might as well be honest to these kids. These...weird, messed up, edge world kids. Some or perhaps most of which may be older than you.

"Listen," you say, rubbing the back of your neck. "I won't lie to you all. I'm new. But I've been well trained and I know, more than a lot of people, that the best way to learn is to listen. You've all been out here longer than me, so if you see something, say something. We work together, we all get home alive. Sounds good?"

Fast Driver immediately thrust a clawed hand into the air, her feathers at attention.

You give her a nod.

"Should I say something about everything I see?" she asked.

"No, just...when I make a mistake," you say.

"OH! Oh, okay, yes, got it!" She nodded. "Well, you haven't made a mistake in trusting us, sir!"

You give her a wry little smile. "Glad to hear it."


With your tank squared away, you then had two more tank crews to check in on. The only problem was that you had no idea where they were in the confusion of the pre-operation organization.

You were theoretically leading a pair of M2 Dumonts and two half-tracks full of infantry, which would make up your entire tank platoon… at least, before you got the word you were also leading a bunch of fucking jarheads. But where were they? When you looked up and down the rows, all you saw were Ollies, like your tank, M7s, and a few of the truly ancient M5 Heavies somebody dug out of somewhere, the ones with like five turrets bristling in all directions.

Ugh. You switched on the radio and started cycling through channels, hoping for some insight.

"This is Big Iron Actual, we're still low on WP shells, does anyone know where-"


"-Easy Living-2 here, we got five cykes out here with spears, I think they-


"-avaro, repeat, Navarro Base, we need those verti-"

You sigh, turning off the feed for the moment. The radio net is a fucking disaster, too many units on every channel talking over each other. You suppose it's just a byproduct of trying to organize a million men on such short notice. A rumbling sound draws your attention and when you turn, you see that some fortune has smiled on you today: Two M2s are rolling right past you, with their commanders waving.

You remember back when the M2 had looked like the most sophisticated, advanced non-pre-war thing you had ever seen in your life when it rolled past in the Vault Dweller Day parades. Next to the Ollies that you were commanding now, they looked like either a toy or a bad joke. The commanders could barely fit in the turrets and they only had enough room for the driver in the front, sticking their head out the two-piece hatch. You tried to imagine being crammed down in that boxy little hull and just...winced.

You wave back and both of the tanks come to a halt, and the commanders come crawling out and the front hatches fully open so their drivers could breathe. Fully unbuttoned, the tanks look like somebody had peeled it apart with a can opener, given how big proportionally the hatches were compared to the tanks themselves. The crew could still barely fit out.

You gave both Sergeants a salute, and then held out your hand. "Lieutenant Alderesh Yang, from the Hub." You hoped your name and home city would head off any confusion about whether or not you're Shi. The first of them took your hand - a strong, tough looking man with skin like a nut: Wrinkled and weather beaten and old before his time, his eyes are storm gray and he has a crow tattoo on his cheek. The other shakes after, and she's taller than you, broad shouldered, and young enough for you to have to repress a wince. She's got a black leather jacket over her uniform and short black hair absolutely slathered with grease.

"I'm Baalaji," the older Sergeant said, gesturing to his tank. "That's my tank, the Mighty Mighty Man, and Private Iron Moth driving." Private Iron Moth was a skinny little tribal who was hutched over in his hatch, clearly half-asleep.

"I'm Aubery Angel, Corporal," the younger one said. She slapped the side of her tank, where someone had drawn a woman spread-eagle over a suit of T-51 power armor as if cradling a lover. The helmet of the power armor has popped off, showing that the owner is also a woman. "And this is a Lil' Mo Action."

"Glad to meet you two," you say, then point at the Mighty Mighty Man. "Is that a machine gun?"

The main cannon of the Mighty Mighty Man is not a cannon. It is a machine gun.

"Yeah, the M2s are either or, not both," Bhavna said, his voice dry. "The cannon ones used to be the liability, to be fair."

"It's all coming up Aubrey," Aubrey said, with a huge grin.

