X. The Lioness and the Viper
X. The Lioness and the Viper
"Your plan?" Sei asks, flicking his tail.
"I need to get behind her," you whisper, more to yourself than to Sei.
And fortunately, you have something that's entirely expendable and loyal. It's quick to set up with the golem, and then you creep into the room on silent bare feet, keeping low. You retreat into the shadows under the oversized table, where the flickering light from the braziers doesn't reach.
Heavy feet echo down the hallway, utterly unmistakable for anything else. And then there is a scraping sound along with it. A sound that sounds a lot like a heavy blunt weapon like a goremaul being dragged along the ground.
You see the goddess Yanbu twitch, and you smile. She looks around wildly. "Ma-Ti, is that you?" she calls out. Your smile is vicious as you watch her take the bait. Oh ho ho, is there someone she's expecting? You just wanted her to run to protect her domain, where she could be blindsided by the viper already lurking inside. "You came back! For me!"
She seems to have forgotten entirely about Amigere, who's up against the bars of his cage, listening attentively. He can just stay put, until you heroically rescue him - and are hopefully lavishly rewarded with his attention for having put so much effort into saving his skin.
Yanbu rushes to the stairs that lead to the grand door, her sandals clattering against the stone floor. Your eyes narrow. You'll need to time this just right.
She's at the base of the first stone step when the golem appears through the doorway, dragging a bit of broken pillar behind it. You can see the shock and outrage from her posture. "Who are you?" she demands. The fires flare up, burning more brightly. "You shouldn't be-"
On your bare feet, you're barely noticeable when the golem is making its clattering approach and the goddess's attention is focussed on it.
You step in behind her, driving your right hand into her right armpit. Your fingers tear her her shabby robe. Spiritual venom surges into her flesh, and she screams in pain, staggering forwards. You snap in for a second blow…
… but no, she's twisting around and you miss the sacral chakra you were aiming for. There's still a grunt of pain, but you step back, keeping your guard up, rather than risk a counter-attack.
"You!" she snarls, blue eyes much more human than the rest of her face. "He sent you, didn't he?"
You… have no idea who this mad old goddess is talking about. Stepping back, you keep both hands raised, mimicking the viper's warning stance. "I'm just here for justice," you say. "You stole my man."
She's hurting, but she's got her hands raised too. Damn. She's strong enough that your venoms haven't immobilised her arm. Oh, you can see the limited mobility in her right arm. It pains her to move it, and so you should focus on that side. But you'd hoped that it would cripple her.
"Your lust profaned my temple!" she says, voice rumbling with hatred. "You dared strike me!"
This is grotesquely unfair. It's not even like you meant to do it. This time. It's not even like you meant to do it this time. "Your temple was already a ruin," you instead say. "I didn't even know it was one! And of course I struck you! Begone, godling. Give him back and maybe I'll spare you."
"I will have recompense for all you have taken from me, dragon-child!" she screams in your face.
You laugh at her. "Of course not! A forgotten godling like you holds no authority over me!" You step in, shawl scooped over your left elbow so it waves when you rock your hand back and forth. It's not a true Distracting Peahen Stance, but it's motion she has to follow. "Golem, come! Kill her!"
It slowly advances, and she swings at you. The fight begins in earnest.
Your right hand flicks in, but she bats your hand out of the way with her forearm. Your bare feet squeak on the stone as you shift, wary of your weaker leg. You have to cover that you always keep one side facing her, because you can't lunge off that side. Her stance is defensive, too. She's old, tired, and out of shape.
This, you think with gritted teeth, isn't a fight any of your masters would like to see. You probably both look pathetic.
But that's fine. The golem's heavy footsteps are a countdown, the beat of a drum until it's there and she has to fight two foes at once. You don't need to take risks - you can take advantage of the pressure on her.
She whips her hand around, in a telegraphed palm strike. You don't even try to block it - you don't want to let her connect - and give up the ground. Your flick with your left hand is more to deny her space than strike her. You're watching her, taking in her style as she tries to push you back, away from the stairs.
Her posture hovers just at the edge of familiarity. There's some Snake Style in it, but rather than keeping her spine rigid and channeling blows from a solid grounding, she's twisting and turning - coiling, even. Her open palms move defensively to bat away your strikes, and when she punches she twists her torso to direct force from her spiral motions.
