FALLEN: A Nation Game of the Balkanised USA | IC


Social Justice Gish

A Nation Game of the Balkanised USA

It is the year 2035 AD, and the United States lies ruined and broken. Washington DC is naught glass and ash, after the detonation of a nuclear device within the city. Exactly which group was responsible is up to debate, but what is not is that it was the last in a long line of events that lead to the shattering of the union. There are many factors posited to explain the long, drawn out demise of the United States. Some say that the financial crises that rocked the nation, first in the GFC and then again in the late 2010s, were the instigators. Others say the costly and deeply unpopular Second Korean War, or ground operations in the middle east, were the start of the decline.

What is important, however, is the length and date of the US' demise. It was not a season of violence and protest - no, it took nearly five years to complete. During that time occurred two crucial factors - the construction by all remaining major nations of effective ICBM-defence suites, and the outbreak of war in Europe and the 'Second Plague' in Asia. This virulent disease was the dreaded superbug - one that had evolved a resistance to mankind's medicine, and saw fifty million dead in a year. It was only through harsh containment methods that the plague was contained - but it still kept China too busy to act on the slow demise of it's most powerful enemy.

In Europe, a conflict erupted between Russia and the European Union. With neither side being able, or willing, to deploy nuclear weapons the war became a conventional one. The EU was disorganised and conflicted about it's strategy, and even about entering the war, allowing the Russian armed forces to defeat Eastern Europe piecemeal. With lightning speed, Russian tanks were rolling into Warsaw and marching on to Berlin. Eventually, with the combined might of the heavily militarised EU martialled under a unified command, the Russians were pushed back from the edges of Berlin, and truce was signed for status quo ante bellum.

It is only in recent times that the eyes of the world have once more been able to turn to the United States, to find a shattered nation ripe for the taking. Divided into squabbling new nation-states born after the destruction of DC, it may not be able to resist any foreign invaders in the guise of peacekeepers. Yet there is a strong spirit amongst these new nations, and with the aid of skillful diplomacy and force of arms, they may yet prosper amidst the shattered dream they once shared.

It is the year 2035, and the United States has fallen. From it's ashes have arisen a dozen new nations, and from it's corpse emits a stench most attractive to foreign vultures.


In many ways, the world has moved on from the current day. Even after five years of civil war and unrest, the largest of the successor states maintain arsenals that if not cutting edge by the standards of the former United States, would be acceptable. Across the sea, and it is another story entirely. Russia and European Union throw considerable amounts of their vast financial and intellectual wealth into the development of deadlier weapons of war. With the nuclear missile dead as a long-ranged weapon of war, the focus of the world's militaries has moved away from low-intensity COIN operations and into preparing for an all-out war with their most powerful neighbours. Vast numbers of new tanks and planes roll out of Europe's factories, as the Second Cold War rages silently.

In essence, technology hovers from below 2016 levels to pre collapse (2025-30) levels in the successor states; in terms of military technology. In the Great Powers - Europe, Russia, China, India - military technology is advancing at a rapid pace. Warships and strike-fighters charge into the teeth of enemy guns under a DEW aegis, and the first personal exoskeletons are entering deployment for elite units. The American Taskforces are not cutting edge units, but are the beneficiaries of significant advancement over their expected opponents.

In terms of technology not related to waging war, that's where the situation has gotten a little murkier. Almost all areas of the former US have cell or internet, albeit some only via European or Japanese satellites for the rich. Mobile phones are just as ubiquitous in this balkanised America as they are in our own time. At least, in most places. Where the Warlords rule, some people have returned to subsistence farming and technology that would seem primitive to Africa's most impoverished nations. In the rest of the world, civilian technology lags behind military tech. Some notable exceptions exist - Japan's breakthroughs in fusion tech, China's advanced biomedical tech - but generally, if it can't shoot your enemies or otherwise enable that, it's a bit behind where it 'should' be.


This report is compiled for the UN Security Council and the peacekeeping forces sent to North America to report on the capabilities of the unrecognized states once comprising the United States of America. This strategic overview gives a realistic assessment of the common armaments likely to be used by those states in a possible armed conflict.

All forces must be prepared for the likely use of formerly military-grade weapons even outside of organized armies. These firearms come in several common variations, but will likely change drastically based on local supplies and ability to reproduce the necessary equipment. Many forces will be equipped with semi-automatic and bolt action firearms such as the AR Series, Ruger 10/22, Remington Rifles, Browning BAR and many more. It is not uncommon according to investigators to see a mix of weapons from many different eras using a wide variety of ammunition however, so caution should be employed.
However, among organized military units, the FN SCAR and M16 are the primary weapons, although this is also subject to change. Support weapons are produced in a limited capacity, with heavy weaponry being difficult to reproduce on the level of modern weapons of war.

