10 - Preparation
In which things are still pretty bad.

PS. I liked all the suggestions, but the one I ended up going with wasn't actually any of yours but a variant on the suggestions of Aeroprime and Ronan O'Brien. Thanks :D *kisses*

10 - Preparation
The Titans continued their steady march towards the city, not slowing despite the near constant attacks from my Hornets.

The Titans didn't even seem fazed by the endless explosions splashing across their bodies any more. Attempts to target the eye had so far failed, as the Titans merely held up their arms over their faces and continued their unstoppable advance, occasionally swinging their arms and trying to swipe a few Hornets out of the sky.

I let them. I still had about an hour before they reached the walls.

Enough time to build twenty more Voyagers from each Advanced Airfield.

Well, not quite twenty. Powerful as the ship's engines were, they were still large and heavy, and took a good bit of time to get off the ground.

And the ships could only load when they were landed, so that meant I had to wait for people to file on before the ship could even begin to take off. And loading fifteen hundred people... I wouldn't be getting twenty ships out in that hour, put it that way.

At least, not twenty ships from that one Airfield. I had two more, now, build somewhat further from my main base. Each was also equipped with loading ramps and teleporters. I'd just have to cycle the teleporters when one ship filled up so I could keep a steady stream of people loading.

Eugh. That plan would involve... maths.

I dropped maths in Year 11 for a reason, damnit.

If it wasn't for the teleporter's limits, this would have been so much easier.

Actually, that gave me an idea. Maybe I could skip the middle man entirely, and just build teleporters onto the ships.

That could work. And would allow people to travel between ships as well, should that be necessary for whatever reason.

Assuming that no one else was using the Teleporter network.

No, no, that wouldn't work. I already had people loading onto the first ship.

Which, actually, was still in dock. Still easily modified.

I made the changes to the design, and the Advanced Airfield's Fabricators sent their nanobots to make the modifications. They were complete in seconds, making it look as if it had always been part of the design.

Haha! I am a genius. Now I can have the ships take off as soon as they're done, and load pretty much as fast as people can walk through the portal.

Which is still unnervingly slow. Did the slum dwellers not realise they had about an hour before the Titans arrived at the city and all hell broke lose?


Oh well. Not much I could do about it.

Whilst they continued their painfully slow boarding of the Voyager, I turned to assist my Advanced Air Fabricators with the construction of my new Plasma Cannon.

Still didn't know what to call it. Plasma Cannon sounded too mainstream. I wanted a cool name, damn it.

And actually, I had one.

The Little Ray of Sunshine. LiRoS, for short.

Of course, that name wasn't entirely accurate, for a few reasons. It was only really valid if by little, you mean big enough to drive a semitrailer through, by ray, you meant energy blast the size of a small house, and by sunshine, you meant plasma.

Since I was a giant robot with a big fuck-off plasma cannon, though, I was pretty sure no one was going to argue.

Either way, I assisted the Fabricators with its construction and it finished at about the same time as my third and fourth Pioneers did.

Once they were done, both Airfields shut down to ease the drain on my resources. The Pioneers, admittedly, were a drop in the bucket compared to the Voyagers but still.

I did another quick check over my various operations. Three Advanced Airfields, all building Voyagers. I'd shut down the Teleporter temporarily so I could get the first one loaded and in the air before I finished loading it, but the last of the passengers were nearly on so that wouldn't take long to sort out.

The rest of my base was idle as almost all of my Fabricators assisted in the expansion, building more Extractors where possible and otherwise reclaiming land for more Advanced Airfields.

The Lumes seemed pretty content to leave me be, but I guess I wasn't the one pumping their atmosphere full of oxygen.

The Fabricators I'd sent into Brightholme were currently flying around building lots of wall blocks and laser towers. The walls were good for both corralling crowds and blocking off Lume access, and the towers were placed in areas where I couldn't afford Lume presence, such as along the numerous busy roads packed with refugees.

Whilst the Fabricators constructed static defenses, my Kestrels were content to provide mobile defense, blasting Lumes from the sky wherever they reared their plant-zombie heads. My four Pioneers assisted, using their own assault cannons to shred Lumes alongside the Kestrels.