Clearly she's watching you too. "So like a Viper to be treacherous," she growls. Sinking low, gathering spiralling strength into her core she explosively strikes the air with her palm - and it ripples. The sudden gust takes you in the stomach and tosses your shawl, and you stumble back, gasping from the gut punch. Nausea rushes over you; sweat beads on your brow. She's taking the chance to close in, alternating sides - but ah, favouring her left. She wants to strike with that arm. Heat at your back tells you she's trying to force you up against one of the braziers.
"Your style is… is unfamiliar," you observe, shifting your retreat as you bend your knees. Gather your strength. "Though there are some aspects that remind me… hmm. Some Southern mountain-dwelling sna-hai!"
Your banter was a ruse. You explode forwards with a kiai, fingers seeking her heart.
She twists just enough that you miss where they were aiming, and instead strike her breastbone. Her skin is harder than a mortal man's, and pain flares in your hand. And now you're overextended. She's on you, gripping your arm at the joint, her other arm around your neck. Her hot breath is on your ear; her drool drips on your bare shoulder.
Just a bit longer. Your stupid slow golem is nearly here.
"Do you know how long I've suffered because of you dragon-children?" she growls. She's stronger than you. Even aged, even withered, even half-mad; she's stronger than you. Your golem is coming and it's not fast enough. "How many years of torment I've suffered. This land was great. I remember the Anam. I remember the candles on the river; the cotton in the fields; the temples roofed in gold. You keep on coming back, dragon-child. Time and time again." She works your arm joint against itself, and your eyes fill with tears from the pain. "Every time you come, I am lessened. I hurt. I lose someone I love. You are an affliction. A curse upon-"
You slam your heel into her instep. It's not Viper; it's not Peacock. No, it's one of the defence moves that Graceful Willow style teaches, and it might not be respected as one of the Great Schools by Cheraki society nor be entitled to its own tattoos, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Yanbu's grip loosens, and that's enough for you to twist in her hold. She certainly doesn't expect you to slam your envenomed fingertips into her right side, but her scream of pain as your hand comes away bloody is so satisfying.
But she's done her damage too. Your left arm is already swelling up, and it protests whenever you bend it. You work through the pain and punch her again and again, striking where your poison is tearing her flesh apart, until she casts you away just to escape.
You hit the ground hard, and the impact jars your weak leg. You don't roll properly, face screwed up with pain, as your world spins. With a solid kick, the goddess overturns the soot-blackened brazier and its coals spill out onto onto you.
A scream tears from your lips as you desperately roll away from rolling red-hot coals and skittering embers. Each impact jars your left elbow and tears blur your eyes. You can smell burning hair. It's you. Against bare flesh, the coals are agony. Your shawl starts to smoulder, but - thank the Dragons - it doesn't catch. Your breath rasps in your lungs. Strands of your hair have escaped from the bun, and fall, sticky and sweat-soaked, in front of your eyes.
Stomach muscles protesting, you pull yourself upright. Your skin is speckled with burns - minor ones, thankfully, but it's bad and could have been much worse.
Teeth gritted, you back away from the fire covering the ground. That's not friendly to bare feet.
Yanbu reaches out with one hand, concentrating hard. Her face screws up. Something starts to form in her left hand, collapsing in out of the air. It's a short spear, made from water. Your skin feels dry and taut.
"So," you gasp, "making… making that weapon… from water in the air. Nice trick. What are you, a nymph?"
She doesn't answer. She's moving more slowly than she did before, but now she has a spear. That's bad. That's very bad. The range alone is awful for you.
But she can't focus on you right now. The golem is here, dragging its masonry, and it swings at her. She doesn't try to parry that heavy lump of stone. Instead, the goddess leaps back, and the floor cracks where she stood. Balancing up on a fallen pile of scrolls, she levels the spear at its head.
And then gasps, as she recognises the face it wears. "Monster!" she yells at you. Or maybe at the golem, as it swings again, this time aiming at her legs. The goddess jumps over its swipe, but it hits the pile, tossing up ancient parchment and dust. With a fierce war-cry, Yanbu lunges down. Her water-spear cracks the golem's chest, but it feels no pain. One statue-like fist closes on the spear, forcing it away.
The goddess leaps back again, up onto one of the high tables. With a hiss of breath, she reforms the head of her spear. And then she screams - just as you feel a sudden whompth of heat behind you.
