My Squad cant retreat because we need all the firepower we have to defend Guiducci and the Engineers next turn and they wont have the reach on E4 to defend from the F5 contacts.
@_Plague Doctor_ Could you put a probe on F6? It will improve our defense of Guiducci quite a bit cause Melee can only safely reveal one are per turn and next turn we wont have any slingshot for revealing. A probe on F6 will reveal the contacts that are on it now and the ones that will enter it next turn.
edit: or we could make it so that everyone in E5 moves back, trooper and melee destroys in the stealths, eng A and B repairs trooper A shoulder blaster thing, wraith missiles the stealth in F5 and maybe also throw a probe over there, but eh, not sure on that one,
and recon still destroys the stealths in G5
Getting the necessary repairs as they (those in E5) retreat back to E4 whilst taking out the enemies in E5 will be nice and doing repairs whilst next Turn both Engineers move to F4 to repair the Guiducci.
I.. will let the Recon hold F5 once more, taking out G5, though there's a risk of it you know? If F6 two Sensor Contacts spawns more than three units and/or onces that have up to one tile range then Guiducci might take a hull damage. If they're on the tile attackers though, I'd take that honestly. Though holding position this Turn means that the Engineers will safely be able to repair next Turn and Guiducci gets to move first before the Enemy/Hostile Phase. @_@;
[X] Recon - Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Attack any target within one space, if no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase. (Shoot at one of the Stealth units in G5, or any adjacent targets if those are taken out first, otherwise Overwatch.)
-[X] [RED] Missile (4/4 available) - Attack any target within line of sight. (Launch a missile towards one of Stealth units in G5, otherwise any targets in line of sight if those are destroyed beforehand.) (Extra [RED] action due to Falcon's [GRAY] Order: Red.
-[X] [BLUE] Evade - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
@_Plague Doctor_ Could you put a probe on F6? It will improve our defense of Guiducci quite a bit cause Melee can only safely reveal one are per turn and next turn we wont have any slingshot for revealing. A probe on F6 will reveal the contacts that are on it now and the ones that will enter it next turn.
The problem with this request is he needs LoS, and even then I'd advised against since if the hostiles spawned are Steallth or Amphi-Assault, that's unnecessary additional pressure to Recon. EDIT: Or even Outriders thinking about with their two-tile movement... @_@;
My Squad cant retreat because we need all the firepower we have to defend Guiducci and the Engineers next turn and they wont have the reach on E4 to defend from the F5 contacts.
Do a tactical retreat now to get some systems repair and do the usual Slingshot combo next turn? Making the two needed repairs into two seperate turns (Falcon does a [GRAY] Order: Red on Engineer A to allow usage of Repairs alongside Magnetic Grapple) will be too damning instead of doing two repairs in one turn to at least keep the pace moving. Due to the converging Sensor Contacts to Guiducci in general and the possibility of the western Sensor Contacts going eastwards. Though I guess it's up to you, and we'll just have to adjust accordingly. @_@;
EDIT2: I'm a bit worried about Lestari: you're sending her without any Evades so any Sensor contacts that roll unto Stealth units will probably end in disaster. @_@; Guess we'll find out and hopefully RNG isn't really -that- bad...
EDIT2: I'm a bit worried about Lestari: you're sending her without any Evades so any Sensor contacts that roll unto Stealth units will probably end in disaster. @_@; Guess we'll find out and hopefully RNG isn't really -that- bad...
The Slingshot is a vastly safer method of revealing enemies than any other except for the probe. If we dont reveal enemies ourselves then they will reveal themselves by entering our zone and attacking immedeatly.
Do a tactical retreat now to get some systems repair and do the usual Slingshot combo next turn? Making the two needed repairs into two seperate turns (Falcon does a [GRAY] Order: Red on Engineer A to allow usage of Repairs alongside Magnetic Grapple) will be too damning instead of doing two repairs in one turn to at least keep the pace moving. Due to the converging Sensor Contacts to Guiducci in general and the possibility of the western Sensor Contacts going eastwards. Though I guess it's up to you, and we'll just have to adjust accordingly. @_@;
I am worried about the Sensor contacts in E6 and F6. If I move back now without attacking E6 then well have undamaged 2 Sensor contacts in E5 and revealed and unhurt 2 sensor contacts in F5. There wont be enough firepower to clear all the contacts surrounding Guiducci.