"Honey, shut up." That voice came from the Lil' More Action, in an accent you'd never heard before in your life. Craning your head, you see a woman with long, dyed blue hair, smoking a cigarette as she lounges in the tank. Her uniform is definitely not regulation.

"Honey?" you ask, glancing at Aubrey, who coughs and mutters something about AR 600-20.

"Well, uh, anyway, it'll be good to have an Ollie soaking up all the cannon shots again." she said nervously. "We'll stop a rifle round, mostly, from the front, but some of their bigger stuff goes straight through us, so having somebody draw fire's nice."

"That's what we do!" Drives Fast calls out, cheerfully, while beside her, Mask gives a mute thumbs up.

Baalaji shudders, then leans in, whispering. "If...you need a new loader, I know a guy in Replacements-"

"No, we're good," you say, immediately. "Now, I've been told I've also got an infantry squad under my command?"

"They should be right behind us," Baalaji said, and just as he predicted, one of the "half-tracks" rattled up. Not even half-tracks. Those were two flatbed jeeps with some extra armor plating bolted onto the back, a machine gun post hanging off them both. Right, the big truck plant in Necropolis had got blown up last year.

The infantry inside are all NCRAF standard issue - brown uniforms, service rifles, tough looking, with a lot of gear that they have packed into the duffels. They all have the badly shaved look of people who haven't been away from the Front for long. Their leader, a hard-faced looking woman who looked like she's been through hell and a half in the last three years, steps out with a sharp salute.

"Lieutenant," she said. "Sergeant Christina Morales, 26th Infantry Regiment. I understand we're your infantry detachment?"

"As best I know. 26th… were you at Hoover Dam?" you asked, regretting it as the words left your mouth. She scowled, unsurprising.

"Unfortunately, I was hit and evacuated that morning," she said, with a tone that indicated that if she hadn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

"Sorry, sore spot, I understand," you responded. "Have you done this sort of work before?"

"No, but I understand the basics. We'll be keeping the Legion infantry away," she said. "Not surprising, they're fucking psychos. They have explosive spears and magmines, get in your blind spot."

"So you protect us from their assault troops, we protect you from their guns?" you summarized.

"That's the idea. No man left behind," she said, with absolute conviction.

You dismissed her and stepped toward the trucks, where soldiers were piling out with their gear. They were just simple little brown-painted light six wheelers, each with a light machine gun clipped onto the front of the sheet metal crew compartment. The driver sat alone in the cab up front, staring out small vision hatch to the front and sides.

You stepped around the side of one to the troops laying their equipment out, and then heard an absolute enormous voice coming from the truck bed behind you.

"Youuuu son of a bitch!"

You turn and see a hulking form swinging off the side of the truck that faced away from you. For a moment, silhouetted by the sun, you get nothing but the sensation of immense size. Then a massive supermutant is bearing down on you - and you have just enough time to lift up your hand before Arnold Brick grabbed onto your hand and squeezed so hard that you nearly felt your knuckles pop. You grit your teeth, then grin and squeeze back as Arnold beams down at you.

"Brick!" you say.

"Corporal Brick!" he exclaimed, then noticed your rank pins. "Uh, sir!"

"Shut up! I haven't seen you since you got fired-"

"For fucking the boss' wife?" He asks, then laughs as you shove his hand away, subtly rubbing your own hand to get feeling back again.

"I seem to remember it differently," you say. "Also, what have they got you doing out here, pushing pencils, you didn't even manage to fracture my hand."

"They taught me to play nice with the normies," Brick said, slapping your shoulder. "And you're in tanking now?" He whistled. "I thought that the war would have to be at the Hub's doorstep before they'd get you away from Fen and Browny."

"I, uh, volunteered," you said, wincing. You weren't going to sit by and let a second home get overrun.

"You what? Who's taking care of the kids?"

You look aside. "They're with Marie's mom, Getrude. Remember her?"

"Yeah, met her at the funeral," Brick said, his lips turning down for a moment. You share a moment's silence, remembering how you three had all met, at the mutant's rights rally, and your first ever sight of her had been her throwing a brick into the face of a No Mutant's Allowed dipshit.

