Evangelion: Shadō Wa Shitte Imasu

Chapter 20: Ten Glass Eyes, Part 1 of 3
Chapter 20 - Ten Glass Eyes, Part 1 of 3

From the outset, it seemed as if Tokyo-3 was in for another typical day, with the sun shining brightly as morning greeted the 'fortress of mankind'. That's what it seemed to NERV tech Shigeru Aoba as he picked up his can of iced coffee from the vending machine he stood next to, his guitar strapped to his back, while waiting outside the laundromat where three of his coworkers were getting their things. Inside, Ritsuko Akagi, Maya Ibuki, and Aoi Mogami were picking their respective small loads out of the machines they'd been using.

"Am I the only one thinking the cost of something simple as doing laundry has been killing me lately?" Ritsuko posed.

"It's not just you," Aoi replied.

"Makes me wish I had more time to do my own wash at home," Maya added.

Shigeru, poking his head in, gave his own two cents. "Look at it this way--at least you can sleep at home."

Some minutes later, the quartet of NERV personnel found themselves on the subway heading towards the Geofront. Out of the corner of the NERV chief scientist's eye, she spotted another familiar face among the ridership.

"Hello, Sub-Commander," Ritsuko greeted as Fuyutsuki looked up from his newspaper.

"Good morning, sir!" Maya, Aoi and Shigeru followed.

"Morning," the former professor greeted in turn as Ritsuko took the seat one over from his.

Maya briefly glanced at the paper in her superior officer's hands, where to her slight surprise another headline based around the nightly exploits of the Shadow graced the front page, focused on the mysterious vigilante's recent exposure and takedown of an Angel-worshipping cult that had nearly offered up two children as a sacrifice. For the first time in a while, her thoughts turned back to her 'recruitment' into the Shadow's network, and how her first assignment led to her questioning how she now saw her sempai. At first, she felt it was inconceivable that Ritsuko Akagi would willingly engage in industrial sabotage, even if it kept a potential competitor off of NERV's back. Yet, the trace bits of coding she saw in the virus remains she examined didn't lie, as they bore the mark of her sempai's handiwork. It was quite a reminder she'd received that those you admire still have feet of clay.

The subject of her thoughts, on the other hand, was unaware of her kohai's pondering as she conversed with Fuyutsuki. "You're quite early today."

"*Sigh* As it is, I do have to go up top in Ikari's place," the Sub-Commander wearily said.

"That's right, the regular meeting of the city council's today, isn't it?" Ritsuko inquired.

Fuyutsuki nodded. "A pointless job, but still needs to be done, in addition to the other various and sundry duties Ikari delegates to me," Fuyutsuki answered. "Thank god for the MAGI--without it, I'd be lost."

"Reminds me," Ritsuko began, "The city elections are coming up, aren't they?"

"Even that is a farce, ultimately," Fuyutuski stated. "After all, the municipal government's really run by the MAGI."

Hearing this brought Maya out of her particular mental quandary. "The MAGI? The three supercomputers?"

Fuyutsuki nodded. "Government by majority decision of three different computers. A system properly in-line with the fundamentals of democracy."

"And the council just obeys their decisions?" Maya further probed.

Fuyutsuki gave a slight shrug. "It's a most efficient form of government."

"That's a city of science for you," Maya said. "We really do live in an era where science reigns supreme."

Shigeru chuckled at that. "Talk about an old-fashioned line."

"On the other hand," Aoi spoke up, "I can't help but think of an old short story I read."

"Which one?" Ritsuko asked.

"1954's "Answer", by Fredric Brown," Aoi replied.

"Ah, yes, I'm quite familiar with that one," Fuyutsuki said.

"And for those of us unfamiliar?" Shigeru posed.

"In under a page long, we see two technicians--Dwar Ev and Dwar Reyn--complete the construction of a network of supercomputers spanning 96 billion worlds, an event watched by viewers from all the populated planets of the universe. All would be connected to one great machine, one that would combine all the knowledge of all the galaxies. After the connection is made and the machine is brought online, Dwar Reyn is given the honor of being the first to ask the machine a question. He faces the machine and asks, "Is there a God?" The great voice of the machine answered without hesitating, "Yes, now there is a God." As a fearful Dwar Ev makes a grab for the shutoff switch, he is struck suddenly by a bold of lightning from what was a cloudless sky, which fused the switch shut in the process."

It didn't take long for Shigeru to get the picture. "Well, when you put it that way...Yeah, I guess it does beg more than a few questions." He then began to count off on his fingers. "'What if we go too far?' 'What if we ask the wrong question?' And of course, 'What if this cool thing we're making becomes our undoing?' When you put it like that, part of me would rather take a government based on strange women lying in ponds distributing swords."

Maya let out a small giggle at Shigeru's last line. "'I see you're a man of culture as well.'"

"I do try, sometimes," Shigeru said with mock snootiness.

Ritsuko arched her eyebrow slightly on considering Aoi's words. "Was that a barb at my mother's work?"

"Not at all, ma'am," Aoi replied. "It's the same sort of thing every scientist has grappled with throughout history. I'm sure even you've thought about it as well. Fictional he may be, we've all had to think of what Dr. Ian Malcolm posed: we scientists can be so preoccupied with whether we could that we don't stop to think if we should."

"Ever the Jeff Goldblum fangirl, I see," Ritsuko responded with a slight smirk on her face. Aoi slightly blushed as she found an ad on the subway car's wall that seemed more interesting. "Relax, Aoi, I guarantee you, I--and my mother before me--went to great lengths to ensure the MAGI never goes HAL-9000 on us."

"Good to hear," Fuyutsuki chimed in, before shifting topics. "Which reminds me--you're running an experiment with Unit-00 today, aren't you?"

Ritsuko nodded. "Yes--we'll be running the second prolonged activation test at 10:30."

Fuyutsuki offered her a small smile as he turned back to his paper. "I'll be looking forward to good news, then, regarding the outcome."

Unit-00 testing chamber, NERV HQ, later that morning...

The emergency alarms blared as Ritsuko gave the order to abort the experiment. Once the circuits were cut, the chamber powered down as the lights went off. The room was soon lit after a reboot had been made. Ritsuko looked over Maya's shoulder as they went through the data on the young woman's screen.

"Still the problem here, huh?" Ritsuko pondered.

"Yes," Maya replied. "The fact that the conversion efficiency is 0.008 lower than our theoretical value concerns me."

"It's just barely within tolerance, though," Kaede Agano, from her console, added. "What do we do in light of that?"

Ritsuko gave it some thought before answering, her eyes on the face of the cerulean cyclopean cybernetic colossus. "We'll try it again with the same configuration, but lower the reciprocal conversion rate by 0.01."

"Roger," both Maya and Kaede responded.

Ritsuko nodded in affirmation. "All right, let's recommence the reactivation experiment."

An elevator in another part of HQ...

Misato, a folder clutched in her left hand, was traveling to another floor when the car she was in stopped to admit a new passenger--one who was rushing to catch it.

"Hold that door!" Kaji said. Misato had her finger hovering over the two buttons as she contemplated which to press, 'door open' or 'door close'. Ultimately, in a bit of cosmic defiance of a path well-tread, she pressed 'door open', allowing Kaji to make the car.

"Man, what a run," a slightly-winded Kaji said as the doors closed and the elevator resumed its journey. "You're looking a bit grim today--woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Misato, nonplussed, slightly rolled her eyes out of Kaji's view. "How I wake up in the morning isn't your business whatsoever."

"Still, I'm guessing it's business as usual today, same as it ever is," Kaji mused. "'Nose against the grindstone, but it's all right. Look out world, it's dog-eat-dog!'"

Misato chuckled a bit on hearing this, thinking back to what she considered one of the good memories from when the two of them were together in college. While out and about one day, the two were browsing through a music store and, on a lark, Kaji bought an old "Weird Al" Yankovic album--1986's Polka Party!--that they wound up listening to on more than one occasion, to the point where they'd memorized the words to every song on it.

The streets of Tokyo-3, mid-day...

Shinji stood with the payphone to his ear as he waited through the dial-tone, until the other line picked up.

"What?" the other voice on the line asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Good day to you too, Father," Shinji replied, unfazed by the commander's tone of voice.

"What is it?" Gendo asked. "I'm quite busy at this time."

"Don't worry your pretty bearded head, it won't take long," Shinji nonchalantly replied. "Just wanted to inform you that at school today we were told to let our parents know about the upcoming career guidance interviews. So if you've got the time..."

"I believe I delegated all such things to Captain Katsuragi, need I remind you," Gendo coldly stated. "Don't call me over such nonsense. Furthermore, don't forward any more of these calls to--"

Before Gendo could finish his thought, the line cut out, to Shinji's mild surprise. He then hung the phone back on its receiver before exiting the stall. "Hmm, testy..." he mused as he rejoined the other pilots.

NERV HQ, Central Dogma, around the same time...

"Main power supply has been interrupted," Satsuki reported as screens and lights everywhere in the complex unexpectedly went dark.

"Voltage level's at zero," Kaede added as Ritsuko tested a couple of buttons on the console next to her.

Ritsuko couldn't see it, but she knew that most eyes were probably on her. "Don't look at me..." she said, trying to ease the tension.

In the elevator, Misato and Kaji, bathed in the red emergency light, were wondering what had cut their trip short.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kaji asked.

Misato shrugged. "Ah, it'll probably switch to backup power soon. No sweat."

Back in Central Dogma, everyone else was trying to get to the bottom of the situation at hand.

"No good, the backup circuits aren't connecting," Shigeru confirmed.

Fuyutsuki was growing frustrated with the problem. "That can't be right--which circuits are still functioning? Route all remaining power supplies to maintaining both the MAGI and Central Dogma."

"But, sir," Aoi pointed out, "that'll interfere with the life support systems."

"I don't care!" Fuyutsuki barked back, "That's our top priority!"

Tokyo-3 streets, topside, around the same time...

*Sigh* Makoto, old boy, when it comes to crushes, you really know how to pick 'em...

Those were the thoughts on Makoto Hyuga's mind as he stood waiting to cross the street, the laundry of one Misato Katsuragi in a bag held by him.

"Of all the women you had to fall for, it had to be the beautiful, but lazy slob," he mused to himself. "I mean, come on, can't she at least pick up her own laundry herself?" Looking up at the crossing signal, he saw the red light go out...and no walk signal appear in its place down below. "What the...?"

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, the five pilots were on their way to NERV HQ for yet another round of testing, chatting as they went.

"Maybe he was just really busy?" Asuka surmised, after learning of the suddenness with which Shinji's call ended.

"Don't think so," Shinji replied. "Didn't even hear him hang up. Seems like it was more of a technical problem."

Maria, looking about at their surroundings, noticed something peculiar. "Anyone notice how quiet it's gotten?"

The others perked up their ears, and soon, confirmed the same.

"Weird..." Mari said. "Someone put a bunch of babies down for a nap or something?"

"We do not have any policies or procedures for those situations, Pilot Makinami," Rei replied.

"Heh," Mari said in turn. "Good one, Bluebird."

The quintet eventually reached the gate entrance to NERV HQ, and when Shinji swiped his card, no response came from the reader. "Curiouser and curiouser..." he said as he tried again. When again no response appeared on the LCD screen, Asuka quickly brushed Rei and Maria aside.

"Let me try that," the redhead said as she swiped her own card. Again, nothing happened. "Must be broken."

To Maria and Mari, who briefly shared a quick glance, it was probably more than just that, if the faint trilling sound Maria was emitting was any indicator. Something was off, and it wasn't just the power to the electronic gate...

End Chapter 20.
Chapter 21: Ten Glass Eyes, Part 2 of 3
Chapter 21 - Ten Glass Eyes, Part 2 of 3

The door to lab R-017 finally gave way after the quartet of male technicians managed to apply enough leverage to get it open. Once done, Ritsuko (a flashlight in-hand), Maya, Satsuki, and Kaede stepped over the heap of techs (with Maya quietly thanking them) and made their way to the bridge.

"Let's hurry to the command center," Ritsuko urged her protégé along, "it's already been down for seven minutes!"

"And none of the backup systems have kicked in," Maya noted. "Which means we'll need to use the emergency ladders to get there."

Meanwhile, in the elevator they were currently stuck in, Misato and Kaji continued to ponder their current circumstances.

"This isn't a normal occurrence," Misato stated.

Kaji found his curiosity piqued. "What kind of power system's in place?"

"Three systems," Misato answered. "The main, the sub-systems, and the reserves. All three failing simultaneously is too much to be a coincidence."

Kaji nodded as Misato tried the emergency phone within the car, only to get no response. "Only one other conclusion at this point..."

The bridge, around the same time...

"...Is that we're facing saboteurs," Commander Ikari said. "It's clear the breakers were taken out purposefully."

"Which means that, if an Angel were to attack right now," Fuyutsuki began to state, "we'd all be sitting ducks." He paused as he continued to light some candles to provide a bit of illumination. "Do you think SEELE could be responsible?"

Gendo gave it some thought before replying. "There's no reason for them to--their own plans would be disrupted. If anything, I've more reason to suspect that the party who attempted to kidnap the First Child and crippled the EVAs' power stations during the Eighth's attack is behind this. If Kaji's theories are correct, then they're sending us a message."

"But to what end?" the former professor posed. Gendo, for once, had no answer.

JSSDF Headquarters, around the same time...

"Radar's detected an unidentified object, projected landing point in the former Atami region."

The officers overseeing this took a moment to process this, before one of them spoke up. "It's likely the Ninth one," the oldest of the three stated.

"Agreed," the middle-aged one of the trio concurred, "it must be an Angel."

"What'll we do?" the youngest of the trio asked.

The oldest general paused before giving an answer. "Go to alert status, for now. We'll stick to protocol."

"Right," the middle-aged man affirmed. "This one's headed towards Tokyo-3 anyway. It's NERV's problem now..."

At that moment, were one watching from a hillside in said former Atami region, one could make out what looked like four gigantic, yet spindly spider legs crawling across the landscape, leaving waves as it wove through a nearby lake.

Back in the JSSDF command center, the officers were alerted to the Angel's landing, and its continuing advance.

"What's the word from Tokyo-3?" the oldest asked.

"Still no response," a communications technician reported.

The middle-aged man scowled at this. "What in the hell is going on with NERV?"

NERV HQ, that moment...

Ritsuko, Maya, Satsuki, and Kaede found themselves climbing the emergency ladders towards the bridge.

"To think I saw these as just decorative holdovers from before," Ritsuko mused. "Then again, I never expected I'd be using them."

"You know what they say about preventative measures," Maya commented. "Although now I know what an old TV dinner feels like..."

"Heh," Ritsuko lightly chuckled, "just be glad we're not climbing through these to thwart a hostage situation."

"I blame myself for introducing her to that movie," Satsuki jokingly admitted.

Outside entrance to NERV HQ...

"This one's not working either," Asuka said as she turned to face the others.

"It would appear none of the facilities work," Rei stated. "That is very odd."

"You're telling us," Mari commented, while briefly throwing Maria a knowing look. "Think something's happened down below?"

"Probably," Shinji said grimly. "Which means we've got to get in touch with Central Dogma, fast."

While he was saying this to Asuka and Rei, Maria, out of their view, quietly began tapping on her right earring, activating the transmitter within as she sent a coded message...

A small electronics repair shop on the other side of downtown Tokyo-3, at that moment...

Mana, Mayumi, Musashi, and Keita were working on a few odds and ends for the other two members of their group when a noise got their attention. When the power had gone out, they immediately got to work and activated a generator to get their little HQ back up and running. The noise was coming from a wireless receiver Musashi and Keita had set up in the event that any internet connections were down, and already Mayumi was at work deciphering the incoming Morse code message.

"Is it Maria?" Keita asked.

"Shh," Mayumi shushed Keita as she concentrated on decoding the message. "It's her, all right."

"What's she say?" Musashi asked.

Mayumi then read back the message: "Blackout at NERV HQ. Entire city may be affected as well. Pilots and myself working to get in. Tell Mana to get out 'pet project' and do a flyover." The bookworm looked to the brunette girl, who got the message immediately.

"Musashi, with me," Mana said. "Mayumi, you and Keita let Maria know I'll be airborne soon."

Mayumi and Keita nodded and quickly got to work sending a reply to Maria, while Mana and Musashi headed to the storage room in the back of the shop to retrieve the 'pet project', along with the rest of Mana's equipment.


All over the place, whether it was in the elevator car carrying Misato and Kaji; on the bridge; or up at the entrance where the pilots were, no one could utilize the emergency landlines.

Topside, Rei opened her bag and pulled out a small red pamphlet.

"What's that?" Asuka inquired.

"Emergency protocol," Rei replied.

"Does it say anything about getting to HQ in a situation like this?" Shinji asked.

"Among other things, it has maps for alternative entryways into the Geofront," Rei answered. "According to the page I am currently on, the Route 7 maintenance tunnel should get us inside. From there, it is a direct route to headquarters." She then motioned towards the door to the aforementioned maintenance tunnel.

As Asuka was about to speak up, Shinji stepped in. "Before anyone starts calling dibs on being group leader," he said, "I'd say it's better if we follow Rei's lead on this, considering she's the one who's worked in the Geofront the longest out of all of us."

"Seconded," Mari chimed in. Maria, oddly, remained silent, instead nodding with seeming reluctance.

Asuka, a biting retort on the tip of her tongue, mentally took a step back and considered the logic in the facts laid before her. Finally, she responded with a brief sigh. "All right, we'll go with Wundergirl's lead on this."

"Thank you," Rei said as they approached the door to Route 07. The group opted to leave their bags in a nearby cubby, fingers crossed that they wouldn't be stolen. Discreetly, Maria and Mari took a few small items out and secreted them away in hidden pockets of their school uniforms, added by them a day prior. Upon examination of the entrance, they noticed the emergency manual opener mechanism.

"Huh, nice to know we've got all sorts of redundancies," Shinji noted.

"All right then, you're up, Shinji," Asuka stated. "You are the man among us, aren't you?"

"And they say women aren't sexist," Shinji said bemusedly as he began to try and apply leverage to the mechanism's handle. Surprisingly, Maria joined him in the effort, and together, the two managed to get the door open halfway enough that they could slip inside.

Asuka was astonished by the show of strength Maria displayed. "What the--how'd you do that?"

Maria gave a mild shrug. "Just maintaining a good diet and exercise," the blonde replied. After all, Shinji, Asuka, and Rei wouldn't know about how, from the time she was a little girl, like her granduncle before her Maria was trained in mind and body to reach near-superhuman levels, granting her great strength and endurance for a girl her age; all this, in addition to her photographic memory, mastery of martial arts, and vast knowledge of many fields of science.