Because the fire is spreading. The hot coals have ignited the scattered parchments, and they've been carried onto other piles of debris.
Ancient tinder-dry paintings catch ablaze, their abstract shapes becoming red and orange and black smoke. The flames crawls across delicate paper icons and devour flaky silks. And then it's into the wall hangings, and the tapestries are being consumed.
Yanbu screams, a hateful, rage-filled noise. "This is your fault, souleater!" she roars at you. Like a fish in the river, she flips over the coals. She lands heavily, but doesn't rebalance herself. Instead, she breaks into a headlong charge, neglecting defense entirely as she tries to gut you.
Only your training saves you; your training and your well-honed flexibility. Her first lunge goes through your shawl, rather than your heart and you twist closer to her as she wastes her rage upon your feathers. Up close she doesn't have the advantage of reach and you grab her spear with both hands, trying to twist it out of her grasp despite the pain in your arm. She doesn't do what you expect; instead, she drops the weapon and knees you hard in your weak leg. Your vision greys with pain and you fall.
This time you roll with the impact, despite the spikes of pain from your burns. Despite that, the spearhead is less than a hand away from your face when it descends, splintering stone.
"This is your fault! They're burning!" she screams, stabbing again and again. The air is hazy with smoke and the crackle of flames. If you weren't currently desperately trying not to be stabbed with a spear, you would be appreciating the irony that what is threatening most to end your life is water.
You are not appreciating it, because of the aforementioned spear made out of stabby stabby water.
The spear comes down again, spraying you with shards of stone. Twisting your legs around, you hook them around her feet and yank. Yanbu goes down, and you stagger away, gasping for breath. She is also panting as she pulls herself to her feet.
"Look at me, god… godling," you wheeze, hands on your thighs. "You… you can't win this."
"You're weak, dr-dragon-child. Weak and soft," she gasps, levering herself upright with her polearm.
And the golem is behind her. Its marble arms close around her. She doesn't let go of her spear, but it traps her arms.
"I don't need to!" you call out. You're not quite as out of breath as you acted. But you're still thankful that the golem is here. "Crush her like a bug!"
The goddess screams as the golem tightens its grip. She tries to fight, but there's no mercy in this stone grip. It clenches tighter and tighter, and she screams, her water-spear collapsing into mist.
… no, it's not the only thing that's collapsing into mist. Her whole body comes apart, and then she's behind the golem. Her spear lunges, piercing it through the shoulder. The entire arm is cleaved straight from its stone body, and she spins into a kick that knocks it to the ground. Then her spear is raised, and she pins your golem to the ground like a bug. She steps away, spear buried in its body. The stupid thing tries to pull itself to its feet, but with only one arm, the pillar of water holds it there.
Yanbu pants, a mad look in her blue eyes. Blood drips from her mouth. "See that, sorceress! See what your soul-slaves are worth!" She closes on you, robes stained with her own blood, hands raised more to throttle you than in a formal fighting school. "You will pay for your sins! Oh, you will! Usurper, traitor to the order of heaven and-"
You whip your shawl around you, a Peacock School technique if there ever is one, but the straight hand which comes out from behind the fabric is pure Viper. Your biting right hand jabs her in the armpit again, and this time the spray of blood tells you that she's weakening.
"Oh my, you look lopsided," you say, smirking. "Look at you. Are you sure you don't want me to do the other side?"
Red stains her tattered robe; her arm hangs useless by her side. Her leonine face is twisted in agony. "Profane coward," she snarls. "Poison and treachery. If you had any honour…"
You whip your shawl off, tossing it in her face. She swipes at it, tearing it from the air, but in that moment of distraction you're in close. So close you can smell her stink, feel the air brush against your face from her flailing arms. Your hands lash out, jabbing points in her torso with your fingertips. Each blow is accompanied by a surge of venom from your fingertips into her flesh, and when you step back your fingers are stained green. Your left elbow is a dull ache; your jaw aches; your muscles burn with the spiritual exertion of so many venomous strikes.
She gasps, blood splattering from her mouth. It sprays across the filthy floor. She falls to her knees. The red is spreading; across her torso, dripping from her mouth, from the wound in her back and under her armpit.
The goddess's breath comes in shallow gasps. She clutches at her stomach, but only with her left arm.