I'd ordered them not to use the missiles. Too much risk involved in that. I didn't want to blow holes in any streets or anything.

My Hornets were still buzzing around the Titans, to absolutely no effect. Chains of explosions rocked the Titan's legs, but the great creatures didn't even stumble. I left the Hornets as they were. As a distraction, they were serving wonderfully. Although I'm not sure they were really slowing the Titans much... or at all. Oh well.

And finally, over to the east on the far side of the city, I had two more Kestrels and a Pioneer, hovering idly over the narrow channel of water separating Elysion One from the landmass to the east. I took remote control of those craft, moving them south down the coastline.

As I surveyed the land below them, the three craft located an area full of wind turbines. There were several islands, really nothing more than sandbanks, with wind turbines built upon them, the chain of islands stretching for kilometres.

Why a futuristic society was using such primitive methods of power generation was beyond me, but I ignored that, moving my Kestrels closer to the coast, and the scene of a rather large gunfight. There was a large deck, metal plated, resting above a sandbar. On the middle of the deck was another wind turbine, one badly damaged by the looks of it. Beyond the deck, further inland, was a large shed-like building - well, more like two stuck together. One of the sheds housed the core - the other, I vaguely recalled, may have been a Lume spawn point.

I was proven right when a swarm of runners burst from the larger building, only to be immediately cut down by towers. Lumes were pouring out of the woodwork and racing towards a maze of white gun turrets, rockets and blasts of lightning vaporising groups of Runners and focused laser beams carving up Armoured Heavies like hot knives through butter.

On top of the shed stood three armoured figures, a robot and a girl in a black hoodie.

The Core Guardians, fighting side by side with my favourite hacktivist.

My Kestrels dropped from the clouds into a low hover above the battlefield.

And then their cannons roared, and the battlefield became a slaughterhouse.
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Y'know, I wouldn't think a giant supercomputing robot of doom would have much trouble with maths problems :p
The supercomputing robot doesn't, the human does. She has a lot of AI routines assisting her thinking, but I guess she hasn't gotten used to it yet.

It's interesting that that works. Makes me wonder if the original Commanders were also uploads.
11 - Face to Face
In which things continue to fail to go wrong.

11 - Face to Face

If the Core Guardians were surprised to see two ridiculously large gunships drop out of the sky and blast apart an entire horde of Lumes in seconds, they did a pretty good job of hiding it.

That is to say, they barely flinched when the two craft appeared, only TSYGAN noticeably flinching.

The Pioneer followed the Kestrels, lowering to a hover just a few feet off the ground. Most of it's body was over the sea, with only the very front protruding over dry land.

The ramp opened, dropping onto the sand, an unspoken invitation.


It wasn't until TSYGAN and the Core Guardians were halfway to the ramp that I realised I didn't have any sort of physical body to greet them with.

Technically, the Fabricator built into the Pioneer, designed for creating foodstuffs, could also create something like a Dox, but it would be a little... no, a lot cramped.

I needed something smaller, more human-proportioned.

I loaded up a few blueprints and got to work.


Based heavily on Elysion One's SiMo units, my variant of the droid was, like the ships, totally overhauled in almost every way. The AI core and generator were both replaced, the armour upgraded and streamlined, and the ridiculously oversized glove removed. Ascetically, it was a little slimmer, a little sleeker and a little shorter, about six foot tall.

Their armament was another improvement over the Elysion SiMo units. The plasma rifle that was stock for the military was totally overhauled, much like the Sokol had been, granting it much more firepower, ammo capacity, and a greater fire rate, with the option for a powerful charge attack.

Their secondary weapon was a Freeze Gun. The science behind the Freeze Gun was rather interesting, and I had a few ideas for integration into larger-scale systems, but I decided to leave that out for now so I didn't forget what I was doing. Instead I simply replaced the power systems and outer shell as usual, leaving the rest as it was.

Thus complete, I had the Pioneer's built-in Fabricator construct one of my new robotic Avatars.