"Once more, unto the breach?" Mari posed with a hint of theatricality. With that, the quintet began their journey through the maintenance tunnel towards their destination.


The middle-aged officer hung up the phone with a grunt. "Damn those Joint Staff bastards!" he cursed, "Only relying on us at times like this..."

"What's the word from up top?" the oldest asked.

"*Sigh* Apparently, the morons in Tokyo-2 are getting ready to run," the mid-lifer said.

"Angel is still active and advancing," a female tech reported.

"In any case," the oldest said, "we need to get in contact with NERV's people."

"And how do you suggest we do that, considering we haven't heard so much as a peep?" the mid-lifer asked derisively.

The youngest of the three commanding officers answered. "By actually going there."

Moments later, in the sky above Tokyo-3...

A JASDF plane was soon flying overhead as its pilot issued a warning from its loudspeakers: "Attention! Attention! This is the 3rd District ASDF! An unidentified object is moving towards this area! All residents must evacuate to their designated shelters!"

Makoto, observing this from down below, grew a worried expression on his face. "Ooh, this sounds bad--I've got to get to HQ right away, but how?!" His ears perked up when he heard the sounds of a woman speaking through a PA system attached to a political campaign van. "Well this is my lucky day..."

Outside the back of the electronics shop...

Mana and Musashi were finishing gearing the former up for her flight when the warning from the plane was heard. It didn't take long for them to figure out one possibility for the approaching menace.

"Talk about perfect timing," Mana sarcastically mused.

She was wearing a tan flight suit with a brown, slim-yet-insulated bomber jacket zipped up fully over the top half, the collar secured with a brass snap. On her legs were flight boots not unlike those of a professional fighter pilot, and her hands were gloved, with a trigger mechanism built into the palm of the right one. Held in her hands was a sleek, golden-colored helmet that almost resembled a Roman gladiator's helm, only fully-encasing the wearer's head. High on the back of the helmet was a fin that was designed to aid in steering, on the face of the helmet was a three-tiered visor, and on the sides were two round discs that held the communications components. Musashi helped strap onto Mana's back the 'pet project' she and Maria had spoken of on a number of occasions: a silver-colored, sleek, retro-futuristic-looking jetpack.

Once the pack was fully-secured, Musashi stepped back a few feet to give Mana some breathing room, and then, before she had her helmet fully on, he handed her something that resembled a NERF-styled take on a grenade launcher, with a two-handed grip and a triangular shape atop its barrel.

"Still can't believe you and Maria managed to make a miniaturized railgun launcher," Mana said as she considered the object she hefted in front of herself.

"As long as the right parts can be found," Musashi said, referring to the occasions where they'd scavenged from junkyards and other used electronics dealers, "one can make almost anything out of nothing special. Be careful though, we haven't fully tested it."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure it's still in one piece by the time I get back," Mana said with a smile as she pointed to the jetpack with her thumb. "Thankfully, unlike Mr. Blasty here, I did take the time to test out the 'pet project'. (Thank god Keita and Mayumi were able to keep any surveillance off my back while I did so.)" She then slung the strap attached to the railgun over her right shoulder before finally putting her helmet on.

Musashi, when he was a safe distance away, gave her a thumbs-up. "Good luck."

Mana flashed him a thumbs-up of her own with an affirming nod, and then, after getting into a proper stance, pressed the trigger mechanism in her glove, activating the jetpack and causing it to roar to life. She then made a slight jump and was soon zooming off towards the clouds, while Musashi rushed back inside so he and the others could get the comm channel in her helmet open on their end.

End Chapter 21.
Chapter 22: Ten Glass Eyes, Part 3 of 3
Chapter 22 - Ten Glass Eyes, Part 3 of 3

Within NERV, things were heating up--in the sense of temperature, that is.

"GOD, it's hot in here," Misato groaned, having shed her jacket to cool off.

"Probably means the air conditioning's out too," Kaji surmised, seemingly-unfazed by the temperature around him, evidenced by how he hadn't taken off his jacket.

The same feeling was shared among those on the bridge.

"This is bad--really bad. The air's getting stagnant," Ritsuko said as she cooled herself with a portable fan; Maya and a few others were doing the same. "What irony--here we are, in a facility containing the most advanced technology on Earth, illuminated by candlelight, of all things."

Kaede briefly eyed both commanders. "How the hell can those two stand it?" she quietly posed to the others.

"I know what you mean," Maya replied. "They look like the heat isn't getting to them at all! What's their secret?"

Up at the command perch, unbeknownst to those working under him, Fuyutsuki was standing up to his ankles in a bucket of water.

Topside, on a street in Tokyo-3...

The van was going faster than the campaign workers using it originally intended, thanks to the new passenger they'd picked up in Makoto. After a hurried explanation of the current emergency, Makoto had gotten them to speed towards one of the street entrances to the Geofront.

"Um, pardon me," the female half of the campaign worker duo worriedly started to ask, "but isn't that a dead end?!" She pointed towards the approaching entrance, the gate currently down.

"It's okay!" Makoto shouted. "Just keep going! We need to get down there as fast as possible! NERV will take care of any damage to your vehicle!"

"Works for me!" the male campaign worker, currently driving, said.

The woman worker's eyes grew wider as they rapidly approached the gate. "Ooooooh this is nothing like what they do in the moviiiiieeees!" she let out as the van broke through the gate and made its way through the tunnel leading to NERV HQ.

The bridge...

"The Geofront was designed to essentially be a self-sufficient colony, even when isolated from the outside world," Fuyutsuki recounted. He and those on the bridge were trying to figure out the reasoning behind their current situation. "Theoretically, it's impossible for all of the power sources to fail at once."

"Which means someone did this deliberately," Ritsuko put forward.

Gendo nodded. "Likely to allow them to access the facilities from top-to-bottom."

"So they could find weak points in the structure of HQ?" Ritsuko guessed, before turning back to her computer. "I'll run a dummy program through the MAGI, it'll make it harder for the intruders to get the complete story."

"I leave it in your hands," Gendo said. As Ritsuko went to work on her dummy program, the two commanders conferred quietly.

"The first blow struck upon our headquarters wasn't brought by an Angel, but by another of our own species," Fuyutsuki grimly mused. "It seems the old adage rings true."

"Indeed," Gendo concurred. "'We have met the enemy, and it is us'."

The Route 7 maintenance tunnel...

The EVA pilots carefully made their way through the dark tunnel, sticking closely so as to not get separated. Rei was at the front, as she had indicated she possessed good night vision; Mari mused that it must have come from all the carrots in her diet, having learned of the bluenette's vegetarianism earlier in the week. Rei stopped the group at a point in their walk for a moment.

"Do any of you hear that?" she asked.

"Hear what?" Asuka replied.

"Someone's voice," Rei said in turn. Soon enough, the quintet could make out a voice coming through from what appeared to be a mobile loudspeaker, if the sounds of a car engine indicated anything.


Shinji and Asuka recognized the voice immediately. "Lt. Hyuga!" They then immediately proceeded to try calling after him to get his attention, to no avail due to their separation by a level.

"An Angel is approaching!" Makoto continued to shout through the loudspeaker on the campaign van. "Repeat, an Angel is approaching!"

Hearing that was enough to surprise all five pilots.

"Talk about all the bloody luck..." Mari said.

"There is no time to waste," Rei said. "We will need to take a shortcut."

A few moments later, the five found themselves crawling through a vent to make part of the journey easier, though Shinji had to brush off a 'warning' made by Asuka not to look at hers or any of the girls' butts.

"This is so nothing like what they do in the movies..." Asuka muttered to herself as she tried to keep her focus on the task at hand.

Shinji, after a few beats, decided to strike up a bit of conversation. "Something I've been wondering," he began. "Why are we calling the 30-foot terrors we trade punches with every Tuesday 'Angels'? Why not kaiju or something like that? I mean, it's already our word for giant monster. We've used it in almost every rubber-suit movie that's come out for 50-plus years, isn't it about time we applied it to real life?"

Maria arched a slightly skeptical eyebrow. "Care to explain why you'd be asking that at a time like this?"

Shinji nonchalantly shrugged. "Just figured a little conversation might help keep us sane throughout this little sojourn through the darkness," he said. "Considering most of you are women of science and reason, I thought engaging in a little intellectual discussion would be one of your pastimes." He then shifted gears back to the subject he put forward. "I mean, think about it: 'angels' normally refer to messengers of God, servants of Heaven. Why would we dub our building-sized frequent sparring partners as such?"

This time, it was Mari who shrugged. "As one of these so-called 'women of science and reason', my answer is...beats me," she said. "You'll have to take it up with the top, probably."

"Seconded," Asuka chimed in. "I mean, come on, can you be that dense? Nomenclature debate aside, strange beings are attacking us, and if you're going through a fire, you've got to brush away the embers! There's no time to figure out just what to call the blaze you're trying to put out!"

Once out of the vent, the quintet again found themselves walking through a dark hallway, eventually coming upon two entrances.

"Which way?" Maria asked Rei.

Underneath Rei's blouse, the eyes of the phurba glowed, as if the ancient presence within sent a signal into Rei's mind, much to her (subtle) surprise.

"The left," Rei replied, to which all five proceeded to venture into the left entrance.

The sky above Tokyo-3, topside...

Mana was absolutely enjoying her flight above the city. Soaring through the clouds, almost as if without a care in the world--this was what she loved the most about being the (unofficially) youngest person to successfully pull off human flight without a large vehicle. She tempered her excitement as she made a descent towards the Tokyo-3 skyline, where she managed to see the Angel at last. It almost looked like a gigantic, four-legged spider, only the main body was a mere greenish, round shape with multiple eyes covering the surface, each inside a triangular shape.

"Huh, looks like a reject from an old Ultraman rerun," she mused to herself. "All right, let's see if I can keep you busy till NERV manages to get their act together."

With that, she unslung the railgun launcher from her shoulder and zoomed towards the creature. As soon as she got close enough, Mana lifted up the weapon, took aim at one of the 'eyes' on the Angel's body, and fired. The projectile, in spite of the power behind it, didn't penetrate the creature's AT-Field, but said AT-Field was weak enough that the monster could still feel the impact as the projectile slammed into the center of the 'eye', causing it to screech and recoil in pain.

"All right! It worked!" she shouted enthusiastically. "You see that, Lee? You and Maria really made a hitmaker here!"

"I'll let Maria know next chance I see her," Musashi replied on the other end of the comm-channel. "But don't get cocky, that thing's still standing! All you'll do is just annoy it!"

"That's the general idea!" Mana said as she soared upwards to get out of the way of one of the Angel's legs. "Keep it distracted so NERV can get up here and squash it!"

As she finished that statement, she noticed one of the other eyes on the creature focus on her, and then suddenly spew out a strange, gooey-looking orange substance towards her.

"Whoa!" she let out before zooming out of the way. As she did, she noticed that the part of the building the goop did wind up hitting soon began to dissolve. "Well, great, another reason to keep on top of daddy long-legs."

"What's going on?" Keita asked through the comms.

"Turns out Not-So-Itsy-Bitsy can spit acid," Mana replied. "Looks like it's an even nastier concoction than the previous Angel Maria and Mari told us about!"

"Be careful!" Mayumi chimed in.

"First thing on my mind right now!" Mana said quickly as she dodged another acid shot while weaving through the air.


In the maintenance tunnel, the pilots were making their way more quickly as they inched closer to their destination, their path now more clear thanks to a couple of glowsticks Mari and Maria had brought with them, among the items they'd taken from their bags. As they neared what looked to be another turn, the phurba pulsated beneath Rei's blouse again, as if to alert its owner. Rei motioned for the others to stay back.

"Rei?" Shinji asked.

"What's going on?" Asuka followed up.

Rei's eyes narrowed as she answered. "We are not alone. And I have a strong feeling they are not friendly."

Seemingly like kismet, three sets of footsteps alerted the pilots to a presence coming their way. In the light of Maria and Mari's glowsticks, they could now make out three large men clad in black clothes, balaclavas on their heads.

"Those are the pilots!" the one in the middle of the trio said. "We did our job already, might as well succeed where our brothers failed."

Maria and Mari gave each other a knowing nod, before quickly reaching into their respective hidden pockets and retrieving the other items they'd brought along.

"Everybody, hold your breath and get ready to run!" Maria shouted as she and Mari quickly tossed three small marble-like objects each at the feet of the three men. Upon shattering, the objects let loose a strange mist that was soon unintentionally inhaled by the men, causing each to collapse onto the ground while the five pilots made a break for the next turn. As soon as they deemed themselves far enough away from the three would-be captors, Asuka was the first to ask the obvious question--

"What was that stuff you threw at them?"

"It's a fast-acting anesthetic gas," Mari answered. "Same formula as Doc Savage's, and just as potent. Maria and I whipped it up ourselves on a whim. Not as painful as mace, but definitely more portable."

"It'll put them under for a few hours," Maria added, "plenty of time for us to get to HQ."

Central Dogma, around the same time...

The campaign van pulled to a screeching halt as soon as it was within sight of the crew on the bridge. Makoto poked his upper half out of the passenger-side window, the mic for the loudspeaker in his left hand.

"Angel is approaching!" he relayed into the mic. "Immediate EVA dispatch is needed!"

"Oh, no!" Maya quietly uttered before turning towards the command perch. "Sir--!"

Gendo, adjusting his glasses, got up from his console. "Fuyutsuki, I'll leave the rest to you."

Fuyutsuki was perplexed by his former student's action. "Ikari?"

"I'll start preparing for the EVA launch in the cage," the commander of NERV stated.

Fuyutsuki had a good idea of just how he planned to do that. "Don't tell me...Manually?"

"There's an emergency diesel generator," Gendo indicated as he pulled a switch.

"But...we have no pilots," Fuyutsuki pointed out.

Ignoring this, moments later Gendo was directing a group of techs as they used manual pulleys to ready the entry plugs for the EVAs. Ritsuko walked up to him as he was going about this task.

"Fuyutsuki's right," the head scientist stated. "The pilots still aren't here yet."

Ikari remained undaunted. "Do not worry. They'll come without fail."

The maintenance tunnel...

The quintet had arrived at what was indicated to be tunnel R-15, only to discover that it was a dead end, as construction on the expansion of the tunnel had not started.

"Something tells me not even your strength can get us through this one," Shinji said to Maria.

"Any other ducts we can crawl through?" Mari asked.

Rei pointed to one that was currently closed. "We will need to break it open in order to proceed," she said.

Maria was already thinking ahead of her. "Asuka, Shinji, can you give me a boost?"

The two nodded and, getting into position as a couple of human stepstools, allowed Maria to stand on their cupped hands while lifting her up towards the vent. Then, after gripping the outer edge of the grate, Maria, with a grunt, pulled it off and tossed it to the side before clambering inside the duct. From there, she had Rei reach up and grab her hands as she pulled the bluenette in. When Rei moved ahead of Maria, she then repeated the same with Asuka, then Asuka for Shinji, and finally Shinji for Mari. Once all were inside, they then followed Rei's lead as they continued on towards the EVA cages.

The EVA cages...

Gendo was in the thick of it as he and a group of techs raised and lowered the pulleys holding Unit-01's entry plug as they guided it into position above the back of the EVA's neck. Maya, observing through a pair of binoculars, confirmed to Ritsuko that the plug was now fixed and ready for insertion.

"Good," the bottle-blonde replied. "Now we just need the kids to get here." Sure enough, as if someone were reading her mind, she, Maya, Aoi, and Satsuki noticed the sound of someone--five someones--crawling through the ducts above them. From there, a grate just a few feet away from their standing positions was kicked off the duct, and Rei jumped down from it in a graceful landing; from there, Maria followed her. Shinji was next out, and caught Asuka when she exited next, the two of them giving off a slight blush due to their positions. Mari was the last out, standing back up in an exaggerated pose like an Olympic gymnast.

"Perfect! You made it!" Ritsuko said with a smile on her face.

The pilots' arrival wasn't lost on Gendo, who then turned to the crew of techs. "All units, prepare for entry!"

"How are the EVAs?" Shinji asked Ritsuko.

"In standby," she answered, pointing towards Unit-01 with her thumb.

"How'd you all manage that without the power?" Asuka asked.

"We did it the old-fashioned way," Ritsuko replied, "by hand. The Commander's idea."

Shinji looked towards where Gendo was working alongside the crewmen as they lowered the entry plug into the back of Unit-01's neck, his eyes slightly narrowed. "My father's idea, eh?"

Ritsuko nodded. "Commander Ikari had faith you'd come, and made sure everything was prepared."

Clever, clever, Commander, Shinji mused to himself. Getting down 'in the trenches' to better your reputation in the eyes of the grunts. We'll see how long that lasts...

Moments later, each of the pilots had made their way to the locker rooms, gotten suited up, and had gotten into their respective entry plugs.

"Plugs inserted," Maya confirmed.

"All units activated via backup power supply," Aoi added.

Gendo nodded. "Release the primary lock bolts," he commanded.

With that, the crewmen used axes to hack the cables for the bolts off, releasing the locks and causing them to retract.

"Zero pressure," Maya reported. "All EVAs are free."

Gendo then looked up towards the EVAs. "All Units, force open the restraints under your own power, and proceed to move out!"

An elevator car within NERV HQ...

"Godammit, what's taking them so long?" Misato groaned as she tried to keep herself cool. The situation was starting to really get to her, especially considering she was trapped in the elevator car with Kaji. Although they'd been considerably more civil around one another of late, the longer she was in here with him, the harder it was for her to keep certain feelings of regret at bay, feelings she couldn't easily admit, since that would it turn force her to admit that she was the author of the cloud of unhappiness that followed her. She couldn't get mad at him--again, they'd been pretty civil, even friendly to one another.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kaji asked her. "I mean, aside from another gripe about the lack of air conditioning." In truth, he was pretty concerned with how she'd been acting towards him during their present 'captivity'.

Misato shrugged. "Just thinking of what everyone else is doing while we're in a real-life 'bottle episode'."

Kaji gave her a small smile before he spoke. "Well, I'm pretty sure whatever it is they're working on, they're getting on fine without us in their hair."

The EVA cages...

"Get ready, everyone! Hurry up!" Ritsuko ordered as the emergency batteries were loaded into the EVAs. Thank god for Maria's input when we rebuilt these battery packs.

"Emergency batteries have been loaded!" Maya called out.

"All right, we're set!" Ritsuko replied back. "EVAs, launch!"

Soon, the five EVAs were crawling their way through the launch shafts towards the surface, with Asuka this time at the head.