"Do you know how vipers hunt?" you tell her. You shape off your hands, flicking droplets of poison to the ground. It sizzles on the filthy stone. "And what their venom does? It's not like other snakes, you see. My poison doesn't paralyse. My poison hurts. My poison makes you bleed. My poison eats you alive. You're probably trying to will your wounds closed right now." You smile sweetly. "It's not working, is it? Where I've struck you, your so-called divine flesh is falling apart. You're tough. You had to be to last so long. But each strike is adding more and more poison. One didn't kill you. Hmm. How many has this been, again?"
She snarls at you. Or possibly gasps in pain. Probably both. You circle to her right, back-lit by the flames, and bring your foot in to slam her face into the ground. If she was a human, you'd have broken her nose.
"That's… that's it," you observe, bare foot on the back of her neck. You grind her face into the stone. "You made your choice."
"Oh, thank the gods!" Amigere called out. "Please, please, get me out of here! She was going to eat me! And the fire is getting closer."
You glance back at him. Yes, you probably should do that. "Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about it, darling," you say. You're probably a mess right now, sweaty and burned and bleeding, but you appreciate the way he looks at you. In fact, you revel in it. "Now, once I've dealt with thi-"
The wave of power burns your foot and you flinch back. You feel it in your gut. There's something in her mouth, and a discarded silk wrapper in front of her.
Okay, perhaps gloating was a miscalculation. Not necessarily one made by you - because it's clearly a sign of this goddess's intemperance and petty nature that such jibes spur her like this - but still, maybe it should not have been done.
Backing away, feeling the ache in your limbs, you watch warily for any more tricks. You're too tired to rush in; too tired and sore. And so you can't secure the kill, not when she's suddenly fresh with power.
The goddess stands before you. Her skin is marble; her fur is no longer patchy and mangy; her blue eyes are clear. She stands upright. Even the wounds you inflicted on her close into glowing scabs. Your venom is still in there, but this surge of power is allowing her to resist the way it tears her apart.
It is a display of strength.
It is also a display of weakness. And you know it. If she had the strength to fight like this without a terrible cost to herself, she would have used it earlier.
"What was that?" you ask, backing away. "Some drug? Some gift from a former lover? Some drabs of ambrosia you've been hoarding for centuries?"
She doesn't respond. Drawing water from the air, she condenses another spear. It's shorter than the last one. The fires that reflect off her skin are drying the air out.
"Well, it doesn't matter," you say. "To me, that is. Obviously it matters to you. You desperate old hag-lioness. But from my point of view, this isn't going to change how things go."
You grit your teeth, and pulse with the same force that tells an acorn to become an oak. Your hair blows in an unseen gale, unravelling itself from its rough bun and waving freely. Alpine flowers start to grow between the dark strands, twining around them. Under your bare feet, flowers and grass start to grow. The plant-based inks in your tattoos start to glow, writhing under your skin. The jade in your necklace sheds its own five-coloured light.
And a bright green aura wraps around your whole body, the same colour as your eyes.
You take a step forwards. The meadow follows you. It numbs the pain in your body; your left elbow doesn't hurt; you don't feel the burns. You'll pay for it later, of course. You won't be able to sustain it for too long. Not when you're already tired. But she is using stolen power. This is your blood.
She has roused a dragon.
"Listen to me, petty godling," you say. "Someone just like me sacked your fortress and left your temple a ruin. You made a mistake when you stole my man. You made a mistake when you stood up to me."
You exhale a breath, like the north wind blowing through mountain pines.
"There are two ways this can end, godling. Will you kneel before me?" You pause, for the length of a breath. Fire lights your features, but the green glow around you is stronger. "Or will you be knelt?"
Yanbu backs away. There's a look in her eyes; fear, resentment, hatred. She should. That line was from a speech from Ferem Odat Rini, your great grandmother, given to invading Northern barbarians. They did not kneel. She knelt them.
"I will not kneel before you dragon-children," she growls. "Not again. I… won't. Soul-thief. Blasphemer. Monster."
You smile at her, as beautiful as a rose and as sharp as the thorn. "Names won't hurt me. Not like I'll hurt you."
"Your plan?" Sei asks, flicking his tail.
"I need to get behind her," you whisper, more to yourself than to Sei.
And fortunately, you have something that's entirely expendable and loyal. It's quick to set up with the golem, and then you creep into the room on silent bare feet, keeping low. You retreat into the shadows under the oversized table, where the flickering light from the braziers doesn't reach.
