[X] Become addicted to (Music) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.

I know that getting stuck with a vote tie sucks, and someone needing to blast music at all times is hilarious
Adhoc vote count started by digital2 on May 15, 2024 at 1:56 AM, finished with 16 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Become addicted to (Music) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.
    [X] Trust the fish dude
    [X] Become addicted to (Cannabis) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.
    [X] Trust the fish dude
    [X] Become addicted to (Cannabis) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.
[X] Trust the fish dude
[X] Become addicted to (Hallucinogens)
meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.

I know it's a quixotic vote at this point, but being addicted to not just the drug but the Mystery makes the most sense to me
6-6 Back To Your Routine
You have become addicted to music (insert fallout dude face)
You now trust Edgar, 1 Stress but it immediately gets taken off from the vices.

Maybe he wasn't such a shithead after all.

You woke up the next morning feeling like shit. A hard crash after spending around eight hours fucked up on like four different substances. You wanted more opium. It was fucking good. Your throat was dry, and your lungs felt more constricted than usual. The next week went by pretty quick. You gained a sort of routine in town, just sitting around and resting, listening to Edgar play his flute, spending most of your time back on the airship. He even taught you a bit about how to play, and you picked it up surprisingly fast. Probably from the fact your brain was regenerating but it was still fun! You learned a lot about music in general from him, and spent a lot more time thinking about it than usual. He really wasn't such an asshole like you pegged him as after two conversations with him you had before deciding that, he was just a cheery guy that loved his job and finally being around like minded people.

Riya handled you injections, which you absolutely couldn't look at. You discovered the day after your substance binge that you had a phobia of needles, so every day had a terrifying two minutes at around noon when you needed your shot. Your voice allegedly went back to normal after the second day, which took a lot of stress off of you from not knowing how you sounded. For a while you still weren't really sure what you were going to do about the fact you might not be able to fly now without that necklace. Worst comes to worst, you'd tell Riya the truth and she'd absolutely teach you to fly again. Now, the fact you didn't have a plane might not be as much of an issue as you thought it would be. You'd dreamed of flying away on a broomstick when you were young, and what better time to figure it out then when you were stuck without a plane? Then again, if Edgar tagged along again you could just sit in his passenger seat and throw spells out from that position, or help with keeping an eye on the environment around you. You'd figure it out.

Two votes!

[ ] Stay around in town for the next routine. (will end up with you getting roped into a ball with the other two, stresses out Riya)
[ ] Leave. (I'll generate a new town, and we'll figure it out from there. Satisfies Riya)

[ ] Invite Edgar to join the circus.
[ ] Part ways for now.
Where's our Birb?!
Did we not have a Birb? Did they die?!

Nvm found Gunther being mentioned.

[X] Stay around in town for the next routine. (will end up with you getting roped into a ball with the other two, stresses out Riya)

[X] Invite Edgar to join the circus.

A three seater circus with three people sounds a lot more fun than a one seater circus with two.
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[X] Leave. (I'll generate a new town, and we'll figure it out from there. Satisfies Riya)
This place has a dragon's egg in it. Nope nope nope.

[X] Invite Edgar to join the circus.
He's pretty cool, I think. We should see if Gunther likes him first, but if so, he's cool.

We have 9 thaler left, yes?
[X] Stay around in town for the next routine. (will end up with you getting roped into a ball with the other two, stresses out Riya)
[X] Invite Edgar to join the circus.

I was under the impression that people wanted to go dancing at the ball.
Wait shit it's a. I am so thick. Editing. Let's go to the ball and get free food/dancing. We can give Riya smooches/weed afterward to destress.
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[X] Stay around in town for the next routine. (will end up with you getting roped into a ball with the other two, stresses out Riya)
[X] Invite Edgar to join the circus.
A Military town could have some old, used planes for us. As a witch Helga doesnt need the best plane in the world.
It seems we're sticking around, and trusting Edgar. You now have 15þ in total. I think it's time to roll to get work! Roll 2d10+2. I'll build from there.
Time to roll for what jobs you're gonna get!