"Yeah…" you say. "Uh, they also got your buddy helping, so it's not just her alone-"

"That old coot?" Brick asks. "He has a tree growing out of his head!"

"He does trim it now," you say, and Brick bursts out laughing, then drags you over towards the jeeps, gesturing with his hand.

"Well, good, good, good!" He says. "Now, I want you to meet my team of absolute, total fucking murderous badasses. We've been here from the Mojave to the Necropolis and we've got a thousand Legion skulls to show for it." His grin grows wide. "Every last one of them, fit to be fuckin dipped!"

"Fuck you, Corporal!" One of the women called from the truck, her medics insignia dimmed and barely painted - a precaution because the Legion would do...real bad things to medics if they knew you were one. "I like my tits too much!"

You peek in.


Big Equipment Plan Vote Time!!!

What do you got? You have one medic and 9 trained guards, which leaves you with 10 dollars to spend on gear. Each squad member can carry one main gun, one sidearm, three grenades, and special gear - heavy weapons work like heavy weapons, you know how it is.

Script Gear (all free, so anyone who doesn't carry other things will have these by default. The vote allows you to choose what mix they have.)

[ ] M270 Hunting Rifle, Emergency Issue (Hits: 1, Damage: 2 , AP: 1, Range: Extreme, Manual)
[ ] M7 NCR Service Shotgun, Sawn off (Hits: 1 , Damage: 1d5-1, AP: 0, Range: Knife, +1 hit in melee, -2 damage at close, useless beyond, one handed, reload 1)
[ ] M2 NCR Service Revolver (Hits 1, Damage: 1, AP: 0, Range: Knife, One Handed)
[ ] M8 Hand Grenade (Hits 5, Damage 1, AP 0, Range Knife, Burst)
[ ] Dynamite Stick (Hits 1d5+1, Damage 1, AP 0, Range Knife. Burst, One-Handed, Holstered, Unreliable)
[ ] Bundle of Dynamite (Hits 2, Damage 9, AP2, Range Knife, Burst, -5 vs Infantry, does 5 Damage even if it fails to penetrate vehicle armour)
[ ] Bayonets

1 Dollar Gear
[ ] For 2 M15 NCR Service Rifle, Standard Issue (Hits: 2, Damage: 2 , AP: 1, Range: Long, Unreliable)
[ ] 9mm NCR Service Pistol (Hits: 2, Damage: 1, AP: 0, Range: Knife, One-Handed)
[ ] Grenade Satchel (hold 3, spend 1 hold to retrieve any script costing grenade)
[ ] Three Old World LAWs, Light Antitank Weapons (Hits: 1, Damage: 1d10, AP: 3, Range: Close, Burst, One Shot Only)

2 Dollar Gear
[ ] Rifle Grenade Adapters (can be attached to "throw" grenades out to close range)
[ ] Winchester City-Killer combat shotgun (Hits: 2, Damage: 1d5, AP: 0, Range: Knife, Manual, reload 3)
[ ] 10mm H&K Submachine Gun (Hits: 3 (4), Damage: 1, AP: 0, Range: Close, rapid fire, reload 2, unreliable)
[ ] Istvan Assault Light Machine Gun (Hits: 3 (4), Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Range: Long, rapid fire, reload 3)

2 Dollar Gear, Brick Only (other people will break their arms)
[ ] 12.7 mm blowback Submachine Gun "firing port weapon" (Hits: 4, Damage: 2, AP: 1, Range: Knife, Holstered, Unreliable, Rapid Fire (only.)
[ ] Zeppelin Shotgun (Hits: 2, Damage: 1d5-1, AP: 0, Range: Knife, manual, unreliable, reload 1, at close range or further, burst 1 and -1 hit. Can be fired as many times as Brick wants. He's a supermutant. Fuck you.)
[ ] Super Sledgehammer (Hit: 1, Damage: 6, AP: 3, Melee)

