Evangelion: Shadō Wa Shitte Imasu

Chapter 10: Crime Rides the Sea
Chapter 10 - Crime Rides the Sea

The morning following the Jet Alone incident seemed to be a return to form for the occupants of the Katsuragi residence. Shinji munched on some butter-and-jam-covered toast as he read through his new issue of the Japanese edition of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (a subscription that he managed to successfully continue even with his move), while Pen-Pen gobbled the tasty fishy breakfast the boy had prepared. The door to the kitchen/dining area opened, and in lumbered Misato in her sleepwear, unlike the vision of consummate professionalism that appeared in that same doorway the morning prior.

"Morning," she greeted blearily.

"Morning," Shinji nonchalantly replied between bites. "Sleep okay?"

Misato responded with a sigh as she fixed herself a cup of coffee. "Oh, the usual."

"Figured," Shinji said as he took a sip of his tea. Even with all the information he'd gone over regarding his guardian, he was still amazed how much of a shift she could make between the sleepyhead in front of him and the serious former soldier that greeted him yesterday morning. It was then he heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it."

When he opened the front door, to the surprise of no one he found Toji and Kensuke on the other side, big smiles plastered on their faces.

"Morning, Ikari!" they both said over-enthusiastically.

"Gentlemen," he greeted in turn as he lifted one backpack strap over his right shoulder. "And apologies, but still not giving you a free show, no matter how many times you beg or no matter the amount offered." He then turned towards the hallway. "Heading to school now, Misato!"

On the other end, Misato, who'd just gotten up to go take a shower, replied with a small wave. "See you later! Don't flunk out on me, y'hear?"

Shinji chuckled as he quickly closed the door before either of his friends could try and push it open, proceeding to then gently push them back towards the elevator. Once ground-level, the three were soon on their way to school, Shinji teasing them by whistling "She's a Beauty" by the Tubes as they walked.

"Aww, quit rubbin' it in, man," Toji faux-lamented. "*Sigh* She is just too cool..."

"And quite out of your league, need I remind you?" Shinji posed.

"All the more reason why we both envy you," Kensuke said in turn.

"Still, I do give her this," Shinji began. "It's nice to know that whenever we clock out for the day, I manage to see her for herself at home, compared to my immediate superior officer. Lets me know that, in spite of both faces she wears every day, she's still as human as any of us."

Both Toji and Kensuke found themselves a tiny bit thrown off by Shinji's brief waxing philosophical, but ultimately shrugged and nodded in agreement when they started to get what he was saying.

The barracks at NERV-3, Berlin, Germany...

A young, redheaded girl had just finished packing her final suitcase, the last of a load that consisted of multiple boxes full of her things, most of which had already been shipped to a Tokyo-3 storage locker. In just a few hours, the girl--one Asuka Langley Sohryu, 14-year-old PhD--and her guardian, one Ryoji Kaji, would be handed their orders to head to Japan, accompanying the pride and joy of NERV-3: Evangelion Unit-02. Asuka was anxious to get to the land of the rising sun, as it was where the action was--where she'd prove herself as the best of the best, if all her years of training had anything to say about it.

"Mail call, Asuka!" Kaji called out in the foyer of the apartment they'd called home for the last few years. Ears immediately perking up at the sound of her crush's voice, Asuka zipped out of her room and just as quickly swiped the bundle of mail from Kaji's hand.

"Let's see--junk mail...junk mail..." she muttered as she perused the envelopes, "junk mail...credit card offer...A-HA! Letter to me!" With that she casually tossed the remaining envelopes onto the table as she held the focus of her attention between her fingers.

For the better part of a month and a half, Asuka had been trading letters back-and-forth with Shinji, all of which began with the first letter Shinji sent her in the aftermath of the Fourth Angel's defeat, to Asuka's surprise and confusion. Kaji stoked the flames of her curiosity further by pointing out the reputation Shinji had garnered at the other NERV branches, as well as dropping the detail of his sync rate the first time he stepped into an EVA--which was, incidentally, the first he'd ever heard of NERV or the Angels, period. That little revelation nearly made Asuka choke on the iced coffee she'd been drinking at the time. Now fully beset by curiosity, Asuka opened the letter, which also included a photo of Shinji himself; Rei, giving Asuka a first glimpse of the First Child; and Pen-Pen, which made her raise an eyebrow. When she read the letter itself, it revealed that Shinji had been learning German in the hopes of getting to know her better, and to ensure a good working relationship between the three pilots. A letter from Misato was also included, verifying Shinji's desire to make a good first impression when Asuka finally got to Japan. In all the days that followed, the two of them learned a bit more about the other, a development Kaji was glad to see with regards to his ward.

"From Shinji Ikari again?" Kaji casually asked while going through his cut of the mail.

"And Misato, thank you," Asuka clarified. Hearing that name drew Kaji's attention from his own pile of correspondence.

"Wait, as in Misato Katsuragi, by any chance?" the stubble-ridden man asked curiously.

Asuka, despite not liking the tone of his query, answered with a frown. "Yes, the same. My guardian before you, currently the Third Child's. Why, do you know her or something?"

Kaji, sensing the jealousy in Asuka's tone of voice, knew how to answer. "It's ancient history, let's say," he replied with a shrug, taking another sip of coffee.

The frown vanishing from her face, a semi-satisfied Asuka headed back to her room to open the letter and examine its contents. The letter this time served as Shinji's way of introducing her to Hikari, Toji, and Kensuke. He also threw in some detail about a small restaurant in Tokyo-3 specializing in European cuisine, with a very on-point German selection on the menu, of which he'd do a little 'recon' to let her know of its quality. After she finished reading the letter, she took a look at the included photo, showcasing the three friends Shinji had mentioned. Toji and Kensuke were clowning around, with Shinji giving a shrug in-between them, while Hikari giggling as she looked on.

Asuka then looked over Misato's letter, informing her of how the photo Asuka had included with her last letter definitely left its mark on Shinji. Misato, in her letter, also asked Asuka to treat Shinji nicely, reaffirming that he was a good and dependable kid. She also mentioned the progress he'd been making in his at-home German lessons, and suggested Asuka turn to Shinji for a little help in mastering her kanji, emphasizing his kindness and patience as qualifiers.

Asuka proceeded to then take out a pen and started working on her last letter to Shinji before her departure, but before she put a single word to paper, a thought struck her. It seemed like Shinji had a bit of a crush on her, and she wanted to let him down gently (or rather, she thought she wanted to let him down). Before she did anything else, she went back into the foyer of the apartment, snapped a photo of herself and a surprised Kaji (who she caught in a quite a hug) with her phone, and then ran back into her room to print the photo out.

Kaji blinked a couple of times, before, with a scratch of his head, he asked the obvious question: "Huh--now what was that about?"

Misato's apartment, about a week later...

Shinji was on the elevator heading towards his floor, the day's mail in his hands as he sorted each item by importance. Bills for the week were topmost, Misato's mail came secondary, and his own was third in importance. (Any junk mail would be headed for the recycling bin.) Shinji grinned a tiny bit upon noticing two letters from Asuka among the envelopes, one for him and one for Misato. When he entered the apartment, he set the mail on a table while he went to get started on dinner. Once everything was set for slow cooking, he removed and hung up his apron and got started on his homework. About an hour later, Misato walked through the front door, just as Shinji was tending to the food.

"I'm home!" she said.

"Welcome home," Shinji greeted in turn. "Give me about ten minutes and dinner will be served."

"Works for me," Misato replied as she made for the hallway. "I'll change and freshen up. Back in a bit!"

The moment Misato closed the door to her bedroom was when Pen-Pen came out of his fridge. Depositing the newspaper he was reading into the recycle bin, he watched as Shinji put his dish on the floor, full of a delicious-smelling marinated fish. The penguin nodded at the boy in approval before he started to dig in. A minute later, Misato, now in her usual evening casual wear, came back in, sat at the table, and started going through the mail, immediately sending the junk mail to the recycle bin. She made a slight grimace at the sight of the bills when she opened them; Shinji, as if already knowing what she'd say, quickly presented her with his portion of the rent for the month. A few more envelopes later, Misato finally got to her letter from Asuka.

"Say Shinji, where's yours?" Misato asked. Shinji idly whistled in response. "C'mooon, you got one from her too, didn't you?"

"I did," Shinji confirmed after dropping the coy act. "But I wanted to wait a bit. Y'know, listen in for what juicy details she sent your way."

"Hmm, a bit sassy now, are we?" Misato playfully teased.

"[Just a little bit]," Shinji answered in German, cuing Misato to switch languages as per the practice outline he proposed to her weeks ago.

"[Well, don't get ahead of yourself, young man]," Misato said. "[So, pop the question yet, or are you waiting until she gets here?]"

"[Now who's getting ahead of themselves?]" Shinji cleverly parried.

"[Spoilsport]," Misato said. "[Still, nice to see you two make good pen pals.]" Pen-Pen, upon hearing that last bit, looked up as if they were referring to him. "[Pen pals, buddy, not Pen-Pen.]" Pen-Pen tilted his head a bit, shrugged, and returned to his dinner. "[So go on, what're you waiting for? Open it! I'm not gonna look over your shoulder...much...]"

"[Later]," Shinji affirmed. "[For now, dinner is served.]"

Twenty minutes or so later, dinner was finished and Shinji and Misato worked on cleaning the dishes. Once done, Misato sat back at the table and opened up her letter from Asuka. While she did that, Shinji, his own letter in-hand, went to his room to open it. Upon examination of the contents, Shinji was informed by Asuka of her and her guardian's current in-transit status, and that any future letters would have to be sent by NERV's mobile courier. She also let him know he'd be receiving postcards of her 'globe-trotting exploits'. She mentioned her looking forward to meeting Rei and their friends. (Well, mainly Hikari, who she deemed to look more sensible than Toji and Kensuke, especially given her class rep status.)

It was then he looked at the picture she'd included, where he then saw the identity of her guardian. Shinji grinned, knowing full well who the man was, and amused when thinking of what the expression on Misato's face would look like once she saw it. With that in mind, he put the letter down and, picture in-hand, returned to the kitchen.

"[Well?]" Misato asked expectantly. "[Don't keep me in suspense, what'd she say?]"

"[Just that she, her guardian, and her EVA are currently in-transit]," Shinji replied casually. "[And that she's looking forward to seeing us.]"

"[Finally! We would've mobilized her and Unit-02 a long time ago if it weren't for the accounting department, among other folks,]" Misato. "[Any other details? She charmed by you already?]"

"[Not quite yet]," Shinji said. "[But that's fine, I'm good with playing the long game. Anyway, we should be expecting postcards from their long sojourn here, so don't be surprised. And she gave me her go-ahead to 'recon' that restaurant you recommended. Other than that...]" He then held up the picture, back facing Misato. "[She included this photo of herself and said guardian.]" He then handed it to her.

"[Hmmm]", Misato intoned. "[Now who could be brave enough to have looked after Asuka for all...this...time?!]" Shinji worked his hardest to stifle his chuckles as he saw Misato go pale upon looking at the photo. "[R-Ryoji?! Kaji?! HIM?!]"

"[Familiar with him, I'm guessing?]" Shinji slyly asked.

"[*Sigh* I wish I wasn't!]" Misato lamented. "[The guy's a pig-headed, chauvinistic, ego-stroking jerk of an-]"

"[Ex-boyfriend?]" Shinji fielded a guess, his smirk slightly widening. Misato shot him a quick, unamused glare. "[Figured as much. Let me guess...]" He then proceeded to do his best Bogie impression. "['Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.' So, what're you going to do, considering we'll be meeting them at sea in the not-so-distant future?]"

Misato kept the glare going a little longer, before releasing a resigned sigh. "[Pray that he'll be gone as soon as we get Asuka and Unit-02 transferred to our custody. Or that a giant squid decides to randomly pop up and drag him off to Davy Jones's Locker with one of its tentacles...]" She then laid her head into her arms on the table. "[Unfortunately, for the former, it won't be until we enter Japanese waters.]"

"[Who knows? It might not be so bad]," Shinji optimistically offered up to her before he walked to the fridge. "[Tell you what-I'd originally saved this for Dr. Akagi and Lt. Ibuki tomorrow, but I don't think they'd mind one slice missing. Care for some cake?]"

Misato looked up, one eyebrow perked. "[...What kind of cake?]"

Shinji grinned slyly. "[Devil's food.]"

Misato licked her lips, got up from the table, walked over to a cabinet, and took out a plate, followed by a fork she retrieved from a drawer.

"[Hit me.]"

An MI-26 transport helicopter, over the Pacific Ocean, days later...

Shinji tuned out Kensuke gushing over their current ride as the chopper made their way to the rendezvous with the Pacific Fleet, as he looked upon the waters that, thankfully, weren't as sullied as the ones at the former site of Antarctica. Out of the corner of his eye, he noted that Toji only stole occasional looks at Misato instead of the lustful stare he would've expected a couple of months back. He figured Hikari must be having quite the effect on the jock, which was fine by him, considering he'd been subtly playing 'Cyrano de Bergerac' to help inch the two closer together. (He'd even roped Toji's sister Sakura into giving him a little bit of help in that regard.)

He was drawn out of his musings when Misato's voice grumbled a bit in the headphones he was wearing.

"You okay?" he asked.

Tensing for a moment, Misato settled down before she answered. "Still uneasy knowing you-know-who's going to be on-deck. *Sigh* I really could go with out seeing him ever again..."

Shinji, though not showing it, was a bit worried. He figured Kaji could be useful in the grand scheme of things, but if he and Misato were still on bad terms, it could complicate his plans. Still, he was nothing if not adaptive.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about it," Shinji offered reassuringly. "Who knows, you might get your wish. Just not the one releasing any kind of kraken."

Misato chuckled on hearing this, feeling a bit better. It was then that she shifted her focus to something out the window, before addressing all three boys in her care. "Oh, gentlemen-feel like a little sea cruise?"

Shinji, Kensuke and Toji then looked out the window and saw just what Misato was pointing at. Of the three, Kensuke's face lit up the most at the sight that appeared once they cleared the clouds below them.

"AAAAAAAATHEPACIFICFLEET!" Kensuke loudly beamed. "I can't believe it! And led by the Super Carrier Over the Rainbow! This is just too AWESOME!"

Toji just stared at Kensuke, one eyebrow cocked. "All this for an old tub like that?"

Shinji and Misato threw each other knowing nods as they watched Kensuke make the case for the carrier, amused by how Toji was starting to zone out with each stat the otaku threw at him.

Meanwhile, down on the ship itself, a few different observers on three different levels cast their eyes towards the approaching aircraft.

Asuka, wearing a yellow sundress, eyed the chopper intently, getting ready to meet the one occupant she was eager to prove herself to...One that she also considered the closest thing to a friend her age she'd let herself gain for some time.

On the command bridge, combined fleet commander Admiral Grant Lester, and his subordinate, Over the Rainbow XO Captain Kenneth Walter, observed the chopper through binoculars, both personally offended over their assignment as over-qualified deliverymen for a ludicrously expensive kid's toy-and even more chagrined by how the person they'd be transferring it to was some glorified nanny with some kids on a field trip, as well as said toy's 'extension cord'.

And in the personal cabin of one Ryoji Kaji, the man himself, looking between his window blinds and knowing who it was coming in, got himself as presentable as he'd deemed, and before exiting his cabin, made sure that the heavily-reinforced metal briefcase was safe and secure under his bed.

The flight deck of the Over the Rainbow...

When the chopper touched down, the flight crew immediately got to work securing it while the passengers disembarked. Kensuke was the immediate first one out, ecstatically catching anything on film that his camera lens could see. Toji followed behind him, stretching to get the feeling back in his legs, as was Shinji, who followed him third. Misato was the last to disembark, smoothing out her hair as it was caught in the tailwind.

Shinji felt the sea breeze kick up a bit, and noticed Toji bounding after his ballcap, which had been blown off, in spite of all of Shinji's warnings ahead of time. Toji yelled at anyone who could hear him to stop the path of his runaway hat. Finally, the cap landed on the ground, where it was promptly stepped on by a red sandal that halted its path, just as Toji made to grab for it. It was the owner of that sandal (and its twin) that drew Shinji's eye, however.

The pictures he'd received from her didn't do Asuka Langley Sohryu justice, in his humble opinion. Her mane of auburn danced in the wind behind her, along with the sundress held by twin, bow-tied straps on her shoulders. On her neck was a small velvet strip of ribbon, and her brilliantly-hued sapphire-blue eyes were currently focused on Misato, who smiled back at her with recognition. On the top of Asuka's head, Shinji noticed, were red A-10 clips, and were matched by tiny red earrings in her ears. Shinji wondered mentally if this was how Allard felt the moment he met Margo Lane all those decades ago.

"Hullo, Misato," Asuka cheerfully greeted her former guardian, ignoring Toji trying to wrest his hat from underneath her foot. "Been a while, hasn't it?"

"Long time no see, Asuka!" Misato replied as she looked over. "Grown a bit more, have you?"

"It shows, doesn't it?" Asuka agreed, one hand on her hip. "I've certainly filled out as well as gotten taller."

Misato nodded, before speaking up a bit to get the three boys in her charge. "Boys, allow me to introduce you to the designated pilot of Evangelion Unit-02: the Second Child, Asuka Langley Sohryu."

Shinji then noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that the wind was going to pick up a bit, and given Asuka's attire (as well as what little he knew of her temper), it definitely wasn't a good time for a sea-borne recreation of The Seven-Year Itch. Thinking quickly, he immediately piped up.

"Look, over there!" he exclaimed while pointing towards the side. "A whale!"

Surprised, Misato, Asuka, Kensuke, and Toji turned to face the direction he was pointing, just as a gust of wind caused Asuka's dress to billow upwards. Were it not for Shinji's timely phrase, he and the other two boys would've gotten a good look at Asuka's legs and her underwear, leading to unpleasant consequences as near as he figured. When the four stopped searching with their eyes, they all looked back at Shinji, idly whistling without a care.

"Ummm...Just kidding?" he said with a shrug.

Asuka arched one eyebrow at him as she began to figure out what the point of his stunt was. She'd felt her dress billowing upward, yet his ultimately false whale sighting had kept the eyes of his two friends off her, saving her some embarrassment. Asuka then walked over to him and gave him a very up-close once-over (Shinji not flinching one bit), before stepping back.

"So, the famous Third Child, I presume?" Asuka posed.

"[You presume correctly, Fraulein Sohryu]," Shinji replied in near-flawless German, slightly surprising Asuka. He then gave her a slight bow. "[Shinji Ikari, Third Child. Enchanted to meet you at last.]" He then addressed Kensuke and Toji, who having now regained his hat, held onto it tightly. "Gentlemen, Asuka here is, of all the pilots, the most highly-trained, with over a decade's worth under her belt, to be precise. Plus, a prodigy who graduated top of her class from the University of Hamburg at only 14 years old--just last year, if I'm correct?"

"Indeed you are," Asuka answered haughtily. "Good to know you're maintaining the right amount of respect for someone with my skillset, intellect, and beauty. By the way, before I forget, thanks for the very generous stipend I heard you negotiated for on mine and the First's behalf. I genuinely didn't expect that. Something tells me you'll probably hear from the Fourth and Fifth soon, since they just got notice of theirs, per the emails I recceived from them the other day."

"Oh yes, I nearly forgot about those two," Shinji noted.

It was hearing this detail that got Kensuke's attention. "Wait, Fourth and Fifth?! There's two more pilots?!"

"Indeed there are," Shinji affirmed. "Both based at NERV-2 in the United States. I did a bit of reading up on them in my spare time. They're American Maria Vincennes, designated pilot of Unit-04 and a prodigy much like Asuka here (with a degree to match); and British-Japanese-born Mari "Illustrious" Makinami, designated pilot for Unit-03." His focus turned back to Asuka. "I take it the three of you chat often?"

"Yeah, even play co-op online multiplayer too," Asuka replied.

Misato chose that moment to clear her throat, getting their attention. "I believe we ought to head to the bridge and properly present ourselves, don't you think?"

Nodding in agreement, Shinji and Asuka, along with Toji and Kensuke, followed Misato to the bridge.

The bridge of the Over the Rainbow, moments later...

Contrary to what Misato had hoped, the transfer of custody for Unit-02 wasn't going as smoothly as she'd expected.

"NERV, eh?" Admiral Lester muttered, looking up from the card he'd been presented with at Misato with a hard glare partly-hidden by his sunglasses. "And I take it you're the den mother of this Cub Scout troop?"

Misato, not taking the bait, kept her expression calm and collected. "On behalf of NERV, we humbly thank you for your hospitality while transporting Unit-02, Admiral."

"Oh, no, my pleasure for playing babysitter to a whole bunch of kids, let alone the girl," Admiral Lester replied sarcastically, a roll of his eyes added for effect.

"We'd also like to thank you for assisting us in transporting Unit-02 to Japan," Misato replied in turn, unfazed by the admiral's barb; before joining up with NERV, as an 03 Captain in the UN forces she would've been greatly outranked by him, though now that she was with NERV, that matter tended to be a bit blurry. She then handed him a folder filled with documents. "Here are the specs for the EVA's emergency power supply."

Admiral Lester looked over the cover sheet, which had been signed by both his immediate superior officer, and NERV Commander Gendo Ikari himself, though he was unfamiliar with the latter. "Much as I'd like to say I hate to tell you this, but your whole trip out here's a waste of time--I'm not agreeing to any request to activate that overgrown toy at sea."

Out of the corner of his eye, Shinji saw Asuka's eyebrows twitch over Unit-02--her pride and joy--being insulted in such a manner, though she maintained as much sense of decorum as possible.

"It's not that much trouble, Sir," Misato offered up in an attempt to make peace with the Admiral. "Think of it as being prepared, just in case. The EVA's very valuable, Sir, I cannot reiterate that enough."

The admiral snorted at that. "So valuable it needed the entire Pacific Fleet?" he spit out. "Since when did the U.N. designate us as its stinking cargo service?"

"If I remember right," Captain Walter chimed in, "around the same time as a certain organization became active and began showing its clout."

Admiral Lester let out a slight chuff. "Couldn't have asked for a more glamorous duty," he sarcastically mused. "All for a king-sized toy robot, only able to be operated by kids! Ridiculous..."

"Easy for you to say..." Shinji muttered under his breath.

"You got something to say, young man?" the admiral asked him directly, disapproval in his voice.

