Even Further Beyond [Complete]

Interesting. It's always fascinating to see the underpinnings linking the various Rihaku-verse stories together. The Realm of Forms... Immortals can reach it, as can the highest spells of the Diagram. Praxis gets in by default. Seven Seals (aka the Soul Evocation "Imprisoner") was said to allow the user to partially reside in the Realm of Forms.

And, you know, the Foremost used it to build theme park attractions. WTF Foremost.
Nameless raised his right hand, within which was held the Lich's Scepter, and incremented his Cultivation upwards one iota.

Wild that our boy can just freely raise his Cultivation at will; I'm assuming that's due to As Truth-Extrusion interactions? Or is the latter just the vessel through which he channels the former?
It would likely have been much more dramatic, he mused - the fever-dream of reality retreating to reveal the purity of the Realm of Forms

Interesting that these worlds share metaphysics. Is that a sign of ontological proximity or just coincidence?
A new Diagram Sign or two - why not seven Higher Signs to balance the Low?
So, that's where the Empyrean Sigils came from? Or are a wink-and-a-nudge reference to and inspired by.
Damn, EFB summarized in one sentence.

IA had some super cool imagery attached to it and it further demonstrates that the Realm of Forms is the next level of power beyond the conceptual. I wonder if there is a Realm beyond Form? Perhaps Ideal? Or it could be that Form is the most perfect realm, given Praxis works on the most fundamental principles of reality and Refinement of Quickness and Cut Through allows Hunger to temporarily act within the Realm of Forms.
Huh. Voyaging Realm, Realm of Myth, Realm of Evening (accessed by his cloak) and eventually there will be a Realm of Forms?

So. A Realm of Forms in Hunger's quest being a thing (or being possible) seems likely, then.

EDIT: ... The Foremost probably did that sort of stuff, come to think of it. Maybe that's why the "fore" in their name? Forms, Foremost...

It'd be punny and funny to think of. Of the possibility that "Foremost" was a corruption of "Forms" or a reference to "Forms", and almost like a jokey sort of thing. So, well. Verschlengorge also gave Hunger those books on the Praxis, so. That all seems connected. The Praxis seems to reside roughly in this same general area, anyway.

Hmm. I wonder what color the Energy of All and Nothing is? Colorless?
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Interesting. It's always fascinating to see the underpinnings linking the various Rihaku-verse stories together. The Realm of Forms... Immortals can reach it, as can the highest spells of the Diagram. Praxis gets in by default. Seven Seals (aka the Soul Evocation "Imprisoner") was said to allow the user to partially reside in the Realm of Forms.

And, you know, the Foremost used it to build theme park attractions. WTF Foremost.
You think that Nameless isn't going to build a theme park in his parcel of the Realm of Forms?
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To transfer over some WOG to the thread:
Embodying new concepts in reality is such a trippy power tho
How do you even conceive of new non-existing concepts
AabcehmuHoje às 02:24
Well, some concepts (currently) are Incidental
runeblue360Hoje às 02:24
i think its not necessarily like that
AabcehmuHoje às 02:24
Rather than Essential
runeblue360Hoje às 02:24
yeah, that gets down to it basically
AabcehmuHoje às 02:24
You can take an Incidental and make it Essential
Raising up something which was circumstantial and make it something True(editado)
runeblue360Hoje às 02:25
gotta have real estate in the realm
BrainInaJarHoje às 02:25
Finally, Nameless can have his own Sign of Laziness(editado)
R'Hoje às 02:26
correct, he could make Slacking Off as fundamental a force as Fate
he could make Blargh, a force which acts in a way that we cannot conceive of but which would be aligned with his interests
BrainInaJarHoje às 02:27
Can he enhance exiting concepts?
AabcehmuHoje às 02:27
Obviously Nameless's intellect has evolved (even if he's still a little shit at heart) so he can probably also just legit conceive of notions that are beyond us
BrainInaJarHoje às 02:27
Like say, make liches inherently cool
R'Hoje às 02:27
just imagine adding as integral an idea as gravity to the unfurling of reality
BrainInaJarHoje às 02:27
as part of reality
Sign of Liches are Really Cool
the only thing the could rival the Sign of Laziness(editado)
AabcehmuHoje às 02:28
I think that he could do that by making a Sign of Being Cool and then move it in the Realm of Forms to be close to the Sign of Death
So that Liches are inherently close to the concept of Coolness
R'Hoje às 02:28
For example, the force of Slacking Off in its interactions with Time would give
everyone a version of Savor the Moment that's mutually compatible
BrainInaJarHoje às 02:28
AabcehmuHoje às 02:28
Paradise world, even more so than already
So Much Maya
R'Hoje às 02:29
in its interactions with Blood would ensure that people didn't bleed out as long as they were slacking off, would empower families inclined to Slacking off as Fate empowers those destined, etc