3 Dollar Gear
[ ] M270 Marksman Rifle with Scope (Hits 1, Damage 2, AP1, Range Extreme. Manual, bonus in Ambush)

4 Dollar Gear
[ ] PGM Hécate II Anti-Material Rifle (Hits: 1, Damage: 5, AP: 2, Range: Extreme, Manual)
[ ] Imported Chinese Assault Rifle (Hits: 2(3), Damage: 1, AP: 1, Range: Long, Rapid Fire, Unreliable, +1 Hits at Knife range)

5 Dollar Gear
[ ] A Rockwell BigBazooka, comes with HE and AP Rockets (AP | Hits: 1, Damage: 30, AP: 3, Range: Close, | HE | Hits: 6, Damage: 2, AP: 0, Range: Long | Reload 1, Braced, HE shells have burst)

Additionally, what special modifications do you have on your tank? Choose 2 for your tank, and one each for Mighty Might Man and 'Lil Mo Action.
[ ] Piles of Sandbags & Spare Tracks (Increases crew resistance to Suppression. -2 engine Reliability)
[ ] Tribal Armour (Prevents magnetic mines from sticking. -1 to Escape rolls)
[ ] Air Conditioner (Makes the heat in the tank more bearable, increasing endurance. Man, driving this tank makes you wish for a nuclear winter)
[ ] Dozer Blades & Wire Cutters (Reduces Speed, but makes it easier to cross obstacles and can be used to make cover for the tank, and clears barbed wire more completely.)
[ ] Searchlight (Makes night fighting a lot easier)
[ ] Red Glare Missile Rail (One shot. Highly effective against tanks and aircraft)
[ ] Pintle Mounted Machine Gun (Gives you a machine gun attached to your hatch)
[ ] Smokescreen Launcher (Single-shot smokescreen on demand)
[X] Plan: The Menu Could Be Better
- Mighty Might Man: Red Glare Missile Rail
- 'Lil Mo Action: Searchlight
- Wandering Home: Dozer Blades & Wire Cutters and Tribal Armour
- Medic: M270 Hunting Rifle, Bayonet, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, M8 Hand Grenade
- Brick: M270 Hunting Rifle, Bayonet, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, Bundle of Dynamite
- Sniper 1: PGM Hécate II Anti-Material Rifle, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, M8 Hand Grenade
- Sniper 2: M270 Marksman Rifle with Scope, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rocketeer 1: M270 Hunting Rifle, Old World LAW, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rocketeer 2: M270 Hunting Rifle, Old World LAW, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rocketeer 3: M270 Hunting Rifle, Old World LAW, M2 NCR Service Revolver, M8 Hand Grenade
- Gunner: Istvan Assault Light Machine Gun, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rifleman 1: M270 Hunting Rifle, Bayonet, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, Bundle of Dynamite
- Rifleman 2: M270 Hunting Rifle, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, Dynamite Stick

To be clear, MMM has a machine gun and LMA has a cannon? Anyway, super confusing vote, pure guesswork on the infantry section.

I'm assuming the LAWs count as a main weapon and split up the batch over three soldiers. If not, assume they have hunting rifles. Also assuming the sawn offs count as sidearms because they're one handed. Assuming the dynamite and bundle count as grenades. Not sure what special gear means? Bayonets? If so everyone has bayonets I guess. Really unclear.

Edit: Ok, added bayonets and gave one guy a stick of dynamite, he can be salty he couldn't get an actual grenade or a proper bundle. Also gonna class these guys.
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I'm assuming the LAWs count as a main weapon and split up the batch over three soldiers. If not, assume they have hunting rifles. Also assuming the sawn offs count as sidearms because they're one handed. Assuming the dynamite and bundle count as grenades. Not sure what special gear means? Bayonets? If so everyone has bayonets I guess. Really unclear.

Only after re-reading the vote did I realize that I put in a slot for special gear, but then disallowed pretty much all the special gear cause the infantry wouldn't really get stuff like grappling hook guns and sniper suits and such...

So, uh, yeah, just assume the special slot is filled with bayonets, sorry!
Only after re-reading the vote did I realize that I put in a slot for special gear, but then disallowed pretty much all the special gear cause the infantry wouldn't really get stuff like grappling hook guns and sniper suits and such...

