Though I am contemplating writing a few more Omakes. Maybe for Faith and Drich? Hmm... This needs some thinking
Faith have you decided where you are going after FTL? Or are you still deciding/pending rolling?

Oh yeah, one of the reasons why I chose Senpai is because I thought Fusou, Drich and you would get a kick out of it. :tongue:
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53 - Zoltan
So, uh, sorry this didn't go up yesterday. Really heavy storm in my area knocked out power for a good chunk of my suburb. All sorted now, though.

On another note, one completely unrelated, today is the first anniversary of Monty Oum's death. In a way, that makes this almost the first anniversary of Faith in Superior Firepower, because whilst I didn't post it for several months (and after several revisions) it was Rooster Teeth's request that the fans do creative things to honor Monty's memory that made me start this project in the first place - otherwise it would simply have languished in the back of my mind like so many other of my projects.

So, uh. Yeah. Have a chapter. One of the last FTLverse chapters (thank god).


53 - Zoltan
The Zoltan Home Fleet were surprisingly fast to acknowledge my presence - before my entire fleet had even emerged from FTL, the lead ships were already receiving messages.

The first dozen or so were requests for identification, but after a brief period of radio silence - well, not radio silence because they weren't using radios, - a second wave of messages came through.

And by messages, I mean invitations.

Coordinates, a time, promises of peace, and a request not to blow anything up once I arrived.

Given I'd arrived in a fleet of almost two thousand Cavaliers, each armed to the teeth with enough firepower to tackle a small fleet, it was a fair assumption on their part that I had come to destroy their entire pathetic planet.

They were wrong, but it was a fair assumption nonetheless.

Luckily, it played right into my plan. Sort of.

I mean, I'd been intending to meet with them, and they were offering, so…

I sent them a short, terse reply indicating my agreement and sent a quick command to my fleet. The Starsong and four Cavaliers departed from the rest of the armada, flying sublight the eighty million or so kilometres towards the Zoltan capitol.


The ships drifted between huge spires of glittering silver and green glass tinted purple by the light of the setting sun, deftly maneuvering through spaces that seemed far too small for it to fit - say what you will about the Progenitors, but their pathfinding routines were excellent. Simply feeding it the blueprints of the unit gave it everything it needed to know about its capabilities, and it was using that knowledge to the fullest now.

Eventually, the air cruiser arrived at the location the invitation had indicated, a wide open platform marked with flashing orange lights and purple painted lines.

The landing pad wasn't big enough for all of my ships, so I had the Cavaliers tilt back and fly up to hover in low orbit, whilst the Starsong moved down for landing.

The Starsong's boarding ramp had barely touched the floor when a pair of Zoltan, both glowing vivid green, approached, halting feet away from the ship's entrance.

My NeoAvatar stepped down to meet them, nodding but saying nothing.

The two mimicked my silence, pointing towards the only door leading off from the landing pad which was, by my rather well informed estimations, hanging perhaps two hundred or so meters above the ground.

Leaving the rest of the NeoAvatars to guard the ship - though I doubted I'd have problems from these guys, - I made my way across the landing zone towards the doorway.

After a moment's consideration, I configured the Starsong's sensors to watch the components and walls of the ship as well as the corridors and rooms - the Zoltan were semi-solid energy beings, and I'd seen one direct interface with a shield generator before, sot here was no guarantee that they couldn't do something similar to what the Engi had done.

Once I reached the door, I was greeted by another pair of silent guards. Rather than pointing me in a given direction, though, these guards turned and walked ahead of me, evidently leading me to wherever it was I was supposed to be going.

As we walked, I picked up a few strange readings with my multitude of sensors - some weird electromagnetic activity, emanating from the guards. I wondered if that was some kind of natural process for the Zoltan, or if it was a form of communications or something.

The pair led me through a maze of corridors, taking turns seemingly at random and occasionally going up a large, spiralling ramp to the floor above.

The smooth textured walls, large windows, gentle curves and sparse but effective decorations made it a very pretty building, but damn, did it seem inefficient.

Finally, the two guards stopped in front of a rather simple looking door, not unlike the two dozen or so I'd already passed, and gestured for me to go in.

Which I did, with much aplomb.

The room was simple in design, not unlike the rest of the building with smooth walls, gentle curves and a huge window dominating the far wall, providing an absolutely jaw-dropping view of the city, made even better by the purple twilight.

In the middle of the room was a desk - ornate, made either of a dark metal or wood, and host to a huge, swirling vortex of electromagnetic energy.

The electricity compressed and shifted, changing from a shapeless mass of lightning to a roughly humanoid green figure.

So. Zoltan are energy shapeshifters. Called it.

"Greetings," the Zoltan began, in fine but accented English. "My name is Avis-Murrd, High Senator of the Zoltan Republic. I take it you are the Faith Foundation's… representative?"

Well, he was technically correct. He just didn't know that I was also Founder, CEO, President, Chief of Staff, and whatever other fancy titles I felt the need to give myself.

"Sure, yeah. Let's go with that."

