Does this take place in the same universe as Exodus BLACK?

  • Yea

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To be fair, I did too, but that was because I misunderstood something near the start and ran with it IC and OOC. (And things got a little heated when I called Grey out on it, but that was pretty much my fault.)

The good news is that y'all won't face a similar choiche this game.
I won't say "good to know", since it may just mean "Earth dies in fire but you guys didn't do it", but still.

FWIW, though I haven't been in on any of these Exodus games thus far, it looks fascinating/fun, and I really like the dual-thread premise you've got going on.
The big part that most of the other players didn't like was that is it was made mostly unilaterally; no one else besides the GM was aware I was carrying the LOADD's in the first place.

Well, that and Shane thought we had an honest to god chance of liberating the earth or that there would be some resistance pockets we could save after the fact. But that's shane for you.
Yeah, Shane always does that.
Exodus 5: Autumn of Mankind: the relevant post is linked. The World Ender in that game was the Scourge: a horde of monsters that outnumbered our fleet significantly. These monsters were going to get the earth and use the population as food and breeders. It was generally decided early in the OOC thread on that something must be done to deny the enemy our world and it's human resources, but no real discussion into how to do itwas put into it. At the end of the Evac phase I deployed Taiidani Low Orbit Atmospheric Deprivation Devices.
TBH i was thinking about the same, but with a nuclear BDZ being good enough rather than investing extra resources into this.
I was already preparing to salt the earth with radiation bombs, but I left the game before that happened.
After just a moment of observation, one piece of data sticks out, as the comms officer reports other fleets beginning their inter-flotilla speeches. I decide against making a speech for my own crew. They are, after all, just clones, created only for the purpose of performing their roles. Perhaps in the future they'll require motivational speeches, something to fight for, but for the moment, they're little more than machines.
Heh. Classic of you.
Give me a nudge when y'all have worked out the IC alliance stuff. Then the fun* starts.

*possibly in the Dwarf Fortress sense of the word.
First thing to do would be to convince the governments of the urgency of the situation...
Exodus 5: Autumn of Mankind: the relevant post is linked. The World Ender in that game was the Scourge: a horde of monsters that outnumbered our fleet significantly. These monsters were going to get the earth and use the population as food and breeders. It was generally decided early in the OOC thread on that something must be done to deny the enemy our world and it's human resources, but no real discussion into how to do itwas put into it. At the end of the Evac phase I deployed Taiidani Low Orbit Atmospheric Deprivation Devices.
Ahhh, Exodus 5, my first ever Exodus game! And the game which I fucked up the least, while getting the most shit done by double-crossing everyone on tech and info :rofl:

Speaking of which, sometimes I wish I got into White instead of Black. I mean, I love playing as something new, but I wanna see what happens when you smack a MAC, a Nova Cannon and a Corrosive Torpedo together.
Lights twinkle on the night side, although they look few and far between.
Which side is the night side now?

Looks like we have a post low to medium severity apocalyptic scenario Earth on our hands.
No wonder "governments cannot resist even if they wanted to".

So, we need recon. Both to find out what happened, and to know where to find lots of living people. Lots of recon. Planetary scale recon.

So, who's gonna scout out what areas? Cloak and Eternal might be limited in their recon capabilities due to having little to no atmo capable craft to do said recon.
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Which side is the night side now?

Looks like we have a post low to medium severity apocalyptic scenario Earth on our hands.
No wonder "governments cannot resist even if they wanted to".

So, we need recon. Both to find out what happened, and to know where to find lots of living people. Lots of recon. Planetary scale recon.

So, who's gonna scout out what areas? Cloak and Eternal might be limited in their recon capabilities due to having little to no atmo capable craft to do said recon.

General scans from space can be done by all of us, while some of us have enough fighters to do atmospheric recon; correction I've got enough disposable fighters to do the job if needs be.
So, who's gonna scout out what areas? Cloak and Eternal might be limited in their recon capabilities due to having little to no atmo capable craft to do said recon.
Make that just Eternal. Cloak might not have a huge amount of atmocraft, but he does have some, and Ark Mechanicus will have sensor arrays good enough to compensate for the rest.
correction I've got enough disposable fighters to do the job if needs be.
Self-guided ammunition, more like. Just be careful of that half-hour flight time.
Make that just Eternal. Cloak might not have a huge amount of atmocraft, but he does have some, and Ark Mechanicus will have sensor arrays good enough to compensate for the rest.

Self-guided ammunition, more like. Just be careful of that half-hour flight time.

We won't need long flight's; the orbital scanning can give us more than enough indication of major population centers, while comms may make overflight unnecessary
Make that just Eternal. Cloak might not have a huge amount of atmocraft, but he does have some, and Ark Mechanicus will have sensor arrays good enough to compensate for the rest.

Self-guided ammunition, more like. Just be careful of that half-hour flight time.

We won't need long flight's; the orbital scanning can give us more than enough indication of major population centers, while comms may make overflight unnecessary
Orbital scanning, in a chaotic scenario like this, will give... unsatisfactioning levels of information. It will give something, but we will definitely want more. Can't even count hidden\sheltered people properly, and there will be plenty of those.

We will certainly want ground recon missions in major population centers and in some samples of other areas in addition to that.
At least i'll be doing that. Dunno about you.
So, who is going to take care of what regions?
I kinda wish some of our scanning orders were processed, but that's fine I guess.
I will get scanning results up soonish. I should have known better than to start a major game while also going off one set of meds.
Which side is the night side now?
Midnight GMT. So call it from the eastern third of South America through the western half of India and Asia. All of Africa and Europe are on the night side.
Looks like we have a post low to medium severity apocalyptic scenario Earth on our hands.
The phrases "King Henry IX", "President Vilsack" and "Irrati Europa Aske" may be thrown about, yes. This should give you a rough idea of how bad things are while I try and get my head clear enough to write more than a handful of sentences.
The phrases "King Henry IX", "President Vilsack" and "Irrati Europa Aske" may be thrown about, yes. This should give you a rough idea of how bad things are while I try and get my head clear enough to write more than a handful of sentences.
So, Spain is less fucked up than rest of Europe, while USA and UK are several people down their line of leadership succession?