Evangelion: Shadō Wa Shitte Imasu

Chapter 30: Isle of Doubt
Chapter 30 - Isle of Doubt

In her office, Misato was working on an interim progress report she'd been putting off for some time on the combat operations carried out against the Angels so far. She was making a recording to help verbalize her thoughts before putting them to paper.

"Continuing 'Tokyo-3 Urban Combat Interim Report', NERV Director of Operations Major Misato Katsuragi speaking," she dictated into the microphone on her setup. "Subject: battle against the Third Angel, codename: Sachiel. Although the damage we incurred as a result wasn't as extensive as initially predicted, the fact is that, against an unknown target, a boy with zero experience in Evangelion operations went out on his first battle with an Angel, and soundly defeated it with the skill level of a professional fighter. Shinji Ikari's achievement, along with his judgment in sweeping the area for civilians beforehand, in spite of not initially obeying orders first given at launch, is deserving of special notice. Even while in the middle of the battle, Pilot Ikari went out of his way to ensure the safety of two civilian children--siblings Toji and Sakura Suzuhara--overlooked by his initial sweep, moving them swiftly out of the battle zone. As a result, it was reported to me by Pilot Ikari himself Toji felt greatly indebted to him, becoming one of his best friends since moving here to Tokyo-3."

Misato's recording was interrupted by a buzz from her phone, which upon examination turned out to be the reminder she set for herself to be present for the cross-compatibility tests being conducted today. Misato was thankful for the distraction, deciding to put off the interim report for another day.

Commander Ikari's virtual meeting room...

"This is no good," one of the SEELE council commented grimly. They were going over a report with Gendo over suspicious rumors of a direct invasion of NERV HQ by the 11th Angel, only for it to have been destroyed.

"It's happening too early," another council member added.

"Indeed!" a third chimed in. "An Angel invading NERV HQ was outside of our schedule."

"And worse, to think that you let it intrude into Central Dogma," a fourth chided the Commander.

"If contact had occurred then," a fifth solemnly theorized, "our entire project could have ended in disaster."

Gendo remained unperturbed by the veiled accusations of the council members. "The report submitted to this committee was in error--no Angel invasion took place."

"Then, you say that the 11th Angel's intrusion did not occur?" one council member posed, skeptical of Gendo's claim.

"Yes," Gendo replied stoically.

Most of the council remained unconvinced. "Speak cautiously, Ikari," one man warned. "Making false statements before us is punishable by death."

"You are free to examine the MAGI's recorders," Gendo offered up. "You will find there is no evidence of such an incident."

The same council member who gave the warning smirked a little. "We may just take you up on that offer," he said. "We shall send over one of our information technology specialists to give the central MAGI a thorough examination, by your leave."

Gendo, though he did not show it, was slightly surprised by this turn of events. "If you insist, I'll allow it," he responded. "Even so, this does not dismiss the fact that the timetable, as described in the Dead Sea Scrolls, is advancing."

"Very well, then," SEELE-01, Lorenz Kihl, stated. "We will table the matter of any crimes or responsibilities on your part, for now. Be advised, however, there is no need for you to create a new script, Ikari."

"Understood," Gendo said. "Everything is proceeding according to SEELE's script. Which reminds me--what of your deliberations regarding the issue of the Shadow?"

"SEELE-03 has already dispatched four of our best wet works operatives to Tokyo-3. They are only a day away from arriving," Kihl answered him.

Gendo nodded, and as soon as Kihl indicated, the meeting was adjourned. After each of the holograms faded, Kihl reached for his phone and brought up his secretary.

"Put me through to Dr. Mocquino at the NERV branch in Central America," he commanded, and proceeded to wait as the secretary began transferring his call to the scientist in question...

NERV HQ testing lab, around the same time...


Rei opened her eyes, having been in a state of meditation while in the entry plug.

"Yes, Dr. Akagi?" she finally replied.

"How does it feel to be piloting Unit-01 for the first time?" the chief scientist asked.

Rei, at first, was unsure of how to answer this. Being in Unit-01's plug was certainly a great contrast to Unit-00's, but whereas it took the help of the ancient presence she felt within her phurba necklace to finally bring what dwelt within that Unit to heel, the presence within Unit-01 was strangely more...welcoming to her, and strangely familiar.

"It...feels like Ikari, for some reason," she finally responded.

Ritsuko nodded. It was a rare test they were conducting today, as each of the pilots were to try out one another's entry plugs to see how well cross-compatibility could work should the need arise. So far, the data taken in stirred her curiosity.

"Her synch rate's almost the same as with Unit-00," she noted as she and Aoi observed the graphic flow on the latter's console. Ritsuko had unintentionally been avoiding Maya, and vice-versa, ever since she'd learned her protégé had somehow figured out her role in the Jet Alone incident months ago, hence her looking over Aoi's shoulder at the data. She didn't know how to broach the subject to try and allay whatever concerns Maya had, but mainly she'd used the work rebuilding the IT infrastructure of HQ and preparation for the cross-compatibility test as an excuse to put off speaking to her about it.

"It does seem that Unit-00 and 01's personal data patterns are very similar too, after all," Aoi pointed out.

"Which is exactly what makes this synchronization possible," Ritsuko concurred.

Misato, observing her colleague out of the corner of her eye, was secretly quite curious over why she and her kohai hadn't been 'joined at the hip' like usual lately. The trick would be to ask which one of them for the story behind it.

"Error is plus or minus 0.03," Aoi reported. "Harmonics normal."

"Which means no interchangeability problems found between Rei and Unit-01," Ritsuko affirmed, before speaking into the mic on the console. "Rei, the test is finished. You can come out now."

"Yes, Ma'am," Rei replied as the shutdown sequence began.

The rest of the tests went by mostly without any hiccups--Asuka tested in Unit-04, followed by Maria in Unit-03. When Mari tested in Unit-02, it was noted that there was some erratic behavior in the synchronization, but Mari was able to overcome it, though secretly she mused to herself that, for some reason, it was like dealing with Jekyll and Hyde as she tried to synch with the crimson titan. Finally, it was down to Shinji testing in Unit-00.

"Unit-00's personal data?" Ritsuko asked.

"Already reconfigured," Maya reported, the first words Ritsuko had heard out of her all day. "Currently reconfirming."

"Subject status?" Ritsuko asked further.

"No problems in his nerve patterns," Makoto reported. "He seems pretty calm, actually. It's like watching a monk in the middle of meditating."

"It's his first time in Unit-00," Misato pointed out. "Given how it's behaved before, it's only natural he'd want to not 'poke the bear', as it were."

Asuka, Maria, and Mari, meanwhile, were in their own EVAs on standby.

"He shouldn't worry about it at all," Asuka stated. "He should take it easy. Well, take it more than usual, at least."

A comm-window then popped up in her entry plug from Misato. "I have to say, I'm surprised you allowed someone else into your entry plug a second time," her guardian said. "Usually you never do."

"Well, Shinji was just a one-time deal," Asuka pointed out. "And Mari I've worked with for far longer, so I trust her not to do anything funny in my EVA, today's little glitch aside."

Another window soon popped up, this time from Mari herself. "Awww, so you do care, Princess! I'm touched, really."

"Don't let it go to your head, Four-eyes," Asuka shot back. "I'm not gonna be handing out guest passes any time soon."

Back in the middle of the test, the entry plug was inserted into Unit-00, and the connections were initiated.

"Shinji," Ritsuko began to ask, "how's it feel in Unit-00's plug?"

Shinji, opening one eye at first, remained calm as he answered her. "Not gonna lie, it's a bit odd."

"Some sort of incongruity?" Ritsuko probed further.

"Not really," Shinji replied. "Just feels a little like Ayanami."

Asuka, raising a curious eyebrow over the chatter she was hearing, wondered just what he meant by that.

"Data received. Reconfirming. Pattern green," Kaede reported.

"Roger," Ritsuko responded. "Now, let's shift to the second stage of the tests."

"Unit-00, now entering second contact," Aoi indicated.

Misato decided to break the silence between herself and Ritsuko. "How's he looking?"

"As I thought," Ritsuko replied as she pointed to another screen. "The synch rate is about even with when he's in Unit-01. Still, these are good readings."

"Harmonics all normal," Kaede reported.

"Because of this," Ritsuko continued. "We can implement the new feature for the EVAs."

Maya didn't take long to figure out which 'new feature' she was referring to. "The dummy system, correct? I know you and Dr. Kaga have been working hard on it, but still, it seems like--"

"I understand why you wouldn't approve of it," Ritsuko stated, "but this is a matter of always having a contingency in place to ensure humanity's survival."

Maya remained undaunted. "Ma'am, I will still perform my duty, but know that I stand by my convictions regarding the project. If you can prove it won't go out of control..." Those last words, Ritsuko mentally noted, seemed quite pointed for her protégé. "Then perhaps I'll change my mind."

"Then I'll have to make sure it isn't uncontrollable," Ritsuko responded, before adopting a more quieter tone. "It's tough having a fastidious nature, as far as living among people goes. It's something I admire about you, Maya. Even so, you'll get where I'm coming from when you feel that you've been sullied..."

Sempai, you have no idea how sullied I've been feeling for a while now...Maya thought somberly as she took Ritsuko's words in.