He nodded and fell back into a soft-looking chair stationed behind his desk, gesturing for me to do the same. I shrugged and sat down.

"You and I have much to discuss," he said once I'd settled in. "About your goals, past and future."

"Certainly. Would you care to ask questions, or should I just tell the story from the start?"

"Well, I am sure that your entire tale is thrilling, but, in the interests of saving time, I'll… cut to the chase, I believe is your saying…" he paused momentarily, brow furrowed, "... I suppose my first question is this. Why did you do it? Why attack Earth?"

Hm. He wasn't kidding. Straight to the point, then.

"Out of curiosity, why do you think," I caught myself before I could say "I", "why do you think we did it?"

"Hm. An interesting question, one I've put a fair deal of thought into, for reasons that should be fairly obvious."

I nodded.

"You're not after territory - even if you were, you wouldn't have attacked Earth, the centre of the Federation's power, and you maintain only a minimal presence there now. You're not after power - you've plenty enough already. You're not working on behalf of either of the involved groups - if you wouldn't have destroyed both sides equally. And you're not in it for the thrill, as they say - if you had been, millions more would be dead."

I gestured for him to go on.

"I suspect then that the Faith Foundation's motives are more selfless - that you acted with the intent of ending the war before more blood could be shed. A noble, if foolish goal."

"We pulled it off, though," I said, careful to continue with the royal 'we', "or, at least, far better than most could have managed."
"From the moment your forces engaged, not a single life was lost as a result of the battle. I'd go so far as to suggest that for any other force in the universe, that would be impossible."

I smirked. "I rather think I'd agree with that suggestion. You're largely right - we acted because we had the power to prevent the huge loss of life that would have otherwise resulted from our inaction. As you say, the Faith Foundation has more than enough territory for its purposes, and enough power to stare down any number of your fleets with confidence. Bringing an end to the Federation-Rebel war earns us nothing, but to end a war, we're willing to accept that."

The Zoltan nodded. "How selfless. And reckless. Had you underestimated the capabilities of the Human fleets, you would almost surely have been overwhelmed."

I considered that for a moment, crunching the numbers. Running my factories at maximum speed… no, I was more than capable of churning out Trackers faster than the fleets could aim at and destroy the ships already on the field. Of course, I wasn't necessarily going to tell him that.


The Zoltan's face distorted weirdly, features fading into nothingness and the intensity of the light growing momentarily before returning to normal.

I got the impression it was supposed to be some kind of gesture, similar to a shrug or a raised eyebrow, but all I knew for sure was that it was creepy as all hell.

"The next question, then, is why are you here?"

"This is rather awkward to ask, but… the Faith Foundation would like your help. In controlling the Human population in lieu of the Federation and Rebel governments, that is."

Avis-Murrd chuckled and nodded. "As I suspected."

Wait, what?

Was I really that transparent?


"Our diplomats and ambassadors within the Sol system were quick to report on your activities - sparing every crewman, every officer, every marine, shipping them all to the surface and letting them go free. But your follow-up lacked direction, lacked purpose. You shut down any attempt at putting warships in orbit, and ignored all other proceedings.

"That speaks of a lack of preparation on the Foundation's part. You moved quickly to ensure there would be no battle over Earth, and then floundered, unsure of what needed to be done next. Unsure of what you could do, and what you should do. The Faith Foundation was never prepared to assume the responsibilities necessary as a result of their actions."

Holy. Shit.

The Zoltan were always the 'diplomatic' race in FTL. Like the Asari in Mass Effect, it was kind of their 'hat' to be the peacekeepers.

I had assumed that that was something to do with them being kind, honest, and considerate of the needs and desires of others as well as their own. Instead it seemed that they were just really, really shrewd.

The signs, in all honestly, were fairly obvious - once Avis-Murrd had pointed them out to me, it was easy for me to see how anyone might have been able to reach the same conclusions he had reached.

But no one would have, for a long while. They would have been infinitely more concerned with the fact that an entirely unknown group had shown up out of nowhere, annihilated two fleets with presumptuous ease, glassed a chunk of the Moon and then vanished without a trace.

In a way, it spoke volumes about the Zoltan's attitudes towards politics. Much like the Asari, they seemed to favour a 'wait and see' approach… except, unlike the Asari, they weren't so blind as to deny the threat right in front of their face.

"Since it was clear to myself, and many other senators, that the Faith Foundation would not step up to assume command of Humanity in this… chaotic time, we began making plans of our own. Purely as a thinking exercise, at first, but as the signs of your unwillingness to participate grew clearer, it became a more practical exercise than we would have hoped."

In an attempt to regain some of my rapidly dwindling control of the situation, I turned to my oldest and most trusted of partners - snark.

"Do you always make plans to dominate the governments of your galactic neighbours, or was this a one-off thing? I thought you were allied with the Galactic Federation, anyway."

Avis-Murrd rolled his eyes and made to continue. I idly noted that both the Engi and the Zoltan seemed to utilize very human social cues and gestures, given they were, well, aliens.

