Alright, I do want to try to put out another response tonight, or at least start one, so I'll be collecting votes and beginning the next response two hours from now, but as always the votes are open until I either call for a dice roll or put out another response, so don't worry, you can still vote after 2 hours.
2) Intrude, and remind the Fae of standing obligations. The night is coming to an end, and she has a duty still to fulfil. You can go to Riya's room in the Inn, and deal with your memory troubles there.
4) You've given the fae a dress, the least she can offer you is a dance. You'll just need to keep it up till the clock runs out.

Excuse me, Simon, those are our unknown dangerous consequences you're snogging.

[X] Do something about that, say what
-[X] ahem
-[X] Excuse me, miss, but as I brought you to this party, I do believe it is customary that I get at least one dance with you, before you wander off onto, excuse me, with any other parties.
--[X] (significant stare, mouthed words over her shoulder) to Timothy: get him OUT OF HERE
--[X] Keep her dancing or otherwise occupied until midnight, when she has to leave
[X] Do something about that, say what
-[X] ahem
-[X] Excuse me, miss, but as I brought you to this party, I do believe it is customary that I get at least one dance with you, before you wander off onto, excuse me, with any other parties.
--[X] (significant stare, mouthed words over her shoulder) to Timothy: get him OUT OF HERE
--[X] Keep her dancing or otherwise occupied until midnight, when she has to leave

I approve of this. I think it's a fun way to interject~
I figured you meant the groping, but my initial multi-limbed reading weirded me out enough that I thought I should share it.
Also happy sixtieth page everyone! Man, I had no idea where this was going to go when I first started it, and I don't have a single regret about where it's gone. Thank you all for such a wonderful experience, I couldn't have done it without you.
[X] Do something about that, say what
-[X] ahem
-[X] Excuse me, miss, but as I brought you to this party, I do believe it is customary that I get at least one dance with you, before you wander off onto, excuse me, with any other parties.
--[X] (significant stare, mouthed words over her shoulder) to Timothy: get him OUT OF HERE
--[X] Keep her dancing or otherwise occupied until midnight, when she has to leave
"Hilda, I've got a really bad feeling about this." Riya said, nearly whispering, sounding scared.

"It'll be fine." You dismissed, continuing to look for seeds.

you handed her one of your new dresses,

She had to leave halfway through to go back to the inn for some reason. Goddesses, there was something wrong, you needed to talk to her about that.

hmmm, i wonder what we did?
10-9 Dance Till You're Dead
[X] Do something about that, say what
-[X] ahem
-[X] Excuse me, miss, but as I brought you to this party, I do believe it is customary that I get at least one dance with you, before you wander off onto, excuse me, with any other parties.
--[X] (significant stare, mouthed words over her shoulder) to Timothy: get him OUT OF HERE
--[X] Keep her dancing or otherwise occupied until midnight, when she has to leave

Edgar caught your eye and turned around when he saw your smile fade, watching Simon and the dryad… really going at it, like, Goddesses, save some for you. You did not trust this fae you'd just met, so you decided to do something about that.

"Should I-"

"It's my deal, I'll handle it."

You walked around the table, and up to Timothy, who immediately stopped looking at Simon when he noticed you and went back to staring at a cup.

"I'm gonna distract her. She's bad news. Get Simon out of here," you said. You saw his eyes widen and his hand immediately went for his holster. "No! No, that's not gonna help. Just get him away once I get her away." You said, walking now towards the dryad and Simon, and waiting with your arms crossed for them to notice you. It took an uncomfortable amount of time before the dryad discontinued the kiss with an audible wet pop and looked up at you.

"Thank you soooo much for inviting me, I haven't had fun like this in decades~!" She said, gripping Simon against her chest, who looked completely out of it but very happy. It didn't look right. Whether it was him being blackout drunk or under the dryad's supernatural charm, his ability to consent to the situation looked dubious at best. You once again forced a smile. That's when music began on the stage. They'd brought out a band. Alright, you had an idea now.

"You said you'd observe all our laws of hospitality, and I did invite you," you extended a hand towards her. "Care for a dance?" She beamed even wider at that and immediately grabbed it with a warm, soft- ok you had to stop thinking about how hot she was, that's how they get you.

