Fallout: Boneyards (Chariots of Steel playtest / New Vegas Sequel Quest!)

NAME: Xiuyuan "Alderesh" Yang
AGE: 41 | GENDER: Male


Fen Yang: She's having a hard time at work/school and are unsure about their future​
(*)(*)( )​
[-1 Stress Per Routine!]
Bronwyn Yang (aka Browny): They're struggling with long-form Warflu and need expensive meds to kick it. Fortunately, you've managed to send some.​
(*) (*) ( )​
[-1 Stress Per Routine!]

Get It Done: Each Routine, hold 3. Spend that hold to get a partial hit on any check before rolling.
Old Reliable: The tank gains +2 Integrity, +4 Safety and +3 Reliability for ground vehicles, and removes Unreliable and gives +1 to Attack for a firearm.
Domestic Bliss: When you're at 0 stress, take +1 ongoing to all rolls outside of air combat. You're not in air combat. Haha. Holy shit. Really, Erika?

Cortex Comrade, a miniaturized personal computer which uses a persistent heads-up display to help workers perform their tasks… or soldiers target the enemy.
A bandoleer with three smoke grenades.
A super stimpack, purchased with your own money. Just in case.

Getaway Mastery: Passive (Every move you take adds +1 Handling in ground vehicles.)
Can't Miss: Reduce your Speed penalty to shooting by -3. When your vehicle attacks at Knife range, +1 AP. At Melee range, +2 AP.​


A9 "Wander Home", M7 Oliver
Speed: 4 | Torque: +2 | Handling: 23
Armor: 4/2/1 | Integrity: 25 | Safety: 3
Reliability: 0 | Fuel Use: 7 | Stress: 1

Festooned with Hatches: Every position on the tank counts as having a Hatch, and any member of the crew can leave from any side or fire personal weapons in any direction.​
Gun Stabilizer: The addition of a gun stabilizer reduces the movement penalty from the vehicle's own Speed by 2.​
Linked: All crew positions have an intercom.​

Yang: Commander | Type: Closed | Visibility: +1 | Escape: +2
Drives-Fast: Driver | Type: Closed | Visibility: -1 | Escape: +2
Trudy: Main Gunner | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 |
1 F. Cannon (AP/HE) | Hits: 1/6 | Range: Long/Extreme | Damage: 24/3 | AP: 4/0 | Specials (Both): Reload 1, Artillery, Heavy 4, Awkward -5 vs Planes. HE Shells gain burst​
Arcs: Fore, Rear, Left, Right​
1 WMG | Hits: 6 | Range: Long | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Special: Rapid Fire (always on rapid fire because there's no penalty while in a vehicle), Braced, Heavy 2​
Arcs: Fore, Rear, Left, Right​
Dora: Bow Gunner | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 | Engine Access!
1 LMG | Hits: 4 | Range: Long | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | | Special: Repaid Fire (see above), Braced​
Arcs: Fore​
Mask: Loader | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 | Assists Cannon Shooting


H2 "Mighty Mighty Man", M2 Dumont - Armed with an MG
Sergeant Baalaji: Commander/Gunner
Private Iron Moth: Driver

P9 "Lil' Mo Action", M2 Dumont - Armed with a Cannon
Corporal Aubrey Angel: Commander/Gunner
Private Caitlyn Smith: Driver


Sergeant Christina Morales: Squad Leader

Corporal Arnold Brick: Second in Command

Lance Corporal Betty "Doc" Tracy: Medic

Private Gordon Xavier: LAW Man

Private Nosejob: LAW Man

Private Samantha Yeager: LAW Man

Private Michael Burnside: Sniper

Private Thomas Barker: Rifleman

Private William Barker: Rifleman

Private Gwendolyn Price: Rifleman

Lance Corporal Zǐhán Quin: Rifleman
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No. We are having my plan, and three different inferior plens.
Like come on, just deal with the infantry first, then spend the next turn carving up the tank.

The last two times we tried to go for a flank and 'suppressing' the enemies in the same turn didn't go so well at all and actually caused our first casualty.


Yay know what nevermind.
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Also, I'm like a few hours late, but I have to say that this is a wonderful and refreshing version of the Fallout universe.

...The couple story mods I downloaded for Fallout NV and 2 clearly showed me that the Fallout modding community is still full of grognards that have ideas and standards a few decades out of date...

So this is indeed a very refreshing take on the Mojave and the Fallout universe itself.
I've just had a concerning thought: If the Courier did every evil quest, do we need to worry about a legionnaire running around with what used to be a kid's toy?
Next quest is a daring long range airborne strike force seizing suitable landing fields, flying in resources to launch again (while also raiding for other supplies) to put a task force in shooting distance of Helios 1
Also, I'm like a few hours late, but I have to say that this is a wonderful and refreshing version of the Fallout universe.