"As members of the galactic community, it is in our best interests to ensure that our partners and peers, our counterparts of the other governments, are able to rule with a firm hand over their people. A race torn apart by civil war is dysfunctional, from an interspecies standpoint. Every second they spend warring with each other is a second they could be spending far more productively, in a positive and helpful manner. If that means that we, or any other race, may be required to intervene, for a period, then that is a cost we are willing to pay."

"And yes, we are, in the most technical sense, allies of the Galactic Federation. That…"

Avis-Murrd paused, sinking further into his chair and averting his gaze to the side.

"That was a mistake, a political decision made of fear. One that I, and many others of the Senate, are unhappy with. This, though… this is our chance to fix that mistake. The Faith Foundation wish for the Zoltan's aid in regaining control of human governance? We are happy to assist."
Hmm. Seems a little too clean, I guess. But, considering the other option was just leaving and not resolving the situation at all, good enough, i guess.

Ah well. Moving on. What's next?
"Do you always make plans to dominate the governments of your galactic neighbours, or was this a one-off thing? I thought you were allied with the Galactic Federation, anyway."

Avis-Murrd rolled his eyes and made to continue. I idly noted that both the Engi and the Zoltan seemed to utilize very human social cues and gestures, given they were, well, aliens.

"My Dear, we are an interstellar government living alongside at least six other sapient species (excuse me: seven if you count the six legged equines). We have plans for everything."

"Our Center for Disease Control has over a million contingency plans in place for dealing with potential epidemics alone. From hypothetical microbes that reanimate the dead into relentless murderers, positive viruses that alter probability, to sapient microbes who treat their infected host the same way we treat our planets."

"Our military think-tanks have plans for facing foes bent on the utter extermination of all life in the universe, time travelers from the past or future, or evil extra-dimensional dopplegangers of ourselves. I also know they have not one or two but seventeen separate plans for countering a hostile takeover of our government by cookie-distributing elementary students. One of those plans may have saved the lives of two hundred people when a shuttle of young Lanius attempted to trade without updating their translation software."

"So yes, we do have plans on file in case we find the need to dominate our galactic neighbors. Would you like to discuss them or have you already downloaded them from our secure servers?"

Okay, I thought I'd already written CrazyPrepared!Zoltan (not that that all came across in this chapter - side affect of cutting it in half) but no, no I think you did a much greater job.

I may end up stealing parts/all of that for future use. If you don't mind, that is.
Can we please see a "wtf" moment when the Zoltan realize the Faith Foundation doesn't (have their own version of crazy-prepared plans)?
Okay, I thought I'd already written CrazyPrepared!Zoltan (not that that all came across in this chapter - side affect of cutting it in half) but no, no I think you did a much greater job.

I may end up stealing parts/all of that for future use. If you don't mind, that is.

Go right ahead! I actually got the inspiration for it by reading the Real Life section of the Girl Scouts are Evil page on TvTropes. The US Military has contingency plans in the event the Girl Scouts try taking over... and that's totally reasonable because it helps plan for unlikely opponents or situations. I mean, suppose some cult of fanatics raised their kids to be child soldiers and attempted a coup? Or terrorists dosed the cookies with anthrax without the kids being aware?

Especially true in a sci-fi series. FTL alone has things like an alien race of evil praying mantises, telepathic slugs that live in nebulas, plagues that drive people insane, some kind of weird wormhole thingy that one mad Zoltan was manipulating, metal eating Lanius, the mind control subsystem (seriously, they know mind control is a thing. They need to plan for that, also teleporters), a whole race of crystal aliens in their own secret sector, and that one computer virus that can disassemble your Engie crewmember and then take over their body for itself while maxing out it's skills.

For a race of diplomats having to keep their civilization safe on the galactic stage, they will likely have to have plans for any number of possible Outside Context Villains they might encounter. From an invasion of the Zerg to malevolent body-snatching triangles.

After all, these terrifying threats often appear in the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places.

Plus, they have the internet. Even if they government wasn't making contingency plans for all sorts of insane nonsense, there's no doubt plenty of Zoltan nerds doing it for fun.
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Even if they government wasn't making contingency plans for all sorts of insane nonsense, there's no doubt plenty of Zoltan nerds doing it for fun.

The government are the nerds doing it for fun.
"Since it was clear to myself, and many other senators, that the Faith Foundation would not step up to assume command of Humanity in this… chaotic time, we began making plans of our own. Purely as a thinking exercise, at first,
Hmm. Seems a little too clean, I guess. But, considering the other option was just leaving and not resolving the situation at all, good enough, i guess.
Well you say that was clean, but who's to say that that is not merely what the Zoltan want you to think? They're alien energy beings. Their priorities are not necessarily our priorities. It is entirely possible that once they have control and Faith has moved on they'll do horrifying things completely by accident because they simply don't realise humans would find it horrifying.

Imagine this Zoltan guy as an evil vizier, now as a honourable noble advisor. I can't tell which he actually is, and I doubt Faith can either. Could go either way once she leaves.
Nope. Nope nope nope.

This is me going "nope". I do not trust these people. Things will not end well, this I predict.