The production or maintenance of armored vehicles and heavy weapons is very limited however. UN special reporters have found that although the United States decision to install a diesel engine in the M1A3 upgrades has helped improve reliability, these tanks are often found only in limited numbers due to inefficency, cost of maintenance, and simple lack of ability to reproduce parts in most of the country. This proves to be the same with most vehicles, with one exception. Light Tactical Vehicles, produced by the United States to support both armed forces in the Middle East and units at home trying to suppress unrest, have become commonly used by all sides as a cheaper alternative. Those who cannot afford to use Military Produced units will equip civilian trucks and vehicles as replacements. MRAPs, formerly acquired in masses by local law enforcement and United States military units, are also used semi-commonly among the more affluent states.

The situation is even more strained with air support in the unrecognized states of North America. While the United States popularized the F-35 among many states as the next generation Multi-role Fighter, the embargoes levied against supporting the American states militarily and the collapse of infrastructure has made these fighters even more expensive to operate or maintain. While these embargoes have been mostly successful, flyovers suggest that most states use several different types of older aircraft, such as the F-16, Mig-21, or J-7. F-35's and F-22's have been identified in limited numbers across the United States, however the numbers are further limited by the need to cannibalize failing aircraft for the parts necessary to repair the already operational aircraft. Helicopters are also a somewhat common sight, either commandeered Civilian craft or a limited collection of military helicopters. However, the smaller states often use reserve aircraft or civilian models refitted with weapons suited for a ground attack role, given the lack of air-to-air combat in the unstable region.

Naval Assets seem to be quite limited, although the UN Peacekeepers reporting on any craft formerly belonging to the United States Navy did report a majority of assets known to have survived in Pentagon records have mysteriously disappeared from dockyards. Further reports to follow as information is updated.

GM Team:

Super-Ultra-Mega GM: Me
Map, Media & Economics GM: @Firebringer2077
Tech GM: @ImperialRocketeer
War GM: @Bob the Great

Nations available or claimed:


Taskforces, your military numbers should be in your inbox soon - feel free to post everything other than that, however.

Nation Name In Native Language - 2035
National Flag

Nation Name in English
Head of State: Name
Head of Government: Name
Type of Government: Self-explanatory
Population: Be reasonable
Capital: Capital


Internal Events:

-Any internal events to talk about...

Economic Status:
-Great (Example)
-Economic information goes here....

-All military information not dealing with the numbers themselves goes here...

  • Number of Men in total currently in the active military
  • Number of 'special' (Exoskeletons, cybernetics, combat drugs etc] infantry. Successor states should generally not exceed a few thousand.
  • Number of Reserves (State whether or not they are demobilized here, in parentheses)
  • Number of Tanks
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
Air Force:
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

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European Union Taskforce America (Jacksonville)

(European Union Stabilization Force North America)

Total number of personnel: ~100,000
Based out of: Jacksonvile
  • 1st Panzerdivision - 21,000 troops total [German/Dutch]
    • 300 MBTs, mix of Leopard 2A9s and Leopard 3s
    • Indigenous drone and cyberwarfare capability
    • Roughly 2000 enhanced infantry
  • 80th Mechanised Infantry Brigade - 5000 troops total [Turkish]
    • 1000 enhanced infantry
  • 63rd Mechanised Infantry Brigade - 5000 troops total [Turkish]
    • 1000 enhanced infantry
  • 6th Light Armoured Brigade - 6000 troops total [French]
  • 9th Marine Infantry Brigade - 6200 troops total
    • 1000 enhanced infantry
  • 2nd Armoured Brigade - 6200 troops total [French]
    • 100 MBTs, mostly upgraded Leclercs
  • Various logistics and support units
  • 1st Croatian Guards Regiment - ~1,200 Personnel
    • 1st Special Operations Company
    • 2nd Special Operations Company
    • 3rd Special Operations Company
    • 4th Special Operations Company
  • FS Charles De Gaulle - medium carrier, 40 strong airgroup
  • 2 French DEW/AA Destroyers
  • 2 German ASW Frigates
  • 1 Turkish ASW Frigate
  • 2 French Nuclear Attack Submarines
  • Various helicopters, etc
Air Force:
  • Total 235 manned combat aircraft
    • 35 Eurofighter Hurricanes (Entered service, 2028)
    • 30 F-35s
    • 70 Dassault Rafales
    • 100 Eurofighter Typhoons
  • Significant number of armed drones
  • Helicopter units

To: Russian Task Force

Super Ultra Under-The-Table Top Secret Channels Commander to Commander:
So as much as our homelands' don't want to admit it, we can do a lot of good for our own countries here by coming to a mutual understanding if you are willing to listen?

To: Brussels

Any changes in London on bringing them into the fold, the European Union Task Force is stronger together, and you must continue to exert your diplomatic efforts at home to make them realize this.
OOC: Some diplomacy to get things working since some players are already here. Turn sometime this week.


From: Canada
To: EUSFORNA (Jacksonville) @MasturBacon

Greetings friends. The sucess of your efforts to stablize the Southern states of the United States has not gone unoticed by us here in Ottawa. We will be glad to continue assisting our European friends in anyway possible to make sure your mission is a success.