The Slingshot is a vastly safer method of revealing enemies than any other except for the probe. If we dont reveal enemies ourselves then they will reveal themselves by entering our zone and attacking immedeatly.
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Engineer A
ExoFrigate Guiducci (E!)
Trooper B
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Trooper A
Engineer B
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Revealed, 2 Damage
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
I am worried about the Sensor contacts in E6 and F6. If I move back now without attacking E6 then well have undamaged 2 Sensor contacts in E5 and revealed and unhurt 2 sensor contacts in F5. There wont be enough firepower to clear all the contacts surrounding Guiducci.
Its probably better if Wraith probes C6 or something to make sure the western Frames can actually attack anything, theres only sensor contacts currently
Assuming that Recon takes no damage and that Guiducci will move immedeatly after repairs then this is the situation in 2 turns
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoFrigate Guiducci
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Falcon ExoFighter
D4 Wraith
2x Sensor Contact
Engineer A
Engineer B
Trooper A
Trooper B
2x Sensor Contact
Revealed(prob dead)
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Quite Speculative, take with a grain of salt the turn after that:
ExoFrigate Galileo
ExoCruiser Endeavor
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Falcon ExoFighter
2 Attacks
D3 Wraith
1 Attacks
ExoFrigate Guiducci
Engineer A
Engineer B
Trooper A(3 R)
Trooper B
Recon(1 R)
4 Attacks
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
and dead?
Sensor Contact
and dead?
2x Sensor Contact
5x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
2x Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
Sensor Contact
All damage should be repaired after that turn but I avoid the 5 Sensor contacts in F4 and proactively kill stuff before they can clump so much
Something we need to keep in mind is that we cant shoot Sensor contacts and we have only limited ways to reveal them without damage.
Wraiths scan is the only one without risk but he can only reveal one contact per turn and the probe is unique and permanent
The second best way is slingshot: It reveals a zone and the only threath is any stealth unit shooting back at Lestari
the third best is to tank the contacts with evades. But even 2Evade frames like ExoFighter and Recon are in danger of being overwhelmed by the appereance of more than two enemies, especially if they tank 2 contacts. There are a lot of results with 2 or more enemies on the table.
There is no fourth best way, if we fail to spot the contacts theyll just enter our zone and get a free attack
The right side speculation is almost correct, the left-side speculation is up in the air since you didn't mention the Sensor Contact in B5 going to the 'nearest' ExoFleet unit (there's no reason it'll go 'up' when there's an ExoFleet just right beside it) which is where Falcon and ExoFighter/Flight is on. The left side is something to worry about too as there's only two ExoFrames over there and almost x3 Sensor Contacts converging. So the latter graph (which is undefined for some reason) should be x3 Sensor Contacts rather than x2 Sensor Contacts.
@_@; It's almost tempting to ask them to hold that position to avoid Stealth shenanigans happening towards the Galileo despite the risks of more than four hostile units popping up. A conundrum since a similar thing might happen to the Galileo like that Guiducci. .-. And that means that we might end up needing to ditch one of the Frigates (if not morbidly both) since it'll take the Engineers awhile to reach Galileo via three turns, less with [GRAY] Order: Blue. And that's assuming a ship or ExoFrame isn't shot down. OTL
The right side speculation is almost correct, the left-side speculation is up in the air since you didn't mention the Sensor Contact in B5 going to the 'nearest' ExoFleet unit (there's no reason it'll go 'up' when there's an ExoFleet just right beside it) which is where Falcon and ExoFighter/Flight is on. The left side is something to worry about too as there's only two ExoFrames over there and almost x3 Sensor Contacts converging. So the latter graph (which is undefined for some reason) should be x3 Sensor Contacts rather than x2 Sensor Contacts.
@_@; It's almost tempting to ask them to hold that position to avoid Stealth shenanigans happening towards the Galileo despite the risks of more than four hostile units popping up. A conundrum since a similar thing might happen to the Galileo like that Guiducci. .-. And that means that we might end up needing to ditch one of the Frigates (if not morbidly both) since it'll take the Engineers awhile to reach Galileo via three turns, less with [GRAY] Order: Blue. And that's assuming a ship or ExoFrame isn't shot down. OTL
I didnt have B5 move right because our units will have left C5 by the time the sensor contact can move and the enemy likely prefers to surround us instead of merging into a giant deathball that can be easier avoided.