"Lead the way~," she said, letting go of Simon and completely abandoning him at his seat, he took a moment to realize his partner was gone and weakly pawed for her. You quickly pulled the dryad away and just shook your head at him when she wasn't looking. Blue balls were better than being taken as a fae's plaything until they become bored of you. You remember the words that echoed in your head the night you left home. Be polite, be firm, don't be entertaining. While walking behind the tables to dance, you saw Timothy gently helping Simon up and starting to walk toward the inn.

Despite the dryad asking you to lead the way, she ended up being the one to toss you around dancing, she was incredible at it, most likely feeding off of the skill around her. Every time she started eyeing up another partygoer, you pulled her back and kept saying you wanted to dance. With how short her attention span seemed to be, you were surprised it worked. She never got tired of it, but you certainly did and fought exhaustion to keep the rest of the patrons safe. Edgar offered to take you for a slow dance a few times, but you declined. His worry for your health increased, but his trust in you made it so that he didn't directly intervene against your will. Your vision was blurry and your muscles were shaking by the time the party began to wrap up, but you managed to get through it with only a moderate amount of agony.

You have taken one injury from the dryad feeding off of your energy.

Once the performances were over, you still clung to her out of fear of what she'd do if you let her off the leash. She didn't seem to care about how strained you looked, gasping for air and covered in sweat, though she still held you against her side around your waist to keep you from falling over. The whole thing officially ended when Professor Elena came onto the stage and thanked their gracious sponsor for the event, Theodora von Gregor, who apparently paid for the entire thing. Alright. That's midnight. You could finally get what you wanted. You pried your way out of her grip and basically fell into Edgar, who had been standing close by for Goddesses know how long. He held you hard against him but didn't take his eyes off the dryad.

"You were dancing for three fucking hours, are you ok?" He asked quietly, worry clear in his voice.

"I'm fine. I'll be ok." You barely managed, planting your feet and managing to stand on your own.

"I suppose that's all then, I should be getting home." The dryad said, looking at all the people heading home themselves.

"Remember your side of the deal?" You asked, raising your voice just a bit.

"Won't you walk a lady home?" She asked, turning around and smiling at you. There was malice in her smile. It genuinely scared you.

"I don't think-" You began.

"You wouldn't want to violate your laws of hospitality, would you?" She asked, looking concerned in a mocking way.

[ ] Walk her home alone
[ ] Walk her home with Edgar and Riya
[ ] Refuse and back out of the deal for violating hospitality
[ ] Find another way to get your end of the deal
We can drop her off with the airplane.

Fae float, right?

Edit : Maybe we can ask the scion to give us a ride in her car?
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[X] Find another way to get your end of the deal
-[X] "Given how exhausted I am, the laws of hospitality dictate that you have to walk me back to my room, not the other way round."

Gonna give this a shot!
[X] Find another way to get your end of the deal
-[X] "Given how exhausted I am, the laws of hospitality dictate that you have to walk me back to my room, not the other way round."
"I'm gonna distract her. She's bad news. Get Simon out of here," you said. You saw his eyes widen and his hand immediately went for his holster.
Lol, maybe we should have let Timothy cook.

[X] Walk her home with Edgar and Riya

I don't want to do anything that would risk deliberately offending her or breaking our deal. At the same time, we're so exhausted from dancing that we need Edgar and Riya for support.
Alright then, I suppose we're going with Pressing The Issue by speaking the truth. That's gonna be 3d10(take highest 2)+Calm because Edgar is helping here. Now, the way that Helping in this game works is that there needs to be inherent risk to the person helping. The third dice rolled is Edgar's help die. If you roll a 1 on that Help Die, something bad will happen to Edgar. This still has an inherent risk for you too. If you fail this, something bad is gonna happen to you too. Also! You have 2 injury. Meaning you're going to be rolling -2 on this. Meaning that this roll is just 3d10 take the highest 2. Alright, roll!
We should consider joining him in worship. I'm serious, at this point I think the Deep Ones would be better for us.