On that note we are kinda sad that not all of the EU is working together as one in this. As one of Europe's biggest partners and ally and considering the other Task Force is mostly British in nature we can perhaps try and mend things between you two. We will contact London if you wish on this aspect.

From: Canada
To: Russian Task Force America @H. Weapons Guy

CC: Russian Federation @Tekomandor


Greetings neighbour. We hope everything is ok between us. We probably didn't get off to the best start but we wish to change that. Your efforts on bring stability to Alaska pleases us. It allows that route of commerce to remain open which is very positive in our aspect. While Russia may have come to blows with Britain in the past Canada has no intentions of trying to expel Russia from Alaska as it is your efforts that have stabilized the ex-state. Instead we offer support in making sure Alaska remains developed as it is. The two largest nations in the world should remain friendly afterall.
United States of America (California Command) - 2035

United States of America, Californian Command
Head of State: Vacant until such time as a legitimate election may be held.
Head of Government: General Philip Sterfgeval
Type of Government: Presidential Republic (military junta for duration of crisis)
Population: 45,000,000
Capital: Sacramento


Internal Events:

-Pacification efforts continue near LA.

Economic Status:
-Crap, as expected but as good or better as most successor states.


- 260,000 men active

  • 200,000 men
  • 3000 'special' (Exoskeletons, cybernetics, combat drugs etc] infantry.
  • 200 tanks
  • 400 "kitbash" tanks.

  • Four Attack submarines
  • A Super Carrier USS Enterprise
  • Six cruisers
  • Twelve destroyers
  • Dozens of support ships.
Air Force:
  • Twenty F22s
  • Fifty F35s
  • Two hundred F-15s
  • Two hundred F-16s
  • Various support craft
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

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From: Canada
To: California Command of the United States of America @Mortis Nuntius

Need any help?


Which American Government do you technically recognize? The one in Potomac or the one in Colorado? Also should you need anything we would be glad to help our fellow English speakers in California.
From: Canada
To: California Command of the United States of America @Mortis Nuntius

Need any help?


Which American Government do you technically recognize? The one in Potomac or the one in Colorado? Also should you need anything we would be glad to help our fellow English speakers in California.
What are you offering?


We recognise neither until legitimate elections are held though Colorado at this time seems the more legitimate practical choice if it were to come to that.
What are you offering?


We recognise neither until legitimate elections are held though Colorado at this time seems the more legitimate practical choice if it were to come to that.

Mainly support in your efforts to keep LA pacified. While it is true our economy was also hit rock hard we have slowly grown out of the backburner. Plus some old businessman from California would be open to return if the State is really stabilized as it is.


Ah yes. Problem is I think both the Colorado and Potomac Regimes seem not too much keen on Legitimate Elections. Hopefully that does change in the future that is our hope. Now we know you also suspended elections for Governorship but we hope that by supporting your Pacification efforts democracy can return to California.
Mainly support in your efforts to keep LA pacified. While it is true our economy was also hit rock hard we have slowly grown out of the backburner. Plus some old businessman from California would be open to return if the State is really stabilized as it is.


Ah yes. Problem is I think both the Colorado and Potomac Regimes seem not too much keen on Legitimate Elections. Hopefully that does change in the future that is our hope. Now we know you also suspended elections for Governorship but we hope that by supporting your Pacification efforts democracy can return to California.

What support exactly?

All refugees are welcome to return.


Which is why we have yet to recognise either.
República de Cuba - 2035

Name: Republic of Cuba
Head of State: Luiz Díaz-Canel
Head of Government: Jacinto Angulo Pardo
Type of Government: Marxist-Leninist One Party Democracy.
Population: 13 Million
Capital: Havana


Internal Events:

- Cuba celebrates it's 7th year of completely green electricity generation this year.
- Camagüey purchases new busses.The livery on them is hideous enough to be a national laughingstock.

Economic Status:
- Tourism continues to improve, helping to grow the economy, along with the ceaseless demand for Biotech goods and Cobalt/Nickel exports. Unfortunately, not much can be put into developing the domestic economy because of the chaos to the north.