Get ready for come CAS people!
Texas Red threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Job Type Total: 16
5 5 11 11
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The music addiction seems pretty mild. I thought it would be some kind of situation where Hilda keeps humming the same song for hours on end while slowly driving her companions crazy.
The trick to the vices is that Vice implies excess, indulgence, recklessness, and disregard for consequence. The Drinking Vice is not a beer or two with dinner, It is getting absolutely shit house drunk. The Cannabis Vice isn't a joint and sheet of bubble wrap, it's getting more stoned than a quarry.
If I where a betting man, the Music is going to to taking priority over other stuff
[X] Stay around in town for the next routine. (will end up with you getting roped into a ball with the other two, stresses out Riya)
[X] Invite Edgar to join the circus.
6-7 Sequel
Oh shit! I forgot fame too! I would say killing any goths makes the world a better place, so one there, but Hilda losing her plane didn't leave you guys looking skilled. So 1 Fame. You're now at 4! As for infamy. Now, usually, setting people on fire is a big no-no. However! They're goths and forfeited their humanity when they donned the uniform, so no biggy.

Winter was fast approaching. Winter always descended quickly on your home, but up in the mountains, it was damn near instantaneous. You woke up the day of your completed recovery and could barely stand outside for more than a few minutes, even with your magically heated dress. Riya bought a few extra parkas for the both of you, though Edgar was seemingly unbothered by the cold, satisfied with his piloting leathers. After a brief discussion with Riya, you agreed to let Edgar join the team. You needed a seat anyway and had nowhere near enough money to buy a new plane, so you'd stick to Edgar's copilot cockpit. It would help reduce the stress of flight anyway. You could act as a parasite fighter if you could enchant a broomstick. Maybe even hijack a plane like that asshole did you to get a new one. While you and Riya were enjoying some coffee, bundled up and discussing if it would be possible for castor oil to freeze in the winter, both heard someone yell from outside.

"Hello?! Is there anyone up there?! I have a letter from Oberst Sigmund Scholl for one Fraülein Junger!" A young sounding man yelled from outside.

"Are they really going to keep calling me that?" You asked Riya as you stood up and walked out to the main deck, gazing over the edge at the similarly bundled soldier holding a sealed letter. You summoned a strong, localized breeze that blew the paper out of his glove, making him scramble to try and grab it, and made it swirl up to your level where you caught it out of the air. "Thank you!" You called down, looking at the delicate wax seal keeping the paper together. You tore it open to read.

-Fraulein Junger

To begin, I wish you a swift recovery from your unfortunate casualty status from your latest mission, but thank you endlessly for your exemplary service to your nation.

You skipped a little down through the limited but lengthy thanks he gave for you setting three planes on fire and getting wounded in the "line of duty".

-however, the time to ask for your squadron's services has come once again. I cannot disclose the nature of this operation, just that the reward is a substantial 17þ and will involve combat. With the unfortunate loss of your aeroplane and sustained injury I perfectly understand if you would be incapable of assisting us, and if so please pass this along to your comrades.

-Regards, Oberst Sigmund Scholl

After reading that through, you returned to Riya's… apartment? Domicile? It was kind of unclear what to call the room she lived in.

"New job, that commander guy wants us to do something for him again but isn't saying what. He's willing to pay seventeen Thaler for it though." You explained, putting the letter down onto the table and pointing to the vague details of the mission.

"No harm in hearing him out. I'll get Edgar."

"It's a frontal assault! Exciting, isn't it?" The commander exclaimed, presenting a battle map consisting of a map of some small military base. "You're not on the front line, don't worry. You'll be providing CAS for our troops while we assault the Goth base they launched their airship from. By our count, the majority of their air forces were shattered from your previous mission. Your main goal is to simply harass the enemy in the air and on the ground. We'll handle the invasion!"

"Why not just drop a couple bombs on them?" Edgar asked from the back.

"Civilians, lad! They're holding prisoners that we must save. If we wanted to blow them off the map we'd just send a telegram for the ZG Valkyries. We cannot let them believe that their nation has abandoned them like so many have. We have an airship of our own we'll use to ferry the prisoners back here. We'll happily pay seventeen Thaler in total for the job." Sigmund continued to explain, grinning excitedly the entire time.

"Im in." Riya said dully. She looked at you in the eyes for your answer.

[ ] Take the job
[ ] Negotiate for (Say what you want). (+Daring to the roll)
[ ] Decline and look elsewhere.
Obviously this job is really dangerous, and I know people want to get away from the weird artifact, but it doesn't sound like there's a more heroic thing we could do than rescue people from... Goths.