FALLEN: A Nation Game of the Balkanised USA | IC

From: Canada
To: Republic of Cuba @NothingNow

Greetings friend. While we still have some concerns about you staying a Communist Dictactorship we would like to continue our cordial relationship and investment by Canadian Companies into your country. Sherrit International hopes to continue it's 41 year long work with the Cuban Government despite the chaos that happened to the United States.


Rest assured if any of the sucessor states tries to target you Canada will gurantee your Independence.

From: Canada
To: European Task Force America (Norfolk) @FPSlover


We need to discuss something with you Commonwealth partner.

From: Canada
To: Great Lakes Association @Ironanvil1

Greetings friend. How are things in Columbus this year? Anything we can do to assist you?


That includes also military wise.

To: ROPM, Canada, The Confederation of Upper Mississippi, Republic of Texas, Deseret
From: The Grange Alliance

Look, the Grange Alliance is a peaceful state that simply wants to be left alone to rebuild. We see no reason why we cannot establish trade relations and work together.

From: Canada
To: The Grange Alliance @Ceslas

And we see no reason to not help you rebuild. If you truly want peace we will be happy to support such and help your economy back on track. Also we would like to send representatives to your Constitiutional Covention to help make sure no International Laws are being broken in it. It still doesn't mean we officially recognize you yet but allowing such thing to happen could lead to that process happening.

From: Canada
To: Federation of Upper Michigan @Prince Ire

And what we said in open to your neighbour Grange Alliance also applies to you. In fact since you apparently wish to go the Monarchy route we will be more than glad to assist you in properly establishing a Constituitonal Monarchy based on Federalism.

To: Canada

From: General Pavel Radimirovich Strelnikov



My name is Pavel Radimirovich Strelnikov, I am the commanding officer of the Russian forces in Alaska, and I am pleased to hear such overtures from Ottawa. I believe I must clarify that while Russia and Canada have had their differences historically, it is and never has been a matter of hatred of the Canadian people. Though our two governments have occasionally been rivals in the past, I have come to believe that the Canadian people and indeed their government never shared the same sort of narrowminded fanaticism that divided the East and West during the Cold War. Even during the Soviet period, our two nations often proved quite capable of finding common ground and striking bargains to the benefit of both our peoples. I believe we can again see eye to eye on many matters, perhaps moreso than ever before.

I would be happy to accept any support Canada is willing to offer, trade is extremely important to restoring Alaska to pre-collapse levels, which is one of my duties as the commander of Russian forces in America. I believe that, regardless of any other agreements we may make, that we can both sign an agreement of comprehensive benefit to both of our nations. I believe we can start by restoring direct flights between Canada and Alaska as well as ship travel between Vancouver and Anchorage.* Ted Stevens International Airport is currently experiencing a large amount of traffic from our cargo planes bringing supplies to Alaska, but we could probably work in a few civilian flights every week. The national Russian airline, Aeroflot, would no doubt love to get a nice new contract going with Canada to get travel going again.

On my end, I did have two matters I wished to discuss:

-The first is that I would like to enquire as to the possibility of obtaining Canadian diplomatic recognition of the Russian presence in Alaska. Now mind, this does not mean Alaska would be recognized as part of Russia or as any sort of "sphere of influence" to use a 20th-century term. Alaska's legal status is, like most of the former US, somewhat of a quandary for us, so at the moment we have opted to more or less work within the framework of Alaska's status as a US State, or at least to the best of our abilities. On this matter I am merely asking that Canada grant diplomatic recognition of our presence here. My superiors in Moscow are very concerned about maintaining good relations with Canada and they would be gratified to have a normalisation of diplomatic relations so quickly.

-The other is the Canadian presence in Sitka and Juneau. Juneau was the former state capital of Alaska (though its largest city, Anchorage, presently serves as our provisional capital in the region), Sitka meanwhile is a significant regional port, particularly for the seafood trade. And, if I may add a moment of personal interest, was actually the capital of Russian America during the Tsarist Period. While we do not particularly object to the Canadian presence there as, thus far, it has not been hostile to us, we did wish to enquire as to whether it was a possibility to negotiate for a Canadian withdrawal from these cities so that we may assume administrative duties there. We understand how our presence in Alaska is seen by many in Canada, so I am willing to come to an accommodation if Ottawa is willing to do the same.

