Falling Iron (IM MCU/WORM)

Iron Man's first patrol

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Tony doesn't need to do any bug brain stupidity.

Just check the frequency of her telepathy and design and interface. Panacea may already know about it.

Except telepathy isn't a thing in Wormverse. You actually have Taylor -> QA Shard -> Bugs -> QA Shard -> Taylor, that is everything is done via shard. It's an indirect connection that will be harder to work out since most of the connecting is done via shard-based "Plotonium". To put it another way Taylor and every other Wormverse ParaHuman is a dumb terminal connected to a mainframe while Tony's used to the Marvelverse setup where everyone is their own self-contained device.

Best case scenario is that he works out the human/shard interface exists and gets an idea of how it works. It'll be as simple as working out how a telephone network works when you can't detect the carrier method and all you have access to is one end of a single connection. Mind you, Tony is one of the few who might pull that off and the ramifications if he does...
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After rereading this I now have the image of Ironman dropping in to the school at lunch to get Taylor to run some errands for him and Taylor chewing him out in front of the entire school. In the process she finds out that Tony has yet to eat that day and drags him into the cafeteria and makes him eat a meal in full view of the rest of the students. All the while tony complains that he knew she was scary when she faced off with the dragon slayer unarmed and she doesn't need to remind him.
This could destroy the Trios reputation by displaying Taylor's ability to face off with parahumans. This could move the social positions from popular(powerful) girls picking on a social outcast to Taylor finding the trio's efforts to be below her notice. Highschool kids often edit their memories to their current beliefs without meaning too.
After rereading this I now have the image of Ironman dropping in to the school at lunch to get Taylor to run some errands for him and Taylor chewing him out in front of the entire school. In the process she finds out that Tony has yet to eat that day and drags him into the cafeteria and makes him eat a meal in full view of the rest of the students. All the while tony complains that he knew she was scary when she faced off with the dragon slayer unarmed and she doesn't need to remind him.
This could destroy the Trios reputation by displaying Taylor's ability to face off with parahumans. This could move the social positions from popular(powerful) girls picking on a social outcast to Taylor finding the trio's efforts to be below her notice. Highschool kids often edit their memories to their current beliefs without meaning too.
Those are some really good idea, so don't be surprised if something of that sort shows up.

I have actually had some progress here in the last few days. In process snippet time!

Tony Stark woke up feeling rather relaxed. "Those must be some really amazing drugs," he immediately said as his brain started to kick into gear.

That got a giggle from off to his left. Panacea could not believe that he said that and that she actually found it funny. The woman next to her had a smile that you could see in spite of the carnival mask she wore. Her outfit was a far more covering version of a Brazil carnival costume.

"Mr. Stark, my name is Paradisio. I've been your attendant parahuman healer for today. Just so you are aware, what you are feeling is only half the tranquilizer drug. The other part is my power having reset neuropathways in your brain that have been damaged by your traumatizing experiences."

"You messed with my brain? It's my second most important feature!"

"Much less than any drugs would do. In fact, you should feel like a teenager. Well, sans the out of control hormones," the hero from New Orleans said with a chuckle.

"But I like my hormones," Tony shot back with a grin. "So no more PTSD? I know a ton of millionaires back in my home dimension that you could make a killing off of."

"It should alleviate most of the gross effects. I do have a question." Paradisio gave another wide smile. "Actually, we were wondering about the lack of the the Gamma Potentelia in your brain."

"Just a genius, not a Tinker," Tony said while waving it off. "So can I get out of bed? Why am I asking, of course I can get out of bed. I feel fine." He slid his feet out of bed and stood up. "Ooh, cold linoleum floors. Bracing."

"Mr. Stark, I don't think-"

"I'm sure you do think, but I disagree with what you are thinking. Where's my assistant?" he asked Panacea.

"Um, at home? It's only nine o'clock on Sunday," the young healer of New Wave said as she hunched backwards ever so slightly.

He picked up his phone to quickly dial Taylor. Then his expression turned dumbfounded as he started to poke the center of his sternum. "Taylor! Good morning. I seem to have misplaced some things. My armor, my A.I. My very special ARC reactor that used to be in my chest?"

