[Exalted] The Last Daughter -- Dragon-Blooded Sorcery School Quest

Thank you thank you thank you. Such a load off my mind. Amiti is one of my two favorite cinnamon buns in fiction right now.

Amiti being friends with her Sidereal necromancer mentor is hilarious.

For your amusement, then:

"I'm at the part where the Anathema has kidnapped the hero and stolen his face, and now he's watching helplessly as it tries to use his face to seduce his wife, but their bonds of love are already too strong and she sees through the trick right away, and then there's a very exciting sword fight."

"Oh, my love, I knew you'd come!" says the monster, and Makon, unseen in the underbrush, can only strain helplessly against his bonds, shout a warning that is stifled by his gag. The creature's likeness to him is so great that he's certain he's about to witness the woman he loves taking a devil into her arms in his place.

But Virila only takes a step back, hand closing on the hilt of her daiklave. "What feeble trickery is this?" She says. "I see the corruption behind your eyes, Anathema. Did you really think I cannot recognise my own heart when it stand before me, or tell it apart from a perverse illusion?

Though thwarted, the beast's lips turn up into an uncouth grin that ill fits Makon's refined features, and it lets out a cackling laugh. "Such keen instincts, o Prince of the Earth!" It says, vicious mockery in every word. "But even if you can recognise 'your heart', by the mere fact that I stand before you so garbed, you must know that I have tasted his. He cried for you as I tore it from his chest."

Virila's blade comes free of its scabbard, and fire burns hot and angry in her eyes -- almost enough to dry the tears already filling them. The Anathema laughs again as it produces its own sword, silvery surface glowing profanely under the moonlight. Makon wishes only to warn his love not to heed its twisted lies. But he is still helpless to prevent the duel that must surely now transpire.
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[x] [Maia] Tell Maia what you know
Honesty for the win
[x] [Storyline] Flame and Frost
[x] [Storyline] Hard Lessons
Cmon, are we really gonna let Nalri get away with this? She tried to kill us!
Cmon, are we really gonna let Nalri get away with this? She tried to kill us!
No, but we have another year to make that a priority. Though to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why we can't just use the interlude after she graduates to hunt her down and feed her to Diamond Cut Perfection. Assuming she'll be sailing back to her home it feels like something Ambraea and DCP could pull off easy-peasy.
[X] [Maia] Tell Maia what you know
[X] [Storyline] Names and Nightmares

I cracked up so hard at that duel. Our girl does not miss.
No, but we have another year to make that a priority. Though to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why we can't just use the interlude after she graduates to hunt her down and feed her to Diamond Cut Perfection. Assuming she'll be sailing back to her home it feels like something Ambraea and DCP could pull off easy-peasy.
Is Ambraea the kind of woman to hunt down a fellow dynast and just like... ice her? Feed her to a dragon? Really?
Is Ambraea the kind of woman to hunt down a fellow dynast and just like... ice her? Feed her to a dragon? Really?
Ambraea is the kind of person training in the mastery of turning unfortunate mortals into decorative statues. I think she'll make an exception for the kind of person who sabotages important enchantments and endangers the lives of 2 of her close friends, a friendly acquaintance, as well as herself, over house rivalries and presumption of status. Let's face it, depending on how things shake down, the period of chaos ahead will see Ambraea standing on far shakier ground than this. The position she'll be put in with Sesus and Tepet alone.

Granted, that's just something I'm suggesting. A sorcerous duel where she is humiliated and temporarily turned to stone for a year or so is a fitting punishment also, if harder too arrange.
Now in her forties, Lohna is a trusted and reliable servant of the Imperial Household, and with her service in raising Ambraea no longer required, she'd been given other work.
I find myself wondering to what extent The Empress is familiar with the idea that Lohna might, in some ways, feel like an adoptive mother to Ambrea
"I don't think she entirely notices how strange it all is, anymore," Peony says. She has begun to suspect that this is the largest reason for sorcerers having such a well-earned reputation for strangeness. Just sheer exposure to spirits and other oddities until they forget how alarming it all is. She thinks of Diamond-Cut Perfection, with their insufferable over-familiarity, and their dangerous capacity to make one forget what exactly they are.
Yes, truly, Sorcerers dwell amidst all manner...
the Empress, though, is terrifying.
... all manner of things which strike dread within the hearts of right-minded mortals everywhere...
[x] [Maia] Tell Maia what you know
*shrugs* Voting honesty here on principal. We could most likely overcome it with time, and get through the... "second thoughts"... phase of dealing with this, but that would likely take a while, and during that while, there would be an awkwardness hanging over our head, so meh...
[x] [Storyline] Best Served Cold
[x] [Storyline] The Serpent Thief
Ugh, politics... . If we are to be respected for our mastery of... "terrifying hermitry"... then we require sufficient terror. Leaving one who, via intent, endangered our person, to be seen to leave unscathed? Unacceptable!
Also. Amity is adorable as ever, so I kinda feel like I can vote whimsically without fear of any non-Amity votes thriving.
I find myself wondering to what extent The Empress is familiar with the idea that Lohna might, in some ways, feel like an adoptive mother to Ambrea
It's entirely normal for Dynasts to have that kind of relationship with the servants who raised them most directly. Ambraea is definitely not the Empress's first kid, and she would be very familiar with the social dynamics at play. Her "parenting style" is more or less the model for them in the Dynasty at large.
[X] [Maia] Tell Maia what you know
[X] [Storyline] The Serpent Thief
Also. Amity is adorable as ever, so I kinda feel like I can vote whimsically without fear of any non-Amity votes thriving.
You'd think that would be the case, but Amiti was just as cute last time and still lost to the Deizel Cringe. SV maintains a sufficient degree of unpredictability in it's votes. Also, it's not like voting whimsically means you can't whimsically vote for Amiti as well as those two.
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As we are at the point where we know what Deizil's current name and pronouns are, I would ask that we try to avoid deadnaming or misgendering this character in conversation from this point onward.