Engineers can reach the Galileo in 2 turns by boosting each other with grapples, but if they are spending red actions on grappling then they arent spending them on killing enemys :/
The second graph should work, im not sure why it doesnt show for you. maybe there was a problem because i was still editing it?
I'll probably not bother with the 'predictions' right now since it's hard to communicate via forums rather than real-time like in Discord or the likes. I kinda have to point out that Engineer B's Repair will most, if not definitely, likely negate your Trooper A's [BLUE] Evade so probably best to switch it to [GRAY] Low Profile if the 'Thrusters' System is the [GRAY] Low Profile you are referring to.
I'll probably not bother with the 'predictions' right now since it's hard to communicate via forums rather than real-time like in Discord or the likes. I kinda have to point out that Engineer B's Repair will most, if not definitely, likely negate your Trooper A's [BLUE] Evade so probably best to switch it to [GRAY] Low Profile if the 'Thrusters' System is the [GRAY] Low Profile you are referring to.
Im adding the low profile action. The Evade action is likely going to be negated, but if Engineer B doesnt want or cant repair me its going to be relevant and i dont have any other use for the blue action
Hmmm, as is well have to deal with b5 and c6 soon because we can only go so far back.
What if flight flies into b5 attacks what's there then after burns into b4.
With falcon and wraith supporting and fall back, if anything survives wraith can jam it.
But next turn we'll still have to deal with the 3 contacts in columns C and D.
Maybe have wraith scan the 1 sensor contact in D so we can deal hopefully deal with it.
And then have the 2 sensor contacts run into E4 and get activated.
probably just support tbh, I think the right side is handled atm, so like you, flight, and I could try to deal with at least one of the sensor contacts on this side.
Like focus on B5(flight goes in attacks and afterburns to B4), focus on B6(wraith scans it), or split focus between B5 (flight goes in) and D6(wraith scans) and hope for the best. Maybe the cruiser would attack attack something
hmmm, you moving to C5 would mean we'll be holding C5 with Falcon, wraith, and flight, if they afterburn back to C5 instead of to B4, for the next turn with only falcon having an evade.
I'm not sure if that's a great Idea with just the three of us because we don't have the firepower, or evasion, needed to deal with 4 sensor contacts. We'll definitely be getting hit unless we're lucky on rolls.
but I'll go ahead and update my actions for holding C5
edit: hmm, if we're holding C5, maybe it's best for flight to have the 2 evades instead of engaging B5 this turn.
I thought about it some. @_Plague Doctor_
since you're moving to C5, instead of scanning D6 could you scan C6 instead?
That way we all focus fire on C6 to hopefully damage/ destroy what shows up.
Flight will double evade instead of starting B5, we'll let B5 come to us and deal with what's left next turn.
[X] Recon - Ian 'Jumper' Lorenze
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Attack any target within one space, if no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase. (Shoot at one of the Stealth units in G5, or any adjacent targets if those are taken out first, otherwise Overwatch.)
-[X] [RED] Missile (4/4 available) - Attack any target within line of sight. (Launch a missile towards one of Stealth units in G5, otherwise any targets in line of sight if those are destroyed beforehand.) (Extra [RED] action due to Falcon's [GRAY] Order: Red.
-[X] [BLUE] Evade - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[X] Falcon
-[X] Blue: evade
-[X] Red: triple blaster- where it's needed most but prioritze enemies with 1 hp
-[X] Gray: Order Red- Recon
[X]Trooper B
-[X]Deploy E4
-[X] [BLUE] Move F4
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm F5
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile
[X] Engineer A
-[X] Magnetic Grapple Melee back to E5
-[X] Blue Move to E4
[X] Melee
-[X] Blue Charge E6
-[X] Red Blaster anything in E6 then E5
[X] Trooper
-[X] Red Blaster Stealth
-[X] Blue: evade
-[X] Grey Low Weight System
[X] Engineer B
-[X] Repuest Repairs to Nates Thruster system before he Moves to the damaged Frigate
[X] Recon
-[X] [RED] Blaster - Stealth units in G5 -> adjacent targets -> Overwatch
-[X] [RED] Missile (4/4 available) - Stealth units in G5 -> any targets in line of sight
-[X] [BLUE] Evade
-[X] [GRAY] Low Profile
A5 Sensor Contact -> B5
H5 Sensor Contact -> G5
All other sensor contacts move up one row
LCpl Nathanael "Nate" Weaver
"Let's try that again." you tell Josh, coaxing your misfiring control thrusters into changing your flight vector to what he's indicating.
