Even Further Beyond [Complete]

I'm surprised the BP is even a consideration... you hardly need more power right now! And given that strength, the epilogue differences are fairly minor.
[X] Vengeance

I think I've put in a decent amount of time arguing against the endless tide of self-righteousness that occurs in these lovely quests, and here we are, finally in a genre which encourages wildly disproportionate acts of cruelty.
[X] Vengeance

I'm feeling something welling up inside me...

I feel the need to write up another Baelixnaire rap, as our old boy finally gets to gloat at his keikaku's complete and total success.
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Can I just say that I find it immensely disappointing that the artificer who literally has "Thanos" in his name didn't sacrifice himself to construct the infinity gauntlet? Amouthanos clearly isn't up for making the hardest choices.
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No, seriously. How does that change the situation? Our Mentor was still responsible for his actions. They could have, you know, just not have killed everyone and then conducted henious experiments to grow their power even more.

As much as some people may whant to believe otherwise, the maker of a tool holds little to no responsability as to how it's used.
Hypothetically, if a terrorist was freely provided nuclear weapons, is the provider of the nuclear weapons free of blame when it is used to blow up a city? What if the provider provided nukes in proportion to it's use?
It's pretty obvious that the answer is that both the provider and the user are responsible here. Both the Fates and Baen are assholes, who deserve proportionately bad things to happen to them. We just like Baen more because he's on our side. It's basic human nature.

I'm surprised the BP is even a consideration... you hardly need more power right now! And given that strength, the epilogue differences are fairly minor.
It's a shiny that you've conditioned the players to covet over the course of the quest, it's not that surprising.
Hypothetically, if a terrorist was freely provided nuclear weapons, is the provider of the nuclear weapons free of blame when it is used to blow up a city? What if the provider provided nukes in proportion to it's use?

Your analogy doesn't have anything to do with the situation. The people of the Age before the Diagram weren't terrorists bent on genocide, they were provided a weapon and they took it's use far beyond what was reasonable.

That's on them.

And even then, in your example the Terrorists don't stop being evil because they had an enabler.
I feel that this vote suffers of a critical failure to understand the difference between Justice and Vengeance on the part of voters. Somehow, despite explicitly being provided with explanation that no, Fates don't deserve the Vengeance, and no, our puny mortal minds cannot grasp the scale of eternal torture it entails, people are still arguing that it's a suitable punishment. Not that the BP value overweights the risk of the consequences, not that it is a narratively neat turn of events - those arguments are good. No, people insist that Vengeance is reasonable.

[X] Justice

I wanted Mercy, but that's clearly not going to happen. So let's not go quite so far as making "majority of the experiential content of our post-victory reality be suffering." Also, it doesn't make all of the new artifacts that our Blood Elves are going to make be creepy and horrifying.
[X] Justice

Much like Suizhen, the Lich can learn to deal. He'll be more salty, but I mean he's Baelixnaire of course he's going to be more salty.
It's one of the natural quirks of questing @Malorius, you have multiple people engaging in multiple arguments on multiple levels of good faith, all at once, in a big useless mess! One of the advantages of Rihaku's method of quest-running is that he reads the arguments himself, and decides how they weigh in on the discussion and the vote metrics. This means that shouting into the crazy-box isn't useless, but rather you can meaningfully contribute to your cause even when you're trying to reason with the unreasonable.

Personally, I think it's far more useful and engaging to pick someone who's arguments you can address, and debate them specifically (in my case meme at them specifically). Most everyone here is happy to argue about basically anything, so they're sure to engage with you if you give them a quote or an @ to let them know you're interested in a verbal slap fight.

As to your specific point, you're absolutely right! I want Nameless to be a passionate unreasonable actor driven to wild extremes, so this suits me fine, but it's certainly absurd to claim there's anything fair or just about Vengeance.
Can I just say that I find it immensely disappointing that the artificer who literally has "Thanos" in his name didn't sacrifice himself to construct the infinity gauntlet?

Thanos didn't construct the Infinity Gauntlet, he just benefited from it! And he acquired the stones through the death and random hostage-taking of innocents, which somehow worked every time.

I feel that this vote suffers of a critical failure to understand the difference between Justice and Vengeance on the part of voters. Somehow, despite explicitly being provided with explanation that no, Fates don't deserve the Vengeance, and no, our puny mortal minds cannot grasp the scale of eternal torture it entails, people are still arguing that it's a suitable punishment.

It's a perfectly reasonable stance to say, hey, Baenlixnaire's nuts, maybe it's not healthy for any parties involved to give him exactly what he says he wants given that what he wants is quite abhorrent on most moral scales. Whether you even promised anything of this scope is debateable, and to be frank the very possibility of your victory was a long shot in his eyes, so the benefits on top should be seen as just gravy.