Shinji briefly eyed him, then Misato's warning glance, before returning his gaze to the admiral.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Shinji replied. "Tell me, Admiral, you ever seen combat?" Before the admiral could respond, Shinji quickly clarified, "I'm talking actual, frontline, in-the-trenches combat, not from the relative safety of the bridge as you direct others from your far-off position." Shinji was met with a glare from the man. "Didn't think so. Well let me inform you, I have, as has the First Child back in Japan, and I assume, so too will the Second." He motioned with a slight jerk of his head in Asuka's direction. "In my first battle with these inhuman monstrosities, the creature I fought had previously decimated an entire tank battalion in only a few minutes, wiped out three dozen attack aircraft, and endured more firepower than what this entire fleet could bear--including N2 weapons. Conventional forces were used to the fullest extent on this creature, and all they did was barely slow it down, much like in your run-of-the-mill monster movie. Over a thousand lives and half a billion US dollars were wasted in that effort alone."

He paused before he continued. "And that was just the first one that stomped onto our shores; the two that followed only got nastier from there. My friend with the camera you see here? When the second Angel attack occurred, I had my other friend here strictly ensure he wouldn't get any funny ideas and sneak out of the shelter to film the attack. I shudder to think what would've happened to him had he done so." He paused again, taking note of the silence that emerged on the bridge. "The third Angel attack, just a month ago, nearly cost me and the First Child our lives. If it weren't for Captain Katsuragi and our bridge personnel's quick thinking, I would've been vaporized--I owe them that much. That monster in particular destroyed train car-mounted weaponry and reduced a mountain to rubble; topographers even now are still redrawing the maps of the area. Whether you like it or not, only the Evangelions are capable of not just hurting, but killing the Angels. Much as I'd like it if professionals like yourself were able to fight the Angels effectively, the reality is that you don't have EVAs or the people necessary to pilot them--NERV does, and us Children are the ones saddled with that duty, because we're the only ones capable. We don't exactly have a normal adolescence; we're wondering if we might die when we go into battle with these monsters, all with the added pressure of knowing that if any or all of us dies, then all of humanity dies too. You don't have to like us, we don't have to like you, all we ask is for your cooperation and respect, which we will gladly return in kind. Am I making myself clear here, Sir?"

The admiral, if not the entire group of people on the bridge, were stunned speechless. Admiral Lester lost the glare as he noted the look in Shinji's eyes, how it was like that of many sailors and soldiers under his command, the look of someone who'd been through hell and lived to tell the tale, and still keep fighting even then.

Shinji then looked up at Misato. "The man's right in one way--us kids probably shouldn't be here. We might as well get out of their hair for now." He then turned to leave, with Asuka (a fleeting look of admiration on her face) falling into step behind him, and Toji and even Kensuke following. Once out the door, he heard Admiral Lester clear his throat.

"Captain, permit me to apologize," Lester said as he started signing the documents before handing them back to Misato. "Truthfully, I was a bit out of line. We're all a bit frustrated, and I thought I found a good target to take it out on. If you can, please let the pilots know I'm sorry."

Misato nodded in turn. "I'd like to apologize, on behalf of Pilot Ikari as well," Misato said. "It's been a rough few months for him."

"I can tell," Lester concurred, before turning to one attending sailor. "Lt. Maxwell, take these copies to engineering, I want that extension cable installed yesterday!"

"Aye-aye, Sir!" Maxwell replied, before taking the papers and proceeding on his way off the bridge. Lester then faced Misato again.

"Captain, it's rare for a man of my experience to be truly reminded of his duties," Lester said, "let alone from the mouth of a young man like Ikari there. If that's the stuff your pilots are made of, you've got my congratulations." Hearing this stunned Misato for a minute. Regaining her composure, she and the admiral exchanged salutes before she herself exited the bridge.

Outside in the hallway, the kids were commiserating.

"Shin-man," Toji began, "that was so--so..."

"Completely BADASS," Kensuke finished. "I haven't seen anyone stand up to someone like that, let alone the commander of the entire Pacific Fleet. I'm surprised you didn't shake even once!"

Asuka, on the other hand, had a different reaction. "Thanks a lot, Third Child," she said, brows furrowed. "We probably won't be able to enter the bridge for the rest of the trip because of you!"

"Aw, come off it, Red, the old sea dog had it coming," Toji said in defense of Shinji. "What're you, jealous that he said it before you could?"

Asuka glared daggers at Toji, but before she could act, Misato joined them with a warning look that made both her and Toji back off. The group then made their way towards a small elevator, Misato addressing Shinji along the way. "Officially, as your superior officer, I need to tell you that the sort of behavior you showed to a senior U.N. officer isn't tolerated from NERV personnel, and that as a consequence..." Her stern look was then replaced by one of smiling satisfaction. "...Hell with it, best counter-argument I've ever seen! Something tells me you've got the makings of a good lawyer someday."

Shinji smiled in return. "Thanks, but I'd rather not be hated even more than I already am." The others chuckled at his reply, before a new voice inserted itself into their conversation.

"Looks like I was late for the party," the voice's owner said, revealed to be that who Misato was dreading to see.

"KAJI!" Asuka shouted with glee as her hands clasped together delightfully. Misato, on the other hand, blanched at the man's appearance, and eyed the elevator with a desperate hope.

She sighed before she deigned to respond to him. "Kaji. Just what the hell are you doing here?"

"Escorting Asuka, of course," the unshaven man answered as everyone piled into the elevator. "But primarily I'm also running an errand, of sorts, for the Third Branch."

"Of course," Misato said with a roll of her eyes, which she then closed--only to open them abruptly again.

"HEY! WHO TOUCHED ME?!" Misato and Asuka asked loudly with horrified protest.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT!" Kaji and Toji shouted right back.

Shinji, with an eye roll of his own, hands firmly in his pockets, began whistling Aerosmith's "Love in an Elevator" (to the eyerolls of Asuka and Misato) as the elevator continued its descent, until they arrived at the level containing the ship's galley.

The party was soon seated at a small table near a TV hanging on the wall. Misato took one corner of the table, Toji sitting next to her, followed by Kensuke. Kaji purposefully sat opposite Misato, Asuka next to him, and Shinji next to her. All were served tea and coffee by a steward.

"So, how's everything going?" Kaji asked after a long, uncomfortable (to some) silence.

"Kaji, don't even think of even trying to pull any of those old, cheap moves on me," Misato answered, irritation in her voice and face. "It's different now."

"Oh no, you won't need to worry about that," Kaji replied. "I have all-new cheap moves." He then turned his focus to Shinji. "I hear you're living with Katsuragi now, aren't you?"

"You heard right," Shinji answered as he took a sip of his tea.

"Tell me...is she still wild in bed?" Kaji asked nonchalantly.

The others nearly spit out their drinks on hearing his words. Misato especially was shocked by them. "What in the HELL are you implying?!" she demanded, enraged. Kaji, unfazed, a sloppy grin on his face, flickered his eyes from Shinji to Misato and back. Shinji merely shrugged before responding.

"Depends," he said. "What kind of bait or traps did it take for you to tame her?"

Kaji blinked briefly on hearing this, then burst into laughter.

Misato glared at them both, before focusing on Shinji. "E tu, Shinji?" she muttered.

"So this is an example of your famous razor-sharp wit," Kaji noted.

Shinji raised an eyebrow at that remark. "Exactly what else am I famous for?"

"Well, other than that," Kaji casually elaborated, "around the grapevine you're known for piloting an EVA in your first battle, all while untrained."

Asuka, having regained her composure, glared at Shinji from the corner of her eyes over Kaji's words of praise.

"Honestly, in spite of all that," Shinji said, "and even with the training I received, at the end of the day, I got incredibly lucky in every one of those battles."

Asuka lost a bit of her glare, and then more of it as she decided that this was a decent excuse for his battlefield prowess.

"Ah, but sometimes, luck's a big part of one's destiny," Kaji said with a smile, observing the subtle interplay between the boy and Asuka. He had to admit, Shinji proved smarter than he estimated. It was then that he got up from the table. "If you'll all excuse me, I've got some business to take care of in my cabin. I'll see you later." As he made for the exit from the galley, Asuka followed him.

"*Sigh* This is just a nightmare. I'm sure I'll wake up any minute now..." Misato bemoaned to herself, palm meeting face.

In the hallway, Asuka chatted up Kaji as they walked.

"So, what do you think of Mr. Shinji Ikari so far?" Kaji asked, curious about his charge's reaction.

Asuka, on the other hand, didn't have an easy answer for him. She wasn't a fan of the modesty he displayed back in the galley, but she was amazed at how even earlier he willingly stuck up for all of them in the face of Admiral Lester's ire. Not to mention he appeared to hold her in the highest regard...

"He's pretty cavalier, but not insufferably, I'll give him that," Asuka finally decided on, though Kaji did pick up on the doubt underneath.

"True," he said in turn. "Still, his in-combat synch ratio's been a steady 80.4% following his first fight."

Asuka stopped in her tracks the moment his words registered with her.

"Himmel...!" she choked out. In that one sentence uttered by Kaji, she suddenly had the idea of all her years of work she put into her steady 77.1% being destroyed. "That little...Oh, it's on, Third Child!" Asuka, a look in her eyes that made Kaji want to pity Shinji, turned back around and stormed back towards the galley.

Looks like I'm in for an interesting back-and-forth, Kaji noted to himself. Hopefully without them killing each other...

When Asuka got back to the galley, she found one person missing from the group.

"Where's the Third?" she asked.

"Said he needed to hit the head," Toji replied.

Kaji's cabin, a few minutes later...

Kaji opened the door to his darkened cabin, and carefully looked over the room for any signs of a disturbance. Even when it became clear that no one had broken in, he still made sure to double-check the case as he removed it from under his bed, noting with relief that the seals were unbroken. It was then that Kaji heard a soft, sinister laughter coming from out of nowhere, causing Kaji to slowly reach for his sidearm as he became alert, until realizing that it was still resting on his bed.

"Who knows what evil lurks within that briefcase of yours?" a voice asked. "The Shadow knows..."

Kaji turned towards the source of that voice in his slightly-darkened room, and found himself face-to-face with, sitting in the lone armchair of the room, a man in an ebon suit, the lower half of his face covered by a crimson scarf, leaving only the man's aquiline gaze directed at him. Kaji calmed himself as he got into a more relaxed stance.

"Who knew I'd meet you before I even set foot in Tokyo-3?" Kaji mused, his hands in his pockets.

"My reputation precedes me," the Shadow said.

"Let's just say news of your particular exploits travels fast in my particular circles," Kaji said in turn.

"And which circles would those be?" the Shadow posed as he got up from the chair. "NERV? SEELE?" Kaji's grin fell from his face as a look of surprise replaced it. "Or perhaps...the Japanese Ministry of the Interior?"

Kaji was silent for a minute before he got serious. "How much do you know?"

"Just about everything," the Shadow replied, as he began drawing upon his briefings with Allard. "Narrowing it down to just you? Simple enough. Ryoji Kaji, born June 17, 1985. Along with your older brother, orphaned in the wake of Second Impact and subsequently banded together with other survivors to make it through the chaos. Threatened under penalty of death by soldiers for the JSDF into selling out your brother and friends, who then soon met their ends at the soldiers' hands, and has borne guilt over it ever since. In college, met and became lovers with Misato Katsuragi, as well as friends with Ritsuko Akagi, until the former broke up with you before your graduation. Joined up with the Ministry of the Interior as a covert agent, spying on both NERV and SEELE. Personally, you took the assignment in order to gain closure for your guilty conscience...by finding the truth behind Second Impact, as you'd long held suspicions over its real cause."

Kaji stood there, an astonished look on his face, disbelieving at how the mystery man managed to recite every important detail about himself, top-to-bottom.

"And I thought I was good..." Kaji mused darkly. "But enough about me--what do you want?"

The Shadow narrowed his eyes slightly before answering. "Simple, really: 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours'. I believe we can help each other, considering we have a mutual target." He then took from his pocket a business card. "We can speak freely at this place, once you arrive in Tokyo-3. I'm certain you'll love the atmosphere."

Kaji took the card, noting it was for a small establishment known as the Café Cat's Meow. He then just as quickly pocketed the card. The Shadow then handed him a small slip of paper. "What's this?" Kaji asked.

"A way to get our 'business relationship', as it were, off to a good start," the Shadow replied. "I want to know the significance behind that symbol. It was tattooed on a couple of thugs who attempted to kidnap the First Child. Given your position as a man in the intelligence field, I figured you would find it an interesting challenge."

Kaji unfolded the paper and took a brief look at the symbol. He'd heard about the kidnapping attempt, and grew a bit curious over the Shadow's implications by it. He then folded the paper back up and pocketed it as well. "Anything else?"

"For now, no," the Shadow answered as he began to walk away. "Oh and, before I forget, I believe it might be better to let Captain Katsuragi and Asuka know of your departure ahead of time. Wouldn't want to leave more of a sorry impression on your old flame now, would you? I'll be in touch..." With that, softly laughing as he went, the Shadow vanished into the darkness that permeated the cabin, leaving a Ryoji Kaji with his curiosity piqued more than ever before.

The ship's galley, minutes later...

Shinji, satisfied that he (or rather, his other self) had made quite a first impression on the agent, finally returned to the galley with Kaji in tow, finding the others just finishing lunch.

"Oh hey, I was wondering what was keeping you," Misato noted, before seeing that Kaji was wearing a green flight suit over his clothes, holding a flight helmet under one arm and a large, metal briefcase under the other. The gears in Misato's head began turning immediately. "Shinji, please tell me you convinced him to leave..." Misato implored eagerly.

"On the contrary," Kaji chimed in, sloppy grin aimed at Misato, "I'm off to finish that little errand I mentioned before. See you in Tokyo-3, hopefully?"

Misato turned away in a huff with her arms crossed. "It's a big city--don't count on it."

Kaji sighed as he turned to leave. "Ah well, tomorrow's another day, Katsuragi. For now, I must be off..."

"Can I come along?" Asuka said, just a bit of a pleading tone to her voice.

Kaji flashed her a slight smile. "Sorry--I'd let you, but someone from the Third Branch needs to stay and watch Unit-02."

"Oh...right," Asuka said, a bit embarrassed she'd nearly forgotten. "Well, don't worry, won't let you down!"

"I know you won't," Kaji said reassuringly. With that, he departed for the flight deck, where minutes later he was soon flying off, cargo secured, to Tokyo-3.

Back in the galley, Asuka, getting over her disappointment that Kaji wouldn't be around for the rest of the trip, turned her focus to a new matter, as she suddenly stood up from her seat with no warning.

"Third Child--come with me," she said, leaving no room for disobedience.

Shinji, one eyebrow raised slightly, turned to Misato, and dropped his voice to a lower tone. "Was wondering when she was going to say that..." he said.

Misato almost spit her coffee out as she tried stifling her laughter; in contrast, Toji and Kensuke were sent howling to the floor from their chairs. Asuka, however, felt a slight twitch in her eye.

"Watch it, baka..." she warned icily, though part of her wondered just how and why Shinji was able to get under her skin like that.

Minutes later, the two of them were dropped off by a smaller boat to the freighter carrying Unit-02, and had made their way to the top deck. Upon walking to the forward edge of the freighter, Asuka pulled up a section of tarpaulin and presented her pride and joy with the maximum amount of flourish.

Shinji looked over it with a discerning eye before he said anything. "*Whistle* Talk about a masque of the red death," he commented.

"Heh, 'I see you're a man of culture as well'," Asuka quoted back. "But's more than just aesthetics. While your Unit-01 and Unit-00 were built as the respective prototype and test-type, Unit-02 is much different. THIS unit was the first created for actual, real-life combat conditions: the first production model Evangelion! What do you think now, Third Child?"

Before he could offer a retort, the rumble of an explosion echoed, causing Asuka to nearly lose her balance thanks to the shockwave that passed through the hull of the freighter.

So much for Misato's pleasant little sea cruise, Shinji grimly thought to himself...

What followed from there was the first true test of Shinji and Asuka working together in battle against an Angel, as they were forced to board Unit-02 in its maiden fight against what would later be identified as the Sixth Angel, Gaghiel. In spite of the lack of B-type equipment and an initial language barrier problem in the entry plug (along with Shinji's slight discomfort over having to borrow Asuka's spare plugsuit), the two of them managed to put up a good fight, even when things got hairy. Ultimately, working off a strategy of Misato's devising, the two managed to hold the colossal maw of the aquatic terror open long enough to expose its core (hidden in the back of Gaghiel's throat) to two abandoned automated ships equipped with a cargo of N2 mines set on a crash dive. Unit-02 was reeled back up to the surface just in time before the Angel exploded, the massive shockwave sending the EVA flying into the air until it landed (with quick thinking by Asuka to deploy its integrated thrusters) on the deck of the Over the Rainbow, all of which made for an impressive closing shot caught on Kensuke's camera.

Port of New Yokosuka, some time later...

Misato was sitting with Ritsuko in a jeep, going over the data from the battle while the kids chatted off to the side as Unit-02 was moved and readied for the rest of its trip to NERV HQ. Thankfully, Ritsuko (at Shinji's request from a call he'd made via satellite phone ahead of time) had brought a change of clothes for himself and Asuka, who while not showing it, was appreciative of the gesture. It was in the middle of the scientist's explanation that Misato broke in with her attempt at getting to the gist of things.

"Their synch rates set a new record, didn't they?" Misato posed.

"Yes--albeit for only seven seconds," Ritsuko confirmed. "The direness of the situation is what probably provided the unexpected boost in their favor."

Misato grinned as she looked towards where the kids were. "Something tells me they'll do great things together, the more I think about it," she stated with the utmost optimism.

"Better hope so..." Ritsuko said. "On another note, Angel battle aside, how'd the rest of the trip go for you?"

Knowing full well that her friend wouldn't stop if she probed further, Misato, with a small grunt and a sigh that followed, went into detail over the other 'highlights' of the voyage. When she finished, after a short pause in-between, Ritsuko found herself laughing till she nearly collapsed.

End Chapter 10.
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Chapter 11: Double Z
Chapter 11 - Double Z

NERV HQ, Commander Ikari's office...

"Looks like I missed out on quite an eventful voyage. Am I right in guessing that this was what all the fuss at sea was about?"

Those were the words said by one Ryoji Kaji as he addressed Gendo Ikari in the latter's cavernous office. Resting on top of the commander's desk was the very briefcase Kaji had with him while on the Over the Rainbow. Gendo himself said nothing, merely swiping a key card, triggering the many locks and tumblers that kept the case shut, until finally, the latches were released. Once the case fully opened, the room became illuminated a bit more by the contents within.

"So, it's already that far along in its regeneration?" Kaji pondered. "Even frozen in solid Bakelite, it's still alive, without a doubt. The keystone of the Human Instrumentality Project..."

The object of the unshaven agent's musings was a tiny thing, slightly resembling a human embryo, but only much more...alien in appearance.

"Yes," Gendo affirmed, a slight smirk emerging on his face. "That which has been named after the first human being...Adam."

Unknown to either man, a third party was listening in on their conversation, all thanks to a bug planted on Kaji without his knowing. Then again, he may have had a good amount of willpower, but it just wasn't quite at the level of the Shadow's, enabling Shinji to let Kaji believe he left their encounter unscathed. As for the bug itself, it was built by one of Shinji's operatives to be as undetectable as possible, one that could evade even NERV HQ's sensors. As for where the audio was transmitted to, Shinji hid the receiver in plain sight, having it built right into one of the buds of the pair of ear phones for his music player.

Allard wasn't kidding when he said you were trying to play God here, Commander...Shinji grimly thought as he heard the conversation finish.

Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School, the following morning...

"Man, I don't care how she looked, I just couldn't stand that girl," Toji said. He, Shinji, and Kensuke were gathered around the latter's desk, chatting before the day started, the subject of their conversation being Asuka.

"Toji, you've got to relax on this," Shinji said. "She's in a new country, adapting to all sorts of customs and quirks, in addition to a bit of the written language barrier. Just give her time, I'm sure she'll mellow out."

"Easy for you to say," Kensuke piped up. "YOU have to work with her every day."

"He's got no choice in the matter, it's what the job entails," Toji added.

"Well, at least we won't be seeing her again," Kensuke said with a shrug.

"Still, I feel for you, Shin-man," Toji said, "I really do."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the classroom door being thrown open, followed by it just as quickly being snapped shut. The boys turned in the direction of the sound, and sure enough, looks of horror appeared on Toji and Kensuke's faces. Shinji, on the other hand, grinned with amusement.

"You were saying, gentlemen?" he said teasingly.

All he got as an answer was Toji leaping to his feet with a scream, his finger pointed at the source of his distress.

A couple of minutes later, the students were in their seats as the teacher walked in. As soon as he got situated, the elderly instructor announced the addition of a new student to the class, and implored her to introduce herself. From there, the others watched as the new student wrote her name in perfect cursive, before turning to face the class with her sapphire blue eyes. Her long red hair immediately made her a standout among the sea of black and brown, and much attention was also given to the twin red clips in her hair. The girl surveyed the room, a cute look on her face.

"I am Asuka Langley Sohryu," she said haughtily. "Pleased to meet you."

Toji was aghast. Kensuke was dumbfounded. Shinji, in great contrast, was unusually optimistic.

In the days that followed, Asuka quickly rose to become the most popular girl in school, admired and envied by a large number of students. (The deluge of love letters that fell out of her locker was enough of an indicator that the admirers outnumbered the envious.) It wasn't lost on Toji and Kensuke, who in spite of their ill feelings towards the German, did see the potential capital to be made with her image. From their small, secret storefront, they made a lot of money with the sale of carefully-taken photos of the new student. Thanks to the location of their secret storefront, they had enough awareness that, in the event of an approaching teacher or class rep, they could quickly stash or toss the evidence away and get off scot-free, much like the bootleggers of old.

Their sales were quite fast though, in spite of the fact the product wasn't that much risque. Shinji, very much aware of their tiny operation, had asserted that he'd look the other way on the strict condition that Kensuke not turn his camera lens on Asuka when she was in the girl's locker room, and outright forbade him from trying for any up-skirt or what he termed 'delightfully saucy' shots. Kensuke didn't know what his friend would do should he break any of those stipulations, but he was sane enough to not want to find out. Toji felt the same, despite being confused over why Shinji was sticking up for the girl he'd nicknamed the 'Red Devil'.

Those two probably would've made great bootleggers, the way they operate, Shinji mused to himself as he entered the school gates one morning.

"Guten morgen, Shinji!" he heard Asuka cheerfully greet him. He turned around to face the approaching redhead, a smile on his face.

"Morgen, Asuka," Shinji replied. "Wie geht es ihnen?"

"Wundervoll!" Asuka said with an approving smile of her own before switching to Japanese. "You're getting better. Still a bit accented, but better."

"Much appreciated," Shinji said in turn. "I aim to please."

Many an male onlooker envied Shinji that moment as he and Asuka continued to talk, mainly for the fact that he seemed to be the only guy she gave the time of day to.

"By the way," Asuka started to say, "the other one's a student here too, right?"

"You mean Rei Ayanami?" Shinji replied, his eyes flickering in the direction of a bench near a set of stairs next to the street. Sitting on the bench was the blue-haired girl in question, reading a book, not paying much attention to most of the world. Today was actually her first day back at school.