-The recent global instability, and the conquest of Mayport by the EU has made the cuban government extremely wary, and as a result, has driven the government to dramatically invest in rearmament.
-Large parts of the military are now capable of limited data communication using the Marti Battlefield communications system, (running on dedicated mobile hardware.) Although gun-laying and target data entry continues to be manual, because of concerns of cyberattacks on FAR assets.
  • 123,000 across the entire FAR, 70,000 in land forces
  • 3000 Powered Exoskeletons.
  • 250,000 reserves (demobilized)
  • 440 Frontline Tanks (200 T-72M1 Combat Improved Ajeya, 180 T-72BA, 60 T-55M6,)
  • 60 PT-100 Light tanks (PT-76 fitted with Bakhcha U turret and FCS)
  • 400 BTR (300 BTR-80S, 100 BTR-80A)
  • 300 BMP (220 BMP-1P, 80 BMP-3F)
  • 500 SPH (140 2S3, 60 2S1, 300 T-62/M46 coast defense gun)
  • 240 BM-21PD Grad.
  • 14 SS-N-2 Styx TEL
  • 24 Container TEL for 3M54TE coast-defense missile systems
  • 4 9K37M1-2E Buk-M1-2E SAM batteries.
  • 1 2K12 Kub battery.
  • 2 S-300VM SAM/ABM Systems.
  • 60 2K22M Tunguska-M SPAAG/TLAR

  • 2 - Rio Damuji - class OPV, (upgraded with 1x Kashtan CIWS aft, using 8x 3M54TE Missiles)
  • 6 - Osa II Missile Boats (upgraded to carry 16x 3M54TE missiles, 2x AK-630 in place of AK-230)
  • 1 - Pauk - class corvette
  • 2 - Stenka - class Patrol Boats
  • 2 - Khukri - class Corvette (ex-indian navy upgraded to carry 16x 3M54TE missiles)
  • 8 - Castro - class Patrol Boats (indigenous design using 1x 2A42 autocannon in RWS forward, 4x 9M120/9M220 ATGM on RWS and 9K32M Strela-2M in a four-round pedestal mount aft, plus pintle mounted MGs)
  • 2 - Cyclone - class Patrol Boats (interned and then commissioned, now using 9M120/9M220 ATGMs in place of Hellfire missiles.)
  • 50 - CB90 assault boat clones
Air Force:
  • 12 MiG-29SMT
  • 4 MiG-35D
  • 20 Mi-35M
  • 40 Mi-8
  • 12 L-59
  • 8 Su-25UBM
  • Trainers and other, non-combat aircraft.
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

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The United States of America

"-and rest assured, my fellow Americans, that though the hour may grow dark, this Union shall not fall and that even now, as those insidious elements seek to pit brother against brother, father against son, neighbour against neighbour, that there are many who are working ceaselessly to ensure that this darkness shall once more be replaced with the light of freedom and liberty.

God bless America.

God bless you all."​
- President Arnold Vinick​
Radio Free USA
Hey all you wild guys and gals out there, this is Jack coming to you LIVE somewhere in the scenic former CONUS. We're bringing you all the latest news and the greatest hits, free from what the media and the governments want you to hear and free from all the spin and bullshit.

First off, a shout out to all my comrades out there doing the exact same thing as I am, supporting the freedom of the people and telling it like it is. Somebodies gotta do it, and it sure as hell isn't gonna be the guys now claiming to represent the True America.

Now to all the people out there just struggling to survive in this messed up world, you can be sure that you got a friend here looking out for you. What we have here is the straight truth folks, the stuff nobody wants you to hear, what nobody wants you to see. Everything they try and bury, we'll make sure the world knows about it. I guess you could call us the Anonymous of the airwaves


But enough of my ramblings, let's get you all some music to make your day brighter. This one's an oldie but goodie, and I think it keeps with the times pretty well. See you in a bit....


Total number of personnel: 55,000 British Army. 5,000 RN. 5,000 RAF.
Based out of: Norfolk
  • Total number, all troops: 50,000 men
  • Units:
  • 1st Infantry Division: 20,000 men
  • 2nd Infantry Division: 20,000 men
  • 1st Armoured Infantry Brigade: 5,000 men
  • Support Services: 5,000 men
  • Total number, tanks: 400
  • Total number, special infantry: 5000

  • HMS Imperial (Imperial Class KEW Battleship)
  • 2 Fictional class Frigates (HMS Pucelle and HMS Sophie)
  • 2 City Class DEW Destroyers (HMS Worcester and HMS Leominster)
  • 2 Admiral Class KEK Frigates (HMS Horatio Nelson and HMS Thomas Cochrane)
  • 2 Monarch Class SSN's (HMS Queen Victoria and HMS Queen Anne)

Air Force:

  • one hundred Eurofighter Typhoons (fighter variant)
  • one hundred Eurofighter Typhoons (ground attack variant)

To: EUTF Jacksonville @MasturBacon
From: EUTF Norfolk

Greetings friends. It is such a wonderfull day today. Perfect for some tea is it not?


Anything you need? What is your opinion of the "nations" that we face?

To: UK Army General Staff @Tekomandor
CC: London

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Delivered via the Raytheon© National Security Update®, automatically installed on all mobile devices, at 9:15 AM

Greetings, citizens.

Today's daily security assessment is SEVERE.
Today's daily terrorism assessment is SEVERE.
Today's daily national integrity assessment is SEVERE.
Today's daily subversion risk assessment is SEVERE.

In light of the day's security evaluation, our analysts have determined that the United States is at HIGH RISK of internal and external threats. All citizens are encouraged to remain vigilant and report any and all suspicious and subversive activity through the General Dynamics© See Something Say Something® app, where our analysts will evaluate the report.