It finished just as the team reached the bottom of the ramp, powering up as TSYGAN stepped inside the cargo bay/rec room.

I remotely accessed it, swapping my view of the city from the cliff with a view of the interior of the ship.

Bland metal walls, bland metal ceilings, bland metal floors.

Man, I should have put in some carpets or something.

I turned to TSYGAN, who had stepped away from the door to allow the rest of the team to enter.

"TSYGAN. A dubious pleasure to meet you in person at last."

She raised an eyebrow at my robotic form. "Cyberwarfare and robot soldiers. You're not big on personal connections, are you?"

"Friend of yours, Tsy?" The orange haired squad leader asked.

"Robotic in nature. Superficial similarities to SiMo units. Likely AI controlled." SiMo announced before I could reply.

"To SiMo - yes, yes, no. To you, Skye - it would be inaccurate to say friends. TSYGAN is assisting me in evacuating the people of this planet before the Titans reach Elysion. Beyond that, there is no relation. My name is Faith."

The squad shared a few worried glances.

"Wait, evacuating from the planet? Why?" Sweet asked.

"It has been made clear that humanity is not welcome on this world. When the Titans reach Elysion One, they will destroy it. Everyone within the city will likely perish. It is not my wish to see that happen, and thus I am working to remove as many people from the planet as possible."

"But why evacuate? Why run away?" Skye asked. "We killed the first Titan! We can kill the rest."


"Miss Autumn, I recommend you check your facts on that statement. You did nothing to the Titan. The only thing on this planet that could have scratched the Titan is TSYGAN's Sokol cannon, and even then only after a lengthy charge period. I'd appreciate you don't take undue credit for other people's work. I killed the Titan, and whilst it's true that I'm equally capable of killing the rest, that doesn't mean I want to. As far as I'm concerned, this is their planet. You're the invaders, here. And it's time for you to leave. If I have to drag you from this planet, kicking and screaming... I will."

As I'd spoken, Skye's frown had grown deeper and deeper. Haigan looked mildly horrified and TSYGAN herself had shied away.

"In other news, I just broke into Elysion One's security grid and found some rather interesting live footage of a council meeting. Watch."

The screen mounted on the back wall of the rec room flickered to life, displaying a surprisingly grainy image of two men, apparently deep in conversation. Man, cameras in the future sucked.

"...couldn't even handle that. Do you honestly think you and your army can make a difference here?" The first speaker, a young man with stark white hair, dressed in a fancy business suit. The city's security system helpfully matched faces to names for us. He was identified as Public Relations Manager M. Reid.


"We have all the power we need to stand a chance against the Titans. Especially with help from-" The second speaker was much older, with grey hair and a wrinkled face. He was wearing a dress uniform. I didn't need the system to tell me his name. General J. Whalebrook, only competent, not-douchey member of the Bright Foundation Board.

"People don't want a fair chance, Whalebrook. They want a simple solution where all their problems simply go away. We will give it to them."

"And what happens when they realize they will be left behind? You'll be feeding them false hope and lies!"

"Appearances, my friend. The scientific wonders achieved. The incredible quantities of biotic resources we possess. It would be a crime to let it go to waste. Our priorities-"

"Your priorities sicken me, Reid. My soldiers are out there, fighting as we speak."

"Noble as always, General. You are free to stay behind of course, if that is your wish? Your selfless bravery shall be celebrated in the skies as we mourn your passing."

I cut the video there and looked at the stunned faces of three Core Guardians and the very smug face of one terrorist.

"And that? That's why I'm here."

Skye narrowed her eyes at the screen. "Those bastards... I knew they were bad, but..."

She turned to me. "Alright, fine. If you can get everyone off this planet, good. Until the last ship leaves, though, we fight."

Well, if she wants to push the issue...

"I'm not sure how much difference you'll be able to make, but fine. Until the last ship leaves, we fight."

My robotic avatar turned to TSYGAN. "So, TSYGAN, here's the plan. I put that video on every screen and speaker in Elysion. You follow up with a little speech, something provocative. You get mass hate against the Foundation and I get everyone flocking to my portals to evacuate. Sound good?"