Asuka, seeing where Shinji had hinted at, smiled and then skipped off in Rei's direction. Shinji chuckled softly as he watched the horde of students followed Asuka, anxious to see how the new girl and the so-called 'ice queen' of the school would hit it off, if at all. Thankfully, Shinji had 'prepped' Rei ahead of time so their first meeting hopefully would go off okay.

"Just what kind of deal did you make with that devil?" Toji asked as he walked up next to Shinji. "I mean come on, man-she smiled at you, you weren't reduced to a pile of ashes...

"AND you actually looked like you enjoyed her company! What gives?" Kensuke added as he joined them.

Shinji gave them a nonchalant shrug before answering. "You two have at least SEEN Shrek, right? Remember the title character's line about having layers?" Toji and Kensuke, slightly confused, nodded 'yes'. "Then think of it this way--Asuka's like a..." His eyes slightly narrowed at Toji specifically. "...'Devil's food' cake--she too has layers to her, and as you get past most of them, you find she's actually sweet, deep down."

Toji and Kensuke rolled their eyes at that statement, before the latter spoke up. "Great, now you're making me lose my taste for chocolate cake, thanks a lot."

"More for me then," Shinji replied with a chuckle.

"Eh, your funeral," Toji said with a shrug.

The trio turned their attention back to the scene playing out before them as Asuka got closer to where Rei was sitting. Speaking of the First Child, reading in relative solitude had been her most frequent pastime, be it for study or not, feeling there was no point in inactivity. Had she been the child of a typical Japanese couple, she'd be seen as a textbook example of the perfect child, with a genius-level IQ to boot. Yet her daily routine had hit quite the snag after Shinji instilled in her that hers was her own life and she could do what she wanted with it, and now, in spite of how she looked to the masses who eyed her, she now had a small but growing desire to be part of the crowd of her fellow students, talking, joking, and yes, even complaining the day away about things big and small. Friendship was an interesting abstract concept to her, and now wished to return the favor to those who extended their hands for that reason. Still, making friends with other girls in her class was a bit difficult for her, and she had no preconception that in some unlikely turn of events, a girl would seek her out of the blue on purpose.

"Hey!" a voice called out. "You're Rei Ayanami, the prototype's pilot, right?"

Rei looked up from her book to see Asuka standing on the other end of the bench.

"I'm Asuka," the redhead introduced herself. "Asuka Langley Sohryu. Let's be--" Asuka paused when she got a good look at the book Rei was reading. "Hold on, is that Murder on the Orient Express?"

"It is," Rei replied. "You are familiar with it?"

"Familiar?" Asuka asked back, as if in shock. "Are you kidding me? I love Agatha Christie stories! (Granted, a lot of stuff in them hasn't aged well, but still...)"

Hearing this surprised Rei, if not everyone else observing their interaction. "You do?"

"Of course I do!" Asuka affirmed enthusiastically. "And Then There Were None's my absolute favorite! Christie's an absolute master of whodunits! And the ways she put her own spin on what would've been a tired formula--brilliant!" She then extended her hand to Rei. "Oh, that settles it, we're definitely going to be good friends from now on."

Rei, a small smile appearing on her face, took the offered hand and shook it, thinking to herself that sometimes it was better to be without preconceptions.

Observing from their spot a few feet away, Shinji smiled at the emerging friendship between his two co-pilots, while stunned and speechless looks appeared on Toji and Kensuke's faces. To them, the sight of the Red Devil and the Ice Queen hitting off immediately was quite surreal.


Ritsuko was going over the data collected from the engagement with the 6th Angel when she felt a pair of arms move past her to gently grab her around the waist from behind. Startled at first, the smell of a familiar brand of aftershave clued her in immediately to just who her uninvited guest was.

"Someone's lost weight," Kaji casually said, eliciting a small smile from the scientist. Thankfully, given the ties they shared, she was quite able to distinguish between Kaji's usual brand of flirting and the kind he only did in the company of friends.

"You can tell?" she coyly asked as she leaned back in her chair.

"I certainly can," Kaji said in a clinical tone of agreement. "That same someone's also enduring quite the amount of unrequited love."

Turning around with a look of mock surprise on her face. "And just how did you know?"

"Oh, just one telltale sign, Rits..." Kaji answered as he lightly brushed his fingertip across her mole. "A woman with a mole in the path of tears is bound to live a life full of them."

"I don't know...Seemed to work for Marilyn Monroe," Ritsuko said with a slight roll of her eyes, before she caught a bit of movement outside her office. "By the way, whatever moves you're planning to put on me, you might want to make sure we're alone first..."

Kaji, getting an idea of what Ritsuko was hinting at, glanced at the office window to see Misato, an angry look on her face as she pressed herself against the glass, steaming it up a bit. A smirk still on his face, Kaji let Ritsuko go and stood up, just as Misato made her way to the door.

"Anyway, been a while, Kaji," Ritsuko said as she swiveled her chair fully around.

"That it has," the agent agreed.

"Getting a bit sloppy, aren't we?" Ritsuko posed with amusement in her voice. "I mean, more so than you usually look."

"Oh, he's sloppy, all right," Misato chimed in with a growl as she stepped into the office, her glare fixated on Kaji. "If you've finished handing over Unit-02 already, would you care to leave? It's clear you're done here."

"You'd think that, but no," Kaji said, the grin never leaving his face. "Fact is, I've been reassigned here long-term--just got my orders in today. The three of us, together again--just like old times!"

Before Misato could offer a retort, the office was bathed in red light as the sounds of the alarms blared throughout HQ, putting a damper on the three college friends' banter. Knowing immediately what was up, Misato, followed by Ritsuko, quickly made for the door and headed directly for the bridge. Kaji, lingering for a bit, followed them as well, curious to see how the pilots would do against the latest menace.

The bridge, moments later...

"Just got a report in from the patrolling battlecruiser Haruna," Shigeru stated.

"Huge submerged object's been detected off of the Ki'i peninsula," Kaede added. "Sending data right now..."

"Data's been collated," Makoto confirmed as the readings were put up on-screen.

"Wavelength pattern blue," Satsuki reported. "Target is an Angel."

That was all that Fuyutsuki, acting commander while Gendo was away on business, needed to hear. "All personnel, go to battle stations, Level One!"

Moments later, a pair of EVA-carrier planes were flying over the city, escorted by JSSDF fighters, respectively carrying Unit-01 and Unit-02 to the target location.

"Here's the sit-rep," Misato said to Shinji and Asuka over the comms from the mobile HQ she and the bridge techs were riding in. "The battle with the 5th Angel severely damaged the city's intercept systems, so our operational capability for actual combat is nearly non-existent. Therefore, the goal is to take out the target in a single blow at the water's edge right before it even has a chance to make landfall. The two of you are to attack the target in a series of waves-long story short, close in and take turns. Understood?"

"Roger," both pilots confirmed. Just because they said it, however, didn't exactly mean they reflected the sense of professionalism Misato was projecting.

"*Sigh* This sucks," Asuka stated, a hint of disappointment in her tone. "First combat mission in Japan and it's not even a solo op!" She then glanced to the side, in the direction of the other EVA-carrier. "How come he's gotta come along?"

As if anticipating this, a comm-window from Unit-01 popped up in her field of vision.

"To paraphrase a wise man named Carl Spackler," Shinji said in a Bill Murray-like cadence, "an Angel will never quit. Ever. They're like the Viet Cong...(Huh, 'Angel Cong')...So what you gotta do, is you gotta fall back on superior firepower, superior intelligence...and superior numbers." He then flashed a quick wink at her. "And that's all she wrote."

Asuka slightly furrowed her brows at Shinji with all his insolent commentary. It was hardly the first time she puzzled over just how and why the boy could get under her skin without breaking a sweat, no matter the barbs she tossed his way, often smiling as they bounced off of him. It was like he was the living embodiment of 'I'm rubber, you're glue'! And to make it even worse, he was a perfect gentleman the rest of the time.

Gott, it annoyed her so. Four days since they first met, and it annoyed her so. Shinji was unlike any other guy her age. His steadily high synch rate infuriated her, barring the fight against the 6th Angel where they were both able to achieve record-breaking levels for a scant few seconds. But now, today, there was a chance for her to prove that her decade of training and her superior-model EVA gave credence to her claim of being the top dog of the pilot corps, regardless of their synch ratios. Even so, it made her wonder if she was seeking Shinji's respect, if not his approval.

Grumbling quietly at first while shuffling her confusion to the side, she finally blinked with realization as she looked at Shinji.

"Did he just quote fricking Caddyshack at me?" she quietly asked herself, before getting her determined look back up. "Just stay out of my way--got that, Third Child?"

"Only if you stay out of my sights, Second Child," Shinji smarmily answered, giving her a Murray-like wave as the channel was closed.

Asuka huffed to herself, but before she could let out another retort, the ten-second warning sounded, bringing her back to the task at hand. Stupid smarmy Shinji...she thought as she stabbed the release button, sending her EVA into a freefall towards the coastline. Among the things she loved about being a pilot, this was definitely in the top five. As she got closer to the ground, her timer buzzed, indicating she should brace for landing. Her shoulder-based rocket thrusters ignited and helped the crimson giant decelerate, until finally she felt oriented enough on the marker lit by her HUD to stick the landing. Soon enough, Unit-01 joined her, and both were soon supplied with their power cords. A vid-channel from Unit-01 opened up unexpectedly.

"Definitely giving you a 10 for that one," Shinji commented. "'Shoot to Thrill' blasting in the background would've made it sweeter."

"Ah, knock it off," Asuka said as she looked towards the water. "Dunno about you, but two against one doesn't seem fair. Not my usual style."

A comm-window from the mobile HQ then appeared in her field of vision, Misato on the other end. "Unfortunately, we're looking for substance here, Asuka," she said. "Let me remind you, this isn't a game, it's real life. The Angels don't deserve a fair fight."

"If you say so," Asuka said subtly, not discounting Misato's point. Still, she wanted to show Shinji and Rei (on standby at HQ) just who was at the top of the food chain. Oh, she didn't mind their support, just as long as they knew who was at the top of the heap when all was said and done.

Once the power levels reached 100%, each EVA picked up their respective weapons--a pallet rifle for Shinji, a prog-glaive for Asuka--and got into position, awaiting the arrival of their opponent. They didn't have to wait long.

"Here it comes," Shinji uttered softly.

A column of water soon shot up a good distance from the shoreline, and a giant figure emerged from the spout, lumbering its way towards the EVAs. It was similar in stature and appearance to the Third Angel, only its 'mask' had no beak and appeared to be in a sort of 'yin-yang' shape. The creature had gray skin, long arms, and nearly-stubby legs.

Misato didn't hesitate with her new orders. "EVAs, commence attack!"

Unit-02 clutched its glaive as Asuka readied herself into a run towards the Angel. To her surprise, however, a hand held her back--Unit-01's specifically.

"Hold a moment, Asuka," Shinji implored, a seriousness present in his tone of voice.

"What the--what's the big idea, Third?!" Asuka asked, frustrated.

A comm window from Misato soon appeared in Shinji's plug. "Shinji, I gave the order to--"

"I know, Misato, I know," he replied. "But something's not right here. Trust me on this. I have a feeling Mr. It-Came-from-Beneath-the-Sea's got a surprise for us."

"How can you even tell?" Asuka asked skeptically.

Shinji paused a bit before answering. "I learned a bit about reading body language before I came to Tokyo-3. And from what I'm seeing of our guest here, I think he's going to unleash a special ability of his as soon as all that firepower stops hitting him. Just watch."

Curiosity winning out in the end, Asuka stayed put, while in the mobile command center, Misato eyed the screen for any truth to Shinji's words.

Soon enough, the firing stopped, and when the smoke cleared, as predicted, the Angel was unscathed thanks to its AT-Field, though its advance was momentarily halted. What the creature did next, however, took all observers by surprise, as it began to shudder, and in the process, a second, identical creature began to split off from the gray-and-white behemoth, which also changed color. Where there was one, now stood two. One creature was green with orange highlights, the other the reverse, both with a yin-yang pattern for a face, both getting into a stance in perfect synch.

"Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me," Misato growled upon seeing the spectacle before her.

"Scheisse..." Asuka swore quietly, a part of her actually thankful to Shinji for holding her back. "Any ideas now, Misato?"

Misato didn't answer at first, as she carefully studied the Angels on-screen. "The way they move...it's like they're the same mind operating two bodies simultaneously. My best guess, the two of you will need to attack them in the same way, perfectly synched."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Asuka asked disbelievingly. "We've only known each other for a few days!"

"Asuka," Shinji spoke up, "when you were training for all those years, was any style of martial arts part of your curriculum?"

Asuka gave it some quick thought before responding. "There was," she said. "I was taught a few styles, but the one I really took to the most was Krav Maga."

Shinji let a tiny smirk appear on his face. "Perfect," he said. "I learned it myself too. Taught by a former soldier in the town I was living in. We'll beat Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum with that." Shinji then had Unit-01 put its pallet rifle aside and got into a starting position, both forearms brought up and with both hands open and flat. What he'd said was true; what he left out that the former soldier in question was an ex-Mossad agent who served as chief of security for Allard's estate. As part of Allard's training of Shinji to take the Shadow mantle, he had the boy learn a variety of fighting styles, Krav Maga among them.

Asuka, sensing that Shinji appeared to know what he was doing, got into the same stance as him, Unit-02 matching Unit-01 from head-to-toe. Both EVAs kept their chins down and their hands up, shifting their weight to their back feet and having their front feet move forward. They reversed the movements of their feet for two more minutes before finally reaching their point of balance.

"The moment they get close enough," Shinji instructed, "we both deploy our AT-fields at the same time. Got it?"

Asuka nodded. "Better hope this works..."

At that moment, the twin Angels ran towards the EVAs, before launching into a hunched jump that took them into an arc. As the twin halves of the Angel--which had been dubbed 'Israfel' by the MAGI--closed in, the AT fields of both EVAs quickly expanded outward, slamming all manner of sand, water, debris, and salty air in a manner that was almost focused in its wake, the force of the combined pulse knocking the Israfel twins back before they even touched either EVA. The twins fell backwards into the shallow water in a daze, before getting back up. Both twins raised their arms, unleashing their own AT-fields that halted the wave of solid matter. The two sets of fields clashed in a back-and-forth, leaving both pairs at a standstill. The standstill didn't last long.

"Sit tight, help's on the way," Misato said to the pilots, before issuing a command into another frequency. Moments later, a group of gunships that had surrounded the battle site unleashed their full salvos on the exposed rears of the Israfel twins, keeping them off-balance and allowing Shinji and Asuka to strike back, having neutralized the Angels' fields. The moment they got up-close, the EVAs both simultaneously threw a left hook at each twin, pushing off with their left feet, bringing them back once the punches recoiled and getting back into their stances. They turned it into a cross when they quickly followed up with a right hook, and repeated the moves with astonishing speed.

To all who were watching, the sight of the two EVAs not letting up in their assault on the Angels was astonishing. The two titans of NERV were absolutely relentless, pummeling their opponents with all manner of kicks and punches, keeping them off-balance with swift sweeps, all directed at what was perceived as the vulnerable points for the Angels, all while being able to simultaneously defend themselves should the Angels try to fight back. Eventually, the two EVAs hit the Israfel twins with a powerful combination sweep/heel kick that sent them slamming into each other, causing them to re-merge into their singular form, though now with the twin cores exposed as it fell back onto a ruined building. It was too late for Israfel to do a thing as both Unit-01 and Unit-02 finished the job with a simultaneous stomp that shattered the twin cores.

The EVAs then jumped back and raised their AT-fields to the max, while any JSSDF aircraft in the area flew away hastily, as all knew what would happen next. The Angel exploded in a giant column of fire, the force of the blast sending a great amount of seawater and seafloor skyward.

Whether in the mobile command center or at NERV HQ, staff erupted into a cacophony of cheers and clapping as they witnessed the incredible victory against Israfel. It was enough to get a satisfied smile on Sub-commander Fuyutsuki's face as he watched the two EVAs head back to the shore, where they picked up their weapons and continued onward.

"They really do make quite a team, don't they?" he heard Kaji muse to Ritsuko off to the side.

"I'll admit, they definitely surprised me," Ritsuko answered. "I'm amazed they've gotten along as well as they have even before this fight."

"You and me both," Kaji said. "Who knows? Maybe they'll continue the trend and still surprise us. Fingers crossed..." He then got up off the wall he was leaning against. "Care to join me in giving them a heroes' welcome?"

Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School, an hour or so later...

Shinji and Asuka watched as the helicopter that brought them back to the school grounds took off and headed away, before turning and making their way towards the school itself.

"Better get a move on, Third," Asuka said as they walked. "Our public awaits..."

Shinji smiled without a word. The two of them had been offered the chance to take the rest of the day off at Misato's insistence, but Asuka declined for the two of them, citing that their education was too important to be further interrupted. Of course, he already figured that she was looking forward to a heroes' welcome from the rest of their fellow students.

"Something funny, baka?" Asuka demanded of him all of a sudden as they climbed the steps.

"Oh, nothing, really," Shinji coyly replied. "Just thinking how we can do amazing things when working together."

Hearing this gave Asuka a bit of pause. She had to admit, even in spite of the pre-battle banter he subjected her to, Shinji was right on the ball when it came to facing the Angel. The fact that he shared an uncommon skill with her that could be utilized outside of piloting EVA further impressed her, and that his strategy involving it actually worked. The more she thought about what might have happened had she not decided to indulge Shinji, the more she realized what kind of disaster would have ensued had she gone through with the, self-admittedly, reckless actions she initially wanted to take. It led her to think that perhaps her idea of proving herself could still be done, without resorting to childish attempts to show off.

Deciding to dwell on that at a later time, Asuka turned her gaze back towards the school building, just as she and Shinji were greeted with thunderous applause from the student body at almost every window.

End Chapter 11.
Chapter 12: The Black Hush
Chapter 12 - The Black Hush

It was a bright, sunny afternoon as Shinji walked home from school, having been assigned part of cleaning duty that day. He wanted to enjoy it for as long as he could, considering he had more darker business to attend to later that night. He whistled a random tune as he climbed the stairs to Misato's apartment, where he noted the large amount of DHU-labeled moving boxes piled outside the apartment next door. Said boxes belonged to the newest co-habitant of the apartment Rei had been reassigned to a while back (thanks in part to his alter-ego's subtle actions), as indicated by the clothing that peeked out of a few top boxes, all brands Rei definitely wasn't known for wearing.

"Yeesh, they're still coming, even three weeks in..." Shinji mused to himself with a chuckle. "Thank God it's just the two of them sharing a place."

He thought back to the circumstances that led to this situation, recalling how Misato, before the trip to the Over the Rainbow and the battle with the Sixth Angel that ensued, had been called into his father's office. It was there that she was informed that Rei would be sharing the apartment with the soon-to-arrive Asuka, and handed her all the associated paperwork, tasking her with finalizing the details. After she'd been dismissed, Shinji (as the Shadow) learned of the reasoning behind this decision while concealing himself within the shadows of the cavernous lair of NERV's supreme commander. Responding to Fuyutsuki's questioning behind the decision, Gendo revealed that while he saw this as a way to help Rei's synch rate rise to better her as a combat asset, it would also limit her interactions with Shinji and create an inevitable clash of personalities among the three pilots, leading to Rei hopefully asking for a return to her original apartment. Not if I have anything to say about it...the Shadow thought to himself as he quietly followed Fuyutsuki out when his business with the commander was done for the moment.

Back in the present, Shinji decided to pay his co-pilots-slash-neighbors a visit, and knocked on the door. "Anyone home?" he asked.

"It's open!" Asuka called back from within. Accepting the invitation, Shinji opened the door and stepped inside, removing his shoes as he did. Upon entering the living room area of the apartment, he found Rei and Asuka taking a break from going through another one of the latter's boxes. Rei was reading quietly, while Asuka, in a loose light blue top and dark blue shorts with a towel around her shoulders--her having just taken a shower--was sipping a can of soda.

"You settling in okay?" Shinji asked.

"About as well as you'd expect," Asuka replied with a shrug. "Wundergirl's been a big help in getting me unpacked--thank Gott there's plenty of room in this place--and other than that, she's been a perfect roommate, it's uncanny. Plus..." She slightly smirked as she briefly inclined her head towards the bluenette's direction. "It's been somewhat fun educating a total newbie in the fashionable arts, among other ways of the world. Misato may have been good for a practice run, but clearly she'll benefit more in my capable hands."

"It has been an...interesting experience, living with another person, so far," Rei chimed in quietly, her eyes never leaving the page she was currently on. "There are still some things I will need to get used to."

Hearing this made Shinji raise one eyebrow slightly. "Oh? Like what?"

Asuka quickly answered for her roommate. "It took a little doing, but I managed to instill a little sense of modesty in her. I mean, first morning under the same roof, and I walk in here to find her completely au naturale! I mean, what if someone unexpectedly came by and she opened the door? Seriously, who the hell raised her?!"

"Believe it or not," Shinji replied, "the Commander did. Before either of us came to Tokyo-3, you wouldn't believe where he had her living. On her own, no less." He shot a brief glance to the side as he thought for a moment. "That said, I'm glad you two are getting along a bit better. We're going to need each other whenever we're out in the field, and we need to be friends off-duty to preserve our sanity, among other reasons." He remembered when he helped ready Rei for Asuka's arrival, emphasizing that the redhead was like them in that she was, deep down, a pretty lonely person, and becoming friends would be a good way to ease such loneliness. Rei trusted in his words, especially as she'd come to find how valuable her time with him and their other friends was.

"Don't worry, we get it," Asuka said reassuringly. "Just don't be surprised if ours is a relationship akin to The Odd Couple."

Rei looked up from her book on hearing Asuka's words. "The Odd Couple. A 1965 stage play by the American playwright Neil Simon about two opposite-minded roommates and the idiosyncrasies they learn to live with as they go about their daily routines."

"Huh, that was quick," Asuka noted. "How'd you know what I was referring to?"

"Neil Simon also penned, among his many works, a pair of murder mystery parodies," Rei explained. "One was Murder by Death in 1976, which satirized the setting of a typical 'whodunit' in a country mansion on a dark and stormy night, utilizing pastiches of certain detective archetypes as the central characters. The other was 1978's The Cheap Detective, utilizing much of the same cast but now lampooning the hardboiled, noir-styled mystery films of the 1940s, mainly those starring Humphrey Bogart. Upon my further reading on Mr. Simon, I find his exploration of certain themes and character studies fascinating, especially regarding how his characters struggle in their search for a sense of belonging, how solutions to human problems are sought via relationships with other people, all while his stories manage to make people laugh."