"Geez, this is so undignified," she muttered to herself.

"We're approaching the vertical shaft," Rei indicated.

Upon receiving this, Asuka promptly had Unit-02 kick the access door away, giving the five biomechs entry into the shaft, which they then proceeded to carefully scale their way upwards.

"Still undignified," Asuka muttered again.

"We get it, we get it," Shinji said. "But hey, sometimes this gig's a dirty job, remember?"

"Ooooh, cut the smartass act, Third!" Asuka bit back.

Eventually, they made it to the surface and stood upon the city streets, pallet rifles at the ready. It was then that they finally spotted the Angel...along with its tiny opponent zipping through the air around it, shooting at the eye-like things on its body and irritating it in the process.

"Guys?" Shinji started to say, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing right now?"

Asuka had her Unit-02's camera optics zoom in for a closer look, and became astonished by the sight. "If you mean the person flying with a jetpack shooting at the Angel, then definitely."

"We must assist them," Rei stated. "Even with that weapon of theirs, they cannot last long against the Angel."

"Then what're we waiting for?" Mari posed as a grin appeared on her face. "Let's give the wannabe Kumonga a warm, Tokyo-3-style welcome!"

With that, the EVAs made their way towards the creature, and as they got closer, Maria activated her Unit-04's external speakers.

"Get out of the way!" she shouted.

Don't have to tell me twice, Mana thought as she flew straight up a good distance away from the Angel. "Watch out for the acid!" she warned the EVAs as she gained more altitude.

"Say wha--?" Asuka started to ask before one of the Angel's eyes looked right at her and let loose a couple of 'tears' of acid, causing her to quickly jump to the side. "Expanding AT-Field!" she exclaimed as she did, unfurling her AT-Field to cancel out the Angel's and, in a quick-draw fashion, aimed and immediately fired her pallet rifle at the Angel. The stream of giant shells completely tore through the body of the creature easily, filling it full of holes and completely obliterating the core within. As the Angel released a final insectoid screech, it fell to the ground and became still.

"Bullseye!" Mari cheered in her Unit-03 as it and the other EVAs surrounded the now-dead Angel.

Asuka then saw a comm-window appear on her screen, revealed to be from Shinji. "Congrats, Asuka," he said, a smile on his face. "Your first solo Angel kill. I'm happy for you."

Asuka, on hearing this, smiled at his praise, which she genuinely appreciated. Before she could reply, Unit-00 pointed towards just a few feet in the sky above them. Again, Asuka had Unit-02's optics zoom in towards the mysterious person with the jetpack.

Said person flashed the EVAs a salute. What she did next took most of the pilots by surprise, as she then proceeded to start flying in a certain series of patterns, leaving a trailing stream behind them.

"Wait, is she..." Shinji started to ask.

"...Sky-writing?" Asuka finished.

When the jetpack-flyer finished, she gave the EVAs a friendly wave goodbye before zooming off in the other direction, leaving the message she'd just written behind. It was Rei who ended up reading the message aloud:

"Happy to help!
From, The Rocketeer"

End Chapter 22.
Chapter 23: The Shadow Laughs
Chapter 23 - The Shadow Laughs

"Open...Dammit, open!"

Those were the words uttered by one Misato Katsuragi as she attempted to open the emergency hatch in the ceiling of the elevator car she and Ryoji Kaji were currently stuck in, bathed in the red emergency lighting. Kaji himself was holding her up, her ankles resting on his shoulders, and trying not to look up her skirt (at her vehement insistence) while she fiddled with the hatch. Just when it seemed like he wouldn't get a reprieve any time soon, the lighting, in a moment of 'perfect' timing, chose to return to normal, startling them enough that Misato wobbled from her spot and caused the two of them to crash to the floor of the elevator car. When the doors to the elevator opened the very next second, the trio of Ritsuko, Makoto, and Maya found the two of them lying in a heap that, on first glance, would've come off as quite a compromising position for the two to be in.

Misato, already having an idea of what assumptions would be going through the trio's heads, gave them quite a glare. "I'm only going to say this once--this isn't what it looks like, CONTEXT is king. GOT IT?"

Ritsuko looked to her two subordinates briefly before they all gave Misato an understanding nod.

"Good," Misato said. "Now one of you please kindly help me up--I've got a date with the ladies' room, and I need to get there, FAST."

Outside, a hill overlooking Tokyo-3...

The pilots had been instructed to power down the EVAs and 'park' them on the outskirts of the city for the time being while the power was restored to the lift systems; they would be given the 'all-clear' on their radios as soon as it was safe enough for them to return. In the meantime, the five teenagers took a moment to do a bit of stargazing while they waited.

"Funny, isn't it?" Shinji mused. "The only time where one can appreciate the beauty of the universe's lights is when our man-made ones are fully off."

"Yeah, but come on," Asuka countered. "Without the lights of the city, how can you even know if anyone's there? To me, a city isn't truly 'alive' unless it's brightly-lit and active--that's the best sign of life as it'll ever be."

Rei, gazing towards the currently-darkened city, spoke up at that point. "Man has always feared the darkness, carving away at it with fire."

Maria, a slight smirk on her face, spoke up in turn. "True, BUT--'I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars'."

Rei looked in the blonde's direction on hearing that. "I do not believe I know that one."

"Og Mandino," Maria said. "American self-help author. Haven't read much of his material, yet for some reason, that quote tends to stick with me. I'd say it's quite applicable in this instance. The guy had an interesting life philosophy: in his view, every person on earth is a miracle, and should choose to direct their life with confidence and congruent to the laws that govern abundance."

"Think maybe us supposedly all being 'miracles' is why the Angels keep darkening our doorstep?" Mari posed. The others gave it a little thought before simply offering an unsure shrug in response. "Just checking. Personally, as long as we're waxing philosophical on light and darkness, I've always been partial to this little nugget: 'Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.' Terry Pratchett's Reaper Man." Her gaze turned towards Rei. "Bluebird, if you ever want to crawl down that particular rabbit hole, I'm happy to oblige with my complete Discworld library."

"I will take you up on that offer," Rei said.

Asuka, not one to avoid one-upmanship, threw her hat into the ring. "'The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.'"

Rei figured out where that came from almost immediately. "John 1:5, in the New Testament."

"Never figured you for the religious sort," Shinji noted.

"I'm not," Asuka replied. "You could say me and my family are lapsed Catholics. It's something I remember from the times where my parents and I did go to Sunday mass when I was a toddler. I always held onto it, and in a sense, repurposed it when I started focusing more on the scientific end of things. It's been one of my chief motivators for as long as I can remember." A tiny smirk emerged on her face at that moment. "What about you, Third?"

Shinji gave it some thought for a moment before he responded. "'In the light, we read the inventions of others; in the darkness, we invent our own stories.'"

The girls, judging by the looks on their faces, were a bit perplexed by that statement. "Where'd you pull that one from?" Asuka asked.

Shinji, sporting a tiny grin, nonchalantly answered her. "Alberto Manguel's The Library at Night. Pretty good read. I have a copy back at the apartment if interested."

Just then, the lights of the city began to come back on, indicating that power had been restored. It was further confirmed after the pilots received the news over their radios, directing them to return to their EVAs and walk them back to the lifts, and from there, get them back inside the Geofront.

NERV HQ, outside the pilot locker rooms...

The quintet had just exited the locker rooms after having showered off the lingering LCL when they were met by Misato and Ritsuko, who informed them that they were needed for a briefing on the bridge. After arriving on the bridge, Shinji took a moment to quickly speak with Dr. Hitomi Kaga. A minute later, the majority of staff were present on the bridge when Gendo returned to the command perch, Fuyutsuki at his side.

"First off," Gendo started to say, "let me congratulate you all on keeping a cool head while we endured a most unusual crisis, and all while in the middle of an unexpected Angel attack. Were it not for your perseverance and hard work, we may as well have been finished." His focus then turned to the pilots. "I would especially like to thank our brave Evangelion pilots for dutifully navigating their way to Central Dogma in time for them to meet the threat of the Angel--which the MAGI have since codenamed 'Matarael'--head-on, in spite of the limitations brought on by the blackout." His gaze then returned to addressing everyone present. "The suspected perpetrators have been found by a Section-2 sweep after being given input from the pilots." From his spot next to Misato, Kaji was already suspecting said perpetrators were more Neo-Xanadu goons. "They are currently being held in our cell block until we can hand them over to the proper authorities."

Before Gendo could go any further, the lights went out in Central Dogma, leaving only a few dim console screens to offer some low visibility and eliciting a number of exasperated groans from the staff.

"Oh COME ON!" Ritsuko griped the loudest. "Don't tell me Section-2 missed a few--!"

Ritsuko was then interrupted...by laughing. The only thing was, it wasn't coming from any of the staff.

The haunting, sinister-sounding laughter reverberated across the walls of the bridge, shocking and in a few cases even terrifying a few techs. Gendo remained wary, a stony look on his face, while Fuyutsuki's eyes widened slightly in astonishment. Down below, Misato, Kaji, and the others looked all around, trying to determine where or who the laughter was coming from. Maria and Mari had an inkling of who it could be; Maya, Rei, and Asuka, on the other hand, knew very well whose laugh it was that was echoing throughout Central Dogma.

It was the laugh of the Shadow!

"Congratulations are indeed warranted, good people of NERV," the Shadow finally said. "You have lived to fight another day, beating the odds against both enemies without...and within."

"Identify yourself!" Gendo ordered. "What are your intentions?"

The Shadow darkly chuckled before he answered, his voice heard but his face remaining unseen by all. "Straight to the point as usual, aren't we, Commander Ikari? I come here to, ironically, shed a bit of light upon the men your Section-2 agents just brought into custody. As you suspect, they are indeed of the same group responsible for the ultimately failed kidnapping attempts on the pilots. They, and those who preceded them, are members of a criminal syndicate known as Neo-Xanadu. This may not have been the first, but it will not be the last time they make inroads into your domain. Looks like another adjustment in your security measures will be in order, especially after this latest incursion during a most dire...situation."

Gendo remained stoic even in the face of the Shadow's 'critique'. "Your assessment is accurate. But what do you have to gain from providing us with this information?"

There was a pause before the Shadow finally answered. "Simple, really. Like many here, I too do not wish to see the only agency capable of defeating the Angels crippled at the most critical of junctures. Therefore, I seek to thwart these interlopers at every turn, when I can. But...Neo-Xanadu shouldn't be the only group you should be concerned with." He paused again, before addressing the rest of the staff. "For those of you who work under Gendo Ikari, heed my advice--beware those who bear the emblem with seven eyes. For if the Angels don't get you...they most certainly will."

Gendo's, Fuyutsuki's, and even Ritsuko's eyes widened slightly with surprise, though this was unseen by the rest of everyone. Gendo quickly recovered as he posed one other question.

"And you believe that such a threat exists?" he asked.

Again, the Shadow chuckled darkly, before saying something in a way that would chill many of the staff to the bone. "Oh, I don't just believe, Commander Ikari. After all, who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"

The Shadow let out one final, hauntingly maniacal laugh as the lights briefly flickered, offering the stunned staff a very brief glimpse of the man in the black suit with the red scarf covering the lower half of his face. When the lights fully came back on, to their mutual shock, no one was there.

Gendo reasserted himself as the staff began to chatter among themselves, ordering them to return to their work in ensuring HQ's systems were fully back up and running, as well as to begin any repairs on the Evangelions; the pilots were also dismissed for the evening. As everyone did just that and either resumed their tasks or headed on home, Gendo and Fuyutsuki left the bridge and made their way towards the former's office.

As they walked, Fuyutsuki quietly brought something up that they both had on their minds: "The Committee's going to want to hear about this."

Gendo concurred with a nod. "Indeed. This development changes everything. Once more, we must adapt the scenario for these unforeseen complications."

Meanwhile, as the pilots walked with Misato to her car in the Geofront's multi-level garage, Shinji silently thanked his co-conspirator for facilitating the conditions for his earlier 'performance'...

The bridge, fifteen minutes ago...

After arriving on the bridge before the briefing was to begin, Shinji quietly approached Dr. Hitomi Kaga, who was going over some data on her tablet.

"Excuse me, Dr. Kaga?" Shinji asked.

Looking up from her tablet, Hitomi took notice of the Third Child. "Hm? Something I can help you with, Shinji?"

Shinji's expression then grew serious. "The lights are on..." he quietly said while handing her a folded slip of paper, which hid a small device made by one of his more techno-savvy operatives.

Hitomi's eyes widened slightly as she understood the meaning of his words. "...But nobody's home," she just-as-quietly finished, taking the slip of paper and the device within. Unfolding the paper behind her tablet, she looked over the instructions typed on it, and carefully moved her way to the main console that controlled the lighting of the bridge. Unseen by the rest of her co-workers, she slipped the device under the console and attached it. Upon activation, the timer counted down the seconds it took for Gendo to get into his briefing, right up until his mention of the detainment of the Neo-Xanadu agents, before plunging the bridge into darkness again, this time by the Shadow's design.

End Chapter 23.
Chapter 24: The Shadow's Rival
Chapter 24 - The Shadow's Rival

"Well, that was an interesting way to end the day."

Those were the words spoken by one Ryoji Kaji, commenting on what went down mere hours ago on the bridge of Central Dogma. He and Misato were at a booth at the Café Cat's Meow at his invitation, as a way to unwind after the events of the day, which in addition to the blackout and Angel attack, was capped off 'nicely' with a surprise 'appearance' from the Shadow--right within NERV's walls.

"That's the understatement of the year," Misato replied with a hint of sarcasm as she took a sip from her cup. Like Kaji before her, she had to admit, for a place right on the cusp of the more run-down parts of the city, they made a very good cup of coffee. "Looks like I'll be subscribing to a couple of tabloids soon, if I ever want to get a handle on tall, dark and no visibility."

"Better make sure they check their sources," Kaji said with a mild chuckle before nibbling on the scone that accompanied his coffee.

"Seems like the stuff Hyuga's told the rest of us didn't do him justice," Misato said. "I don't scare easily, but that laugh of his...it really sent a chill down my spine. Hard to believe he's one of the good guys."

"Yet his decades-long record speaks for itself," Kaji noted. "Theatrics aside, his help's probably the main reason Section-2's really gotten off their asses of late."

Misato looked up at him on hearing that. "So you've also noticed it before," she guessed. "And here I thought I was the only one who felt they were doing a lousy job of being bodyguards before now. Part of me even felt it was deliberate."

Though Kaji couldn't affirm her sentiments out loud, he too had an inkling that the 'lip service' Section-2 paid as protection for the pilots was also by design. "Well, enough about the Shadow--what about that new face that popped up during the Angel's attack, the one Unit-02's cameras recorded?"

"Right, the 'Rocketeer'," Misato said. "Someone flying around on a jetpack was another thing I don't think any of us saw coming. First thing I thought of was the old Astro Boy cartoons I'd watch with my grandparents." A small smile came to her lips as she continued. "They always were Granddad's favorite." The smile then disappeared as something else occurred to her. "Now I'm wondering if this city's going to be crawling with supervillains or something--I mean, already we've been dealing with goons from an actual crime syndicate, what's next? Mad scientists?"

Kaji merely shrugged. "Nice to know at least another old-fashioned hero's come back to deal with those kinds of small fry while NERV handles the Angels."

Misato grew confused at that statement. "Wait, what do you mean, 'come back'? Are you saying the Rocketeer's another one of those--?"

Kaji nodded. "Nobody really knows who the Shadow is, but there's plenty we do know about one of his contemporaries. I did a little research before we came here after seeing Unit-02's recordings. The original Rocketeer first popped up in America towards the end of the 1930s; declassified CIA records years later revealed him as a stunt pilot by the name of Cliff Secord, who somehow found himself entrusted with an experimental rocket pack created by both Doc Savage and Howard Hughes. Wound up not only becoming a scourge to criminals everywhere, but also thwarting a number of Axis attempts to sabotage the Allies during the Second World War, even occasionally serving on the front lines. Once the Space Race began, Secord hung up his pack and became a part-time instructor for NASA, training astronauts for spaceflights in the decades that followed. Last anyone had heard from him, he'd served as an advisor for the pilots of the T•RIDEN•T project."

"I've heard of that," Misato said. "The experimental 'land cruiser' proposed in the wake of Jet Alone's failure, only this time it was a collaboration between the JSSDF and the international community. They'd gotten past the prototype stage when the project was shut down, apparently due to the recommendations of a few of the key backers of the project." She gazed into her coffee cup before changing gears in the conversation. "Secord's probably in his mid-to-late-90's by now, so I doubt he's strapped on his jetpack again. Just begs the question of who decided to take up his mantle."

"Which means whoever did so must be pretty close to the guy," Kaji put forward. "Throughout his life, Secord never divulged any plans or schematics for the rocket pack; same with Doc Savage. Of course, everyone knows what happened to Howard Hughes in his later years..."

Misato nodded, thinking of the numerous comedy sketches she'd seen on TV that used the Hughes archetype of a reclusive, paranoid, unshaven germophobic rich guy who never trimmed his nails. At that moment, she eyed the clock hanging on one of the cafe's walls. "I'd better head home, make sure the kids are okay. Probably need to grab some shuteye myself. Thanks for the coffee."

Kaji smiled while motioning for one of the sisters who ran the café to come by with the bill. "My pleasure, as always."

Gendo Ikari's virtual meeting room, around the same time...

"This is indeed an unsettling turn of events," Lorenz Kihl, otherwise known as SEELE-01, stated. The rest of the council concurred with his sentiments, given the bombshell that Gendo Ikari had just dropped on them in regards to the uninvited guest NERV had just hosted hours before. "Many of us here have long memories, Ikari. We are quite aware of the reputation of the Shadow, having been around when this...vigilante was in his supposed prime. A few among our membership, regretfully, were once connected to certain criminal enterprises that were dismantled by the Shadow's efforts; but that was then--they, like the rest of us, were young and naïve, unknowing of the great destiny that awaited us all these decades later."

Gendo bore no change in his usual expression. "His presence could pose a threat to the Project if left unchecked," the Commander stated. "And yet, he claimed to want to deal with the other interlopers that have made their way into Tokyo-3."

"Yes, yes, the operatives of this so-called 'Neo-Xanadu'," SEELE-08 said. "Personally, I would say let them fight one another. If we're lucky, they will be too occupied with their own private war to interfere in the progress of the Project; if we are even more fortunate, they may destroy each other in the process."

"Just how do you plan to address these breaches of security should they continue, Ikari?" SEELE-05 posed. "They can no longer be tolerated."