Within the plug for Unit-00, Shinji found himself greeted by a comm-window popping up from Asuka. "How's it going inside the heart of Big Blue?" the redhead asked.

Shinji responded with a simple shrug. "No different than any other capsule-shaped, liquid-filled environment, I guess," Shinji said in slight jest.

"Asuka, please close your connection to Unit-00," Ritsuko implored, "you'll introduce data noise and interfere in the test."

"It's all right, Dr. Akagi," Shinji reassured the scientist. "Asuka, what do you say we save this for later, okay?"

"Uh...sure, whatever," Asuka said as she closed the comm-window.

"Initiate A-10 nerve connection," Ritsuko instructed.

"Harmonics level, plus twenty," Kaede indicated.

It was then that, as soon as the connection was reached, Shinji began to feel something. Looks like I'm not as alone as I thought...Soon, he began seeing flashes of Rei, throughout his first few months in Tokyo-3, both during and outside Angel battles. It seemed like the presence within was similar to, yet different from Rei...

Outside the mindscape, the others looked on as Unit-00's head suddenly began moving away from its neck restraint. Maria, observing through her EVA's feed, began to emit a faint trilling sound, something not lost on Mari.

"What's going on?!" Misato asked in the observation booth.

"Mental contamination occurring!" Maya reported alarmingly.

"That's impossible!" Ritsuko decried. "It can't happen at this plug depth!"

"It's not coming from the plug," Maya added while observing the graphic lines beginning to separate on her screen. "The intrusion's coming from the EVA itself!" Strangely, some observers noted, the EVA didn't break fully out of its restraints, and appeared to be merely convulsing. Still, as they were instructed, Asuka, Maria, and Mari remained at the ready should the blue giant go out of control.

Meanwhile, within the plug of Unit-00, Shinji found himself being spoken to directly in his mind by the very presence within the EVA. It seemed to be regarding him as a lion would regard their potential prey...or rival.

You...the presence said. You are the one she said has 'cut her strings'...

Who...You mean Rei?
Shinji asked. What does she have to do with this?

In the reactivation test...
the presence started to say, she was able to hold me at bay--prevent me from getting back at him!

Him...Gendo Ikari?
Shinji replied, as he began to understand what this presence could be: another victim of his father's machinations. Listen--like you, I've got enough of a grudge against that man, in more ways than one! But simply crushing him underfoot won't do anybody any favors! I'm already working on taking him down, without any loss of innocent life!

How do you mean--?
the presence posed.

Look at how Rei has been ever since I first came here, Shinji pointed out. Before, she would have been easy pickings for you, but now? She's starting to truly find herself, really become her own person. I've been making sure she continues on that path out from under Gendo Ikari's thumb. What you seek to do will set all of that progress back!

The presence seemed to ponder Shinji words for a moment. What guarantee can you make...? it asked skeptically.

Nothing beyond my word, Shinji answered. And just so you know, I'm very much aware of the thing within Rei's necklace, and of what it can do. Lord knows what would happen if you try anything against my sister again and incur its wrath...

The presence, thinking back to when it first encountered the thing within Rei's necklace, knew the boy was not bluffing; doubly so, when it took heed of how he referred to its usual pilot. Very well...it said after a momentary silence. I shall continue to...work with her. I shall respect your request...

Glad we could come to a mutual understanding,
Shinji replied with a nod. Now, let's see if we can put everyone at ease--I've got a feeling they're in the midst of a panic right now...

In the real world, all eyes watched as the convulsing Unit-00 began to unexpectedly settle down, and soon reorient itself back into its restraints. Maya observed in awe as the graph lines began to realign into an even synch.

"Mental contamination's receding," Maya reported. "Levels normalizing."

"Synch rate and harmonics levels now fully-normalized," Kaede added after a couple of minutes. "Cross-compatibility successful."

Misato and Ritsuko, the latter especially dumbfounded by the turn of events, looked at one another, speechless. Moments later, the two of them were in another part of the lab discussing the developments from the test.

"That...was a pretty close call," Misato stated.

"No kidding," Ritsuko said somewhat wearily.

"Was it somehow related to Rei's reactivation test from a few months ago?" Misato asked.

Ritsuko shook her head a bit. "I can't tell you all the details right now--all I know is that we'll need to reconfigure Unit-00 for Rei's personal data and then run a new synch test for them as soon as possible."

Misato nodded. "All right then--take care of it right away, before any of our other work is impacted."

"I will," Ritsuko affirmed. "Believe me, I know. Like you said, it was a really close call, something I don't want to happen again."

Gendo Ikari's office...

Gendo and Fuyutsuki were in the middle of a game of shogi, a recurring pastime for the two commanders.

"So, it appears the intrusion of the 11th Angel wasn't in the plan," the former professor noted. "And the Committee seems to be taking advantage of learning of it, instead of unloading their usual swath of complaints."

"Even so," Gendo responded, "we still hold all the trump cards. There is little to nothing they can do at this point."

"Regardless," Fuyutsuki said, "we still shouldn't poke at that particular hornet's nest. If SEELE starts interfering now, our ambitions will be sunk. The fact that they're sending their computer expert is indication enough."

"Everything is continuing to go according to our script," Gendo confidently reiterated. "We will have no problems."

"And what of the near-incident with Unit-00 today? That certainly didn't seem scripted," Fuyutsuki pointed out.

"It presents no obstacle," Gendo answered. "The test, and the re-synchronization for Rei and the Unit, was ultimately successful."

"What of Project Adam?" Fuyutsuki asked.

"Proceeding smoothly," Gendo replied. "It remains fully on-track."

"Which means the Lance of Longinus--?"

"Even now, Rei is taking care of it."

As he said those words, Rei herself, in Unit-00, was carrying the enormous, crimson-colored object in question down into the bowels of Terminal Dogma, its ultimate destination known only to herself, Ritsuko, and the two commanders.

Tokyo-2 International Airport, later that night...

The commercial jetliner landed on the runway successfully, and taxied itself to its designated gate. Once done, the passengers filed out into the airport proper; among them were a woman and a teenage girl who broke off from the crowd as they made their way towards a specially-designated baggage claim, where their town car would be waiting for them.

"Our residence has been set up to your specifications, Mistress," Ms. Leong confirmed. "Our aliases have been cleared and fully-integrated into the data collection taken up by the MAGI. None will suspect us as we carry out the plans."

Batu Khan nodded, a small smirk on her face. "Excellent news," she said as she looked towards the distant Tokyo-3 skyline. "To turn the words of my family's old foe against him, who knows the prey that lurks within the heart of 'mankind's fortress of tomorrow'?" Her smirk grew a bit more pronounced as she continued. "The last Great Khan knows..."

End Chapter 30.
Chapter 31: The Masked Lady
Chapter 31 - The Masked Lady

On the surface, it appeared that it was going to be a typical morning at Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School. The students of class 2-A filed in, some lagging a bit behind, just as the bell rang in the start of the day. As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, Hikari stood and issued her usual three-fold command of 'rise-bow-sit!', to which all students present complied without fail. Instead of immediately launching into the same lecture he, for some reason or another, rambled on through like he did almost every day, the teacher made an announcement to the class.

"Students," he began to say, "starting today, we have a new addition to our class, who recently transferred here from Hong Kong. Please welcome them accordingly." He then faced the doorway. "You may enter now."

With that cue, a new face appeared as a teenage girl of average height walked into the classroom. She had brown eyes that almost glistened like bronze through her pair of round glasses, and her long hair was tied into twin braids in the back, with some fringe showing at the front. She faced the rest of the class as she proceeded to introduce herself.

"Good morning," she greeted with a tiny smile on her face. "I'm pleased to meet all of you, and hope we can be good friends. My name is Vivienne--Vivienne Ying-Ko."

On hearing this, a slightly-startled Shinji accidentally knocked his pencil off the side of his desk. "Pardon me," he quietly said as he bent to pick it up, just as the girl began writing her name on the chalkboard in perfect kanji. Secretly, he was astonished by the name of the new girl in class--last he'd checked, the name Ying-Ko was mainly associated with only one person he knew: Kent Allard. Specifically, it was a name from a less-than-savory part of Allard's life, before he became the Shadow. For when Allard found himself crash-landing his plane in the Far East, he continued on as a soldier-of-fortune, and from there rose to become one of the most ruthless criminal warlords of Tibet's borderlands: Ying-Ko, the 'butcher of Lhasa'. His was a reign of ruthlessness and violence against his enemies, until the intervention of the Marpa Tulku put him back on a more righteous path, one that led to him instead becoming the greatest scourge of criminals the world over.

Now, here this girl was, sporting that very same name. He knew Allard had no other relatives, so Shinji began to secretly wonder--who was this 'Vivienne Ying-Ko', really? It was a question he had to put aside for the time being, especially in regards to those around him. Instead, he merely watched as the new girl picked out a desk and took her seat. As for Vivienne herself...he couldn't be sure, but Shinji could've sworn that, for the briefest of moments, she flashed a knowing smirk specifically in his direction as she settled at her desk.

