Even after the reboot, I'm still trapped in the wrong anime!

Continuing from where we left off...

It seems that Impulse Moment the Abandoned Fantasy of Light has cast aside his semblance of humanity.

It's an interesting look for him.

This could be trouble... if you were alone.

Dusk is on your shoulder in an instant, the both of you nod. A light envelops you both.

It's a technique taught to you by your teacher. The bond between partners, strengthened and realized into physical form. No longer do you fight like one.

You fight as one.

Where once was Argus and Dusk, now stands a Warrior of Darkness.

Warrior of (Spirit) forms are powerful. You are stronger, tougher, faster, and overall just better:
++In this form, MC gains Armor equal to Partner Spirit's Fortitude (Dusk: 2) without the usual penalty for armor. (It's magic!) Your current weapon now has the Chain, Heavy, Master-Crafted, and Unpredictable qualities.
++In this form, MC adds +2 to all rolls. This means a roll of 5 or 6 is now a success, and 8+ count as two (2) successes.
++Both MC and and Partner Spirit add their skill to rolls.
++Additional abilities granted depending on the Partner Spirit.
--This form can only last for a number of rounds equal to the combined Fortitude of the MC (3) and Partner Spirit (Dusk: 2) (Currently 5 rounds)
--Upon leaving this form you will immediately have the Exhausted (1) condition: a penalty to all action equal to the number of rounds spent in Warrior form.

Additionally, this form grants Dynamic Actions, that allow you to do additional things on your turn or during another's turn. As a Warrior, you gain 1 free Dynamic Action plus 3 dice for possibly more each round. (These dice are unaffected by Warrior's +2 ability)

Dynamic Actions can be used for:
-Counter Attack (1): After a successful defense check, a dynamic action can be spent to make an immediate an immediate standard action as a counter attack. It must be some form of action against the initial opponent.
-Deeper Cuts (1): Add +1 damage to any successful attack. Only once per attack, per target.
-Enhanced Attack (1): Spend one dynamic action for a +2 bonus on the attack roll.
-Retreating Attack (1): Sometimes the opponent wants to run away from you. Spend a dynamic action to make an attack on the fleeing coward. Usually a Moderate (2) check unless terrain or circumstances make it harder.
-Enhanced Defense (1): Spend one dynamic action for a +2 bonus on the defense roll.
-Thicker Skin (1): Spend one dynamic action to negate 1 damage taken. No limit on the number of dynamic actions spent this way.
-Extra Actions (1): Spend dynamic actions to gain extra standard actions. You can take a number of actions on your initiative equal to (Speed), every action past suffers a -2 to initiative. (If the character has Initiative 7 and Speed 3 they could spend two dynamic actions to take 3 actions at initiative 7. If they spend 4 dynamic actions, their fourth action would be at Initiative 5 and fifth action at Initiative 3.) The only limit to dynamic actions spent this way, is the number of actions to spend, and the character cannot go below Initiative 0.
-Ignore Condition (1): Ignore the effects of all active conditions (like Bleeding or Pain) for one action.
-Initiative Manipulation (1): Can add +2 to your own initiative for each dynamic action or -2 to an opponents initiative for each dynamic action.
-Interrupt (2): For two dynamic actions, disrupt the action of somebody you dislike. Can only be used one per round.

The girls startle, taking a step back from you and giving you a wary look, but you focus not on them, but only upon your opponent.
Warrior of Darkness (Argus and Dusk): 17
Enigma: 12
Pulse: 10
IMtAFoL: 8
Crash: 5

Dynamic Dice: 2, 8, 9 = 2 successes. 3 Dynamic Actions this round.
Time to Rock

[ ] Go in swinging (attack attack attack!)
-[ ] Number of actions?
[ ] Read the Flow (1 action)
[ ] Shadow Barrage (1 action)
[ ] Blurred Form (1 action)
[ ] Paralysis Touch (1 action)
[ ] Something else? (GM approval)

GM note: Might as well make a plan, you've got 4 actions to spend. Also, this was added to the end of Mechanics and Dusk's page has the abilities he grants on his page.

As always, questions may be asked, but may not always be answered.
Incantor Pulse
This was not how her day was supposed to go. But then again she'd been thinking that ever since she became more then just Ivy Dell.

