EVA01's Unitversal Idea and Concept Posting Bin

KH Highschool AU Prequel, Persona 5 Elseworld plot bunnies


Kept you waiting, huh?
There are a few reasons I've decided to go ahead and make this thread a thing.

Partly so I can have a single place to put my notes and shit to come back to and find at a later date, partly because I'm vulnerable to peer pressure and my super-cool buddy with mad authoring skillz @Fraktal made one, and partly because I'm obnoxiously self-conscious about advertising for my stuff in other people's threads.

Even though doing it that way is usually more effective. Yes, my head makes no sense. Ancient history, that.

But for the time being, I'm going to hold off on talking about/referring to already-existing fics/quests that are already up -- I can get to some of those later -- but instead just focus on stuff I've mulled over, but not actually written yet.


Now, for some inexplicable reason, I've noticed that a highly popular genre of fanfic is the "Highschool AU", where everyone is a normal student (or teacher) in a normal high school, with all of the slice-of-life drama (relationship or otherwise) that that may entail.

I've never been one for those kind of fics personally, but then - about a year or so ago - I had an idea on how I could do something like that, but would actually be a good and interesting story for me as well, and two ways in which I could go about it.

Basically, you'd start out with the typical "HSAU" type of setup. The protagonist is probably a new transfer student, and/or it's the first day of school. But as time goes on, strange and sometimes even frightening things are happening around campus.

Maybe, on a full moon, dreadful shrieks and screams are heard in the night, and people come out the next morning to find random shit outside having been completely destroyed -- and yet there's no trace of whatever may have caused it. Maybe some of the faculty are displaying inconsistent attitudes and behavior, as if they're operating on different sets of memories from one month to the next. Maybe some of the students, whom you only know a little bit, have begun disappearing, and everyone around you swears that no such person ever existed. Maybe you were sleepily through the halls one night, and saw something in the chem lab that you never should have, only to then wake up in your bed the next morning with only the foggiest of recollections of what you were witness to. Was the sports team captain always dating two girls at once, or did the one only just show up recently?

Whatever it is, something at this school is very. Clearly. Wrong.

Still, there really isn't much you can do about it, and after a period of peak paranoia, things finally calm down for a bit, and you start to wonder if any of that weird stuff ever really happened at all.

And then it happens. The world as you know it comes to an end, and you only have a handful of people you know to help you get through whatever comes next.

The main way of executing that kind of story, that I've thought up so far, would primarily focus on the Kingdom Hearts series... using variants of the plots of Coded, Chain of Memories, Birth By Sleep, and 358/2 Days for the actual high school story, before the Heartless abruptly show up, eat the World's Heart, and unsubtly segue into Kingdom Hearts.

Alternately, "it's less of a highschool AU, and more of a highschool PREQUEL".


The other main idea I had that I'm interested in talking about, and that I'm slightly more likely to actually write, is a Persona 5 crossover fanfic.

Now, a majority of Persona crossovers (that I've seen, anyway) usually follow the plot of the original game, just replacing the game's protagonist with whatever crossover character (usually also a protagonist) the author has in mind, and from there everything's pretty much up to the individual author's creativity.

What I have in mind is a bit different. Every time you boot up Persona 5, one of the first things you get to is a question about the Thieves' Guild, to enable online communication with other players and what they've been doing.

So I thought, "A Thieves' Guild, huh? Why not go ahead and actually do something with that?"

And that's how we get the premise: that aside from the "original" troupe of Phantom Thieves in Tokyo, there are other groups of Phantom Thieves appearing all over the world, all of them stealing the hearts of the powerful corrupt within their reach and bring them to justice.

Our story in particular would focus on the second team of Phantoms to start gaining notoriety, based out of New York, starring cast members of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood and Rumble Roses, and featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.

The driving question here isn't so much "what can possibly go wrong with that idea", because quite frankly there's a lot, and more to the effect of "what's going to go wrong first, how badly, and does the author have a chance to still make it entertaining anyway?"


More story ideas to be mentioned/discussed as I have time, but there is a closing question:

If you write a Heroman and My Hero Academia crossover and you call it JoJo's Bizarre Heroics when there is absolutely no JJBA anything to be had in the story, is the title a shout-out? Or a troll job?
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G Gundam sequel starring Altria Pendragon from the Fate series
A Knight is sworn to valor...

With the existential threat of the Dark Gundam no longer present, the nations of the world soon resumed their prior status quo.

His heart knows only virtue...