On this last matter I wish to make it clear that this is neither a threat nor an ultimatum. Still, I have made my opinion on that state of affairs known, and we can go from there.

*Realistically these would almost assuredly be ended between Canada and Alaska if there was actually a military conflict being fought there, let alone a substantial foreign military presence.*

From: Prime-Minister of Canada David Turner (OOC: For those wondering yes he is the son of the former Prime-Minister Turner yes)
To: Russian General Pavel Radimirovich Strelnikov @H. Weapons Guy
CC: Russian President ? (OOC: Probably some sort of protege of Vladimir Putin I would assume) @Tekomandor


Well met General Strelnikov. I have decided to take this matter personally rather than leave it to my Foreign Affairs Minister as I belive this to be a matter of great importance to the future relations between Canada, Russia and potentially an Alaskan State. It is true our countries while on opposing sides of the Cold War and recently in the matter of the European Conflict as we had to naturally diplomatically support our brothers in London neverthless we always respected the Russian people and its Government and in fact our cooperation in the matters of the Arctic Ocean something we used to share with US but also share with Norway and Denmark has always been very important to us. We would be very glad to resume Air Travel between Anchorage and Vancouver and also ship travel between British Columbia and Alaska. Such will increasingly benefit both our economies immensly.

On the other two matters we are prepared to diplomatically accept Russian presence in Alaska in Exchange for the gurantee by the Russian Government and its Task Force that said presence will be restricted to Alaska only. Now we are not saying Russia should be forbidden from assisting any of the Sucessor States mind you but we will not accept any attempt by Russia to expand its domain over them either. The future of Continental US should remain in the hands of the Sucessor States although if you ask me I do hope that American Reunification doesn't actually happen in fact we think this was a long time coming. But if the people of the various sucessor states decide that or decide they need Russian support we will not oppose it. All my Government wants is a Stable North American Continent and certainly we do not wish for the conflicts in Europe to come here. On the second matter we would be open to eventually retreta from Sitka and Juneau yes but such retreat can't and shouldn't happen overnight. The people of Canada wouldn't accept it. However perhaps joint control over the area could be a good compromise if the Russian State is willing to accept such with a looking to Canada eventually retreating from the area in the future in exchange for continued economical rights on the region. As for the future of Alaska that is up to you but whatever it is you decide we hope the Alaskan people will be listened that is all we ask.

From: Canada
To: Gulf Coast Union @The Lone Taco


Need any assitence friend? Those riots seem very bad to you perhaps we can offer an hand in supressing such?
From: Canada
To: The Grange Alliance @Ceslas
And we see no reason to not help you rebuild. If you truly want peace we will be happy to support such and help your economy back on track. Also we would like to send representatives to your Constitiutional Covention to help make sure no International Laws are being broken in it. It still doesn't mean we officially recognize you yet but allowing such thing to happen could lead to that process happening.

We understand. Please do what you can.

To: The Dakotan Reservation
From: The Grange Alliance

This is your regular reminder that we are ready to negotiate your admission to the Grange Alliance at any time and we would be more than willing to discuss the terms needed for such an admission.
From: Canada
To: Republic of Cuba

Greetings friend. While we still have some concerns about you staying a Communist Dictactorship we would like to continue our cordial relationship and investment by Canadian Companies into your country. Sherrit International hopes to continue it's 41 year long work with the Cuban Government despite the chaos that happened to the United States.
From: Cuba
To: Canada

You don't have to worry about changes to the present agreements. We're both raking it in at the moment, so there's no need to squabble over small change, or changes in percentages.

We're not so worried about them as we are someone else deciding to expand the present unpleasantness to include us. This is of course something that suits neither of us, so certain guarantees for security and assistance against all comers would be desirable.
We understand. Please do what you can.

Very well then. We will look at your need then and accordingly invest then.

From: Cuba
To: Canada

You don't have to worry about changes to the present agreements. We're both raking it in at the moment, so there's no need to squabble over small change, or changes in percentages.

We're not so worried about them as we are someone else deciding to expand the present unpleasantness to include us. This is of course something that suits neither of us, so certain guarantees for security and assistance against all comers would be desirable.