So, uh, yeah, just assume the special slot is filled with bayonets, sorry!
Or rockets if you take them!

Yeah, sorry, trying to assemble this vote was hard and we didn't do a great job.
Wait, do the LAWs count as special gear or main weapons then? I can go put them and bayonets in as special gear, and give the three rocketeers rifles.
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"I'm Aubery Angel, Corporal," the younger one said. She slapped the side of her tank, where someone had drawn a woman spread-eagle over a suit of T-51 power armor as if cradling a lover. The helmet of the power armor has popped off, showing that the owner is also a woman. "And this is a Lil' Mo Action."
"Honey, shut up." That voice came from the Lil' More Action, in an accent you'd never heard before in your life. Craning your head, you see a woman with long, dyed blue hair, smoking a cigarette as she lounges in the tank. Her uniform is definitely not regulation.
I think that I like this tank's style.
her medics insignia dimmed and barely painted - a precaution because the Legion would do...real bad things to medics if they knew you were one.
Oof. No longer doubting we're, if not the good guys, the less bad guys?
Script Gear (all free, so anyone who doesn't carry other things will have these by default. The vote allows you to choose what mix they have.)
How do things like bundles of dynamite work if they don't have the One Shot Only modifier? Are you carrying a single stick of dynamite that's refreshed whenever you restock, do you just have a bottomless sack of dynamite, is there an ammo mechanic like "roll whenever you use it and it runs out on a one"?
[ ] Smokescreen Launcher (Single-shot smokescreen on demand)
Same question here about ammunition - when does "single shot" refill?
[ ] Zeppelin Shotgun (Hits: 2, Damage: 1d5-1, AP: 0, Range: Knife, manual, unreliable, reload 1, at close range or further, burst 1 and -1 hit. Can be fired as many times as Brick wants. He's a supermutant. Fuck you.)
[ ] A Rockwell BigBazooka, comes with HE and AP Rockets (AP | Hits: 1, Damage: 30, AP: 3, Range: Close, | HE | Hits: 6, Damage: 2, AP: 0, Range: Long | Reload 1, Braced, HE shells have burst)
[ ] PGM Hécate II Anti-Material Rifle (Hits: 1, Damage: 5, AP: 2, Range: Extreme, Manual)
I think that we want at least one of (and probably exactly one of, given the price tags) the bazooka, the shotgun, or the anti-materiel rifle. Basically, Brick is extremely durable (for infantry, at least) and seems to be damn smart on top of that, classic Super Mutant, so kit him out with something scary to compound force multipliers. The bazooka would compensate for our other two "tanks" not having guns. The AM rifle would do the same to a slightly lesser degree while also giving us some firepower at extreme range and a second answer to bullet sponges. The super shotgun has its key disadvantage removed so it's an efficient use of money and would help the infantry with its primary mission of keeping other infantry off of us.

Honestly, given how lightly armored and generally problematic it sounds like the M2s are, I'm half-surprised that one of our options isn't "tear an MG off an M2 and give it to Brick".

Given that it's specifically Brick that'd be using the super shotgun, what are his stats like? In particular, does he have anything that'd offset that unreliable modifier?
comes with HE and AP Rockets
How frequently do people come across other ammo types in the wasteland? How good are they?
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Wait, do the LAWs count as special gear or main weapons then? I can go put them and bayonets in as special gear, and give the three rocketeers rifles.
LAWs count as special gear.
How do things like bundles of dynamite work if they don't have the One Shot Only modifier? Are you carrying a single stick of dynamite that's refreshed whenever you restock, do you just have a bottomless sack of dynamite, is there an ammo mechanic like "roll whenever you use it and it runs out on a one"?

Same question here about ammunition - when does "single shot" refill?

Honestly, given how lightly armored and generally problematic it sounds like the M2s are, I'm half-surprised that one of our options isn't "tear an MG off an M2 and give it to Brick".

Given that it's specifically Brick that'd be using the super shotgun, what are his stats like? In particular, does he have anything that'd offset that unreliable modifier?

