ExoSquad: Flightline

Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 1
Nathanael "Nate" Weaver
Endeavor Bridge, Comms Station

"All ships, engage targets at maximum blaster range."

"Hostile E-Frame cluster A4 destroyed."

"Coronado has been destroyed. All ships to defense stations. Main batteries, close support field of fire!"

"Multiple cruisers entering maximum blaster range."

"Borealis to Resolute. Main batteries destroyed. We're taking heavy fire!"

"All ships, rally on Borealis. Provide covering fire."

The comms traffic you catch, leaning on the back of Ensign Steinwender's chair, is... pretty depressing. Once the engagement starts, neither of you says anything, breathing quietly, listening and watching. Your ships are close enough that you can have more or less real-time comms - but not close enough to help. So all you can do is listen in on the "general all ships" channel as the fleet's Exocarriers are slowly ground down by overwhelming Neosapien firepower. Their individual ExoFrames appear to be considerably less capable than your own; but there are a lot of them, they can lose a few. They don't have anything the size of an ExoCarrier; but they do have a lot of cruiser, destroyer and frigate-size vessels. They can lose a few of those, too. Maybe if the Exofleet was all together... or maybe even if those knuckleheads commanding the ExoCarriers would launch more than a token amount of their E-Frame squads...

Once they lose three of the six ExoCarriers, they do. Just one squad, to replace one that winked out or has had its icons return to a carrier. But it makes a difference, creating just a little bit of space for the Resolute, buying it some breathing room.

"Fleet E-Frame squads to launch status. Launch when ready." the Resolute's captain transmits, his voice sounding deflated.

Finally, multiple little green icon clusters start appearing next to the big green arrows of the ExoCarriers.

"This is Able Squad leader. Baker, Charlie squads, reform on me. All other E-Frames, return to carriers. Target the Neosapien flagship. Divert their fire from our carriers!"

You smirk, and comment for the first time. "Now you're talking."

Theresa sighs. "That's definitely a dreamy command voice." she comments. You raise an eyebrow. Although she's got a point. Maybe you wouldn't describe it as dreamy, but that guy definitely has a "determined command presence".

True to his orders, the small cluster of E-Frames drives at a group of Neosapien cruisers hanging out near the center of their formation. A few of their icons wink out, but Able Squad leader's gambit works - the Neos pull back from the ExoCarrier group, allowing the ponderous vessels time to reverse their vectors and engage their main engines for the burn away from Earth.

"All ExoCarriers retreat, at full speed." You recognize the voice as Admiral Winfield. "Lieutenant Marsh, what you and your troopers have done won't be forgotten. Someday, we'll come back with the ExoFleet, and liberate the homeworlds."

"Able squad leader to all E-Frames. Our carriers are retreating. Let's get outta here."

Eventually, the small E-Frame group winks out, left behind as the ExoCarriers leave both sensor and short comms range. The bridge stays quiet, and a hand tapping your shoulder startles you.

"Lance Corporal, you better go get your squad leader and get your E-Frame squad ready to launch." the Endeavor's captain tells you.

You fumble a little, jostling Theresa's chair while remembering your military etiquette, but quickly draw yourself up straight and belt out a solid "Sir, yes sir!" before marching off the bridge. There are only two places where Joker can be found on his off hours - his quarters or the nearby rec room.


Endeavor Hangar Bay
Six hours later

You shift with your legs and crane your neck, trying to get into a more comfortable position. Despite spending multiple hours each day inside the Trooper E-Frame, running simulations and familiarizing yourself with it, it's still a little claustrophobic in there. In the two-seater, if your back is itching, you can just reach back there and scratch it. Here, you have to let go of one of the arm control sticks, disengage the arm restraint, loosen your torso restraint, and then maybe you can reach back there. Hopefully without banging your head on the glass viewport. Not that you've done that multiple times or anything. And then by the time you re-engage all the restraints, it starts itching again.

"Easy Squad, prepare for launch. Depressurizing hangar." Theresa transmits.

You crack your neck a little bit and wiggle your jaw. Itchy, cramped and uncomfortable, but part of it is just that you're itching to get out there and fly.

"Hey, how many Neos does it take to screw in a light bulb?" Josh asks over squad comms.

"The punchline better not be something racist." Em counters.

"Uh... " Josh chuckles. "Depends on your perspective, I guess."

"How many?" you ask. Anything to distract you from the waiting, honestly. Even if it gets your friend in hot water with the belter-tall, belter-skinny redhead.

"You know what, I'll tell you when we get back over a couple B-Complexes." Josh responds sheepishly.

Jumper chuckles. "Is that the one where they have to get a human to grow a new one in a vat with a gene mod for light bulb operation, 'cause they're not that creative?"

"Way to ruin the joke, pal." Josh states, with a laugh and a mockingly sour note in his voice.

"Depressurization complete. Easy-One, cleared for launch." Theresa's voice cuts in.

You look over at Morze's ExoFighter in one of the opposite cubbies. Despite the two layers of cockpit glass between the two of you, you can tell she's nervous. You flash a thumbs up as Joker's command E-Frame moves into launch position. She nods and gives a thumbs up in return, and then it's your turn to march into launch position as Joker's E-Frame engages its thrusters and zooms out of the hangar.


"Neosapien pursuit forces closing in - looks like E-Frames and light scout craft. Engage and keep them away from our ships until our velocity is higher." Joker transmits as the squad launches. "And let's try not to let any of them past us, either, we are screening the main fleet after all."

You look around, having to rotate your E-Frame a little as you're still not used to the limited peripheral vision; you half expect Wilhelm to give a status update from behind you, or tap on some of the controls back there, but for now, you're on your own. Well, you think with a smirk, as you note the rest of the squad forming up, maybe not entirely on my own.

You turn your attention to the sensor contacts closing in. Eventually, the capital ships will get to a point where the lighter Neo units won't have the flight endurance to catch up; but for now, they're able to accelerate a lot better than the ponderous ExoFleet vessels.


Operational Area Map:
Deploy Zone
Deploy Zone
ExoFrigate Galileo
Deploy Zone
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Deploy Zone
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Deploy Zone
ExoFrigate Guiducci
Deploy Zone
Deploy Zone
Deploy Zone
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn

All E-Frames:
[] Designate deployment zone from one the of marked spaces.

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (6/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before
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Mission 4 - Technical/Tactical Readout
-Moves towards nearest ExoFleet unit
-Attacks random ExoFleet unit in own space
-B Variant: Evades first attack of a turn

-Moves towards nearest ExoFleet unit
-Attack random ExoFleet unit within one space
-Immediately attacks when revealed if ExoFleet unit is present in own space

-Moves towards nearest ExoFleet unit
-Attack random Exofleet unit within one space
-2 HP
-Commander: Randomly choose one other active unit (sensor contact if no active units); that unit performs an extra attack or move.

-Moves up to two spaces towards nearest ExoFleet unit
-Attack random ExoFleet unit in own space

-Moves towards nearest ExoFleet unit
-Attack random ExoFleet unit in own space
-Armor absorbs first blaster attack of a turn

Sensor Contact
-Always moves one space towards nearest target; ties are resolved randomly with E-Frames weighted more heavily
-Resolves to an actual contact when entering a space with an ExoFleet unit or when an ExoFleet unit enters its space

-Attacks random unit in own space
-Would launch torpedoes, but no hostile capital ships present
-2 HP

-Attacks random unit within one space of active section
-Each section has 2 HP
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Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 2
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Recon
-[X] Deploy on E6
-[X] [BLUE] Move - E6 to F6
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile
-[X] [RED] Blaster

Plague Doc
[X] Deploy at D5
[X] Scan D7
[X] Assist with missile or blaster
[X] Evade

[X] Falcon
-[X] Deploy C5
-[X] Blue evade
-[X] Gray: Order Blue - engineer a
-[X] [RED] Triple Blaster - supporting fire for exo fighter if needed

[X] Deploy C5
[X] [BLUE] Move to c6
[X] [GRAY] Evade

[X] Deploy on E6
[X] Blue - Evade
[X] Red - Blaster everything in sight

Engineer A
[X] Deploy on E6
[X] Blue - Move E7
[X] Red - Grapple Melee to E7

Deploy on E6
[X] Blue - Move to E7
[X] Red - Fire everything that moves
[X] Grey - Low Profile