Earlier this week, that asshole Zialsio just had to attack, and then rumors of some guy punching out a zombie bear.

Turned out the guy was Argus, no last name, and he transferred into their school, along with his "thinking brain shadow." (Seriously what was that all about?)

She, Rebecca, and Chloe had been trying to spy on the guy all week, but gave it up for a bad job when he apparently could just become a ghost. He seriously barely existed in school and outside he was like the wind!

They'd called it quits and decided to just have lunch at Holden's pizza place, and lo and behold, the guy was there. Or at least that's what Rebecca and Chloe said. Ivy herself didn't see him.

Rebecca wanted to wait for him, but Ivy and Chloe decided to just do anything else.

Which turned out to be a bad idea seeing as the Band of Vubrathy seemed to be just waiting for a moment to ambush him with a swarm of their deadbeats.

Not that it seemed to really matter to Argus No Last Name!

He was smoking them like no tomorrow, by the time Incantor Pulse showed up!

Who is this guy?

And then, some bigger asshole with a fancy name and title shows up, starts spouting off some bullshit, gets run over by Crash, and then turns into a monster.

What does Argus No Last Name do?

He and his shadow decide that this is the time to turn into a fiery skeleton man, of course!

Seriously, what the fuck?

Before the Incantors could gather their wits, or for Crash to even get off the ground, Impulse Moment is getting turned into a pincushion of shadow needles, and then Fiery Skeleton Man moves faster then Pulse can see and is on him, swinging that fucking lantern like no tomorrow, all but killing an enemy the Incantors weren't sure if they could even scratch. Fiery Skeleton Man is now on the other side of Impulse Moment, who has his back turned to the Incantor.

Warrior of Darkness Read the Flow Active.
WoD Shadow Barrage: 1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,8,8,8,8,10 = 10 successes
Impulse Moment the Abandoned Fantasy of Light Defense: 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,8,9 = 2 successes. 8 damage. Blinded (1). Streak Bonus (+1 to next attack on opponent)

WoD First Attack: 1,4,4,4,6,7,8,8,9,9 = 9 successes
IMtAFoL Defense: 1,1,3,4,6,6,9 = -1 success. 10 damage. Overwhelmed (1) Streak Bonus.

WoD Second Attack: 2,4,4,4,6,7,8,9,10,10 = 10 successes
IMtAFoL Defense: 1,1,4,6,7,9,10 = 2 successes. 7 damage. Streak Bonus

Rebecca, or Incantor Enigma at the moment, began her War Song. She was powerful, but she needed time to set up, and wasn't the most mobile.
Enigma War Song: 1,3,4,4,6,6,10 = 1 success. War Song active.

With the music flowing into her muscles, Incantor Pulse strums her Axe, feeling her magic take shape. A swing and a scream of "Pulse Wave" sends the attack at Impulse Moment's back.

Unfortunately it seemed he was rather above their level even as he was on his last legs as he all but batted the attack aside, still focused on the Fiery Skeleton Man.
Pulse Pulse Wave: 1,3,3,4,7,7,9,10 = 4 successes.
IMtAFoL Defense: 1,3,4,5,7,9,9,10,10 = 6 successes.

Making a bad situation worse, Impulse Moment seemed to collect himself enough to summon an elephant sized monster, which immediately charged the Fiery Skeleton Man, although a swing of his lantern seemed to have made it rethink its attack.

Not that Impulse Moment was himself done, sending a blast of light at Fiery Skeleton Man, who easily deflected it, and then deflected it again as it came right back, and then once more. The fourth time the blast tried to get him, it seemed Fiery Skeleton Man had had enough and deflected the blast right at Impulse Moment.

IMtAFoL is Overwhelmed: 2,3,6,6,8,8,9 = 3 successes. Can act.
IMtAFoL creates Life Form.
IMtAFoL Homing Blast (4): Has X chances to hit: 1,5,5,6,7,9 = 1 successes.
WoD 1st Def: 2,2,4,4,5,6,6,7,8,9 = 8 successes
WoD 2nd Def: 1,1,2,2,2,7,7,8,8,9 = 6 successes
WoD 3rd Def: 1,2,2,2,3,7,7,8,8,8 = 7 successes
WoD 4th Def: 3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,10 = 11 successes.
IMtAFoL takes 4 damage. Overwhelmed (4). Hopeless (1)

"What's going on!?" It seems that Chloe, Incantor Crash, managed to shake off her daze.