How frequently do people come across other ammo types in the wasteland? How good are they?
Grenades and dynamite and stuff are one-use-only its just less obvious than rocket launchers.

Single-shot weapons will be reloaded when you get to supply depots or are resupplied by truck, as will grenades. When that happens we can give you a chance to change some stuff up too.

The M2s are still tanks and can do the fundamental thing tanks need to do, which is making aggressive action against enemy light infantry without to much risk from small arms. Their main issue is that their rear armour is just kind of a big vent so they're vulnerable to rifles if they get close.

Brick is an NPC and NPCs don't add anything to rolls, but as a super mutant he can take more Injury before he goes down.

Almost all the NCR weapons and ammunition are post-war and are made by the immense Gunrunners cooperative in one of their many factories. We're deep in NCR territory right now: this isn't The Wasteland anymore, there's no salvage *left* in this region. The reason other ammunition types have run out isn't because they're drawing from Old World stock, its because the NCR is deeply in crisis and has deprecated the manufacture of more complex and time-consuming weapons and munitions in favour of good-enough solutions that can be made as fast as possible. That's why bolt-action rifles have become more common than the more famous NCR semi-auto service rifle: they needed guns for an enormous conscript army right-the-fuck-now and the Gunrunners could not produce service rifles fast enough.
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Grenades and dynamite and stuff are one-use-only its just less obvious than rocket launchers.

Single-shot weapons just have to be reloaded in the narrative.
Okay, I was reading "One Shot Only" as "we can't make more of these, I personally scavenged this one from the sewers three years ago and I've been saving it for the right moment, once you use it it's not coming back, good luck finding more in the wasteland." If they're just the same as grenades and stuff, the old world LAW and the missile rail are much more attractive. Especially since, as far as I can tell, the missile rail is the only thing we've yet seen that has even trivial anti-aircraft capability, and it's actively good at it. That's the kind of thing that will turn a hard loss into a victory.

edit: no, I'm an idiot. That single missile is an entire special augment, when it's gone it's gone. The LAWs presumably also cost 2 dollars to replace once they're used. The special thing about the dynamite and hand grenades is that they're freebies so you always get to restock them. I feel like this might make the tank smokescreen projector a lot less appealing, though, if it's playing by the same rules as the missile.
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The tank smokescreen will be free to reload each mission, the problem there is that its on the outside of the tank and a pain to manage.

But yes, you will have to pay to restock on missiles and LAWs. The NCR isn't exactly short on LAWs because the US Army stockpiled literally sixty million of them on the Northwest Coast in anticipation of Chinese invasion, as the NCR discovered when they incorperated the Oregon territories, but they don't have infinite of them and the Gunrunners haven't managed to reverse engineer them yet. The Red Glare missiles *are* reverse engineered, but the Gunrunners aren't making any more because they required electronics that were made in Necropolis, and Necropolis still has not even remotely recovered yet.
Not seeing a lot of responses for this… does anyone want me to switch out the missile for the smokescreen? I definitely want to keep the LAWs and the machine gun, and I'm leaning towards having a sniper, but I suppose I could switch out the scoped rifle for for a few cheaper items.

It's not that much better anyway.
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Are the dynamite bundles also Unreliable? In addition, I assume that they're too big for normies to huck, but what about Brick? I like the idea of him throwing big explosions like footballs.

How much does the Bazooka ammo cost?

I'd kinda want to get at least some ARs, simply because of how much they improve our firepower for their cost. 2 for a dollar is a steal to double firepower over a hunting rifle (though Unreliable is definitely not ideal, not sure how impactful it'll be).

Given that we have quite a bit of vehicle support, I'd be inclined towards trying to get a Hecate or Bazooka, some LAWs, and a fair number of ARs as the priority items? MGs seem a bit less critical given that we have like 5 between our vehicles, though still very nice to have.

