huh. I think you might actually be able to be OP in the 40kverse with this.
Huh. That was a thing. I have to admit, I like it. plenty of dakka, and very well written.
and seeing as how everyone's reaction has been various degrees of awe, I'd say it's definitely awe-inspiring.

I was gonna add it to my list, but then you mentioned it has bigger sisters. And now I'm conflicted...
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Huh. That was a thing. I have to admit, I like it. plenty of dacha, and very well written.
and seeing as how everyone's reaction has been various degrees of awe, I'd say it's definitely awe-inspiring.

I was gonna add it to my list, but then you mentioned it has bigger sisters. And now I'm conflicted...
Here's the thing. I'm the kind of person who, given near-unlimited power, will attempt to one-up everyone in sight. If one of those people happens to be a near-identical copy of me with that same mindset... well, escalation is the name of the game, right? :p

The Mars and the Ceres, when they pop up sometime after the hiatus, are going to be even more impressive. Then there's the Phobos, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Titan, Rhea, Jupiter, Io, Europa and Ganymede, each bigger than the last (except the moons, which are variants).

Then, on top of that, there's Sol.

That probably won't show up for another hundred chapters at the bare minimum, if it does ever show up, but it will be even bigger still.

Basically, if you're looking to add only one of the Solar-class starships, you're going to be waiting a while. Or you could add all of them, or just the most recent one. Whatever.
Do you perhaps wish to call shenanigans?
Go look up Dream Pod 9's Core Command.

You can literally make warships in it, canon warships for that setting, that are more than a light-year long. Which then have varying grades of tesseract layering internally so its either as 'big' inside as you'd expect a hull 1+ light-years long, or something along the lines of a couple hundred light-years long, if not longer. The internal transportation system for the ship is FTL to the point you can go from the 'bow' to the aft end in only a few seconds.

Clarketech is considered the 'low end' of the setting. Higher end stuff is straight out 'Touhou had a drunken orgy with Exalted, Lensman, the Culture, and Orion's Arm'.
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*heavy breathing*

Oh, be still, my heart.
Sweet baby Jesus, that's bull-

Do you perhaps wish to call shenanigans?
Puh-lease. This thing is nothing compared to the other Solar-Class battleships.

Well that proved that Faith, or in this case a fork of Faith, is an SVer. First chance she got she went and made a ship that can go "Fuck that fleet and any planetary bodies that they happen to be near."
Fun fact - this is the widdle baby ship of the Solar-Classes. It's an anti-fighter Corvette.

Dunno what fighters Hope thinks will be dumb enough to attack a fleet where the Mercury is the smallest thing present, but the point stands.

You can feel her fear.

And her smug.

Lots of smug.
Mission accomplished!

...any chance? Please? Just for fun?
Uh... what the hell did I just watch?

*clears throat*

We have here the prime example of what an SVer can accomplish given sufficient time, resources and total lack of any oversight.

Let us bask in the glory...

Yes, yes, bow in my glorious radiance, and all that.

So you can get anywhere on the milky way in less then 2 hours and get to the andromeda Galaxy in 30 hours.
That's really fast
Edit: the Daedalus of Stargate goes with asgard hyperdrive at 1.6 light-years per second for comparison purposes.
FTLtech be bullshit, yo. Please don't nerf.

In all seriousness, though, it's pretty much the one advantage Faith has over all the other Commanders. Based on one of the few recent scenes I recall from Commander, Drich's Hyperphase Engine can chug along about 250 lightyears in 2.246486 minutes , or 138.8 seconds, meaning a speed of around 1.8 lightyears per second. Compared to the FTL Phase Drive, that's a lot slower.

That said, Drich's teleporters have longer range than the Phase Teleporters, due to Faith's (relatively) low grade economy. Once that Resource Moon's up and running, though...

And, of course, I can't recall if Drich got anything better since the Hyperphase Engine. Whatever, it's no biggie. Not like any theoretical conflict between Faith and Drich would last long enough for Faith to use high speed to her advantage, anyway.

I can see this ship and the fleet of her bigger sisters reaching the 40K verse...

Ork: Yeah, that might have sufficient Dakka
"Dear you stupid pommie Greenskins. What I have here is sixteen kilometres of dakka with engines strapped on. So much dakka, that your mightiest starships will melt under its gaze and the sun shall be blotted out behind a hail of shells ten trillion in number!

And I'm about to point all that dakka at that one stupid fucking tomb world! Who wants to come watch?"

Again, serious times, I have plans for 40k. Big plans. And somewhat of a subversion to the norm, based on what has been seen so far of Commanders in 40k.

You're welcom, pseudo-Kohai.

there a drone that can do that you know ( it give you 1 point of Zoltan shield every few second)
or may be it from a mod
it been awhile since i play
Nah, it's Advanced Edition. I kinda forgot about it when I invented the lore for the Zoltan Super Shield, so... uh... the drone makes micro FTL jumps to generate the Phase Energy that the ship uses to supercharge the shield emitters, giving it a cheap knockoff version of the Zoltan's super shield.

There, sorted.

It reads as about one Tyranid Hive Fleet of "OH FUCK" to me
huh. I think you might actually be able to be OP in the 40kverse with this.
Nah, there's only one of these things. For now.

Hey, hey, keep the lewd over in EitNotG, thanks. Unless you're asking me, Drich and Fusou to do another menage a trois.

Weaponised mobile dyson sphere?
No. It fires type 2 civilisations.
That's a tad over the top. Faith prefers more conventional starships. Dyson Spheres are much better utilised as safe havens for science, mad science, and, of course, SCIENCE!!!