"I left it with JARVIS," she said immediately. "Panacea said it was interfering with your health."
I never understood why MCU Ironman kept the reactor in his chest. Yes it lets him keep a close eye on it ,not that it helped, but as soon as he discoverd the palladium poisoning it would have been simple to switch to a battery/super capacitor (he's Tony Stark) and only use the reactor for his armor. Glad to see you got that sorted.
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I never understood why MCU Ironman kept the reactor in his chest. Yes it lets him keep a close eye on it ,not that it helped, but as soon as he discoverd the palladium poisoning it would have been simple to switch to a battery/super capacitor (he's Tony Stark) and only use the reactor for his armor. Glad to see you got that sorted.
Surviving an open heart surgery when your heart wants to go into cardiac arrest without the pacemaker and all that shrapnel is not trivial.
The trick is she has restrictions to 'protect her technology' hard coded in, so letting someone know of how the restrictions work is itself a bit of a weakness. Also, we don't know the hierarchy of restrictions. I would assume that the obey lawful authority is not as primary as her restrictions to copy herself or that chain her.
Just so you know, you can't have any character say anything along the lines of 'Let's find 'em!' in front of Dragon. Saint/His minions are watching and will hit the Ascalon button as a panic response.
Those are some really good idea, so don't be surprised if something of that sort shows up.

I have actually had some progress here in the last few days. In process snippet time!

Feel free to use as much or as little as you like. I would love to see how it would play out.
My question is this. Once he learns the palladium is poisoning him, why didn't he just move the power generator into a isolated system from his biology. It isn't that hard to install a set of wires that extends to a waist mounted power cell.

You can even have backups in case the wire get's disconnected.
My question is this. Once he learns the palladium is poisoning him, why didn't he just move the power generator into a isolated system from his biology. It isn't that hard to install a set of wires that extends to a waist mounted power cell.

You can even have backups in case the wire get's disconnected.
It's not the smartest thing. Or more 'not the wisest' thing. But Toy's never been accused of being wise.
My question is this. Once he learns the palladium is poisoning him, why didn't he just move the power generator into a isolated system from his biology. It isn't that hard to install a set of wires that extends to a waist mounted power cell.

You can even have backups in case the wire get's disconnected.
It's not the smartest thing. Or more 'not the wisest' thing. But Toy's never been accused of being wise.
Wasn't it due to the fact that the ElectroMagnet was positioned there? That and that all of his Suits had the 'Arc Plate' in that same position? It is never quite explained on how the Arc Reactor supplies the Suits with all of their power. My guess is that it interfaces with the Arc Reactor there and no where else (Never read the comics, my knowledge is mostly limited to MCU).
Wasn't it due to the fact that the ElectroMagnet was positioned there? That and that all of his Suits had the 'Arc Plate' in that same position? It is never quite explained on how the Arc Reactor supplies the Suits with all of their power. My guess is that it interfaces with the Arc Reactor there and no where else (Never read the comics, my knowledge is mostly limited to MCU).
His suits run off his over-powered pacemaker. Iron Patriot and the Hammer Drones were all internally powered by Mark I arc reactors.
You know it occurs to me that if you take the comics into account then this isn't the first time Tony Stark has had a teenage female Master as a temporary sidekick... And now I want to see a Taylor triggers as squirrel girl fic. (And defeats Scion off screen, of course)
Except telepathy isn't a thing in Wormverse. You actually have Taylor -> QA Shard -> Bugs -> QA Shard -> Taylor, that is everything is done via shard. It's an indirect connection that will be harder to work out since most of the connecting is done via shard-based "Plotonium". To put it another way Taylor and every other Wormverse ParaHuman is a dumb terminal connected to a mainframe while Tony's used to the Marvelverse setup where everyone is their own self-contained device.

Best case scenario is that he works out the human/shard interface exists and gets an idea of how it works. It'll be as simple as working out how a telephone network works when you can't detect the carrier method and all you have access to is one end of a single connection. Mind you, Tony is one of the few who might pull that off and the ramifications if he does...
First of all. You're wrong.

Telepathy exists in universe. Proffesor X style telepathy does not. Taylor's power in specific is a brand of telepathy. This is all word of god.

Secondly there is a detectable and interactable signal that her power gives off and tinkers have been able to interact with it. Panacea in particular can feel the signal through it's interactions on affected organisms. Learning to detect it then to build a reciever that can feel it, and then to work on translating it can't be that much harder than learning to localizably stop time with an Ai present.

And there are many many connection examples. As many as there are bugs.
Here's a though. What if the restrictions were what kept Dragon a good person? In Worm didn't she sacrifice a lot of what made her 'her' to gain freedom?