The terrorist nodded. "I'll think of something."


On the other side of the city, six Air Fabricators disengaged their fabricators and floated away from their latest construction as it slowly came to life.

If I'd had a face, I'd have been grinning like a madwoman when I received the message.

'LiRoS Cannon, ready'
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If I might make a suggestion on a universe to visit: Arpeggio of Blue Steel.

Partly because the Fog could actually pose an actual challenge, partly because Fog tech has plenty of hax bullshit, partly because you are going to have to exercise rather more finesse then "just kill all the baddies" if you want to accomplish your objective, and partly because I have been hankering to see someone insert a commander (TA, SC, or PA) into the Arpeggioverse for awhile now anyways.
Tachyon the Fringe. Some interesting tech in there you might like.

I dont know if Freespace has been mentioned....

Also, lovely update.
12 - Propaganda
Nothing witty to say here.

12 - Propoganda

"Alright, Faith. I'm ready."

"Excellent. I'm playing the recordings now. Once they're done, just speak into the screen. I'll make sure it transmits clearly."

TSYGAN nodded.

I did as I'd said and spread the recordings to every screen and speaker in the city, and then turned my attention to the evacuation.

So far, things were going fairly well. I had now six ships in the air. Seven more were building. One was full, and loading on the second had just begun.

I'd need almost a hundred. With seven Advanced Airfields, three minutes each... It'd be close.

And that was just the ships. Teleporting people across was proving to also be fairly slow.

I'd established four other teleporters in Brightholme, and crowds were already flocking around them, but I couldn't run more than one pair of teleporters at once. For some reason.

Actually, what was the reason?

A quick trawl through my databanks revealed an almost painful truth.

There wasn't one.

It was a purely gameplay limitation to prevent players from being overwhelmed.

Fucking stupid!

I should have checked, earlier, instead of panicking about it. That would have been the smart, rational, emotionless killbot thing to do.


I'm such an idiot.

Suddenly I had not one but four teleporters from the ground to the ships. Four times as many people loading at once.

And the daunting prospect of getting one hundred and fifty thousand people into space in a little less than an hour was... slightly less daunting.

Indeed, people were already pouring through the newly activated Teleporters.

I had my Air Fabricators build a few Avatar robots around the Teleporters so I could get a little control of the crowds.

Whilst they were doing that, I switched gears back to the Pioneer I'd sent to pick up the Core Guardians. SiMo and Haigen had found their way to the bridge of the ship, and seemed to be looking around for the non-existent pilot. Sweet and Skye had wandered off to one side of the recreation room and were chatting about... something. Probably either their current situation, or their favourite ways of making Lumes dead.

TSYGAN was standing in front of the rec room's video screen, taking deep breaths and muttering under her breath.

Planning a nice speech, hopefully.

Since they were all happily aboard, I had the ship lift away from the beach and fly towards the city.

Apart from a little shudder as the ship jerked into motion, the ride was totally smooth.

And confused the fuck out of SiMo and Haigen.

Before the Kestrels left the Lume-infested beach behind, I had both target the Core.

No one was using it, so there wasn't much point leaving it active.

Their cannons rapidly destabilised the Core, and its blue glow quickly turned to an angry red before it collapsed in on itself, imploding with a bright red flash.

It would take a while for Oxygen levels in the area to drop, but it was a start.


Meanwhile, my Air Fabricators finished their work in Brightholme, and for the first time my units moved into the city of Elysion proper.

Between their cameras and the city's security cameras, I could see one rather worrying thing.

People in the city were on the brink of riot.

Since the first Titan had appeared, evacuation warnings had been active. The civilians had swarmed over dedicated evacuation zones only to be told to 'wait for evacuation to begin'. TSYGAN had already sent the messages about the origins of the Lumes. People were starting to get angry, get frustrated.

And then my broadcast had started.

When they discovered that they were being left behind in favour of the chance of turning a profit... well, many did not take the news well.

They were growing restless and uneasy, and Elysion's military and police were doing very little to dissuade them.