Engineer B
Deploy on D6, D6 (+1 overwatch capability), D5, D5 (+1 no blocking LOS), C5, F5, E6 (-1 big crowd, +1 suggestion); rolls D5
[BLUE] move stay stay; rolls move D5 -> D6
[RED] Blaster (overwatch)

Player Movement:
-Scan D7; revealed; roll 13 - 3x Outrider
-Missile vs C7 Outrider; target destroyed

-Move C5 -> C6

-Order: Blue - Engineer A (Evade)

Engineer A
-Move E6 -> E6; contact revealed, rolls 12 - 3x Amphi-Assault
-Grapple Melee E6 -> E7

-Blaster vs outrider, amphi; rolls outrider; target destroyed

-Move E6 -> E7
-Blaster vs Amphi-A; 1/2 HP, missile launcher disabled
-Low Profile (Evade)

Engineer B
-Move D5 -> D6
-Blaster vs outrider, outrider (+1 easy kill), amphi-assault; rolls outrider, target destroyed

-Move E6 -> F6
-Low Profile
-Blaster amphi, overwatch - rolls overwatch

Allied Phase:
All units accelerating (will move next turn)

Hostile Phase:
D7 Amphi-Assault up, right, right, right; rolls right; missile vs Trooper - attack negated by Evade
E7 Amphi-Assault blaster vs Melee - attack negated by Evade
F7 Amphi-Assault left, left, left, up; rolls left; missile vs Melee; shoulder blaster disabled

A7 Sensor Contact up right, rolls up A7 -> A6
B7 Sensor Contact up right, rolls right, B7 -> C7
C7 Sensor contact C7 -> C6, rolls 5 - Outrider; Attack vs ExoFighter, negated by Evade
F7 Sensor Contact left, left, left, up; rolls left F7 -> E7; rolls 13 - 3x Outrider
-E7 Outrider blaster vs Trooper; Shoulder blasters disabled
G7 Sensor Contact left, up; rolls up G7 -> G6
H7 Sensor Contact left, up; rolls left H7 -> G7

Sensor contacts spawning in row 7
E7 contact revealed, rolls 5 - Outrider; attack vs Melee, hull hit

LCpl Nathanael "Nate" Weaver

"It's just an Outrider and another blip, we can take 'em!" Em transmits, her voice full of excitement. She's ready to kick some ass. "Come on, five, I'll give you a tow!"

"Acknowledged." Lestari replies coolly. Your E-frame projects the characteristic metallic *thunk* sound of a mag grapple attaching to her "Sergeant", and the two of them jet off towards the approaching sensor contacts. A missile streaks past you and to the right, targeting one of the outriders - a small, brown-painted, oval-shaped fighter. Reports from the carriers indicate that those are equipped with "just" a blaster but pretty fast. Not fast enough to avoid Plague Doc's missile though - the craft shatters when impacted by the warhead - you doubt there's anything left. Josh moves forward as well, targeting the central of the three approaching outriders, taking it apart with one of the large construction E-Frame's blasters.

You sigh, watching Em and Lestari pull forward, and fire up your own main engines. "Seven, take care of the left flank. I'm gonna back those two knuckleheads up." you tell Jumper, who quickly acknowledges your transmission and sends the little green Recon E-frame rocketing off in that direction.

As you advance, the "single" sensor contact resolves to three E-Frames, designation "amphibious assault", which rapidly spread out now that the jig is up and they can't pass themselves off as a single contact by flying in a straight line formation. Large, ovoid, painted with wavy blue and brown camoflouge stripes, with a weapon-laden "arm" on each side. You have no idea what the hell the point of the camouflage is, or why they're "amphibious" when the closest water is in the Endeavor's H20 tanks. But they pack a lot of ordnance - blasters and missile launchers. Lestari engages a rapidly approaching outrider, perforating the light craft with her blaster - its engines sputter out and it simply stops accelerating, tumbling end over end into the void. You briefly wonder if it's achieved system escape velocity, but that line of thought is interrupted by a shrill tone emitted by your E-Frame, along with a red "missile lock" alert displayed on your projection.

You quickly cut your main thrusters, then locate the incoming missile, rotating your craft so that your flight vector will be perpendicular to the approaching warhed. You wait until it's pretty close, then light the thrusters up again, along with some control thrusters for good measure. The alert disappears, to be replaced by a pleasant blue "missile evaded" message. You let out a breath, then try to locate the source of the missile. You think you've got it - one of the ponderous amphi-assault E-Frames, firing at Lestari. Gritting your teeth, you aim your blaster at the target lead indicator and let loose several blasts of coherent energy. They make contact, and a piece of the target comes off, a burst of air venting out the side. "That ought to get him to back off a little!" you call out, then cringe as your E-Frame rocks, the flashes of nearby blaster fire displayed on your AR projection. A quick glance at the damage indicator shows that your shoulder blaster is no longer functional. "Hey, I was gonna use that!" you call out to nobody in particular.

"Uh, two, four, five, watch your backs - you've got additional sensor contacts closing in." Joker calls out.

"Thanks. We noticed." you reply through gritted teeth, looking over at Lestari's E-Frame. She attracts a lot of fire and gets winged a couple of times, despite pulling a fancy loop maneuver and your help - a missile goes off too close, while an outrider zips in and pings her with a little bit of blaster fire.

Operational Area Map:
Falcon E
ExoFrigate Galileo
Wraith E
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoFrigate Guiducci
Sensor Contact
Engineer B
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Engineer A
Amphi-Assault (!M)
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn

E-Frame Status:
Falcon (Easy-One)
Trooper (Easy-Two): Shoulder Blasters disabled
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four):
Melee (Easy-Five): Shoulder Blasters disabled, 1/2 HULL, 1x Outrider Kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven):
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight):

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (5/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before

Request going forward - please format your plans like so:
[X] E-Frame Name
-[X] Deployment zone if necessary
-[X] Order 1 (just the name and any designated coordinates/targets, no need to include the description)
-[X] Order 2
-[X] Order 3

This will allow the automatic thread tally tool to catch them properly; it wasn't a big deal when we didn't have too many people but now I'm starting to get worried I'll miss somebody's order.
Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 3
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Falcon
-[X] Blue: evade
-[X] Red: Gatling - outrider in C6
-[X] Gray: Order Blue - Engineer A

[X] Recon - Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
-[X] [RED] Blaster - F7 Outrider -> adjacent targets -> overwatch
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio - F6 -> F5

[X] - Morze
-[X] [RED] Missile - Amphi in D7
-[X] [BLUE] Afterburner
-[X] [GRAY] Evade

[X] Engineer B - Joshua "Josh" Walker
-[X] [RED] Shoot at the Outrider in D7
-[X] [BLUE] Move to D5 to give Wraith LoS towards D7

[X] Wraith
-[X] Target Guidance: D7
-[X] Missile D7
-[X] Move to D4

[X] Melee
-[X] Blue - Evade
-[X] Red - Blaster everything in sight

[X] Engineer A
-[X] Blue - Move to E6
-[X] Extra Blue - Evade
-[X] Red - Grapple Melee to E6

[X] Trooper
-[X] Blue - Move to E6
-[X] Red - Fire at everything that moves
-[X] Grey - Low Profile


Player Phase:

-Gatling vs C6 Outrider; target destroyed
-Order Blue: Engineer A

Engineer B
-Blaster vs D7 Outrider; target destroyed
-Move D6 -> D5

Wraith E
-Target Guidance D7 Amphi-Assault
-Missile vs D7 Amphi-Assault; target damaged (system irrelevant)
-Move D5 -> D4

-Missile vs D7 Amphi-Assault; target destroyed
-Afterburner (Evade)