"All right, gotcha." he replies, pulling up alongside your E-Frame. A gentle nudge from his control thrusters and an actual clang from the mag grapple attaches the two of your E-Frames pretty firmly.
While that's happening, you need to keep the bad guys off of you - so you line up a shot on one of the Stealths as it approaches to finish you off and blast the purple, humanoid, claw-footed E-Frame dead in the center of mass. Size-wise, it's not actually that much bigger than the Trooper you're flying - comparable to the Sergeant. Unlike baseline humans, though, Neosapiens are big enough that their arms literally go into the E-Frame's arms while their legs go into the legs. For them, it's almost like a jump trooper's suit. The reason this line of thought enters your head is that you punch a hole through the target's torso - and probably through the poor guy inside. "Buzz off, fella." you tell him. His wingman is annihilated by a cloud of blaster shots from the Endeavor's defensive batteries, so you're in the clear for the moment.
On the subject of Sergeant-class E-Frames, you get a good glimpse of Lestari flying forward and scattering a "small" formation of Neo E-Frames - a couple of Amphi-Assaults and a single Y-Wing. You're not sure why they call it a Y-Wing, it doesn't even look like a "Y". Instead, it's kind of crescent-shaped, with the pilot compartment in the middle of the crescent. Lestari chooses to focus her efforts on one of the Amphi-Assaults - raking her blaster shots across its upper surface - basically all cockpit glass, probably for peripheral vision. Granted, it's armored, but even Neos are subject to a reflexive dislike of cockpit breaches. This causes the Neo pilot to evade, close enough that she can shove the sergeant's laser cutter through the weakened cockpit armor. The battered Amphi-Assault corkscrews out of control before its engines blow out, even as Lestari is already pulled back by Em's magnetic grapple.
"Engaging flanking targets." Jumper reports, drawing your attention to his position - he bobs and weaves as a cloud of Y-Wings and Stealth E-Frames close in on his position, along with an Amphi-Assault sending a missile his way. The missile goes wide, having trouble locking on to the low-profile Recon E-Frame; a Y-Wing tries to get on his tail but is blasted apart.
"Hah, got him! You're clear, Easy-seven!" the new arrival calls out. This gives Jumper the chance to engage the Stealth E-Frames standing off at missile range - one takes multiple blaster shots, tumbling end over end. You imagine that if the pilot survived, he's probably puking his guts out all over the cockpit, given how fast it's spinning. The wingman simply eats a direct missile hit, evaporating.
You check your E-Frame's status readout - nothing seems to have changed so far. "Well?" you ask Josh, watching anxiously as a lone Y-Wing closes in on your decidedly non-evasive flight vector.
"Got it. Just had to re-route power through..." Josh begins.
"For pete's sake, just go!" you yell. The mag grapple clicks loose and you're able to fire your main thrusters just as the Y-Wing opens fire. Your E-Frame shudders as a blaster makes contact; a different control thruster winks out. "God dammit!" you yell as you do your best to evade and get yourself turned around so you can shoot back.
The turning gives you a quick glance at what's going on in Joker's half of the furball. The remains of two Stealth E-Frames float aimlessly as Morze and Plague Doc try to form up around your flight leader, who's getting pummeled - several near misses from Amphi-Assault-launched missiles shake his square-shouldered Falcon like a child's rattle toy - you can see a few components floating loose. Plague Doc is harried by an Outrider, the fast little craft's blasters winging the Wraith several times.
"We're taking a beating out here." Joker calls out, then grunts at another explosion. "Pull back and stay with the cruiser."
"Gee, Endeavor, thanks for sending the one E-Frame, that'll really help." Josh quips - looks like he got winged, too.