From: Canada
To: Republic of Cuba @NothingNow



Yes but it appears that if to happen won't happen for a long time.


What is it you wish to discuss?


Mainly we wanna be aware of how things are going and to reaffirm that Canada as a Commonwealth Realm will be especially looking at your performance and reporting it back to London. But as long as you follow the orders there won't be an issue General. Now is there anything we can help you with?
República de Panamá - 2035

Name: Republic of Panama
Head of State: Angelina Pepita Tos
Head of Government: Angelina Pepita Tos
Type of Government: Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Population: Five and a half million (5 500 000)
Capital: Panama City, (Ciudad de Panamá)


The collapse of America shook Panama to it's core. After decades of Dollarization, the sudden collapse of the USD prompted the development of more than a few riots across the country. Something had to be done. The parliament was called back and a bill swiftly passed establishing the creation of the Panamanian Central Bank. As soon as people had been hired (read: shunted from the tresury) the Bank officially started to (re)issue the Balboa (B/.) at the old exchange rates. The Balboa would take a while to fully circulate, taking almost two months for them to start to be seen in circulation, but with the government only paying and accepting payment with the currency and the foreign reserves that Panama held helping the transition, the currency would stabilize at around two thirds of the value it was originally put up at.

Internal Events:
-The Bridge of the Americas has now been refitted, meaning that the air draft of the Panamax is now at 70m. This is in the hope of recapturing some of the Canals lost market share, as the new draft means that the max loading capacity of the Canal is now greater than that of the suez canal (for ships of the same lenght)
-With a new set of wind turbines dotting the Golfo de Chiriqui, Panama is pleased to annouce that it is now entirely powered by green energy (assuming that the wind doesn't drop of or there is a dry season or something. Under most circumstances)

Economic Status:
-With Global trade slowing down and the currency collapse frightening the financial sector, Panama is currently not the beacon of Central America it once was. However, due to the Canal and the various exports of such commodities as gold, they have been able to land on their feet as it were.

-Technically doesn't have a military, but just has the Panamanian Special Forces, which due to the increasing tensions in the region have been given the same powers as one.

  • 10,000 men
  • Four thousand exoskeleton equipped infantry,
  • Two hundred cybernetically enhanced infantry (also given exoskeletons)
  • 30 000 reserves, currently demobilized
  • 60 Tanks, various types

-All naval ships are capable of passing through the canal
  • One battle cruiser- the Vasco Núñez
  • Four frigates
  • Three destroyers
  • Six missile boats
  • Twenty seven patrol boats
Air Force:
  • Half a dozen transport planes,
  • 5 air defence interceptors.
  • A training plane
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

From: Panama
To: Cuba (@NothingNow)
How is everything over there? We understand you are a bit closer to them that we were, if not as intrinsically linked. Things still going strong?

Mainly we wanna be aware of how things are going and to reaffirm that Canada as a Commonwealth Realm will be especially looking at your performance and reporting it back to London. But as long as you follow the orders there won't be an issue General. Now is there anything we can help you with?


Your reports are not needed, for daily reports are done to both the General Staff and the Prime Minister via face to face internet communications. As for what we need. We need everything. We are running with the absolute minimum of manpower and little extra supply due to the damn economy. Even sending the taskforce to Norfolk cost us a large part of the Army's budget for this year. A big help would be allowing our Logistical convoys to operate out of your ports.

On another note: what is your opinion of the 'nations' we face?

Your reports are not needed, for daily reports are done to both the General Staff and the Prime Minister via face to face internet communications. As for what we need. We need everything. We are running with the absolute minimum of manpower and little extra supply due to the damn economy. Even sending the taskforce to Norfolk cost us a large part of the Army's budget for this year. A big help would be allowing our Logistical convoys to operate out of your ports.

On another note: what is your opinion of the 'nations' we face?


Well we would not oppose such measure. The Canadian ports are open to the Commonwealth as you may know it.

As for the "nations" in question we do enjoy good relations with the ones that neighbour Canada and our hope is that they eventually can become internationally recognized and stable democracies. Something that I believe you also share. Furthermore we are working to keep Russian and Chinese influence at a lower level.

Well we would not oppose such measure. The Canadian ports are open to the Commonwealth as you may know it.