-Blaster vs F7 Outrider; target destroyed
-PTW Move F6 -> F5

-Blaster vs outrider, amphi - rolls outrider; target destroyed

Engineer A
-Move E7 -> E6
-Grapple Melee E7 -> E6

-Move E7 -> E6
-Blaster vs E6 Amphi-Assault; target destroyed

Allied Phase:
All allied units row 5 -> row 4

Hostile Phase:
Amphi-Assault F7 -> 4x up, 3x left, rolls left; missile vs eng, melee, trooper, rolls trooper; missile negated by evade

A6 Sensor Contact -> B6
A7 Sensor Contact up right, rolls up -> A6
B7 Sensor Contact up right, rolls right -> C7
2x Sensor Contact C7 -> C6; rolls amphi-assault, false contact
-amphi-assault vs falcon exofighter, rolls falcon; missile negated by evade
D7 Sensor Contact 5x up 1x left 3x right, rolls right -> E7
E7 Sensor Contact -> E6; rolls 2x Outrider
-Outrider A vs eng, melee, trooper, rolls trooper; automatic targeting disabled!
-Outrider B vs eng, melee, trooper, rolls trooper; low profile disabled!
F7 Sensor Contact 3x left, 4x up, rolls up -> F6
G6 Sensor Contact 4x left, 1x up, rolls left -> F6
G7 Sensor Contacts up left, rolls left -> F7
H7 Sensor Contact up left, rolls up -> H6

New sensor contacts in row 7

"Morze here, I've got one on my tail. Can't shake him!" Morze calls out.

"Got you covered, eight." Joker shoots back. "Outrider down. You can unclench now, trooper." A brief pause preceded by a flash to your right. "Nate, get yourself and your knuckleheads back, you're too exposed out there."

You sniff. "Got it, lead. Clean up those outriders, people, then pull back towards the ships! Maintain a one-click distance." you transmit - the last thing you want is those little bastards getting past you and taking pot shots at the capital ships. Although, they seem satisfied with fly-by attack runs on your E-Frames instead. You rotate your E-Frame, keeping the main thrusters engaged for a nice, smooth arc - partly to give yourself a little tactical visibility, partly to give yourself a good shot at the Amphi-Assault E-Frame you had just targeted. As the ponderous craft struggles to recover and stabilize, you give it another dose of blaster fire. This time, several flashes of the coherent energy track across the oval-shaped E-Frame's center section - you don't quite split it in half, but a couple of the blasts come out the other side, and the main engines sputter out.

A salvo of missiles flies by to your left as you complete your turnaround maneuver and begin thrusting back towards the Endeavor, your distance indicator slowly counting down to one click. The missiles find a target, another amphi-assault according to your projected map, shortly before it disappears. "Good designation on that target, Doc." Morze sends.

Lestari, Em and Jumper are already back to their positions, pumping blaster fire into the outriders chasing you - judging by the multiple explosions, something definitely connects - but the number of red symbols on the sensor map doesn't decrease as much as you'd like.

"Damn, too many outriders." Jumper calls out. "Nate, you've got two on your tail."

You cringe. He's right - not only that, but you've got another missile lock alert. Juking the best you can, you fire your control thrusters up just in time to cause the missile to fly by you and detonate harmlessly. But that takes you into the line of fire of those two outriders - for whatever reason, your E-Frame chooses to show their blaster shots as purple-tinged white. Many fly past you, but not all - your E-Frame pings, shakes and groans as a pair of shots connect, sending simulated pain signals through the cyberlink. The status indicator helpfully shows that your auxiliary targeting computer is non-functional, and one of your control thrusters seems to be firing uncontrollably in the wrong direction. You can compensate, but that'll make it harder to evade.

"Shite, you all right, Nate?" Em calls out. "That looked painful."

"Yeah, I'm fine." you reply, cringing a little - that neural feedback is something else. And you're pretty sure you can smell burnt circuitry in your cockpit. "Wasn't going to use that targeting computer anyway, the attached blaster is out."

"Maybe I'd have been able to help out if I didn't have to keep towing this hunk of junk around." Em quips, her voice radiating resentment.

"Focus, four." Lestari retorts.

Operational Area Map:
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoFrigate Guiducci
Engineer B
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Engineer A
2x Outrider
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 8 turns)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn

E-Frame Status:
Falcon (Easy-One): 1x Outrider kill
Trooper (Easy-Two): Shoulder Blasters disabled, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four):
Melee (Easy-Five): Shoulder Blasters disabled, 1/2 HULL, 2x Outrider Kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven): 1x Outrider kill
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight): 1x Amphi-Assault kill

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
System Disabled
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before
Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 4
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Recon
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile
-[X] [RED] Blaster - nearest target -> overwatch

[X] Falcon
-[X] Blue: evade
-[X] Red: triple blaster- Amphi in C6
-[X] Gray: Order Red- Trooper A

[X] Exofighter
-[X] [RED] Blaster Amphi in C6
-[X] [BLUE] Move C5
-[X] [GRAY] Nimble - Evade

[X] Engineer A
-[X] Red Missile Amphi assault after LOS opens up or anything else if that is destroyed
-[X] Blue Move to E5

[X] Melee
-[X] Red Laser Cutter Outrider
-[X] Blue Move to E5

[X] Trooper A
-[X] Red Blaster Outrider
-[X] Extra Red Blaster Amphi assault
-[X] Blue Move to E5

[X] Engineer B
-[X] Move E5
-[X] Repair Trooper (Low Profile)

[X] Wraith
-[X] Move D5
-[X] Missile vs targets, amphi-assault priority
-[X] Jam E7

Player Phase:

-Triple Blaster vs C6 Amphi-Assault; 1/2 HP, system irrelevant
-Order: Red - Trooper A

-Blaster vs C6 Amphi-Assault; target destroyed
-Move C6 -> C5

-Laser Cutter vs E6 Outrider; target destroyed
-Move E6 -> E5

Trooper A
-Blaster vs E6 Outrider; target destroyed
-Blaster vs E7 Amphi-Assault; 1/2 HP, system irrelevant
-Move E6 -> E5

Engineer A
-Missile vs E7 Amphi-Assault; target destroyed
-Move E6 -> E5

Engineer B
-Move D5 -> E5
-Repair Trooper A (Low Profile)

-Low Profile
-No valid targets: Blaster Overwatch

-Move D4 -> D5
-No valid targets for jamming or missiles

Allied Phase:
Movement to row 3 next turn

Hostile Phase:
2x Sensor Contact F6 -> F5; rolls 2x 11 - 3x Stealth
-E5 Stealth attacks 2x each E-Frame (5x), cruiser - rolls recon; attack negated by evade
-E5 Stealth attacks 2x each E-Frame (5x), cruiser - rolls Engineer A; missile launcher disabled
-F5 Stealth attacks 2x each E-Frame (5x), frigate - rolls Trooper; low profile disabled
-F5 Stealth attacks 2x each E-Frame (5x), frigate - rolls Frigate; engine damaged, 1/2 HP
-G5 Stealth attacks recon; attack negated by evade
-G5 Stealth attacks recon; power-to-weight disabled

Recon Overwatch
-blaster vs F5 Stealth; target destroyed

High # of sensor contacts reached, sanity preservation threshold crossed:
All sensor contacts move up by one row
New sensor contacts in row 7

LCpl Nathanael "Nate" Weaver

"Easy Squad, maintain one-click distance from capital ships." Joker transmits. "Let's clean up these guys and get ready for the next wave. Josh, see what you can do with Nate's E-Frame."

"Roger that." Josh responds.

You cringe - your head is still ringing from getting blasted by those outriders. And, in fact, they're still on your tail, purple energy pulses being projected onto your field of vision as they fly by your juking E-Frame. Scowling, you kick what remains of your control thrusters into action, twisting your E-Frame around and catching one of the ovoid craft with a few shots from your blaster. The hostile craft's starboard half is shredded and something explodes as it tries to turn to keep up with you - the outrider continues forward on a ballistic trajectory. You quickly scan for its wingman, but Lestari's got your back - said wingman flies a little too close to the humanoid "Sergeant" E-frame, and Lestari takes the opportunity to slice it in half with her laser cutter, the two halves continuing on, slightly separated from each other.

"Thanks for the assist, Lestari." you call out, continuing to twist and turn while heading to the rendezvous point transmitted by Josh.