...The couple story mods I downloaded for Fallout NV and 2 clearly showed me that the Fallout modding community is still full of grognards that have ideas and standards a few decades out of date...

So this is indeed a very refreshing take on the Mojave and the Fallout universe itself.

I admit, at least 95% of this quest is me being REALLY mad about The Frontier
Honestly I was kinda getting that vibe. Drives-Fast in particular.

Not that that's a bad thing, ofc.


Ok now that I've made it awkward, I meant that I was getting the vibe that you had Frontier on the brain to greater or lesser extent, not trying to cast judgement by making a comparison to The Frontier.
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All right, by a bare margin!

1) ROLL EYEBALLS with an ADVNTAGE! (That's 3d10, keep the highest, +4)

2) Roll 2d20 for the HE, 5d20 for the MG (-2 to each, but you drop the lowest)

3) Roll 1d20 for LMA's HE, roll 4d10 for MMM's MG!

4) Roll three mysterious 1d20s! The first is at -3, but the other two are flat!
4) Roll three mysterious 1d20s! The first is at -3, but the other two are flat!

I guess I should have the 'honor' to roll us getting shot, this is my plan after all...
dragonkid11 threw 3 20-faced dice. Total: 32
18 18 11 11 3 3
Well, I misread a rule, and if you're driving towards anti-tank weapons, I have to signpost it better, so you get a chance to react to it.
2.2: Tank Killers
"All right, we've got him stuck. The idiot's put himself in a building without infantry support," you say into the radio. "Well…" You peer down the road, shoving the hatch open to make sure you get a better view of things. "Without much good infantry support. Morales, you are going to head down the back road, there-" you throw out your arm to indicate. "-behind Mighty Mighty Man. Lil' Mo Action and I are going to hose that building down with HE and MG and you're going to be able to just flush them right out and deal with that Testical for us."

"Yes sir," Morales says, her voice a tight growl - but you realize, it's not anger at you. She's just ready to kill some more Legion.


"All right, Drives Fast, bring us up - I want that big fat ball shooting at us. Move fast, and keep-" The whole tank jerks forward as Drives Fast lives up to her name - angling her armor forward as Mighty Mighty Man swings wide and Li' Mo Action peeks out around the corner behind you.

You gripped the edge of your turret, tensed.

The Testudo fired.

The shot whipped down the street and you clenched your teeth as-

The shell, aimed just past the tank's mantlet, ground into the heavily angled left cheek plate of Wandering Home's turret as it rotated with the machine's movements. Armour was scooped out in a long trench as the shell deformed, welds straining against the force, then it streaked off high and sailed over the open city.​
Three hundred metres away, a bottle which had balanced precariously, against all odds, for two hundred years on a house's windowsill shattered as the spent shell ploughed through it. The NRC ranger taking cover under said windowsill had neither context for the enormity of the moment, nor time to contemplate it.​


-the tank rocked under you with the impact, the overlapping ringing of the metal, almighty clang that rang through the machine like a bell being rung, and the whistling of the shell as it was carried off harmlessly into the distance. You could feel the heat from the molten channel it left in your tank.

"Everyone okay?" you called.

"SHIT!" Trudy hissed, jerking her head backwards, rubbing her palm against her eyeball, where she had jammed in hard against the periscope.

"Trudy?" you ask, looking down.

"Yeah, just…SHIT!" She put her eyes to the periscope. "Fucking…I see movement!"

"I wish they would stop hitting us every single fucking time," Drives Fast growls.

"HE!" you say, looking back up, and you can see the movement too - moments before it is obscured by the roar of an HE shell exploding and the chatter chatter of Dora's MG hosing down the building ahead of you. The smoke clears and you can see that the Legion have dug themselves into the crumpled down sides of the building, peeking out where the wall and the roof have both fallen down. Their eyes are locked on the Mighty Mighty Man, which has begun to form up and advance, separated from you by rubble and half knocked over buildings.


"Shit," you whisper. "Shit shit shit shit!"

One of the Legionaries was holding what was unmistakably a Rockwell.

A bazooka.

A tank killer.

What do you do?
[ ] Keep on with the plan: Suppress and send the infantry forward with MMM to flank.
[ ] Change plan, write in.
I can't see any alternate plan that wouldn't amount to having MMM hang back while we do what we were going to do anyways, so…

[X] Keep on with the plan: Suppress and send the infantry forward with MMM to flank.
-[X] But spend an Order to give MMM our stat bonuses for this action.