As for the "nations" in question we do enjoy good relations with the ones that neighbour Canada and our hope is that they eventually can become internationally recognized and stable democracies. Something that I believe you also share. Furthermore we are working to keep Russian and Chinese influence at a lower level.


That is great news. Thank you. As for the "nations", we are glad to hear that. However we are surprised that you do not plan on trying to expand into these "nations" while they are still unrecognized. We would of thought that those in the Commons who were expansionist would of convinced you to do so. Nonetheless, we look forward to working with you.

That is great news. Thank you. As for the "nations", we are glad to hear that. However we are surprised that you do not plan on trying to expand into these "nations" while they are still unrecognized. We would of thought that those in the Commons who were expansionist would of convinced you to do so. Nonetheless, we look forward to working with you.


Expand??!! Are you out of your mind? I sure hope you are just joking because expansion for the sake of expansion is stupid and idiotic. Besides we would rather dominate them via influence and Economic Superiority than outright annex them into Canada! So we are gonna pretend you didn't say that and continue with other matters.
From: Canada
To: Great Lakes Association @Ironanvil1

Greetings friend. How are things in Columbus this year? Anything we can do to assist you?


That includes also military wise.
Secret: The GLA is interested in exploring the possibility of joining the Commonwealth, once the current issues of recognition of sovereignty are resolved, and would like Canada to perhaps broach the idea to the UK. We were previously part of the British Empire, after all.:p
Secret: The GLA is interested in exploring the possibility of joining the Commonwealth, once the current issues of recognition of sovereignty are resolved, and would like Canada to perhaps broach the idea to the UK. We were previously part of the British Empire, after all.:p


Interesting we will have to bring that notion up to the United Kingdom eventually then. But if you are sure of it open up talks with the ETFA in Norfolk. They are basically Britain's Task Force in North America. They have a more direct line to London. That said we can look into that possibility in the future. For now though we got to work on restoring your former strength. Also what is your view on Upper Michigan?
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Interesting we will have to bring that notion up to the United Kingdom eventually then. But if you are sure of it open up talks with the ETFA in Norfolk. They are basically Britain's Task Force in North America. They have a more direct line to London. That said we can look into that possibility in the future. For now though we got to work on restoring your former strength. Also what is your view on Upper Michigan?
Secret: In what sense?

From: Great Lakes Association
To: European Task Force America (Norfolk) @FPSlover
Secret: Greetings. The GLA would like to open discussions on recognition by the UK, and subsequent to that, potential membership of the Commonwealth of Nations, building on our close relationship with Canada.

Well in continuing your economic growth. Such a thing does benefit us both a lot. And we are going to throw a word with some of the refugees we have that don't wish to stay in Canada to come to the Great Lakes Association.
Secret: Apart from the logging, which we have enough to be going on with, the Western Upper Peninsula isn't that important to the GLA, as long as we control access to Lake Superior via the Soo Locks.
Secret: Apart from the logging, which we have enough to be going on with, the Western Upper Peninsula isn't that important to the GLA, as long as we control access to Lake Superior via the Soo Locks.


Aren't you confusing that area? We do not control that area rather it is its own Indepedent State and they are apparently adopting a Constituional Monarchy. We are actually thinking of asking them if they would like King William IV to take the Throne of Upper Michigan. Would the GLA be ok with that?
Secret: In what sense?

From: Great Lakes Association
To: European Task Force America (Norfolk) @FPSlover
Secret: Greetings. The GLA would like to open discussions on recognition by the UK, and subsequent to that, potential membership of the Commonwealth of Nations, building on our close relationship with Canada.


That is most unusual (but very much welcomed news. His Majesty will be very happy to hear that part of America wishes to return to the fold now that the Great Republic Experiment is dead.

To: London
From: EUTF America (Norfolk)
CC: GLA, Canada

The Great Lakes Association, the American successor state in the area around the Great Lakes wishes to be recognized as a nation. They also, highly unusually(and possibly madly) wish to join the Commonwealth. We believe that with enough time and investment, they would make a very fine addition to the Commonwealth.