"You're welcome, Nate." she replies.

You frown - a missile lock from behind you. "Dammit, why's everyone picking on me? Buzz off!" You accompany your request with some blaster fire. You're pretty sure you connect with a shot or two, but the bulky amphi-assault keeps steady and the missile lock beeping turns more rapid and urgent.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered." Em calls out - a missile flies past you, annihilating your would-be attacker.

"Thanks, guardian angel." you transmit, smirking. "I owe you a B-Complex."

"I think that's two you owe me, pal." Em replies, laughing.

A glance to the left shows Joker and Morze eliminating their lone opponent - another amphi-assault. Forced into a less-than optimal evasive path by Morze's missile lock, it runs into some of Joker's blaster fire. While it's trying to recover, the missile hits, and the target disappears in an orange flash.

"Nate, match my designated flight vector so I can take a look at your busted-up rattletrap." Josh transmits. You sigh with some relief - most of the sensor contacts are at least two clicks away, which should give you a little bit of breathing room; maybe Josh can get that misfiring thruster to unjam.

"Hey, I've got some weird sensor readings here." Jumper begins. "You guys better... holy crap!"

Suddenly, your comms explode with panicked transmissions as your E-Frame begins to wail missile lock warnings. You briefly lose track of the situation as all you can think of is to engage your main thrusters, which works - the missile loses track of your E-Frame. Of course, that prevents Josh from actually having any time to try to deal with that misfiring thruster, but, in the grand scheme of things, you feel it's better not to get nailed by a small, flat-tipped but powerful Neosapien warhead.

"They're getting through. Guiducci, better brace yourself." Jumper reports. You're pretty sure you see him firing at something which explodes shortly thereafter, but you're surrounded by sensor contacts - Stealth-class E-Frames. Humanoid, with feet that look like hammer claws, all with purple paintjobs. Time slows down as you try to figure out where to go, what to shoot at next and what (if anything) to say.

"Hey man, I can't fix you up if you fly off!" - Josh, likely.

"Shit, I'm hit, missile launcher out!" - definitely Em's voice.

"Got one. Sustained minor damage." - Jumper, probably.

"Main batteries, fire at will. E-Frames, stay clear of designated fields of fire." -Ensign Steinwender's voice. Likely the hostiles are within weapons range of the Endeavor.

"Guiducci to fleet, our engines are hit! We're losing acceleration." comes the transmission from the beleaguered ExoFrigate - you glance briefly over to see the rapidly dissipating remains of multiple missile impacts.

"ETA on repairs?" the Endeavor's captain replies.

"Shit, sir, I don't know." the ExoFrigate's captain answers, sounding like he's hyperventilating, taking a few seconds to sort of get himself under control. "Engineering says some of the damage is external, it'll take us a while to get a crew suited up and check it out."

"Easy squad, Endeavor here." the Endeavor's captain calls out. "I'm sending out reinforcements. Repair E-Frames, get over to the Guiducci and see what you can do to help. If those neos catch up to her... just do what you can. Everyone else, continue keeping the Neos away."

Operational Area Map:
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Deploy Zone
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Deploy Zone
ExoFrigate Guiducci (E!)
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Engineer A
Engineer B
2x Stealth
2x Stealth
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 7 turns, mostly)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
-critical alert: ExoFrigate Guiducci engines disabled!
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn
[Secondary] Two repair actions on Guiducci's engines (0/2)

E-Frame Kill Board:
Falcon (Easy-One): 1x Outrider kill
Trooper (Easy-Two): 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider kill
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four): 1x Amphi-Assault
Melee (Easy-Five): 1/2 HULL, 3x Outrider Kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven): 1x Outrider kill, 1x Stealth
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight): 2x Amphi-Assault kill

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Trooper A
Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
System Disabled
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before

Trooper B
Pilot: David "Greenhorn" Kane
[] Pick one of the two deployment zones, either D4 or E4
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.
Last edited:
Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 5
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Falcon
-[X] Blue: evade
-[X] Red: triple blaster- where it's needed most but prioritze enemies with 1 hp
-[X] Gray: Order Red- Recon

[X]Trooper B
-[X]Deploy E4
-[X] [BLUE] Move F4
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm F5
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile

[X] Engineer A
-[X] Magnetic Grapple Melee back to E5
-[X] Blue Move to E4

[X] Melee
-[X] Blue Charge E6
-[X] Red Blaster anything in E6 then E5

[X] Trooper
-[X] Red Blaster Stealth
-[X] Blue: evade
-[X] Grey Low Weight System

[X] Engineer B
-[X] Repuest Repairs to Nates Thruster system before he Moves to the damaged Frigate

[X] Recon
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Stealth units in G5 -> adjacent targets -> Overwatch
-[X] [RED] Missile (4/4 available) - Stealth units in G5 -> any targets in line of sight
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile

[X] Wraith
-[X] Move C5
-[X] Blaster B5
-[X] Scan C6

[X] Exofighter
-[X] [RED] Blaster whatever is revealed in C6
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Nimble - Afterburner Evade

Player Phase:

-Scan C6; reveals 2x stealth
-Move D5 -> C5
-Blaster B5 (Nothing in B5?)

-Blaster C6 Stealth; target destroyed
-2x Evade

-Blaster C6 Stealth; target destroyed

-Blaster G5 Stealth; target destroyed
-Missile G5 Stealth; target destroyed
-2x Evade

Trooper B
-Deploy E4
-Move E4 -> F4
-Blaster F5 Stealth; target destroyed

-Charge E5 -> E6; rolls 2 - Y-Wing, 8 - 2x Amphi-Assault
-Laser Cutter vs Amphi-Assault; 1/2 HP
-Blaster vs Amphi-Assault; target destroyed

Engineer A
-Mag Grapple Melee E6 -> E5
-Move E5 -> E4

Trooper A
-Blaster vs E5 Stealth; target destroyed
-Being repaired, cannot Evade
-Low Profile non-functional

Engineer B
-Repair Trooper A - Low Profile re-enabled
-Move E5 -> up, up, up, right; rolls right -> F5

Allied Phase:
E4 Endeavor defense batteries vs E5 Stealth; target destroyed
C4, D4, E4 -> C3, E3, D3

Hostile Phase:
B5 Sensor Contact -> C5; rolls 13 - 3x Outrider
-C5 Outrider vs Falcon, ExoFighter, Wraith - rolls Wraith; rolls 2 - missile launcher disabled

C6 Sensor Contact -> C5; rolls 12 - 3x Amphi-Assault
-C5 Amphi-Assault vs Falcon, ExoFighter, Wraith - rolls Falcon; attack negated by Evade
-B5 Amphi-Assault vs Falcon, ExoFighter, Wraith - Falcon; rolls 2 - gatling blaster disabled
-D5 Amphi-Assault vs Falcon, ExoFighter, Wraith, Melee, Trooper A - rolls Falcon; rolls 4 - evade disabled

E6 Y-Wing E6 -> E5; attacks Trooper A/Melee - rolls Trooper A; rolls 4 - Evade disabled
E6 Amphi-Assault; move in/stay - rolls move in;
-Attacks Trooper A/Melee/Engineer B/Recon - rolls Recon; attack negated by Evade

F6 Sensor Contacts F6 -> F5; rolls 2, 6 - Y-Wing, 2x Y-Wing;
-Y-Wing attacks Recon/Engineer B; rolls Recon; Attack negated by Evade
-Y-Wing attacks Recon/Engineer B; rolls Engineer; Evade disabled
-Y-Wing attacks Recon/Engineer B; rolls Recon; Evade disabled

A5 Sensor Contact -> B5
H5 Sensor Contact -> G5
All other sensor contacts move up one row

LCpl Nathanael "Nate" Weaver

"Let's try that again." you tell Josh, coaxing your misfiring control thrusters into changing your flight vector to what he's indicating.

"All right, gotcha." he replies, pulling up alongside your E-Frame. A gentle nudge from his control thrusters and an actual clang from the mag grapple attaches the two of your E-Frames pretty firmly.