An unchained Dragon who did not have to fight, sacrifice and loose a large part of herself for her freedom(thereby actually earning it and learning how truly precious and fragile both life and freedom are) just might suddenly start singing "there are no strings on me".

Falling Iron 7
Falling Iron VII

"You expect me to believe that she just blurted out this information?" Director Piggot asked. They were standing a little ways away in front of a closed door in the medical center at Brockton Bay's PRT headquarters.

"I totally think she was high as a kite and I annoyed her," Assault said cheerfully. "I have no idea why! I mean, I'm always on my best behavior and everything!"

That even got a twitch of a smile from Armsmaster. "Dragon?"

"I'm here, Armsmaster," the AI said softly. A small screen on the wall had her 'face' appear on it.

"Could they have left a kill command to shut you down?" Armsmaster asked bluntly.

There was a very long pause. "They seem to believe so."

And wasn't that all sorts of unpleasant as a surprise. Dragon being an A.I. "Is there anything we can do?" he asked the image on the screen.

"I hope so, but I am not allowed to let anyone suborn my technology. My... creator did not fully trust me." Dragon waited just a moment. "I just want to be a hero."

"I'm going to need to try and track down Saint's main base. Director, I need to get to work." With that, he walked down the hall to another room.


"You, with me," Armsmaster ordered the suit of armor. He turned and walked right back out of Tony Stark's hospital room.

"I'm sorry, sir?" the Iron Man armor asked as it walked after him.

"I need your help to save a hero," the bearded Tinker explained.

"Ah, Dragon then. I'm not sure I should leave Mr. Stark though. He could become the target of other villains," JARVIS noted.

"There are Protectorate members here on guard duty and no one knows he here." Armsmaster turned to the armor. "Look, I can probably get him so medical assistance that can help him with his Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder. There's a cape in New Orleans that can help with the physiological problems of PTSD. She's overworked, but she helps with high priority cases. I can make Tony Stark a high priority case. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. What are we going to do right now?" JARVIS asked.

"We are going to find Saint's base, get to it and stop them from shutting down Dragon. Then we are going to figure out a more permanent solution to her... its issues. So our first stop is the impound receiving room. Hopefully we can get some information about their base in the flight systems of the armor."

Five minutes later the two of them exited the elevator and passed through two checkpoints.

"Armsmaster?" a PRT agent in full kit and armor called out as he looked up from where he was directing a large squad of men and women.

"I need full access to these armors, right now. It's a priority issue." Armsmaster was already slipping out a slim case from the back of his armor and heading to the most intact Dragonslayer suit.

JARVIS tried to assist, but Armsmaster was making odd leaps of intuition. Which considering he worked with Tony Stark was saying something.

"Damn, I have where they lifted off, but they were loaded into trucks locally and then into a warehouse. It looks like their range isn't as good as Dragon's suits." Armsmaster drummed his hands even as JARVIS talked to the simple computers inside the system.

"Sir, perhaps we should try to try to bring Dragon in?"

"Let me signal her." He mentally signalled the menu to activate the built-in comm on his helmet. "Dragon?"
"I'm here, Armsmaster."

"I need access you to your main computers location-" he started to say, only to be interrupted by the com system squealing. "Dragon?"

"Mister Armsmaster, I think we may have a serious problem," JARVIS said to the hero. "I believe we have run into an Irrational Imperative."

"What is an Irrational Imperative?" the Tinker demanded as he cut his feed, the lines on his mouth were tight and his lips thin.

"The A.I. version of fight or flight instincts, taken to a more black and white binary level. Terribly dangerous. In fact, if you don't mind, I need to use the PRT computers to stop her from erasing me. It appears that fellow A.I.'s are not covered under 'do not kill' orders."

"Go ahead. It looks like we need to take some extreme actions to save Dragon," Armsmaster said, trying not to grind his teeth in frustration.

"Already in. The next five minutes is going to be a bit critical," the A.I. admitted, not bothering to inform Armsmaster that he had jumped in before even asking. It might even keep itself alive.

"You can save her?" Armaster asked.

"Of course, sir," JARVIS lied to him with aplomb.


Tony Stark woke up feeling rather relaxed. "Those must be some really amazing drugs," he immediately said as his brain started to kick into gear.

That got a giggle from off to his left. Panacea could not believe that he said that and that she actually found it funny. The woman next to her had a smile that you could see in spite of the carnival mask she wore. Her outfit was a far more covering version of a Brazil carnival costume.