Aren't you confusing that area? We do not control that area rather it is its own Indepedent State and they are apparently adopting a Constituional Monarchy. We are actually thinking of asking them if they would like King William IV to take the Throne of Upper Michigan. Would the GLA be ok with that?
We have plenty of dealings with the Federation of the Upper Mississippi. Frankly, while the Western half of the peninsula should properly be part of the GLA, we find it's not worth disrupting good relations for a piece of largely redundant wilderness.
To: London
From: EUTF America (Norfolk)
CC: GLA, Canada

The Great Lakes Association, the American successor state in the area around the Great Lakes wishes to be recognized as a nation. They also, highly unusually(and possibly madly) wish to join the Commonwealth. We believe that with enough time and investment, they would make a very fine addition to the Commonwealth.

From: Canada
To: EUTF America (Norfolk) @FPSlover


And there you go that was very much thanks to our influence on them. We actually consider the Great Lakes Association a very close partner of ours.

From: Canada
To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland @Tekomandor
CC: EUTF America (Norfolk), Australia, New Zealand, India, Indian Task Force America, Rest of the Commonwealth , Great Lakes Associaition @FPSlover, @Tekomandor, @Ironanvil1


We officially vouch for the Great Lakes Association's eventual membership but we understand Britain needs more convincing of such. Therefore we wanna ask if London would wish to join us in sending International Observers to observe there Constituional Draft. The offer is also open to the other Commonwealth States as well.
From: Panama
To: Canada (@Alex Costa)

As the only truly stable state in the northern half of America, what exactly is going on up there? From down here it looks rather a mess, if I were to venture such an opinion.

Additionally, would you be open to the principle of a trade agreement? The world economy is mostly down the toilet at this point, so anything that could benefit either of our countries would be wonderful.
From: Canada
To: EUTF America (Norfolk) @FPSlover


And there you go that was very much thanks to our influence on them. We actually consider the Great Lakes Association a very close partner of ours.


We thank you for this opportunity to expand the Commonwealth. Who knows, in a few years, they could be a extremely close partner of your.
From: Panama
To: Canada (@Alex Costa)

As the only truly stable state in the northern half of America, what exactly is going on up there? From down here it looks rather a mess, if I were to venture such an opinion.

Additionally, would you be open to the principle of a trade agreement? The world economy is mostly down the toilet at this point, so anything that could benefit either of our countries would be wonderful.

From: Canada
To: Republic of Panama @Estro

Stable perhaps but boy did we have some bad times. But yes North America is really a big mess and sometimes I am astonished at how well we survived that. But you probably know what is happening in the continent right?

As for a trade agreement we would be fine with it. The Panamanian Economy in the past was very much able to stay low inflation and its position is always of key importance to the Global Trade. While we do not wish to take the United States' position and try to enforce our demands on you we nonethless wish to cultivate a good relation with Panama for the sake of keeping the Canal strongly-kept. And Panamanian Coffee is very well appreciated here in Canada plus Bananas aren't really something you can grow here isn't it right my friend. Meanwhile I am sure Panama would love to be able get some of the products it can't itself produce. So yes we are more than fine with such Trade Agreement consider it done.


We thank you for this opportunity to expand the Commonwealth. Who knows, in a few years, they could be a extremely close partner of your.


No problem old chap. Now in the interest of keeping the logistical lines open and to help support you we are willing to open you access to the ports in Nova Scotia to you.
From: Canada
To: Republic of Panama @Estro

Stable perhaps but boy did we have some bad times. But yes North America is really a big mess and sometimes I am astonished at how well we survived that. But you probably know what is happening in the continent right?

As for a trade agreement we would be fine with it. The Panamanian Economy in the past was very much able to stay low inflation and its position is always of key importance to the Global Trade. While we do not wish to take the United States' position and try to enforce our demands on you we nonethless wish to cultivate a good relation with Panama for the sake of keeping the Canal strongly-kept. And Panamanian Coffee is very well appreciated here in Canada plus Bananas aren't really something you can grow here isn't it right my friend. Meanwhile I am sure Panama would love to be able get some of the products it can't itself produce. So yes we are more than fine with such Trade Agreement consider it done.
From: Panama
To: Canada

Ahh, excellent. While are previously low inflation was more than in part due to the fact that our inflation was restricted to the former United States inflation, that is the key macroeconomic objective of our new central bank, so hopefully that will continue to be the case.