While that's happening, you need to keep the bad guys off of you - so you line up a shot on one of the Stealths as it approaches to finish you off and blast the purple, humanoid, claw-footed E-Frame dead in the center of mass. Size-wise, it's not actually that much bigger than the Trooper you're flying - comparable to the Sergeant. Unlike baseline humans, though, Neosapiens are big enough that their arms literally go into the E-Frame's arms while their legs go into the legs. For them, it's almost like a jump trooper's suit. The reason this line of thought enters your head is that you punch a hole through the target's torso - and probably through the poor guy inside. "Buzz off, fella." you tell him. His wingman is annihilated by a cloud of blaster shots from the Endeavor's defensive batteries, so you're in the clear for the moment.

On the subject of Sergeant-class E-Frames, you get a good glimpse of Lestari flying forward and scattering a "small" formation of Neo E-Frames - a couple of Amphi-Assaults and a single Y-Wing. You're not sure why they call it a Y-Wing, it doesn't even look like a "Y". Instead, it's kind of crescent-shaped, with the pilot compartment in the middle of the crescent. Lestari chooses to focus her efforts on one of the Amphi-Assaults - raking her blaster shots across its upper surface - basically all cockpit glass, probably for peripheral vision. Granted, it's armored, but even Neos are subject to a reflexive dislike of cockpit breaches. This causes the Neo pilot to evade, close enough that she can shove the sergeant's laser cutter through the weakened cockpit armor. The battered Amphi-Assault corkscrews out of control before its engines blow out, even as Lestari is already pulled back by Em's magnetic grapple.

"Engaging flanking targets." Jumper reports, drawing your attention to his position - he bobs and weaves as a cloud of Y-Wings and Stealth E-Frames close in on his position, along with an Amphi-Assault sending a missile his way. The missile goes wide, having trouble locking on to the low-profile Recon E-Frame; a Y-Wing tries to get on his tail but is blasted apart.

"Hah, got him! You're clear, Easy-seven!" the new arrival calls out. This gives Jumper the chance to engage the Stealth E-Frames standing off at missile range - one takes multiple blaster shots, tumbling end over end. You imagine that if the pilot survived, he's probably puking his guts out all over the cockpit, given how fast it's spinning. The wingman simply eats a direct missile hit, evaporating.

You check your E-Frame's status readout - nothing seems to have changed so far. "Well?" you ask Josh, watching anxiously as a lone Y-Wing closes in on your decidedly non-evasive flight vector.

"Got it. Just had to re-route power through..." Josh begins.

"For pete's sake, just go!" you yell. The mag grapple clicks loose and you're able to fire your main thrusters just as the Y-Wing opens fire. Your E-Frame shudders as a blaster makes contact; a different control thruster winks out. "God dammit!" you yell as you do your best to evade and get yourself turned around so you can shoot back.

The turning gives you a quick glance at what's going on in Joker's half of the furball. The remains of two Stealth E-Frames float aimlessly as Morze and Plague Doc try to form up around your flight leader, who's getting pummeled - several near misses from Amphi-Assault-launched missiles shake his square-shouldered Falcon like a child's rattle toy - you can see a few components floating loose. Plague Doc is harried by an Outrider, the fast little craft's blasters winging the Wraith several times.

"We're taking a beating out here." Joker calls out, then grunts at another explosion. "Pull back and stay with the cruiser."

"Gee, Endeavor, thanks for sending the one E-Frame, that'll really help." Josh quips - looks like he got winged, too.

Operational Area Map:
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Engineer A
ExoFrigate Guiducci (E!)
Trooper B
Sensor Contact

2x Sensor Contact


Sensor Contact
Trooper A
Engineer B
3x Y-Wing
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 6 turns, mostly)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
-critical alert: ExoFrigate Guiducci engines disabled!
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn
[Secondary] Two repair actions on Guiducci's engines (0/2)

E-Frame Kill Board:
Falcon (Easy-One): 1x Outrider, 1x Stealth kill
Trooper A (Easy-Two): 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider, 1x Stealth kill
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four): 1x Amphi-Assault
Melee (Easy-Five): 1/2 HULL, 3x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven): 1x Outrider kill, 3x Stealth
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight): 2x Amphi-Assault, 1x Stealth kill
Trooper B (Easy-Nine): 1x Stealth kill

ExoCruiser Endeavor: 1x Stealth kill

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Trooper A
Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
System Disabled
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before

Trooper B
Pilot: David "Greenhorn" Kane
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target within one space.
Last edited:
Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 6
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Falcon
-[X] Blue: Move C4
-[X] Red: triple blaster- outrider in C5
-[X] Gray: Order Red- Flight

[X] Recon
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Target one of the Y-Wings in F5, if no valid target then any of the adjacent hostile contacts that are 1 HP, otherwise Overwatch
-[X] [BLUE] Move - F5 to F4
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile

[X]Trooper B
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm Y-wing in F5
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting F5

[X] Engineer A
-[X] Red Repair Guiducci
-[X] Blue Move to F4

[X] Melee
-[X] Red Blaster Y-Wing
-[X] Blue Move to E4

[X] Trooper A
-[X] Red Blaster Amphi Assault
-[X] Blue Move to E4

[X] Exofighter
-[X] [RED] Blaster outrider in B5
-[X] [RED] Blaster outrider in D5
-[X] [BLUE] Move C4
-[X] [GRAY] Nimble Evade

[X] Wraith
-[X] [GRAY] Jam D5 Amphi-Assault
-[X] [BLUE] Move C5 -> C4
-[X] [RED] Blaster available targets

[X] Engineer B
-[X] [RED] Move F5 -> F4
-[X] [BLUE] Repair Frigate

Player Phase:

-Blaster vs C5 Outrider; target destroyed
-Order:Red on ExoFighter
-Move C5 -> C4

-Blaster vs B5 Outrider; target destroyed
-Missile vs D5 Outrider; target destroyed
-Move C5 -> C4

-Jam D5 Amphi-Assault
-Blaster vs C5 Amphi-Assault; 1/2 HP, Missiles offline
-Move C5 -> C4

Trooper B
-Blaster vs F5 Y-Wing; target destroyed
-Auto-target vs F5 Y-Wing; target destroyed

-Blaster vs F5 Y-Wing; target destroyed
-Move F5 -> F4
-Evade (Low Profile)

-Blaster vs E5 Y-Wing; target destroyed
-Move E5 -> E4

Trooper A
-Blaster vs E5 Amphi-Assault; 1/2 HP, Missiles offline
-Move E5 -> E4

Allied Phase:
Engines "charging" on C3/D3/E3
Engines F4 repaired
All units will move next turn

Hostile Phase:
B5 Amphi-Assault B5 -> up x7, right x6 - rolls right;
- missile vs falcon/exofighter/wraith - rolls wraith; Evade disabled
C5 Amphi-Assault C5 -> C4;
- blaster vs falcon/exofighter/wraith - rolls wraith; Jamming disabled
D5 Amphi-Assault jammed, no action;
E5 Amphi-Assault E5 -> E4;
- blaster vs melee/trooper - rolls melee; laser cutter disabled

All sensor contacts move up by 1 row
New sensor contacts in row 7

LCpl Nathanael "Nate" Weaver

"Jumper here, I'm pulling back. Gonna need some cover for me and Josh." you hear the former transmit, the little Recon E-Frame dancing among a crowd of Y-Wings as the larger repair E-Frame burns reaction mass, ambling (if such a thing is possible in the void) towards the crippled frigate.

"Isn't it Josh and I?" the greenhorn in the other trooper E-Frame replies.

"Focus on your targets, pal." Jumper replies, his voice impressively calm. If it was you, you'd have told the kid off. But, misplaced obsession with grammar aside, the kid steadies his Trooper and lets loose a barrage of blaster fire, the automatic shoulder system tracking one purple, crescent-shaped Y-Wing while a manual arm blaster peppers the other. Both Neosapien craft explode, the distraction allowing Jumper a second's opportunity to turn the little Recon E-Frame around and let loose with its arm blaster - the last of the pursuing Y-Wings loses a wing and its main engine blows out.

"Engineers, you're in the clear." Jumper reports. "But hurry it up, you don't have all day."

