[Exalted, ?] Most High

[X] Plan Cavalier
[X] Sublime Grace of Mela
[X] Third Circle-tier Combatant with secondary War focus
I just noticed that voting for like this make the vote counter count the votes twice, as it looks what Cavalier has voted from your "Plan Cavalier" -vote, after which it adds what your other votes. Confusing as hell.

I'm honestly unsure how this would work the best. But @Cavalier, if you want people to vote for your plan and not just for "Mela/3CD" you would would have to vote for "Plan Coup the Realm", so that the vote counter (and me) won't get even more confused, I think?

EDIT: Apparently, even if the vote counter adds the name twice, it doesn't add the vote twice to the number of total votes. So, the problem isn't as bad as I though, but still pretty confusing. :confused:
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But then we can't get more possibility of cute scenes of Moon awkwardly attempting to be a "mother" for our daughters
Uh, we already have one 'daughter.' I kinda want Moon to live to be cute in the future, y'know? Center of a bloodbath with the Dynasty's best and brightest, it's not exactly a safe place to be. Sublime lets Moon establish a Dynasty, but Ice Dragon lets her survive to rule it. Also, fight the weather and be a literal Winter Empress 'n stuff.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Sublime Grace of Mela
No. of votes: 34
TheOtherSandman, Alectai, Random Asian Person, cyberswordsmen, CrawlingChaos74, Robotninja, CharlBaal, Da Boyz, Thomasfoolery, CrossyCross, Diller, Ridiculously Average Guy, VanusDraco, sithmor, mrttao, Emerald Oracle, Celestrail, Cavalier, Algalon, SirLagginton, Wing101, trekbook, cb_urk, wingstrike96, Vitaris, Dark Lord Bob, Savonarola, Mannan, Khaos, Elero, Reckless_Sun, meianmaru, 1986ctcel, inawarminister

[X] Blossom of the Ice Dragon
No. of votes: 6
AZATHOTHoth, Anasurimbor, Serous, Vitaris, Savonarola, useofstrike32

[X] The Star-Crowned Dragon of Heaven
No. of votes: 4
Algalon, SirLagginton, Wing101, wingstrike96

[X] Double-buff Moon
No. of votes: 2
Darklord., Orm Embar

[X] Third Circle-tier Combatant with secondary War focus
No. of votes: 12
CrossyCross, Diller, Cavalier, Anasurimbor, cb_urk, useofstrike32, Mannan, Khaos, Elero, Reckless_Sun, meianmaru, 1986ctcel

[X] 3ed tier spirit specced for war to defend the north
No. of votes: 4
CharlBaal, VanusDraco, mrttao, trekbook

[X] 3CD Combat
No. of votes: 1

[X] War Machine
No. of votes: 1

[X] Third Circle to Paper over the cracks of the North from deactivating the pole and spread Ulyssian's Might to another direction of Creation
No. of votes: 1
Emerald Oracle

[X] Personal Combat Power
No. of votes: 5
Random Asian Person, CrawlingChaos74, Robotninja, sithmor, Dark Lord Bob

[X] 3CD working for information acquisition to both give us intel on our enemies and fuel prophesies.
No. of votes: 1
Uh, we already have one 'daughter.' I kinda want Moon to live to be cute in the future, y'know? Center of a bloodbath with the Dynasty's best and brightest, it's not exactly a safe place to be. Sublime lets Moon establish a Dynasty, but Ice Dragon lets her survive to rule it. Also, fight the weather and be a literal Winter Empress 'n stuff.

I'm quite sure our cute combat-specced 3CD daughter will do her best protect one of her father's important people plus iirc we should have that evocation/charm that lets us defend others by parrying attacks with Ambition.
And a vote tally with all the different varitions of combat 3CD and what to do with it condensed to one package.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Sublime Grace of Mela
No. of votes: 34
TheOtherSandman, Alectai, Random Asian Person, cyberswordsmen, CrawlingChaos74, Robotninja, CharlBaal, Da Boyz, Thomasfoolery, CrossyCross, Diller, Ridiculously Average Guy, VanusDraco, sithmor, mrttao, Emerald Oracle, Celestrail, Cavalier, Algalon, SirLagginton, Wing101, trekbook, cb_urk, wingstrike96, Vitaris, Dark Lord Bob, Savonarola, Mannan, Khaos, Elero, Reckless_Sun, meianmaru, 1986ctcel, inawarminister

[X] Blossom of the Ice Dragon
No. of votes: 6
AZATHOTHoth, Anasurimbor, Serous, Vitaris, Savonarola, useofstrike32

[X] The Star-Crowned Dragon of Heaven
No. of votes: 4
Algalon, SirLagginton, Wing101, wingstrike96