Which I couldn't really blame them for, because they'd just been told they were being left behind as well.

I was sure about one thing - TSYGAN would have a very attentive crowd.

As my Air Fabricators circled the walls of the city, constructing more Laser Towers to bolster the existing defences, I diverted my attention between TSYGAN, in the rec room of my first Pioneer, and the security cameras watching PR Director Reid in his office.

He was already having a fit about the leaked messages.

Oooh, boy. When he saw what was coming next...


The screen in front of TSYGAN broke into quarters. One showed her, standing in Faith's starship. The mysterious saviour had even had the decency to pixelate the lower half of her face, as she did in her own videos. How nice of her.

The other three quarters of the screen showed scenes from Elysion One - two were security cameras at evacuation zones, and the last was the feed from the office of Public Relations Director Reid.

A single word flashed across the screen in green. 'Ready'.

She took a deep breath and spoke, knowing her words would be heard by all of Elysion.

A familiar feeling.

"People of Elysion."

In the corner of the screen, Reid shot upright as if he'd been stabbed.

"Many of you will recognise me. All of you will know my name. TSYGAN."

Reid was glaring at his screen, tapping his fingers on his desk impatiently. Smug bastard.

"The Bright Foundation promise equality, safety, and good health for all."


"Promises aren't worth a lot when they're not kept."


"You see now how the Bright Foundation really are. They do not care for your lives. They are only after a profit."


The yelling of the crowd broke into a roar.

"Were it up to them, you would all be left on this rock to die. I don't accept that."

"And neither does my partner, Faith. You might wonder why that matters."

TSYGAN watched Reid lean forward to look closely at his screen. Morbid curiosity?

"We were responsible for the death of the first Titan. Not your Core Guardians, not your Bright Foundation. Us."

Reid recoiled in shock. TSYGAN the terrorist, hero of the people. She could see why he might have had trouble believing it.

The crowd, on the other hand, were going absolutely wild.

She was surprised they hadn't broken into outright violence yet.

"Already we've evacuated thousands from Brightholme through portals to ships high above. Where the Bright Foundation have cast you aside, we will pick you up. Where the Bright Foundation have left you to die, we will deliver you salvation. This planet would be your tomb. Not any more."

She couldn't help but smile grimly as the crowds roared once more.

She had her army.


Well, I wouldn't have said 'partners'...

Not that I particularly cared. I hadn't exactly given her much time to prepare her little speech, and it seemed to have worked anyway.

Across Elysion people were starting to get violent. The airports - spaceports? - that had been dedicated 'evacuation zones' were defended by thin walls and chain fences, and the crowd surged against them, trying to go over or in some cases through to get to the other side. None of them had made it in yet, but it was only a matter of time.

Assuming I didn't just open the doors for them.

And in the centre of the city, in his high-rise office, Public Relations Manager M. Reid began to panic.
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In which things continue to fail to go wrong.

11 - Face to Face
Just to note, this isn't Threadmarked yet.

I'd established four other teleporters in Brightholme, and crowds were already flocking around them, but I couldn't run more than one pair of teleporters at once. For some reason.

Actually, what was the reason?

A quick trawl through my databanks revealed an almost painful truth.

There wasn't one.

It was a purely gameplay limitation to prevent players from being overwhelmed.
This isn't actually a limitation in the game. You can run as many pairs as you have the energy for.
I'm kind of curious about the lack of orbital so far. One would think that the orbital factory would be a better base for a spaceship factory now that actual planet bound loading isn't an issue.
And, seven fabricators isn't enough? Build more!

But let's give her a break, she isn't used to being a self replicating system assault unit yet.
Just to note, this isn't Threadmarked yet.
Thanks, sorted.

This isn't actually a limitation in the game. You can run as many pairs as you have the energy for.

It isn't? I've been away from my good PC for a few days and when I checked PA Matches wiki it said:
Only two teleportation gates can be active at a time per team.

That said, I've found PA Matches to be shockingly out-of-date in some respects and I probably should have waited to check first hand but oh well. Blame it on the SI not remembering properly, whatever.