[X] Plan: Toys for Everyone
- Wandering Home: Smokescreen Launcher, Pintle Mounted Machine Gun
- Mighty Might Man: Dozer Blades & Wire Cutters
- 'Lil Mo Action: Searchlight
- Brick: Istvan Assault Light Machine Gun, Bayonet, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, Bundle of Dynamite
- Medic: M270 Hunting Rifle, Bayonet, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rocketeer 1: M270 Hunting Rifle, Old World LAW, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rocketeer 2: M270 Hunting Rifle, Old World LAW, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rocketeer 3: M270 Hunting Rifle, Old World LAW, M7 NCR Service Shotgun, M8 Hand Grenade
- Sniper: PGM Hécate II Anti-Material Rifle, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rifleman 1: M15 NCR Service Rifle, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rifleman 2: M15 NCR Service Rifle, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, M8 Hand Grenade
- Rifleman 3: M15 NCR Service Rifle, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, Bundle of Dynamite
- Rifleman 4: M15 NCR Service Rifle, Bayonet, M2 NCR Service Revolver, Bundle of Dynamite
- 3 LAWs as spares or to be issued out as needed.

I'm open to switching the LAWs out for something else, but this would let us use them more freely or give them out to our less anti-tank oriented people if we're expecting particular trouble. Other possibilities for the remaining dollar include more ARs or replacing the Hecate with a Bazooka (or maybe a grenade satchel for Brick?). We end up with quite a bit of reasonably mobile firepower. The main issues I see are half of our primary weapons being Unreliable, and our anti-tank firepower being rather costly to use to its full potential. Also that having a pintle MG potentially puts us more in the firing line of snipers. The Red Glare might be better for emergencies.
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I think the biggest issue is that we only have one weapon that can deal with armor. Our other two tanks are effectively IFVs. We need at least one additional way to threaten armor so our tank isn't advancing uncovered. Hecate, LAWs, and AR is decent, though I might swap one AR out in favor of the big shotgun, since our infantry are going to be doing a ton of room-clearing.

Might be able to write a plan, but not likely, Thanksgiving is ongoing. Happy turkey day to those who celebrate it!
Gonna put a hat in the ring too.
[x] Plan: Grunt Effort
-10x service rifles for $5
-1x Bigbazooka™ for $5

-3x Revolver Riflemen with service rifle, revolver, bayonet, M8 grenade.
-3x Shotgun Riflemen with service rifle, sawn-off, bayonet, M8 grenade.
-2x Demo Riflemen with service rifle, revolver, bayonet, dynamite bundles.
-1x Medic has service rifle, sawn-off, bayonet, M8 grenade, assuming her gear gives room.

-Brick has the Bigbazooka™ and a service rifle as a secondary, if I can get away with that. He's a big guy. Bayo and M8 also if he has room.
--If Brick can't carry a rifle as a secondary, he can have a sawn-off too and the rifle can be hung off the tank as a spare or smth. Or we could save the $1, give one person a bolt action, and earmark them to get an LMG or marksman rifle when dosh clears up.

-Wandering Home:
--[x] Dozer Blades & Wire Cutters (Reduces Speed, but makes it easier to cross obstacles and can be used to make cover for the tank, and clears barbed wire more completely.)
--[x] Air Conditioner (Makes the heat in the tank more bearable, increasing endurance. Man, driving this tank makes you wish for a nuclear winter)

-Mighty Mighty Man:
--[x] Smokescreen Launcher (Single-shot smokescreen on demand)

-Lil Mo Action:
--[x] Pintle Mounted Machine Gun (Gives you a machine gun attached to your hatch)

First up, AK-47 for everybody.
1. General competence. Specialised guns are better in their niche but a service rifle is always useful except when it jams, and I'm assuming that the fact literally everybody has one will make up for the occasional M16 Moment. Bolt actions are for nerds.
2. Uniformity. Everyone has the same gun, same ammo, same mags. If things go to shit you can borrow stuff off your buddy (possibly his not-jammed rifle).
2.a: also the medic looks exactly the same as 90% of the squad, making it harder for Legion to figure out which khaki Poilu to shoot first.
3. Distributed firepower. Less dependence on single weapons and each individual has more firepower on tap than with bolt-actions.

