Even Further Beyond [Complete]

Machiavelli says to never do an enemy a small injury, so it's Mercy or Further Beyond Vengeance are the only possible answers to this vote for me. And even FB Vengeance makes me uneasy, because a future enemy could free the fates from their infinity stones and use them against us.

Their power in their mortal (Heroine / Hero) forms is uncapped, but their power as the Fates is static.
We should definitely let Baen perform the Fates' punishment - the disappointment that we're limiting our hyperatrocity to only being the equal of what they've dealt out to incredible numbers of people over innumerable cycles (which thinking about it, is also probably an amount beyond our capacity to understand) will probably be outweighed by the joy of doing it himself.

There's also another aspect that doing it himself might bring about. Could Baen himself understand just how much suffering is going to be inflicted, if he's not doing it himself? It's one thing to know intellectually that he hates the Fates, and that he would always prefer them to suffer "more", but there's a pretty decent chance that some point around the 10 thousandth cumulative year of suffering inflicted he's going to pull a Captain Ahab and discover that actually, vengeance is an ultimately empty thing that doesn't accomplish anything. It's not going to bring back the Age of the Diagram (though unlike in Ahab's case, that's because we're bringing it back already, booyah) and it'll probably get boring after a while.

There's also the fact that Nameless is literally infused with Baen's desire for vengeance. It could be argued that our decision here will in some ways define how much Baen wants this, because it's really his drive for vengeance that's compelling Nameless here - if Nameless chooses not to throw them into a pit of infinite suffering, that says something about Baen's motivation too. Hell, in the event Mercy won, it might be that killing them and ruining everything they built would be enough.
I really don't like any option that leaves the Fates alive. Let's not forget that we are talking about the beings that designed each and every magic system that this world, and we ourselves, use. They might be weaker than us right now, but if we keep them around for torture or "justice", who is to say that they cannot use the time we give them to rise above their current station? It seems like the only reason they failed to prevent our rise is because of their stupid limitations on interacting with the world, which seem to stem mostly from internecine strife as well as their overbearing arrogance and sloth.

The heroine is a member of the Fates, and it was planned for her to handily become more powerful than Zang Kong is right now, so it seems likely that she would have managed to surpass the current power-limits of the Fates. The Fates thus have all the tools they need to become stronger and stronger if only we give them time. By dealing them a grievous, but recoverable injury, we force them to cast of their limitations, arrogance and laziness. And Nameless is very much guilty of those same sins, which could be used to make him overlook the rise in power of an opponent he thought conquered.

Machiavelli says to never do an enemy a small injury, so Mercy or Further Beyond Vengeance are the only possible answers to this vote for me. And even FB Vengeance makes me uneasy, because a future enemy could free the fates from their infinity stones and use them against us.
I happen to agree, but unfortunately the votes don't pan out that way.
Their power in their mortal (Heroine / Hero) forms is uncapped, but their power as the Fates is static.
I have been wondering, if they die in their mortal form and actually lost the game, do they return as a Fate or are they actually dead? Second, what's the mechanism that kills the Hero/Heroine of an age after they win their rigged contest?
Why wouldn't it? There is no reason why they should be like mortals in there range of emotions and stuff.
Well yeah, but there not being a reason against it isn't the same thing as there being the reason for it. The absence of a negative is not a positive, it's nothing.

The reason might be "because they can think faster/harder", but it still has to exist.
The rewards from choosing Vengeance are certainly tempting and one could argue that, given the power that we could gain from it could possibly help with the negotiation with Zang Kong and given that from those negotiations may depend the fates of a literally infinite amount of beings, an utilitarian calculation could see it as a justifiable option.

But ultimately, I just cannot countenance an option which would make the majority of the experiential content of our post-victory reality be suffering. To me that would taint our victory and make it rather unsatisfying. Particularly as it would be putting the wishes of Baenlixnaire ahead of pretty much every one else. Think about Aurelia, about Suizhen, about the elves and how they would feel about that decision...

So let there be

[X] Justice
"Oh, Papa," Xiaoling raised a disappointed eyebrow. "Isn't it obvious? Like you always said: it's not what you know, it's who."

Ah, the dreadful Power of Nepotism. Of course.

"Step aside, please. I will now evacuate all who still reside within the Overgrowth, and destroy it, except those parts connected directly to Zang Kong's Chrysalis." She held her blade aloft and turned it to the side, edge facing Kong territory.

Protect this vaguely discomfited expression.

No. Our ship of state is strapped to the prow of your might, for better or for worse."

"Me?" Nameless laughed. "I'm just the delivery guy."

He pointed at Suizhen. "The fighter you're looking for is over there."

"Then I shall hope that a weakling such as you can fend off Zang Kong, should he wake while your retainer is in Heaven."

This is hilarious and awesome. Kudos, Rihaku.

[X] Mercy

Just murder them already.
Not voting for Vengeance is in very literal sense voting for a worse outcome. We know we can spend BPs to change epilogues for better - is it really worth it to make our future and future of our friends ever so slightly worse to lend our help to Fates?

To say that Fates did nothing to earn such favor would be an understatement. Baen himself more than earned his reward, giving his own life to allow us might we have arrived at.

In exchange for promise the transaction was made. Can one be trusted on the matters of morality if something as basic as keeping their word is beyond them?
Not voting for Vengeance is in very literal sense voting for a worse outcome. We know we can spend BPs to change epilogues for better - is it really worth it to make our future and future of our friends ever so slightly worse to lend our help to Fates?

To say that Fates did nothing to earn such favor would be an understatement. Baen himself more than earned his reward, giving his own life to allow us might we have arrived at.