"Oh riiight, you were telling me about Murder by Death the other day," Asuka said as she faced Shinji. "She was saying how among the characters there's a couple of Agatha Christie spoofs."

"Monsieur Milo Perrier, an analogue of Hercule Poirot," Rei elaborated. "And a Jane Marple caricature named Jessica Marbles."

Shinji smiled at the positive turn the conversation took. "Now that's more like it. Anyway, if you're both interested in dinner, give me a little time and I'll call you over."

"Works for me," Asuka said. It hadn't taken long for Asuka to get on the bandwagon when it came to the quite tasty culinary creations of one Shinji Ikari, as he'd prepared a German-styled 'welcome' dinner for her on her first visit to Misato's.

Misato's apartment, about an hour later...

The three of them were now sitting around the table at Misato's, the captain herself having gotten home a little before then and was presently sitting there herself.

"By the way, Asuka," Misato started to say. "I meant to ask--how's school been going for you?"

"*Ugh* Hikari and the two Stooges aside (even then, I barely tolerate those two especially), I still don't get why I'm going there," Asuka replied. "I mean, why exactly am I repeating middle school?"

Misato took a deep breath before answering. "Honestly, I'm with you on that, but the decision came right from the top. The Commander felt that you should attend school with Shinji and Rei as a matter of...how'd he put it?" She then contorted her facial expressions into an unintentionally comic exaggeration of Gendo's. "'Socializing with others of her age group, as well as foster a sense of camaraderie among the pilots.'" The fact that she did it in such a deadpan manner made Shinji and Asuka laugh a little; Rei, her funny bone still not as fully-developed, responded with a tiny amused smile. "Look on the bright side though--you and Hikari have hit it off nicely, as I understand, and Shinji and Rei have been generous enough to help you fine-tune your kanji."

"Huh--good point," Asuka said as she took another bite of her food. Her ears then perked up at the sound of waddling, causing her to turn to see Pen-Pen walking by with a newspaper under his arm. "Still haven't gotten used to seeing that."

"That a penguin is able to read a newspaper?" Rei asked.

"Well, more than that," Asuka clarified. "That he also does the sudoku inside--in pen. AND that he frequently checks the stocks column of the business section."

When dinner was finished and everyone retired for the night, as soon as the coast was clear, Shinji quietly left the apartment, and once again the Shadow left the building.

The Café Cat's Meow, some fifteen minutes later...

Kaji had to admit, for a place that toed the line between the more well-lit downtown area and the more lower-tier sections of the city, the café had a pretty good feel to it, almost tailor-made for people in his line of work. The service was excellent (the owners/proprietors themselves being quite friendly--and ranging in attractiveness from cute to gorgeous--helped), and as one Agent Dale Cooper would admit, they made a damn fine cup of coffee. As Kaji took another sip of his cup, he barely registered the sound of the seat opposite him in the booth gaining an occupant. Kaji looked up from the rim of his cup to find the Shadow, half-hidden by that which he drew his moniker from.

"Gotta admit, you were right about the atmosphere here," Kaji said as he set his cup back down.

"The sisters run a good place of business," the Shadow replied. "But pardon me if I cut to the chase."

"Right," Kaji said with a nod as he opened up a folder on the table. "I passed that symbol along to a contact of mine in Interpol. Took some doing, but they came through. This..." Kaji pointed to the original slip of paper he was given. "Is the tamgha, or seal, of the House of the Ögedeids, a family within the Mongol Imperial family of the 12th to 14th centuries, descended from Ögedei Khan, one of the sons of Genghis Khan himself; they're the ones who continued the Mongol Empire's expansion. For our purposes here, though..." He then pointed to a couple of reports that he laid out further on the table. "The tamgha was appropriated by a criminal syndicate calling itself Neo-Xanadu."

"Neo-Xanadu..." the Shadow pondered. "Possibly named for the summer capital of Kublai Khan, a grandson of Ghengis."

"Well, they definitely didn't take it from that disco movie flop," Kaji said. "The group's a more recent player in the global underworld. They're based in Mongolia, fittingly enough, and have 'branch offices' all over Asia, with the Hong Kong one being the closest to our part of the world. In terms of their tactics and ambitions, they've apparently modeled themselves after the Mongol Empire of old, though with some 21st-century flair. Right now, it's still unknown if their goals stop at domination of all of Asia or if they've got the guts to try and conquer the world, though how they'd fare against SEELE is debatable. Supposedly, they're responsible for the...pacification of certain Triad and Yakuza families."

"And now they've begun to make inroads into Japan's fortress city of tomorrow," the Shadow said. "Makes one wonder what they wanted with the First Child."

"Maybe to send NERV, if not Gendo Ikari, a message?" Kaji speculated. "Still, between the two of us, we might just figure out why that is, in-between trying to get to the bottom of NERV and SEELE's secrets."

"Perhaps," the Shadow concurred as he got up to leave. "I'll see you around." With that, he left the café.

Kaji smirked a bit as he watched the Shadow disappear into the night. "Yep...things are definitely going to get more interesting here..."

Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School, the following morning...

Shinji, when he entered classroom 2-A, found himself facing several girls in his class, all eager to see which of them had a chance with the boy.

"Um...Can I help you?" he asked.

One of them walked towards him. "Would you like to have lunch with me today?" she asked.


Before he could answer, Hikari entered behind him, followed by Asuka and Rei, causing the girl to politely excuse herself and quickly return to her desk, an action repeated by the other girls. Shinji faced the trio who just arrived.

"What was that all about?" Asuka asked.

"No idea," Shinji answered with a shrug, before facing Hikari. "We still up for study group this afternoon?"

"Definitely," Hikari answered with a nod.

"Still not a fan of getting homework," Asuka said with a shake of her head. "I mean, it's pedestrian stuff compared to my university coursework."

"And THAT gives us an advantage," Shinji pointed out. "YOU get to help us with the tougher questions. Plus, you're better at paring down the concepts more than our teacher." Hearing that got Asuka's good mood back up; it was nice to be recognized for her intellectual ability, after all.

"Anyway," Hikari continued as she set her bag down. "I'm also looking forward to showing you this new recipe I've been wanting to test out. I've also got a tasty yellowtail fillet for Pen-Pen to chow down on."

"Heh," Shinji said as he shook his head with a smile, "he's gonna be spoiled rotten at this point thanks to you. Pretty soon he'll be all like 'Oh, now I get fresh yellowtail all the time!' And sorry to say, I'm not made of yellowtail."

"Would it...be all right if I fed Pen-Pen?" Rei asked, a very slight hint of eagerness in her voice.

Shinji didn't miss it. "Of course you can," he affirmed. "When you do, don't go all in--let him get used to your presence. And don't make any sudden movements when you do, he startles easily."

NERV HQ, the next day...

Misato was currently on an elevator going down towards her office floor, a small bundle of paperwork in her arms, when she found her relatively quiet trip interrupted when the car stopped on a different floor to admit another rider. Unfortunately for her, it was a rider she wasn't seemingly keen on sharing a car with, as Kaji stepped in and leaned against the left side. The two didn't speak at first, until the car had gotten past two floors uninterrupted.

"Have to say, guardianship looks good on you, Katsuragi," Kaji commented. "And you're looking better than before--what happened to the beautiful boozehound I used to hang with?"

Misato gave Kaji a mild glare before she responded. "Said boozehound is dead," she stated. "Thanks to one Shinji Ikari."

Kaji's eyes widened a bit on hearing her. "Seriously?" he said in turn. "That kid got you to quit after all this time?" He then glanced off to the side. "Heh. For once, I'm in awe, and rarely does that happen."

"Easy for you to say," Misato said. "The way he did it I won't go into too much detail, let's just say it was shock therapy in under two minutes. And now because of it, I can't even take a whiff of a glass of beer without a sick knot forming in my stomach. Part of me wanted to yell at him till my lungs were exhausted for effectively cutting my social drinking career short...but I realized right then he was only concerned." A small smile began to appear on her face. "And honestly? I've actually never felt better in my life."

Kaji's smile returned. "Good to hear that," he said. "Nice to see one of us is changing. I know I've been doing a lot of that in the years since we, er, parted..." He shot a glance towards the counter as the elevator continued on. "Listen, I want to let you know that if you ever want to talk, I'm fine with a coffee shop instead of a bar. There's a nice little place I happened upon when I first set foot here the other day."

Misato gave it some thought as she adjusted the bundle of papers. "...I can do that," she said. "But just as friends, okay? Our ship sailed a long time ago."

"I hear you," Kaji said with a nod and a tiny salute. "'Do not pursue' order received, Captain."

"Thanks," Misato said with a slight chuckle. "Truthfully, I actually did miss you too."

The two of them kept their smiles going, until the electronic chime of the elevator indicated that they were now on Misato's floor. "See you around, Kaji," she said as she stepped out of the elevator and headed towards her office. That was...kind of nice, actually, she thought to herself. We had a pretty civil conversation there...And he didn't even try to seduce me once...It was then that she halted mid-stride when she rewound her brain to what she'd just thought. Hang on a second--he didn't try to seduce me! What gives?

NERV HQ physical training center, that afternoon...

For the past 20 minutes, Shinji and Asuka worked in-tandem to coach Rei through the basics of Krav Maga. The First Child had expressed a desire to learn the combat art in order to better fight alongside the others, as well as defend herself should another kidnapping attempt happen. Asuka had been quite astonished when she first heard about how two random thugs nearly made off with her, which made her appreciate their current living arrangements all the more. For the most part, Rei was a very good pupil, taking all the steps and stances into account with a discerning eye, and was working up quite a sweat.

Their training was done under Misato's supervision, herself killing time with some rounds on a punching bag. While she was an excellent marksman, she hadn't dusted off the skills that made her a top-tier contender in her military career for quite some time, and getting back into the swing of things proved to be a good outlet for the tension she'd long suppressed with alcohol.

Eventually, both parties called it a day for their workouts, got themselves cleaned up, and headed to Misato's car for the trip home.

The apartment building, later that night...

As Shinji quietly exited Misato's apartment, he heard the sound of footsteps within the one occupied by Asuka and Rei. Considering they should be asleep at this time, a suspicious Shinji carefully entered in the code for the door (given to him and Misato in case of emergencies) and opened it up. As he stepped inside with barely a sound made, he scanned the darkened living room before picking up the footsteps in the direction of the hallway. It was there he saw Asuka, wearing a sleep shirt that almost barely covered her chest, looking as if she was in a trance. Her eyes were closed, yet she was standing up, leading Shinji to conclude that she was sleepwalking. He'd learned from the file he'd read on her about her troubled sleeping habits due to her trauma, and was now witness to one manifesting in front of him. He stood perfectly still as he observed her stumble towards the couch, onto which she plopped down.

Shinji, not wanting to disturb her, turned to leave and continue on to his errand, when he heard a new sound. It was Asuka's voice, and though it was quite soft, he could hear it clearly: a single word, with great melancholy behind it.


Shinji turned around, and saw the sleeping Asuka, tears beginning to well in her eyes. It was clear to him that she was having one of the nightmares that had plagued her for so long. Without hesitation, Shinji sought to remedy that. He carefully walked over to Asuka's sleeping form, and leaned down towards her ear. It was then that he uttered into it a Tibetan Buddhist prayer, one taught to him by Allard that the man himself had learned during his time with the Tulku. He did so in a cadence that was a soothing, gentle, almost-hypnotic whisper, a trick Allard learned from an old magician ally of his named Norgil:

"[May we all be well, happy and peaceful, May no harm come to us,

May we all also have patience, courage, understanding, and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems, and failures in life.]"

He quietly intoned it repeatedly, until Asuka's face began to relax, all tension vanishing even after Shinji stopped. From there, he gently placed a blanket over the girl, who was now sleeping contentedly. Once done, he stood back up and headed back to the door, taking one last look at her before he left.

"Sleep well, Asuka," he quitely said before closing the door behind him and heading to the elevator, where the Shadow would soon emerge.

End Chapter 12.
Guest Omake 2 - "Shinji Gets Beat" by SheriffJohnStone

Author0fntent sat as his desk, chin on his hand, neutral look on his face, as Shinji sat on the lounge chair next to him.

Looking around, Shinji spoke up. "So, um...are we waiting for something or..." He trailed off as Author0fntent put his hand up in front of him.

"He should be here soon," he answered, straightening his posture.

"Who...?" Shinji inquired.

He was answered by a knock on the door. "Come in!" Author0fntent called out as the door was opened carefully. In walked SheriffJohnStone, removing a pair of earbuds and placing them in his pocket.

Author0fntent stood up and closed the distance between them and shook his hand. "Sheriff! How goes it?"

Shaking back, he smiled. "Good! Phone took me on a weird route but I found the place pretty easily. How are the stories coming, Auth?"

"Well, the usual, and as long as I can convince this guy, he puts up with it," answered Author0fntent, breaking the handshake and tilting his head to indicate towards Shinji.

Following Auth's direction, Sheriff leaned his head to the side to look over his shoulder. "Ah, Shinji Ikari! Big fan, big fan."

"Uh... thanks?" Shinji replied confusedly.

Author0fntent returned to his desk and Sheriff took his seat on the lounge chair on the other side of the desk. "So, what do you have for today's guest omake?" he asked the newcomer.

"Please don't let it be some weird pulled-out-of-a-hat crossover like the last guy..." Shinji groans.

"Well, given the nature of my interests and the subjects of my fics, I was thinking of something music-related," Sheriff says, pulling a small piece of paper and a golf pencil out of his pocket.

"I'm not listening to Death Grips," Shinji deadpanned.

Hastily crossing something out, Sheriff thought for a moment, and then piped up, "How about you do an album review?"

Shinji stroked his chin, then hesitantly asked, "What album did you have in mind?"

Sheriff looked over his paper. "Well, I have a few ideas here, stop me when you hear something that you wanna do.'"

"Sure," Shinji said with a nod as Author0fntent smiled contentedly.

"Remain In Light by Talking Heads."


"Only A Lad by Oingo Boingo."


"Kid A by Radiohead."

"F*** no."

"Kind Of Blue by Miles Davis."

"No-wait, actually, I can work with that."

"Great!" cheered Sheriff, thankful that Shinij accepted the very last thing on his list. He clapped twice, and Shinji's appearance changed. He was now wearing a flannel shirt, glasses, and a bald cap.

"What the hell am I wearing!?" He asked as he looked himself over in the nearby mirror.

"The threads of a true music critic!" Sheriff said with encouragement, much to the young pilot's ire.

"I'm the one doing this, can't you at LEAST let me come up with something to wear?" he pleaded.

Sheriff put his hands up in a 'go-ahead' gesture, and Shinji clapped twice. In an instant, his appearance changed again; this time he sported a black turtleneck, jeans, sandals, and a pair of black Ray-Bans sunglasses. "Much better," he observed coolly.

Sheriff grinned, then grabbed him by the arm, taking him to a nearby room. "Now go in there and review an album!"

He shut the door, leaving Shinji in the room with a CD player, loaded with the Miles Davis album in question.

45 minutes later, Shinji emerged from the room, wiping sweat off of his forehead. "Would it have killed you to install an AC in there?"

"We're running on a tight budget," Author0fntent answered, turning to Sheriff. "All right, so...what now?"

"Now, we get to the best part! Shinji, go stand in front of the green screen right there, and I'll film your review!" he beamed.

"What!? Come on, man! I'm sweating like I just wrestled Toji, and you want me to get in front of a camera and speak for God knows how long?" Shinji said in protest.

"We'll fix it in post, now come on, people love music reviews!" Sheriff insisted. "Rolling Stone didn't last as long as it did by strength of personality alone."

Shinji sighed, and trudged over to the camera setup. "Fine, lets get this over with. Fair warning, I'm making this up as I go. Oh, one more thing-for the backdrop, make it look like a Greenwich Village coffeehouse-it'll fit the feel, given the time period the album came out. Same with having the audience applause with fingers snapping. And give me a bongos-and-bass background track."

Sheriff nodded as he got behind the camera, focused it, and hit record. He waved his hand, and Shinji cleared his throat.

"How's it goin', all you happenin' hep cats out there? Shinji Ikari here, Tokyo-3's busiest music nerd, giving my own two cents on the jazz classic Kind of Blue by Miles Davis." Tokyo-3's busiest music nerd? Where the hell did that come from? he thought to himself. "Hitting the scene in 1959, this album features a handful of great musicians alongside Davis, including John Coltrane, Bill Evans, and Julian "Cannonball" Adderly. Think of these guys as the jazz equivalent of the 1996 Chicago Bulls lineup."

Off-camera, Sheriff pressed a button on a small device, which unleashed a few seconds of canned audience laughter. Shinji gave him a look before continuing.

"As soon as the album starts with the opener 'So What', we're greeted to an intimate moment between the double bass and the piano, and soon they're joined in by the brass and woodwinds. And I'll be God-damned if it doesn't impress me. The lung capacity on those men is enough to give me respiratory envy. I'm gonna start playing this album around Dr. Akagi just to rub in the fact that her smoking habit's left her with lungs weaker than the knees of girls at an Elvis performance. Although, given this is the 50's we're talking about, everyone back then probably smoked more than she does. God, the sheer amount of tobacco in the room..." he said with a shake of his head as he trailed off.

Author0fntent cleared his throat, which brought Shinji back to reality.

"The next song on the album, 'Freddie Freeloader', gives us a pleasant threesome between the trumpet and sex-*AHEM* I mean saxophone. Little Freudian slip there, heh."

The two fanfic writers exchanged a look.

"Apologies for the innuendo, my legal guardian is a terrible influence," Shinji quipped with a grin, pushing the glasses up his face. "Next up is 'Blue in Green', and man, if Davis were alive I would shake his hand for this one. His solo is like lotion for my eardrums, it's just pure bliss. This is also the shortest song on the album, so Father, if you're listening...this is the go-to next time you bring a woman home." The others in the room stifled laughter.

"Now we get to the second half of the album, and we're greeted by 'All Blues', where the piano player shows us that he's really serious. I guess Coltrane's presence didn't make pianists nervous at that point-I found myself surprised at how thoroughly enthralled I was by it. This more upbeat track, which is also the longest on the album, fully preps us for the grand finale, 'Flamenco Sketches.'"

Shinji smiled as he continued. "'Flamenco Sketches' is this great, soft piece and a brilliant composition. This, right here, is what jazz is all about. This is honestly something you could slow dance to." The fleeting image of a certain redhead crossed his mind. "By the time this track was over, I found it hard to fight back a stray tear. Overall, I give Kind of Blue a five out of five. However, if I were going off of experience I would give it a four out of five because someone thought it would be a good idea to throw me in a room with NO AC." He glared briefly at Sheriff, before snapping back to the camera, cheerful expression back.

"And that's it from me, catch you crazy cats on the flip side." The sound of multiple fingers snapping accompanied the flourish of a marimba playing as Shinji took his bow, before hopping off the stool he'd been sitting on.

"Cut! Great job, Shinji, this is just what we need!" Sheriff beamed.

Removing the sunglasses from his face, Shinji pinched the bridge of his nose. "I need a shower...You're an odd one, you know that?"

Patting him on the shoulder, SheriffJohnStone gave him a grin. "So I've been told."
Chapter 13: The Death Giver, Part 1 of 3
Chapter 13 - The Death Giver, Part 1 of 3

Asuka Langley Sohryu was in a very, very sunny mood. Why wouldn't she be, considering the convergence of good things that had come her way in such a short period of time? She'd started the day off waking up from what had been possibly the best sleep she'd had in years, had gotten wind of the forthcoming class trip to Okinawa, and as preparation for such a trip, she was now spending the day at the mall with the man of her dreams, picking up a new wardrobe for three days of sun, sand and surf. That Rei was along for the ride made it all the more perfect, as it gave Asuka the chance to continue her 'education' of the bluenette in fashion.

"I still do not understand the lack of practicality in this," Rei commented as she held up a deep blue, silver-highlighted bikini combo to Asuka.

Asuka, with a slight roll of her eyes, was quick to answer this. "Here's the thing, swimsuits like these aren't just for swimming. Sometimes, one wants to look good while they're strutting their stuff along the beach, making folks go ga-ga as they do." She pointed to a couple of spots along the hemline for emphasis. "The more bold and daring it is, the more attention you'll get from a good proportion of the male populace of our school! Simple as that. (Though to be fair, I do draw a line at suits that run afoul of public indecency laws.)"

Rei raised a somewhat-skeptical eyebrow at this, before returning her attention to the suit she was holding. "You do realize that I burn easily if exposed to sunlight for too long, do you not?"

Asuka replied with a shrug. "Eh, no sweat! Some guys like a good view of a bikini'd beauty under an umbrella, don't worry about it! An image like that certainly sold a lot of pin-ups way back when." She then turned her focus to her own selection among the wares of the store they were currently in. She chuckled as she pictured how, upon Shinji seeing her in this little number, the Third Child would probably overheat like an old-time jalopy in the cartoon reruns she used to watch. Upon presenting this to Kaji, the stubble-ridden inspector immediately shot it down, pointing out how, despite being European, the redhead definitely wasn't ready for showing off that much skin. Asuka was just as annoyed by this as she was over how Kaji seemingly still saw her as a kid. I mean come on! Even that baka Shinji treats me like a lady! she fumed to herself, before her brain took pause at that last thought. Uh...guess that's another tally on his side of the board...

It was then with a sigh that Asuka, after going through the rack again, found something that, while still a two-piece, did earn her the Kaji brand seal of approval.

Misato's apartment, that evening...

Pen-Pen just wanted to kick back and enjoy a nice, pleasant soak in the tub, without a care in the world. Unfortunately, the bird would have to endure one teensy little interruption.

"WHADDYA MEAN, I can't go on the trip?!"

The penguin was immediately jolted out of his relaxation upon hearing Asuka's outburst.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the girl in question loomed over the table as she'd asked Misato to clarify the impetus for said outburst. Rei and Shinji inched a bit away from her the moment Asuka had made her thoughts on the news they'd just received known.

"I meant it like I said it," the captain replied casually. "Sorry, but tough-ski crap-ski, Asuka. You and the others are on permanent standby for any combat operations. It's how it is in this biz."

"But you didn't even tell me about that!" Asuka argued back. "And NO, just telling me now doesn't count! Seriously, what bonehead decided on this?!"

Misato nonchalantly pointed towards herself. "This bonehead, that's who."

Asuka, grumbling, turned her attention to her fellow pilots as they casually sipped their tea. "Are you two seriously fine with this? Blowing off a chance to go blow off some steam after all the stuff we've gone through so far? What gives?!"

Shinji and Rei briefly gave each other a look and a shrug, before it was the latter who answered Asuka.

"Truthfully, Misato makes a good point," Shinji said. "Given the rather...unpredictable nature of the things we've been fighting against, of course we'd have to be on indefinite standby. I mean, it's not like Maria and Mari are here, otherwise we'd be with the rest of the class and NERV would have the manpower (so to speak) in case of emergency."