Whether it be for resources, political or ideological differences, or even just nationalistic ego, the spaceborne governments are once again preparing for conflict. As always, the impoverished citizens left behind on the polluted Earth below are left hanging in the crossfire.

His blade defends the helpless...

"So you accepted it after all? The offer to become Neo Britain's new Gundam Fighter, I mean."

"Stop acting as if you're surprised. You knew I'd have to pay for my child's expenses somehow..."

His might upholds the weak...

"And what do you think of it? The pride of Neo Britain, built with bleeding-edge technology. Its onboard weapons and systems should allow it to match up against even Neo Japan's Burning Gundam! Combined with your own considerable skill --"

"I think it looks embarrassed to be in the company of a scoundrel like you."

His word speaks only truth....

"Mommy, I miss you..."

"I miss you too, sweetie. But I promise I'll come home, just as soon as I can. So until then... please, just rest."

His wrath undoes the wicked...

"Article 7 of the Gundam Fight International Treaty states that anywhere on Earth is an acceptable battlefield, and that destruction caused by the Gundam Fight isn't considered a crime!"

"I know what the treaty says, but I will see you punished for using it as a defense for your actions! GUNDAM FIGHT!"




Yes, you read that right. A sequel to Mobile Fighter G Gundam, starring a setting-appropriate expy of Altria Pendragon (the Fate/stay night version of King Arthur) as the main character, piloting the legendary Knight Gundam!
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Needless to say, I am a massive fan of this idea and I very much look forward to seeing more of it.

One of biggest regrets in life has always been that I haven't done enough Giant Robot Piloting after all.
I saw you rated the first post as well. Any thoughts you'd like to share on any of those ideas?
I think the Kingdoms Hearts idea is very clever, and I really like Phantom Thieves as a concept and I'm a big fan of Dante from Devil May Cry. Plus, since it's not about the main cast I can actually read it as I don't have the right systems to play P5 yet.

I like both and I'd be interested in reading both.

If you write a Heroman and My Hero Academia crossover and you call it JoJo's Bizarre Heroics when there is absolutely no JJBA anything to be had in the story, is the title a shout-out? Or a troll job?

That's a troll job, yeah.
I think the Kingdoms Hearts idea is very clever,
Why, thank you. It's so very nice to hear someone else say that an idea I had was clever.

and I really like Phantom Thieves as a concept and I'm a big fan of Dante from Devil May Cry. Plus, since it's not about the main cast I can actually read it as I don't have the right systems to play P5 yet.
It probably helps, that the way I have that plot in mind basically renders the last third or so of Persona 5 canon completely irrelevant. So in some ways, you would be able to avoid Major Spoilers in that regard as well.
So, a few different things to talk about today.

FIRST! I am probably going to try and make the P5 crossover a thing soon-ishTM​, and it shall be titled "A True Gentleman Thief" in honor of its protagonist, Jonathan Joestar.

SECOND! I had an idea recently, inspired by the brilliantly groundbreaking quest Yuuno's Record by @InfiniteDaze. Which amounts to a dating sim quest based on the Lyrical Nanoha franchise -- but with the twist that it DOESN'T take place in a high school! You'd be playing as Nanoha Takamachi, the beautiful office worker! In a VR simulation created by a lost civilization's errant eugenics program!

THIRD! ....I got nothin'.


....is what I would usually say, but frankly it's long past time I sat down with my audience and had a serious discussion about.... oh, it was probably my second-biggest quest during its peak, which later became my greatest failure.

Some of my long-time audience readers already know (or are beginning to realize) what I'm talking about. For those that don't, I'm referring to DRILL LA DRILL, a Gurren Lagann x Kill La Kill quest I ran a couple of years ago.

Now, one might think "how could someone screw up a crossover between those two?! Those shows are practically made for each other, aren't they?!" And, well, it is true that the two shows do meld together pretty easily with just a little bit of creative effort. That isn't difficult to accomplish.

The problem, really, was more about myself as an author, and really... well, basically I didn't really connect with my audience very well. And over time, that consistently became more and more apparent, to the point that it began souring the experience for all involved, until I eventually just gave up and killed it dead.

Over the couple of years since the quest's formal death, as I gradually cooled off mentally/emotionally and had time to reflect on everything, and why and how it happened, I've occasionally teased here and there about the possibility of reviving it in some form.

But I feel that now is the time, and this is the place, to be completely honest about the subject:

Will I ever continue DRILL LA DRILL as it once ran? No, in all honesty I probably won't. I'm not against sharing notes that I had in mind for later down the line, and if you want those notes you're free to ask, but as a project we can pretty much say it's completely and totally dead.