"Attack the one that's not on fire!" Pulse yelled out.

"Right!" Putting words into action, the brass horns on her back blare out, pushing her to sonic speeds as Crash slams into Impulse Moment's back, sending him flying into the monster he summoned, causing both to shatter into a million little wisps.
Crash Sonic Rush: 3,6,7,7,8,8,8,9,10 = 8 successes
IMtAFoL Defense: 1,3,5,6,6,7,8,9 = 2 successes. 5 Damage. Knock Back. Style Points

Crash quickly reorients herself, turning to Incantors Pulse and Enigma, even as she points at Fiery Skeleton Man "What?"

Fiery Skeleton Man chose that moment to turn back into Argus and Dusk, further confusing Incantor Crash, "What."
You are Argus, and you are Exhausted (1).

What do?
[ ] Head home and sleep this off, you still have to work tomorrow.
[ ] Talk? Social interaction with strangers?
[ ] Ignore them, sleep here.
[ ] Something else? (GM Approval)
So, that happened. Also, I'll try for an update on Saturday, and try and make that the weekly update day. Should I add the "discussion makes the GM happy" tag or something?
Not exactly a 9 to 5 grind.
Head home and sleep this off, you still have to work tomorrow.


Your Warrior form is exhausting. You kind of just want to curl up and go to sleep right there, but you can at least stumble your way back to McMilliken's place.

And of course the girls in the strange outfits look like they want to ask questions.

You look to Dusk, silently asking your partner a question, he is much better at talking then you.

Dusk seems to sigh and shrug, before facing the girls. "You likely have questions, and we will answer them, but not now, please."

Perhaps, it is the exhaustion evident in Dusk's voice, perhaps it is their empathy, but the girls relent.

Dusk (Empathy + Influence - Exhaustion (1)) 3,7,10 = 3 successes
Pulse: 4,5,= 0
Enigma: 2,4 = 0
Crash: 5,6,9 = 1 success.

Issac McMilliken would later find you and Dusk both passed out in just within reach of the front door. He managed to drag you in and put you in bed.

Walking home?
Argus (Travel + Fortitude): 1,3,6,7,9 = 1 success.

Argus (Discipline + Fortitude) 1,3,5,6 = Crit fail.
Dusk (Discipline + Fortitude) 1,3,5,9 = 0
It had been a long day, and you'd likely have to do it again tomorrow...

"Where is Impulse Moment?"
"He isn't here? Not sure what he does besides hand around his crypt and "research," so if he isn't here he is likely getting some more texts or something."
"Hmm... No matter, he can be informed later. Now-"
[Roll the credits!]
[End episode 2!]
Gain 20 XP!
[ ] Save
[ ] Spend
-[ ] Plan

GM note: Make sure to look at the mechanics, as there have been price changes. As always, questions are welcome, and may even be answered!
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Episode 5 (of someone else's series)
Last time on Ambitious Wonders Lethal Divide: Brave Swords of the Chrono Requiem

The Incantors planned to confront the mysterious new student, Argus, and his inhuman companion, only to find themselves stymied over and over again. When they finally have a chance, they are interrupted by another member of the Band of Vubrathy. However, Impulse Moment the Abandoned Fantasy of Light was not there for the Incantors, but Argus himself. Though they tried their best, Impulse Moment was stronger then anything they had faced, but it seemed even a demon of the Band of Vubrathy was unprepared for unique abilities of Argus and his partner Dusk...


Dismaiden> Okay, what even was that?
ExpertPug> Fiery Skeleton Man. Obviously.
HonestKnight> Obviously.
ShadyBeaver> When a pyromancer and a necromancer love each other very much...
Dismaiden> Seriously, what was up with surprise FSM?
Wizart> Can we get more of the pizza girl? She was cute!
Sirenforcer> So is this MG team only three members? Guitar, Keyboard, and Tuba? Trumpet? Brass Horn section? They got a band them going right? Is there gonna be a vocalist?
XxDoomTrainxX> Guitar?
Sirenforcer> She does play a mean Axe! :p
Dismaiden> Can we get back to Bones Malone on Fire?!:mad:
Username64> Is it just me, or is his art style different?