Heavy feet echo down the hallway, utterly unmistakable for anything else. And then there is a scraping sound along with it. A sound that sounds a lot like a heavy blunt weapon like a goremaul being dragged along the ground.
You see the goddess Yanbu twitch, and you smile. She looks around wildly. "Ma-Ti, is that you?" she calls out. Your smile is vicious as you watch her take the bait. Oh ho ho, is there someone she's expecting? You just wanted her to run to protect her domain, where she could be blindsided by the viper already lurking inside. "You came back! For me!"
She seems to have forgotten entirely about Amigere, who's up against the bars of his cage, listening attentively. He can just stay put, until you heroically rescue him - and are hopefully lavishly rewarded with his attention for having put so much effort into saving his skin.
Yanbu rushes to the stairs that lead to the grand door, her sandals clattering against the stone floor. Your eyes narrow. You'll need to time this just right.
She's at the base of the first stone step when the golem appears through the doorway, dragging a bit of broken pillar behind it. You can see the shock and outrage from her posture. "Who are you?" she demands. The fires flare up, burning more brightly. "You shouldn't be-"
On your bare feet, you're barely noticeable when the golem is making its clattering approach and the goddess's attention is focussed on it.
You step in behind her, driving your right hand into her right armpit. Your fingers tear her her shabby robe. Spiritual venom surges into her flesh, and she screams in pain, staggering forwards. You snap in for a second blow…
… but no, she's twisting around and you miss the sacral chakra you were aiming for. There's still a grunt of pain, but you step back, keeping your guard up, rather than risk a counter-attack.
"You!" she snarls, blue eyes much more human than the rest of her face. "He sent you, didn't he?"
You… have no idea who this mad old goddess is talking about. Stepping back, you keep both hands raised, mimicking the viper's warning stance. "I'm just here for justice," you say. "You stole my man."
She's hurting, but she's got her hands raised too. Damn. She's strong enough that your venoms haven't immobilised her arm. Oh, you can see the limited mobility in her right arm. It pains her to move it, and so you should focus on that side. But you'd hoped that it would cripple her.
"Your lust profaned my temple!" she says, voice rumbling with hatred. "You dared strike me!"
This is grotesquely unfair. It's not even like you meant to do it. This time. It's not even like you meant to do it this time. "Your temple was already a ruin," you instead say. "I didn't even know it was one! And of course I struck you! Begone, godling. Give him back and maybe I'll spare you."
"I will have recompense for all you have taken from me, dragon-child!" she screams in your face.
You laugh at her. "Of course not! A forgotten godling like you holds no authority over me!" You step in, shawl scooped over your left elbow so it waves when you rock your hand back and forth. It's not a true Distracting Peahen Stance, but it's motion she has to follow. "Golem, come! Kill her!"
It slowly advances, and she swings at you. The fight begins in earnest.
Your right hand flicks in, but she bats your hand out of the way with her forearm. Your bare feet squeak on the stone as you shift, wary of your weaker leg. You have to cover that you always keep one side facing her, because you can't lunge off that side. Her stance is defensive, too. She's old, tired, and out of shape.
This, you think with gritted teeth, isn't a fight any of your masters would like to see. You probably both look pathetic.
But that's fine. The golem's heavy footsteps are a countdown, the beat of a drum until it's there and she has to fight two foes at once. You don't need to take risks - you can take advantage of the pressure on her.
She whips her hand around, in a telegraphed palm strike. You don't even try to block it - you don't want to let her connect - and give up the ground. Your flick with your left hand is more to deny her space than strike her. You're watching her, taking in her style as she tries to push you back, away from the stairs.
Her posture hovers just at the edge of familiarity. There's some Snake Style in it, but rather than keeping her spine rigid and channeling blows from a solid grounding, she's twisting and turning - coiling, even. Her open palms move defensively to bat away your strikes, and when she punches she twists her torso to direct force from her spiral motions.
Clearly she's watching you too. "So like a Viper to be treacherous," she growls. Sinking low, gathering spiralling strength into her core she explosively strikes the air with her palm - and it ripples. The sudden gust takes you in the stomach and tosses your shawl, and you stumble back, gasping from the gut punch. Nausea rushes over you; sweat beads on your brow. She's taking the chance to close in, alternating sides - but ah, favouring her left. She wants to strike with that arm. Heat at your back tells you she's trying to force you up against one of the braziers.