"We are currently reevaluating our security measures and personnel screenings," Gendo answered. "Make no mistake--NERV shall remain as cut off to Neo-Xanadu as it is for most civilians." Let alone whatever operatives you yourselves have planted within our midst, he privately thought to himself.

"And what of the Shadow?" SEELE-03 asked.

"That is a more complicated affair," Gendo replied. "Given your supposed brushes with the Shadow, any suggestions would be welcomed."

A pause hung in the air as the SEELE council gave Gendo's words some thought.

"We will deliberate on this matter ourselves, for the moment," Kihl finally said. "You will hear from us should we offer you any possible solutions. In the meantime...continue to be on your guard, Ikari. One can never tell what lurks in the darkness, after all..."

The top floor of a skyscraper, Hong Kong...

In a fighting dojo located in one wing of the executive floor of one of the tallest office buildings in Hong Kong, a group of men clad in martial arts training gear stood ready as they engaged with the subject of their sparring. Their opponent for this sparring session was an athletic-looking 15-year-old girl, clad in her own gi, her long black hair done up in a bun. Getting into a stance, the girl motioned for the men to begin.

One man made the first move and lunged towards the girl, only for her to swiftly block the man's strike and turn it into a toss, sending him flying towards one end of the mat. The next man who came forward tried to land a kick on her, which she evaded and struck back with two well-timed punches to the man's chest, causing him to collapse onto the floor. Two more men leaped into the fray in an attempt to gang up on the girl; she quickly got out of their way and landed a swift kick to one man's face and another kick into the other man's back. It was a sequence that repeated itself as the next few men deemed themselves brave enough to attempt to pin the girl, until a woman in her early-to-mid-thirties and dressed for business entered the dojo.

["Mistress, a moment, if you would?"] the woman asked.

The girl, on hearing her, signaled her sparring partners to stop as she held one man down with his arm behind his back. She then stood back up, and she and the men exchanged bows. ["That will be all for today,"] the girl said. ["There is still room for improvement. Continue your training."]

["Yes, Ma'am!"] the men all replied as they stood at attention, before leaving the dojo single-file. The girl and the woman then walked over to a nearby desk, where the latter then placed a couple of folders on the surface.

["We have an update on the Tokyo-3 operation,"] the woman began. ["One of our operatives in NERV's Section-2 reports that our three-man sabotage team was apprehended following the blackout they caused and the Angel attack that occurred at the same time."]

["Any explanation?"] the girl inquired as she went over the files contained within the folders.

["It would appear that something caused them to fall unconscious as they made their way through one of NERV headquarters' maintenance tunnels,"] the woman answered. ["Most likely something chemical-based. We'll learn more once our plant in their medical division comes through."]

The girl smiled on hearing this. ["Good to hear,"] she said, while twirling a pencil between her fingers as if it were a baton. ["It pleases me to know NERV has been focused so much on our operatives' more 'overt' activities that they continue to overlook the ones who have already embedded themselves among their personnel."]

["There is more to it than that,"] the woman said. ["It was during a post-battle briefing that Commander Gendo Ikari himself was giving that our spy in Technical Division-1 made an astonishing discovery--something that should be of great interest to you."]

["Oh?"] the girl said, slightly-amused. ["Do tell me, Ms. Leong, just what was it that our insider has learned?"]

Ms. Leong did not hesitate in her answer. ["According to them, an unexpected intruder made their presence known on the bridge of Central Dogma, taking everyone by great surprise. But not just any intruder...the Shadow has returned, and is in Tokyo-3."]

The girl did not show a reaction in her face, now adorned with a cold look; instead, she reacted by snapping the pencil she'd been twirling in her fingers into splinters. The Shadow...it was a hated name in her family, for it was the Shadow that was responsible for the downfall of one of its greatest warriors--her great-grandfather--many decades ago. Over the years, those who preceded her as head of the organization made an effort to subtly keep tabs on the Shadow's activities, to the point where they became emboldened after noting the vigilante having all but vanished towards the end of the Cold War. And now, after so many years without so much as a whisper, her family's long-hated foe was back in action?

The girl rose from her seat and walked over to a window overlooking the city, pondering her next move in light of this revelation. ["Ms. Leong, instruct our operatives to continue monitoring the Shadow situation as it further develops,"] the girl commanded, ["in addition to their current mission of 'readying' NERV for our eventual takeover."]

["And what will you be doing in the meantime?"] Ms. Leong asked.

The girl allowed a small smirk to grace her lips. ["Planning for our own eventual visit to Tokyo-3,"] she replied. ["Dismissed."]

Ms. Leong nodded and turned to exit the dojo, leaving her mistress to ruminate on her future plans. The girl continued to gaze out the window at the breadth of downtown Hong Kong as she thought on what she'd learned. She'd trained long and hard for the day when the Shadow reemerged, and was going to relish in every bit of their destined confrontation...for Batu Khan, the young head of Neo-Xanadu, one of the largest crime syndicates the world over, had vowed to defeat the Shadow and avenge her great-grandfather: his greatest foe, Shiwan Khan.

End Chapter 24.
Chapter 25: Death Rides the Skyway, Part 1 of 2
Chapter 25 - Death Rides the Skyway, Part 1 of 2

The dream was the same for her every other night. A memory that she'd never forget. Fifteen years ago, the day that life--her life--went to hell at the bottom of the world.

The blast was enormous, the shockwaves causing structures at the base camp to lurch until they snapped and collapsed. Debris mixed with powdery snow blew about as bodies were thrown in the wind, coming to rest atop the piles of those already dead. Amidst all the chaos and carnage, a lone man walked unsteadily, carrying a young girl in his arms, both of them covered in blood. With one hand, the man activated the lone emergency survival capsule, opening the hatch and placed the young girl--his daughter, Misato--inside. She could barely make out, off to the side, a sight too fantastic to comprehend, as a piece of roofing was blown off to reveal a great giant of light. Then, her view of the giant was obstructed as the man leaned over her and placed a small object around her neck: a cross-shaped pendant. A trickle of his blood fell onto her cheek as she watched the man, a sad look on his face, close the hatch of the capsule.

"Father..." was all she managed to get out just as the hatch closed fully. His task complete, the man in question, Professor Wataru Katsuragi, collapsed onto the capsule, a mere moment before a massive shockwave blew everything away. Some time later, the capsule, drifting about on the surface of the Antarctic ocean, came to a position where the hatch could be opened. Misato did just that, and slowly steadied herself upright. What met her gaze were two great pillars of light, standing tall within a vortex of clouds. It was a sight Misato Katsuragi would never forget, as long as she lived...

In the present, Misato herself was getting dressed for the day. A grave expression was on her face as she looked in her full-length mirror. Again the same dream...or rather, memory...had visited her in her sleep. Before, she would have relied on a good amount of beer to keep these grim reminders at bay, but having since quit, they had come back. The only difference was, she was doing her best to deal with the stress from them in more...constructive ways, one such being taking out her tension on the punching bag at NERV's athletic facilities. She turned her gaze to the same cross pendant left to her by her father, resting on the desk beside her, just as a flash of lightning briefly illuminated the scene.

The foyer of the apartment...

"Thanks, Shin-man," Toji said as the boy in question handed him and Kensuke some fresh towels. "The rain really did a number on us."

"No problem," Shinji said. "Wouldn't want you looking like a drowned rat in front of Hikari now, would we?"

Toji sputtered in an attempt to bite back at Shinji's insinuation, much to Kensuke's chuckling delight. "Miss Misato up yet?" the otaku asked.

"Haven't heard a peep from her," Shinji replied. "Probably still asleep, thanks to all that work that kept her up most of the night."

Toji, having regained his composure, chimed in. "Oh yeah, forgot she's still got all that admin stuff to do."

The front door then opened, and in walked Asuka, Rei, Maria, and Mari, all dry thanks to the fact that the walkway was covered. "Hey, Third--" She made a slight scowl at Toji and Kensuke. "What're you two stooges doing here?"

"Chill, Asuka, they're just drying off for a bit," Shinji said, hoping to avert a potential conflict.

"If you say so," Asuka said with a slight roll of her eyes.

At that moment, the door to Misato's room opened, and Misato herself stepped out, fully-dressed, a somewhat serious look on her face. An awkward silence hung over the scene until Kensuke cleared his throat. "Er, sorry if we disturbed you, Miss Misato," he said. "'What do you mean 'we', kemosabe?'" Maria smarmily, subtly threw out, causing Kensuke to give her a slight side-stink-eye.

Misato, thankfully, let that breeze by her as a small smile appeared on her face. "Hey everyone," she greeted, her mood slightly uplifted as she focused on the pilots. "Remember, guys, harmonics test tonight, so don't be late."

"Right," Shinji said.

"Got it," Asuka followed.

"Understood," Rei added thirdly.

"Roger," Maria said.

"Okily-dokily," Mari threw out with a slight two-finger salute, eliciting a slight eye-roll from Misato.

Kensuke, noticing something in particular, adjusted his glasses slightly as he took a closer look at the collar of Misato's jacket. "OH! Uh, congratulations on your promotion!" he said with a bow. Toji, not understanding at first, proceeded to follow his friend's lead as he bowed and offered his own congratulations.

"Thank you," Misato said.

"I was wondering when someone would bring that up," Shinji mused.

"Wait, you knew and didn't say anything?!" Kensuke asked, surprised. "Way to bury the lead, man!"

Misato, grabbing her umbrella after slipping her shoes on, then proceeded to head out the door. "Well then, I'll see most of you guys later," she said. "Stay dry!" With that, she walked until making her way to the elevator.

Back in the apartment, Toji was still a bit confused. "....Someone wanna fill me in on what we just congratulated her for?"

Kensuke and Maria gave him exasperated sighs, which Mari and Shinji chuckled at.

"Didn't you see her collar tab?" Kensuke pointed out to the jock.

"Uh...she got her jacket pressed?" Toji hazarded a guess.

Rei stepped up to offer an explanation. "The number of lines on her pin have been increased to two, indicating that Captain Katsuragi has been promoted from the rank of captain to the rank of major."

"Oh right, I was wondering when she was going to mention that," Asuka said. "But now it gives me an idea..."

NERV HQ testing lab, hours later...

All five pilots were in their plugs, concentrating while those administering the tests took down the data being collected.

"All Units are at the edge of the contamination zone," Maya reported. "Looks like they've reached their limit."

Ritsuko looked over the data, noting a few things as she spoke. "Impressive all around, especially with Rei," she observed. "It's amazing how far she's come from her earlier scores."

"She's catching up to all of them, I've noticed," Satsuki mentioned. "Maybe all that time in the company of kids like her was what she needed."

"Seems likely," Ritsuko affirmed. "One thing for sure, of all of them, Shinji, Maria, and Asuka are pretty much top-ranked."

"It's like they were born to pilot the EVAs," Kaede chimed in. Deep down, Ritsuko grimly mused to herself that the tech couldn't have been further from the truth.

The test soon concluded, and Ritsuko debriefed the pilots when they came in. "Good work, all of you," she complimented. "You're doing very well. Shinji, your harmonics value has increased by eight points since the last test."

"Still below my score," Asuka said. "Looks like he's still got a ways to go before overtaking me."

"And me," Maria pointed out. "I am second, after all, but don't think I won't idly stay there."

"Dream on, blondie," Asuka jabbed back.

Ritsuko took a moment to clear her throat. "Settle down, girls, these are just harmonics tests, not the Olympic trials."

Moments later, the five pilots had piled into Misato's car, and they were being driven back alongside a slightly-weary major.

Realizing it was too quiet, Shinji elected to speak up. "On behalf of the whole pilot corps, let me offer you a belated congratulations on your promotion."

"Just remember to thank all us 'little people' when you give a speech at some point," Mari slyly added.

Misato chuckled a little before she responded. "Thanks, all of you," she said. "Though honestly, I'm not exactly thrilled by it."

"You're being too modest, Misato," Asuka said. "You've been working your ass off so much, you deserve it!"

"I agree," Rei said. "You have led us through truly harrowing battles, and we have all managed to avert disaster each time, all thanks to your guidance."

Misato slightly blushed on hearing this. "Thanks, Rei--seriously, that means a lot to me."

Soon all six were back at the apartment building, and Misato curiously wondered why the girls had followed her and Shinji to her door.

"Uh, guys...is there something I should know about?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all," Shinji said evasively, while Mari whistled idly.

Misato, suspicious, carefully opened her door, only to be met with one word on both sides of the threshold:


The lights flipped on the moment that was said as a couple of party poppers sounded off and a large banner unfurled. On it read:

Congrats! You're Moving Up in the World!

Misato was speechless as she looked from the EVA pilots behind her to the group of people standing within her apartment. In addition to Hikari, Toji, and Kensuke, the six bridge techs were present, as were Hitomi, Ritsuko and Kaji. After the wave of congratulations subsided, Misato finally spoke up.

"You-you guys..." she started to say, the tiniest of tears beginning to well at her eyes as a small smile crept onto her face. "I can't believe you did this. How--?"

"You can thank Asuka for that," Maria admitted as she pointed to the redhead. "She started selling us on the idea a little while after you'd left earlier today. We started getting things ready following that."

"Like I said before in the car, you deserve it Misato," Asuka said. "Think of this also doubling as an impromptu 'chief tactical officer appreciation party' while we're at it. Now enough standing there like you just won Best Actress--step right in, 'cause it's party time!"

Moments later, everyone was gathered in the living room of the apartment, each with a drink in-hand (non-alcoholic, to the 'chagrin' of most of the adult guests) as they chatted amongst themselves following the toast they'd made. (Even Pen-Pen had joined in, and was now sitting on Hikari's lap.) Shinji was fortunate that he'd managed to leave the handling of any criminal activity this evening to his operatives, including one of his newest recruits in Detective Kobayakawa of the Tokyo-3 PD, with whom he'd pointed in the right direction of a number of underworld dealings that could be broken up instantly (and with a little 'inside help' from 'Bandit'). Given her record and dedication to the job (as well as her weeding out any corrupt elements on the force, with a bit of his help), the boy secretly known as the Shadow was confident she and the others could handle things for now. His attention then returned to the woman at the center of the current festivities.

"Thank you, all of you...I'm really stunned you went out of your way like this," Misato said sincerely.

"It's no problem at all," Makoto replied. "Sure, we do a lot of the heavy lifting, but someone's got to keep said heavy lifting running smoothly, right?"

"Incidentally," Ritsuko started to say, "I also have more good news to deliver." The others raised their eyebrows, curious as to what she was going to say. "With both the Commander and Sub-Commander out of the country right now, you're in charge for the time being, Misato."

Misato's mouth hung open with surprise at hearing this. "Me? Are they serious?" she said. "I...I'm just a soldier, really."

"Well, you must be a pretty good one then, if they were trusting enough to let you hold the fort while they're gone," Kaji stated.

"Now that you both have mentioned it," Shinji piped up, "where are the commanders, exactly? Just curious."

"Right now, the two of them are at the South Pole," Ritsuko answered.

"Any reason why they'd be down in the former penguin paradise?" Mari posed.

"Sorry to say, the details are above your clearance level," Kaji replied.

At that moment, Shigeru got out his guitar, which he'd brought along. "All right, enough with the work-talk," the musician tech said. "It's not much of a party without a little music now, is it?"

"Want some accompaniment?" Maria offered as she quickly bounded out of the apartment towards hers and Mari's. She returned moments later with her own guitar. "I've practiced a lot."

"Heh, a girl after my own heart," Shigeru said as he tuned his own instrument while he addressed the 'audience'. "Any requests to start things off?"

Shinji smiled a bit as one song in particular came to mind. "Do you know 'Same Road, Same Reason', by any chance?"

Shigeru shot the Third Child a grin. "Someone here knows their Acoustic Alchemy. Not bad, kid--my old music teacher was into them big-time. It's how he taught me to play."

"And here I thought you were mainly just a metalhead with a side of punk," Aoi said, sporting a small, wry grin of her own.

"Something else Mr. Fujiwara taught me was that sometimes, the key to a lady's heart would be the notes of a good jazz tune," Shigeru responded before giving Maria the chords to start things off. Soon the two of them were playing a well-done rendition of 'Same Road, Same Reason', sometimes alternating parts of the song with each other. When the song finished, they were met with a round of applause. Maria decided to take the initiative and nodded to Shigeru, who returned it and let her lead off as she began playing a personal favorite of hers: 'Classical Gas'. While the others enjoyed the music as they quietly chatted amongst themselves, Shinji noticed that Misato had gotten up and excused herself to the veranda. Deciding to see what was up, he followed her out there and stood next to her.

"You all right?" he asked his guardian.

Noticing Shinji next to her, Misato offered him a small smile. "I'm good," she said before taking another sip of her soda.

"Not too big on open praise, are you?" he probed. "I thought you'd be happy that others appreciated your hard work."

"Oh I am, trust me," the major said. "At least a little. It's been a long time since I've celebrated with other people in such a carefree way. I'm glad I'm appreciated for what I do, but all the same, it just reminds me of why I joined NERV in the first place. You remember what I told Asuka the day at the onsen, right?"

Shinji nodded; though truthfully, he already knew before then, thanks to the extensive research Allard and his agents had done. "Made me realize what you meant when we talked during the ride to HQ on my first day here," he said. "About being conflicted about our fathers."

Misato nodded. "Lately though, I've been trying to get myself out of the 'revenge' mindset," she said. "I just don't want it to eat me alive at the worst possible moment, and have you guys suffer for it. I've got you to partly thank for that."

"No problem," Shinji said. "The world doesn't need any more Captain Ahabs."

"With you on that," Misato said as she and Shinji 'clinked' their cups together.

The Antarctic ocean, the following day...

The supercarrier Over the Rainbow was making its way home with the rest of the U.N. Pacific Fleet, the object of its NERV-backed mission strapped to the deck. The thing was almost as long as the ship itself, and appeared to be a gigantic, twin-pronged lance. In an enclosed observation deck, Gendo and Fuyutsuki watched the scenery pass by. It was a truly haunting sight: the once-blue waters of the coldest place on Earth, now blood-red thanks to the fallout of Second Impact fifteen years before. Jagged protrusions of ice stuck out, looking more like grave markers.

"The South Pole," Fuyutsuki remarked. "Once merely the harshest place on the planet yet able to support a small variety of life, now a world completely dominated by death. Perhaps this truly could be called Hell these days..."

"Yet we have managed to traverse it," Gendo put forward. "Mankind still is able to venture into this place, still alive and well."

"All because we've mastered much of the scientific principles," Fuyutsuki responded.

"And it is science that is the true power of man," Gendo said.