Mission Objectives:
All ExoFleet capital ships must reach row 0 (ETA 6 turns, mostly)
-capital ships will move up one row every two turns -critical alert: ExoFrigate Guiducci engines disabled!
[Secondary] All E-Frames must be in sector D0 or E0 on the final mission turn
[Secondary] Two repair actions on Guiducci's engines (0/2)
Pilot: Tom "Joker" Ward
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Triple Blaster
- Attack any target within one space. [] [RED] Gatling BlasterSystem Disabled - Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (10/10 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction [] [BLUE] EvadeSystem Disabled - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind
[] [GRAY] Order: Red
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [RED] action that they have not taken this turn
[] [GRAY] Order: Blue
- Designated other E-Frame may take an additional [BLUE] action that they have not taken this turn
Pilot: Christopher "Plague Doc" Stuart
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space. [] [RED] Missile (4/6 available)System Disabled - Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Deep Sensor Scan
- Reveal the contents of a sensor blip.
- If target is not in LOS, a random sensor blip along the projected line is revealed instead, or nothing
[] [GRAY] Comms Jamming
- Designated target is unable to move or fire this round.
[] [GRAY] Probe (1/1 available)
- Designate a space within line of sight. All sensor blips entering this space are automatically revealed going forward.
[] [GRAY] Target Guidance
- Designated target within line of sight may be targeted by missiles regardless of line of sight.
Engineer A
Pilot: Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space. [] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)System Disabled - Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
- Coordinated Fire: If used on "Melee" E-Frame, may use another RED ability instead of a BLUE ability
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Engineer B (note: will be driven by QM per player request, but suggestions can be made)
Pilot: Joshua "Josh" Walker
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Arm Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (4/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Magnetic grapple
- Move designated target (allied or hostile) within one space one space towards this E-Frame OR
- prevent designated target within one space from moving away OR
- pull self towards designated "large" target within one space (e.g. capital ship or shuttle)
[] [RED] Repair
- Re-enable one damaged system on any other E-Frame in the same space. Target cannot issue [BLUE] orders this turn.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction. [] [BLUE] EvadeSystem Disabled - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Pilot: Calista "Lestari" Wahyuni
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space. [] [RED] Shoulder BlasterSystem Disabled - Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Laser Cutter
- Attack any target in own space.
[] [RED] Fist
- Attack any target in own space OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Charge
- Move one space in the grid in any direction, the execute a Laser Cutter or a Fist
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
Pilot: Ian "Jumper" Lorenze
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
- If no target immediately available, will attack random target in own space after hostile action phase
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [RED] Claw
- Prevent designated target in own space from moving away OR
- grab a mission-critical object in own space (and move with it if it moves on its own)
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction. [] [BLUE] EvadeSystem Disabled - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind. [] [GRAY] Power-To-Weight RatioSystem Disabled - Move one space in the grid in any direction.
Trooper A
Pilot: Natanael "Nate" Weaver
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space. [] [RED] Shoulder BlastersSystem Disabled - Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind. [] [GRAY] Low ProfileSystem Disabled - Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic TargetingSystem Disabled - Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target.
Pilot: Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Missile (3/4 available)
- Attack any target within line of sight.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Afterburner
- Move one space in the grid in any direction OR negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Nimble
- Take any BLUE action that has not been taken before
Trooper B
Pilot: David "Greenhorn" Kane
Available Actions:
[] [RED] Blaster - Left Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Blaster - Right Arm
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [RED] Shoulder Blasters
- Attack any target within one space.
[] [BLUE] Move
- Move one space in the grid in any direction.
[] [BLUE] Evade
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Low Profile
- Negate the next incoming attack of any kind.
[] [GRAY] Automatic Targeting
- Fire the shoulder blasters at a randomly chosen target within one space.
I'm gonna give flight another red move, It might be better to destroy one of the three amphi's, preferably the one in B5, instead of the third outrider. and Have wraith jam the amphi in D5 while the three of us fall back.
Or instead of destroying an amphi, we destroy all three outriders and roll the dice on what system the amphi loses, if we're lucky we could disable it as well.
[X] Falcon
-[X] Blue: Move C4
-[X] Red: triple blaster- outrider in C5
-[X] Gray: Order Red- Flight