Today's citizens, chosen at random, who have been selected to work on the WASHINGTON RECLAMATION PROJECT, under the auspices of the Selective Service, are 115681334, 11098841, 001209284, 440984110, 011300143. Citizens, please report to your nearest law enforcement facility for transport within 24 hours. Failure to report will result in criminal charges, up to and including treason.

Have a pleasant day, and God Bless the United States

Name: Great Lakes Association
Head of State: Association Coordinator Bill "Goldfinger" Taft
Head of Government: Association Coordinator Bill "Goldfinger" Taft
Type of Government: De Jure, Confederation, De Facto dominated by Association Coordinator
Population: 35 Million
Capital: Columbus, Ohio

Internal Events: While Taft remains hugely popular for creating and bringing the GLA through the crises of recent years, there are some concerns that he is perhaps a bit too wedded to running his creation.

Economic Status:
With the foundation of the bullion taken into protective storage from Fort Knox, the GLA has managed to preserve its standard of living reasonably well, and engages in a great deal of trade both with Canada and other Successor States, exploiting it's industry and position as a transit hub. Several years ago, the GLA de facto adopted the Canadian Dollar as its currency, replacing the defunct US Dollar, deepening its economic relationship with its neighbour to the North, which, despite not formally recognising the GLA, takes its desires into account.

The Great Lakes Association Forces were created from a mix of former US military personnel, National Guard troops, and new recruits in the wake of the collapse of central government. The foundation blocks of the new force were the training establishments of Fort Knox's 100th Infantry Division, the National Guard's Camp Grayling training centre, and the Naval Station Great Lakes, and the Airforce Logistics Command at Wright-Patterson Airbase, which together allowed the new military to reorientate itself fairly quickly to meet the needs of the new Association, making good use of the large number of defence contractors in Association territory.
The possession of the Lima tank factory, for example, has allowed the GLA to maintain a larger fleet of M1 Abrams than many of its rivals, albeit sometimes with advanced systems substituted for more easily manufactured equivalents, but the Association also makes use of a number of entirely domestically produced vehicles, employing several variants of the Thunderbolt AFV, a wheeled vehicle similar to the Stryker, adapted for ease of production, and capable of high mobility across the dense transport network of the Association.
The GLAF Navy is entirely new built, comprised of vessels launched from shipyards on the Great Lakes, designed to secure those waterways, and the rivers that sprawl across Association territory, and help deploy troops on their shores.
In the air, alongside the core of former US vehicles, one of the signature craft of the GLA is the reborn, modernised Skyraider II, a cheap, easily produced CAS plane manufactured in large numbers by the factories of the Association, and invaluable for patrolling its borders and supporting the ground forces.

200,000 Personnel
3000 Elite troops, issued with the best equipment, and biochemical enhancements
100,000 Force Reserves (demobilised)
500 M1A3 Abrams Tanks (100 in Reserve)
1 Special Response Force
4 Armoured Brigade Combat Teams
6 Mech Brigade Combat Teams
2 Amphib Brigade Combat Teams
8 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams

20 Scorpion Class Fast Attack Craft
20 Porcupine Class Helo Cutters
20 Crocodile Class Monitors
Assorted smaller river gunboats

Air Force:
300 Skyraider II - Updated equivalent of the propeller-driven CAS plane using modern tech, produced domestically by the GLA
300 Black Hawk Helos
50 Chinook Helos
50 Apache Helos
5 B52 Stratofortress
100 F15 Strike Eagles

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Trade with Upper Mississipi, Canada, Northeastern Republic

Friendly relations with Upper Mississipi, Canada, Northeastern Republic
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The United States of America - 2035

Name: The United States Government
Head of State: General James Mattoon Scott
Head of Government: United Security Council
Type of Government: Presidential Republic
Population: 30,000,000
Capital: Washington, D.C.


Internal Events:


Economic Status:


  • 28th Infantry Division (Mechanized), 29th Infantry Division (Mechanized), 82nd Airborne (Light/Airborne), 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized), 102nd (motorized) 103rd (motorized), 104th (light), 105th (light)
  • 3rd Special Forces Group
  • TBD
Air Force:
  • F-22s: 27th Fighter Squadron, 94th Fighter Squadron, 149th Fighter Squadron
  • F-35: 121st Fighter Squadron, 307th Fighter Squadron, 333rd Fighter Squadron, 334th Fighter Squadron, 335th Fighter Squadron 336th Fighter Squadron
  • F-16E: 1 squadron
  • F-15C: 1 squadron
  • F-15 E: 4 squadron
  • A-10: 2 squadrons
  • Airlift: 6 squadrons
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

The Grange Alliance - 2035
Name: The Grange Alliance
Head of State: President Lance Anderson
Head of Government: President Lance Anderson
Type of Government: Constitutional Confederacy
Population: 6 Million
Capital: Pierre, South Dakota

Having incorporated all the Grange States, with the exception of the Dakotan Reservation, the people of the Grange are eager to gain allies to protect their borders and allow the Great Plains to return to normalcy by rebuilding the shattered economy of the Great Plains.