"Agreed," Rei concurred. "For now, we are irreplaceable."

Asuka, on hearing this, calmed down a bit.

"All that said," Misato started to say, "there is a bright side. The two of you have been doing well in terms of academics, if your rather impressive grades are anything to say about." She held up a trio of discs, each with the name of a pilot on them. "Looks like your mutual tutoring sessions have been paying off in a big way-you in kanji, Asuka, and you in the sciences, Shinji. I mean..." A small, teasing smile appeared on her face. "It just goes to show how comfortable you two are around each other, am I right?"

Immediately, a reddish hue began to color both Shinji and Asuka's faces, a phenomenon Rei observed without commentary. Shinji quickly recovered.

"*Ahem* Well, having such a great tutor certainly helps..." he said smoothly, making Asuka feel her cheeks get even warmer. Way to pour fuel on the fire, baka! Asuka grumbled mentally.

"And Rei, way to stay in the top five of the class, I'm very proud of you," Misato said with sincerity.

It was Rei's turn to get a bit of color to her cheeks, as she was not used to receiving praise like that. "Th-thank you, Captain," she said.

"Oh, come on now, we're off the clock!" Misato insisted. "Just call me Misato."

"Very well then," Rei replied as she took another sip.

"Did I mention there was another bright side?" Misato offered up. "I did manage to arrange for you all to use the indoor pool at HQ for all three days."

Asuka looked at her fellow pilots as all three pondered the option presented, before she sighed and faced Misato again.

"Well, some 'shore leave' is better than nothing, at least," she ultimately conceded. "Y'know, has anyone ever considered actually taking a more, I don't know, proactive approach to dealing with the Angels? Why not just locate them and then take them down in one fell swoop?"

"Believe me, Asuka, I'm with you on that," Misato agreed. "If we could, we would've by now."

Asuka grumbled at that response as she then gulped down another sip of her drink, not as outraged by the situation at hand but still irritated.

NERV HQ, the bridge, the next day...

"How'd they take it?" Ritsuko asked, eyes not leaving her tablet as she and Misato shared some coffee off to the side.

"Well, for Asuka, about as well as you could expect," Misato replied, knowing of the irony in that statement. "Shinji and Rei were more understanding, thankfully."

"Figures," Ritsuko said. "Seems to me a bit odd for their class to go on a trip at a time like this."

"Gotta have fun while they can," Misato said in turn. "Especially because of times like these. Besides, Okinawa's always lovely this time of year, last I heard. Not even Second Impact could ruin that."

Meanwhile, in another part of HQ, the three pilots were taking advantage of their near-unfettered access to the pool. Rei, clad in a white one-piece swimsuit, darted back and forth between both ends of the pool, her movements swift yet graceful, a phenomenon not lost on Shinji and Asuka, observing as they were from the table they sat at.

"Scheisse, look at her," Asuka said with a slight tinge of awe. "If it weren't for our pilot status, she could practically carry the school swim team through any competition. Hell, in a few years, she'd qualify for the freaking Olympics."

Shinji turned his gaze towards Asuka, now standing up from her chair, giving him a good look at her in the swimsuit she ultimately compromised with Kaji on yesterday. It was still a two-piece, but was red-and-white-striped and, while not as skimpy, still left a bit to the imagination of boys Shinji's age. Asuka noticed the look he was giving her, and sought to try flustering him as she'd initially planned.

"Well, what're you looking at?" she asked with a playful smirk on her face.

Shinji gave her a tiny grin as he held both his thumbs and fingers together like a camera frame, getting Asuka in-view. "Every mother's nightmare, every schoolboy's dream..." he playfully sang.

"*Pfft* Oh, knock it off," Asuka said as she wound up being the one with a slight flush on her face. "If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna be doing a bit of scuba diving."

"Really, now?" Shinji said. "Where'd you get the equipment?"

"'Borrowed' it from the EVA repair teams, with a bit of friendly persuasion," Asuka replied coyly as she walked over to where she'd put the scuba gear in question. "What about you? You gonna join us or what?"

"I will, I will, don't get your bikini bottom in a knot," Shinji said as he, in the span of a minute, got up from his chair, quickly tossed his shirt off, and dove into the pool, causing Rei to pause while in the middle of one of her laps. Shinji's head rose above the surface as he shook some of the water out of his eyes, as he turned his attention to her. "Hope I didn't interrupt your streak or anything."

"You did not, it is quite all right," Rei replied before resuming her laps. Shinji then looked from her to where Asuka was just finishing up with donning the scuba gear, where she then proceeded to do a perfect back roll entry.

Lake Ashinoko #2, the following day...

It was the perfect weekend to be lakeside. Families were having barbecues, couples picnic'd under a shady tree, and people were in the water cooling off. It was an ideally picturesque scene to take in, considering the lives they lived in Tokyo-3. Unfortunately, one ugly aspect of living in the fortress city of tomorrow chose a most inopportune moment to ruin that scene. From the center of the lake, a large, spherical object began to rise above the water. Soon, the people who were enjoying their day at the lake began to flee in terror, while the object began to roll its way towards the shore. Once it reached the edge, the object began making its way towards Tokyo-3 itself. By then it was pretty clear the latest Angel had come to town; but as NERV would learn, that'd be the least of their problems.

Regardless, the alarms brought everyone at HQ to full alert, and the pilots had scrambled to their respective EVAs, which were then sent topside to meet this new threat. As to what it was, that was currently being clarified on the bridge.

"Status report!" Misato called out.

"MAGI confirmed it-pattern is blue," Maya reported.

"Designation classified as the Eighth Angel," Kaede added. "Codename: Baraqijal".

"Bringing it up on-screen," Makoto said as he did just that. When the main screen lit up, the creature revealed on the other end took a few people by surprise for how bizarre it looked. The Angel itself resembled a large bacteria with a yellow liquid membrane encasing a dark, spiky-looking central sphere. At the exact center of the sphere was the ruby-red core.

"The 'lightning of God', as it were," Commander Gendo Ikari noted.

"And the second instance where the Dead Sea Scrolls were wrong," Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki added quietly. "If I remember correctly, the Eighth was to have been Sandalphon, gestating in an embryonic form in the lava of Mt. Asama."

"Which means the Dead Sea Scrolls are not as infallible as we or the old men had believed them to be," Gendo said in turn. "Something we could use to our advantage."

Fuyutsuki nodded as he turned his attention back to the efforts to address the coming menace.

The surface, Tokyo-3 city limits...

The EVAs got into position after retrieving their respective weapons of choice from a weapons locker, the pilots awaiting Misato's orders. They wouldn't have to wait long.

"Guys, for now, I want you to hold your positions and observe," Misato ordered, thinking back to how the battle with the Seventh Angel played out. "Let them make the first move, and then we can strategize from there. Understood?"

"Roger," all three pilots confirmed. Each of them held their weapons tight and kept their scopes trained on Baraqijal as it rolled closer to the city's edge. Finally, the creature stopped, turning briefly to 'eye' each of the three EVAs that stood in its way. When it became clear that the EVAs weren't going to act first, the Angel opened its AT-Field, and immediately a fast stream of liquid sprayed out towards Unit-01. Shinji immediately jumped out of the way, and the liquid missed its target, though it did hit a couple of buildings. As all eyes watched, the buildings began to melt and dissolve in the spots where the liquid hit them.

"Great, this thing uses an acid," Asuka grumbled.

"Looks like a pretty strong one at that," Ritsuko said as she began analyzing the acid using the outer sensors in the city. "All of you, try and keep out of the way of that acid! If it hits you, you're done for."

"Thanks for the confidence boost, Doctor!" Asuka said with a hint of sarcasm as she maneuvered Unit-02 out of the way of another acid spray. "Way to pep us up!"

Each time the EVAs dodged a spray of acid, they quickly fired a short burst from their rifles in an attempt to pierce the liquid membrane of Baraqijal. It only served to egg the Angel on as it expanded the width of its sprays, making it harder and harder for the EVAs to avoid. At one point, a stray splash of acid wound up on Unit-00's left arm, a painful sensation that Rei felt immediately, forcing her into a retreat to an EVA lift and leaving Shinji and Asuka to handle the creature. It was then that Satsuki noticed something on the large screen on the bridge.

"I've got something!" the tech said as she pointed towards the screen. "Look at the membrane while it sprays the acid!"

The others looked in the direction indicated by Satsuki, and it was Ritsuko who immediately caught on to what she'd discovered.

"The liquid levels go down the more it sprays..." the NERV head scientist observed before throwing a glance at Misato. "You thinking what--"

"Way ahead of you, Rits," Misato said as she spoke into the comms. "Shinji, Asuka, keep the hit-and-run going as much as you can--if we can drain the Angel of all of its liquid 'ammo', we may have a better shot at taking it down!"

"Roger!" both pilots affirmed as they kept it up with focused short bursts that served to annoy the Angel; this in turn caused it to continue its spray pattern. This was the situation for the next ten or so minutes, until Baraqijal began to notice its reserves were running extremely low. To the surprise of its opponents, the now strictly-spiky Angel rolled back towards the lake it emerged from, where it didn't take long for all to figure out it was going to 'reload'.

"Shinji, Asuka, chase after it--make sure it doesn't get away!" Misato ordered.

Before either EVA could go after the fleeing Baraqijal, multiple explosions were heard throughout the city. Shinji and Asuka then both noticed that the countdown timers for their respective EVAs' internal batteries had activated. On the bridge, shock gave way to an increased flurry of activity as everyone tried to determine what was happening.

"Captain!" Aoi finally reported. "The buildings housing the outlets for the EVAs' umbilical cables--they've been destroyed!"

"Dammit!" Misato swore. "Send all fire suppression and engineering teams to the buildings immediately!" She then turned her focus to her two charges. "Shinji, Asuka, fall back! I repeat, fall back! We can't risk you at the current rate your power levels are going!"

"WHAT?!" Asuka said. "But we--"

"NOW, Asuka," Misato insisted. "That's an order!"

Growling a bit to herself, Asuka then turned Unit-02 back towards the lift she was launched from, while Shinji did the same with Unit-01. Both were wondering the same thing-what had happened to their power supply, and who could've done this to them?

End Chapter 13.
Chapter 14: The Death Giver, Part 2 of 3
Chapter 14 - The Death Giver, Part 2 of 3

The scene at NERV HQ could be described as somewhere between harried and confounded. Why wouldn't it be, considering that disaster struck while the Evangelions were in the middle of a battle with the latest Angel on Tokyo-3's doorstep? Presently, the EVA pilots and key staff were gathered in a briefing room to discuss their next move, while addressing the additional crisis at hand. Rei was holding her arm, feeling the sensation of the acid burn in spite of her skin showing no sign of injury at all.

"Status report," Commander Ikari said.

"We've managed to put out the remaining fires in the EVA power cable stations," Misato reported. "While the electrical systems were damaged significantly, the structures themselves remained intact."

"A sweep of the area did give us some idea of just what caused the explosions in the buildings," Ritsuko added as she took over with a nod from Misato, bringing up a few specs on the holo-projector. "We found few remaining fragments of the explosive devices, but they were enough to determine that these were military-grade bombs."

"Do you have any idea when they were planted?" Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki asked.

"Our best theory is that they had to have been planted well in advance, when the buildings were topside," Misato answered. "They were designed to go off when Tokyo-3 would shift into its defensive mode."

"The extent of the damage?" Commander Ikari asked.

Ritsuko looked at her tablet grimly before answering. "As of right now, 90% of the EVAs' power supply system has been destroyed. Our best estimate puts full repairs taking close to a month to finish."

"Have the engineering teams begin repairs immediately," Gendo ordered. "We can look into investigating the saboteurs after dealing with the Angel. Has there been any progress on that front?"

Ritsuko brought up video footage taken by one of her field teams at Lake Ashinoko #2. "Based on the findings we've gotten back," she began to explain, "we've determined that the Angel maintains the structural integrity of its liquid membrane by absorbing freshwater sources. In the process, it in turn is gradually turning the lake water more acidic. The absorption process, however, is thankfully slow. Our estimates place it taking up to four days for the Angel to be fully-replenished. Currently, we're examining all possible solutions for dealing with the creature where the EVAs can use the least amount of power, without taking the brunt of the Angel's acid attacks."

It was at that moment that a spark of inspiration struck Asuka, who'd been listening in on the discussion. Getting a silent nod of encouragement from Shinji, she stepped forward to give her piece.

"Sir, permission to speak freely?" she posed, standing at attention. The others looked at her, curious over what she'd offer.

"Granted," Gendo replied.

"I know a couple of people who may be able to help us kill two birds with one stone," Asuka continued. "By which I mean addressing the EVAs' power needs and taking down the Angel."

"And where are these two people you speak of?" Fuyutsuki pressed.

"We'll need to call up the Nevada branch for this," Asuka said. "Specifically, we'll need to speak with pilots Vincennes and Makinami."

The adults gave each other a brief look before any action was taken.

"Maya, open a channel to NERV-2 and ask specifically for Vincennes and Makinami," Ritsuko ordered.

"Right away, Sempai," Maya said as she immediately got to work. A few minutes later, a couple of vid-screens came to life as the gathered staff of NERV-Central was greeted by two of the other Evangelion pilots in its corps. Maria Vincennes had blue eyes, blonde hair, and a slight tan complexion, her tresses held by a black headband, and a pair of cross earrings hanging from her ears, matching the little gold cross hanging from the black choker around her neck. Mari 'Illustrious' Makinami was a year older, had her brown hair done into low-hanging twin tails, and wore a pair of red-framed glasses and a violet headband in her hair.

"Well, if it isn't the great Asuka Langley Sohryu," Maria greeted haughtily with a slight grin.

"Princess! Long time, no see!" Mari greeted in a more friendly manner. "To what do we owe this house call?"

"The Angel at our gates, that's what, Four-eyes," Asuka said, a hint of seriousness in her voice. "Thing is, right now we're not asking for pilots Vincennes and 'Illustrious'--we're looking for tech-geek Maria and Mari the biochem whiz."

"Really? For one Angel?" Maria asked, one eyebrow raised. "You all at Central seem to have a pretty good track record for beating the odds like this, I can't imagine why you'd need our input."

"Would the fact that our EVAs' power supply system's been sabotaged and we're currently running on fumes at this point help in any case?" Asuka pointedly asked back.

Maria and Mari grew surprised looks on their faces. Maria, unconsciously, then began to emit a faint trilling sound. Only Mari seemed to hear it as she gave Maria a very brief, knowing look, since the others couldn't pinpoint just where that sound was coming from, ultimately attributing it to background noise from the consoles. Unknown to the others in Central, there was actually one who did pick up on the trilling's source: Shinji. For now though, he felt it didn't need to have attention drawn to it.

Maria's expression got serious at that moment. "What do you need?" she asked.

Asuka didn't hesitate with her request. "When you were training at the Beijing branch, you developed a new type of super high-performance external battery pack for the EVAs, right?"

"That I did," Maria answered.

"Think you can show us how to convert the batteries we've got here at Central to fit your specs?" Asuka asked further.

Maria nodded affirmatively. "I'll bring them up right away," she said, before looking at Ritsuko. "Dr. Akagi, right? Will I have the cooperation of your team on this?"

"Affirmative," Ritsuko replied.

"Good," Asuka said as she then turned her focus to Mari. "As for you, Four-eyes, the Angel uses a highly-corrosive acid; Dr. Akagi can forward you the data that's been compiled. Think you can come up with a way to neutralize it?"

Mari gave Asuka a knowing, Cheshire Cat-like grin. "Not like I earned my biochem degree just to pad my resume, right?" the half-British pilot said as her gaze locked on Ritsuko. "I'll be expecting your data shortly, Doc. Let's see what we're working with here."

With that, the video call ended as everyone then got to work readying themselves for whatever solutions the two girls would come up with. Asuka headed back off to the side with her fellow pilots, where Misato complimented her on bringing Maria and Mari on this. A short while later, a new video call was taking place, as Maria and Marie voiced their solutions.

"How are the battery upgrades coming along?" Maria asked.

"They're coming along quite well, actually. We're almost finished on that end," Ritsuko replied. "I'm very impressed with your work, Maria. If all goes well, the batteries will add an additional five minutes to the internal batteries of the EVAs. It's not much, but at least we'll have something resembling more of a fighting chance."

"Well, I do aim to please," Maria said with a good amount of feigned modesty.

"What do we have on neutralizing the acid, Mari?" Misato asked.

"Glad you asked, Captain," Mari replied. "I ran through a few simulations based on the data you provided. Turns out a strong alkaline water solution's just what we need to take out the acid, if you've got the right amount of material to make it. If the Angel's AT-Field can be broken, all you'd need to do is have an EVA inject the solution into Mr. Giant Germ's membrane."

Ritsuko nodded in affirmation. "I'll need to supervise the construction of an EVA-scale injection gun, but I'll be stretched thin between that and coming up with the alkaline solution..."

Unexpectedly, Maya stood up on hearing that. "Sempai? I can supervise the solution's creation, it'll allow you to focus on getting the injection gun fully-built."

Ritsuko looked at the woman who acted as her protégé. "Are you sure you can do this, Maya? We need to make sure the chemical composition is just right, based on Makinami's findings."

"Of course she can," Mari said with a confident smirk on her face. "I'll be working with her all the way through. Two heads are better than one, right?"

"That's fine with me," Maya affirmed.

Ritsuko then smiled at Maya. "All right then, the project's yours," she said.

"Thank you, Sempai," Maya replied as she immediately went to NERV's chemistry lab, Mari's video-chat transferred to her tablet in the process.

"If it's all the same to you, Dr. Akagi," Maria offered, "I'd like to help you with constructing the injection gun. One of my degrees is in mechanical engineering, after all..."

"Your help would be appreciated," Ritsuko said in turn as she moved Maria's video-chat to her own tablet and headed towards the engineering wing of HQ to begin construction on the weapon.

For the day and a half that followed, the technical and engineering staff worked nearly around the clock to make the latest anti-Angel weapon a reality. In-between, Misato, the pilots, and the others worked on a strategy to get the Angel into a position where it'd be a sitting duck for their efforts. On one occasion, as the three pilots headed into the briefing room, Shinji took the opportunity to ask Asuka about Maria and Mari.

"How long have you known those two?" he inquired.

"Since around junior year at U. of Hamburg," Asuka answered. "Maria was at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Mari was over at Oxford. We all graduated around the same time. We'd usually meet up whenever I'd be sent to the Nevada branch during my breaks."

"What are they like?" Rei asked.

"*Sigh* Boy, are you in for a story or two," Asuka hinted at. "When I first met Maria, she seemed to be this meek, yet polite girl who always looked so innocent around the adult staff. When we were alone, however, that's when the mask dropped-here was this haughty, domineering girl who just gets on your nerves with her overbearing, high-minded, 'humble' opinion of herself!"

Shinji let a tiny grin adorn his face. "Sounds like a blonde, inverse version of you, when you put it like that."

Asuka grew a bit flustered over hearing that. "Wha-what's that supposed to mean?!"

Shinji, not losing the grin, held his hands up defensively. "Easy, easy, no need to bite my head off! It's probably what Toji and Kensuke might say, is all I'm saying."

Asuka huffed a bit, but continued on, placated by Shinji's reasoning. "One thing for sure is that in terms of genius, she's comparable to me, and I don't give people that much credit easily."

"True," Shinji said.

"What about Makinami?" Rei asked.

"Hoo-boy, now that girl's a different case altogether," Asuka began. "You know about the Bethany Base incident, right?"

"I am well-informed on the destruction of the Bethany Base facility," Rei replied.

"Well, Mari managed to prevent the disaster from becoming worse than it was, at the cost of the Provisional Unit she was piloting," Asuka elaborated. "A few weeks after, she got transferred to Nevada while I was training there with Maria. Right from the get-go, she really got on our nerves...She kept to herself a lot, but made up for it by being this really energetic, very eccentric basket case." She made a bit of a grimace before continuing. "She even likes the smell of LCL, if you can believe that. And she didn't just earn our ire--the base staff tended to call her the 'problem child' because of her annoying habits. Chief among them, singing to herself in the entry plug during tests and simulations."

"As a pilot?" Shinji asked.

"Don't let her friendly face fool you," Asuka said. "In combat, she's one hell of a really aggressive fighter. Outside that, she's as much a brainiac as myself and Maria. Knows her way around nearly the entire biochemistry field; even gave Nevada's chief scientist, Dr. Mayfair, a run for their money occasionally." She took a breath, before continuing. "As our joint training went on, eventually we developed something of a begrudging respect among one another."

"Which we saw the other day when we called on them," Shinji pointed out.

Asuka nodded. "When it comes to beating the Angels, those two are pretty dependable," she stated, just as they reached the briefing room and walked inside.

They immediately noticed everyone gathered around a map and some charts, with Maria and Mari joining in via video-chat. Misato looked up as the pilots got closer.

"Good, you're just in time," she said. "We've just put the finishing touches on the battle plan."

"What have you got?" Shinji asked.

Misato pointed towards the map. "While the science and engineering teams have been working on the batteries and injector, our construction teams have been making themselves busy in the middle of the city."

"Building what, exactly?" Asuka asked.

Misato briefly flashed a small, knowing grin. "A pitfall trap." Shinji and Asuka's eyebrows rose up in slight surprise. "I know, seems pretty basic, but here's how it goes down:

1. We lure the Angel into the pit, and have one of the EVAs keep it in place.

2. A second EVA, wearing the D-Type extreme environment suit, will neutralize the Angel's AT-Field. The suit will provide adequate protection against the acid.

3. The third EVA will plunge the injector into the hole created with the absence of the AT-Field, and pump the alkaline solution into the Angel's liquid membrane.​

Once the acid's composition is changed, then we go in for the kill."

"Which of our EVAs will wear the suit?" Rei asked.

"Right now," Ritsuko started to answer, "the only one that's rigged to be equipped with it is Unit-02." Ritsuko then brought up a hologram model of Unit-02, before adding on the suit itself. Asuka's eyes went wide when the model was fully-realized: the D-Type suit was big and bulky, like an old-time deep-sea diver's.

"What in the hell is this thing?!" Asuka asked, somewhat horrified. "And why is it on my Unit-02?!"

"This thing, as you put it, is the very piece of equipment that will protect you from the Angel's acid," Ritsuko answered, a tiny smirk on her face. "The D-Type equipment was designed to withstand heat, pressure, and radiation, but its ceramics are also resistant to most acids. Just be glad you're not wearing the specialized plugsuit to go with it."

Asuka eyed Ritsuko warily. "What's up with the plugsuit?" she asked, a hint of caution in her voice.

"Tell me, Asuka," Ritsuko started to say, "you ever see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Remember what happened to Violet?"