In exchange for promise the transaction was made. Can one be trusted on the matters of morality if something as basic as keeping their word is beyond them?
Would it be moral to agree and follow one's promise to commit utter horror?
I would be more sympathetic to Vengeance, if we actually let Suizhen have hers.
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Not voting for Vengeance is in very literal sense voting for a worse outcome. We know we can spend BPs to change epilogues for better - is it really worth it to make our future and future of our friends ever so slightly worse to lend our help to Fates?

To say that Fates did nothing to earn such favor would be an understatement. Baen himself more than earned his reward, giving his own life to allow us might we have arrived at.

In exchange for promise the transaction was made. Can one be trusted on the matters of morality if something as basic as keeping their word is beyond them?

We promised he'd get his vengeance and he will, Justice still has a great deal of suffering in store for them. We didn't really go for the infinite, unbearable hyperatrocity. We spent 3 BP to avoid being forced to do that, in fact. There was no contract that we are reneging on and all children must grow beyond the approval or disapproval of their parents, whether it be Liefang or Baenlixnaire.

Moreover, do we not have a responsibility to our subordinates to not force them to be party to this level of monstrosity? Rihaku has already said that the changes to the epilogue will be minor and I'm pretty sure they'll be outweighed by every elf everywhere dedicating themselves into freeing the Fates from their torment.

I would be more in support of Vengeance, if we let Suizhen kill Kong. She des

And yeah, this. What, Suizhen doesn't get her Vengeance but we do? We can literally resurrect the dead so it's not like her killing Kong would preclude saving him or the people within him but we still chose to Negotiate. Meanwhile, we can't take the Fates outside the Punishment Sphere+++ that we're going to put them in, nor can we undo their suffering. They deserve a lot but not infinite, unbearable torture.
Not voting for Vengeance is in very literal sense voting for a worse outcome. We know we can spend BPs to change epilogues for better - is it really worth it to make our future and future of our friends ever so slightly worse to lend our help to Fates?

That brings up an interesting point - the BP is a quantifiable reward, but there are other less quantifiable consequences of this decision as well! For example, the psychological toll of knowing that entities are suffering, even if those entities are twisted assholes, and that nothing can be done to help them! Would that not make Nameless as unaccountable an overlord as Tyranshal proclaimed?

I really think Mercy is underrated here. It's what Suizhen would want! And there is still the matter of Zang Kong... having her in an amenable mood might help with negotiations!
[X] Justice

Just woke up and apparently SV is thirsting for blood. Personally I'd much rather vote for mercy but it seems that's not in the cards.
Not voting for Vengeance is in very literal sense voting for a worse outcome. We know we can spend BPs to change epilogues for better - is it really worth it to make our future and future of our friends ever so slightly worse to lend our help to Fates?
That's nonsense.

Yes, BPs will have an impact on the ending, but only a very minor one in comparison to the impact of the decision we make now.

And what impact do you think that decision will have on Aurelia and Suizhen? They will not be happy with Vengeance, that's for sure...
TBH I am really wondering what caused the Age of Grace to fall. The Elves are supernaturally perfect, so it would be very difficult to break down an 'Elven Empire'. Unless the Fates did something, like, uh, turn one of their Magnum Opus into creating a new Age or something.

I also wonder what Ages were like before the Fates murdered all the other Divinites.
I really think Mercy is underrated here. It's what Suizhen would want! And there is still the matter of Zang Kong... having her in an amenable mood might help with negotiations!
What would the Elves and Aurelia want?
Moreover, do we not have a responsibility to our subordinates to not force them to be party to this level of monstrosity? Rihaku has already said that the changes to the epilogue will be minor and I'm pretty sure they'll be outweighed by every elf everywhere dedicating themselves into freeing the Fates from their torment.

Well, that's only if they find out. But yes, in a perfect world they would certainly prefer to know and be horrified, though if they are powerless enough before you the utter futility of the act might deter them...

What, Suizhen doesn't get her Vengeance but we do?

Is this the distance between a Lackey and an Overlord!?

[X] Justice

Just woke up and apparently SV is thirsting for blood. Personally I'd much rather vote for mercy but it seems that's not in the cards.

It can still come back! If you guys vote for it!
I really think Mercy is underrated here. It's what Suizhen would want! And there is still the matter of Zang Kong... having her in an amenable mood might help with negotiations!

Killing the guys maintaining reality without knowing how or why they did what they did is extremely unwise. Annoying Suizhen is a small price to pay for not accidentally screwing the natural order forever.

EDIT: Also, being the Nameless Heaven, Master of the Fates, sounds cool.
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Killing the guys maintaining reality without knowing how or why they did what they did is extremely unwise. Annoying Suizhen is a small price to pay for not accidentally screwing the natural order forever.
The guys maintaining one aspect of reality murdered all the other guys who managed their aspect of reality though.

Though using the Necromancer to resurrect the Dead Gods would be nice. Assuming they don't like kill Nameless.
Killing the guys maintaining reality without knowing how or why they did what they did is extremely unwise. Annoying Suizhen is a small price to pay for not accidentally screwing the natural order forever.
I don't think we are deciding the fate of Mortal Spring here. We can make her tell us everything important!
Ah, I like how utterly annihilating someone from this plane of existence is considered Mercy in comparison to other options.

Because Justice? Justice sounds like the Fates will get to be TNO's wage slaves forever. Ever and ever. And ever and ever and ever and ever.

I mean, still better than getting tortured to insanity and even further beyond, but hey. Suizhen thinks she has it hard? TNO hasn't even reached his final form!

Which is an omnipotent NEET with every pleasure imaginable at the tip of his fingers, I guess.

No, seriously, Suizhen. You are his friend, more or less. You get to see how he would exploit someone he won't be feeling guilty about doing so. It will be, eh, not glorious, not really.