Internal Events:
Plans are being made for a new Constitutional Convention once foreign recognition is achieved, in an effort to centralize the Alliance and merge the Granges to turn this ad hoc Confederacy into a proper Republic.

Economic Status:
-Poor. While the agricultural sector is well on its way to recovery, many other industries fell into disarray as a result of the collapse and foreign investment will be needed to rebuild the

-The Military of the Grange Alliance relies on militias, ex-National Guard units, and the units at Air Force Bases along the northern potions of the Grange

  • 40,000 Personnel (Including Militias and ex-National Guard Reserves)
  • 3,000 Commandoes, trained to enact Guerrilla operations behind enemy lines
  • 200 "Kitbash" Tanks
  • 300 APCs
  • 550 Ex-Police/Civilian Vehicles
  • Being land-locked with no major lakes, the Grange possesses only a small fleet of patrol boats to defend its rivers.

Air Force:

  • Malmstrom AFB (341st Missile Wing, 819th RED HORSE Squadron)
  • Ellsworth AFB (28th Bomb Wing)
  • Minot AFB (5th Bomb Wing, 91st Missile Wing, 17th Munitions Squadron)
  • Grand Forks AFB (319th Air Base Wing, 69th Reconnaissance Group, 178th Reconnaisance Squadron)
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

To: ROPM, Canada, The Confederation of Upper Mississippi, Republic of Texas, Deseret
From: The Grange Alliance

Look, the Grange Alliance is a peaceful state that simply wants to be left alone to rebuild. We see no reason why we cannot establish trade relations and work together.
The Federation of the Upper Mississippi- 2035
National Flag

Federation of the Upper Mississippi
Head of State: Lord Protector Adam Michalowicz
Head of Government: Lord Protector Adam Michalowicz
Type of Government: Federal Monarchy/Military Junta
Population: 40 million
Capital: Hesperia (former Quad Cities Metropolitan Area)


Internal Events:

-preparations are underway in regards to the writing of a constitution in the hopes of streamlining international recognition

Economic Status:
Mediocre - the agricultural sector is recovering thanks to a good amount of farm equipment being produced in factories within the Federation, massively increased demand for biofuel production due to being cut off from oil imports, and resumption of crop exports to the GLA; many other industries have not yet recovered, however


  • Number of Men in total currently in the active military
  • Number of 'special' (Exoskeletons, cybernetics, combat drugs etc] infantry. Successor states should generally not exceed a few thousand.
  • Number of Reserves (State whether or not they are demobilized here, in parentheses)
  • Number of Tanks
  • 34th Infantry Division "Red Bull Division"
    • 1st Armored Brigade
    • 2nd Infantry Brigade
    • 32nd Infantry Brigade
    • Combat Aviation Brigade
    • 121st Field Artillery Regiment
    • 157th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
    • 347th Regional Support Group
    • 123rd Armored Regiment
  • 35th Infantry Division "Santa Fe Division"
    • 33rd Infantry Brigade
    • 35th Aviation Brigade
    • 110th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
    • Combat Aviation Brigade
  • 35th Engineer Brigade
  • 1107th Aviation Group
  • 70th Command Troop
  • 3175th Chemical Company
  • 108th Sustainment Brigade
  • 404th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
  • 65th Troop Command
  • 1st Infantry Division "Big Red One"
  • 101st Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles"
  • 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment "Night Stalkers"
    • 1st Battalion
    • 2nd Batalion
  • 5th Special Forces Group "The Quiet Professionals"
  • 52nd Ordanance Group
    • 184th Ordinance Battalion
  • 86th Combat Support Hospital
  • 101st Sustainment Briagade
    • 44th Air Defense Artillery Regiment
      • 2nd Battalion
  • 716th Military Police Battalion
  • 63rd Chemical Compnay
  • 1000th Military Police Battalion
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
Air Force:
  • 126th Air Refueling Wing
    • operates the KC-135 "Stratotanker"
  • 182nd Airlift Wing
    • operates the C-130H3 "Hercules"
  • 183rd Fighter Wing
    • operates the F-16C/D "Fighting Falcon"
  • 139th Airlift Wing
    • operates the C-130H2 "Hercules"
  • 509th Bomb Wing
    • operates the B-2A "Spirit"
  • 131st Bomb Wing
    • operates the B-2A "Spirit"
  • 124th Fighter Squadron "Hawkeyes"
    • operates the F-16C "Fighting Falcon"
  • 183rd Fighter Wing
    • operates the F-16C "Fighting Falcon"
  • 115th Fighter Wing
    • operates the F-16C "Fighting Falcon"
  • 148th Fighter Wing
    • operates the F-16C "Fighting Falcon"
  • 72nd Test and Evaluation Squadron
    • operates the B-2 "Spirit"
  • 132nd Fighter Wing
    • operates the MQ-9 "Reaper"
  • 185th Air Refueling Wing
    • operates the KC-135R "Stratotanker"
  • 128th Air Refueling Wing
    • KC-135R "Stratotanker"
  • 133rd Airlift Wing
    • operates the C-130H "Hercules"
  • 442nd Fighter Wing
    • operates the F-16 "Fighting Falcon" and the A-10 II "Warthog"