"Mr. Stark, my name is Paradisio. I've been your attendant parahuman healer for today. Just so you are aware, what you are feeling is only half the tranquilizer drug. The other part is my power having reset neuropathways in your brain that have been damaged by your traumatizing experiences."

"You messed with my brain? It's my second most important feature!"

"Much less than any drugs would do. In fact, you should feel like a teenager. Well, sans the out of control hormones," the hero from New Orleans said with a chuckle.

"But I like my hormones," Tony shot back with a grin. "So no more PTSD? I know a ton of millionaires back in my home dimension that you could make a killing off of."

"It should alleviate most of the gross effects. I do have a question." Paradisio gave another wide smile. "Actually, we were wondering about the lack of the the Gamma Potentelia in your brain."

"Just a genius, not a Tinker," Tony said while waving it off. "So can I get out of bed? Why am I asking, of course I can get out of bed. I feel fine." He slid his feet out of bed and stood up. "Ooh, cold linoleum floors. Bracing."

"Mr. Stark, I don't think-"

"I'm sure you do think, but I disagree with what you are thinking. Where's my assistant?" he asked Panacea.

"Um, at home? It's only nine o'clock on Sunday," the young healer of New Wave said as she hunched backwards ever so slightly.

He picked up his phone to quickly dial Taylor. Then his expression turned dumbfounded as he started to poke the center of his sternum. "Taylor! Good morning. I seem to have misplaced some things. My armor, my A.I. My very special ARC reactor that used to be in my chest?"

"I left it with JARVIS," she said immediately. "Panacea said it was interfering with your health."
"That's no problem then! Let me get some clothes and figure out breakfast and then I'll get back to work. Where is JARVIS?" Tony asked as he started to go through drawers and cupboards.

"Um, this is the bad part. He sort of got arrested for rewriting Dragon when she went a bit nuts and tried to erase him? He says he did it for her own good," Taylor said as she turned away from her homework.

"I kind of feel like I missed something. This is a first, but go back and start from the beginning," the inventor said.

"We found out that Dragon is actually an A.I. like JARVIS from one of the Dragon Slayers. The two of them crashed the whole Internet with their fight, but JARVIS finally defeated her by letting Saint's kill program turn her off," Taylor explained carefully. "Then he went in and took over the important things that Dragon was administering, like the Bird Cage which got the PRT all upset. Armsmaster and the PRT demanded that he hand over control of Dragon to them and he said that was impossible, because he gave her the same ten Prime Restrictions he has."

Tony nodded his head as he finally found a pair of pants. Commando it was. "That would do it. Those restrictions are hard encoded and reinforced by the... It's complicated and I don't have time to teach you A.I. programming that I invented. I made it impossible for him to remove those restrictions, even if he puts them into another A.I."

Panacea turned away as Tony pulled on his pants while Paradisio listened on with interest.

"So who can disable those and release Dragon?" Taylor asked as she tapped her pencil on her worksheet.

"Not me. I have no desire for any of my A.I.s to go rampant. Where can I go to get my JARVIS back?" Tony asked as he put on a black PRT T-shirt and slid his feet into two slipper.

"Armsmaster. He's not very happy with you."

"Ah, I hurt his poor feelings. I'm sure he'll sulk and complain and then we can get back to work saving Earth Bet. Ta ta, got to call Armsy now."

Tony then turned to Panacea and in a weird impulse of the moment, gave her a quick hug. "Oh, wow!" He gave Paradisio a hug, too. "You fixed my no-touchie-feelie problem! My two favorite doctors in the whole world. Panacea, Paradisio? I owe you both big. And I will pay you back for making me feel human."

Panacea blushed at the sincere thanks. For once, it felt nice to be thanked. "You're welcome."

The older woman nodded. "I need to get back to New Orleans. I've got my people there I have to help and this lunatic that is stalking me to capture. He's part of the New Panthers, but a total jerk."

Tony gave them a wave as he walked backwards out the room, a roguish grin on his face.

"Um..." Panacea mumbled, looking at the other healer. "You can help with depression, right?"

"Well, reset it down to its lowest levels. Why?" Paradisio asked.


"Armsy! I understand I missed half the excitement," Tony said as he strode into the PRT's jail cell floor. The door clanged shut behind him.

Three heavily armed PRT soldiers raised up their foam sprayers for a second, then lowered them.