A few hours later, lunchtime rolled around and the EVA pilots, along with their friends, opted to eat at a couple of tables put together near the athletic field. It was clear from the conversation among them that there were more than a few passing familiarities between each of the students: Toji and Lee with their being on the school basketball team, Mana and Kensuke as part of the robotics club, and Rei and Mayumi due to the two of them being regular customers at a certain bookstore downtown. Halfway into lunch, the group found Vivienne coming towards them.

"Excuse me," she politely began. "Might it be all right if I joined you all for lunch? I really don't know anyone, and felt you looked like a friendly bunch."

Some of the group exchanged brief looks among one another, before it was Asuka who spoke up.

"Eh, why not?" she said. "I know where you're coming from anyway with the whole 'stranger in a strange land' thing, so far be it from me to help a newbie get acclimated."

"You're more than welcome to join us," Hikari chimed in. "As class representative, feel free to ask me any questions."

"Thirded," Mari added, "anyone from the land of the John Woo flick is fine by me."

"Mari..." Mayumi subtly implored with a slight elbow-ribbing.

"It's quite all right, really," Vivienne said reassuringly as she sat down. "It's funny--my aunt works for a film distributor that just opened a new office here, so I've had something of a front-row seat to the Hong Kong film industry's inner workings."

"Really? That's so cool!" Kensuke enthusiastically said. "My dad and I have been fans of Hong Kong cinema since day one!"

Of course he is...Toji thought bemusedly, knowing that, gun nut his best friend was, he'd very much be into the 'shoot 'em up' types of movies from that part of the world.

"Maybe I can give you a tour of the offices some time," Vivienne offered. "We've got a nice little 'mini-museum' built-in for visitors."

"Yes, definitely, definitely YES," Kensuke said as he fervently nodded his head.

"Yo, Ken, ease up, will ya? You're scarin' her," Toji said as he 'politely' chided the otaku.

Shinji, silent for the most part during the whole conversation, finally took an opportunity to speak. "So, is it just your aunt?" he asked curiously.

Vivienne nodded a tiny bit, a small frown appearing on her face. "Yes, actually. She's raised me since both my parents died during the Impact Wars. I don't know what I'd do without her."

The mood became somewhat somber, as everyone offered her their respective condolences. Shinji went a bit further than that with his next set of words.

"I'm sorry if I brought up anything unpleasant," he apologized. "I didn't know."

"It's okay," Vivienne replied as her tiny smile began to return. "My aunt's been a big part of helping me learn to get past it."

Kensuke cleared his throat as he sought to bring the mood back up. "I just had a thought--you wanna come to the 'murder mystery' cosplay party we're having next week?"

"Really?" Vivienne asked, slightly surprised by the offer. "You'd invite me, even if I just met you all?"

"It'll be fine," Kensuke assured her. "It'll be a great way for you to meet more people, too. What do you think?"

Vivienne appeared to give it some thought for a moment, before she nodded back at Kensuke. "I'll ask my aunt if it's okay and let you know tomorrow."

"Great!" Kensuke said. "Make sure you pick out your costume before then, and like I said before, I'll definitely take you up on your invite to those offices you mentioned."

With that, the conversation turned to everyone getting to know Vivienne a bit more, until the bell rang to bring all the students back to class.

NERV HQ, break room, around the same time...

"Inching ever-closer to party time, isn't it?" Ritsuko bemusedly asked Misato while they broke for a cup of coffee.

Misato nodded. "And before you ask, I did decide on dressing up for the shindig. It's a costume so ingenious, so elegant in its simplicity, I'll bet no one's thought of doing it before now."

"And that is?" Ritsuko asked, a skeptical, yet curious eyebrow arched.

Misato smirked as she answered, while waving a disapproving finger. "Up-up--it'll be a secret for now," she said.

"Spoilsport," Ritsuko muttered as she took another sip. "So, aside from you, anyone else chaperoning?"

"Well, I'd ask some of the kids' Section-2 detail," Misato began to answer, "but they're strictly protection, not babysitting. Especially since the two Neo-Xanadu near-kidnappings." An almost eagerly-pleading expression then appeared on her face. "Say, you're not doing anything on--?"

"Love to, but I'll still be up to my neck in work that night," Ritsuko quickly replied.

Makoto and Satsuki, sitting at the table as they listened to the conversation, gave each other a quick, knowing look before the former spoke up.

"Satsuki and I are free that night if you need an extra hand or two," Makoto said as he volunteered the two of them.

Misato looked at her subordinates, the beginnings of a gleeful look on her face. "Really? You guys would do that for me?" she asked, a hint of almost desperate giddiness present in her voice.

"Certainly," Satsuki affirmed as she pointed towards herself. "I was a pretty popular babysitter in high school. And Hyuga and I have a great duo costume we'd been saving for that anime convention in Tokyo-2 next month, but this party seems like a good testbed for peoples' reactions."

Misato gave Satsuki a mock-skeptical look.

"Don't worry, they're in good taste," Makoto reassured her. "In fact, the characters come from a very iconic, well-established franchise..."

A penthouse apartment in another part of Tokyo-3, late afternoon...

"I'm home," Vivienne called out as she entered the penthouse.

"Welcome home, Mistress," Ms. Leong responded as she came in from the hallway. "Your first day of school was a success, I take it?"

"It was, and then some," 'Vivienne' said as she removed her glasses and undid her braids, returning to her real identity of Batu Khan. "It appears our intelligence was correct about the student body--each of my 'classmates' is a potential pilot candidate for NERV's Evangelions, even if most of them don't realize it. And all of it by design--you have to give SEELE and Gendo Ikari some credit, using a fictitious 'Marduk Institute' to disguise their method of candidate selection, just to ward off any potential prying eyes."

"Speaking of the pilots," Ms. Leong began to ask, "did you have any luck ingratiating yourself among their particular social circle?"

Batu smirked as she answered. "Oh, yes--the majority of them took to my act quite earnestly. In fact, one of their civilian friends just invited me to a costume party they're having in the coming week. A perfect opportunity to further ingrain myself into their lives without suspicion. But enough about my day--has our business front been fully set up?"

Ms. Leong nodded. "The office building has been humming with activity since early this morning," she replied.

"Perfect," Batu commented. "If you'll excuse me, I'll just need to breeze through my first homework assignment from the school before I rest up. I'm planning a little 'night on the town', as it were..."

The streets of Tokyo-3, later that night...

Shinji had long left Misato's apartment incognito, and once again the Shadow exited the building's elevator at ground level, on another nightly stroll of vigilance.

The Shadow weaved his way in and out of the nightlife crowds, blending in with every shadow cast in every alley as he made his 'rounds'. At one point, he came within distance of a street corner where what looked to be a mugging was about to take place. Before he moved to intervene, the hoodlum in question suddenly fell as a shape pounced on him from a downward angle. The thug screamed as his collarbone was shattered and he began going into shock, which only served to terrify his intended victim further. The Shadow followed the shape with his eyes as it leaped and landed upon a nearby fire escape. He could barely make out the silhouette of the newcomer, only that they, with a wave of their finger, urged him to try and catch them. The Shadow, as he began to get into a run, his illusory guise shifting to that of his 'ninja' look, warily obliged.

The Shadow was soon after the mysterious figure as they climbed up the fire escape and quickly found themselves on the rooftop, already running across and making a beeline for the next one. The Shadow wasted no time matching the figure's pace, with Shinji silently again thanking Allard for the tutelage he received in parkour from another of his more specialized agents. The two stealthy warriors chased one another across the rooftops, rarely seen by curious onlookers down below, few chalking it up to maybe being part of a movie or TV show someone was filming stunts for. At a few points in the chase, the Shadow would find himself the target of the mysterious figure's throwing knives, which he managed to evade, in spite of a few throws being close calls. In what light they did run through, the Shadow could confirm that the object of his chase was in fact a woman, one who had quite the athletic figure to afford her the skill needed to keep up the chase they were in. Suddenly, their chase came to an abrupt end when they reached a billboard whose lighting was a bit low for this time of night, and the woman simply stopped, giving the Shadow a proper view of his target.

The woman wore an aquamarine-colored outfit that was skintight, save for the sleeves which were billowing, until they met the gunmetal grey, angled and ribbed bracers on her forearms, with the aquamarine continuing onto the gloves on her hands. The same gunmetal grey ribbed pattern appeared on the sides of her torso, indicating they were some sort of light armor, which was also present above her chest. A set of shoulder pads that complimenting the aquamarine outfit flared slightly outward, and matched the v-angled 'belt' around her waist. The only skin exposed was her neck, encircled by a slightly-billowing collar, with a mysterious-looking pendant hanging from it. The woman wore an aquamarine mask that covered every inch of her face save for her piercing, jade-green eyes, and was adorned with three downward-angled spikes on each side, bringing to mind the titular alien monster from Predator. Flowing from behind her head was a mane of jet black hair, with a long, almost serpentine ponytail extending further out. The Shadow noted that the tail was secured at six specially-spaced points with what looked to be bladed bands, and at the very tip of the tail was a small, gleaming crescent blade. All this indicated that the lowlife she'd injured earlier could have met a far more grisly fate at her hands, had she decided otherwise.

"Who are you?" the Shadow asked, warily gauging the newest face in Tokyo-3.