I foresee fun in our future Faith.

Go look up Dream Pod 9's Core Command.
*scribbles notes*
Is it wrong that I want to see Faith's Solar fleet show up some place, and then accidentally destroy a ship just with the power of their sensor scans?
Fun fact - this is the widdle baby ship of the Solar-Classes. It's an anti-fighter Corvette.

Dunno what fighters Hope thinks will be dumb enough to attack a fleet where the Mercury is the smallest thing present, but the point stands.
I hope you aren't going to also describe the others in detail. Or perhaps at all.

Once is acceptable, but more than that is... boring.
Fun fact - this is the widdle baby ship of the Solar-Classes. It's an anti-fighter Corvette.

Dunno what fighters Hope thinks will be dumb enough to attack a fleet where the Mercury is the smallest thing present, but the point stands.
This depends entirely on how you class a "fighter." Are they classed by number of crew? In that case you could class an EVE titan as a fighter.

Though, everything considered, I would think that making a swarm of "bits" with friendship lasers might be a better idea. After all, the more of them you have in a given area the more power they produce. I would actually go so far as to say that the SAFE laser is possibly the best compliment to the default commander play style. Because the larger your swarm of bots the more effective it becomes. Just slap them on a Dox equivalent and turn them out by the hundreds of thousands every minute.
Though, everything considered, I would think that making a swarm of "bits" with friendship lasers might be a better idea. After all, the more of them you have in a given area the more power they produce. I would actually go so far as to say that the SAFE laser is possibly the best compliment to the default commander play style. Because the larger your swarm of bots the more effective it becomes. Just slap them on a Dox equivalent and turn them out by the hundreds of thousands every minute.

Call it the Skitter class mega carrier. Because nothing says escalation more than Quadrillions of micro drones with Friendship Lasers. Don't worry.... They're SAFE.
...Now I sorta want Hope to built Battle Moons,and maybe even the Beast Planet. Just imagine the poor schmucks that piss you off; Suddenly,four moons with planetary-scale particle beams show up! Or worse,a planet-eating planet!
Hmm. I must acquire friendship lasers for the Fuckoff class super dreadnought. They seem delightful.

Considering the shitlist is one of the smallest main warships I have ideas for, and it is still capable of shooting through stars, I'll need to start thinking bigger.
Nah. Show up somewhere with 4-5 of theese in formation and answer the local space trafic tower with 'Air control, this is Mercury Corvette wing 5, Captain (whatever) speaking." followed with:
a) "We see you have a few hostile ships incoming. Would you mind terribly if we intercepted on your behalf?' Works best if the 'few hostile ships' is a major invasion fleet or a planet buster with escorts.
b) "Have you by any chance seen (name of interplanetary threat)?" Expected answer something like "No, but I am currently kicking it up the chain of command." "Fair enough. They have made a nuisance of themselves a few other places. Here is the basic briefing (file sent over with exact descriptions of strengths, weaknesses, goals, political organization etc). We have a few other places to check. Take care. Captain (whatever) out." *BOOM! Gone to FTL.* For situations like where the Ethereals have just started covert probing attacks on a planet this could get hilarious. XCOM: "How. Do. We. Contact. Them." Everyone else: "No idea?" XCOM: "Gaaaah!"
c) "So, Huston. We noticed you have a lot of music, movies, books etcetera floating around on that internet of yours. Anything reasonable we could give you so you can handle the pay to relevant artists and musicians as their due for a number of copies?" (Perfect for any earth with none or little official offworld contact, and a good excuse to drop a few cold fusion reactors and 'how to build spaceships' abcs' or similar on a few different capitols. "The crew needs entertainment" is as good an excuse as any. And I just just like the idea of some science fiction writers ending up with a working example of their work on their lawn. Maybe even handed over by some weird techies with 'glitching' hologram disguises. "Oh, and... sorry about the FTL. We couldn't actually get it to work like how you described it in your works, so we put in a basic one instead. I hope that's okay?" Bonus points for the 'crew' giving the impression they see earth as a 'place in the middle of nowhere with a very minor starport')
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"Dear you stupid pommie Greenskins. What I have here is sixteen kilometres of dakka with engines strapped on. So much dakka, that your mightiest starships will melt under its gaze and the sun shall be blotted out behind a hail of shells ten trillion in number!
Eh, there are canon Ork battleships over two thousand kilometers long, tough enough to drive through rocky planets and out the other side, and with enough dakka to not need resort to such crude methods to turn said planets to stardust.

That was back in M32 though, by the actual 40k timeline those hadn't been seen in a while.
And I'm about to point all that dakka at that one stupid fucking tomb world! Who wants to come watch?"
Which stupid tombworld? Maynarkh or Sarkon?
Eh, there are canon Ork battleships over two thousand kilometers long, tough enough to drive through rocky planets and out the other side, and with enough dakka to not need resort to such crude methods to turn said planets to stardust.

That was back in M32 though, by the actual 40k timeline those hadn't been seen in a while.
Yeah, the Beast is kind of an exceptional case, same as Gorro. Basically an example of what happens if you let Orks snowball unopposed for too long rather than representative of what the average Waaagh! in average conditions gets up to.
Is it wrong that I want to see Faith's Solar fleet show up some place, and then accidentally destroy a ship just with the power of their sensor scans?
*snorts in amusement* the super ships Faith and I are creating don't even need to use sensors to screw people over. The mere gravitational fields our vessels will produce in their passing will destroy anything nearby.