Second, dynamite.
I'm assuming having some of this around will be handy for demolitions, mouseholing, shoving down tunnel entrances, denying equipment, and perhaps tossing at Legion armour if things go shit shaped.

Third, shotguns.
CQB is the place where the Service Rifle's unreliability is most likely to bite people, so having a set of sawn-offs around that can be shoved up Legion nostrils should alleviate that. Wrinkle: only one shot, but if CQB lasts more than one turn shit's gone wrong.

Fourth, the Rockwell Bigbazooka™.
As Vebyast said, we're short on useful antitank firepower. I'm assuming the light tank cannon is mostly good against technicals and knocking holes in walls for infantry support.

LAWs are a bit costly, but I see them less as anti-tank weapons and more a tool for bullying technicals and tankettes that otherwise can run over infantry. Compared to the other AT weapons LAWs are pretty much paying $0.30 for a dynamite bundle with longer range and an extra point of AP, except that the dynamite does more damage on a pen and the same damage average even if it doesn't just through blast effects. Though not having to get close to armour is its own benefit.

The Bigbazooka™ is a more expensive single weapon (as much as 15 LAWs) but (I'm assuming) the rockets are standard issue, so we can play with it as much as we want once we've got it, making a lasting investment. Its AT rockets have the same range as the LAWs while the HE ones can be used out to Long.
Munitionswise it looks like someone hit with this will be explaining himself to Mars personally, with AT effects rated at 'yikes' and a HE that will blow the holy bejeezus out of whole squads at once.

That said I don't know what Braced and Burst do. I'm assuming it means the bazooka takes a moment to set up. DK if Brick can get around that - Fallout 1 super muties just lugged these things over their shoulder.

The Hecate is funny but appears to be another entry in the 'bully tankette' category. Though it'll probably work on power armour too if the Legion has it. It's sexy but we have 75mm sniper rifle at home.

The LMG is cool and I want at least one, but is it '4 service rifles' cool?
Marksman rifle is also cool but we're a bit skint ATM.

Chinese rifle is ??? and expensive. As far as I can tell it's basically the HK but with more range? unless Rapid Fire does something *really* cool I honestly don't see the point of it over the service rifle and doubly so for cost.

Finally, the tanks.
Lil Mo is almost helpless against infantry, thus the MG. Gives more flexibility in fire support and reduces vulnerability to surprise.

The light tanks I'm assuming will often be acting in a flanking/scouting/screening sort of role around the medium, hence smoke to give cover for un-assing the area and calling for help.
Searchlight is neat but literally a 'shoot me' sign so does not belong on a light tank we want to keep.

Wandering Home:
Engineering kit for getting rid of obstacles on the attack and digging in on the defence. We can probably dig an infantry breastwork in like 15 seconds, too. IDK if a smaller tank could get the same utility benefits out of this.
Air conditioner to keep the crew of the tank with most of the firepower more functional and reduce the incentive to pop hatches for airflow/ventilation when Legion are watching. Plus it's homely.

The vertibird attack in previous quest was moderately traumatising so I can see picking up a Red Glare somewhere just as insurance against that, though. Probably not on the Home since it has the biggest current AT weapon already.

as an alternative it might be funny to have 2 LMGs and a bazooka, idk. Would give 2 fireteams.

One other note is that we were explicitly warned about a Legion Tiger-equivalent that our current biggest AT weapon would struggle to deal with alone.
Not seeing a lot of responses for this… does anyone want me to switch out the missile for the smokescreen? I definitely want to keep the LAWs and the machine gun, and I'm leaning towards having a sniper, but I suppose I could switch out the scoped rifle for for a few cheaper items.

It's not that much better anyway.
Swapping the LAWs out to upgrade the Hecate to a Bigbazooka, maybe? IDK that two scoped rifles are necessary esp. given the Hecate appears to be best against light hardware but maybe you're specifically going for a double-tap sort of thing.
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I specifically put the dozer&wire cutters and tribal armor on the wandering home because it's the heaviest armor available, most likely to draw fire and soak hits for the others, as mentioned in the update.

I didn't want to put the dozer on a lighter tank because then it has to take the lead.