"Reinforcements, let's just say," the woman replied. "You may think of me as the top enforcer for Neo-Xanadu. When I was informed that our contingent in this part of the world was experiencing some 'shady problems', I was brought in to deal with them accordingly. Call tonight a simple test of just who it is I'm supposed to be dealing with. It would appear that for a decades-old myth, you can, indeed, keep up with me. Don't expect it to last. As you no doubt surmised, I could have ended the life of that common criminal with barely a step--I simply wanted to get your attention."

The Shadow narrowed his eyes at the female enforcer, his form shifting to his suited look as he did. "And what exactly is Neo-Xanadu's reason for being in the epicenter of the Angel attacks?"

"No particular reason,"
the enforcer replied. "Neo-Xanadu exists to carry out the ambitions of its founder, who in turn sought to fulfill those of his ancestor." She held her arms outstretched, emphasizing the depth of the city around them. "Here in this so-called 'fortress of mankind', the greatest weapons ever built lay in wait, to be taken by us once the Angel crisis has been fully resolved. With the sheer power of the Evangelions, we shall have all we need to truly conquer the world, and bring about a return of the empire built by the Great Khans."

the Shadow thought out loud, before realizing what she inferred. "So, Neo-Xanadu is the legacy of Shiwan Khan."

"You are not wrong,"
the enforcer confirmed.

"And what about those who truly control NERV?" the Shadow posed. "How will you take SEELE and their particular designs on the world into account?"

"We have plans in place to deal with that cabal of old men when the time is right,"
the enforcer answered. "They will not live to see whatever their endgame is even reach its starting point. You should be grateful for that."

"My aim is for the old men to be exposed, to face justice on the world stage,"
the Shadow firmly stated. "While ensuring that any means they have of escaping judgment are cut off."

"And right there is where we differ,"
the enforcer said as she pointed towards his chest. "Off-topic, but I must compliment you on your tie--Brooks Brothers, if I were to hazard a guess?"

The Shadow made no response to the brief non-sequitur. "This will be your only warning--I will brook no further sabotage of NERV, especially when an Angel attacks."

"Is that a rule?"
the enforcer coyly asked. "Or merely a guideline? Either way, I can't make any promises--if there is any opportunity to soften up NERV for our aims, we will take it."

The Shadow glared at the enforcer. "You know I'll stop you."

The enforcer said nothing at first, only to respond: "...All these decades later, and the Shadow is still as arrogant as ever. I would caution you against that sort of behavior, but then there would be no fun in seeing it become your undoing." She then turned to the rooftop's ledge. "You will see me around..." she ominously stated as she then stepped off the ledge and disappeared over it. The Shadow ran towards the ledge and looked over the side, only to find no trace of the enforcer. As he contemplated the conversation he'd held with this new rival, one thing was certain to him: the fight to prevent Third Impact had just become more complicated than he'd imagined.

End Chapter 31.
Guest Omake 6 - "The Long Tokyo-3" by StriderInCosmos

It was a bright, sunny day in Tokyo-3. Even with the eternal summer that Second Impact had locked the world into, there was a gentle breeze that cooled the air as it blew past Shinji and Mari, who were making their way back from a grocery run. Mari had insisted on coming along, stating the need for a "battle-buddy" when it came to cooking, even over Asuka's grumble-filled complaints regarding the general blandness of British cuisine.

They decided to take a shortcut through a quiet, safe alleyway, a shortcut that Shinji knew due to his time spent as his darker self. It would get them home easier, and they would be, for the most part, entirely alone, at least according to Shinji. Mari accepted the explanation well enough; she knew how he knew already, anyway.

One of those statements proved to be false, however, as another girl, maybe a little taller than Mari, came advancing towards them, giving them pause. As she got closer, Shinji and Mari's brows both furled in confusion. It was…Mari?

The woman came to a stop in front of them for a moment, blue eyes widening slightly behind familiar red-rimmed glasses. She regarded Mari for a moment, and an unspoken something passed between them as they both cupped their chins and leaned towards one another, as if looking through an eerie mirror, holding the pose for a few silent moments.

Staying in a synchronicity that would make Shinji and Asuka's battle with Israfel seem almost sloppy, they stuck a tongue out while closing an eye, then spun one way, then the other, tilting their heads from side to side then back and forth a few times. Finally, they simply looked around each other, the other girl's eyes finally landing on Shinji for more than a few moments.

"Oh, pardon me, puppy," the taller girl said quickly. "I'm just blazing a trail--be out of your way in a moment."

As the girl stepped forward, Mari put out a hand. "Now hold it!" she said in a serious voice before pausing dramatically. "There's only one person in this world truly authorized to call Shinji here by that nickname, and that's me!" she finished as she pointed a thumb at herself.

"Oh, really?" the other girl said archly. "Is that so…?"

The two girls regarded each other silently for a moment, the atmosphere becoming somewhat tense. Shinji slowly took a step back as he eased into a ready stance.

Then, the girls suddenly spoke, one after another, almost seeming to share the same thought. "Staring contest!" "No glasses!" "Go!" As they said the last word simultaneously, their glasses were off in a flash, and they leaned towards each other and began to squint slightly.

Shinji took another step back, now looking between the two girls in utter confusion. He opened his mouth to ask what, exactly, was going on, then thought better and silently closed it again.

It was an intense showdown, stretching from seconds into minutes. "Uh, Mari," Shinji finally said, "we should probably get home. The groceries might start to spoil."

"She dares impugn my verbosity?" Mari replied with the uttermost seriousness, not taking her gaze from the other girl for even an instant. "This has to be settled, here and now."

Shinji sighed quietly before he heard another voice from up the alleyway whence the girl came. "Mariah? Mariah! Come on, we don't have time for this, and you can't use the fact that you didn't take your meds as an excuse this time."

After a moment more, the voice's owner came into view, and he advanced on the three. "Oh, come on, Mari, the others are waiting for…us…"

The boy who came to a stop was taller than Shinji. Somewhat broader too. But besides the somewhat longer hair, and the stubble that graced his cheeks and chin, Shinji knew exactly who he was looking at.

And, with but a glance, so did Mari, as she took her eyes off her opponent for the briefest of seconds.

"Ha!" the girl said, standing straight as she put on her glasses with a flourish. "The right to call him Puppy-boy is no longer yours alone!" she turned to the new boy. "Isn't that right, Shinji?"

Shinji's--or rather, both Shinjis'--eyes widened briefly, only for the one who was, apparently, the other Shinji to close his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "I know exactly what you're thinking right now," the other Shinji said wearily as he addressed his counterpart.

Said counterpart shook his head slowly. "What…is going on...?" Of all the things Allard could have taught him, perhaps a little bit of multiverse theory would've been nice.
Chapter 32: Death's Masquerade
Chapter 32 - Death's Masquerade

Shinji checked himself in his room's full-length mirror as he donned the blue wide-brimmed hat that was part of his costume, the final touch to his ensemble. In addition to that hat, he wore a matching blue suit with gloves and shoes, a blue trench coat, a white undershirt with a red tie, and a blue domino mask. He grinned at his reflection, satisfied with how much he looked the part. It didn't matter to him if the other partygoers didn't know who he was dressed as, he was just happy that the character fit the theme for the evening's festivities. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a knock on his door.

"Shinji? You almost ready?" Misato asked from the other side.

"See for yourself," he replied as he opened the door, revealing him in his noir-stylized getup. Misato smiled once she got a look.

"Well don't you look all handsome and mysterious," she slightly teased.

"And don't you look quite sophisticated and professional," Shinji remarked back at her.

"I do try, from time-to-time," Misato answered while doing her best to sound 'upper crust'. Shinji had to admit that she did indeed look the part of what she was dressed as; as Misato had told Ritsuko the other day, her costume was quite ingenious. She wore a goldenrod-colored turtleneck under a blue cardigan with a matching long skirt; her hair was pulled together in a neat bun, and a pair of old-styled 'librarian' glasses (non-prescription, of course) rested on her nose. Held in her right arm was a small working typewriter she'd bought at a junk shop downtown. All in all, Misato looked like what one would imagine a stereotypical mystery writer to be--by design, according to the major. In addition to being the chief chaperone of the party, she'd also volunteered to 'chronicle' the murder mystery game and put the events to paper, handing the winner of the contest the completed result as a souvenir. "All we need now is our wingman."

"Wark-wark..." came an unamused squawking, as if anticipating the major's words that moment. Both Shinji and Misato turned in the direction of the sound and found Pen-Pen at the other end of the hallway, tapping his left foot expectantly, left flipper on his hip. At Shinji and Misato's promise of some high-quality shrimp cocktails made personally for him, Pen-Pen agreed to be dressed up for the party, and Misato had come up with a clever costume for him. The bird was wearing little white spats on his ankles, a fake starched collar with a purple bow tie was around his neck, a tiny monocle held in his right eye, and a purple top hat on his head. Balanced between the floor and his right flipper was a small (non-functional) umbrella. Overall, Pen-Pen, in spite of his species, was a dead-ringer for one Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot.

"Heh," Shinji mused, "if we were having a costume contest too, no doubt you'd blow them away, Pen-Pen."

"Besides," Misato said as she kneeled down to address the penguin, a knowing grin on her face, "think about what would've happened if you'd dressed like Chilly Willy like I originally presented you with."