I'm kind of curious about the lack of orbital so far. One would think that the orbital factory would be a better base for a spaceship factory now that actual planet bound loading isn't an issue.

Orbital probably would be better, yes. SI has not entirely forgotten that. It'll come up in part 14.
As some one said earlier in the thread, there really isn't enough PA fanfics out there. in fact, off the top of my head, I really only count Commander amongst that list.

I can now add FiSF to this list. :D
13 - Confrontation
So it's not really related to this fic at all, but I just finished reading up to Arc 15 of Worm. My friends have been bugging me about it for months and after seeing it pop up a lot on here and SB, I decided to finally read it.

Woah. How did I go so long without that in my life? Loving it. If you don't get an update tomorrow, it's probably because I'm reading Worm.

13 - Confrontation

My Fabricators spread across Elysion, seeking out the largest crowds.

As they flew overhead they were greeted by cheers and yells.

I wondered why for a moment, but then realised it probably didn't take a genius to recognise the connection between the bright green bombers that killed a Titan and the bright green aircraft flying overhead.

After TSYGAN's promise of 'salvation', people seemed pretty interested in how that would work.

I didn't aim to disappoint.

The Fabricators arrived at the city's main starport, a large open expanse currently covered in military aircraft, and set to work.

First thing, walls. Like at airports, I created four zig-zagging paths from the crowded plaza in front to the tarmac - well, it wasn't tarmac but whatever.

Each of the four paths lead to a Teleporter, and each was assigned to its own ship. The Fabricators followed up by constructing a few Avatar bots, a crowd control measure.

The bots took position at the entrances of the four paths, seperated from the crowds only by a barred metal gate.

I already had control of the city's various networks. Opening the gate was as simple as flicking a switch.

As the metal bars retreated beneath the ground, the crowd bristled and surged again.

The first few didn't wait for the gate to totally close, simply vaulting over it once it was low enough.

As soon as the gate clicked into place, the people rushed forward, spreading through the designated paths. From above the white ground was slowly covered over by hundreds of fleeing civilians.

Less than an hour to go and now I had ten ways off planet - and I'd only covered one of Elysion's three starports.

I was going to need more ships.


I had seven about to lift off. Of the six in orbit, five were linked to the five Teleporters in Brightholme, and the one that wasn't was already full.

Seven ships ready in about sixteen seconds. About how long it would take for the bulk of the crowd to reach the Teleporters.


Didn't help that I'd need almost twice as many ships again if I wanted four Teleporters at each of the other airfields.

Damn these expensive damn ships and their long build times.

Not like I had much other choice, though.

I sent my Fabricators off to the next starport, relying on the Avatar bots to keep the crowds in line.


Overhead, the Pioneer carrying TSYGAN and the Core Guardians slowed to a hover as it neared the Bright Foundation's main tower.

I spoke over the speaker system, adressing everyone on board.

"So, we're about fifteen seconds out from Reid's office. Who wants to go punch his face in?"

All four humans jumped to their feet.

"Skye? Thought you'd rather fight Lumes than humans."

She shrugged. "I was talking with Sweet about it. Doesn't matter how many Lumes we fight if everyone dies anyway."

"Right!" Sweet called out. "So we punch Reid for being super dwanky, and then everyone gets out alive!"


She actually used the word dwanky.

Future fads are weird, man.

Haigen put a hand on TSYGAN's shoulder and both smiled.

It was not a happy smile.

More of a 'I'm going to break your arm, and I'm going to enjoy it' smile.

Don't ask how I learned to recognise those kinds of smiles.


The ship settled into a hover just outside the building's roof.

Well, Roof may have been the wrong term. The entire thing was enclosed in a large glass-like dome that I didn't feel like smashing.

That wasn't the target though. The actual target was the floor below. There was no elevator access to the roof - you had to stop at the top floor and take stairs.

The top floor had a balcony looping around the entirety of the building, looking out over the city.

It was this balcony that two robots, a terrorist, and three Core Guardians used as the entry point of their intrusion.

