Both As Planned and Crisis Ody / Uly will undergo an adjustment period. They're probably unlikely to immediately go see Lea, as she is halfway across the world and travel is extremely dangerous. It would be a full-on Journey to the West (only you'd be going East) scenario, which would be a big commitment until you are more powerful and have access to quicker means of transit. Also, since he would still have Ulyssian's full complement of feelings towards Moon, Hero, Nilul, etc, he probably wouldn't want to leave them behind if he could help it, at least not for that duration of time.
Of course, there is the problem that Hero is a devout Immaculate, Moon is near-death, his anima seems to burn Nilul, and he just Exalted in a stadium full of Dragon-Blooded, but these are all solvable problems. Honestly, Hero is probably the most intractable one, as he's unlikely to renounce the Immaculate perspective even if Zao tells him it's literally bullshit.