Immortal Ascension is a fucking trip; Savor the Moment for everyone as an example was absolutely not what I expected. This is pretty crazy.
The ability to be bleeding to death, say "fuck it, I'll do this later," and thereby procrastinate on dying has got to be the coolest self-preservation power I've heard of in fiction. Maybe not the most effective, but definitely the coolest.
Man, it seems people think being able to procrastinate your death is really funny, don't know why.

And I'm pretty sure Nameless could defeat Most High offscreen Odyssial with little trouble givem his own power and access to the Realm of Forms; though obviously not what a version of Ody ended up becoming...
I adore Nameless. It's been so long since we've had anything with him. "Idiot boy," might as well be his actual name at this point, if the liches keep calling him that.
So how deadly was the tribulation? Kind of hard to tell since Nameless is so incredibly OP so him casually dismissing it means nothing.
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I think Nameless sidestep tribulation that suppose to kill even immortal but diagram is that OP.

I still want to know what is Nameless current stage.

Maybe he can win against rank 10 now.
The Nameless would put a Rank 10 in the toilet, regardless of matchup. He's reached an absolutely absurd level of power, well beyond anything I think we're likely to face in our current Geas task, unless the secret boss of the Human Sphere dwarfs Armaments in a way beyond how Kong dwarfed ordinary Titans. And even then...

So how deadly was the tribulation? Kind of hard to tell since Nameless is so incredibly OP so him casually dismissing it means nothing.

It seems like it would about as deadly as somebody with the Act As series deciding to give you a solid blow. That is to say, well beyond anything that any sane Cultivator would be able to deal with but not much to someone who is in Act As++ permanently.
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Raw power is one matter... but effect access / versatility is quite another! Nameless has both through multiple vectors, but he's considerably more effective than a Cultivator of his Stage ought to be - his array of Diagrams gives him effectively hundreds or thousands of Reality Effects' worth of versatility!
A human that is normal in every way except for being rank 10 is supposed to be able to beat a stage 15 unless the stage 15 has reality effects well suited to beating a rank 10, so I don't think stage 15 cultivators would win against actual rank 10 beings. Nameless is an outlier who had access to effects that would normally only be available to Immortals so it would not be appropriate to assume that he'd be on the same level as other stage 15 cultivators.
Man, that was really trippy and really fun, and it perfectly encapsulates everything in EFB. Beating something with overwhelming power, and the diagram demonstrating it's awesomeness.

Thank you a lot!

My face when still no Logos.
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Man, that was really trippy and really fun, and it perfectly encapsulates everything in EFB. Beating something with overwhelming power, and the diagram demonstrating it's awesomeness.

Thank you a lot!

My face when still no Logos.

TBH I don't see why you're complaining? The Logos just looks like it's tapping into a Higher Order magic like the Ordinal Spiral or the Chrysopoeia, or hell even the Praxis--whatever the fuck it is. I would be entirely unsurprised to find out the Logos is just the conventional magic being used in Untitled Quest where you understand an idea so well that it just suddenly starts being a thing.

One of those universal constants in the Escalationverse that exists in all layers of the cosmos, and a civilization's overall strength is determined by its ability to tap into them. The Logos is probably just one among them, and the Diagram being one of its 'Child Emanations' which seeks it through metaphor that non transcendent beings can wrap their head around.