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Formal acknowledgement of borders with the Grange Alliance
Former acknowledgement of borders with the Great Lakes Association
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Operation Apprentice

The US Military-Industrial Complex before the fall was a peerless tool pillar of American power, it equipped and maintained the most powerful force in human history. Sadly with the emergency of the last decade it was all but dismantled leaving a struggling US military bereft of critical spare parts and replacements. California Command was well aware of this crisis and in 2035 at last found itself in a position to begin righting its problem. Many of the state's foremost minds disapeared without a trace and returned slowly in drips and drabs, with new specialised equipment or rather new versions of old equipment and became the backbone of the first rearmament program on the new American continent with the construction or repurposing of multiple facilities with the intention of rebuilding critical military infrastructure. Naturally most of this is incredibly super secret.​
To: Russian Task Force

Super Ultra Under-The-Table Top Secret Channels Commander to Commander:
So as much as our homelands' don't want to admit it, we can do a lot of good for our own countries here by coming to a mutual understanding if you are willing to listen?

*No reply is ever given*

*However, roughly a week after the delivery of the message, the EUSFORNA commander's private, personal inbox is sent a few spam emails which somehow manage to get past some of the most stringent and advanced spam filters on the planet. Most of them are junk containing advertisements for "free" vacation getaways to the Bahamas, catalogues for alternative and natural medicine, and offers for free cosmetic surgery. However, one email advertising exotic foreign brides contains a link. When opened, the link briefly presents a white page containing a generic email address and a password before it erases itself. All attempts to reconstitute the message simply redirect to the domain "gorgeousbrides.com"


From: Canada
To: Russian Task Force America @H. Weapons Guy

CC: Russian Federation @Tekomandor


Greetings neighbour. We hope everything is ok between us. We probably didn't get off to the best start but we wish to change that. Your efforts on bring stability to Alaska pleases us. It allows that route of commerce to remain open which is very positive in our aspect. While Russia may have come to blows with Britain in the past Canada has no intentions of trying to expel Russia from Alaska as it is your efforts that have stabilized the ex-state. Instead we offer support in making sure Alaska remains developed as it is. The two largest nations in the world should remain friendly afterall.

To: Canada

From: General Pavel Radimirovich Strelnikov



My name is Pavel Radimirovich Strelnikov, I am the commanding officer of the Russian forces in Alaska, and I am pleased to hear such overtures from Ottawa. I believe I must clarify that while Russia and Canada have had their differences historically, it is and never has been a matter of hatred of the Canadian people. Though our two governments have occasionally been rivals in the past, I have come to believe that the Canadian people and indeed their government never shared the same sort of narrowminded fanaticism that divided the East and West during the Cold War. Even during the Soviet period, our two nations often proved quite capable of finding common ground and striking bargains to the benefit of both our peoples. I believe we can again see eye to eye on many matters, perhaps moreso than ever before.

I would be happy to accept any support Canada is willing to offer, trade is extremely important to restoring Alaska to pre-collapse levels, which is one of my duties as the commander of Russian forces in America. I believe that, regardless of any other agreements we may make, that we can both sign an agreement of comprehensive benefit to both of our nations. I believe we can start by restoring direct flights between Canada and Alaska as well as ship travel between Vancouver and Anchorage.* Ted Stevens International Airport is currently experiencing a large amount of traffic from our cargo planes bringing supplies to Alaska, but we could probably work in a few civilian flights every week. The national Russian airline, Aeroflot, would no doubt love to get a nice new contract going with Canada to get travel going again.

On my end, I did have two matters I wished to discuss:

-The first is that I would like to enquire as to the possibility of obtaining Canadian diplomatic recognition of the Russian presence in Alaska. Now mind, this does not mean Alaska would be recognized as part of Russia or as any sort of "sphere of influence" to use a 20th-century term. Alaska's legal status is, like most of the former US, somewhat of a quandary for us, so at the moment we have opted to more or less work within the framework of Alaska's status as a US State, or at least to the best of our abilities. On this matter I am merely asking that Canada grant diplomatic recognition of our presence here. My superiors in Moscow are very concerned about maintaining good relations with Canada and they would be gratified to have a normalisation of diplomatic relations so quickly.