Pen-Pen shuddered at the thought of many of the girls who'd be at the party swarming all over him for how cute they'd think he'd look, wearing Chilly Willy's signature white-and-red hat; just the thought of a cacophony of 'kawaii!!' being squealed by them was enough for him to eagerly snatch the top hat Misato had also held out. At least when dressed as he was now, he could be a bit more dapper, more...debonair.

"What say we don't keep the rest of the guests waiting?" Misato suggested, as the three of them walked out of the hall and made their way to the front door. Before they'd even left the edge of the kitchen--

"I suggest you do not move from where you stand, comrade," a young female voice with an attempted Russian accent sounded from close behind Shinji. "Seems like good idea for living longer, da?"

A tiny, amused grin appeared on Shinji's face as he slowly raised his hands, before turning around to face his supposed assailant. There, he found Asuka, clad in a black, form-fitting catsuit with a belt made up of golden discs hanging around her waist; the middle disc, under her navel area, had a black circle within it, and within that black circle was a red hourglass shape. The belt wasn't the only bit of gold on her, as twin bracelets that resembled bands of bullets were on her wrists, the right one having been pointed at Shinji's back, and was now facing his front. Asuka's hair was missing her A-10 clips, and had been styled as if she'd come out of a salon in 1969; she also wore a bit of light blue eye shadow and black mascara.

"Just when and how did you get in here, 'Madame Natasha'?" Shinji posed, playing along with the charade.

Asuka smirked a tiny bit as she answered while keeping the accent up. "Security is quite lax, making it very easy for talented espionage agent like myself to slip in unnoticed ten minutes ago."

Both were brought out of the moment by Misato, doing all she could to cover the chortling trying to escape her lips.

"*Sigh* Way to kill the mood, Misato," Asuka chided as she dropped the accent, along with her arm.

"Sorry," Misato said between snickers, "you just kept making me think you were gonna ask Shinji about 'moose and squirrel'."

"Wrong Natasha," Shinji subtly, but not so subtly, pointed out.

"Whatever," Misato said with a slight eye-roll. "Where's Rei?"

"Just putting some last touches on her outfit," Asuka answered as all four of them finally made their way to the girls' apartment, where one half of the party was being hosted. "Even I don't know what she's going as, she's been keeping a tight lid on it all week."

The trio (Pen-Pen in tow) soon arrived at the apartment shared by the two girls, where the party had been in full swing for the past half-hour. It was clear that the guests, made up of friends of their friends from all over the school, had taken to the theme with the variety of costumes worn. Some of the costumes came from homegrown franchises as diverse as Heat Guy J, Black Cat, and Baccano!; oldies like Black Jack and Ghost in the Shell; and relative obscurities like Cat's Eye, Wild Arms, and Steam Detectives. For the more globally-known, there were at least a few Batmen, a couple James Bonds, and at least one Indiana Jones. Right now, the guests were either mingling or dancing a bit to the music that was playing in the background.

While Misato headed off to a little corner of the living room with a small table for her typewriter, Shinji and Asuka moved towards their own friends, leaving Pen-Pen to the 'mercy' of the three Batmen that soon spotted the top-hatted warm-water penguin; Shinji could swear he heard the bird squawk in a way that implied he'd get him for this. The two soon joined their friends, who'd just finished conversing with another classmate.

Kensuke looked spiffy in his getup, made up of light gray shorts and sneakers, a white dress shirt under a blue blazer, a red bowtie, and his hair gelled and styled a certain way; he'd also adopted a set of frames that were different from his usual glasses, to better sell the look of his character. Toji also had his hair gelled, though up and back, a few strands left untouched in the front, and for once was wearing a school uniform--just not his school's, considering it was green. Hikari also wore a different school uniform, this one being an all-blue sailor-style affair with a yellow kerchief; her pigtails were held by pink beaded bands instead of the usual bows she wore.

"Nice to see you following the school dress code for once," Shinji teased a bit, "though for which school, I haven't a clue."

"Har, har," Toji responded, not taking the bait as he pointed at Shinji with a ring-garbed finger. "Thankfully, my character's a spirit detective, so I'm still in-line with the theme."

"I forgot to ask, who are you dressed as?" Hikari asked Asuka.

A slightly-grinning Asuka, in response, donned the Russian accent she was using previously. "There are few who cross the Black Widow and live to tell about it."

Toji raised an eyebrow at this. "You don't look anything like Scarlett Johannsen." This in turn earned him a light but precise elbowing in the ribs from Hikari.

"It's 'cause she's dressed as the old comic book version," Kensuke explained. "The look she first donned in...1970, wasn't it?"

"Smart boy," Asuka complimented, accent still in use. "Expect no less from great Jimmy Kudo, da?"

"Indeed," Kensuke replied as he pushed his glasses up slightly, "'for there is only one truth!'"

Toji rolled his eyes a bit at his friend's quoting before addressing Shinji again. "So, what're you supposed to be, Shin-man?"

"One of the greatest detective characters ever put to paper," Shinji began to answer, "brought forth from the mind of one of the greatest comics creators in history." His smirk became a bit more accentuated. "Will Eisner's The Spirit."

Kensuke snickered. "You mean the star of one of the lamest movies from seven years ago?" he asked before slightly ribbing Toji. "You remember that one, right?"

"Do I ever," Toji lightly grumbled. "You dragged me to that waste of a ticket 'cause you said it was by the same guys that did Sin City and 300!"

"I did--I just didn't say it was the same director," Kensuke countered.

"Omission still counts as lying, doesn't it?" a new voice posed as the others turned to see Mana having walked up to them, Mayumi at her side.

Kensuke recognized Mayumi's getup immediately, complimenting her on being a dead-ringer for one Yomiko Readman. (Mayumi's unparalleled origami skills really sold it, something even Hikari could attest to.)

Mana, on the other hand, was dressed like a prim and proper lady from turn-of-the-century London, her entire outfit from her hat to her dress a lovely shade of light violet.

"And just who do we have joining us for this evening's festivities?" Shinji posed as he took her proffered hand.

"Irene Adler," Mana answered, "the one woman able to match wits with Sherlock Holmes on a regular basis."

"Begs the question," Asuka started while looking around the room, "is there a Holmes and Watson at this party at all?"

"That'd be Musashi and Keita," Mayumi replied as she looked to see the boys in question walk up. The others were a bit bewildered, as while Musashi and Keita were dressed like the famous Arthur Conan Doyle characters (right down to their trademark headwear), they also wore fake dog snouts and ears as part of their respective ensembles. The two of them were also clearly not amused by those additions.

"Didn't say they'd be dressed as the more...traditional depictions," Mana commented in a glib manner.

"Never, ever make a bet with Yamagishi," Musashi warned in the face of Toji and Kensuke's snickering.

"Seconded," Keita added with a nod.

Asuka fielded her immediate question to Shinji. "There a reason the world's greatest detective and his sidekick have gone to the dogs?"

Shinji nodded in affirmation. "They're referencing an old anime called Sherlock Hound. Hayao Miyazaki actually directed some episodes before he went on to co-found Studio Ghibli."

"And helm Nausicaä before that," Mayumi chimed in.

While the group continued their conversation, the door to the apartment opened as a couple more party guests came in and made their way towards them. One of the newcomers covered Shinji's eyes from behind with her (fingerless gloved) hands.

"Guess who, mystery puppy?" a British-accented voice posed.

"Um..." Shinji began to guess, feigning cluelessness. "A girl with big--"

"OH-kay, you can cut it out, Mari," Asuka said pointedly as she lifted the other girl's hands off Shinji's face. "That got old after the fifth time you pulled that on me."

"*Hmph!* Spoilsport..." Mari faux-pouted as Shinji turned to get a good look at her and Maria. Mari had her hair woven into a long braided ponytail, and resting upon her nose was a pair of sunglasses with little round lenses. She wore an aqua-colored leotard, light brown shorts, calf-high hiking boots with tall white socks, a utility belt connected to twin holsters on both thighs, and shoulder holster.

Maria, on the other hand, wore a white pantsuit with matching tie and a black dress shirt underneath the jacket. Her headband and choker were not present, while her hair had been styled in an 'old Hollywood' fashion, and resting on her right shoulder was a brown-furred little stuffed rabbit.

"Why're you dressed like Lara Croft?" Kensuke asked.

"Simple, really," Mari began to explain. "The old pulp magazines of yore boasted all kinds of stories, from mysteries to sci-fi to high fantasy to globe-trotting adventure, within their pages. For that last sub-genre especially, the likes of Croft and Indiana Jones can trace their roots to the exploits of the oftentimes gun-toting, machete-swinging jungle explorers from those pages."

"Same goes for spy fiction, hence my choice of character," Asuka added in.

"Huh. Fits," Kensuke nodded before turning to Maria. "And what about you?"

"The head of maintenance at NERV-2 was a big-time comic geek," the blonde answered. "She used to loan me her old issues from time to time, so I thought I'd honor her by coming as her favorite: Jonni Thunder. She's a private eye with the power to turn into a living thunderbolt."

"Uh-huh..." Toji said before pointing to the furry presence on her shoulder. "And the bunny rabbit?"

