As long as you miss the part where building more of the "entirely new but not really" is orders of magnitude cheaper and more efficient than building more spaceships (unless a lot of number fudging in favor of spaceships is involved). And with time the exponential growth curve really leaves the nomad option behind, because the faster built groundside infrastructure can be quickly used to build even more of it. And once you have a crapload of that, you can use it to build space warships instead. And build them at a greater rate than the space nomads ever could.It's less of a limitation than being locked down to a single location, especially since the majority of our starting industry is already going to be in space to begin with.
Taking what we already have and building upon it sounds more workable to me than sitting down on a rock somewhere and building something entirely new.
So yeah, in short term nomad is tempting, because you get the mobility and the difference in economic output is minimal, but in long term it's basically stagnation in comparison to the alternatives. And in more pessimistic variant, it's post apocalyptic junk fleet that slowly falls apart and kills its inhabitants in accidents and shortages as they work tirelessly to fix the ancient ships up so that they don't fall apart for one more week.
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