"Your style is… is unfamiliar," you observe, shifting your retreat as you bend your knees. Gather your strength. "Though there are some aspects that remind me… hmm. Some Southern mountain-dwelling sna-hai!"
Your banter was a ruse. You explode forwards with a kiai, fingers seeking her heart.
She twists just enough that you miss where they were aiming, and instead strike her breastbone. Her skin is harder than a mortal man's, and pain flares in your hand. And now you're overextended. She's on you, gripping your arm at the joint, her other arm around your neck. Her hot breath is on your ear; her drool drips on your bare shoulder.
Just a bit longer. Your stupid slow golem is nearly here.
"Do you know how long I've suffered because of you dragon-children?" she growls. She's stronger than you. Even aged, even withered, even half-mad; she's stronger than you. Your golem is coming and it's not fast enough. "How many years of torment I've suffered. This land was great. I remember the Anam. I remember the candles on the river; the cotton in the fields; the temples roofed in gold. You keep on coming back, dragon-child. Time and time again." She works your arm joint against itself, and your eyes fill with tears from the pain. "Every time you come, I am lessened. I hurt. I lose someone I love. You are an affliction. A curse upon-"
You slam your heel into her instep. It's not Viper; it's not Peacock. No, it's one of the defence moves that Graceful Willow style teaches, and it might not be respected as one of the Great Schools by Cheraki society nor be entitled to its own tattoos, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Yanbu's grip loosens, and that's enough for you to twist in her hold. She certainly doesn't expect you to slam your envenomed fingertips into her right side, but her scream of pain as your hand comes away bloody is so satisfying.
But she's done her damage too. Your left arm is already swelling up, and it protests whenever you bend it. You work through the pain and punch her again and again, striking where your poison is tearing her flesh apart, until she casts you away just to escape.
You hit the ground hard, and the impact jars your weak leg. You don't roll properly, face screwed up with pain, as your world spins. With a solid kick, the goddess overturns the soot-blackened brazier and its coals spill out onto onto you.
A scream tears from your lips as you desperately roll away from rolling red-hot coals and skittering embers. Each impact jars your left elbow and tears blur your eyes. You can smell burning hair. It's you. Against bare flesh, the coals are agony. Your shawl starts to smoulder, but - thank the Dragons - it doesn't catch. Your breath rasps in your lungs. Strands of your hair have escaped from the bun, and fall, sticky and sweat-soaked, in front of your eyes.
Stomach muscles protesting, you pull yourself upright. Your skin is speckled with burns - minor ones, thankfully, but it's bad and could have been much worse.
Teeth gritted, you back away from the fire covering the ground. That's not friendly to bare feet.
Yanbu reaches out with one hand, concentrating hard. Her face screws up. Something starts to form in her left hand, collapsing in out of the air. It's a short spear, made from water. Your skin feels dry and taut.
"So," you gasp, "making… making that weapon… from water in the air. Nice trick. What are you, a nymph?"
She doesn't answer. She's moving more slowly than she did before, but now she has a spear. That's bad. That's very bad. The range alone is awful for you.
But she can't focus on you right now. The golem is here, dragging its masonry, and it swings at her. She doesn't try to parry that heavy lump of stone. Instead, the goddess leaps back, and the floor cracks where she stood. Balancing up on a fallen pile of scrolls, she levels the spear at its head.
And then gasps, as she recognises the face it wears. "Monster!" she yells at you. Or maybe at the golem, as it swings again, this time aiming at her legs. The goddess jumps over its swipe, but it hits the pile, tossing up ancient parchment and dust. With a fierce war-cry, Yanbu lunges down. Her water-spear cracks the golem's chest, but it feels no pain. One statue-like fist closes on the spear, forcing it away.
The goddess leaps back again, up onto one of the high tables. With a hiss of breath, she reforms the head of her spear. And then she screams - just as you feel a sudden whompth of heat behind you.
Because the fire is spreading. The hot coals have ignited the scattered parchments, and they've been carried onto other piles of debris.
Ancient tinder-dry paintings catch ablaze, their abstract shapes becoming red and orange and black smoke. The flames crawls across delicate paper icons and devour flaky silks. And then it's into the wall hangings, and the tapestries are being consumed.