"That arrogance is what caused Second Impact in the first place, bringing a tragedy upon the world that makes the invention of the atomic bomb pale in comparison," the former professor pointed out. "And look what that has gotten us--a greater punishment than we deserve. Forget the body of water in the Middle East, this is truly the Dead Sea."

"At the same time," Gendo began to counter-argue, "this is now a world that has been purified--completely purged of the original sin."

Fuyutsuki wearily shook his head. "All the same, I'd prefer a world where people live, no matter how sinful it is."

It was at that moment that a communication came in for Gendo specifically. "Yes?" the NERV supreme commander asked.

"Reporting in, Sir," the comm-officer on the other line replied. "Message received from NERV-Central--an Angel has been detected in orbit above the Indian Ocean."

End Chapter 25.

Guest Omake 5 - "The Shadow Laughs (Out Loud)" by GainaxVel3o

There was a study session going on in Misato's apartment, made up of all five EVA pilots; Hikari, Kensuke, and Toji (or the 'stooges', as Asuka called them); and Mana, Mayumi, Musashi, and Keita. While taking a break from their studies, they found themselves shooting the breeze on the most trivial of matters, the way characters would in a Kevin Smith movie. (Or a Seinfeld rerun.) This time, their topic of discussion was on villains of fiction, foreign or domestic.

"If it came down to it, Palpatine's tops in my book," Shinji admitted. "He pretended to be a feeble old man yet he struck at Luke when he let his guard down. Trickery at its finest."

"Too bad he kept rambling on about the Dark Side so much that Luke snapped back at him," Mari grinned. "Personally, given half my background, I have a fondness for Sir Christopher Lee's interpretation of Dracula. Now that's an imposing guy."

"Meh, I'm more a fan of Gary Oldman's Drac," Maria said. "He could switch between smooth and scary in a matter of seconds."

"Give me Frieza any day," Asuka interjected. "He's so powerful, and bears a very regal way of speaking I really like. Especially his laugh, it lets you know he's serious."

It was then that Mana realized something. "All the best villains have evil laughs, huh? Why don't we give it a try?"

"An evil laugh?" Shinji questioned. "I'm not sure…"

"Come on Ikari, live a little!" Kensuke goaded him on. "Hey, Maria-san, why don't you give it a go first?"

Maria, at that invitation, let out a very haughty laugh, not unlike those of the usual baddies straight out of Sailor Moon, a comparison Hikari was quick to point out. (Keita countered that he thought it was more akin to Naga the Serpent's from the Slayers movies.) Asuka's laugh was likened to a shonen anime rival mocking the hero for his supposed idiocy. Mari let out more of a belly laugh, hearty and full of life as if she had finished the conquest of a neighboring kingdom. (Her laugh made Shinji dread the hypothetical day where Mari would be elected Prime Minster of Japan...Or of England...)

Everyone agreed that Rei's laugh was the most disturbing, in spite of her having never done one before. It was more of a hoarse whisper, one that promised pain should you disturb her haunted grave.

"Okay, okay, that was good, Rei. Really felt like a ghost," Asuka said as she turned to Shinji. "Hey, Third Child! Give us an evil laugh!"

Shinji was reluctant. He was more familiar with such things, given his training, but that didn't mean he was comfortable replicating Allard's shtick...or that of his enemies. Especially in public.

"I'm not sure if…" Shinji hesitantly said.

"Give us a laugh! Give us a laugh!" Musashi egged him on.

At the chorus of voices that followed, Shinji finally gave in. He summoned all his mental and physical training for this purpose, and let out the following:

"Heh heh heh...hooy…"

The reaction to that was so muted that one could only hear Pen-Pen munching on his food; the others were just that unimpressed. In a way, Shinji felt relief for the moment; at least he didn't give anything away.

"That was more 'Pee-Wee Herman' than villainous," Maria commented.

Shinji shrugged. "Oh, I don't know, some people find Pee-Wee Herman sort of scary."

"Okay Mana, your turn," Hikari said.

But before Mana could even try, Touji ran into the room while haphazardly holding a bowl of soup.


Touji, in his haste, tripped and fell onto the floor, sending the bowl of soup flying and spilling its contents...onto Asuka's dress.

"You-YOU PERVERT!" Asuka yelled angrily as she abruptly stood up. "DIE!"

She started kicking Touji while he was down, which for some reason everyone was okay with. They only stopped when they heard something that frightened them.

"Heh heh…heheheheheheh…" They turned to see Shinji trying to suppress a laugh. Given the way his face twisted, he had a hard time, especially with the level of real-life slapstick comedy he just witnessed. Eventually though…."HeHEHEHEHEHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The entire room fell silent. Even Rei's eyes widened at the sound and sight of it. When Shinji calmed down, he noticed the disturbed looks on his friends' faces.

"What? I was enjoying myself!" he said defensively.

The others were still silent for another minute, until they briefly gave each other a look. Rei finally spoke up.

"Ikari," she started to say, "please never laugh again."
Chapter 26: Death Rides the Skyway, Part 2 of 2
Chapter 26 - Death Rides the Skyway, Part 2 of 2

"When was it confirmed?" Misato asked. In a stark contrast to yesterday's more celebratory mood, it was all-business as NERV worked to prepare for the newest Angel's arrival.

"It appeared suddenly, just two minutes ago," Makoto reported.

"We've got video of the target," Shigeru added as he brought it up on the main monitor. The creature was shown to be orbiting high above the Earth, like a living satellite. It was orange in color, with its central body resembling a giant yellow eye with a green iris; on either side were appendages resembling three-fingered hands, with blue circles under each of the 'fingertips' and concentric yellow circles for palms.

"Impressive-looking specimen," Aoi noted.

"Ridiculous, is what it is," Misato stated.

"Makes me think of a rejected parade balloon," Kaede said.

"Closing on target," Satsuki reported. As she said that, two man-made satellites moved around the Angel as they began scanning and analyzing it. Right when the satellites had begun their next orbit around the Angel, the video footage was suddenly cut off.

"AT-Field?" Misato asked Ritsuko.

"If it is, it's the first we've seen it used as an offensive weapon by an Angel," the chief scientist surmised.

Meanwhile, in orbit, the Angel--which the MAGI had codenamed 'Sahaquiel'--began turning itself face-down, looking as if it were gazing at the surface of the planet. The next thing it did was break off a small piece of itself, which proceeded to drop and accelerate like a meteorite, burning up as it fell through the atmosphere until finally making a very large splashdown into the ocean. This action wasn't lost on NERV's personnel as they observed the phenomenon caught on video moments later, all of whom were stunned by how much of an impact that one piece made on a body of water. They shuddered at the thought of what it could do to a landmass.

"More of its offensive AT-Field usage?" Misato posed.

"Not just that," Maya started to speculate. "It's using its AT-Field to increase the amount of kinetic energy in its 'projectiles', like the Angel's a living bomber jet."

"In any case," Ritsuko began, "we're lucky that its first blast was way off and hit the Pacific. Not so much when the second drop struck here." She pointed to the bird's-eye view of a large crater made just off the coastline. "It's clear that the creature's been steadily adjusting for error."

"Which means it's learning," Misato concluded.

Makoto then pulled up footage of Sahaquiel being engulfed in multiple explosions, to no effect. "N2 aerial mines couldn't do a thing against it either," he grimly stated.

"The Angel's movements haven't been known since then," Shigeru added.

"Which means it's probably coming here," Misato theorized.

Ritsuko nodded in grim affirmation of that possibility. "Only difference being, instead of a living bomber jet, it'll probably turn into a living kamikaze fighter."

"Giving us a third Lake Ashinoko?" Misato guessed.

"More like fusing all five lakes into a single large body of water linked to the Pacific," Ritsuko answered, "and taking all of HQ with it."

Misato then turned to the bridge techs. "Any luck contacting the Commander?"

Kaede shook her head. "No luck at all, due to the Angel's AT-Field jamming most long-range communications."

Misato gave a quiet sigh as she returned her attention to Ritsuko and Maya. "MAGI's judgement?"

Maya didn't mince any words. "All three are unanimous--they recommend a full-on evacuation."

"Your thoughts, given that?" Ritsuko posed. "You're in charge right now--it's your call."

Misato gave it some thought before she finally responded. "Lt. Ooi, notify all ministries of the Japanese government--inform them that under special declaration D-17, provided under NERV's authority, all residents within a radius of 50km are to immediately evacuate. Lt. Mogami, have the Matsushiro facility back up the MAGI."

Makoto was a bit surprised at this set of orders. "Are we 'abandoning ship', so to speak?"

"We're not," Misato clarified, "I just don't want anyone else caught in the crossfire."

As soon as the order was issued and the authorities were notified, the evacuation of Tokyo-3 proceeded as smoothly as possible. Residents who weren't as made of sterner stuff left the city in droves, whether by airlift or by car, the freeways jammed as they sought to get out. Caught on many a camera phone were instances where the mysterious newcomer known as the Rocketeer had appeared to lend a hand, as the high-flying hero helped those caught in accidents along the roadways get to safety or medical attention. Even with those hiccups, soon Tokyo-3's streets were practically empty, save for any military forces securing the more vital areas and ensuring no one would get too opportunistic during this crisis.

In the Geofront itself, there was currently a skeleton crew of sorts who remained in order to carry out the task at hand of defeating the Angel. All retractable infrastructure had been brought into the Geofront, the whole fortress-city now really living up to its 'fortress' half. Things were now very quiet in all of Tokyo-3, save for, at this very moment, the women's restroom. It was in here that Ritsuko, upon hearing Misato's plan of attack, made her thoughts on said plan quite clear.

"You're really serious about this?" she asked.

"Deadly serious," Misato answered unflinchingly.

"You're going to throw away all of our EVAs with the most selfish decision I've ever heard?!" Ritsuko argued back.

"Look at it this way," Misato countered. "With three EVAs, the odds of success would have only been 0.00001%, but with five? We've got more of a chance. I, for one, like those odds a lot better."

"Major--!" Ritsuko was about to say.

"You said it yourself, Doctor," Misato firmly interrupted. "It's my call, and it's the one I'm going with. I trust in our chances, I trust in our personnel, and I'm fully confident this can be done. End of discussion."

As she turned to leave, she heard Ritsuko balk at those words. "Are you sure you're not doing this out of a desire for revenge on the Angels?"

Misato turned and faced her friend with a look that exuded a no-nonsense attitude. "Believe it or not, I'm trying not to make it about revenge. The world doesn't need another Captain Ahab."

The briefing room, moments later...

"Let me get this straight..." a disbelieving Asuka started to say, after she and the other pilots had been briefed on Misato's plan. "You want us, in our EVAs, to catch the Angel with our hands?"

Misato nodded. "That's exactly what I want. What we'll do is position all five EVAs in different points of the estimated drop zone. Once you reach the center, you'll catch the Angel before it hits the ground, all while maintaining your AT-Fields at maximum."

"And if the Angel veers off-course?" Shinji posed.

"We're out of luck then," Misato replied.

"Suppose the EVAs can't withstand the impact?" Maria asked.

"Same answer applies," Misato said.

"Odds of success?" Rei asked, for once with a bit of unease in her tone.

"Small, but it's enough to convince me it's worth trying," Misato stated.

"Soooo," Mari started to chime in with a shrug, "any way you slice it, there's a good chance we're all gonna die. Oh, well."

Way to put even more of a damper on things, Asuka thought grimly on Mari's bit of dark humor. "Basically, if we manage to pull this thing off, it'll be an honest-to-god miracle."

"I believe only miracles one can work out themselves are ones to aspire to," Misato said.

"Which means, we have to make it work, somehow," Asuka said in turn.

Misato nodded. "We don't have any other options to choose from at this point."

Asuka still wasn't impressed. "I still say this is too crazy to work as a plan," she said.

"Truth is, you're right," Misato admitted, "it's more of a hunch. If anyone here doesn't want to go through with it, I can't force you. Anyone here want out?" All five pilots didn't respond. "Well then, according to our regulations, you're all technically supposed to write a will. Anyone want to at this time?"

"Thanks, but no thanks," Shinji replied. "Have too many things I want to do in life, and one of them isn't picking out a plot."

"Simple, really, I don't plan on needing one," Asuka said defiantly.

"I have no need of one," Rei added. She'd grown more and more curious about the world at large thanks to her friends, and now wanted to explore more of it. Dying would only serve to hamper that ambition.

Maria shook her head. "Not planning on singing the 'I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag' anytime soon," she said. "Doc Savage beat slimmer odds than this, so why can't I?"

Mari simply smiled. "No way am I missing a chance to flip off Death," she mused.

Misato knew they were all doing their best to be brave, but could tell deep down, they were terrified of what laid ahead. With that in mind, she thought of something to help put their minds at ease. "Thank you. All of you. Tell you what--you guys showed me how much I'm appreciated, I'm going to do the same when this is over. I'm treating you to a nice dinner, at a real fancy spot of your choosing."

The pilots were a bit surprised by this offer. "You mean it?" Asuka asked.

"Sincerely," Misato affirmed.

Asuka hesitated a bit before she spoke. "All right, but don't worm your way out of this--it's a promise! And I've got four other witnesses here to back me up." Said others nodded in agreement.

"You got me there," Misato said, a small smile on her face. "All right, you'd better get ready. We've got a giant eye to put out."

"Yes, Ma'am!" the five pilots said as they turned and made their way towards the locker rooms. Misato then headed to the bridge to oversee the operation, where to her surprise, she found Kaji waiting for her.

"You stayed...?" Misato wondered.

Kaji merely shrugged and flashed a small grin. "Of all the people I'd want to face the end with, you were at the top of the list. You'd seriously think I'd leave you alone when you're putting your life on the line? Besides, I figured you and the kids could use all the moral support you can."

Misato was a bit awestruck by what he was saying. The Kaji she knew in their college days wouldn't have said anything like this, let alone with the level of sincerity present. It was something that definitely appealed to her, though she wouldn't admit it right now. "Well, it certainly wouldn't hurt having you here. Thanks."

Meanwhile, as the pilots walked towards the locker rooms, Asuka and Shinji spoke to one another about the mission.

"Talk about dangling the carrot in front of us," Shinji mused. "But, if it motivates us to get out of this alive..."

"Whatever," Asuka said. "It's better she keep morale high in the face of imminent doom than leave us sulking. Now, if you don't mind...?" She then plucked out a copy of Tokyo Gourmet to see which restaurants qualified as 'fancy spots', in Misato's words.

"Actually, Asuka?" Shinji started to say. "There's something else I wanted ask you about."

Asuka looked up from her magazine at him, skepticism written all over her face. "And that'd be...?"

"If and when we do make it out of this alive and in one piece," Shinji began, "would you--well...would you like to go see a movie with me?"

Hearing this brought Asuka's thoughts about fine dining to a grinding halt. When she first arrived in Japan, and more specifically when she started school, she was immediately beset by an outpouring of love letters and date requests by the majority of the male population of the student body. Asuka never paid them any heed, knowing they were only in it for the novelty or the chance to outdo their peers. In truth, after meeting Shinji back on the Over the Rainbow, somehow the boy had managed to find his way into a corner of her mind that she did her best to ignore, while she responded by trying to push her crush on Kaji further to the forefront. Still, she couldn't help but appreciate how much Shinji took all of her barbs in stride as he befriended her, how kind he had been and how much of a friendly competitor he acted towards her. It was clear he wasn't a glory-hound or that his placement as a pilot wasn't due to nepotism, if the cold animosity between him and his father was any indicator. Of course, there was also the fact that he'd managed to renegotiate the compensation all the pilots would receive to a pretty generous level. Yet in all of that time, not once did he take a step to move their friendship up a level, until now. And that he did it without the pretense of a love letter or poem or any sort of cliched stunt made it even more surprising to her.

"Asuka? You all right?"

His question jolted her out of the rabbit hole of thought she'd fallen into as she remembered just what he'd asked her earlier. "Tell you what, Third--we manage to survive this, I'll allow you the privilege of taking me out to both dinner and a movie. Sound fair?" She figured, if he was being genuine with his oddly-timed request, she might as well try and repay him for everything before.

"Sounds good to me," Shinji said with a small smile as the pilots finally reached the locker rooms.

"Ooooh, someone's making plans," Mari said teasingly, startling the redhead.

"Y-y-you? When? What're you--?!" Asuka sputtered out.

"Couldn't help it, Princess--you know how good my sense of hearing is," Mari quipped with a sly grin.

Asuka turned red at the implications she knew the Fifth Child was making. "It's not what you think, Four-eyes! We're just going as friends, got it?"

"Suuurrre it is," Mari replied as she opened her locker door.

The bridge, moments later...

"Visual on target's been lost," Maya reported. "AT-Field's disturbed our observation systems."

"Looks like since we can't determine the exact target area," Misato began to state, "using the data we've collected up till now, we do have an estimated point of impact, courtesy of the MAGI's calculations--specifically, right here." She pointed to the central monitor, which depicted a map of Tokyo-3 and its surrounding areas, all colored green. With the addition of the estimated target zone, most of that area was covered in red.

Mari whistled in astonishment. "That's a pretty wide range."

"Quite the distance from one side to the other," Maria added.

"Given the size of the Angel's AT-Field," Ritsuko explained, "it could completely wipe out HQ no matter where in this zone it hits."

"And because of that," Misato began to elaborate as five blue circles then appeared on the map, "we'll be stationing the EVAs at each of these points. Hence why I'm calling this 'Operation: Starstruck'."

"Was the shape of a star the idea behind this dispersal?" Rei inquired.

"That is just a coincidence," Misato replied. "I mainly based this on good old-fashioned intuition."

"Why am I not surprised...?" Asuka silently mused.

Minutes later, the five pilots were elevator-bound to the EVA cages.

"If you wanna say any prayers, now might be a good time," Asuka said, slightly pointing to Maria's necklace and earrings.

"Won't need to," Maria replied. "In spite of my fashion choices, I'll have you know I'm an atheist."

Hearing this piqued a bit of Rei's curiosity. "Is there not a thing you do have faith in?" she asked.

"There is," Maria replied. "I've got faith in my team."

The others silently processed that admission before they each entered their respective entry plugs and got ready.

Back on the bridge, Misato looked over the crew she led in this time of crisis. "Everyone ready? You all don't need to be here if you want to evacuate."

"No can do, Ma'am," Makoto answered.

"It's our job too, after all," Shigeru added.

"Gotta show some solidarity with the kids," Satsuki chimed in.

Hearing similar sentiments echoed across the bridge brought a smile to Misato's face. "Thank you all. The kids will definitely be fine now." On the viewscreen, all five EVAs emerged at their designated points; to ensure they'd have more of a fighting chance, each had been equipped with the modified external batteries, which would kick in the moment they undid their power cables. "Status?"