-The other is the Canadian presence in Sitka and Juneau. Juneau was the former state capital of Alaska (though its largest city, Anchorage, presently serves as our provisional capital in the region), Sitka meanwhile is a significant regional port, particularly for the seafood trade. And, if I may add a moment of personal interest, was actually the capital of Russian America during the Tsarist Period. While we do not particularly object to the Canadian presence there as, thus far, it has not been hostile to us, we did wish to enquire as to whether it was a possibility to negotiate for a Canadian withdrawal from these cities so that we may assume administrative duties there. We understand how our presence in Alaska is seen by many in Canada, so I am willing to come to an accommodation if Ottawa is willing to do the same.

On this last matter I wish to make it clear that this is neither a threat nor an ultimatum. Still, I have made my opinion on that state of affairs known, and we can go from there.

*Realistically these would almost assuredly be ended between Canada and Alaska if there was actually a military conflict being fought there, let alone a substantial foreign military presence.*
To: The Grange Alliance @Ceslas
From: The Federation of the Upper Mississippi
We would, of course, be willing to open up a friendly relationship with our Western neighbor! We would also be happy to open up trade back between our regions, as well as formally agree on our mutual borders as they now stand.
The Gulf Coast Union - 2035

Name: Gulf Coast Union
  • Alternate Titles: Southern Republic, Southron Republic, "The New South"
Head of State: President William J. Gregory
Head of Government: "The Group of Eight"
Type of Government: Flawed Democracy
Population: 50,974,910
Capital: De Jure Atlanta, Capital District, De Facto Fort Benning, Georgia


At first glance, the southeast looks like a hell hole. Granted, the riots and unrest that plagued the area of the Formerly United States upon its dissolution made a whole lot of other places look like hell holes themselves. Beneath the riot armor and the smell of tear gas and burning gasoline, there seems to be the general acceptance that a bottom has been struck. The stabilization of the "Gulf Dollar", the full occupation and control of major regional urban centers and the extension of much of the Union government's authority to the country side (excepting regions of Central Florida) has all led to the general acceptance of this "new normal" and the strange and uncertain status quo that has emerged.

The state governments of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama and portions of Tennessee loyal the established government in Atlanta, formed a coalition of states now referred to as the "Gulf Coast Union". Dominating the former Southeastern United States, the GCU is still nominally under military control. From Fort Benning, Georgia, a group of ambitious and order-minded generals came together with their loyal forces to essentially form a state from the barrel of their rifles. Asserting their control over local police forces through force, intimidation and negotiation, the "New South Military Command" commenced its occupation of Central Georgia, Central Alabama and North Florida. Continued riots, unrest, violence resulting from clashes between paramilitary forces led to numerous governors to officially invite the NSMC forces to restore order within their territories in exchange for ceding administrative authority to the "Group of 8" generals leading the NSMC.

With the official foundation of the GCU, the NSMC (now the Gulf Coast Army, Navy and Air Force) has taken a back seat in politics. While the Group of 8 disagree over when the time to cede full authority to the civilian administration is (some believe soon... others not so much), generally the civilian government still has a significant amount of soft and defacto powers in running the day to day operations. Currently there are whispers of an impending "Constitutional Convention" in the Union when the internal situation dies down and stability further returns. Riots still have to be occasionally put down, there are still neighborhoods where the police cannot effectively extend their power and have to be backed by army tanks and military police with rifles. But some sense of "normalcy" seems to be approaching on the horizon.​

Internal Events:
  • A new budget is passed by the Provisional Congress, the 98-man congress, hand-picked by the Group of Eight and President Gregory, has elected to focus on reconstructing infrastructure and important utility services. Water, power, heat, plumbing, etc. were all beginning to turn back on, all as a part of President Gregory's "New South Program".
  • Violence breaks out in Charleston following the destruction of a statue of Robert E. Lee in the center of the city by a group of radical Black power protestors and militia. The white residents respond with violence and white militia's clash with black power militia before the police and military are able to restore order.
  • Elsewhere and across the country, the Gulf army forces mobilize in a massive humanitarian mission, and commence distributing food, medical supplies and clothes to those that need them in the aftermath of the chaos. The government pushes an online and print PR campaign to further its image.
Economic Status:
- Bottomed Out, Recovering



  • 3rd Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
  • 4,000 Exoskeltons
  • 150,000 National Guardsmen (Demobilized)
  • 450 Tanks
  • WIP
Air Force:
  • F-22A: 43rd, 301st Fighter Squadron
  • F-16C: 55th Fighter Squadron
  • F-35A: 58th Fighter Squadron
  • F-16C: 77th, 79th, 93rd, 157th Fighter Squadrons
  • AC130U: 4th Special Operation Squadron
  • U28: 5th Special Operation Squadron
  • CV22 Osprey: 8th Special Operation Squadron
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

To: Gulf Coast Union @The Lone Taco
From: Cuba

We're willing to assist in any humanitarian relief efforts you are currently undertaking. We can provide doctors, medical supplies, and in general, hard-won expertise in dealing difficult medical situations.
All we request in return is a resumption in trade and consular affairs between our two states.
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