Lore of Zatis:
The world of Zatis is full of ethereal beings, and it is the Kerei, with their own ethereal partners, who keep a balance between them and the more physical sophants of Zatis. Backed by the various governments of the world fully licensed Kerei usually have around 3 partners, allowing for a wider range of skills with which to prepare for a variety of problems they may encounter, of course those in training tend to have less as they develop their bond with their partner(s). It should be noted that these ethereal beings only act in the interest of their Kerei partners, unless it is a rare spirit of justice, community, or "good,"and will easily follow said partner into criminality should the Kerei turn bad...


Argus meditates on his training, and remembers the techniques of his teacher, mostly from the receiving end, but he does expand on his Momentum Style! 🎶

Argus' practice with chain weapons has increased his understanding of Fluid Weaponry forms! 🎶

Argus now understands the first principles of Crafting! 🎶

Dusk now knows how to make a basic claw attack! 🎶 Please don't make him use Basic Claw Attack! 🎶

Dusk has become more enduring! 🎶

Dusk's mind has become more Disciplined! 🎶


You are Argus, and you managed to finish a day at Rest in Pizza without incident!

Who knew that would be an accomplishment?

Also, someone apparently recorded your fight with... uh... Impulsive... Monument... DJ Demonhead.

You found this out on Monday, when the students at school asked if you really fought DJ Demonhead by turning into a fiery skeleton man.

[ ] Perhaps discre-

Obviously it was you.

Everyone seems surprised when you say it. Like they expected you to try and hide it or something.


Cody, the blessed Hitball champion, is giving you an introductory packet that somehow missed you last week. It seems he is also the Student Council President.

He seems like a nice guy. When he isn't passed out.

You make it through most of the morning, but come lunch time, some blonde girl walks up to you demanding to talk. She tries to loom over you, but...

Ivy Dell Intimidate: 2, 2 = 0 successes
Argus Stands Ground: 4,7,7, = 2 successes
It doesn't help that you are taller then her, and have back up in the form of Dusk, who is looking on amused.

Frustrated, she slams her hands on the wall on either side of you. You think she may be trying to pin you...

Didn't your Teacher tell you about this kind of situation?
[ ] Reverse the monkey! (try and switch places)
[ ] Use your words. Actual Social interaction!
-[ ] Get Dusk to do this, he's better at it.
[ ] Stare blankly until she goes away.
[ ] Something else? (pending GM approval)

GM Notes: Let me know what you think of the opening sections. More Lore? Other POVs? Should I make a tag about GM loves discussions? Should I continue spamming the advertising thread? Seriously, give me something besides dead air.
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Q&A or Interview with an Alien!
With a shrug, you ask the girl if you can at least sit for this.

The girl, whom you don't actually know the name of, relents and moves towards some seats at an empty table. Once seated you wave for her to ask.

"Who are you? And what is...that?" She points at Dusk as part of her second question.

Well, you are Argus, Journeyman Kerei, technically unlicensed, but that's because you can't pick it up here. You're companion is Dusk. Well, a Dusk, or more a spirit of dusk. Technically, he's "A spirit of the darkness at day's end" but that gets to be a bit of a mouthful. He doesn't really have a name, and the two of you have been arguing this for a while. He doesn't care, and believes that if he has to have a name it should come from you, while you think that he should name himself, as a means of declaring who he is.

As you said, he is a spirit of dusk, a nature spirit which falls under the greater category of spirits of Darkness.

The girl blinks, seemingly unprepared for you answer. You take the opportunity to ask her name, you don't want to keep thinking of her as "the girl" this whole time.

"Er... uh, I'm Ivy. Dell. Ivy Dell." Her phone buzzes, she reads something off of it, and gathers herself, "What did the Band of Vubrathy want with you?"


You look at Dusk, who just shrugs.

"The-The Band of Vubrathy! You know, the guy you just fought?"

You thought he was the Abandoned Light Fantastic or something.