"Target's been sighted at maximum magnification," Aoi reported.

"Distance currently at around 25,000," Kaede added.

Misato nodded, a look of grim determination on her face. "This is it...All EVAs, into your starting positions." At her command, all five EVAs got into the equivalent of a runner's crouch. "All we have is a rough estimated trajectory from visual sightings, so the MAGI will guide you forward until the distance is 10,000 meters. Once reached, you'll need to rely on your own judgement for the rest. It's all up to you guys, so good luck, and Godspeed. We're all counting on you...and I believe in all of you."

"Angel's approaching," Shigeru reported. "Approximate distance is 20,000 and closing."

Misato nodded. "Commence Operation: Starstruck."

"Roger," all five pilots affirmed, and with that, each ejected their power cable and took off into a sprint towards the target area. Like long-distance runners, they jumped many homes, power lines, and other structures while leaving deep footprints in the roadways.

"Distance is now 12,000!" Shigeru reported. As he said that, Sahaquiel finally broke through the clouds, just as the five EVAs cleared the hillsides around Tokyo-3 with great leaps. It was Unit-01 that made it first as it came to a halt, and not a moment too soon.

"AT-Field, maximum power!" Shinji shouted as he raised Unit-01's arms upward, hands splayed. The activation swept away a lot of surrounding debris in the process, and soon the Angel's own AT-Field slammed into his, sparks flying at the collision as the purple giant denied the Angel its landing. "Any time now, guys!"

"We're just about there!" Maria yelled back as Unit-04 arrived and joined the effort, the strength of the silver colossus's AT-Field adding to Shinji's own.

"So much for 'three's a crowd'!" Mari quipped as the black goliath that was Unit-03 pitched in and helped to hold Sahaquiel back.

"Field to maximum!" Rei voiced as Unit-00 soon joined the fray and added her support. With four EVAs already, it seemed as if Sahaquiel was being pushed back, an astonishing sight not lost on those observing from the bridge.

While Units-00, 03, and 04 held the Angel at bay, Unit-01 proceeded to tear open a hole in Sahaquiel's AT-Field, right where the 'pupil' of the central eye was located. "Asuka! Now!" Shinji shouted over the comms.

"On it!" Asuka barked back as she quickly had Unit-02 draw its progressive knife and quickly thrust it towards the 'pupil', which turned out to be the core of Sahaquiel. "Bastard! Here's metal in your eye!" Her knife struck true as it pierced the core. Cracks quickly emerged and sparks flew as Unit-02 pulled it further up, continuing the spread of cracks, until the core finally shattered.

With that, Sahaquiel's field fully disappeared, and with it the kinetic energy it had used to accelerate its descent. Sahaquiel's body, now completely lifeless, flopped gracelessly onto the five EVAs like a collapsing circus tent, before ballooning and bubbling up until an enormous mushroom cloud erupted. When the great flash finally subsided, all that was left in the wake of the explosion was an enormous crater...and five EVAs covered in dirt and dust disturbed by the blast.

"All pilots, come in!" Misato sounded off over the comms. "All pilots, can you hear me?! Is everyone all right? Please respond!"

Eventually, after a moment of silence, she was answered with a slight coughing fit from Unit-03's comms. "IIIIIII'M ALIIIIIVE!" Mari shouted exaggeratedly. "Dead collector's not gettin' me that easily!"

Misato breathed a sigh of relief. Her sense of relief increased further as the other comms crackled on.

"You okay?" Mari asked Shinji.

"I'm all right," Shinji answered.

"You all right?" Mari asked while looking towards Maria's Unit.

"I'm all right," Maria indicated. "You all right?"

"Yeah," Mari replied before looking towards Asuka. "You okay?"

"Fine," Asuka bluntly replied. "You good, Wundergirl?"

"I am unharmed," Rei answered.

"Can we all agree to not do this ever again?" Shinji posed with a slight smile.

"YES," all four girls answered a bit wearily.

The bridge, moments later...

The pilots, having returned, showered, and changed, were back in the command center, where much of the crew had applauded and congratulated them on a job well-done. Misato was then alerted to something by Shigeru.

"Wireless communication's been restored," he said. "We're receiving a message from Commander Ikari at the South Pole."

"Patch him through," Misato commanded, which Shigeru did. A screen soon appeared on a holo-monitor to the side of Misato, "Sound Only" displayed. "Sirs? Let me say that I want to apologize for my rash decision. I'm sorry if the plan seemed ludicrous, and I take full responsibility for the damage incurred to the EVAs, especially Unit-01."

"It's no trouble at all, Major," Fuyutsuki replied from the other end. "Destroying the Angels is what the EVAs are for. The truth is, it is thanks to your rather unorthodox plan that we were able to sustain the most minimal of damage."

"Indeed," Gendo concurred. "You did excellent work, Major Katsuragi."

"Thank you, Sir," Misato responded. "I appreciate that."

"Is the pilot of Unit-01 there?" Gendo asked.

"You rang?" Shinji chimed in.

"I received the report," Gendo stated, "and saw that you were the first to arrive at the scene and the first to hold the Angel at bay, giving the others enough time to arrive. You did good work, Shinji."

Internally, Shinji saw through his father's hollow praise; if he'd been the puppet the Commander intended to mold him into, he would've taken to that like a dog to a bone. "Just doing my job, Sir," he said, unfazed by the Commander's words.

On the other end, Gendo was slightly surprised at his son's lack of feeling validated. Yet another thing he didn't expect. "Very well then," he said. "Major Katsuragi, I'm leaving the rest in your hands."

"Yes, Sir," Misato answered, before both ends signed off.

Downtown Tokyo-3, a couple of hours later...

Tokyo-3 was a bit chaotic again, only now it was due to all of its citizens returning following the crisis's end. Traffic dominated the streets and the skies were full of helicopters airlifting people back home. Life and business were beginning resuming their usual rhythm. It was in the middle of all that hustle and bustle that Misato and the five pilots found themselves walking towards their dinner destination. They were also joined by Kaji, having invited himself to, as he put it, help celebrate the pilots' victory against seemingly-impossible odds.

"Like I said before, Misato," Asuka stated quite clearly, "no worming your way out of your promise."

"No worries, I'm good for it," Misato reassured her. "So, begs the question, just where are we dining this fine evening?"

"Well, here's the thing..." Asuka said. "We let Rei pick the place."

Hearing this surprised Misato. "You did?"

"We figured that since she's the only vegetarian among us," Shinji elaborated, "she ought to find a place that can accommodate everyone, herself included."

"Upon perusing the magazine Asuka loaned me," Rei started to say, "and after careful deliberation, I believe I have found such a place, which we should be arriving at right now." She then pointed towards their destination. It was a mid-sized place with a red awning hanging over the front door. On the awning in big, bold black kanji was the name: Restaurant Yukihira. Both Misato and Kaji looked at the pilots, slightly perplexed by their choice of venue.

"What were you expecting, a ramen stand?" Asuka posed.

"Best of all," Mari started to add. "It'll still be easy on your wallet, unless Mr. Kaji's planning to pitch in..."

"Huh, now that you mention it..." Misato said as she joined Mari in giving Kaji the sly side-eye.

Kaji playfully threw up his hands in 'defeat'. "All right, you've convinced me, the whole thing's on the both of us."

Moments later, the group of seven were seated at a table enjoying the feast expertly prepared for them by the father-and-son duo who ran the establishment, after having raised a glass to overcoming the great challenge thrust upon them only hours before.

End Chapter 26.
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Chapter 27: The Crime Crypt and the Ghost Makers
Chapter 27 - The Crime Crypt and the Ghost Makers

Thank god Allard included this in my 'curriculum'...

Those were the thoughts running through Shinji's mind as the young Shadow navigated his way through another set of ducts that ran through NERV's inner workings. Clad in all-black to maintain some semblance of invisibility (in addition to his usual techniques), he was taking care of an important reconnaissance mission he'd put off long enough: Terminal Dogma. Of all the intel that Allard had managed to gather, anything regarding this top secret area of NERV HQ was miniscule, something Shinji now sought to remedy. While they possessed little information, both he and Allard had figured that whatever lay within those lower levels off-limits to the majority of NERV's personnel must factor into Gendo Ikari's plans somehow. The fact that access was only restricted to Gendo himself, along with Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki and Dr. Akagi (the younger), further intrigued the teenage successor to the Shadow.

He'd picked one uneventful night to tackle this little bit of espionage, when he was sure his guardian and his fellow pilots were all asleep. Once he left the apartment building, one ride from Tommi in her taxi brought him to a block from HQ, and from there, the Shadow entered without arousing suspicion, making himself appear as merely another low-level tech on the late shift. From there, he entered a supply closet connected by one of the vents, which he then entered. Thankfully for him, the blackout incident and attack of the Ninth Angel had given him good indication of maneuverability within the duct system. Combined with a set of blueprints provided by Maya and Dr. Kaga (both of whom were unaware of his dual-identity, yet still surprised that he was a part of the Shadow's network), and he would be at Terminal Dogma very soon...A point proven right when he noticed a faint light peeking through from the upcoming right side.

Coming upon the inside end of a grate, he carefully used a small set of tools to unlock and open it up, allowing him to exit the vent. Looking around, he saw a hallway partially-lit, offering a very grim aesthetic. He slowly, quietly made his way through the hall, silent as the darkness he used to great advantage topside. His highly-tuned senses gave him the feeling he was being watched; by what, he had no idea. Eventually, he came upon a door. Testing the knob, he found it unlocked, and carefully, quietly opened it. Peering around the door, his eyes were met with an unsettling sight: an exact replica of the now-former dwelling of one Rei Ayanami, right down to every last, squalid detail.

This must be where they began Rei's conditioning...the Shadow thought to himself as he observed the decrepit environment before him. It was then that he noticed a door at another end of the room; he promptly walked up to it, noticing it was locked by a keypad. He took out from his kit a small spray-vial of mist and doused the keypad in it; the liquid would quickly evaporate after a set period of time, just enough for him to use a specially-designed eyepiece to spot the keys covered in the most fingerprints, and in what order they were pressed depending on how prominent the fingerprint was on them. After confirming just that, he entered the correct code, allowing the door to unlock. Upon entering the room, he noticed it too was enveloped in darkness. Using his penlight, he found a switch on the wall adjoining the doorway and turned on the lights.

Immediately, the room was bathed in an orange glow, due to what he determined was the large tank full of LCL that took up most of the room; but it was within the LCL tank he found a sight to which he himself not quite prepared for. Within the tank were multiple bodies, all with the same face, and therefore, name: Rei Ayanami. Each of them were exact doubles of the girl he regularly hung around with, and they all stared at him blankly, with goofy-looking smiles on their faces, all giggling in a way that was quite creepy.

The Shadow merely gazed at the group of girls, unflinching as he walked towards a computer console near a lone cylindrical tube, fitted for a human and underneath what looked like a large, mechanical brain. Luckily for him, the girls were not quite aware enough to see through his illusory guise as he brought the console online and, using a small cipher device, managed to access the files contained within. He copied a few key ones onto a small flash drive he'd brought, one of which detailed the origin behind the girls who were staring at him. Thinking back to one of his earlier conversations with Rei, he now understood just what she meant by her being replaced should something happen to her. When he was finished, the same cipher device helped to erase any record of his accessing the console, and from there, he took a last look at the girls, a glint of pity in his eyes, before turning the lights off and closing the door behind him.

After further exiting the adjoining room and walking through the hallway in Terminal Dogma, the Shadow located the vent that he had used to enter the area in the first place, crawled back in, and re-secured the grate, looking as if it hadn't been disturbed at all. From there, the Shadow crawled his way along the route he'd used before, ducked back into the supply closet, and exited it in the guise of the unassuming tech, making their way out of NERV HQ with barely a bat of an eye from anyone. Walking to the rendezvous he'd mentioned to Tommi earlier, he arrived just as the selfsame taxi showed up, which he then entered and was driven back to the block opposite from the apartment building he called home. Bidding Tommi farewell, the Shadow headed to the building and opted for the more covert approach of taking the stairs. It was upon reaching his own floor that he came upon an unexpected surprise: a folded note, with the writing on it in fluorescent ink indicating it was for him. He plucked the note from where it was taped and unfolded it, revealing a brief message with a hint of urgency:

The rooftop, right now. Let's talk.

Curious, but also wary, the Shadow continued up the stairs until he came to the rooftop entrance. On opening the door and heading towards the center, he found himself face-to-face with the one behind the note: Maria Vincennes. Mari Makinami was right beside her, a bit anxious but holding steady in his presence.

"Glad I managed to get your attention," Maria said. "It's no Bat-Signal, but it's more subtle."

"I'm only relieved that I wasn't walking into a trap," the Shadow said in turn.

"Relax, Mr. Shady," Mari assured, "believe it or not, we're on the same team here."

"Which means," Maria then said, "you're free to be yourself around us...Shinji Ikari."

Though he didn't show it, the Shadow was astonished that Maria had figured out who he was. Yet, based on what he'd known about her, he determined she could be trusted. He then dropped his illusory guise, and where once stood the man in the ebon suit with the crimson scarf around half his face, now stood the Third Child. The only indication he'd been the Shadow was in the form of the ring on his right finger.

"How'd you know it was me?" he asked.

Maria gave him a tiny smirk as she answered. "A little old-fashioned detective work, going back to when you surprised everyone on the bridge at HQ the other day. I saw you walk over to Dr. Kaga and hand her something; I'm pretty good at reading lips, too, so I could make out the words exchanged between you two. 'The lights are on, but nobody's home', right? Then, after you'd rejoined us before the Commander started debriefing everybody, the minute the lights went out, I felt a bit of air displacement at the spot where you stood between me and Asuka, indicating you were moving all over the place, throwing your disguised voice around. Now we come to tonight. Contrary to popular belief, my hearing's even better than Mari's, so even I could hear your footsteps as you made your way to the elevator earlier. And when you walked back up the stairs, it hit me: for someone who's meant to look like a grown man, the Shadow's got pretty light footsteps, no matter how big or small the strides he takes."

Shinji was silent for a moment, until a small smirk of his own emerged. "Not bad, Maria-san. Not bad at all. Then again, couldn't expect less from a descendant of Doc Savage."

Mari was astonished by his words. "Wait, how'd you know she was related to him?"

"Kent Allard, my predecessor, told me about Doc Savage on a number of occasions," he elaborated. "Even though they differed in their methods, they had a begrudging level of trust and respect for one another, whenever their paths crossed. Clark Savage once told him of the level of training and tutoring he underwent from birth, and with Maria's particular level of fitness and her IQ, I figured she'd probably gone through similar rigors to become the prodigy she is today. Just to sate my curiosity, what exactly is your relation to Savage?"

"In a way, it's one that also ties me a bit into your predecessor's legacy, courtesy of an averted tragedy," Maria replied. "My last name is actually my family's ancestral one; when my great-grandfather and his parents came to America through Ellis Island in the early 20th century, they had it changed. One night, a few decades later, my great-grandfather was saved from the brink of suicide when the Shadow stopped him from throwing himself off a bridge. From that point on, he became one of the Shadow's most loyal, faithful agents, using his cover as a man-about-town to help solve cases. Mr. Allard I'm sure has told you about him: his name was Harry Vincent."

Shinji nodded. "He has. Harry wasn't just one of Allard's best agents, he was also one of his closest friends. How's this factor into your Doc Savage connection?"

"It's who Harry Vincent got closer to, that's how," Maria answered.

"Oh, this ought to be good..." Mari chimed in slyly with a teasing grin.

"We both know that the original Shadow and Doc Savage crossed paths a number of times," Maria continued. "Whether they were alone, or alongside their friends and allies. There were times when the Shadow's agents and Doc Savage's Fabulous Five joined forces against a common foe. Whenever Doc Savage and the Five encountered trouble, sometimes they had additional help from Doc's cousin, Patricia 'Pat' Savage. Pat was raised much like Clark in the same way, meaning she could go toe-to-toe with the best of them." Maria paused a moment before she resumed. "During one such team-up, Pat met Harry for the first time; it was clear something had sparked between the two. Later on, they fell in love, were wed...Eventually, they had my grandmother. You can probably see where it goes from there."

Shinji again nodded. "I assume you'll share the rest of your story some other time," he stated, to which she nodded. "Right now, you're wondering what I was doing out this late, aside from my usual rounds."

"That would be nice to know," Mari replied. "Like I said, we're on the same team here, assuming you're going after the same conspiracy we are."

"Then you know about SEELE," Shinji said.

"We do," Maria said in turn. "We know the Commander's mixed up with them somehow, but how far, we don't know entirely."

"...I was infiltrating Terminal Dogma," Shinji revealed.

Mari's eyes widened a bit on hearing that. "Seriously? That's like, the most heavily-guarded part of HQ! What were you looking for down there?"

"Answers to a few burning questions I've had since arriving here," Shinji answered. "All having to do with the details Allard's earlier attempts hadn't uncovered." His expression then grew grim. "Some of them involve the girl we know as Rei Ayanami."

Hearing this piqued both girls' respective sense of curiosity. "Like what?" Maria posed, one eyebrow arched.

Shinji, for once, hesitated before answering. "For one thing," he warily began, "I found out she's my half-sister."

That particular detail left both Maria and Mari shocked on the spot.

End Chapter 27.
Chapter 28: The Golden Doom, Part 1 of 2
Chapter 28 - The Golden Doom, Part 1 of 2

In a secret area of cyberspace accessible only to a certain group of people, the 12 holographic monoliths were present as those behind them--the 12-member SEELE council--had been in conference over two things: the progress on their ominous Human Instrumentality Project, and now how to deal with an unforeseen element threatening their ambitions--the Shadow. They were, in fact, wrapping up their next steps in regards to the latter.

"It is agreed then," SEELE-01, Lorenz Kihl, stated. "We shall deploy our special wet works operatives to Tokyo-3 to hopefully snuff the Shadow out before they have the opportunity to uncover our plans for the Project." Kihl directed his words specifically towards SEELE-03. "You shall deliver them our orders the moment our meeting adjourns."

"Understood," SEELE-03 replied. With that, the holograms blinked out, one-by-one, as the meeting came to a close. It was then that SEELE-03--real name Nigel Gannaford--went to his phone and called up one of his assistants. Gannaford was looking forward to this, considering the long-awaited chance to avenge his late cousin Basil, a criminal mastermind known as the Wasp who frequently faced off with the Shadow on multiple occasions. "Get me our head of covert operations," he commanded his assistant in a voice with a slight buzz to it. "Let them know operatives Golden Vulture, Red Blot, Silver Skull, and Green Terror are to be sent to Tokyo-3. I have a special assignment for all of them..."

Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School, lunchtime...

"A cosplay party?"

That particular question is what left the mouth of one Hikari Horaki, upon hearing the idea Kensuke had just presented.

"Yep!" the otaku replied. "I was going over some amateur footage on the web of that new hero, the Rocketeer, and it hit me, why not? There's been a resurgence in popularity for superheroes and 'mystery men', so why not join in on the hype? I've gotten to work on most of the details, but I've already got a theme in mind."

"Which is...?" Shinji asked.

Kensuke grinned before he answered. "It's right there in what I said earlier--'mystery' men, and women! Everyone dresses up like a detective character or whatever's close to one, and the best part is the main event: a 'murder mystery' for the guests to try and crack! It'll be like a real-life game of Clue!"

"Clue, huh?" Asuka chimed in. "Haven't played that since Misato was looking after me at the Third Branch."

"Uh..." Toji started to say. "Fill a guy in?"

Rei volunteered an explanation. "A murder mystery game involves one party guest secretly playing the part of a killer, while the other guests must figure out who among them is the criminal. The style of the game varies--the player portraying the killer may already be aware of their role or they may discover it alongside the other guests. Traditionally, the game opens with a 'death' having already occurred while the rest of the time spent is based around investigating."

"Really?" Hikari asked, a small but eager smile beginning to appear on her face. "That sounds pretty exciting!"

Toji, a bit skeptical at first, reconsidered when he saw Hikari showing interest. "All right, I'll bite," he said. "When's it gonna be?"

"Two weeks' time," Kensuke answered. "That way, it'd give everyone invited enough time to come up with who they'd go as and get their costumes ready. Seems simple enough, right?"

"For once, Geek-stooge, you're making sense," Asuka stated. "So where are you planning on having this? From what Shinji's told me, I doubt your place could hold the amount of people you're thinking of inviting, us included."

Kensuke blanked before he could come up with a proper retort, realizing, reluctantly, that the redhead was right. "Uh, yeah...didn't think that far ahead."

"Tell you what," Asuka started to offer, a sly grin emerging on her face. "Me and Wundergirl's place should be big enough for everyone, and I'll see if Maria and Mari can use theirs for any overflow."

Rei nodded in agreement. "Additionally, the presence of Section-2 would provide adequate adult supervision."

Kensuke had to admit, it actually was ideal. Yet still..."Let me guess--there's a catch."

Asuka's grin grew even wider before she answered him. "Let me just preface this by saying that for a self-professed military geek, you suck at being covert, so I know all about your little 'side business', and how me, Maria, and Mari have all wound up captured in your camera lens. (Though why you opted for more tasteful shots, I have no clue.) SO, in return for 'renting out' the party venue out to you...you shutter your little shutterbug operation and fork over 50% of your remaining profits to me and the other two. THEN, at Hikari's suggestion, you donate half your cut to a worthwhile cause. Be grateful she didn't come up with an even harsher punishment." She shot Rei a quick glance. "Sound fair, Wundergirl?"

"I believe that would be acceptable," Rei replied as she took a sip of her tea.

Kensuke gaped at the two girls, utterly speechless. The shock on his face grew more pronounced once Rei vocally did a quick calculation of just what the amounts for each cut would round out to; if Toji, just as dumbstruck, didn't know any better, he could swear Kensuke would faint right then and there. The otaku in question, instead, hung his head low, let out quite a groan, and reluctantly shook Asuka's hand, agreeing to the deal.

NERV HQ, main computer lab...

Ritsuko was supervising the annual 'checkup' of the MAGI, and Maya was among the techs working on the efforts. She had just finished some swift coding maintenance, something that Ritsuko did not fail to notice. "Way to go, Maya--that was fast."

Maya, lost in the moment, reacted with a slight start at her sempai's praise. "Oh! O-of course, you did train me for this." Maya was still a bit uneasy around her mentor, since part of her was still pondering what else she could be up to her neck in--if not just the sabotage of Jet Alone, what other dirty jobs could she be doing at the behest of NERV's higher-ups?

Speaking of her mentor, Ritsuko noticed a particular detail on Maya's screen. "Wait a second--A-8 would be faster there. Let me see that." Ritsuko's right hand was immediately doing its work all over Maya's keyboard as she quickly readjusted the sequencing.

Maya's unease was temporarily replaced by the admiration for her mentor she was usually known for. "Impressive as ever, sempai!"

Just as Ritsuko resumed taking down data in her notebook, Misato walked up from the lower level. "How's the patient today, Doctor? Will they ever play piano again?"

Ritsuko slightly rolled her eyes. "They pretty much will be able to play a full concerto, thankfully. And we managed to finish in time for today's round of tests."

"Well, that's why you're the big brain of this whole outfit," Misato remarked as she reached for a cup of coffee sitting on Ritsuko's desk. "Especially considering it's a tall order with the three components."

"Might want to get a fresh cup," Ritsuko warned before Misato brought the rim of the mug to her lips. "That one's cold." Misato, upon hearing this, slowly held the cup away from her face and set it carefully back down. Just as she did, the screen labeled 'Balthasar-2' had two remaining black spaces filled in, causing the screen to change from blue to green, in line with Melchior-1 and Caspar-3.

"127th routine maintenance, all normal," Maya reported.

"Right then--good work, everyone," Ritsuko said as she addressed the techs. "All of you, take a break until the tests begin."

Moments later, both Ritsuko and Misato were freshening up in the ladies' room, chatting idly.

"How are things on the home front?" the bottle blonde asked.

"Well, it seems I'll be chaperoning a costume party in a couple of weeks," Misato answered.

"The kids' idea, I take it?" Ritsuko followed up with a slight wry grin.

Misato nodded. "One of their friends' ideas. Apparently he was inspired by seeing the Rocketeer flying around. And it's not going to be just a costume party, but a murder mystery one."

"Sounds like fun," Ritsuko said. "Will you be dressed for the occasion?"

"Undecided," Misato replied. "Speaking of states of dress or undress...*Sigh* I'm dreading how the kids are going to react to what this test has in store for them."

"You and me both, Katsuragi," Ritsuko concurred with a slight shudder. "You and me both..."

NERV HQ testing lab, minutes later...

"Tell me if I heard this right," Asuka said, the level of irritation in her voice rising with each sentence. "You want us, all of us, to take off our clothes again?"

Ritsuko maintained a nonplussed demeanor as she responded to Asuka's appalled reaction to the test's parameters. "Yes. The next chamber you'll be entering is an ultra-clean environment that we've taken painstaking measures to sterilize and ready for you. Simply taking a shower and changing underwear won't be sufficient enough."

Maria echoed Asuka's sentiments, if the furrowed brows of her annoyed expression were any indicator. "And we have to go through all that, for a simple autopilot test?"

"Correct," Ritsuko affirmed.

"Time isn't just passing us by here," Hitomi explained as she backed her colleague up. "EVA technology is continually progressing, which means we need new data constantly."

With mainly just Asuka and Maria grumbling, the five pilots entered their designated walkways that led to the test plugs, with tinted panes of glass hiding their bare selves. Thankfully, the other sides of their entryways were opaque and gave them some measure of privacy from one another.

"All right, here we are, just as you asked, having been run through the wash cycle seventeen times," Asuka barked out with a hint of a groan. Maria, arms folded, tapped her foot, looking a bit impatient. Rei seemed to be nonplussed by her state of nudity, Shinji appeared to be a bit apprehensive, and Mari had a slight grin on her face.

"And I thought my plugsuit fitting was unflattering..." Shinji quietly mused.

Ritsuko soon spoke over the PA system. "Now then, all five of you are to stay that way and head across the walkways to board your respective test plugs."

Hearing this made Shinji, Asuka, and Maria slightly blush with surprise.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Asuka voiced, aghast at what they'd been ordered to do.

"You can relax," Ritsuko said reassuringly. "All the video monitors have been shut off, we do respect your privacy."

"But that's not the point!" Maria pouted. "This is a matter of emotional dignity, can't you see that?!"

"Geez, don't be such a prude," Mari coyly chimed in. "If you got it, flaunt it, right?"

"What would be the purpose?" Rei asked. "As Dr. Akagi mentioned, the monitors are off."

"*Sigh* Look, it's very simple," Hitomi said in an attempt to placate the pilots. "The purpose of the test is to take harmonics readings from your bodies without the interference and support of your plugsuits."

Misato chose that moment to utilize her authority. "Asuka, Maria-san, we've given you all our assurances that your privacy remains safe. What we're asking you to do isn't a request, it's an order. Now please, head to the test plugs."

Both Maria and Asuka huffed a bit, before releasing sighs of defeat simultaneously.

"All right, FINE," Asuka said before facing the wall shared with Shinji's entryway. "Shinji, you go first. And don't think about looking back towards us!"

"All right," Shinji said, a small grin starting to appear on his face. "But only if you ladies promise not to stare at my keister."

Asuka's eyes went wide and her face turned bright red after he said that, before she responded with a series of sputtering gibberish.

Reminds me of a certain couple of people, Ritsuko bemusedly thought to herself as she briefly looked towards Misato, thinking of hers and Kaji's usual dynamic.

"Oof," Mari said with a slight shake of her head. "Looks like you broke her."

"Not like I meant to," Shinji nonchalantly said as he began walking towards his test plug. Rei politely looked upward, as did Maria and Asuka. Mari, while appearing to do so, stole a few peeks at Shinji. A Cheshire Cat-like grin on her face still, Mari began softly singing a certain tune:

"I'm, too sexy for my shirt,
too sexy for my shirt,
so sexy it hurts..."

Again Asuka became a slight sputtering mess, though she tried to hold it back. Not all of her willpower prevented her from stealing a few peeks at Shinji. She had to admit, the boy was built a bit nicely, with his rear looking quite--

Asuka quickly gave herself a slap upside the head. *Grrr* Why did Mari have to show me that verdammt Nightwing tumblr feed...

Shinji made it to his plug and entered, and with that, the girls followed, eventually reaching and entering their own plugs. Once all five were seated and ready, Ritsuko gave the order to start the test, and soon it was under way as the test plugs were inserted into the simulation EVA bodies.

"Test plugs inserted, and are now under MAGI control," Maya reported.

"Huh, that was fast," Misato noted. "Thank god for the MAGI. (No pun intended.) Hard to believe the first experiment took a whole week."

Off to the side, a male tech announced the test was set to conclude in about three hours.

"How does it feel in there?" Ritsuko asked the pilots over the comms.

"It is a little different," Rei answered first.

"Same here," Shinji followed. "Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's a slight difference."

"Sensations are kind of weird," Asuka chimed in.

"Ditto on that," Maria added. "My right arm's all I can clearly feel--the rest is a bit fuzzy."

"Same goes for me," Mari stated. "Only it's my left foot."

Ritsuko pondered their reactions for a moment. "Rei, imagine moving your right hand."

"Yes, Ma'am," Rei responded as she took hold of her right control stick and flexed the simulation EVA's fingers.

"Hmm," Ritsuko sounded to herself at first. "Doesn't seem to be any problems so far." She then faced the other techs. "Return the MAGI to their normal state."

Misato, looking at a screen to the side, saw that the squares marked Balthasar-2 and Caspar-3 flashed briefly, only to blink out while Melchior-1 flashed on.

"Looks like there's a dilemma brewing," she noted.

Ritsuko nodded. "Definitely shows the creator's personality, doesn't it?"

Misato seemed confused by her friend's words. "What're you talking about? Aren't you the one who created them?"

"That's actually not the case," Hitomi said, before regarding Misato curiously. "You really don't know?"

"It's because unlike me, Ritsuko doesn't babble to herself," Misato pointed out.

"True," Ritsuko said in turn. "The fact is, I merely brought the system up--the one who developed the fundamental theory and the mainframe for the MAGI was my mother."

Meanwhile, up on the bridge, Shigeru, Makoto, and Aoi had brought something peculiar to Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki's attention.

"You've been double-checking this?" the former professor asked.

"Definitely, just in case," Shigeru affirmed as he pointed to certain areas on-screen. "These are how the parts looked when they were brought in three days ago, and this is how the area looks right now, currently deteriorating."

"The 87th protein wall..." Fuyutsuki noted.

"Magnified, what we've got here looks like weird stains," Shigeru elaborated. "So far, no idea what they could be."

"Maybe it's corrosion," Makoto theorized. "There's slight variations in the temperature and conduction rates, and deterioration of sterilized rooms has been going on a lot, as of late."

"Not to mention the construction schedule was cut by about sixty days," Aoi pointed out, "which would have facilitated the conditions for air bubbles to be mixed in again. B Wing's construction alone is pretty shoddy. Then again, it was built just after the Angels began appearing."

"Indeed," Fuyutsuki agreed.

"Also not surprising," Makoto said, "considering how exhausted everyone is."

"Sympathetic as I am to the situation," Fuyutsuki began, "I want this problem taken care of by tomorrow, otherwise Ikari will never let us live it down."

"Roger," all three techs replied.

Back in the testing lab, unnoticed by everyone else, those same strange 'stains' began to cover more of the wall in the tank.

Eventually, it spurred a notification that appeared on Ritsuko's screen. "Another water leak?"

"No, it's apparently some kind of corrosion in the protein wall above us," Kaede replied from her station next to Maya's.

"Wonderful," Ritsuko said ruefully as she shook her head.

"Any effect on this test?" Hitomi asked.

"Not at the moment," Maya replied.

"We'll continue on, then," Ritsuko stated.

"You sure about this?" Hitomi asked.

"We can't abort this test over minor technical issues," Ritsuko insisted. "Otherwise, we'd never hear the end of it from Commander Ikari."

"Right," Hitomi replied, as did Maya and Kaede.

"Synchronization value's normal," Kaede reported.

While they talked, the stains, at one point, glimmered. A nanosecond later, the alarms began blaring.

"What's happening?!" Ritsuko asked concernedly.

"According to our readings, we've got a contamination alert on Floor A in the Sigma unit," Hitomi replied as she looked over her tablet.

"Corrosion area of the protein wall increasing at an explosive rate!" Maya reported.

Seeing the spread in real-time on the main monitor proved to be enough for Ritsuko. "Abort the experiment and initiate emergency shutoff of the sixth pipe."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Kaede responded as she hit the emergency shutoff switch. Unfortunately, even with the closures, the 'corrosion' continued its spread.

"No effect!" Maya confirmed. "Corrosion's spreading along the walls still!"

"Prepare the polysomes," Hitomi ordered. Soon, a hatch in the tank opened, and a group of robots resembling miniature versions of NERV's VTOL crafts emerged, headed towards the site of the corrosion. "Set laser power at maximum."

"Fire upon contact," Ritsuko added.

As Maya continued monitoring the corrosion's progress, it became readily apparent where it was headed. "Corrosion's reached 6-58--it's coming here!"

Out of the corner of their eyes, Ritsuko and Misato noticed some abrupt movement coming from one of the simulation EVA bodies.

"Rei!" she noted with slight alarm. Sure enough, the arm on Rei's sim-EVA was moving on its own. "Impossible!" She quickly rushed over to Maya's station and observed the progress of the contamination.

"Not good," Maya noted. "The corrosion's spread further--it's invading the suspension system of the sim-bodies!"

Misato, awestruck, warily watched as more emergency notices flashed on the screens that doubled as the observation windows for the pribnow box of the testing lab. With great surprise, she watched as the hand of the sim-EVA suddenly reached out towards her. It would fail in its goal as Ritsuko quickly used the emergency blast bolt to sever the arm, causing it to break off and sink to the bottom of the tank. It was enough to get Misato to join up with the others on the upper level. "How's Rei?" she asked.

"She's all right," Kaede noted.

"Activate all emergency eject mechanisms for the plugs!" Hitomi ordered alarmingly.

"Hurry up with the lasers!" Ritsuko commanded.

Soon, simultaneously, all five test plugs were ejected and rocketed out of the tank, while the polysomes fired their lasers full-blast at the corrosion on the wall...only for the lasers to be deflected by a familiar, hexagonal-pattered barrier, one that bore a slight golden glow. The sight of this wasn't lost on those watching in the pribnow box.

"An AT-Field?!" Misato posed with great surprise.

Ritsuko was even more shocked. "It can't be!"

Yet it was--this was no mere corrosion NERV was dealing with: an Angel was within its walls.

End Chapter 28.
Chapter 29: The Golden Doom, Part 2 of 2
Chapter 29 - The Golden Doom, Part 2 of 2

Emergency lights blared throughout the command center as everyone within NERV HQ tried to respond to the crisis unfolding in front of them.

"How in the world did an Angel get inside?!" Fuyutsuki inquired over the phone.

"We have no idea at all, Sir," Ritsuko replied on the other end. "This was something none of us saw coming."

"Save it," Fuyutsuki said as he addressed the techs in front of him. "Physically isolate Central Dogma and quarantine it from Sigma Unit."

"Yes, Sir," Shigeru responded as he and the others did so. "Initiating physical isolation of Central Dogma; quarantining from Sigma Unit in progress."

Back in the Pribnow Box, Misato took command of the situation immediately. "All personnel, we're abandoning the Box! Evacuate now!" Her focus then turned to Ritsuko, who was staring with a determined fascination at the Angel spreading its way throughout the testing tank. "That means you too, Ritsuko! Move it!" Shaken from her reverie, Ritsuko immediately followed her friend as they swiftly ducked out of the Pribnow Box, just as the Angel's spread shattered the glass, causing the Box to be flooded with water.

Up on the bridge, Commander Ikari was taking care of another matter as he spoke on his station's phone. "I'm aware--please take care of it anyway." After hanging up, he turned his attention to Shigeru. "Stop the alarm, Lt. Aoba."

"Shutting off alarm, Sir," the long-haired tech replied.

"Report it to both the Japanese government and the Committee that this was only a malfunction in the alarm system," Gendo further ordered.

"Yes, Sir!"

Makoto then reported a concerning new update in the situation at hand. "Contamination's spreading further--it's now all over Sigma Unit via the Pribnow Box!"

Fuyutsuki voiced his concerns quietly to Gendo upon hearing this. "Not good--that's an especially sensitive area."

"Yes," Gendo grimly concurred. "Well within closing distance from Lilith." He then spoke up to address the techs. "Halt the infestation within Sigma Unit! If necessary, we'll sacrifice the Geo-Front itself. Status of the EVAs?"

"Standing by in cage seven," Makoto reported. "We can launch them as soon as the pilots are recovered."