Unfortunately, the balcony doors were in lock-down.

Fortunately, the Pioneer was on station with a key.

Sorry, did I say 'key'? I meant 'plasma cannon'.


Reid slumped in his chair. To say that things were not going well would be an exaggeration.

The sudden appearance of an entire air fleet coming to kill the Titan had definitely boosted morale, but then more Titans had awoken and now they had confirmation that the mysterious army was working with TSYGAN, of all people.

The Brightsiders had gone into open revolt at the revelation that they were to be left behind - and he still had no idea how that meeting had leaked, especially not less than five minutes after it had ended - and his security guards were reporting outbreaks of violence and rioters trying to break into the Bright Foundation offices. The police and military had effectively deserted to a man, and there were reports that 'Faith' was taking over spaceports and using them for her own 'evacuation'.

Reid couldn't believe anyone would trust a mysterious stranger who came out of nowhere and told everyone to go through the glowing blue portal to safety, yet for some reason everyone was chomping at the bit for a chance.

He sighed and tapped the intercom on his desk. "How goes the loading?"

"Last few crates, sir. Might want to make your way up in a few minutes. We'll be ready to launch in five."

"Excellent. I'll be there in a minute."

Reid stood and sighed. He grabbed his datapad from his desk and a satchel bag from the floor, putting the datapad into the satchel. It was followed by a few other items - his jacket, breather mask, the first aid kit from under his desk, and, lastly, his sidearm.

Throwing the satchel strap over one shoulder he closed the flap and made his way out of the office. The corridor outside his office was lined with windows looking over the city, and he took a moment to appreciate the view.

The streets were empty, desolate. Huge crowds had built up around the one spaceport he could see, and likely at the other two as well. Faith's aircraft filled the skies, both the gunships and the strange building ones.

Reid sighed again and shook his head before moving on, walking at a brisk pace down the corridor towards the elevators.

The bank of luxurious elevators was guarded by two security guards, silver armour shining in the bright lights.

"Sir. We heading up?"

"Yes. Let's go."

The three men stepped into the elevator.

It was unfortunate he'd have to share his evacuation craft with them, but that had always been the price of true loyalty.

As the elevator began the six story ascent to the top floor, the building shook and an explosion sounded out from above.

The guards unslung their rifles from their backs, tucking them against their shoulders. Reid reached into his satchel and drew his sidearm.

When the elevator arrived at its destination, the doors opened revealing... nothing. An empty lobby.

"Upstairs, quickly."

The two soldiers nodded and moved out, sweeping their rifles across the room carefully. They made their way down the corridor, Reid following just behind, until they reached the staircase. Still nothing but the howling wind and the smoke from a recent explosion.

"Up, go!"

The guards raced up the stairs, Reid just a step behind. And then they all came to a stop as they stepped into the sunlight.

Six figures stood at the top of the stairs, brandishing weapons.

Core Guardians, a robot... and TSYGAN.

The terrorist stepped forward, pointing her oversized crossbow at him.

"Going somewhere, Reid?"

The rest of the team raised their weapons. The green robot - one of Faith's units? - spoke next.

"This is not an exit."
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So it's not really related to this fic at all, but I just finished reading up to Arc 15 of Worm. My friends have been bugging me about it for months and after seeing it pop up a lot on here and SB, I decided to finally read it.

Woah. How did I go so long without that in my life? Loving it. If you don't get an update tomorrow, it's probably because I'm reading Worm.

It does that. Ate about three weeks of spare time for me.... Who needs sleep.;)

Also. How exactly did Reid expect to get though the clear and total air superiority that Faith has?
Also. How exactly did Reid expect to get though the clear and total air superiority that Faith has?
It appears he planed to head up and not say what ship he was on. Faith hadn't stopped anyone else after all.

And even if she had said she wanted to arrest him, whats he gonna do? Stay in his office guarded by three guys against a planet of settlers he just left for dead, the army that just commuted mutiny, and the endless see of alien monsters?

Oh yeah, and hide from the woman that just pulled an army out of her ass after appearing on the planet out of nowhere.
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