Asuka gave it some thought, before an unpleasant thought occurred to her when she did manage to remember the fate of that character. "Uh, good point..."

On the vid-screen, Maria and Mari did their best to hide their giggling over Asuka's reaction. Asuka grunted and tried to pay them no heed. "All right, since I know my Unit's the only one capable of wearing this suit, I guess I'll be neutralizing the AT-Field. What about you two?" she asked, turning to Shinji and Rei.

"I'll keep the Angel in the pit," Shinji volunteered. "Unit-01's armor is stronger than Unit-00's, so I should be able to hold out while Asuka takes the field down."

"Then I shall be the one to inject the alkaline solution," Rei said.

Misato nodded affirmatively at her three charges, a confident smile on her face. "Good to hear, all of you. Now get some rest-we've got quite the day ahead of us."

End Chapter 14.
Chapter 15: The Death Giver, Part 3 of 3
Chapter 15 - The Death Giver, Part 3 of 3

The appointed day came as NERV readied itself for round two with Baraqijal. Up on the surface, each Evangelion was in position, ready to do their part, all equipped with the new external batteries Maria had helped them put together.

"Everyone good out there?" Misato's voice asked over the comms.

"Ready," Shinji confirmed.

"I am ready," Rei added. Unit-00 was equipped with a large tank backpack containing the alkaline solution, and held in its hands was the EVA-sized injection gun, connected to the tank via a large hose.

"I feel like I'm in one of those inflatable sumo suits you see at carnivals," Asuka mildly griped, referring to the D-Type suit her Unit-02 was geared up in, "but I'm ready whenever Benny the Ball comes back."

The bridge...

"Tell you what, Asuka," Misato began to offer, "we come out of this in one piece, you'll all be treated to a weekend at the onsen near Mt. Asama, on us. Think of this as a way to really make up for keeping you from the Okinawa trip."

Asuka's comm was silent for about a minute as the redhead considered what she'd been offered. "...Deal," she said. "But this place better have at least a 4.5-star rating!"

"Oh, it does, and then some," Misato replied. "Stand by for further orders." With that, Misato turned off the comms as she surveyed the bridge. All the techs were in their place, as were Ritsuko to her side and the commanders up in their perch. On a holo-projector to Misato's other side, Maria and Mari were watching to see how their contributions would help in the fight to come.

"Quite the incentive, Captain Katsuragi," Maria commented, "sounds like compared to the spas here at home, the onsen would make them seem so pedestrian."

"Ooh, I'll make sure Ramona doesn't hear about that..." Mari teased, making Maria fluster a bit. Ramona was the masseuse at the spa the two girls sometimes visited in their downtime after a hard day's training.

"Give it a try if you're ever in our neck of the woods," Misato replied, before turning her focus to the techs. "Everything ready?"

Makoto quickly pulled up a grid map of the city before he answered. "Pit trap is all set, camouflage has been deployed." A marker on the map indicated the full extent of the trap's façade. The hole that served as the trap had previously been opened during Unit-01's battle with Iblis the Fourth Angel. The surface area within had been coated in order to withstand Baraqijal's acid.

"Status of the Angel?" Misato asked.

Kaede quickly pulled up footage from the cameras on the outskirts of the city. "Inbound, reaching city limits in five minutes."

Misato nodded before turning the comms back on. "Pilots, the Angel's almost here. Get ready to execute the plan on my mark."

"Roger," all three pilots answered back.

The surface, edge of the city...

Baraqijal, now fully-replenished, rolled at great speed as it entered Tokyo-3, vehicles and buildings alike steamrolled in its wake. It slowed as it eyed its surroundings, instinctively wary as it made its way toward its destination. When it tripped one particular sensor as it rolled along one avenue, it was all Misato needed to hear.

"Now!" she ordered, as the automated defenses were activated, pelting Baraqijal with ammo that no doubt proved ineffective, except as a minor nuisance to the creature. When the weapons ran out of ammo, Shinji took his cue and Unit-1 made its presence known to the Angel, firing a short burst from its pallet rifle and getting Baraqijal's attention. The Angel turned to face its opponent, which then proceeded to break into a run while Baraqijal gave chase, firing a few sprays of acid as it did. Shinji made his purple EVA duck and weave among the buildings, narrowly avoiding the acid sprays from the pursuant Angel, until finally he reached the target area for the pit trap. Shinji had Unit-01 goad the creature into speeding up its progress; the moment it got within mere inches of the mechanoid, Unit-01 jumped at the last second. Unable to halt its progress, Baraqijal rolled right on top of the pit's camouflage, which gave way as the spherical monster fell into the hole.

Unit-01 soon got behind Baraqijal and held it in place. "Asuka, you're up!" Shinji signaled over the comms.

Immediately upon hearing that, the D-Type-clad Unit-02 bolted up from its hiding spot (though not without difficulty, considering the bulk of the D-Type equipment) and held Baraqijal in place from its side.

"Spreading AT-Field!" Asuka exclaimed. Hers and Shinji's fields soon swiftly manifested as they covered the surface of Baraqijal's membrane. The Angel alternated the shooting patterns of its precision acid sprays at its opponents in an attempt to throw them off, but Shinji and Asuka persisted, even as different spots on their EVAs' superstructures began to dissolve from the acid's touch.

"REI!" both Shinji and Asuka shouted. On hearing that, Unit-00 appeared swiftly and ran towards the struggle. Making a quick jump over a construction site, Rei's EVA just as swiftly thrust the needle of the injector gun into Baraqijal's membrane, proceeding to then squeeze the trigger to unleash the alkaline solution. Soon, all eyes watching from the bridge witnessed as the coloring of the liquid membrane of Baraqijal began to take on a different color.

In the midst of the struggle, Baraqijal was starting to catch on, and lashed out accordingly, projecting the spikes around its body in an attempt to deter the three EVAs. Unit-02 wasn't harmed much due to the Type-D suit acting as a buffer, but Units-01 and 00 had to divide their attention between holding down their ends of the Angel while blocking the spikes that tried to spear them with their respective free hands. Soon enough, the entire tank of the alkaline solution was empty, and Baraqijal, realizing one of its main 'weapons' was now useless, abandoned its membrane altogether, causing the liquid to fall from its hold into the pit.

"It worked!" Ritsuko said. "The acid's been neutralized!"

"Which means we don't have to hold back," Misato added in, a grin on her face. "Guys, let 'em have it!"

"Yes ma'am!" all three pilots replied. Unit-01 and Unit-00 began snapping off Baraqijal's spikes, while Asuka gave the command for the Type-D equipment to disengage. The suit's parts opened up and fell off of the red EVA, which then used its no-longer-encumbered right arm to draw the prog-knife from its pauldron. As it joined in on snapping off the spikes of the desperately-thrashing Baraqijal, Asuka found her opening and thrust her prog-knife into the center of the creature, piercing the core. She twisted the blade further and split it, causing a gush of the creature's lifeblood to erupt from the fatal wound. The struggling ceased, and the now-lifeless Baraqijal fell into a pool of what used to be its acid.

Cheers erupted on the bridge when Units-01 and 02 gave the crew a thumbs-up over their mission accomplished. Misato couldn't have been more proud of her charges.

"Looks like that onsen weekend's a go," Ritsuko noted. "But before you start making any reservations, we've still got quite a day ahead of us."

Misato, knowing the amount of paperwork her friend and colleague was referring to, made a bit of a pouting face at her. "Way to be a buzzkill, Rits."

Commander Ikari's office, hours later...

The most senior command staff, along with Kaji, had been engaged in a long discussion that was part after-action briefing and part proposal for future steps to be taken. None of them knew that there was another present in the room with them, as the Shadow was well-hidden within that which he derived his moniker from. He was listening in, waiting for just the right opportunity to manipulate events to his liking.

"Overall conclusions?" Gendo asked.

"I'm in agreement with Captain Katsuragi and the Sub-Commander, Sir," Ritsuko replied. "Each Angel so far has varied wildly in our assessment of them, and the Eighth was no different. We believe that any future Angels will be even stronger and more unpredictable, which is all the more reason for the obvious: we need additional reinforcements, and that means transferring Units-04 and 03 over here."

"Additionally," Misato began to add, "the input of pilots Vincennes and Makinami proved to be invaluable to the victory we were able to achieve today, so it's imperative we arrange for their transfer as soon as possible."

Gendo considered their words for a moment, before finally responding. "We've already earned the Americans' ire for reassigning the artificial S2 engine project to the Siberian branch. In this regard, I must reject your proposal."

Misato and Ritsuko were surprised by his reaction; Fuyutsuki and Kaji, on the other hand, weren't as much.

"But sir--" Misato began to argue.

"You remember that they campaigned heavily for the right to construct Units 04 and 03 on their soil," Gendo reminded her. "We risk souring our relations further if we make such a request of them."

The Shadow found his opening right then and there. Catching the faintest of glimpses of his father's eyes, he immediately began to work the particular brand of hypnotism taught to him by Allard, which the previous Shadow had used to hamper the perceptions of others in order to keep his activities within the realm of rumor and speculation.

"You will accept their proposal," the Shadow commanded in a faint, yet audible whisper.

Gendo paused for a moment, making a gesture to indicate he was in deep thought, before he spoke up. "Disregard my previous statements," he said. "I have decided to accept your proposal."

Hearing this took all four by surprise, as they never expected the commander to change his mind this fast.

"You will have the transfer arranged immediately," the Shadow added.

"I will arrange for the transfer immediately," Gendo continued, as if he had decided the matter on his own.

"You will ensure the Americans agree to the transfer orders," the Shadow capped off.

"I will ensure that the Americans are offered proper incentive to see things our way," Gendo stated.

With that, the Shadow released his brief hold on his father, who was none the wiser that the decision he'd just made wasn't of his own volition.

Gendo then turned to Kaji. "As to the other matters at hand, I want you to investigate the identity of the party responsible for the sabotage of the EVA power supply buildings. Leave no stone unturned in your search; if these are the same people behind the kidnapping attempt on the First Child, I want them identified so we may take direct action against them. Is that understood?"

Kaji nodded. "I'll get started right away," the stubble-ridden inspector affirmed. "Believe it or not, I do enjoy a good mystery every now and then."

Gendo turned his focus back to the entire group. "Dismissed," he said, and with that, the four of them (or rather, five, as the Shadow covertly followed) exited the office to get on with the rest of their respective tasks for the day.

End Chapter 15.
Chapter 16: Mobsmen on the Spot, Part 1
Chapter 16 - Mobsmen on the Spot, Part 1

She couldn't confirm, but she knew, she just knew.

Asuka was absolutely, positively certain, that the penguin was ogling her.

She kept a wary eye on Pen-Pen as the bird in question floated around the water in the onsen, a very satisfied look on its face. She knew it seemed ludicrous to think that of a simple creature, even if it was a warm-water penguin (an unusual combination, in her view), and knew that an animal couldn't behave like that...Yet still, Asuka was positive that Pen-Pen stole a glance at her whenever he floated by.

Finally realizing how paranoid she was being, she looked away from Pen-Pen.

"What's up, Asuka?" she heard Misato ask. The redhead looked towards her guardian, sitting on a rock and watching the sun set. Rei was floating a bit further from her, looking as if she were asleep on a cloud.

Asuka, responding to Misato, shrugged a bit. "Eh, just have the feeling I'm being watched," she said, shooting a quick nod towards Pen-Pen. Misato snorted on following her nod.

"Is that all?" she asked. "Trust me, Asuka, like most of his species, Pen-Pen's not just dressed for the part, he's quite a gentlebird."

"If you say so," Asuka said in turn. "But if the next sound I hear out of his beak is 'giggity', I'm gonna punt him up the side of the mountain, just to disprove the fact that penguins can't fly."

Misato chuckled at this, while Pen-Pen grew a mortified look on his face as he hastily started to paddle his way with his feet to the other side of the bamboo wall separating the women's bath from the men's.

"Aw, I think you scared him," Misato jokingly chided Asuka.

"That's what he gets for...what am I doing, accusing a bird of being a perv..." Asuka grumbled as she leveled herself a little lower in the water. She had to admit, Misato hadn't lied about the quality of the onsen and the inn it was attached to. The water was perfectly warm, the view of the mountainside scenery was magnificent-it lived up to everything Misato described, and then some.

"I never did tell you how I got my scar, did I?" Misato asked out of the blue.

Asuka, on hearing this, faced Misato, perplexed by her statement. It was certainly an odd way of shifting topics...

"You haven't," Asuka answered, as she shot the scar, located just below Misato's chest on the right side of her abdomen, a brief glance.

"...I got this as a souvenir of Second Impact," Misato said.

"Well...I mean, who wasn't left scarred by it...?" Asuka mused with a frown.

Misato, shaking her head slightly, rephrased her statement. "That's the thing-I got this at Second Impact. Right exactly at ground zero."

Asuka's eyes widened slightly, her mouth hanging open at her guardian's surprise admission. She couldn't believe it-in all the years she'd known her, she'd never known Misato as having bore witness firsthand to the greatest disaster to befall the planet.

"My father, Professor Wataru Katsuragi, was the head of the expedition to Antarctica," Misato elaborated, nonplussed by her ward's reaction. "He led the charge in the research into what was dubbed Adam, the First Angel. I didn't know this at the time-all I knew him was as a poor father. His obsession with his work is supposedly what led to him and my mother splitting up; the real problem was he was just running away from being responsible for his family. When he came to me and asked to accompany him on the expedition, we hadn't spoken for some time. Said he wanted me to see the greatest discovery of mankind. I'll admit, I went partly because I'd get a week off from school, and I'd get to see one place on Earth few people rarely visit."

Asuka said nothing as she continued to listen to Misato recount her story. Rei was still serenely floating in the water; on the other side of the wall, Shinji, himself in a meditative position, was listening in.

"At first, I had no idea what was going on when things went to hell that day," Misato continued. "All I knew was there was some big experiment going on, but I knew something was very wrong when I felt the ground beneath me rumble, and storm-like winds picked up; the building I was in was torn to shreds, and a piece of debris hit me, knocking me unconscious. For how long, I never knew. I drifted in and out the whole time, but I could see my father pull me out from under some wreckage and get me to an escape capsule, in spite of how wounded he was. All the while, I could barely glimpse some thing over his shoulder...A thing I still get nightmares about even today."

Asuka hesitated before she hazarded a guess. "...It was the First Angel, wasn't it?" Even now, the girl could see that the very mention of the name made Misato wince, in spite of her position within the world's leading anti-Angel task force. Misato silently gave her a nod before she continued.

"I finally came to when we reached the capsule and he put me inside," Misato recounted. "I could see how severely injured he was, and tried calling out to him just as he closed it up, but not before he'd put the silver cross he wore into my hands. The minute the capsule was shut, Second Impact kicked fully into high gear, while I fell unconscious again after the capsule was sent flying into the ocean." As she said this, her hand lightly traced the scar. "In all honesty, I have no idea how I got the scar during all the chaos, but I've had it since then."

Asuka kept silent as Misato continued.

"In the end, no matter how I felt about him," Misato said. "With his last few breaths of life, he freed me from a collapsed building, carried me through the hellscape the base camp had turned into, and put me in the one escape capsule, saving me. I couldn't decide if I wanted to hate him or love him-all he'd left me, aside from the cross, was a great desire to punish the Angels for their part in my father's death. Even now, I still can't tell if I want to kill the Angels to 'square things' with my father's spirit, or if I'm doing it to avenge a man who just had trouble expressing how much he loved his daughter until his time unexpectedly came."

The air was silent as Asuka let Misato's words sink in, until she finally posed the question.

"Why tell me all this now?" she asked.

Misato faced Asuka, a hint of guilt on her face. "You've probably noticed by now that I haven't been drinking of late. Thing is, I gave it up recently. Odd thing is, it's let me regain a bit of perspective on a lot of things...Like how my hatred for the Angels affects my judgment each time I send you and the others into battle. In any team, honesty should be one of the most important tenets of its working relationship. I know I've told you before how we shouldn't let our pasts bother us...But the fact is I've let mine define some of the decisions I've made, and how I've treated the people around me. What I'm trying to say is, I don't want you or the others thinking I'm using you as my instruments of revenge. I do sincerely care about you, Shinji and Rei as people."

"Misato, it's-" Asuka tried to respond, only for Misato to hold a hand up briefly, indicating she wasn't finished.

"Ever since the Angels started attacking Tokyo-3," Misato began, "I've had this mindset of needing to defeat them, whatever the cost. We don't know when they come, we don't even get to set a schedule-when they arrive, it's kill or be killed." A grim mood briefly adorned Misato's face. "It's how we justify sending kids like you into battle against eldritch horrors, all while coming up with tactics that have a small chance of getting them killed in action. I've been doing some thinking, and going forward, I want to make sure that for our future sorties, we plan carefully enough, make sure that you all come back in one piece, and above all, that we put as much trust in whatever actions we take as a team. I...I honestly can't bear the thought of losing any of you."

Asuka was stunned by what Misato was saying. Showing remorse over putting them in harm's way? She seriously never expected to hear this come from the older woman. She herself lived by one rule, ever since her mother's passing: live and think for yourself, without showing anyone weakness or hurt. Hearing Misato like this, however, caused Asuka to reconsider such a stance, especially combined with how she'd been working with Shinji and Rei so far. Deciding to chance it, Asuka moved a few meters over to Misato's side and looked up at her guardian.

"Misato, it's okay," Asuka said reassuringly. "Time and again, the three of us have been informed of the risks that come with the job. Hell, I've known it since day one. Point is...We'll risk our necks to take the monster-of-the-week down, but you're right, we should take every precaution we can get. I don't know about you, but I kinda want to see my golden years."

A small smile crept onto Misato's face. "I'm glad we agree," she said. "Hopefully, things should get easier when Maria and Mari arrive in a few weeks' time."

"Yeah," Asuka concurred with a smirk. "Personally, can't wait to see how Shinji and Rei deal with Mari especially."

"Speaking of..." Misato started off as she looked towards the wall. "Hey, Shinji! Mind tossing the body wash over? We're all out on this side."

"One sec," came Shinji's voice, before a small, cylindrical object flew over the wall, eventually to be caught by Misato.

"Nice toss," she called back. "Forget lawyer, maybe baseball's in your future."

Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School, the following week...

With the lunch bell having rung, the student body had already found their spots to eat, whether alone or with friends. As it was another hot day, most of them stuck to the cafeteria or the classrooms to avoid the heat. The pilots and their friends, in particular, opted to stay in their classroom. Asuka was metaphorically drooling as Shinji handed her the bento he'd made for today, then handed Rei hers before taking his own out. Asuka opened hers first, the scent wafting over her and drawing curious looks from Hikari.

"Hmm..." Asuka started to say as she looked over the contents of her bento. "Diced ham, roasted pork, cubed swiss, pickle slices, a little thing of mustard..." She then looked up at Shinji. "Did you give me a Cuban sandwich in a bento?"

"Guilty as charged," Shinji replied. "I opted to include both rice and a few little toasted baguette slices, just to give you options." His attention then turned towards Rei. "How do you like the look of yours?"

"I am intrigued as to how a Salvadoran pupusa tastes when delivered in a bento format," Rei answered as she prepared to dig in. "I appreciate you making a vegetarian one, to be exact."

"No trouble at all," Shinji affirmed.

"Where'd you get the idea for the Cuban bento?" Hikari asked.

"Movie-based inspiration," Shinji answered. "In this case, Chef, one of my favorites. It's the dish that inspires Jon Favreau's character to head on the road in his new food truck."

"Just for curiosity's sake, what do you consider your favorite movies?" Kensuke posed.

"Probably a stark contrast to what you call yours," Shinji said with a little jibe towards the otaku's choice of filmography. "Off the top of my head, aside from the aforementioned Chef, there's Big Night, High Fidelity, Almost Famous, Amadeus, Clerks, and Backbeat."

"Only heard of Clerks," Toji chimed in between bites of the bento Hikari had 'accidentally' made an extra of, "and that's only 'cause Ken made me watch it one time."

"Come on, admit it, you liked it," Kensuke poked at Toji.

"Only because of Jay and Silent Bob," the jock replied insistently.

"Oh! Speaking of movies," Hikari started to ask. "Did you see that flyer from the drama club out in the hall?"

"Must've passed it by," Asuka answered. "Why?"

"It's what they're putting on," Hikari said. "They're holding a contest with movie tickets as the prize. It's open to all students, I think it sounds fun!"

"What's the contest?" Shinji asked, a curious eyebrow raised.

"Basically, whoever does the best performance of an iconic movie scene wins," Hikari answered as she faced Asuka. "Asuka, you should enter!"

The redhead looked at the class rep, surprised by her statement. "Uh...why? I've never done live theater before in my life. (Never even played a tree in kindergarten.)"

"Well, don't take it personally..." Hikari began hesitantly, "but you're so boisterous and lively you'd be a natural for the stage. I mean, you've got a, well, commanding presence."

"Huh, when you put it that way..." Asuka smugly pondered as her eyes turned to Rei. "Say, Wundergirl-why don't you join me for this one?"

Rei raised a curious eyebrow of her own. "Why?"

"If I'm gonna get up on stage and act, I'd prefer having someone to bounce off of," Asuka reasoned. "I may have learned about Shakespeare in college, but soliloquies definitely aren't my thing."

"I have never acted before," Rei said.

"There's a first time for everything," Asuka said persuasively. "C'mon, you gotta experience new things once in a while, so give it a shot!"

Rei looked around at her circle of friends, and on seeing encouraging nods from Shinji and Hikari, she gave Asuka her answer.

"Very well," the bluenette said. "I will participate with you."

"Perfect!" Asuka said triumphantly. "We'll sign up on the form before school lets out, and once we leave, we'll make a beeline for the video store downtown."

"What for?" Rei asked.

Asuka flashed a knowing grin. "Research," she answered.

Shinji then flashed a grin of his own. "Well, guys," he started to say, eyeing both Toji and Kensuke. "We can't let the girls have all the fun now, can we?"

Toji and Kensuke, on hearing themselves being volunteered, gave each other a rather worried look.

"I got a bad feeling about this..." Kensuke muttered.

The break room at NERV HQ, the next morning...

Misato, Ritsuko, and the bridge bunnies were once again chatting about in the break room over the 'tolerable' swill called coffee that seemed to be the prevailing brand for the world's premiere anti-Angel defense organization. It was a scene all secretly relished, given their line of work: simple workplace conversation about the more trivial things in life. Misato was the current speaker.

"Oh yeah, the kids are gonna be a school play in the near future," Misato mentioned.

"Ah, middle school theater," Makoto started to say in a light imitation of Kenneth Branagh, exaggeratedly gesturing with his hands as he stood up, "where the future stars of the stage are groomed for the spotlight in the prime of their youth!"