"No need to wait for the pilots," Gendo stated, taking the techs by surprise. "Launch them immediately--Unit-01 has top priority. Sacrifice the other four if necessary."

"Wait, Unit-01 specifically?" Aoi asked.

"But Sir, we can't physically destroy the Angel without any of the EVAs," Satsuki pointed out.

"The EVAs won't be any good to us if they become contaminated first," Gendo counter-argued. "Now launch them immediately!"

"Yes, Sir!" the techs responded as they got to work. Soon, all five EVAs were launched out of the cages, avoiding any contamination from the Angel.

Fuyutsuki wound up asking quietly the most obvious question at a time like this. "Now how will we fight an Angel without an EVA...?"

Geofront lake, around the same time...

Wonder why they suddenly decided 'Everyone out of the pool!'...Shinji pondered as he lay floating in his test plug. From the splashes he'd heard, it seemed he and the other pilots had been ejected into the lake within the Geofront, but as to why, he was for once in the dark. Unfortunately, he couldn't exactly investigate for a couple of reasons: on the technical side, he couldn't open the plug manually due to a signal blocking the hatch controls, and on the practical side, even if he could get out, he couldn't exactly go running around HQ in his birthday suit, trying to manipulate the perceptions of others so any personnel he encountered wouldn't see him. So for the time being, he and the girls would have to wait until whatever crisis was brewing within HQ was dealt with before anyone could recover them. Shinji did know that, when that time came, as soon as he could get away, the Shadow would emerge to look into what went down.

The bridge...

Moments after the EVAs had been launched out of harm's way, the commanders and the techs were joined by the group that had just escaped from the Pribnow Box and were now comparing notes.

"Here's the dividing line between the normal and heavy water in the tank," Ritsuko explained as she pointed to a screen showing the presence of the Angel within that environment. "What can you tell me about why the two forms are so different?"

Maya answered immediately. "The Angel seems to prefer the one with the higher levels of carbon dioxide."

"Therefore, the areas where ozone is regularly vented in to maintain aseptic conditions within the environment lack contamination," Kaede added.

"So this thing's got an aversion to oxygen?" Misato asked.

"Seems like it," Ritsuko answered. "So I think you know what step to take in this instance."

"I read you, loud and clear," Makoto responded as he and Aoi began entering in commands. "Injecting ozone right now--concentration increasing."

"Looks like it's working," Shigeru noted.

"Will this work?" Fuyutsuki inquired. A couple minutes later, everyone seemed to get their answer as the Angel contamination seemed to retreat.

"Looks like Zero-A and B will recover," Satsuki noted.

"It's just the central portion that's proving to be a tougher job," Makoto added.

Fuyutsuki nodded in acknowledgement. "All right--proceed to inject more ozone, see if it continues to work."

After the techs did so, Ritsuko noticed peculiar development. "Something's not right."

It didn't take long for everyone else to see this as well. "Wait a minute--it's increasing...?" Shigeru posed.

"Not just that--the heat levels are rising," Aoi added. On the screen, the contamination, shown earlier to be in retreat, was now pushing forward again, this time crossing over the dividing line between the regular and heavy water.

"No use, then," Maya said grimly. "The ozone's no longer effective."

"Even worse, it's now absorbing it," Makoto added.

"Stop the ozone!" Ritsuko ordered, which the others proceeded to do. She observed the pattern as shifted on-screen, showing a now rainbow-colored dendritic frame, almost like the Angel was arising from a form of cellular automata. "Amazing...it's almost like it's--" Her eyes widened a fraction with realization. "--Evolving."

The pattern soon shifted again, as an 'intruder alert' notification appeared on-screen.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" Misato asked.

"Unknown intruder hacking into the sub-computer," Kaede answered.

"*UGH* Of all times...Dealing with C-mode," Makoto stated as he entered in a command.

"Unfreezing barrier," Shigeru added as his fingers flew across the keyboard. "Opening decoy entry. Eighteen seconds to complete trace."

"No human being's capable of this," Satsuki grimly realized.

When the decoy entry was avoided, another barrier was then deployed, only for that to be penetrated as well, causing a tech to create another false entry. Eventually...

"Trace is complete," Kaede reported. "Hacker's inside this facility!"

"B-wing basement," Shigeru added, "in the Pribnow Box!"

As they observed the live feed on-screen, Maya noticed something new about the Angel. "Optical pattern's changing. Almost looks like a..."

"Like a series of electronic circuits," Shigeru finished. "The kind found in a computer."

Aoi opened another decoy entry, only for it to fail. "We've been blocked," she said.

"Can we sever the main cable?" Misato inquired.

"Unlikely," Maya answered, "the AT-Field's deflecting our lasers."

More bad news came when Satsuki reported that the Angel had now accessed the main computer bank for HQ security, successfully cracking the password.

"Can you determine its objective?" Fuyutsuki asked.

"Hold on..." Shigeru said in response as he ran some scans. "Oh, no--it's trying to infiltrate the MAGI!"

Hearing this was dire enough for Gendo to try something that hopefully would buy some time. "Shut down the I/O system."

At that, Aoi and Shigeru inserted their special keys into the shutoff mechanisms. "Countdown!" Shigeru stated.

"Three...two...one! Shutting down!" Aoi responded as they simultaneously turned their keys, only to find nothing happened. "No good, we can't cut the power!"

Maya, an increasingly-worried look on her face, bore some worse news. "Angel's gotten further--it's made contact with Melchior. It's being taken over!" On-screen, the last of the four bars representing Melchior went fully red. "Takeover successful!"

The screen changed, showing three shapes representing the three main MAGI components, only Melchior was now all-red, with Balthasar and Caspar blue. An electronic voice announced that Melchior had just submitted an order to independently initiate self-destruct procedures for HQ, only for Balthasar and Caspar to reject it. In response, the contaminated Melchior soon began hacking its way into Balthasar.

"Dammit, it's fast!" Makoto cursed as red began to appear on Balthasar's avatar.

"No kidding, look at that computing speed!" Satsuki noted. She and the other techs swiftly moved to try and hold off the Angel as best as they could, and just when it seemed like they wouldn't get a reprieve, Ritsuko quickly put forth a new tactic.

"Change the logic mode," she commanded. "Change the synchronization code to every fifteen seconds."

"Roger!" Makoto and Aoi replied.

"How long will it hold?" Fuyutsuki asked.

"Considering the speed of the Angel till now," Aoi theorized, "possibly two hours at best."

"To think that the MAGI could be turned against us..." Gendo grimly stated to himself.

Minutes later, with that temporary stopgap measure in place, the group gathered together to plan out their next move. Ritsuko was going over the nature of the Angel (dubbed 'Iruel' and designated the 11th), based on the data they were able to collect so far.

"From the looks of things, it appears this Angel is a pluralistic entity made up of nanomachines," she explained. "In other words, the Angel itself is a hive-mind collective of multiple microscopic organisms. Unlike normal microbes, this collective aggregate's undergone an explosively speedy evolution in an extremely short period of time, just to become intelligent enough to pull this off."

"Evolution...You mean--?" Fuyutsuki started to ask.

"Yes," Ritsuko confirmed. "This collective is continuously changing themselves, searching for a permutation adaptable to any circumstance."

"A dark reflection of the cycle of life itself..." Fuyutsuki realized.

Misato then threw her two cents in. "Since we're facing an ever-evolving enemy that overcomes any weakness of its previous forms, the only reasonable solution as best as I can figure is to eliminate the 'host', taking the 'parasite' with it. Which means in order to kill the Angel...We'll have to sacrifice the MAGI." She then looked at Gendo determinedly. "Permission to carry this out?"

"Hold it," Ritsuko said. "Doing that would be impossible--if you destroy the MAGI, it's practically akin to destroying HQ itself."

Misato remained undeterred. "On behalf of the Operations Division, I officially request that the MAGI be destroyed."

"Then on behalf of the Technology Division," Ritsuko stepped in, facing Gendo, "I officially request that you deny that request. This falls under our purview."

"Why are you being so difficult about this?" Misato demanded of the bottle-blonde. "Our lives are at stake here!"

Ritsuko looked to the side with a solemn expression on her face. "It was my carelessness that allowed this to happen."

Misato's own expression softened. "That's not true and you know it--you don't have to shoulder this. You've always done this, taking one for the team and not letting anyone else help."

"I'm saying don't destroy the MAGI because I may just have a way to defeat this thing," Ritsuko elaborated. "It involves us letting the Angel keep evolving. Better yet, we help it do just that."

Gendo arched an eyebrow at this. "You're suggesting we somehow expedite its evolution?"

"Exactly," Ritsuko answered.

Gendo gave it some quick thought. "I see...The natural end of an organism's evolution...is self-termination. Death itself."

"Therefore, to defeat this Angel, we accelerate its evolution to the point where it willingly dies off," Fuyutsuki surmised.

Ritsuko nodded. "Should the Angel consider it the only practical survival measure, it might choose to co-exist within the MAGI."

"How do we pull that off?" Makoto asked.

Hitomi, who'd been quiet for most of the strategy session, started seeing the beginnings of what Ritsuko was planning. "If the target's a computer itself," she began to say, "we counter-hack it by linking Caspar and the Angel, and using that bridge to upload an accelerated self-destruct protocol."

"Only downside is," Maya added, having caught on to the plan as well, "we remove the Angel's last obstacle in the process."

"Therefore, it comes down to a race between Caspar and the Angel," Gendo concluded.

"Precisely," Ritsuko affirmed.

Misato's determined look returned. "Then we'd better make sure our program makes it first--if Caspar's taken over, then that's all she wrote."

"I promise you," Ritsuko said firmly, "I won't let that happen."

Within moments, the main Caspar console had been raised enough so that the door to the interior could be accessed. Once Ritsuko opened the door, Maya and Misato gaped at the sheer number of sticky notes plastered all over the place.

"What are all these?" Maya asked.

"A trail of breadcrumbs left by the developer," Ritsuko answered as she crawled inside, with Maya and Hitomi following her.

"Amazing..." Maya said, in awe by the notes surrounding her. "All this time, the MAGI's backdoors were right under our noses!"

"Who knows how many volumes of technical manuals these could fill...?" Hitomi mused. "Together they'd probably be more potent than the Konami Code."

"Are we...good with seeing these?" Maya asked as she eyed one note in particular. "I mean, this is INT-C! With all this, we could program faster than we estimated..." Maya took notice of a few of the notes, and how the sequencing depicted on them reminded her of the same coding she saw in the remains of the virus used to hack Jet Alone, again making her think of the sabotage her sempai carried out.

Said sempai, on the other hand, was unaware of her protege's internal dilemma. "Thank you, Mother," she said to herself. "We'll make it after all..."

Soon, various components of the console were spread around the area outside the crawlspace entrance, with Hitomi on her own laptop assisting in the programming efforts, Misato looking on. Within the crawlspace, Maya was assisting Ritsuko with some adjustments to the inner workings of Caspar.

"Wrench, please," Ritsuko implored with an outstretched hand; Maya handed her the tool in question. "Now I'll need board #25." Maya handed her the tablet in question. "You want to hear something interesting about the MAGI?"

Maya was a bit taken aback by the question. "How interesting are we talking?"

"You've heard of personality transplant OS, correct?"

Maya nodded. "I've read and studied various papers on it. Most of them written by your mother." She paused for a moment. "The system implants an individual's personality into a seventh generation organic computer, giving it the ability to think. The MAGI...It was the first such computer in this regard, right?"

Ritsuko nodded as she took a small power saw to a plate with Caspar's name on it. "My mother developed the technology."

"So then..." Maya began, "her personality was put into these?"

"Correct," Ritsuko replied as she took off the piece of the plate she'd cut, revealing what looked to be a human brain within. "In a very real sense, this is my mother's brain."

Maya soon began realizing something. "That's why you didn't want the MAGI destroyed."

"Not necessarily," Ritsuko said in turn. "The truth is, my mother and I didn't get along that much. She made this decision purely as a scientist."

Outside the console, Makoto noted the avatar of Balthasar on the screen's sudden change to fully-red. "Confirmed--Balthasar's been taken over!" The electronic announcement that followed stated that self-destruct protocols had been approved.

"Dammit," Misato cursed. "It's started already?!"

The announcement that followed revealed that the self-destruct device would be activated two seconds following the consent of all three components of the MAGI. The news only got worse from there.

"Balthasar now invading Caspar!" Kaede reported alarmingly.

"At this rate, were losing more ground here," Fuyutsuki grimly noted. Undeterred, Ritsuko, Maya, and Hitomi immediately got to work to prevent the takeover from happening, even as the 20-second countdown began and Caspar's on-screen avatar became more and more red.

"Ritsuko, hurry!" Misato called out from the entrance to the crawlspace.

"Don't rush me," Ritsuko said with confidence. "I'll only need one second to spare..."

The countdown reached ten in the background. "Only one?!" Misato asked in disbelief.

"It's not a zero or a minus..." Ritsuko pointed out. "Maya? Hitomi?"

"All set!" both women replied, their fingers swiftly dancing across their keyboards in time with Ritsuko's. The countdown was getting closer and closer...

"NOW!" Ritsuko called out, as she, Maya and Hitomi all hit the 'enter' key on their boards simultaneously, just as the timer reached 1.

An eerie silence hung in the air, all eyes watching the screen as the last remaining area of Caspar's avatar hovered between going black and blue. Suddenly, the blue began overtaking the red, and it soon spread to Balthasar's and Melchior's avatars. The techs erupted into cheers, while Fuyutsuki sighed with relief. Elsewhere, within the system itself, Iruel's golden lights began dying out, until finally, the Angel of Fear ceased to function, leaving only its many, many 'corpses' all over the machinery. The electronic announcer, at the same time, indicated that the self-destruct order had been canceled, and that the MAGI was returning to its normal mode. Inside Caspar, Ritsuko slumped in relief.

"Not to toot my own horn," she started to say, "but that was probably some of the best hacking I've ever pulled off in my career."

Perhaps it was fatigue from the harrowing situation they'd all been through getting to her, combined with the 'reminders' she'd gotten on seeing some of Naoko Akagi's notes within Caspar, but Maya's response was completely unexpected.

"Even more than what you did to Jet Alone?" she asked in a quiet, but sour tone of voice.

Though Maya had meant that for just herself, Ritsuko did hear it, and it shocked her. How did she find out--?! she asked herself mentally. Probing her further would have to wait, as there was still work to be done in getting everything put back in its place, among other tasks...

Geofront lake, around the same time...

The pilots, even through their test plugs, heard the electronic announcer reveal that the state of emergency had been canceled, and all hands were to return to a first stage alert status.

Sounds like the crisis has been averted...Shinji surmised.

In her plug, Rei had taken the time to meditate for a bit, based upon some techniques she'd read about after being inspired by the background of her phurba necklace.

Maria was pondering just what had unfolded around them to send the pilots away from possible danger. Mari was singing "The Galaxy Song" from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life to herself.

And Asuka...was stewing a bit over their current circumstances. "Will someone get us out of here already?! I really don't want to find out what it's like to be a grape in jello!"

The bridge...

Ritsuko was sitting in a folding chair, mulling over what Maya had said earlier. She was supervising the restoration and repairs to the computer systems, as well as the collection of the remains of Iruel to be studied in HQ's labs. She was brought out of her thoughts when Misato walked up with a couple of cups of fresh coffee. "Feels like I'm getting old--I used to be able to power through these all-nighters."

Misato handed her one of the cups. "Well, congrats on keeping your promise. Good job, Ritsuko."

Ritsuko smiled a bit, thankful for hearing some positive words from a colleague. "Thank you. It's funny, this is probably the first time I've really appreciated coffee made by you." After taking a sip, the slight somber mood returned as she briefly eyed Maya, who was over in a corner helping Shigeru and Satsuki with some maintenance. "Misato, I've told you about how my mother built the MAGI, right?"

Misato looked at her friend as she took a sip of her own coffee. "Er, yeah. Why do you ask?"

"There was something else about her development of the system that I didn't tell you about at the time," Ritsuko said. "The night before she died, my mother told me that each of the three components contain an aspect of her personality."

Misato was a bit curious about what her friend was telling her; unknown to both, Maya was quietly listening in as well. "Which ones?"

Ritsuko took another sip of coffee before she continued. "They were herself as a scientist; as a mother; and as a woman. Each of those three aspects, embodied by the three MAGI, all struggle for dominance. When she uploaded a facsimile of her personality, she intentionally gave it the dilemmas of human experience. Though in truth, each of the aspect programs are slightly different." She paused a bit before going on. "I...don't see myself as a mother any time soon. I respected her as a scientist. But as a woman...I hated her."

Misato didn't know what to make of Ritsuko's mood. "Are you feeling okay, Rits?"

Ritsuko at first didn't know how to answer that. Eventually, she did respond. "It's just been a long day. Something I remembered when Maya and Hitomi and I were working on Caspar...that component is the one based on my mother's aspect of herself as a woman. She stayed a woman to the last...(How totally like her...)"

Gendo Ikari's office, later that night...

Hours before, the pilots had been recovered, showered, and debriefed on what had gone on. They'd all been greatly surprised by the fact that an Angel had managed to breach the Geofront in such a way, which did a little to soothe Asuka's frustration with being unable to sortie, given the size and abilities of their opponent. When they were finished, the pilots headed to the commissary for a late dinner. Shinji had told them to go on ahead, as he needed to use the facilities. When the coast was clear, he'd made his way to the elevators and pressed the button for the floor containing his father's office, and when the door opened at that level, the Shadow exited and made his way to Gendo Ikari's door. Getting past the secretary and security guards was simple enough, as he'd appeared to them as Commander Ikari himself, allowing him easy admission into the NERV supreme leader's 'lair'. Once inside, and with the door closed, the Shadow dropped his guise, headed towards Gendo's desk, and booted up his computer. The purpose this time was to gather any information on what Gendo had covered up about tonight's incident with the 11th Angel before reporting to the Committee. Bypassing a lot of the safeguards, the Shadow soon found what he was looking for, and copied it onto a secure flash drive. Before exiting out of the files, he noted one folder containing information on the pilots that might be useful later on, so he copied that as well into the flash drive.
With his business concluded, the Shadow carefully erased any trace of his time logged onto Gendo's computer, shut it down, and exited the office, fooling both the secretary and security again. However, before heading back towards the elevator, he dropped the guise of Commander Ikari, and the Shadow hypnotized those same people into forgetting they had seen Commander Ikari come in earlier. Satisfied that his tracks were now covered, he then proceeded towards the elevators, where he would then return to being Shinji Ikari as he joined his fellow pilots in the commissary.

End Chapter 29.