You nod in satisfaction, briefly turning your attention to the other flank of the furball, where Joker, Morze and Plague Doc are retreating in pretty good order. "Concentrate fire on the outriders, they're going to zip right past us if we don't pay attention." Joker calls out, again. You smirk, thinking it's a little redundant, but all three ExoFleet E-Frames open fire - even Plague Doc, who doggedly chases his target down despite getting pelted by blaster fire from a ponderous, ovoid Amphi-Assault. You briefly lose track of what's going on - at that range, you'd have to zoom in really far and you don't really have the time to do that. Maybe you'll review it on the battle recordings later. But, the sensor contacts for the outriders wink out in rapid succession, and the Amphi-Assault breaks off temporarily as a missile launched by Morze's now-freed-up ExoFighter impacts it.

"Doc, are you ok?" you hear her ask. The Wraith's pilot offers no response other than a non-committal grunt. He's probably fine, just missing some comms gear and one of the control thrusters looks shot. Literally.

An attack warning brings your attention back to your situation. "Outrider on my tail, I can't shake him." you call out - Lestari is now effectively your wing, so she knows it's for her.

"On it." she replies, changing course. You judge how long you think she'll need, then break left, allowing her a perfectly clear line of sight on the pursuing Y-Wing, which quickly gets turned into purple Swiss cheese with a few glowing red hot splotches. "Amphi-Assault has missile locked on me, cannot evade." Lestari reports.

"On it." you reply, eager for the chance to return the favor. Your blaster rakes across the offending Amphi-Assault's flank, melting its missile launcher to slag, and you grin briefly, thinking you're in the clear. But the Amphi-Assault is a tough E-Frame, and the Neo pilot simply switches to blasters as he closes the range, taking a chunk out of the Sergeant E-Frame's left arm. "Goddammit, stay still!" you say in frustration as you temporarily lose target lock.

"Guiducci reporting. Looks like we've got engine restart! Thanks for the assist, Easy squad!" the frigate reports, giving you probably the first piece of good news you've heard since... well, since its engines were disabled. Now you just have to survive being swarmed from all sides by Neosapien-piloted E-Frames.

Operational Area Map:
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact

Amphi-Assault (M!)
Sensor Contact
Trooper A
Amphi-Assault (M!)
ExoFrigate Guiducci
Engineer A
Engineer B
Trooper B
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 5 turns, 7 for Guiducci)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn
[Secondary] Two repair actions on Guiducci's engines (2/2) [COMPLETED]

E-Frame Kill Board:
Falcon (Easy-One): 2x Outrider, 1x Stealth kill
Trooper A (Easy-Two): 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider, 1x Stealth kill
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four): 1x Amphi-Assault
Melee (Easy-Five): 1/2 HULL; 3x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven): 1x Outrider, 3x Stealth, 1x Y-Wing kill
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight): 2x Amphi-Assault, 1x Stealth, 2x Outrider kill
Trooper B (Easy-Nine): 1x Stealth, 2x Y-Wing kill

ExoCruiser Endeavor: 1x Stealth kill

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming System Disabled
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
System Disabled
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Trooper A
Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
System Disabled
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before

Trooper B
Pilot: David "Greenhorn" Kane
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target within one space.
Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 7
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Engineer A
-[X] Repair Engineer B Evade
-[X] Blue Move to F3

[X] Melee
-[X] Blue Move to F4
-[X] Red Fist Guiducci to move with it

[X] Trooper
-[X] Red Blaster Anything in Sight
-[X] Blue Move to E3

[X] Recon - Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
-[X] [BLUE] Move - F4 to F3.
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Overwatch preferably, except if there just so happens to be an active Hostile Contact on the adjacent tiles whilst at F3.
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile

[X] Engineer B - Joshua 'Josh' Walker
-[X] Recon asks for [RED] Repair for his [BLUE] Evade?

[X]Trooper B
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm fire on any enemies in range
-[X] [BLUE] to F3
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile

[X] falcon
-[x] Red triple blaster the amphi in c5
-[x] Blue move C3
-[x] gray order red melee

[X] Morze
-[X] [RED] Blaster Amphi in C4
-[X] [BLUE] Move C3
-[X] [GREY] Evade

[X] Wraith
-[X] Move back
-[X] Assist

Player Phase:

-Blaster vs C5 Amphi; blaster offline, 1/2 HP
-Move C4 -> C3
-Order: Red - Melee

-Blaster vs C4 Amphi; target destroyed
-Move C4 -> C3

Trooper B
-Blaster vs E4 Amphi; target destroyed
-Move F4 -> F3

-Move F4 -> F3
-Blaster Overwatch

Engineer B
-Move F4 -> F3
-Repair Recon/Evade

Engineer A
-Move F4 -> F3
-Repair Engineer B/Evade

-Move E4 -> F4
-Grab ExoFrigate

-Blaster vs C5 Amphi; target destroyed
-Move C4 -> C3
-Scan D4 x2, don't scan - rolls scan; rolls 11 - 3x stealth
-- (scan does not count as E-Frame entering space, no immediate attack)

Trooper A
-Blaster vs E4 Stealth; target destroyed
-Move E4 -> E3

Allied Phase:
ExoFrigate C3 -> C2
ExoCruiser main batteries vs D4 Stealth - target destroyed
ExoCruiser row 3 -> row 2
ExoFrigate + Melee F4 -> F3

Hostile Phase:
C4 Stealth vs Falcon/Exofighter/Wraith; rolls Wraith - Move disabled
D5 Amphi -> D4
All Sensor Contacts up by one row
New contacts in row 7

LCpl Nathanael "Nate" Weaver

The Neo Amphi-Assault chasing Lestari proves to be pretty tenacious - no matter what you try, you just can't get either a missile or a blaster lock. Then you frown, remembering that your particular E-Frame doesn't actually have missiles.

"Got you covered, Five!" comes an excited voice, and you flinch as you fly through an explosion, which is preceded by several blaster shots. Despite his over-exuberance, the greenhorn in the Trooper manages to get a good shot off at the distracted Neo - flying an evasive pattern against one E-Frame while pursuing another doesn't necessarily guarantee that it'll be effective against a third one coming at you from a different angle. Lestari's pursuer takes multiple penetrating hits and you let out a sigh of relief as you watch her feather the Sergeant's control thrusters - popping onto the accelerating Guiducci's hull, holding on to a grab-bar with the E-Frame's meaty fist.

"Morze, get this guy off my tail!" you hear your commanding officer order. It's a little too far away to see directly, but you quickly target the ExoFighter and watch its little wireframe representation twist and turn, then disgorge several blaster shots.

"Amphi-Assault destroyed, you're clear lead!" Morze reports.

"Good, now it's my turn." Joker says, a note of relief in his voice. Multiple blaster shots are projected on the other side of the battlefield and an actual explosion signals the end of another Amphi-Assault E-Frame. This leaves just one, and it's going to be out of range for a bit - you've got a breather.

The two engineer E-Frames use the opportunity to chatter about "re-routing power feeds" and other techno-babble - but a quick check of E-Frame status wireframes shows a couple of systems going from red to green. Pretty unusual for this fight, as far as you're concerned.

"Three contacts on sensor scan. Stealth-class E-Frames." Plague Doc calls out. "Six, five, four-thirty o'clock."

You briefly cut your main engine thrust to check. Yep, there's three of the bastards. But they didn't get quite close enough before being spotted. "Nice one, Doc.", you call out. The lock-on tone sounds and you let rip with one of your arm blasters, sending a shower of blaster shots at it and watching with satisfaction as it takes several hits to the center of mass and disintegrates. The Endeavor's point defenses fire at the second one, which essentially disappears. The third one, though...

"Well, fuck me." you hear Plague Doc state, a little more calmly than you'd expect, "Engines disabled."

Your skin gets cold and clammy as you look around the battlefield. Both the engineer E-Frames are on the other side of the battlefield, screwing around with their arc welders. By the time they get over there to give him a tow...

Operational Area Map:
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Trooper A
ExoFrigate Guiducci (1/2HP)
Trooper B
Engineer A
Engineer B
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
]Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 4 turns, 6 for Guiducci)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn
-Danger! Wraith immobilized!