Ritsuko gave him a mildly mocking applause. "Very good, Mr. Olivier, brah-vo," she said. "So what kind of a play is it?"

"Actually, it's a contest their drama club's putting on," Misato clarified. "Whoever does the best take on an iconic movie scene wins a pair of movie tickets. And when it comes to Asuka and winning..."

"Of course," Ritsuko figured with a mild shake of her head.

"But get this," Misato said. "She's actually partnered up with Rei for their skit."

Looks of surprise appeared on the rest of the group as they heard this.

"Wow," Maya commented. "It's still amazing how more and more, the others seem to be bringing her out of her shell."

"Know what you mean," Shigeru added. "As long as any of us have been here, the girl's been so reserved you couldn't tell if she could get stage fright."

"It has been known that theatre exercises sometimes help people overcome their shyness," Aoi pointed out. "Though the theme of this contest sounds a bit unusual."

"Guess that explains why I saw the kids at the video store yesterday," Satsuki said. "Asuka practically jumped for joy when she found their selection of western titles-she and Rei practically walked out of the store with stacks that went up to their noses."

"As long as they didn't sneak any 'R'-rated movies out," Misato said as she took another sip, eliciting stares from the others. "What? I'm trying to be a good guardian, aren't I?"

"And on the bright side," Ritsuko started to say with a hint of amusement, "you get another taste of parental life in this regard. I mean, going to your kids' school play is practically a key moment in parenthood, after all."

"Ha-ha," Misato replied, not taking the bait.

Misato's apartment, early afternoon...

Shinji, Toji, and Kensuke had spent most of the morning getting a jump on which movies to do a scene from. Eventually, Shinji had convinced them to sit down for one that he'd seen before he'd come to Tokyo-3. The curtains had been drawn, the popcorn had been made, and the three boys were all set for the movie to start.

"Trust me, guys," Shinji insisted, "there's a reason this has been called one of the best movies of all time, and not just because it's an Oscar winner."

"All right, all right, we get it, Shin-man," Toji said. "just play the movie so we'll see if you roping us into this is worth it."

Kensuke, in lieu of following Toji's response, munched on some popcorn as the opening orchestration and titles started to appear on the TV screen. One hundred and twenty-six minutes later, the two of them were thoroughly impressed with what they'd watched, much to Shinji's satisfaction as he began their planning session.

Asuka and Rei's apartment...

While the boys were engrossed in their movie, Asuka and Rei had spent most of the start of the afternoon combing through the DVDs they'd picked up.

"No...no...It's been done...Everybody knows that one..." Asuka muttered as she perused her part of the pile, scrutinizing each title.

Rei's pondering was more silent as she looked over the films they'd gathered. It was then that one DVD caught her eye. On going over the blurb on the back, Rei knew immediately she wanted to view it.

"Asuka?" Rei asked, getting her roommate's attention as she pointed to the DVD case she held. "This one."

Asuka, a curious eyebrow raised, took hold of the case and examined it. "Huh. All right, at least it's something different from the rest."

For the next 108 minutes, Asuka and Rei watched, the latter utterly entranced by the noir aesthetic, the expressionist atmosphere and the gray area morality of the story. By the time the movie finished, Rei definitely knew she wanted to do a scene from this movie-and not just any scene...

Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School auditorium, four days later...

Misato found herself sitting in the audience for the evening of the contest, anticipating seeing her charges on stage. Up till now, they'd spent a good chunk of their spare time rehearsing, until each group was confident they'd be able to nail the scene come curtain call.

Sitting next to Misato was Hikari, who'd occasionally acted as a 'test audience' for Asuka and Rei as they rehearsed. The whole time, she was genuinely surprised by how Rei seemed to fall naturally into the role she picked. Asuka gave her constructive criticism here and there throughout their rehearsals, equally-surprising given the redhead's admittance to having never acted before.

After the first few skits had come and gone, it was now time for the one featuring Shinji, Toji, and Kensuke. The emcee, who was the president of the drama club, announced that the three of them would be taking on a scene from the 1948 American Western The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Misato was surprised by their choice; she thought back to how Kaji had shown it to her during their sophomore year of college on one of their first dates, and remembered it being very good.

While the applause wound down, Shinji, Toji and Kensuke-dressed as, respectively, Howard, Dobbs, and Curtin-came in stage right as a wilderness landscape was projected onto the screen behind them, the latter two pulling along some plush donkeys (on wheels) fitted with knapsacks. Each were wearing clothes fitting for such a frontier environment, all dusty and a bit torn in some places. Shinji wore a close-cropped fake white beard, while Toji and Kensuke had some fake dark stubble applied to their own faces. Shinji knelt down to examine the 'sand' before him, their cue to start the scene. Toji 'collapsed' to the ground, weary from the walking they'd done; Kensuke followed suit soon after.

Toji (as Dobbs): "You know what I'm thinkin'. I'm thinkin' we ought to give up. Leave the whole outfit - everything behind and go back to civilization."
Shinji, on hearing this, began to stand back up as he looked down at Toji.

Shinji (as Howard): "What's that you say? Go back? Ha-ha! Well, tell my old grandmother! I've got two very elegant bedfellows who kick at the first drop of rain and hide in the closet when thunder rumbles."​

Misato was highly surprised by Shinji's delivery of the line. It'd been a while since she'd seen the movie, but it was still amazing how accurately the Third Child channeled Walter Huston's performance. Same for Toji when it came to his Bogart imitation.

Shinji: "My, my, my, what great prospectors-two shoe clerks readin' a magazine about prospectin' for gold in the land of the midnight sun, south of the border, or west of the Rockies, ha-ha-ha...!"

Toji [frustrated, picking up a rock prop as he stood]: "Shut your trap! Shut up or I'll smash your head flat!"

Shinji: "Go ahead, go ahead, throw it! If you did, you'd never leave this wilderness alive. Without me, you two would die here more miserable than rats."

Kensuke (as Curtin) [gets up quickly to hold Toji back]: "Aw, leave him alone. Can't you see the old man's nuts?"

Shinji [not letting up]: "Hah! Nuts? Nuts, am I? Let me tell you something, my two fine bedfellows-you're so dumb, there's nothin' to compare ya with, you're dumber than the dumbest jackass. Look at each other, will ya?" [Toji and Kensuke briefly gave each other a dumbfounded look.] "Did you ever see anything like yourself for bein' dumb specimens? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" [As he laughed, Shinji did a perfect imitation of Huston's signature 'dance'.] "You're so dumb, you don't even see the riches you're treadin' on with your own feet! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" [Looking down, Toji and Kensuke 'realized' what Shinji was referring to and immediately got on their knees to examine the ground further.] "Yeah, don't expect to find nuggets of molten gold-it's rich, but not that rich. And here ain't the place to dig. It comes from someplace further up." [Shinji then pointed towards a spot on the screen behind them, which Toji and Kensuke followed with their gazes.] "Up there, up there's where we've got to go. UP THERE!"​

With that, the scene concluded, and the audience applauded while the trio got up and took their bows, before heading stage left.

The emcee soon returned, and announced that Asuka and Rei's skit would be next; it was then revealed that the two of them would be enacting an iconic scene from the 1949 noir film The Third Man. As soon as the applause resumed, the image on the screen changed, looking like the interior of a Ferris wheel's car in motion as Asuka and Rei entered from, respectively, stage right and left. Both wore fedoras, with overcoats draped over their shoulders. Asuka was in the Holly Martins role, while Rei took on Harry Lime.

Rei (as Lime) [a tiny smirk on her face]: "It's good to see you, Holly."

Asuka (as Martins) [more stern, in contrast]: "I was at your funeral."

Rei [amused]: "It was pretty smart, wasn't it?" [She then made a slight grimace as she patted her chest, before opening a small tin and taking out a tiny tablet.] "*Ugh* The same old indigestion, Holly. These are the only things that help, these tablets...These are the last-can't get them anywhere in Europe anymore."

Asuka: "You know what's happened to your girl?"

Rei [unconcerned]: "Hmm?

Asuka: "She's been arrested."

Rei: "Tough, sounds tough-it's no worry, old man, they won't hurt her."

Asuka: "They're handing her over to the Russians."

Rei: "What can I do, old man? I'm dead, aren't I?"

Asuka: "You can help, somehow-"

Rei: "Holly-" [She got closer to Asuka while slightly adjusting the scarf under her coat's collar.] "Exactly who did you tell about me, hm?"

Asuka: "I told the police."

Rei [disappointment on her face]: "Unwise, Holly. Unwise."

Asuka: "And Anna?"

Rei: "Did the, uh, police believe you?"

Asuka: "You don't care anything at all about Anna, do you?"

Rei [with a slight chuckle]: "I've got a lot on my mind-"

Asuka: "You wouldn't do anything-"

Rei: "What do you want me to do? Be reasonable."

Asuka: "Then get somebody else to-"

Rei: "Do you expect me to give myself up?"

Asuka: "Why not?"

Rei: "It's a far, far better thing that I do with the old limelight, the fall of the curtain...Aw, Holly, you and I aren't heroes, the world doesn't make any heroes-"

Asuka: "You've got plenty of contacts-"

Rei: "-outside of your stories. I've got to be so careful...I'm only safe in the Russian zone. I'm only safe here as long as they can use me."

Asuka: "As long as they can use you?"

Rei [focusing on her 'indigestion']: "I'd wish they'd get rid of this thing..."

Asuka [realization hitting]: "So that's how they found out about Anna...You told them, didn't you?"

Rei: "Don't try to be a policeman, old man."

Asuka: "What do you expect me to be, part of your-?"

Rei: "You can have any part you want as long as you don't interfere, I could never hurt you out of anything..."

Asuka: "Yes, I remember when they raided the gambling joint and you knew a safe way out-"

Rei [chuckling]: "Sure."

Asuka: "Safe for you, not safe for me."

Rei: "...Old man, you never should have gone to the police, you know. You ought to leave this thing alone."

Asuka: "...Do you ever see any of your victims?"

Rei: "You know, I never feel comfortable in these sort of things. Victims? Don't be melodramatic." [She then looked at the background screen and downward.] "Look down there." [Asuka followed her gaze.] "Would you really feel any pity if one of those 'dots' stopped moving forever? If I offered you 20,000 pounds for every 'dot' that stopped, would you really, old man, tell me to keep my money? Or would you calculate how many 'dots' you could afford to spare? Free of income tax, old man-free of income tax. The only way you can save money nowadays."

Asuka [undeterred]: "Lot of good your money will do you in jail."

Rei: "That jail's in another zone. There's no proof against me...besides you."

Asuka: "...I should be pretty easy to get rid of."

Rei: "...Pretty easy."

Asuka: "I wouldn't be too sure."

Rei: "I carry a gun." [She eyed the ground below them.] "You don't think they'd look for a bullet wound after you hit that ground."

Asuka [still unfazed]: "...I've dug up your coffin."

Rei: "And found Harbor?...Mmm-hmm...Pity." [Softly laughs.] "Holly, what fools we are, to talk to each other this way, as though I'd do anything to you, or you to me! You're just a little mixed-up about things in general. Nobody thinks in terms of 'human beings'-governments don't, so why should we? They talk about 'the people' and the proletariat, I talk about the suckers and the mugs, it's the same thing. They have their 'five-year plans', and so have I."

Asuka [weary]: "You used to believe in God."

Rei [bemused]: "Oh, I still do believe in God, old man. I believe in God and Mercy and all that. But the dead are happier dead. They don't miss much here, poor devils. What do you believe in? Oh, if you ever get Anna out of this mess, be kind to her. You'll find she's worth it. I wish I had asked you to bring me some of those tablets from home. Holly, I would like to cut you in, old man. There's nobody left in Vienna I can really trust, and we have always done everything together. When you make up your mind, send me a message. I'll meet you any place, any time. And when we do meet, old man, it is you I want to see, not the police. Remember that, won't you? And don't be so gloomy. After all, it's not that awful."

"You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. So long, Holly."​

With that, Rei exited stage left, bringing the scene to a close. They were met with as good an amount of applause as the trio that came on before them, as Asuka and Rei took their bows. Misato had to admit, despite not having seen the movie, the two of them did a great take on a key scene from it, and she couldn't have been more proud.

End Chapter 16.
Chapter 17: Mobsmen on the Spot, Part 2
Chapter 17 - Mobsmen on the Spot, Part 2

"You two were terrific up there!" Hikari said as she congratulated Asuka and Rei on their performance. The show had ended a short while ago, and the various students were now commiserating with their friends and family as they got ready to head home. The three of them, in particular, were walking outside as Hikari was going to be picked up by her father.

"Of course that's a given," Asuka replied as she held the two movie passes triumphantly in her hand. "In spite of my lack of experience in the field, the great Asuka Langley Sohryu can conquer any stage, global or theatrical!" Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Rei observing her with a look of slight incredulity on her face. "*Ahem!* But I wouldn't have gotten so far without my trusty understudy by my side!"

"...Understudy?" Rei posed with a slightly-arched eyebrow, bringing to mind a certain pointy-eared science officer.

"...Oh, all right, my co-star," Asuka corrected herself, with a miniscule hint of reluctance. "But I still get top billing!"

"I can work with that," Rei said in turn.

Asuka then turned her focus towards the other end of the school parking lot. "Hey, Hikari--that's your dad over there, right? Who are those guys with him?"

"Hm?" Hikari replied as she looked towards where Asuka had indicated. "I'm not sure--I don't think I've ever seen them before."

Rei's eyes narrowed as she followed her two friends' gazes. "...Something is not right," she said as she started moving faster towards the spot.

"What the--Wundergirl, wait up!" Asuka said as she and Hikari moved to catch up with her. Over at the door they'd exited, Shinji stepped out, intent on collecting Asuka and Rei so the three of them could head home with Misato, only to see them moving towards some people standing by a parked car. It didn't take him long to figure out that trouble was about to erupt, so he quietly followed the trio of girls as he donned his other guise within the darkness.

Kojiro Horaki had been incredibly grateful for the luck he'd had up until now for today. His repair team had wrapped up 90% of their tasks while working on Unit-02, and Dr. Akagi had given him the opportunity to leave work early in order to spend time with his daughters. Right now, he'd intended to meet up with one of them after she'd attended a performance her friends were putting on for a school event. Where his luck began to change was when he'd been just now approached by a couple of unsavory-looking men. He would have pegged them for Yakuza, except upon getting a closer look he found they weren't Japanese, in spite of their speaking it fluently enough.

"Mr. Horaki? Mr. Kojiro Horaki?" one of the men asked. He had long, slicked-back hair and wore an earring on his right ear--in a way, he resembled an Asian Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction. "We'd like a moment of your time, if you'll indulge us a bit."

Kojiro kept a wary eye on the newcomers as he answered. "...What can I help you with?"

"Right to the point. I like that," the man responded. "We represent an organization with a great interest in all things NERV, and were hoping to get our foot in the door, as it is. Now normally, we'd go the more administrative end of things, but we figured it might be better if we get to know the grunts of NERV first--you know, foster a bit of goodwill from the ground up."

"Why me, specifically?" Kojiro asked.

"As head of maintenance for Evangelion Unit-02," the other man--bald and with a goatee--said, "your position grants you a level of access to some of the most bleeding-edge technology on the planet. We feel that some of that tech should belong to the rest of the world, so we want to set up a relationship--one of mutual cooperation--where a discreet exchange of tech and resources can take place. It's a win-win situation for all involved. You'd be well-compensated for your part in this."


The three men turned at the sound of that voice, to see Hikari, Rei and Asuka walking up to them. In the back of his mind, Kojiro thanked god Hikari had shown up, as it reinforced the refusal he was about to respond to the two men with.

"Are you okay?" Hikari asked. "Who are these guys?"

"Just a couple of businessmen, honey," Kojiro answered, before facing said 'businessmen' with a stern look on his face. "They were trying to sell me something. Something I was just about to plainly refuse. If you two don't mind, I'm not interested, and I think you both should leave."

The two men looked at each other briefly before facing Kojiro. "Now, now, don't be too hasty," the one with the earring said persuasively. "Give it some thought, if not for your sake, then maybe your family's...?"

"Leave them out of this," Kojiro strongly insisted. "Just walk away and I'll forget I even saw you."

"You sure we can't change your mind?" the bald one asked.

Asuka, in spite of the dim glow of the street light above them, was able to make out a hint of a shoulder holster under the bald man's jacket.

"Hey! Cueball!" she barked out. "Since when are businessmen armed while trying make a sales pitch? Last I checked, that's only in certain kinds of movies. What're you, Yakuza?"

Rei, eyes still narrowed at the two men, spoke up. "These are not Yakuza, Asuka."

"What?" the redhead said with surprise. "Then who--?"

"There is no doubt," Rei elaborated, "these men work with the same two who tried to kidnap me before you arrived in Japan."

Asuka's eyes widened on hearing this. "Scheisse..."

Hikari let out a quiet gasp as she got closer to her father.

The two men eyed Rei and Asuka. "Pretty perceptive, little lady," the one with the earring said. "So you're the kid Boroo and Chono went to all that trouble for, only to get their asses handed to them?" He shot his partner a glance. "You know what, Timicin? We might just be able to make up for their screw-up."

"Yeah, maybe you're right, Gansükh," Timicin concurred. "Plus we can throw a bonus in with the redhead. According to our sources, she's the Second Child, correct?"

"Right you are," Gansükh answered as he slowly moved for his holster.

Double-scheisse, Asuka thought to herself. Rei was even more worried. Though she could, she could not risk utilizing her AT-Field, as doing so would expose secrets about herself she did not want out in the open. Even so, and even with hers and Asuka's Krav Maga skills, the two men having guns was not an ideal situation.

"So, how about it, ladies?" Gansükh asked. "Come quietly with us, and nobody gets hurt. Sound good to you?"

"Leave them alone!" Kojiro shouted as he stormed towards the gunmen. Timicin, responding to this, grabbed Kojiro by the sleeve and shirt collar and pulled him into a sudden twist and a hard shove, throwing him against a car.

"Daddy!" Hikari cried as she went to help her father.

Timicin turned back to Asuka and Rei. "That make it easier for you two?"

Before either girl could respond, a haunting, sinister laughter sounded and echoed throughout the area.

The laughter took everyone by surprise, no more so than Asuka. She'd heard Kensuke's over-enthusiastic ravings about the mysterious vigilante running around Tokyo-3 but never paid them much heed--until now. Secretly, hearing those rumors struck a chord of familiarity within the Second Child, making her remember certain times when she'd visited her grandmother and listened to certain stories she recounted.

"I thought I sent a clear message the last time someone went after any of the Evangelion pilots," the Shadow warned, his voice heard but his face unseen. "Looks like I'll have to repeat myself. Are you prepared to listen, where your comrades failed to do so...?"

Gansükh attempted to draw his weapon, only to find himself on the receiving end of a shuriken now embedded in his forearm. Another soon found itself in his left knee, causing him to kneel in pain. When Timicin moved to try and help Gansükh up, from out of nowhere he received a punch to the face, followed by one to the gut. Timicin swung in an attempt to get at the assailant, only for a third blow to him on the back of the head, knocking him out cold. A gaping Gansükh barely cursed in his native tongue before a similar blow laid him out as well.

"Guess not," the Shadow said as he emerged from which he took his name. Asuka, Hikari, and her father stared in subdued awe at the sight of the dark-suited figure with the red scarf covering half his face as he helped the Horaki patriarch up. "Is everyone all right?"

"I...I'm good," Kojiro replied. "A little roughed up, but some rest should do me good. I'm just glad you stopped them before they could lay a finger on the girls here."

"Thank goodness," Hikari added.

Rei gave the Shadow a bow. "Thank you again, Shadow-san," she said. "That is twice I owe you my life."

"Y-yeah. Thanks," Asuka said, a slight hint of hesitation in her voice before her prideful nature reasserted itself. "Honestly, if those two weren't packing heat, I'm sure me and Wundergirl here could've handled them."

"I suppose that could be possible, given your skill level in Krav Maga, Ms. Asuka Langley-Sohryu," the Shadow replied.

Asuka was surprised at his mention of those particular details. "How'd you--?"

"As I have heard him state before, the Shadow knows, Asuka," Rei clarified for her. "How he does, no one can know for sure."

"How comforting," Asuka said with a slightly sarcastic roll of her eyes. "We'd better get Section-2 over here, they'll need to detain these guys and probably ask Mr. Shadow some ques--"

When she looked to where the Shadow had been standing, she was astonished to see no one there. Damn, that's spooky, she thought. Another slightly-unsettling thing occurred to her while Rei called their Section-2 details over. Guter Gott, Oma...All those stories you used to tell me--they really are true, aren't they...?

End Chapter 17.

Guest Omake 3 - "The Return of Martyrdom's Web" by GainaxVel3o

Shinji couldn't believe his luck. Tommi and 'Bandit' had informed him of a Neo-Xanadu operation within the Tokyo-3 sewer system. Any specific plans were kept vague, but he had to check it out as soon as possible.

It was a simple matter to breach the tunnels. The Shadow knew what lurked within them, thanks to memorizing the layout when he arrived. Off in a corner was a distant light. Perhaps this was the meeting place?

'I don't hear anyone though,' Shinji thought to himself. 'Perhaps I should wait.'

He sniffed the air and froze. Blood. Flies. Shinji smelled the former each time he entered the entry plug of Unit-01, with all that orange goop he surrounded himself in, but the flies…that could only mean one thing.

The Shadow abandoned the darkness, rushing quickly towards the bright light. As soon as his eyes adjusted, the Shadow could only stand agape at the monstrous sight in front of him. It was very apparent that whatever had happened, these men had not entered the afterlife peacefully. A mountain of faces stared in his direction, horrified at the terror responsible for their torment.

The Shadow dared not look any further. The brutality on display was nothing short of beastly, made with a single-minded hatred towards their actions. Allard may have been ruthless in his day, but not even he would stand for this.

"What did this?" the Shadow whispered with a growl. "Who?!"

His answer came in the form of a single note, left on the ground; innocent in placement, it was neatly folded among the carnage. Shinji picked up the note and recognized the eight-legged symbol upon it.

"You know what lurks in the hearts of these men," a cruel-sounding laugh sounded, seeming to come from all around. "To eliminate them from the world would be a mercy, the kind of sacrifice needed for mankind."

The Spider!" the Shadow yelled out, putting the card with the arachnid symbol into his pocket. "Come on out!"

Allard had told Shinji much about the masked vigilante known as The Spider. Richard Wentworth was a millionaire who, like him, served in the First World War, later taking out his anger and need for bloodshed upon the gangsters of his day. The Shadow had tried many times to capture him, even succeeded in outing Wentworth's identity at one point, but like his namesake the Spider was a slippery animal. In spite of first appearing on the scene around the same time as he did, the Spider was much different from the Shadow. Wentworth believed that he, and only he, could save all of humanity through his mission of vengeance. That the Spider had seemingly outlived the Shadow might prove him right.

