It's amazing how that works out, isn't it.
The first ray of sunlight that dawns on this world, the very first, sees the immediate death of a Second Circle Daeva. It shines upon a hero who is already convinced and driven to fight the Titans.
The Unconquered Sun probably couldn't have asked for a more fitting and appropriate thematic, eh. Some already fully willing to commit to a Titanomachy.
-- And for Odyssial himself, too -- grace. Grace where none was expected nor hoped for. What... what kind of world is that, where something like that just
happens to you? You're surviving in a fucking death world and yet out of nowhere somebody decides to grant you a miracle. Who would, who could, dare do something like that in such an unfair world...
Yes, I imagine that Sol Invictus probably saw here the origin of a very devoted man; as well-fitting the man was to the oncoming war, so was the deity fitting for the man. How grateful would you be, to be in your final moment, to be railing the harshness of the world, only to hear somebody agree with you...
Yes, really. He never gives up, ever.
Well, one doesn't Exalt by taking half-measures! Not in the Age of Glory.
Yeah, but, it's just... how the hell can he survive for hours, given how the early parts of the fight went? Especially as the Daeva probably got serious at some point?
Willpower is nice and all, but that was still a fuckmothering Second Circle Daeva...
Even a general can be alone. When there is truly no one above you, that is its own form of loneliness. That said, it's definitely more prosocial (for a given value of social) than the Obliterator, though that is not necessarily always the case. It depends a lot on what interpretation you guys want to argue. Merely commanding others does not always bring one closer to them. Often, it can only widen the distance.
Yes, that was my thought. Even a general can be alone.
That said, it's definitely more prosocial (for a given value of social)
Again, heh, yeah. That was also my thought: "Eh, neither of these look terribly social... but this one looks like it might be easiest to interpret or be guided into being more social, potentially!"
You can wind up being an Iskander, or an Arturia. Let's try to have the best of both worlds, though, of course.