And besides, what about all your other mentors? Do you really want to have proven Tyranshal wrong on almost every relevant metric, only the flip the moral calculus the other way entirely with this one pragmatically irrelevant yet horrifying act? Is this not the very excess and hubris for which the Diagram Age was cast down in the first place?

And what about your wife, or Suizhen? Can the elves countenance such pointless horror or will they be forced to work ceaselessly to free the Fates? Can Suizhen in good conscience remotely consider herself a swordswoman of virtue when her fealty has lead to such gratuitous horrors? She will do as Nameless asks. Should you not choose wisely what you ask?
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[x] Mercy

A clean ending. The Fates successfully brought low the other gods while being weaker than them once. I would rather not take any chances, however unlikely.
We aren't getting anything out of it except some Beyond Points, which are almost worthless now - their ability to instantly improve choices doesn't matter since we A) aren't making any more choices, and B) Nameless doesn't need instant powerups anymore now that he has the time to get them the long way.

In return, we commit literally the greatest atrocity this Quest's setting has ever seen to indulge an insane lich's lust for vengeance. Under almost every philosophy of ethics I can think of, this would make Nameless the most evil being to exist in this setting, all the more so for the pointlessness of the act. We aren't even deriving some great personal benefit from it, just a feeling of satisfaction.

Like, I sympathise with wanting to play a character who isn't another cookie-cutter do-gooder, but we've done that. This is just... too much.
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One main story update remains. BPs generated after this point can be used to improve certain outcomes in the epilogue(s).
Wait, we don't get to see Immortal Ascension? I guess it makes sense to not have it happen on-screen, given valid points about how Tribulation might actually hurt us, but do we not get to see what the aftereffects would look like? This makes me sad. :cry:
*The Game ends, your loss condition no longer applies and the Heroine will have no more Fated support, being merely a very talented individual. You will not get a wish. As you chose Just Shoot Them, this is true for all three options.
*The Servants of the Fates go free. They are not very powerful compared to you, some of them are assholes, others are fairly reasonable. This is true for all three options.
Alright, so we don't have to pick things based on being able to win. We do that regardless. (It is worth noting that the Heroine is still around, though. Yay omnicompetent geniuses, even if they don't have Fate's support.) And also, the loss condition just falls off! That's rather convenient. Didn't expect it to be that easy. And ZK no longer has the option to just incidentally murder us, which makes that easier.
[ ] Mercy - Or what passes for it, in Baenlixnaire's perspective. Annihilate the Fates utterly. Remove them from existence, and let them be glad they face mere oblivion for their crimes. [+0 BP]

*You can pretend you "had to" kill them so Baenlixnaire will only be a little disappointed in you when you revive him.
*You won't be able to use the Fates as batteries or utilize the power of the Fate sign anymore.
*You won't be able to construct Artifacts anymore.
I really can't find any justification for this. 0 BP means it doesn't help us in the endgame, killing them is kind of the easy way out, and completely losing Artificing and one of our Ascendant Signs is just added insult with your free injury. The only upside this has over any other choice is that it means we don't disappoint Baenlixnaire as much as Justice, and personally I don't find that all that much of an issue relative to the rest. (That's likely because I wasn't voting back when he was around, but still, gaining the ability to lie to him? Not really worth it, I would say.)
[ ] Justice - After rendering them helpless, seek to inflict upon them suffering equal to that which they inflicted upon the peoples of the world and their Servants, the failed Overlords of past Ages. Various ironic punishments are permissible so long as they are of appropriate severity. [+1 BP]

*Milquetoast middle path of compromise. Baenlixnaire will be very disappointed.
*You can enslave the Fates and order them around like they did their Servants.
*Their ability to influence the world is quite limited outside of specific time periods and circumstances.
*You basically have to trigger the End of an Age to make them useful.
*You can make them hose the Heroine, which would be pretty funny.
It's a BP, and, well, I have no idea how useful those will be, but given how strong BP options have been in the past they're probably going to be relevant to whatever we use them for. On the downside, Baenlixnaire is very sad. On the upside, we get to play around with the machinery of Heaven by using beings which actually know how it works, we gain in capability to fiddle with things even beyond that (if not much), we don't add a spare supply of infinite misery to the world, and we get fully-functioning Artificing. Plus there's one less point over which a hypothetical future hero (from outside the world, probably, but hey, we know those happen) might try to murder Nameless. And also score a hit against a Heroic Passion! Given how much of an issue we've had with Spoiled, potentially dropping a noticeable portion of Vengeful would probably be pretty nice!
[ ] Vengeance - As you were charged, see to it that the Diagram Schools are avenged, no matter the cost. Unspeakable horrors will be visited upon the Fates, far in excess of even what they inflicted upon the world. But such is the nature of vengeance. [+7 BPs]