"NO! I mean, yes, no, he was Impulse Moment the Abandoned Fantasy of Light, but he was part of the Band of Vubrathy!"
????: 6,7,8 = 2 successes
Argus (perception 1.5): 4,6,7,9 = 2 successes
Dusk (perception 1.5): 4,4,9,10 = 3 successes
Ivy Dell: 3,3 =fail

If she says so. You don't really remember. Or were really paying attention to his words.

Ivy slams her hands down, "What do they want with you?!"

You shrug, you don't know. You thought he was just an asshole.
Ivy: 7,8 = 2 successes

Ivy sucks in air, before releasing it loudly, "Okay. How are you able to fight them?"

You are a Kerei, it's part of the training, and your teacher made sure you were more then capable of punching any ethereal that got uppity with you. Plus, if things get out of hand you've got Dusk to form a Warrior of Darkness with.

"About that, what was that?"

The Warrior of Darkness form? Well, technically it is a manifestation of your bond with Dusk. Realistically, it's a great trump card to play if things get dicey, but it's exhausting and very temporary. Your teacher trained you to be capable without relying on it too much, and the stronger you are as yourself and Dusk, the stronger the Form will be. As for why it looks like it does? You don't know. Dying embers of light maybe? Something about metaphors made manifest? If you were ever told, you'd forgotten.
Ivy: 5,9 = 1 success

"Why are you here?"

Like, in the school? The town? In general?

"Yes, any of them. All of them!"

Well, you're in the school because Issac McMilliken somehow convinced you you had to be. You're in town because you somehow managed to get really lost between the Orostone Woods and Eckpool Harbor.
Ivy: 1,3 = critical fail

Ivy seems to be having some sort of attack, as she grabs her head, screams into her hands, and then flops on the table.

"So you mentioned that Kerei thing a few times, what is that?"

Ivy lets out a startled yelp, finally spotting the girl who'd sidled up during the questioning. ("Where did you come from?!")

"Suzy Page, by the way, journalist for the River Valley High Report. So, Kerei?"

Hmm... Well, you're sort of like a middleman between Ethereals and people. Sometimes that means taking out Daemons, sometimes that means keeping people from abusing cyber spirits. Sometimes it's figuring out what needs to be done. Once, your teacher went to go deal with a town that was being flooded by a lake spirit; but it turns out that the people in the town broke their contract first, because they were supposed to have young maidens sing for it; but the women had been abducted by bandits, and no one told the Lake spirit, who'd been crying thinking they'd been abandoned.

A confusing mess that ended with drowned bandits, but the kind of thing expected for you to deal with.

"Interesting, so there's more Kerei?"

Yep. National organizations and such. Lots of places have one or two, with big cities having a team of 5 or so working together, and capital cities having several teams. Of course, lots of smaller places depended on "Wandering Kerei" which is technically what you are. Unfortunately, you got lost, so...

"So, do you have some sort of goal for this? A five year plan of sorts?" Suzy asked with ever growing interest.

Learn? Grow? You're kind of winging it here, which is kind of the point of the wandering phase. Learn who you are, what you want to do, that kind of thing.

"Cool, cool. So-" Before Suzy can ask her next question, the lunch bell rings, and it's time for class once more, "-Let's finish this later, kay?"

You shrug, and leave for class, as Ivy weakly reaches out to you for some reason.

After classes are over, you head to Rest in Pizza. Your scheduled for Friday through Monday, as Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are for remodeling.

It's as you are twirling pizzas that you realize you are getting kind of restless. Itchy feet as it were. The impromptu interview reminding you that you were supposed to be on the move.

Presburn isn't a bad place, but it isn't really your place.

You weren't gonna leave right away, of course. You can stand to be here

[ ] a few more days.
[ ] a week or so.
[ ] 2 weeks, gotta get some cash and supplies first.

But you really do have to hit the road soon.

You tell Issac when you get back, it'd be a dick move to just skip out on him, and he seems understanding. He also reminds you to tell Mr. Holden before you leave as well, you need to get paid and all.

The next morning, you enter the school and forced into more social interaction by

[ ] Student Council President Cody
[ ] Ivy, who was arguing with two of her friends for some reason.
[ ] Suzy Page, intrepid reporter to be.