[X] Double-buff Moon
No. of votes: 2
Darklord., Orm Embar

[X] Third Circle-tier Combatant with secondary War focus
No. of votes: 19
CrossyCross, Diller, Cavalier, Anasurimbor, cb_urk, useofstrike32, Mannan, Khaos, Elero, Reckless_Sun, meianmaru, 1986ctcel, CharlBaal, VanusDraco, mrttao, trekbook, Serous, Thomasfoolery, Emerald Oracle

[X] Personal Combat Power
No. of votes: 5
Random Asian Person, CrawlingChaos74, Robotninja, sithmor, Dark Lord Bob

[X] 3CD working for information acquisition to both give us intel on our enemies and fuel prophesies.
No. of votes: 1
[X] Sublime Grace of Mela
[X] Blossom of the Ice Dragon

Hm, it appears I forgot to vote for what I was arguing for. Anyway, I would far prefer giving Moon Ligier-level powers over nuclear winter (a suitable substitute for nuclear hatefire) to just popping out another combat construct.
I'm quite sure our cute combat-specced 3CD daughter will do her best protect one of her father's important people plus iirc we should have that evocation/charm that lets us defend others by parrying attacks with Ambition.
Soooo we're essentially making a bodyguard for Moon? That'll interfere with her duties as an assassin. Why not just let Moon fend for herself, since she's got the power to do it? Or she will, if we give it to her.
Yeah, but it didn't specify which buffs. Speaking of which, if those Star-Crown people would like to come over to our camp, it'd be much appreciated. It's nice and chilly here.
You may also choose to [ ] Double-buff Moon, though that is inadvisable as Mela does not canonically posses the Winter Empress' level of ice-related powers.
This would seem to imply it is automatically Mela/Ice Dragon.
Soooo we're essentially making a bodyguard for Moon? That'll interfere with her duties as an assassin. Why not just let Moon fend for herself, since she's got the power to do it? Or she will, if we give it to her.

I meant that Uly and our new daughter construct between the two of them can likely keep Moon safe from any lethal attacks that she can't dodge or block herself while in the middle of that huge battle to kill off all those Dynasts (and thats only if we bring Moon with us).
Why indeed would anyone prefer to have two more top-tier combatants instead of just one more top-tier combatant? It's like you fools aren't even blinded by the power of the Waifu.
It's really weird how many hoops people are trying to jump through to make another construct. Building a concealment mode detracts from her potential as a combatant by splitting her focus and will probably result in a construct that's around Consort-level anyway, if we have to optimize her to be a Trojan horse and not a pure combatant. We don't have enough money to do a combat construct made of jade, and if we need to delegate our assassin to protect Moon, what's the point of having one? I mean, shit, the Consort is supposedly as strong as Ahlat, who is the strongest enemy with stats in the core book. She's already deadly. Why does she need to be replaced at all?
It's really weird how many hoops people are trying to jump through to make another construct. Building a concealment mode detracts from her potential as a combatant by splitting her focus and will probably result in a construct that's around Consort-level anyway, if we have to optimize her to be a Trojan horse and not a pure combatant. We don't have enough money to do a combat construct made of jade, and if we need to delegate our assassin to protect Moon, what's the point of having one? I mean, shit, the Consort is supposedly as strong as Ahlat, who is the strongest enemy with stats in the core book. She's already deadly. Why does she need to be replaced at all?

Who said anything about replacing the Consort? This is a bunch of obfuscating bullshit and you know it.

Shapechange is a power a frigging' Neomah can use. A First Circle Demon of no particular puissance. We make the combat construct focused on Combat and War and oh also has one single Disguise power. It does not detract from themes any more than Gervesin being able to shape-change (at a much higher level) does. We build the combat construct out of Moonsilver harvested from Ragnar's tattoos, some limited amounts of Jade, a bit of orichalcum, and the frustrated tears broken bodies of Moon shippers Raksha or something like that.

And yeah turning out a line of sorcerously loyal 3rd Circle Demon tier servitors is freaking awesome and extremely helpful for dealing with any number of situations. It offers more power than double-buffing Moon and Rihaku has explicitly said so.

As far as the votes go they've become kind of a clusterfuck because Rihaku doesn't close out old votes before starting new votes. It's useful for flexibility when new plans are presented but kind of difficult for the vote-counter. Whether or not to go through with the plan to Coup the Realm depends on Grace of Mela providing us a viable Scarlet Empress-replacement, after all. So if people want to vote