"Her pet, Shamus," Maria explained. "It's an old slang term for a detective."

Mari looked around the room for a certain someone among the party guests. "Where's Bluebird? You'd think she'd be with the rest of us by now."

"Last I checked, she was putting the last touches on her costume," Asuka answered. "(And I thought I took long to get ready...)"

"My apologies if I have kept you all waiting," a soft voice said from between Asuka and Hikari, startling the both of them that they turned to find Rei having just appeared behind them.

The First Child's blue tresses were hidden by a long, black wig also with an 'old Hollywood' style, with a red domino mask on her face. The rest of her outfit consisted of a red cape, a blue V-cut top and matching shorts, a red belt with the initials 'PL' on its buckle, and a pair of red pull-on flats. Hanging from the belt was a little green bag holding a square object within.

"Scheisse, don't scare us like that!" Asuka chided her. "And it's about time you showed up."

Mari gave Rei a once-over from head-to-toe. "*Whistle* Who knew Bluebird could be so daring?"

"Now that's an outfit that definitely goes against the school dress code," Hikari noted, her 'class rep mode' briefly showing. "What kind of character wears this?"

"I was researching costume ideas and found a pulp and mystery character database online," Rei began to explain. "Eventually, I came upon a comic book heroine from the 1940s whose outfit stood out to me. Hence, my being dressed as the Phantom Lady."

Shinji smirked a bit in approval. "Another creation of Will Eisner's studio, albeit lesser-known."

"Specifically," Rei continued, "the outfit comes from when her adventures were published by the defunct Fox Feature Syndicate, as illustrated by the late artist Matt Baker. His style is quite unique."

"What kind of style?" Kensuke curiously asked.

"I believe the term is referred to as 'good girl art'," Rei replied. Upon hearing this, Kensuke mentally filed it away for 'research purposes' later.

"So what's 'Phantom Lady's' gimmick?" Toji asked.

Rei spared no time in elaborating. "She is the debutante daughter of a United States senator who becomes a costumed crimefighter after thwarting an attempt on her father's life." She then opened up the little bag and took the square object out. "Her primary weapon is this device that emits a black light that can blind her foes or make herself appear invisible in darkness." She turned her attention to Mana. "Kirishima, my thanks and compliments to you for a superb engineering effort on this working replica."

"No problem, glad to help," Mana returned.

"Wait, that thing actually works?" Asuka asked skeptically.

"Allow me to demonstrate," Rei said as she casually turned it on in Kensuke's direction, causing the bespectacled boy to flinch as he suddenly found his vision clouded within the black beam. Rei quickly turned it back off, and Kensuke shook his head, took his glasses off, and rubbed his eyes until his vision returned.

"Cool," Asuka remarked with a slight hint of awe.

"Ditto," Shinji added.

"You all right?" Maria asked Kensuke.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Kensuke replied, blinking a bit. "Man, that was more intense than the brightest camera flash. And trust me, I'd know."

"Everything good here?" Misato asked as she came upon the group.

"We're all good," Shinji stated. "Rei was just showing us her costume's main prop."

"Would you care to see it in action?" Rei asked, while those not in her peripheral view quietly shook their heads to dissuade Misato from saying 'yes'. Thankfully, they didn't have to bother, as the 'mystery writer' turned at the sound of the apartment's buzzer.

"Ah, my back-up's arrived!" she gleefully said as she made her way to the door. Again, out of Rei's peripheral view, those concerned breathed silent sighs of relief. Misato soon opened the door, and was greeted by two people on the other side.

The male half of the twosome (a sly grin on his face) wore his hair in a manner almost afro-like, with a pair of false sideburns blending in with the look. He was dressed in a black collared shirt with a brown shoulder holster; a blue jacket; a red tie with a gold clip towards the middle; a brown belt; light gray slacks; and brown desert boots.

The female half of the duo wore her hair big and flowing, and was clad in a black minidress with purple horizontal stripes and white pumps to complete her minimal ensemble.

It took Misato a minute to realize just who it was greeting her at the door, and when she did, her eyes widened a bit wit surprise. "Wait--Hyuga?! Is that you?"

"Quite the difference a pair of contacts makes, isn't it?" Makoto replied with a very Lupin-like chuckle at the end.

"And Satsuki--you pull off Fujiko perfectly!" Misato complimented as she let the two into the apartment. "Heh, if I'd dyed my hair light brown I probably could've pulled off the same look."

"Thanks!" Satuski replied. "Though to be honest, you do pull off the 'sexy librarian' look nicely."

Misato gave the tech a mildly annoyed glare. "I'm a mystery writer, thank you very much."

It wasn't long before Shinji and Asuka came up to see the new arrivals. "Hey, awesome costumes, guys!" Shinji complimented. "You've been watching Part IV?"

"Haven't missed an episode yet," Makoto answered.

"Care to fill a girl in?" a quizzical Asuka asked.

"They're dressed as Arsène Lupin III and Fujiko Mine," Shinji explained, "from one of the most famous long-running manga and anime around. You'd probably like it--it's all about thieves and the heists they pull off."

"Lupin III's one of the things the two of us bonded over back when we were in school together," Satsuki said.

"And the newest season just premiered a while back," Makoto added. "In addition to being your additional chaperones this fine evening, we're sort of doing a 'field test' for when we take these getups to the upcoming big anime con in Tokyo-2."

While they were talking, another party guest made her presence known at the doorway, where she knocked on it, getting the others' attention.

"Hi! Hope this is the right place," the girl said.

It didn't take long for Asuka to recognize her. "Come on in, Vivienne!" she greeted. "You're just in time."

Kensuke popped in to greet the new arrival as he took notice of her costume. Said outfit consisted of a black turtleneck under a dark blue older model of tactical vest, green pants, and black combat boots. He immediately began putting together just who her character was. "Are you dressed as who I think it is?"

"You probably guessed right," Vivienne answered as she briefly flashed a salute. "Interpol Inspector "Jessica" Yang Chien-Hua, reporting for duty!"

"Where's she from again?" Misato asked.

"She's Michelle Yeoh's character from 1992's Police Story 3: Supercop," Kensuke eagerly explained. "It's an all-time fave of me and my dad's." He turned his attention back to Vivienne. "Gotta say, the vest looks like the real deal."

"It is, believe it or not," Vivienne affirmed. "Yeoh herself personally gifted it to my Aunt when the distribution deals were finalized. Took some begging for her to let me borrow it for tonight."

A look of awe quickly appeared on Kensuke's face as he half-prostrated himself before the girl. "I am SO not worthy right now..."

"Got that right," Asuka sarcastically muttered under her breath.

"Anyway, come in, come in and let's get you something to drink," Kensuke offered as he showed the girl in while Shinji shut the door behind them. While the otaku quickly brought her over to the others before grabbing her some punch, a knock was soon heard at the door. Shinji and Misato briefly traded confused looks before the former opened the door back up, revealing yet another newcomer.

This newcomer, in particular, wore a black suit with a white collared shirt underneath, a black tie, dark blue gloves, and a blue long coat that matched the fedora on his head. The most astonishing thing about him, however, was the fact that the newcomer had no face; what was there was all skin. For those who saw him, it was a bit unsettling.

"Um...who are you?" Misato asked warily.

"Who am I...?" the stranger asked rhetorically in turn. "Of all of life's many mysteries, that right there is considered the big...question."

It took a moment before Shinji recognized the voice who spoke just now. "Well-said, Mr. Kaji. Well-said indeed."

On hearing that, the mystery man peeled off a bit of his mask, revealing the sloppy-grinned inspector underneath. "Good deduction, kid--there might be a future for you in the investigative arts."

Misato was genuinely surprised by how much Kaji fooled her. "Clever, clever...Now tell me what happened to your signature ponytail."

"What do you think's under the hat?" Kaji said as he briefly lifted his hat off so his ponytail could flop down the back of his neck. "Care to make my proper introduction, 'Spirit'?" he asked while reapplying his mask.

"My pleasure," Shinji answered as he eyed both Misato and Asuka. "Kaji's dressed as the comic character the Question: investigative journalist by day, faceless two-fisted crime-solver by night."

"Oh yeah, now I remember the guy," Asuka said. "He was on that old Justice League cartoon they used to play on the base in Berlin."

"Where'd you get the mask?" Shinji asked. "Must've been hard to make."

"I called in a favor from an old buddy of mine who works as a makeup artist on a tokusatsu show," Kaji answered. "When I told him what I had in mind, he took it as a worthy challenge. I'd consider it his best work yet."

"All right, second major question," Misato began to pose, "what are you doing here anyway?"

"Officially, I'm here checking on the Section-2 detachment guarding the festivities," Kaji replied. "Unofficially, I thought it couldn't hurt to have one more chaperone around...especially in case Lupin and Fujiko over there try to make off with the silverware."

Makoto, in response, sported a very Lupin grin. "Silverware? How very pedestrian."

"Though I suppose if there's a safe in here, it won't be safe for long," Satsuki coyly added, joining Makoto in-character as the two 'clinked' their punch cups together.

It was then that something occurred to Shinji. "You just reminded me--I've got meg's single from the Part IV soundtrack in my CD collection back in Misato's place. I could grab it and pop it in, I think the others would really enjoy it!"