E-Frame Kill Board:
Falcon (Easy-One): 2x Outrider, 1x Stealth kill
Trooper A (Easy-Two): 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider, 2x Stealth kill
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four): 1x Amphi-Assault
Melee (Easy-Five): 1/2 HULL; 3x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven): 1x Outrider, 3x Stealth, 1x Y-Wing kill
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight): 3x Amphi-Assault, 1x Stealth, 2x Outrider kill
Trooper B (Easy-Nine): 1x Stealth, 2x Y-Wing, 1x Amphi-Assault kill

ExoCruiser Endeavor: 2x Stealth kill

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming System Disabled
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
System Disabled
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Trooper A
Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
System Disabled
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before

Trooper B
Pilot: David "Greenhorn" Kane
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target within one space.

It took me a little time to figure it out, but it is currently still possible to prevent Plague Doc's E-Frame from getting plastered by whatever is hiding behind the 4x sensor contacts about to crawl all over C3. But it'll require some serious teamwork, and may involve a tradeoff or two.
Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 8
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Falcon
-[X] Triple blaster stealth
-[X] blue move D3
-[X] gray order red: eng b

[X] Recon - Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Overwatch preferably, unless there's a revealed Hostile Contact in the adjacent tiles, and prioritizing low HP enemy units.
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile

[X]Trooper B
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm fire on any enemies in range
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting fire on any enemies in range

[X] Morze
-[X] [BLUE] Move D3
-[X] [RED] Blaster amphi in D4
-[X] [BLUE] Evade

[X] Engineer A
-[X] Blue Move to E3
-[X] Red Grapple Engineer B to E3

[X] Melee
-[X] Blue Evade
-[X] Red Blaster anything

[X] Trooper
-[X] Red Blaster Amphi Assault
-[X] Blue Move to D3

[X] Wraith
-[X] Blaster C4
-[X] Gray - whatever helps

[X] Engineer B
-[X] rolled 4 - work with Engineer A to pull Wraith in

Player Phase:
-Blaster vs C4 Stealth; target destroyed
-Order: Red - Engineer B
-Move C3 -> D3

Engineer A
-Move F3 -> E3
-Grapple Engineer B F3 -> E3

Engineer B
-Move E3 -> D3
-[Order: Red] Blaster overwatch
-Grapple Wraith C3 -> D3

-Scan D4/E4 x2, rolls E4; rolls 3 - 1x Stealth
-Blaster vs D4 Amphi-Assault; 1/2 HP

-Move C3 -> D3
-Blaster vs D4 Amphi-Assault; target destroyed
-Gray Evade

Trooper A
-Blaster vs E4 Stealth; target destroyed
-Move E3 -> D3

-Blaster Overwatch
-Gray Evade

Trooper B, Melee
-No valid attack targets

Allied Phase:
-Engines "charging", will move next turn

Hostile Phase:
Contact D4 -> D3; rolls 8 - 2x Amphi-Assault
-D3 Amphi-Assault vs 2x each E-Frame/1x Endeavor, rolls Engineer B; Arm Blaster disabled!
-D3 Amphi-Assault vs 2x each E-Frame/1x Endeavor, rolls Engineer B; Repair disabled!
Contact E4 -> E3; rolls 13 - 3x Outrider
-D3 Outrider vs 2x each E-Frame, rolls Engineer B; Shoulder blasters disabled!
-E3 Outrider vs Engineer A; Mag-grapple disabled!
-F3 Outrider vs 2x each E-Frame/1x Guiducci, rolls Guiducci; hull damage!
2x Contact F4 -> F3; rolls 6, 2 - 3x Y-Wing total
-F3 Y-Wing vs locals, rolls Melee; evade negates attack
-F3 Y-Wing vs locals, rolls Recon; evade negates attack
-F3 Y-Wing vs locals, rolls Melee; evade disabled!
2x Contact G3 -> F3; rolls 9, 10 - 2x Outrider, 3x Y-Wing
-F3 Outrider vs locals, rolls Trooper B; evade negates attack

H3 Contact -> G3
All Other Sensor Contacts move up by 1

Recon vs Outrider; target destroyed
Engineer B shoulder blasters disabled, cannot counterattack

LCpl Nathanael "Nate" Weaver

As you rack your brain trying to figure out a tactical solution to the problem, you hear Em's voice cut through the clamor - "Josh, I'll slingshot you around. Go get Doc!"

"On it." Josh's deeper voice acknowledges. You grin - it's clever. Em can't increase Josh's maximum acceleration, but she can increase his current acceleration with a good yank.

"Eight, two, rally on me." Joker calls out, having apparently caught on to the plan. You watch him let loose with one of the Falcon's arm blasters, turning the last Stealth-class E-Frame into slag as it tries to finish Plague Doc off. The remaining Amphi-Assault vectors in their direction as well, but Morze cuts in the ExoFighter's main engines, intercepting the slower Neo E-Frame and raking it over with blaster fire.

A beep alerts you to an approaching contact as you move towards Joker's position - another Stealth. "Not this time, pal." you say, gritting your teeth and changing your flight vector ever so slightly. The lock-on tone sounds and the purple, humanoid E-Frame disintegrates under the tender mercies of one of your blasters - thankfully, you've got plenty of those.

"I gotcha, buddy." Josh calls out.

"Thanks." Plague Doc responds. "Watch your six."

You glance over - the next set of contacts, a group of fast-moving Outriders, have caught up to your formation, with a cluster of Y-Wings and more of the damnable Amphi-Assault E-Frames following close behind. You watch helplessly as Em gets winged by an Outrider that splits off from the main group, while the Amphi-Assaults focus their attacks on Josh. Several blaster shots hit the engineering E-Frame directly, but the pilot doggedly plods towards the cruiser, maintaining the mag-grapple hold on the disabled Wraith.

"Josh, you all right?" you call out.

"Yeah." he replies, his voice sounding strained. "Always wanted to see what it'd be like to fly without half my systems."

"Jumper here, we've got incoming. Guiducci's taking a beating." the Recon frame pilot reports. "Thanks for asking." he adds mirthlessly. "Endeavor, be aware that an Outrider got around us."

"Jeez, five, how's your frame even holding together?" the greenhorn asks during the pause.

"Just fine, thanks." Lestari replies.

Operational Area Map:
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Engineer B
Trooper A
2x Amphi-Assault
Engineer A
ExoFrigate Guiducci (1/2HP)
Trooper B
3x Y-Wing
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
]Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 3 turns, 5 for Guiducci)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn
-Danger! Wraith immobilized!

E-Frame Kill Board:
Falcon (Easy-One): 2x Outrider, 2x Stealth kill
Trooper A (Easy-Two): 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider, 3x Stealth kill
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four): 1x Amphi-Assault
Melee (Easy-Five): 1/2 HULL; 3x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven): 2x Outrider, 3x Stealth, 1x Y-Wing kill
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight): 4x Amphi-Assault, 1x Stealth, 2x Outrider kill
Trooper B (Easy-Nine): 1x Stealth, 2x Y-Wing, 1x Amphi-Assault kill

ExoCruiser Endeavor: 2x Stealth kill

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming System Disabled
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
System Disabled
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability

[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase

[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair System Disabled
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
System Disabled
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Trooper A
Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
System Disabled
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before

Trooper B
Pilot: David "Greenhorn" Kane
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target within one space.

Ok, NOW the Guiducci has hull damage.
Mission 4 - Screening Retreat - Turn 9
Raw Plan/Resolution:
[X] Falcon
-[X] Triple blaster amphi in d3
-[X] gray order red: Eng a

[X] Recon - Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Outrider in F4, otherwise any of the enemies in Column F prioritizing F2 if not just simply Overwatch.
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile

[X] Engineer B - Josh "Josh" Walker
-[X] Suggest on slowly towing Wraith towards the Endeavor with Magnetic Grapple (Move to D2 and Magnetic Grapple Wraith towards you) whilst launching missiles when able towards enemies in Column D when given a [GRAY] Order: Red.