[X] Plan Coup

Then I guess we can say that incorporates at least Grace of Mela, putting together as many allies as possible to kill the Dragonblooded leadership, seizing control of the RDG, and imposing Moon as Empress. There are unfortunately a lot of steps involved here meaning more votes and such, though Ulyssian should be able to work through most issues by himself. The second Working could, perhaps, be reserved until we see what obstacles come in the way of carrying out the coup.
[X]Plan Coup(with meian's add on)
[X] Sublime Grace of Mela
[X] Third Circle-tier Combatant with secondary War focus
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Who said anything about replacing the Consort? This is a bunch of obfuscating bullshit and you know it.
You appear to be either confused about my point or deliberately misinterpreting it: I meant replacing her for the purposes of the infiltration plan, when she is already an overwhelmingly powerful combatant.
Shapechange is a power a frigging' Neomah can use. A First Circle Demon of no particular puissance. We make the combat construct focused on Combat and War and oh also has one single Disguise power. It does not detract from themes any more than Gervesin being able to shape-change (at a much higher level) does. We build the combat construct out of Moonsilver harvested from Ragnar's tattoos, some limited amounts of Jade, a bit of orichalcum, and the frustrated tears broken bodies of Moon shippers Raksha or something like that.
Well, that's nicely passive-aggressive. She'd need to replicate a construct made purely of jade, which is far beyond the abilities of the Neomah. I question the need to build something to perform a task at which the Consort already excels. You voted for her, as I recall. Her proficiencies are Sovereign Authority, Diplomacy, and Combat. Why build something for Infiltration, War, and Combat when the Consort doesn't actually need to infiltrate, because she's the reason we're visiting? Do you not think Mnemon or some other tremendously talented Sorceror, when there are many in attendance, might not notice the deception? It introduces an element of risk where none need exist.
And yeah turning out a line of sorcerously loyal 3rd Circle Demon tier servitors is freaking awesome and extremely helpful for dealing with any number of situations. It offers more power than double-buffing Moon and Rihaku has explicitly said so.
I'm not disputing that it gives more overall power, but for the purposes of the plan where we can only have one construct at this pivotal event, it most certainly does not.
Why indeed would anyone prefer to have two more top-tier combatants instead of just one more top-tier combatant? It's like you fools aren't even blinded by the power of the Waifu.
Sublime Moon only has one Solar-level combat stat, which is Thrown. The point is that without Ice Dragon, she isn't a top-tier combatant. I don't think wanting to make sure the person we place on the Scarlet bloody Throne has the power to stay there is foolish. 40k experience and some trout for Ligier-tier power is an enormous bargain. I like the Consort as she is, a unique testament to Ulyssian's Sorcerous might. Having more of her seems wasteful, and I like the singular focus that doubling up gives the option. Besides, for the purposes of the plan that you yourself proposed, only one construct can be present.
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Something else interesting about Mela and what it might mean for Moon. The themes in which she would be able to develop and access Solar Tier charms are those that fit with her aspect and with the Terrestrial Exalted. So we have training and team work in addition to Air Aspect abilities. This means that Mela!Moon could develop teamwork charms that function with Ulyssian in particular. He too has, or will have, crazy Lore training charms! Think of the synergy!

For the secondary working I'd personally prefer a 3CD equivalent focused in War then Combat. If the Consort as a secondary direct combatant is on par with a directional war god, then I'm satisfied with that in terms of combat levels. Making the 3CD capable of superlative strategic and logistic excellence and effect across a wide swath of creation seems way more useful in dealing with the repercussions to the North Pole, and it helps diversify the Circle! Win Win Says I.
You appear to be either confused about my point or deliberately misinterpreting it: I meant replacing her for the purposes of the infiltration plan, when she is already an overwhelmingly powerful combatant.
Well, that's nicely passive-aggressive. She'd need to replicate a construct made purely of jade, which is far beyond the abilities of the Neomah. I question the need to build something to perform a task at which the Consort already excels. You voted for her, as I recall. Her proficiencies are Sovereign Authority, Diplomacy, and Combat. Why build something for Infiltration, War, and Combat when the Consort doesn't actually need to infiltrate, because she's the reason we're visiting? Do you not think Mnemon or some other tremendously talented Sorceror, when there are many in attendance, might not notice the deception? It introduces an element of risk where none need exist.
I'm not disputing that it gives more overall power, but for the purposes of the plan where we can only have one construct at this pivotal event, it most certainly does not.

Sublime Moon only has one Solar-level combat stat, which is Thrown. The point is that without Ice Dragon, she isn't a top-tier combatant. I don't think wanting to make sure the person we place on the Scarlet bloody Throne has the power to stay there is foolish. 40k experience and some trout for Ligier-tier power is an enormous bargain. I like the Consort as she is, a unique testament to Ulyssian's Sorcerous might. Having more of her seems wasteful, and I like the singular focus that doubling up gives the option. Besides, for the purposes of the plan that you yourself proposed, only one construct can be present.

Having a more powerful specialized combat Construct doesn't offer more power if we can only have one Construct present? Are you just trying self-parody? And claiming it's "wasteful" to have more than one 3rd Circle Demon-tier loyal automaton is...

Really. This is all about the damned waifu rather than what is actually the best option.

Oh hey does that "shapechanging" capability hurt the so-called "purity of combat focus" and "thematics" of the T-1000?
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