[Exalted/SMT] Shard of a Broken Sun

The locals have a lot of infrastructure and knowledge already as well, maybe considering options that they can help complete instead of doing it all yourself might work? Certainly putting part of the effort towards a team can help.
Found it, hmm, that could work, though I'm leery of actively blasting the offender in the process over Purity of Madness nullifying it. The blast would make it fairly obvious there is a hostile force, while the negation would make it seem more like a malfunction.
10 limit to limit break with no way to bleed the limit off.

motes can be regained.

Also, purity of madness protects a single shaping effect on a single item per limit, while fond remembrance awesomeness negates shaping attacks on yourself and EVERY OWNED OBJECT in 5xcompassion yards per activation.

Honestly, the only advantage PoM has is that it doesn't cost motes, for the rest it is objectively inferior.
xenondestroyer said:
10 limit to limit break with no way to bleed the limit off.
To clarify, there's no limit break - Amu is not subject to the great curse. Instead she'll "just" lose a point of willpower for a month.

Let's see, update update: Expect the update in a few hours.
Baughn said:
To clarify, there's no limit break - Amu is not subject to the great curse. Instead she'll "just" lose a point of willpower for a month.

Let's see, update update: Expect the update in a few hours.
I do not think so. Limit Break was originally built-in by Autochthon as a form of mental defensive mechanism. Only when the Neverborn cursed the Exalted Host did the Great Curse used a loophole in the Limit Break system of all Exaltion Shards to infest all current and future Exalted. Limit Break should still exist then.

Sorry. I was wrong.
Durabys said:
I do not think so. Limit Break was originally built-in by Autochthon as a form of mental defensive mechanism. Only when the Neverborn cursed the Exalted Host did the Great Curse used a loophole in the Limit Break system of all Exaltion Shards to infest all current and future Exalted. Limit Break should still exist then.
Wrong. Limit was originally designed to just cause Exalted to lose a point of permanent Willpower for a month if it hit ten. The Limit Break thing is Solely because of the Neverborn.
Darik29 said:
Wrong. Limit was originally designed to just cause Exalted to lose a point of permanent Willpower for a month if it hit ten. The Limit Break thing is Solely because of the Neverborn.

I really should stop to take seriously some of the less-serious Exalted RP's on this site.
I have one more idea, which is more of an elaboration of previous ideas, as to how we could solve the immediate problem. Developing an analogue/upgrade to the following charm could help protect the Dragon Seal from metaphysical crushing attacks, making it necessary for physical measures to be taken in order to bring it down.

The charm doesn't exist yet, but it's the kind of thing that would be really helpful in the current situation.
Shards of the Exalted Dream said:
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Lore 4, Essence 2;
Type: Simple (Speed 3 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

Most Solar programmers develop signatures in their code, undeniable marks of their presence. With this Charm, an Exalt can turn that sign into a beacon of hope for an ailing computer program, sheathing it in a bulwark of his undeniable name and purpose. This Charm modifies a program that is beset by a computer virus or similar malicious software, arresting the effects of the virus so that it causes no more harm. If the malicious software is iterative, the shield lasts for (Solar's Essence) days; after that time, the same shield cannot work against the same virus again. If the virus is simpler than that, the program is shielded indefinitely, allowing the Solar to deal with the invasive program at his leisure.

In places like the Grand Celestial Mountain, where computer code is personified as spirits, this Charm can negate or arrest all Crippling, Poison or Sickness effects in one of those characters. Doing so changes this Charm's duration to Indefinite, requiring that the motes be committed.
You know, there's something on the character sheet that I didn't pay much attention to at first, but might actually be important here.
Appropriate skills, when bought, may be assigned to the Chara instead of Amu proper and will be treated as favoured for the purposes of XP cost and training time. Any skill the Chara currently has is appropriate, otherwise look to their theme..
Someone mentioned a Charm that might work, but Amu couldn't get it due to being a bit short on Integrity(and trying it without said point would lead to Interesting Times). Amu doesn't favor it, but would Miki potentially fit the bill?

While on the general topic; Miki only has two listed skills, and Su and Dia have three apiece. Given that Ran has six, I'm assuming the others have hidden/untapped talents. I don't know them well enough to judge, but does anyone else have any thoughts on what to look for?
Baughn said:
To clarify, there's no limit break - Amu is not subject to the great curse. Instead she'll "just" lose a point of willpower for a month.

Let's see, update update: Expect the update in a few hours.
I would like to add that without the curse suppressing virtues doesn't build limit, only charms that grant limit as part of their effect. The original purpose of the limit track is to prevent mind-crush type effects from making exalts comatose or primordial slaves.