"I'll grab it," Asuka stated as she made her way to the door. "I'd like to keep you here to make sure your stooge friends don't do anything stupid. Capable authority figure she is, Hikari can't do it alone for long. (But don't tell her I said that.)"

"Well...all right," Shinji acquiesced. "It's in my room, you'll find it in the section of CD's between Mingus and Ohno."

"Got it," Asuka said as she walked out and headed to Misato's door.

Though it was hidden by his mask, Kaji had a bit of astonishment on his face when he looked at the Third Child. "Kid, you're just about the youngest person I know who, by the sound of things, unironically listens to Charles Mingus--without hyperbole. Somehow, you continue to surprise me."

"It's a skill," Shinji admitted with a slight shrug.

Meanwhile, in Misato's apartment, Asuka had found her way to Shinji's room and turned the light on. Taking stock of the room itself, she first noted the cello case in the corner, indicating her fellow pilot was a musician; it'd be something she'd have to ask him more about at some point soon.

She then turned her gaze to a medium-sized bookshelf and walked over to give its contents a brief perusal. No surprise, there were mystery stories of all sorts, including ones starring Dashiell Hammett's Sam Spade; Ian Fleming's James Bond; and Leslie Charteris's Simon Templar, aka The Saint. On the more graphic side of things were volumes of Corto Maltese, Lupin III, and Nijū Mensō no Musume (which served to compliment the copies Shinji had of the manga's inspiration, the novels by the legendary Edogawa Rampo).

Looking up from the bookshelf, she found a few posters adorned his walls: one for The Big O, one for Cowboy Bebop, and one for a film called 'Round Midnight. From there, Asuka finally found the boy's music collection and began leafing through the jewel cases for the single he was asking for. As she thumbed through the discs, she took note of the variety present; while there were few classical compilations, jazz tended to dominate Shinji's tastes. Her perusal took her a bit farther than intended and she wound up glimpsing a number of Rippingtons albums, raising a quizzical eyebrow at the ever-changing look of the band's 'jazz cat' mascot on each cover. Shaking her head briefly to get herself back on track, she thumbed her way back through the cases till she found the single and pulled it out. As she exited Shinji's room, she took another look and realized that her 'man of culture' quip she used back when they'd met on the Over the Rainbow wasn't too far off. It seemed Shinji Ikari was a bit more interesting than a lot of the usual guys his age. Deciding to ruminate on this later, she turned the light off and headed back to her apartment to rejoin the party.

When she got back, she found the four adults off to the sides of the living room overseeing the festivities while Shinji had rejoined their group of friends as they chatted. She soon made her way to them and promptly handed Shinji the disc, which brought a smile to his face.

"Thanks, Asuka," he said as he headed towards the CD player. "I really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it," the redhead replied. "Now pop it in so we can hear what all the fuss is about."

"Since you so nicely asked..." Shinji said as he opened the unoccupied player and inserted the disc. It closed back up once he hit 'play', and the song soon began.

Shinji then eyed Asuka as he offered a hand. "Care to dance?"

Asuka smirked at the gesture, yet took it. "How corny of you," she said as the two of them joined those who'd gotten into the groove of the song.

Makoto and Satsuki exchanged a look, before the former adopted his character's devilish grin. "Whaddya say, 'Fujicakes'? They're playing our song..."

"About time someone did," Satsuki answered with a grin of her own as the two joined in on the fun.

On the other wall, Misato and Kaji nursed their cups of punch while they observed the proceedings.

"Looking a bit wistful there, Katsuragi," the faceless Kaji noted. "Yen for your thoughts?"

Misato rolled her eyes a bit before she answered him. "I'm not being wistful. I'm just thinking." She took stock of the sight before her before she continued. "It's just...if Second Impact never happened, we'd have been doing something like this when we were their age. I kind of envy the pilots, in a way, and yet...in spite of the responsibilities we've thrust upon them, in spite of all the times I've sent them out to what could be their deaths, I...I'm actually proud of them, that they're able to find a way to take time for all the good experiences life has to offer. To actually act like kids, even if it's in-between Angels."

Kaji peeled a bit of the lower portion of his mask off and offered Misato an appreciative smile. "You've got a good insight there, Katsuragi," he said. "I mean it. It's a side I never got to see that often. I suggest showing it more when you can."

"Thanks," Misato said in turn as the two decided to 'toast' the kids. "I'll take that under advisement."

"All I ask," Kaji said as they 'clinked' their cups.

In the midst of the crowd, Shinji for once was enjoying himself, appreciative of the respite from, on the one hand, facing off with otherworldly menaces in a giant biomechanical monstrosity, and on the other hand, all the cloak-and-dagger work he did as the Shadow. All the more reason he was grateful for the crop of agents he recruited that were keeping an eye on things for the night--especially since he'd trust them to do it again, come the day of his and Asuka's dinner/movie (at her insistence) 'not a date'.

Eventually, the song ended, and Kensuke got the partygoers' attention to announce that it was time for the main event: the 'murder mystery' game. Misato, taking that as her cue, sat down at her little typewriter and, as soon as Kensuke gave the directions for how to play, she began typing on the piece of paper set in the machine with that most classic opening flourish:

"It was a dark and stormy night..."

End Chapter 32.
Guest Omake 7 - "NERV Damage" by GainaxVel3o

Gendo woke up to find his hands bound with rope. He struggled for a bit, before realizing he was inside a cell...and that he couldn't feel his leg.

"What the… how is this…?" he let out, trying to move his right leg…only to see a stump where it would have been originally. Gendo, understandably, panicked at the sight of this.

"Who did this to me?!" he cried in a fit of paranoia. "RELEASE ME RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I'LL HAVE ALL OF NERV'S RESOURCES ON YOU SO FAST--!"

"Fear not, Commander Ikari…you shall find your answers in…the shadows!"

It was him: the creature of darkness, standing out only thanks to the red scarf around his neck, carrying an axe coated in red as he walked towards Gendo, a sickening crunch in his every step.

"YOU!" Gendo said with venom. "Of course it had to be you, the interloper who had ruined too much of my plans already! Let me go or I'll--!"

"You are in no position to make demands of me, Commander Ikari," the Shadow said as he raised his axe. "I, on the other hand, am more than ready to order you around like a dog."

Gendo tried to wrestle his other leg away, but to no avail, as it was chained to this infernal bed. "You…cut my leg! YOU--YOU SAVAGE!"

"I'm afraid you mistake me for an...associate of mine. They're far too good for scum like yourself."

Gendo was too displeased by this situation to hear a quiet 'you're darn right' coming from the room on the other side of the one-way glass on the far wall.

"Very well then. Get on with this--I do not like my time being wasted."

"It is actually very easy, Commander." The Shadow pulled out a contract from within his jacket. "All you need do is fund a special NERV retreat to Okinawa, per my direction."

Gendo was given the contract to examine. He snorted at the details. "You want our pilots to waste their time at a Beach Boys concert? (How many of them are still alive at this point, anyway...?) Why would I deign to allow that?"

"Refuse...and I will CUT OFF YOUR OTHER LEG!" The Shadow raised his axe, going in for a swing, before Gendo screamed in fear.


The Commander immediately signed the contract, albeit with some difficulty due to his hand being tied to the bedpost, but he made it work. The Shadow, though hidden by his scarf, smirked at his little triumph.

"Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me..."

He then went over to Gendo's leg stump…to undo the strap on it, pulling his trouser leg upwards to reveal the leg had been fine all this time. It was simply full of acupuncture needles.

"W… what?"

"These needles were in place to dull your senses. For the leader of one of the most powerful paramilitary organizations on the planet, I must say...you certainly are a gullible one, Commander. *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!*"

Gendo growled in rage, which fortunately drowned out the laughs coming from the other side of the one-way glass. Maria was chuckling from what she'd just watched.

"Sorry, guys," she said as she wiped away a tear. "Taking orders from that obsessive nutjob can be a pain."

"It's fine, boss lady," Musashi said as he patted Maria on the back. "Next time, though, I highly recommend that you KEEP QUIET!"
Author's Interlude
For those of you with the question on the tip of your tongue, fret not, this fic is most certainly not dead, nor will it go on hiatus. Let's just say a combination of writer's block and my job's demands have made me slow down to consider how I approach chapters going forward, which is now leaning towards the way comic book publishers have operated for a long time: monthly installments. I honestly think this will serve me well in the long run, so I thank you for your support and patience.

In the meantime, inspired by a recently-released art book by Neil McGinness titled Pulp Power: The Shadow, Doc Savage, and the Art of the Street & Smith Universe, I want to provide you with some of McGinness's recommendations for the best stories of The Shadow to read if you're plunging into this storied franchise for the first time. Some will have been mentioned in prior chapters, others are hints of sorts of what's to come in future chapters. (What won't be recommended is James Patterson's recent novel 'reboot' of the Shadow, which has proved to be a critical flop with fans of the character.)

+Above all else, McGinness recommends any Shadow stories that are set in New York City. Two such that he singles out especially are Walter B. Gibson's 1934 tale "The Black Falcon", and Theodore Tinsley's 1936 story "Partners of Peril", which would serve as the inspiration for the very first Batman comic story (in the character's debut in 1939's Detective Comics #27).