"Not quite yet, Puppy-boy," the voice replied with a slight cackle. "This was just a demonstration. The smell of blood can be quite intoxicating, wouldn't you say?"

The Shadow caught a glimpse of a figure in the dark. The shape seemed to be that of a woman, wearing a ghastly face that belonged to a witch. Could it be Nita, Wentworth's lover? No, the height didn't match. That, and there was the matter of her having been dead for a couple of decades. Yet the mention of 'Puppy-boy' seemed familiar to him...

"Come here, you!" the Shadow roared. "Show yourself!"

"Nuh-uh, I've barely gotten started,"
the mystery figure refused. "The Shadow has himself a son, so it only made sense that the Spider's daughter introduced herself, right? Maybe we can save the world from NERV and SEELE together. Have a little patience--we'll meet very soon..."

It was a brief chase. The Shadow could not find the Spider, not here. Not in the dark. Shinji banged on the wall with his fists.

"Damn it…She won't get away next time," Shinji said. "Even a Spider won't be able to escape its shadow…not forever..."


Author0fntent finished looking over the omake script he'd been presented with by GainaxVel3o.

"Well...it's got potential for an alternate take side story," the author said to his fellow writer. "But it seems a bit grim and gritty for an omake."

"Yeah, I might have gotten a bit carried away with this one," GainaxVel30 replied. "I was utilizing the same sort of crossover style from my 'Shinji Ikari The Amazing Spider-Man' story, but I'll also admit, I may have overlooked the need for humor in this."

"I can tell," Author0fntent said. "Also, I don't believe I told you this yet, but I have plans for Mari in a different role in the main story itself. Still, this is an interesting concept for an alternate take on events."

"Tell you what, I've got another idea for a guest omake, one that'll be a little more funny", GainaxVel30 offered. "Give me a week and I'll have it ready for you."

"What's this one like?" Author0fntent asked.

"Here's a hint," GainaxVel30 answered as he held up a yellow album cover, whose name had in the center a red/yellow circle over a black/silver one and a red lightning bolt diagonally going through it.

"....Ah-ah...." Author0fntent said with an understanding nod.
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Chapter 18: The Conflagration Man, Part 1 of 2
Chapter 18 - The Conflagration Man, Part 1 of 2

The sky was clear and sunny over the NERV-controlled runway on the very outskirts of Tokyo-3. These were the perfect conditions for what was about to transpire: the arrival of the newest additions to NERV-Central's arsenal in Evangelion Units-03 and 04, along with their pilots Maria Vincennes and Mari "Illustrious" Makinami. Shinji, Asuka, and Rei were all present for the affair, as were Misato, Makoto, and Kaji, along with a beefed-up Section-2 detail, a result of the reported incident two nights ago following the school performance; to Shinji, it was amusing how the presence of NERV's so-called intelligence division tended to increase the more abduction attempts were made on key personnel, i.e. the pilots themselves. Something told him the previously bare-minimum effort when it came to pilot security was also by his father's design. If anything, part of him was sort of glad Neo-Xanadu's intrusion into the Commander's 'kingdom' had forced the man to adapt his scenario a little.

"See anything yet?" he heard Asuka ask.

He looked to the side to see his companions, both watching the sky through pairs of binoculars like they were bird-watching.

"Nothing yet," Rei replied. "Given their estimated time of arrival, I would not expect to make out the silhouette of an EVA-carrier for at least another twenty minutes."

Off to the other side, Shinji took a glance at Misato and Kaji engaged in a little chit-chat while Makoto was monitoring the flight progress on his laptop. In the background, technicians were scurrying around, making sure the runway was clear and all support equipment was ready to go into action.

"Wait a moment..." Rei said as she focused her gaze through the binoculars. "I apologize, Asuka, I may have been off with my earlier estimate. I can make out two specks in the distance, at an angle of 75 degrees and to the left."

Asuka, acting on Rei's words, adjusted her own viewing angle to match her blue-haired friend's. "Yeah, now I see them!"

Makoto, following that, reported the following: "Carriers have reached Tokyo-3 airspace, and set for an on-time arrival."

Shinji proceeded to pick up a pair of binoculars of his own and joined the others in looking upon the crafts' arrival. Indeed, he could make out two shapes as they got nearer, eventually being able to see the important cargo they were carrying on large, cross-shaped binding racks: Unit-03 and Unit-04.

Suddenly, the radio console within the mobile unit the group had traveled to the runway in crackled to life with words of warning from the pilot of one of the carriers. "Mayday! Mayday! EVA Units will be making emergency jump landing! Clear the runway, repeat, clear the runway!"

"WHAT?!" Misato shouted in shocked response.

Everyone else appeared to get the message, as soon all those present got into their vehicles and sped away from the landing zone as far as they could. When they were at a safe enough distance, Misato looked at the scene through her binoculars, adjusting them to see as far as they could.

"Spotted them!" she said. "They're coming in hot!"

Entry plug of Evangelion Unit-03, around the same time...

"Looks like I'll get to make that entrance I told you about," Mari said to Maria over their vid-comms as she fiddled around briefly with the MP3 player she'd managed to bring into the plug and LCL-proof.

"Interesting sense of timing you've got there," Maria mused with a hint of sarcasm, "considering what we just got away from!"

"Ah, you're just jealous you didn't think of it first," Mari replied as she turned on her EVA's external speakers and quickly thumbed to a certain song.

"*Hhhh* Why do I even bother sometimes?" Maria asked herself as she quickly worked her Unit into a proper freefall, an action Mari followed.

On the ground...

"Both units are assuming a freefalling position!" Makoto confirmed as he observed through his own binoculars.

Please make it...Misato thought to herself, her hand gripping the cross around her neck.

"Hang on, you hear that?" Kaji noted.

Shinji didn't notice it at first, but soon he and the others could audibly make out something loud. "That's weird--sounds like..."

Asuka's eyes widened a bit when a pang of recognition hit her. "...AC/DC?"

Meanwhile, up in the sky, Unit-03 (whose external speakers the music was blasting out of) and Unit-04 continued their descent as they began to approach the ground faster and faster, until finally, both quickly engaged their backup thrusters and each landed on one knee, leaving quite an impression on the runway and sending out a mild tremor that could be felt even where the NERV-Central crew was currently standing.

A couple of minutes later, said crew had arrived back at the runway and approached the two EVAs. The backs of their necks unsealed themselves as their respective entry plugs emerged and opened, each releasing a rope ladder. Mari was the first to emerge from her plug, clad in her pink plugsuit as she flashed dual V-signs just as the song finished.

"Eat your heart out, Tony Stark!" she yelled gleefully.

Maria, emerging just a second from her plug and clad in her olive green plugsuit, shook her head as she gave herself a slight facepalm. "Way to make a first impression, Mari..." she said slightly ruefully.

NERV mobile headquarters, minutes later...

The two girls, after being brought down from their EVAs and given a check-up by a medical team, were being debriefed by Misato, which also served as a means of properly introducing them to Shinji and Rei. Shinji was mildly surprised when Mari got a little 'up close and personal', to the point where she even sniffed him, commenting on the minute scent of LCL that pervaded him, something she indicated she liked. It proved to be quite baffling to Misato, annoying to Maria (who shook her head), and strangely infuriating to Asuka.

Thankfully, Rei was able to diffuse the tension a little by quickly shifting topics. "You were about to tell us why you made the emergency jump?"

"Oh yeah!" Mari replied with a slight snap of her fingers. "About that--kind of a necessity, given what was going down in our respective carriers."

"Which was?" Misato asked.

"We had a couple of stowaways onboard," Maria stepped in. "Some nutjobs from a group called the Sunlight Brotherhood."

"Sunlight Brotherhood?" Asuka repeated skeptically, "Sounds like some second-rate hippie band."

"They're anything but," Kaji said. "I've heard a lot of rumors about them--they're a cult based around John Sunlight, a ruthless criminal mastermind that operated during the 1930s. He's what you would've called a twisted idealist, bent on ending all the world's problems by taking control of it. The cult carries on his ideals long after his eventual demise."

"Sounds like something from a comic book," Shinji commented.

"Thankfully, his efforts were always thwarted thanks to Doctor Clark Savage and his crew," Maria added.

"Who?" Misato asked.

Maria was astonished. "Seriously? You've never heard of Clark Savage?" she said, bewildered. "The guy was one of the most famous adventurers of the 20th century! Doctor, scientist, detective, polymath--he was a real-life renaissance man! He could practically do it all!"

"Oops, now you've done it..." Mari said with a chuckle.

"You seem to know a great deal about the man," Rei pointed out.

"I very well should," Maria said in turn. "He's celebrated as a national hero! His life story's almost required reading in most schools in America. Nearly everyone with a scientific bent idolizes him as much as they would Einstein or Curie."

"She's definitely right on that," Asuka chimed in. "His contributions to science alone were one of my academic inspirations in college."

"*Ahem* As much as I'm enjoying having this particular gap in my knowledge filled," Misato said, "I think it'd be better if we got you fully checked-in at HQ. We'll need to finalize your living situation, and see to it that you join these three at the school they attend."

"I'm certainly looking forward to working under you, Captain," Maria said.

Annnd there's her 'suck-up mode', Asuka mused with a slight roll of her eyes.

Misato's apartment building, a couple of hours later...

After having gotten their situation settled at HQ, Maria and Mari were brought back to the building and placed in the apartment next to Asuka and Rei's; when they'd first heard of their assigned quarters, Mari commented jokingly that they were being put up in 'Pilot's Row'. Their respective belongings, sent ahead of them days earlier, were already inside, yet to be removed from their moving boxes. Misato and the others left them to get settled in, with an open dinner invitation included. (Once they were informed about Shinji's culinary mastery, Mari, of the two of them, was all-too-eager to immediately accept.) Once their door was closed and they were sure the others had put enough distance between them, Maria and Mari, sporting more determined expressions, promptly got to one particular box and opened it up, taking out a small group of white noise generators and a device that swept their apartment for bugs, of which they were sure there were plenty, given Gendo Ikari's unique brand of paranoia. When they'd finished their sweep and started the generators, confident they could speak freely, the two girls began discussing their next moves.

"Your guy at MI6 does good work, I have to say," Maria commented on the quality of the devices. "So, how's it feel to be back home after so much time away?"

"It's definitely more technologically-advanced than I remember," Mari replied. "The man formerly-known-as-Rokubungi's certainly outdone himself--the place truly is a modern-day fortress city. Though from what we've heard, looks like some folks are making more than a few cracks in its walls."

"Right, the Neo-Xanadu situation," Maria noted. "Something we'll have to take into account while we go about our work. Luckily for us, it looks like an old friend of Granduncle's has already set up shop here."

"I still can't believe the Shadow's real--and active again," Mari said. "But if you're right about him, we've got ourselves more of an edge in stopping whatever it is SEELE has planned. We'll just need to find the guy first to make our intentions known."

"We'll figure that out," Maria stated. "In the meantime, our first day at school tomorrow means we can finally meet up, face-to-face, with the rest of the new 'Fabulous Five'."

Mari smiled at that as she walked over to their apartment's fridge, which had been stocked ahead of time. "Looking forward to it--heh, just wait till Strasberg and Asari get a load of me. I'll have them eating out of the palm of my hand in no time," she said while getting a couple of sparkling waters out and handing one to Maria.

"Easy there, girl, don't want to start off our little group partnership on the wrong foot," Maria implored.

"I know, I know," Mari said. "Besides, they're a little young for me, anyway."

"Saying it like that would definitely get you in trouble if taken the wrong way, in the presence of the wrong people," Maria stated.

"Point taken. But enough of that," Mari said as she undid the cap of her bottle, which she then held out towards Maria's. "Here's to carrying on your granduncle's work, Doctor Vincennes."

Maria nodded affirmatively as she held her own bottle out. "Here's to the legacy of Doc Savage." With that, the two girls 'clinked' their bottles together.

End Chapter 18.

Guest Omake 4 - "A Merciless Reign" by GainaxVel3o

Shinji didn't know what type of day he was going to have. He truly, honestly thought it was going to be synch tests, waxing mystery novel references towards his friends, then spending the night acting as the Shadow, eagerly busting up the operations of Neo-Xanadu and working to expose SEELE. That was, in fact, how the majority of it went.

"Everyone bow before the great Ming the Merciless! The Colosseum thanks him for his most gracious presence!"

As a bald, narrow-eyed man with a goatee raised his staff upwards, causing the crowd to stand up cheering, Shinji glared at the nervously-chuckling scientist next to him.

"Who would have expected we'd be kidnapped by aliens?" Dr. Hans Zarkov said. "I thought you would know a thing a two about surprise, Shadow."

It was his fault, Shinji decided. If only Zarkov had surrendered the rocket instead of dragging the two of them inside, then they would be on Earth dealing with the Angels instead of a vaguely humanoid-populated planet with winged Hawkmen, Robin Hood look-alikes, robot men, and other sorts of strange creatures Shinji swore only existed in the trashiest science fiction novels and not in reality.

Yet reality was punching him in the face with his lack of imagination. He should have downloaded a Queen album for this trip.

"Now, we send these slaves to the greatest challenge of their worthless lives," spoke the supposed merciless tyrant Ming, whose appearance Shinji felt vaguely offended by. "Bring out the terrifying beast of Mongo…Rogo, the Man-Eater!"

"Now father, do you not think that's a tad boring?" A darker-haired princess asked with a snobbish yawn. "I wish to see something more spectacular."

Keeping a composed front, Ming caressed his daughter's head, pulling away a hair from her eye. His eyes did not betray a sense of warmth. Only calculated vision.

"Now, now, Aura…I wish to test these fools. Let us see if they survive this battle," he replied.

Soon the gates opened, and Shinji's eyes widened as a giant dog-like monster lumbered into the arena, sharp teeth bared and drooling at the sight of its human soon-to-be-meals.

"Oh no!" Zarkov lamented as he dropped to the ground. "We're going to die! Save me, Shadow! I do not think I have the capacity to compute this scenario!"

"You and me both, Doctor," The Shadow spoke warily. "Stay back."

Stuck on an alien planet with no resources and a monster about to eat them. For any ordinary man, this would be the end of the line. However, if anyone could find a way to escape, only the Shadow would know.
Chapter 19: The Conflagration Man, Part 2 of 2
Chapter 19 - The Conflagration Man, Part 2 of 2

The following morning saw a quintet of students with a 4:1 gender ratio walking from the same apartment complex towards a mutual destination. For two of their number, it would be their first-ever 'first day of school' overseas for one, and second for the other. As they walked, Shinji used the opportunity to get to know Maria and Mari a bit better than yesterday's rush to get the two settled in.

Of Maria, in addition to her scientific bent, he found her to be a very well-read girl with an insatiable appetite for adventure fiction of multiple stripes yet with a down-to-earth taste in films, bearing a great appreciation for the works of Richard Linklater, Barry Levinson, and the Coen brothers. She also boasted a commendable skill in classical guitar, along with, purportedly, the largest collection of old dime novels that was the envy of the bibliophiles in her previous student body. In spite of all that, she had quite the top spot as one of the most popular girls at her prior school, as a beauty, a student, and an athlete.

Of Mari, it was clear she was the funny one, given her self-described status as the 'ultimate' Monty Python fangirl, with music tastes that blurred the lines between punk, New Wave, and alternative--if her MP3 player full of Oasis, the Jam, and Franz Ferdinand was anything to go by. Due to her rather quirky nature, many of the more 'clique-y' popular girls at their former school wondered why or how it was Maria, who by all rights should have been one of their own, hung out with a girl like Mari. Mari herself never paid their dismissiveness any heed, while Maria simply stated every time she was asked that she simply 'had her reasons'. (Though she was quick to quash any rumors the other girls would have sparked about the two of them.)

"But enough about us," Maria was now saying. "What about you? Just where on the cultural tableau do you fall, Mr. Third Child?"

Shinji gave her a light shrug before answering. "I'm a man of simple tastes," he said. "I prefer listening to classical and jazz, have been known to cook up quite a satisfying dish now and then, and enjoy reading or viewing anything with a mystery or a caper afoot."

"Favorite childhood movie?" Mari probed.

"Ratatouille, easily," he replied without exaggeration.

"Ooh, now he's a keeper," Mari purred. "Better keep an eye open before someone snatches him up, Princess."

Asuka seethed with frustration and befuddlement for a moment before fighting to regain her sense of self-control. "It's not like that, Four-Eyes!"

"Sure it isn't..." Mari teased back, before turning her focus on Rei. "How about you, Bluebird? Anything you like to do/watch/play/read or otherwise?"

Rei at first was unsure how to respond to being called by the name of a variety of bird, but let it go as she focused on answering the Fifth Child's question. "I too have taken to enjoying reading mystery stories," Rei answered. "It was Shinji who introduced me to them after he arrived here. It helped us bond. I have been increasingly fascinated with them ever since. As of late, I am currently making my way through the titles focusing on Raymond Chandler's detective, Philip Marlowe; most specifically, The Long Goodbye."

"Hmm..." Maria pondered for a moment. "Something tells me you'd enjoy The Big Lebowski then."

Oh, here we go...Asuka thought to herself, remembering the many times she sat through viewings of that particular movie, a perennial favorite of Maria's. Enough times that she could quote most scenes by heart, curse her own terrific memory!

"I am unfamiliar with that one," Rei said.

"Basically," Mari chimed in, "it's a Raymond Chandler story if Chandler was a stoner with a sense of humor."

"What Mari means," Maria said with a slight glare at Mari, "is that it's a movie that deconstructs the typical trappings of a Chandler mystery by putting its central character in a story with a hopelessly complex plot that, in the end, is pretty much immaterial."

"Intriguing," Rei replied, one eyebrow slightly arched.

"Ooh, that's so cool!" Mari beamed when she saw Rei do that. "Do it again! I swear, you'd be a natural Vulcan at a Star Trek convention with a skill like that!"

"Oh, gimme a break..." Asuka muttered to herself.

At this point, they had reached the school, where they climbed the steps leading up to the front door and entered. Shinji, Asuka and Rei went on ahead to their classroom while Maria and Mari stopped at the main office to be issued their official school IDs and laptops. A few minutes later, the two girls waited outside the door while the teacher arrived and entered, causing Hikari to bring the class to order as usual.

"Stand! Bow! Sit!"

Once the students sat back down, the teacher stepped behind his desk. "Class, we have two new transfer students joining us starting today. I expect you will treat them accordingly." He then turned his focus to the classroom door. "You may enter now. Please introduce yourselves."

With that, the door opened, and in stepped Maria and Mari, much to the surprise of the majority of the students. Though Shinji hadn't wondered why, Mari was still wearing her uniform from the private school she and Maria attended back in the States; how she managed to finagle the faculty into letting her do so he figured he'd never know. Each girl wrote their name on the chalkboard before turning around to greet their new classmates.

"Good morning!" Maria greeted cheerfully in flawless Japanese. "I'm Maria Vincennes. Charmed, huh?"

Good grief, now she's just pushing it, Asuka mused with a slight eyeroll. Also, why do I get the feeling that's something I would've said...?

"I'm so looking forward to spending the year learning alongside everyone here!" Maria finished.

"And I'm Mari 'Illustrious' Makinami," Mari greeted with her turn, flashing a quick salute. "Top-of-the-line Evangelion pilot, at your service! Not to worry, with myself and Maria here--yep, she's a pilot too--I can guarantee that you're all gonna be a-okay from now on! Other than that, like Maria I'm an orphan, and lived overseas for a while, so it's great to be back in the homeland after so many years away! Anyway, let's all get along great, shall we?" Maria blanched a bit at Mari casually revealing that particular personal detail, which made Asuka chuckle with amusement.

With that, the two of them picked a couple of empty desks to sit at, each, unseen by the majority of the class, quickly eyeing four specific students with a knowing gaze: short-haired brunette Mana Kirishima; raven-haired, bespectacled Mayumi Yamagishi; lanky yet athletic Musashi "Lee" Strasberg; and stocky Keita Asari. Already, gossip was starting to form in the minds of the other students pertaining to the new arrivals. For certain other students, there were different things on their mind.

"Ohmanohmanohman," Kensuke giddily whispered to Toji while adjusting his camera, before slightly pointing towards Maria and Mari. "It's like Howard said--there's gold in them hills! Gold!"

Toji wearily shook his head; thanks to how closer he and Hikari had gotten of late, he was beginning to have second thoughts on being part of Kensuke's little enterprise. Turning to Shinji, he invoked a different sort of iconic movie character as he spoke: "Just when I think I'm out...he pulls me back in...!"

A few hours later, lunch had rolled around, and while Shinji and the others went to eat with their respective friends, Maria and Mari opted to seek out the four students they'd eyed earlier, and upon doing so, headed off to an empty classroom where they could talk in peace. It was Mana who spoke up first once the door was closed.

"Nice to finally meet SavageGurl0333 and Ca+sp@jamas2009 in-person at last," Mana said, referring to Maria's and Mari's usernames from their online chats.

"Same here for the both of us," Maria said in turn. "To be honest, we'd never thought we'd be deployed here at all, but it looks like good fortune smiled on us."

"You guys been keeping busy in the meantime?" Mari posed.

Mayumi nodded affirmatively. "[We've gotten ourselves pretty well-versed in the code language, just so we can keep things nice and covert between us,]" the girl demonstrated in very fluent Mayan.

"[Good job,]" Maria replied. "How about you, Mana?"

"The pet project's just about done," Mana answered. "Mr. Secord guarded his plans very carefully, thank goodness. I'm glad he entrusted them to me"

"What about you two?" Mari asked of Musashi and Keita.

"Our taps are up and running," Musashi answered. "With any luck, we'll be able to tap into the MAGI without anyone getting wise to us."

"Good thing Aida's methods were workable with a little refining," Keita added.

"Good to hear," Maria said as she looked at everyone around. "I'm glad you all are here, considering how big an undertaking we've got ahead of us. When I originally reached out to you guys, I thought I was crazy, trying to rope a bunch of kids like me into carrying out quite the set of last wishes for my granduncle. But thankfully, we're not like most kids, and given the presence of a certain...shadowy player who's probably after the same conspiracy as us, we'll do our damned best to make those wishes come true. With that, I'd like you, as the new Fabulous Five, to swear an oath. Not just any oath, though--it's the same that Clark Savage lived by as he and the original Five carried out his mission the world over." With that, all six raised their right hands, as each began to recite Doc Savage's legendary oath.

Maria: "Let me strive every moment of my life..."

Mari: "To make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit by it."

Mana: "Let me think of the right and lend all my assistance to those who need it."

Mayumi: "With no regard for anything but justice."

Musashi: "Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage."

Keita: "Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens and my associates in everything I say and do."

All: "Let me do right to all, and wrong no man."

End Chapter 19.