[X]Trooper B
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm F4 Outrider
-[X] [BLUE] Move F2
-[X] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting F3

[X] Engineer A
-[X] Blue Move to D3
-[X] Red Repair Wraiths Move
-[X] Red Shoot Outrider on E3

[X] Melee
-[X] Charge F2
-[X] Red Blaster anything

[X] Trooper
-[X] Red Blaster Amphi Assault
-[X] Blue Evade

[X] Wraith (auto-drive)
-[X] Scan D4
-[X] Blast Targets

Player Phase:

-Blaster vs F4 Outrider; target destroyed
-Evade, Gray Evade

Trooper B
-Blaster vs F3 Outrider; target destroyed
-Auto-Blaster vs F3 Y-Wing; target destroyed
-Move F3 -> F2

-Blaster vs F3 Y-Wing; target destroyed
-Charge F3 -> F2; Fist vs F2 Outrider; target destroyed

Trooper A
-Blaster vs D3 Amphi-Assault 1; 1/2 HP (damaged system irrelevant)

-Blaster vs D3 Amphi-Assault 1; target destroyed
-Order: Red - Engineer A

Wraith (auto-pilot)
-Scan 2x C3/D4, rolls D4; rolls 4 - Amphi-Assault
-Blaster vs D3 Amphi-Assault 2; 1/2 HP

Engineer A
-Move E3 -> D3
-Blaster vs E3 Outrider; target destroyed
-Repair Wraith/Move

Engineer B
-Move D3 -> D2
-Mag Grapple Wraith D3 -> D2

-Blue: 2x stay/2x right/1x up; rolls right: Move D3 -> E3
-Red: Blaster vs outrider/amphi/y-wing; rolls D3 amphi, target destroyed
-Gray: Blue Evade/up; rolls evade

Allied Phase:
Endeavor defense batteries destroy D3 Outrider
Guiducci defense batteries destroy F3 Y-Wing
All Exofleet capital ships move up one row

Hostile Phase:
D4 Amphi 3x stay/1x left; rolls stay;
-Missile vs falcon/trooper/engineer, rolls falcon; Move disabled!

B2 contacts up/5x right, rolls right -> C2
C3 contacts -> D3; rolls 10, 3 - 3x Y-Wing, 1x Stealth -Stealth blaster vs falcon/trooper/engineer, rolls trooper A; attack negated by Evade
-D3 Y-Wing blaster vs falcon/trooper/engineer, rolls engineer A; Hull hit!
-D2 Y-Wing blaster vs Engineer/Wraith, rolls Wraith; Probe disabled!
B3 contact -> C3
C4 contact -> C3
E4 contact -> E3; rolls 7 - 2x Stealth;
-E3 Stealth vs Exofighter; attack negated by Evade
-E3 Stealth vs Exofighter; blaster disabled!
F4 contact -> F3; rolls stealth
-F3 stealth vs Recon; attack negated by Evade
G3 contacts -> F3; rolls 13, 11 - 3x stealth, 3x Outrider
-F3 stealth vs Recon; attack negated by Evade
-F3 Outrider vs Recon; Hull hit!
-F2 Stealth vs 2x melee/2x trooper B/2x frigate; rolls melee; Hull hit - E-Frame destroyed!
-F2 Outrider vs 2x melee/2x trooper B/2x frigate; rolls trooper B; right arm blaster disabled!

All other sensor contacts up by one
Melee survival roll, 1d10, target 6 (-4 systems hit, -2 hull hit): rolls 3; no dice

LCpl. Nathanael "Nate" Weaver

"Take out those missile boats!" you hear Joker order. "And get that damaged E-Frame clear so we can pull back."

You're personally impressed, normally he's "happy" to let the E-Frame jocks of Easy Squad do their own thing. But with everyone's E-Frame shot halfway to hell, it may require a more firm hand on things.

You and Joker split the difference on one of the Amphi-Assaults - your Trooper's blasters splash across the large E-Frame's flank. It turns to evade, straight into a triple stream of shots from the Falcon. The missile magazine catches one of the shots, causing half the E-Frame to disappear right away while you have to quickly engage one of your control thrusters to avoid pieces of the other half. "Nice try, pal." you call out to nobody in particular.

"Got the bastard!" Em calls out. "Now get on the flight vector I'm sending so I can restart your engines."

"Engines are inoperative, remember?" Plague Doc calls out, sounding fairly annoyed.

"Oh, right." Em replies. "Josh, you wanna adjust him?"

A burst of blaster fire comes from Plague Doc's direction as the two engineering E-Frames work on getting the Wraith out of the way and back into barely working order; an Amphi-Assault takes a few hits, then a few more hits from Morze's ExoFighter as she relocates to fill the gap between you and Jumper. The large E-Frame may be tough, but it's not that tough - it's engines give out and it begins tumbling, out of your line of sight and out of your mind.


"Greenhorn, Lestari, get back with the Guiducci." Jumper calls out. You briefly glance at the sensor map and cameras - Lestari, Jumper and the Greenhorn quickly dispatch the E-Frames surrounding them. Y-Wings and Outriders wink out at a prodigious rate. You smirk as, despite being shot all to hell, Lestari manages to put a fist through a fast-moving Outrider - you wonder if she managed to grab the Neo pilot from inside.

"That was awesome!" Greenhorn calls out.

"Stay focused, greenhorn." Lestari replies. Your smirk remains - you've kind of gotten used to her demeanor at this point. An attack warning distracts you, forcing you to give the control thrusters another burst to avoid a projected stream of purple blaster shots. You hear Joker grunt over comms, his E-Frame tumbling away from a rapidly dissipating explosion - likely a missile hit.

"Ugh. Great, now I'll need a tow." he comments.

"Hostiles flanking." Jumper reports. "Evade!"

"Shit, I've got one on me!" Greenhorn calls out. "Can't shake him, taking hits!"

This draws your attention, past the excessive firepower being projected by the Endeavor and Guiducci at a couple of Neo E-Frames, and towards the fellow Trooper E-Frame. The blasters-for-hands humanoid is pursued by another Outrider, which, along with another Stealth-class, has gotten around Jumper's blocking action.

"Make it count, greenhorn." Lestari replies, her voice still calm.

"I'm clear, thanks for the save, easy-five! Let me loop around, wanna send me a vector?" Greenhorn calls out. There's no response. "Five?"

You clench your jaw and close your eyes. Lestari's icon has winked out.

Operational Area Map:
Sensor Contact
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Engineer B

ExoFrigate Guiducci (1/2HP)
Trooper B

Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
3x Sensor Contact
Trooper A
Engineer A
2x Stealth
2x Stealth
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact

Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 2 turns, 4 for Guiducci)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn
-Danger! Falcon immobilized!

E-Frame Kill Board:
Falcon (Easy-One): 2x Outrider, 2x Stealth, 2x Amphi-Assault kill
Trooper A (Easy-Two): 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider, 3x Stealth kill
Wraith (Easy-Three): 1x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault kill
Engineer A (Easy-Four): 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider kill
Melee (Easy-Five): 1/2 HULL; 4x Outrider, 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Y-Wing kill
Engineer B (Easy-Six): 1x Outrider kill
Recon (Easy-Seven): 3x Outrider, 3x Stealth, 1x Y-Wing kill
ExoFighter (Easy-Eight): 5x Amphi-Assault, 1x Stealth, 2x Outrider kill
Trooper B (Easy-Nine): 1x Stealth, 3x Y-Wing, 1x Amphi-Assault, 1x Outrider kill

ExoCruiser Endeavor: 2x Stealth, 1x Outrider kill
ExoFrigate Guiducci: 1x Y-Wing kill

Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Gatling Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn

Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (4/6 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming System Disabled
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
System Disabled
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.

Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
1/2 HULL!
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available) System Disabled
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
System Disabled
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability

[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase

[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair System Disabled
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.

Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
1/2 HULL!
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight Ratio System Disabled
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.

Trooper A
Pilot: Nathanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile System Disabled
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
System Disabled
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.

Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (2/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before

Trooper B
Pilot: David "Greenhorn" Kane
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm System Disabled
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target within one space.
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