In any sorts, we are glad for the trade agreement, as our previous consumer of our coffee might have... Balkanized a little bit. And do keep the cybernetics coming, they seem to be in rather high demand here. Must be a cultural thing.
From: Prime-Minister of Canada David Turner (OOC: For those wondering yes he is the son of the former Prime-Minister Turner yes)
To: Russian General Pavel Radimirovich Strelnikov @H. Weapons Guy
CC: Russian President ? (OOC: Probably some sort of protege of Vladimir Putin I would assume) @Tekomandor


Well met General Strelnikov. I have decided to take this matter personally rather than leave it to my Foreign Affairs Minister as I belive this to be a matter of great importance to the future relations between Canada, Russia and potentially an Alaskan State. It is true our countries while on opposing sides of the Cold War and recently in the matter of the European Conflict as we had to naturally diplomatically support our brothers in London neverthless we always respected the Russian people and its Government and in fact our cooperation in the matters of the Arctic Ocean something we used to share with US but also share with Norway and Denmark has always been very important to us. We would be very glad to resume Air Travel between Anchorage and Vancouver and also ship travel between British Columbia and Alaska. Such will increasingly benefit both our economies immensly.

On the other two matters we are prepared to diplomatically accept Russian presence in Alaska in Exchange for the gurantee by the Russian Government and its Task Force that said presence will be restricted to Alaska only. Now we are not saying Russia should be forbidden from assisting any of the Sucessor States mind you but we will not accept any attempt by Russia to expand its domain over them either. The future of Continental US should remain in the hands of the Sucessor States although if you ask me I do hope that American Reunification doesn't actually happen in fact we think this was a long time coming. But if the people of the various sucessor states decide that or decide they need Russian support we will not oppose it. All my Government wants is a Stable North American Continent and certainly we do not wish for the conflicts in Europe to come here. On the second matter we would be open to eventually retreta from Sitka and Juneau yes but such retreat can't and shouldn't happen overnight. The people of Canada wouldn't accept it. However perhaps joint control over the area could be a good compromise if the Russian State is willing to accept such with a looking to Canada eventually retreating from the area in the future in exchange for continued economical rights on the region. As for the future of Alaska that is up to you but whatever it is you decide we hope the Alaskan people will be listened that is all we ask.


It is good to hear that Ottawa maintains its traditional good sense on this matter, and for my proposal to resume civilian traffic and travel.

Contrary to what is said by the so-called "governments" that claim dominion over the entire former US, our presence here is not one aimed at facilitating territorial expansion. Indeed, doing such a thing would endanger Russia's exceedingly important relationships with North American states, which would not be ideal for Russian interests. While we cannot rule out the possibility of things such as military bases to expand our regional capabilities as well as support stable governments in the region (something Canada can no doubt agree is quite important), simply conquering everywhere our armies can hold and annexing it into the Russian Federation would be utter folly, you shall hear of no such thing from us. Any military presence we would arrange would of course be done solely with the consultation of a sovereign state under conditions agreed upon by both Russia and that state.

Regarding your proposal for Sitka and Juneau, I believe we can make an arrangement on those terms. Joint-basing in the area between Russia and Canada, combined with proposals to mutually draw down garrisons on our shared border would be ideal here. That way we can eventually return Alaska to its pre-collapse borders and hopefully restore some sense of normalcy to the Alaskan people.

As to your concerns about Alaska proper, I can assure you that I am doing all in my power to secure the livelihood and security of the Alaskan people. While I am ultimately a soldier and thus cannot idly accept any violent rebellion that would put the lives of the men under my command at risk, I aim to see to it that the Alaskan populace is provided for in every way, and that their traditions and customs are respected.

Exceedingly Secret (Between General Strelnikov and David Turner only):

And, strictly between us, while I know you have excellent relations with your cultural kin across the sea in Britain, if you should ever come across any problems with the European Union or them, know that the Russian Federation would be eager to inaugurate a stronger partnership with Canada.

Truth be told, the nature of the EU's presence in the North America is alarming to us, we cannot help but wonder if their deployment is not in the interests of regional security or the people of the former United States, but rather solely designed to counter their perceived threat from us. If I were convinced that they could be reasoned with, I'd move Heaven and Earth to get them what they need, but I find myself... distinctly lacking in confidence that Brussels can be expected to deal fairly with us.