Also why are people acting like we can get infernal charms?

I get that our soul structure is kind of Yozi like but even then that would make us a new primordial not a infernal exalt. That would mean that we get to make our own primordial charmset not have access to that of other Yozi. The charmset would be focused around Amu's themes which would likely included the Sun, Perfection, Skill, Dreams, Chara, and Compassion. Arguably we have already started with the Chara charms as I don't think a normal solar would be capable of making charms for interacting with their own Subsouls.
cyberswordsmen said:
I would like to add that without the curse suppressing virtues doesn't build limit, only charms that grant limit as part of their effect. The original purpose of the limit track is to prevent mind-crush type effects from making exalts comatose or primordial slaves.

Also why are people acting like we can get infernal charms?

I get that our soul structure is kind of Yozi like but even then that would make us a new primordial not a infernal exalt. That would mean that we get to make our own primordial charmset not have access to that of other Yozi. The charmset would be focused around Amu's themes which would likely included the Sun, Perfection, Skill, Dreams, Chara, and Compassion. Arguably we have already started with the Chara charms as I don't think a normal solar would be capable of making charms for interacting with their own Subsouls.
I'm pretty sure the GM said we can get Infernal Charms a few pages back.
The GM also said our Exaltation was Infernalized at some point, and then restored to a Solar template along with the memory loss.

And Amu's soul structure actually resembles that of a proto-primordial. That being said, there are undoubtedly... Consequences to recklessly bolting on Infernal Charms without a great deal of study.
Her main theme is more Growth than Perfection, really.

And yeah, you were an infernal exaltation at some point. The charms are still there, but:
  • They're badly corrupted.
  • The Yozi are not around, so a lot of them wouldn't work even if they weren't.
Might as well sort that thing I was rambling about earlier.

Known favored abilities and descriptive blurbs from the wiki.

Amu(Pre-Exaltation): Occult

Ran(Cheerleader): Athletics, Performance, Archery, Thrown, Dodge, Awareness
"She represents Amu's desire to be more honest and athletic."

Miki(Artist): Craft(Wood/Air), Stealth
"She represents Amu's desire to be cool, artistic, and also disobedient and level-headed."

Su(Domestic): Craft(Water), Socialize, Medicine
"She represents Amu's desire to be more caring and improve her domestic skills."

Dia(Pop Idol/???): Presence, Craft(Magatsuhi), Spec: Craft(Reality)
"She represents the radiance that emits from Amu's heart and her desire to be an idol like Utau."

Unassigned: Craft(Various), Martial Arts, Melee, War, Larceny, Integrity, Resistance, Survival, Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Investigation, Lore

So six for Ran and three each for the others. Given that these were Amu's dreams about stuff she wanted, but didn't have, I'm going to take a guess that none of them would have Occult; and I would imagine that there's little-to-no overlap between Charas. Martial Arts/Melee/War are likely out, given that Amu had no real desire or inclination to learn that stuff.

Making some guesses, hopefully I'm not too far off the mark.

Miki: Integrity(Levelheaded?), Larceny(Disobedient, already has Stealth), Resistance? Maybe another Craft skill? Can't remember what some of them did.

Su: Survival? Bureaucracy?

Dia: Linguistics, maybe? Might overlap Socialize with Su.
Baughn said:
Her main theme is more Growth than Perfection, really.

And yeah, you were an infernal exaltation at some point. The charms are still there, but:
  • They're badly corrupted.
  • The Yozi are not around, so a lot of them wouldn't work even if they weren't.
I got perfection from the solar exaltation. Growth does make sense as something inherent to Amu though it synergies with her dreams thing she has going with the Chara.

Strictly speaking the Infernals can only use a Yozi's charm if the Yozi decided to allow them. That would suggest that a Yozi being permanently killed would make the charms no longer available. So if the Yozi are gone so their charms should have gone with them even if we were still and infernal exaltation.

Remaining Primordial essence combined with Amu's preexisting nature would likely allow for her to do her own lower essence version of path of the devil-tiger though. She kind of already has with the original charms we've picked up.
In any case, even corrupted, fond remembrance of adrian and purity of mind are the best fit for the situation. Some weird one use combo of them would be ideal.
Huh. If Amu's exaltation was Infernal at one point, then is it possible for her to redevelop as a Devil Tiger?

This world could Use a Primordial 2.0. And in the absence of all other Exalted, Incarnae, Gods, Yozi, and all the rest (except the fae,) shouldn't becoming a Primrdial be our next long term priority? Or he'll, seeing if we can't resurrect Auto-kun.