+The other major story recommended is another Gibson classic, 1936's "The Voodoo Master", which provides a good example of how Shadow stories don't have to be straight-up crime capers (especially considering this one utilized the concepts of mind control and zombies).

Hope you enjoy these recommendations, and tune in as we resume my Shadow-y take on the EVA mythos...
Chapter 33: Voodoo Trail
Chapter 33 - Voodoo Trail

While the Children reveled in their festivities across town, it was a more serious affair over at NERV HQ. Both commanders, Ritsuko, Maya, and Aoi were awaiting the arrival of the specialist the Committee had assigned to inspect the MAGI and its recorders. Gendo and Fuyutsuki, despite not having met them yet, were wary of the individual; those of the technical division, on the other hand, had a vested interest considering this was the Central MAGI they were going to be dealing with. While the other NERV branches the world over had their own MAGIs, the original of Tokyo-3 was truly unique due to its particular construction and capabilities. If someone outside of Central was going to be giving it a once-over, they wanted to make sure they were A) doing their job properly, and B) treating the supercomputer with respect as they did said job. Eventually, their patience was rewarded when the new guest arrived at the lobby, accompanied by a Section-2 escort.

The newcomer was an attractive woman who appeared to be of Filipino descent, and was dressed in all-white; this included the band that held her long black hair in an equally-lengthy ponytail, the choker around her neck, her blouse, long coat (with its collar raised up), slacks, boots, and gloves. On her face, she wore a pair of light yellow-tinted sunglasses and a pair of long, triangular earrings hung from her earlobes. She was carrying a briefcase in her left hand, while her right was in one of her long coat's pocket. Ritsuko mused to herself that the woman looked more like a high-grade fashion designer than a computer scientist, but considering she had been sent by the Committee, she knew that looks were always deceiving when it came to anyone from their fold.

The woman in question looked towards the commanders as a small grin graced her features. "Commander Ikari and Sub-commander Fuyutsuki, I presume?" she asked in slightly-accented Japanese, as she held her free hand towards the two. "A pleasure to meet you at last. It's not every day that one gets to meet the heads of the entirety of NERV face-to-face, after all."

Gendo made no effort to return the woman's handshake, so Fuyutsuki took the initiative instead. "We appreciate your courtesy," Fuyutsuki began to reply as he shook her hand, "and welcome you to the main branch, Doctor...?"

"Dr. Allegra Mocquino, at your service," the woman said as she introduced herself, before turning her gaze to Ritsuko and offering her hand to her. "And Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, it truly is a delight to meet the caretaker of the original MAGI at last. I've been an admirer of your work, and that of your mother's, for quite some time."

Ritsuko, with a minute bit of hesitancy, took Mocquino's proffered hand and shook it. "Thank you, I'm flattered. Shall I show you to the 'patient'?"

With that, Dr. Mocquino followed the trio of Tech Division-1 towards the bridge while the commanders headed back to Gendo's office, where they'd plan on how to keep a close watch on the new arrival in their midst. After finally reaching the bridge (where Hitomi and the others were waiting), Ritsuko had the three MAGI consoles raised up, and soon Dr. Mocquino got to work as she opened her briefcase, full of tools and other ephemera. While she examined the consoles, her laptop was hooked up to them as it ran diagnostics on the recorders. While the other technicians milled about their tasks, Ritsuko never left the side of the consoles as she watched Mocquino work. This wasn't lost on the doctor; in fact, it amused her to see the head NERV scientist so paranoid.

"Is something bothering you, Dr. Akagi?" Mocquino asked while she examined a node in Caspar. "I assure you, I am quite qualified to make this inspection, if my three degrees aren't anything to scoff at. Or is it that you feel...threatened, if only a bit, by someone going over your mother's legacy with a fine-toothed comb?"

Ritsuko did her best to not take the bait Mocquino dangled in front of her. "I'm not threatened. I may have not gotten on well with my mother, god rest her soul, but I still respect her brainchild enough to be a bit protective of it."

"Or overprotective, in this case," Mocquino wryly replied as she turned her focus to a small area within the console, where she spied something with a discerning eye through her magnifying lens on the goggles she wore. She then carefully took a small empty vial out from an inner coat pocket and then used a small empty dropper to suck up what it was she found in the space, which she then deposited into the vial and closed up, all out of Ritsuko's view. She had a feeling that what she'd just pocketed would warrant more discreet examination later.

Meanwhile, above the consoles, Maya was at her own station when Hitomi tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hm? Need something, Dr. Kaga?" Maya asked as she turned to face the scientist.

"Yes, actually," Hitomi replied, before dropping down to a whisper. "The lights are on..."

Maya's eyes widened a bit on hearing this, before she finished with "...But no one's home." She then briefly glanced down at Hitomi's right hand and spotted a certain ring on her finger, which was all she needed to confirm that she wasn't mistaken.

Hitomi Kaga was a fellow member of the Shadow's circle.

"In my office," Hitomi said, still in whisper. "We can speak freely there." Maya nodded as she got up from her chair and proceeded to follow Hitomi. Once they reached her office, Hitomi closed the door, and immediately activated a white noise generator to prevent any possible bugs from listening in. Once she was certain they were all clear, Hitomi spoke up. "Go ahead and ask. I'm certain you've had one question on your mind since you finished the code phrase."

Maya didn't hesitate in her response. "How long have you been working for him?"

"About seven months," Hitomi replied. "He saved me from traffickers a couple of weeks before I started at NERV; the fact that I was a new NERV hire was one of the reasons why he sought me out in the first place." She hesitated a bit before adding, "I'm partly the reason he was able to give everyone that little scare the day the Ninth Angel was defeated."

Maya was quietly shocked by this admission; the fact that one of her superiors was working with the Shadow like she is was one thing, but nearly falling victim to traffickers was something else. Still, Maya decided to get to the point of what Hitomi pulled her aside about. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Our new guest," Hitomi replied. "I've got a strange feeling about Dr. Mocquino, and it's not just because she was sent by the Committee to inspect the MAGI and its recorders." She gathered her thoughts a bit more before continuing. "The Switchboard doesn't just help us keep in communication with other agents and the Shadow, it also contains a database on all of his past cases that's inaccessible to non-agents. I've spent more than a few nights going through some of those files, mainly out of curiosity."

"And what's this got to do with Dr. Mocquino?" Maya asked, seeking clarification.

"One of the files I read detailed an encounter the Shadow had in the past with a Dr. Rodil Mocquino," Hitomi answered. "When Ritsuko introduced Allegra Mocquino earlier, it reminded me of it."

"You think she might be related to this Rodil Mocquino--that's what you're getting at," Maya said as she started to put Hitomi's suspicions together.

Hitomi nodded. "Allegra's going to be here for a while, so in addition to informing the Shadow of her presence, I figured that we should keep an eye on her in case she's got an ulterior motive aside from her Committee assignment. Can I count on you to help me here?"

Maya nodded in affirmation. "I'm guessing I shouldn't tell Sempai about this, either."

"Definitely," Hitomi said. "She's already a bit on edge with Mocquino 'messing around' with her mother's life's work. We don't want to give her more of an excuse to tell the commanders to send Mocquino away and further rile up the Committee in the process. For now, we make like the scientists we are and observe." She then took out her phone and immediately opened the Switchboard app. "And it starts with fielding the Shadow our initial theory and hypothesis..."

Dr. Mocquino's hotel room, two hours later...

Allegra Mocquino had concluded the first phase of her inspection hours before and had opted to return to her hotel for the night. No expense was spared for her accommodations while she was in Tokyo-3, as she was given a penthouse suite on the top floor of a major five-star hotel. It had all the amenities one could imagine and then some--though at the moment, Allegra was not making any use of them, for she was at a desk in the room that she had converted into an improvised examination table thanks to some of the other implements she'd brought along with her.

What she was examining was that which she'd found in Caspar and secreted away earlier: a small clump of the nanites that made up the 11th Angel, Iruel, currently dead for all intents and purposes. She'd figured that the clump may have been overlooked when the consoles were being repaired and cleaned in the aftermath, and grew curious at the opportunity to study semi-organic nanites in-person. What she found proved to be astonishing: the nanites still functioned, even without the guiding intelligence of the Angel present. Allegra knew immediately that she wanted to see if she could repurpose the nanites for her own experiments. As she hinted to Ritsuko earlier, she had three degrees to her academic history: one in computer sciences, one in neuroscience, and one in psychology, all of which came together in a doctoral thesis she wrote where she made the case for the use of nanotechnology as a means of benefitting the human mind. Secretly, she had more darker motives for the potential of nanotech, if the presently-unconscious hotel bellhop laying on her suite's couch was any indicator. After all, one couldn't waste the opportunity to utilize all available test subjects...

End Chapter 33.

*Author's Announcement*
Contrary to the author's interlude I posted last month, while this fic is most assuredly not dead, I now do plan on putting it on a temporary hiatus, and I mean temporary. The reason is that because a couple of things have inspired me to begin writing what I call a 6-to-7-part 'Fall blockbuster', and what that is will be a surprise. I only hope you'll enjoy it as much as you have some of my other lengthier stories, so wish me luck...
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