Yanbu screams, a hateful, rage-filled noise. "This is your fault, souleater!" she roars at you. Like a fish in the river, she flips over the coals. She lands heavily, but doesn't rebalance herself. Instead, she breaks into a headlong charge, neglecting defense entirely as she tries to gut you.
Only your training saves you; your training and your well-honed flexibility. Her first lunge goes through your shawl, rather than your heart and you twist closer to her as she wastes her rage upon your feathers. Up close she doesn't have the advantage of reach and you grab her spear with both hands, trying to twist it out of her grasp despite the pain in your arm. She doesn't do what you expect; instead, she drops the weapon and knees you hard in your weak leg. Your vision greys with pain and you fall.
This time you roll with the impact, despite the spikes of pain from your burns. Despite that, the spearhead is less than a hand away from your face when it descends, splintering stone.
"This is your fault! They're burning!" she screams, stabbing again and again. The air is hazy with smoke and the crackle of flames. If you weren't currently desperately trying not to be stabbed with a spear, you would be appreciating the irony that what is threatening most to end your life is water.
You are not appreciating it, because of the aforementioned spear made out of stabby stabby water.
The spear comes down again, spraying you with shards of stone. Twisting your legs around, you hook them around her feet and yank. Yanbu goes down, and you stagger away, gasping for breath. She is also panting as she pulls herself to her feet.
"Look at me, god… godling," you wheeze, hands on your thighs. "You… you can't win this."
"You're weak, dr-dragon-child. Weak and soft," she gasps, levering herself upright with her polearm.
And the golem is behind her. Its marble arms close around her. She doesn't let go of her spear, but it traps her arms.
"I don't need to!" you call out. You're not quite as out of breath as you acted. But you're still thankful that the golem is here. "Crush her like a bug!"
The goddess screams as the golem tightens its grip. She tries to fight, but there's no mercy in this stone grip. It clenches tighter and tighter, and she screams, her water-spear collapsing into mist.
… no, it's not the only thing that's collapsing into mist. Her whole body comes apart, and then she's behind the golem. Her spear lunges, piercing it through the shoulder. The entire arm is cleaved straight from its stone body, and she spins into a kick that knocks it to the ground. Then her spear is raised, and she pins your golem to the ground like a bug. She steps away, spear buried in its body. The stupid thing tries to pull itself to its feet, but with only one arm, the pillar of water holds it there.
Yanbu pants, a mad look in her blue eyes. Blood drips from her mouth. "See that, sorceress! See what your soul-slaves are worth!" She closes on you, robes stained with her own blood, hands raised more to throttle you than in a formal fighting school. "You will pay for your sins! Oh, you will! Usurper, traitor to the order of heaven and-"
You whip your shawl around you, a Peacock School technique if there ever is one, but the straight hand which comes out from behind the fabric is pure Viper. Your biting right hand jabs her in the armpit again, and this time the spray of blood tells you that she's weakening.
"Oh my, you look lopsided," you say, smirking. "Look at you. Are you sure you don't want me to do the other side?"
Red stains her tattered robe; her arm hangs useless by her side. Her leonine face is twisted in agony. "Profane coward," she snarls. "Poison and treachery. If you had any honour…"
You whip your shawl off, tossing it in her face. She swipes at it, tearing it from the air, but in that moment of distraction you're in close. So close you can smell her stink, feel the air brush against your face from her flailing arms. Your hands lash out, jabbing points in her torso with your fingertips. Each blow is accompanied by a surge of venom from your fingertips into her flesh, and when you step back your fingers are stained green. Your left elbow is a dull ache; your jaw aches; your muscles burn with the spiritual exertion of so many venomous strikes.
She gasps, blood splattering from her mouth. It sprays across the filthy floor. She falls to her knees. The red is spreading; across her torso, dripping from her mouth, from the wound in her back and under her armpit.
The goddess's breath comes in shallow gasps. She clutches at her stomach, but only with her left arm.
"Do you know how vipers hunt?" you tell her. You shape off your hands, flicking droplets of poison to the ground. It sizzles on the filthy stone. "And what their venom does? It's not like other snakes, you see. My poison doesn't paralyse. My poison hurts. My poison makes you bleed. My poison eats you alive. You're probably trying to will your wounds closed right now." You smile sweetly. "It's not working, is it? Where I've struck you, your so-called divine flesh is falling apart. You're tough. You had to be to last so long. But each strike is adding more and more poison. One didn't kill you. Hmm. How many has this been, again?"
