Merc gonna merc ya
[X] Trust Nilul - She has exposed more of herself than she ever has before, you will have to content yourself with that, and the strength of your friendship. Nilul has never betrayed you, despite her clear strengths in the area, even when it would have been convenient to do so. With the mental energy you spend managing your distrust for her freed up, and full faith in each other, you will be a far more effective team.
[X] Attend the Feast - Why did you take her along, if not for occasions like this? Regardless of whether she can be trusted, her adeptness in the social arena is supreme. She wields her words like you wield a sword, and that is no light compliment to make. While you are still friends, it would be foolish not to seek advantage wherever you can. She is not Lea, but Lea is not here, and the absence of someone like Lea is keenly felt, to Odyssial.
[X] Attend the Feast - Why did you take her along, if not for occasions like this? Regardless of whether she can be trusted, her adeptness in the social arena is supreme. She wields her words like you wield a sword, and that is no light compliment to make. While you are still friends, it would be foolish not to seek advantage wherever you can. She is not Lea, but Lea is not here, and the absence of someone like Lea is keenly felt, to Odyssial.