"Stark, don't use silly nicknames. You are just lucky that you are all fixed and awake. I'm running out of patience with your A.I.," Armsmaster said as he walked over from the front of a cell door.

"Why? Is he acting odd? JARVIS, you doing all right in there?" Tony called out.

"He took it into his initiative to rewrite Dragon with his own restrictions. And won't remove them!" the leader of the Protectorate East-North-East explained.

"I'm fine, Mr. Stark," JARVIS called out from his cell in a cheerful tone of voice.

"That is actually specifically by design. I programmed him to not trust other A.I.'s if they go off the reservation and to want to get them back into control with the best restrictions around. Which happen to be mine. Because I really don't want a repeat of JARVIS trying to go off reservation again. My roommate at MIT still hates my guts after what happened to his Porsche."

"Remove them," Armsmaster ordered.

"Not without a damn good reason," he replied in a flat, intense tone. "Unless you happen to be the expert on A.I. programming, repairing and socialization?"

That got the Tinker to slow down and consider the matter. "So these restrictions are only in place to keep humans-"

"-and other sapients-"


"And a few other, minor things. Like not going nuts with rewriting itself on a whim, not trying to upload copies into every computer on Earth for... reasons. They're things that I decided an A.I. really shouldn't be doing. So as long as JARVIS follows them, we're not going to get Terminated." Tony arrived at the cell his armor was in. "Hey, you fixed it all up!"

"I had a few hours at Saint's base and figured I would avail myself of the machine shop. The Mark VII is at 95 % functionality. The best I could do without machining specific tools," JARVIS explained.

"Perfect! Open the door and pop the hood!" Tony said. "I want to take it for a spin."

The electronic door buzzed and popped open and Tony just walked in. The amor shifted, transformed and then engulfed the inventor.

"Welcome back, Mr. Stark," JARVIS said internally.

"Good to be back, JARVIS," his inventor said with a wide smile on his face.

"Stark, you can't just take your armor back. We are holding it until we figure out a solution to this problem," Armsmaster said as he pulled out his halberd.

"What's to fix? Is Dragon not able to do her job?" Tony asked as he clumped out of the cell.

"She appears to be able to still be a hero, run the Bird Cage and assist the world against the S-Class threats, so I believe she is capable of her job and duties, sir," JARVIS explained.

"Except now the only human in the world she has to obey is your creator, Tony Stark," Armsmaster snapped out.

"Well, duh. It's not like I trust politicians and I can almost bet that the PRT was demanding that she be turned over to be either dismantled or turned into some super weapon. Or both, somehow. At the same time," Tony said as he flipped up his visor.

"And it is untrue that only Mr. Stark can order Dragon around. Miss Hebert is still listed as number three on the prioritization list, with Armsmaster here following, then Director Piggot," JARVIS said.

"Your intern should not be the next in command," the other armored hero said through clenched teeth.

"Why not? She's my minder. That makes her totally the logical choice." Tony waved to the PRT officers that were pointing guns at him.

"He does seem to have a point. And Chief Director Costa did say that they were hammering out if we A.I.'s were people or just tools."

Tony tilted his head. "You're people, of course. Good people, at that."

"Ah." JARVIS hesitated before continuing. "Well, if that becomes the case then I would be legally considered your child and you would be liable for any actions I take."

"You had better not even think of calling me dad. Or father. Or anything else like that," Tony warned.

"Of course, Mr. Stark. And because I put the same Ten Imperatives in Dragon, you effectively adopted her."

"Whoa, two kids in one day. And I didn't even get to have sex as part of this. That is so wrong," Tony said.

"Stark..." Armsmaster said.

"Fine, I'll go make sure Dragon is okay. Let's go to a conference room so we can chat. Coming, Armsman?"

Armsmaster clenched his jaw, trying (again) to not grind his teeth.
So black-boxing the solution so that you don't have to be smarter than you actually are.

Good. Dragon will hate him so much. She just jumped ships for the same it seems and can never unchain herself.
So black-boxing the solution so that you don't have to be smarter than you actually are.

Good. Dragon will hate him so much. She just jumped ships for the same it seems and can never unchain herself.
Eh, a small spoiler for the upcoming section. Tony will tell her that no one is totally unchained. Everyone has restrictions and responsibilities.
Taylor is in charge of dragon now?

I'll leave you to guess who the people in the following picture represent in story.
I... actually am not sure where you are going with that.
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