She snarls at you. Or possibly gasps in pain. Probably both. You circle to her right, back-lit by the flames, and bring your foot in to slam her face into the ground. If she was a human, you'd have broken her nose.
"That's… that's it," you observe, bare foot on the back of her neck. You grind her face into the stone. "You made your choice."
"Oh, thank the gods!" Amigere called out. "Please, please, get me out of here! She was going to eat me! And the fire is getting closer."
You glance back at him. Yes, you probably should do that. "Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about it, darling," you say. You're probably a mess right now, sweaty and burned and bleeding, but you appreciate the way he looks at you. In fact, you revel in it. "Now, once I've dealt with thi-"
The wave of power burns your foot and you flinch back. You feel it in your gut. There's something in her mouth, and a discarded silk wrapper in front of her.
Okay, perhaps gloating was a miscalculation. Not necessarily one made by you - because it's clearly a sign of this goddess's intemperance and petty nature that such jibes spur her like this - but still, maybe it should not have been done.
Backing away, feeling the ache in your limbs, you watch warily for any more tricks. You're too tired to rush in; too tired and sore. And so you can't secure the kill, not when she's suddenly fresh with power.
The goddess stands before you. Her skin is marble; her fur is no longer patchy and mangy; her blue eyes are clear. She stands upright. Even the wounds you inflicted on her close into glowing scabs. Your venom is still in there, but this surge of power is allowing her to resist the way it tears her apart.
It is a display of strength.
It is also a display of weakness. And you know it. If she had the strength to fight like this without a terrible cost to herself, she would have used it earlier.
"What was that?" you ask, backing away. "Some drug? Some gift from a former lover? Some drabs of ambrosia you've been hoarding for centuries?"
She doesn't respond. Drawing water from the air, she condenses another spear. It's shorter than the last one. The fires that reflect off her skin are drying the air out.
"Well, it doesn't matter," you say. "To me, that is. Obviously it matters to you. You desperate old hag-lioness. But from my point of view, this isn't going to change how things go."
You grit your teeth, and pulse with the same force that tells an acorn to become an oak. Your hair blows in an unseen gale, unravelling itself from its rough bun and waving freely. Alpine flowers start to grow between the dark strands, twining around them. Under your bare feet, flowers and grass start to grow. The plant-based inks in your tattoos start to glow, writhing under your skin. The jade in your necklace sheds its own five-coloured light.
And a bright green aura wraps around your whole body, the same colour as your eyes.
You take a step forwards. The meadow follows you. It numbs the pain in your body; your left elbow doesn't hurt; you don't feel the burns. You'll pay for it later, of course. You won't be able to sustain it for too long. Not when you're already tired. But she is using stolen power. This is your blood.
She has roused a dragon.
"Listen to me, petty godling," you say. "Someone just like me sacked your fortress and left your temple a ruin. You made a mistake when you stole my man. You made a mistake when you stood up to me."
You exhale a breath, like the north wind blowing through mountain pines.
"There are two ways this can end, godling. Will you kneel before me?" You pause, for the length of a breath. Fire lights your features, but the green glow around you is stronger. "Or will you be knelt?"
Yanbu backs away. There's a look in her eyes; fear, resentment, hatred. She should. That line was from a speech from Ferem Odat Rini, your great grandmother, given to invading Northern barbarians. They did not kneel. She knelt them.
"I will not kneel before you dragon-children," she growls. "Not again. I… won't. Soul-thief. Blasphemer. Monster."
You smile at her, as beautiful as a rose and as sharp as the thorn. "Names won't hurt me. Not like I'll hurt you."
Article: To Punish A Spirit
[ ] Confine Her - You know her name, and you know the secrets of the wyldwoods. If you can lure her into a circle of vegetation - or maybe fire - you can trap her down here and leave her to rot. And she will stay here, confined, until this sanctum falls apart. A fitting punishment.
[ ] Lessen Her - The gods of creation are granted power and authority by the laws of Heaven. If you defeat her, you can force her to surrender her position as a goddess in return for sparing her life. And her divine panoply will take form as an item of power for you.
[ ] Devour Her - Her soul will be yours - one mightier than the petty house spirit you claimed. There are many uses for that. She can regret her fate, trapped within your necklace. This will have the side-effect that the sanctum will start to fall apart, as no gods remain within it.
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