*Baenlixnaire will be proud to call you his student.
*You can go Further Beyond [3 BPs], absorbing the Fates into the Conquest Jewel, Jewel of Prowess, Jewel of Insight, and Harvest Jewel, acquiring the Signs of the Bow, Sword, Scales, and Scythe, respectively. Also quadruples the Stage boost of the Infinity Gauntlet Constellation.
*They will be broken and face suffering equivalent to Baenlixnaire's wildest dreams.
*Future Artifacts crafted will be somewhat twisted and horrifying, though their function on a technical level will be similar.
*It's easy to promise vengeance when the prospect of fulfillment is distant and the Fates are far away. To deliver satisfaction when the targets are right in front of you, even if they have committed heinous wrongs, is quite another matter. Does Nameless really have it in him to consign these beings to torment?
Well, the whole "7 BP" thing is big and obvious, and I'm sure it'd be useful wherever we put it. Plus we make Baen happy, which is always nice. And also the ability to spend 3 of that 7 BP to get 0.75 Stages (...yay? I guess Suizhen will be 1.5 Stages ahead of Zang Kong for the "negotiations", such as they'll be if we establish that Nameless is willing to inflict infinite quantities of suffering on the grounds of "having slighted someone I like") and the full set of Signs, allowing us to do things like, say, devour the omni-disciplinary genius of the Heroine. Just in case we wanted to be good at everything, rather than the oh-so-restricted set of things we're amazing at now --- being a master of only three magic systems (plus combat and trade, because Signs) can't possibly be enough, that would be silly. (Honestly, eating the Heroine's soul with our Scythe and using Necromancer to res her and eat her again whenever we need a new talent would be pretty neat, though the Heroine as she is probably doesn't deserve that.)
On the other hand, explicitly infinite quantities of added misery, well beyond any definition of just retribution. (Well, presumably. I guess Nameless might have a rather distorted view, given the whole "Heroic Passion" thing. Still, beyond any functional definition of just retribution.) Plus free edge with our Artificing in the future, which we're told will only slightly warp the functions. (I know some game systems don't consider things like, oh, required horrible murder and blood sacrifice to be a notable warping of functionality, so I'm somewhat skeptical that's compatible with having any elf-based civilization be the sort of place that doesn't actually need the sort of Hero the Fates throw at things. If they can even use Artifice again after that, given the whole incorruptible perfect morals they have, which may have an issue with gaining power with potentially morally massive drawbacks from essentially the tortured not-corpses of gods. Some people take issue with that sort of thing.

Oh right, and we also just voted on a similar idea, with [ ] Annihilation versus [ ] Negotiation. As in, we literally were voting on whether to inflict an infinite (trans-finite? Uncountable? I don't actually know the extremes of the Rihakuverse, I can't tell which of those I should be using) quantity of suffering in exchange for getting vengeance for one of our strongest allies, someone whose aid has defined this entire quest. Except there it was someone who actually has all-but-maximum loyalty to us, maximum while wearing the Suit, rather than someone who wanted to use us as an implement to strike against others. And even so we decided it wasn't worth going straight to the "make all the misery forever" option. Given that, I don't think I can justify making the Fates suffer infinitely and perpetually. Sorry, I can see the appeal (and I want that Further Beyond), but I think I have to vote for

[X] Justice

(Also, this is over 900 words, outside the quotes. 902. That's utterly absurd.)
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[X] Justice

Yeah, gloating + Suizhen/Aurelia + it not having too big of a difference means i'm probably not going to pick the hyperatrocity option. Bonedaddy can learn to deal, especially if he gets to personally administer the symmetrical punishment Justice represents.
I really don't like any option that leaves the Fates alive. Let's not forget that we are talking about the beings that designed each and every magic system that this world, and we ourselves, use. They might be weaker than us right now, but if we keep them around for torture or "justice", who is to say that they cannot use the time we give them to rise above their current station? It seems like the only reason they failed to prevent our rise is because of their stupid limitations on interacting with the world, which seem to stem mostly from internecine strife as well as their overbearing arrogance and sloth.

The heroine is a member of the Fates, and it was planned for her to handily become more powerful than Zang Kong is right now, so it seems likely that she would have managed to surpass the current power-limits of the Fates. The Fates thus have all the tools they need to become stronger and stronger if only we give them time. By dealing them a grievous, but recoverable injury, we force them to cast of their limitations, arrogance and laziness. And Nameless is very much guilty of those same sins, which could be used to make him overlook the rise in power of an opponent he thought conquered.

Machiavelli says to never do an enemy a small injury, so Mercy or Further Beyond Vengeance are the only possible answers to this vote for me. And even FB Vengeance makes me uneasy, because a future enemy could free the fates from their infinity stones and use them against us.
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