Will I ever produce a similar, successor series to DLD, be it as a quest or as a fanfic? The truth is... honestly, I have no friggin' clue if I ever will or not. Partly because I don't regularly interact with fandoms outside of a single thread or two, and thus I don't know how much interest there would still be for it. Partly because I still have mixed emotions on the original project, and I occasionally flip-flop between "no, let the damn thing rest in peace" to "fuck yeah, reincarnate the hell out of that sumbitch!" from one week to the next.

IF I ever do create a successor story, it will either focus heavily on other crossovers (Gundam Wing in particular), and/or otherwise the worldbuilding and setting would be near-completely overhauled (even though that was a strong point in DLD; or perhaps more accurately, because it was one of the better things I did in DLD, that presents a further motivation not to re-use the same cosmology/setting/backstory I made for DLD in a subsequent continuity).
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FIRST! I am probably going to try and make the P5 crossover a thing soon-ishTM, and it shall be titled "A True Gentleman Thief" in honor of its protagonist, Jonathan Joestar.

SECOND! I had an idea recently, inspired by the brilliantly groundbreaking quest Yuuno's Record by @InfiniteDaze. Which amounts to a dating sim quest based on the Lyrical Nanoha franchise -- but with the twist that it DOESN'T take place in a high school! You'd be playing as Nanoha Takamachi, the beautiful office worker!
I'll probably check it out but I haven't actually watched more than the first few episodes yet, so I try not to get deep into the fandom until I do so.
The wrestling game? Granted I just looked it up and so I have no idea about the plot of it or if it has any.
It's kind of like Soul Calibur in that there is a general storyline, but some details depend on which character you're playing as, even if character arcs remain constant.

For one example, the relationship between Candy Cane and Miss Spencer, as well as their mutual character arc in the main story, is more-or-less consistent regardless of which of the two you're playing as. However, some of the details are slightly different depending on which one is actually the player character; in the characters' respective reverse-morality epilogues, however, their arcs go in completely different directions and aren't compatible with each other.

But yes, that is indeed the game I'm talking about.
Sheesh, two for two on people telling me I'm too enthused about hyping them up.

Okay then, would "highly memorable" be more to your liking?

Eh, I mean, I don't really see Yuuno's Record as brilliant or anything, especially in terms with the writing.

Off the wall insanity? Yes. Being good? That's up for much debate.
Now proposing: The Same Shitty Alt!power Taylor Fanfic You've Already Seen A Dozen Times, EXCEPT WITH A TWIST!

Starring Taylor Hebert, a socially awkward teenager whose greatest talents are kicking people in the face, and drawing people around her!

Also starring Emma Barnes, Taylor's gorgeous and rich BFF with a mild obsessive/possessive streak and a sledgehammer.

These young ladies do everything together, whether it's spray-painting graffiti on PRT vans, playing tag with Nazis while they ride around in a tank, trolling New Wave online, beating the everloving shit out of anyone who looks at their behavior and lumps them in with the Merchants, and more!*

*New Age Outlaws not included​
Dissidia Multicross plot bunny
So, I've had a Dissidia - Final Fantasy - fanfic idea in mind for a while now, but it'd be one of those cheesy megacrossovers where I shamelessly abuse the war between Harmony vs Discord to set up a crossover tournament of fighting game characters.

As with the original Dissidia game, Cosmos and Chaos both have one warrior from each universe I'm using, and to make for a nice exponent of 2, I intended to use 8 game universes.

Rather than just use the most iconic/fan favorite characters from each franchise, though, I instead decided I'd use one "iconic" character, and someone else who I just liked personally, the end result being I'd get to write duels like Sophitia Alexandra (Soul Calibur II) vs Heihachi Mishima (Tekken), or Ken Masters (Street Fighter series) vs Yuuki Terumi (BlazBlue: Continuum Shift).

Other than the ones I just mentioned (Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, and BlazBlue), the other game universes I'd use would be Dead or Alive, Darkstalkers, Bloody Roar, and.... and then honestly, I don't actually have an eighth one yet. Part of me says Virtua Fighter, but another part of me isn't really satisfied with that.


Separately from that, I've always really wanted to "do something" narratively with VIII or V, but I've never been struck with an idea satisfactory enough to take the plunge and actually try it.

.........although come to think of it, it might be interesting to do a SeeD quest.
8 is one of my favorite games.

I'm down.
In a lot of ways, it was really more of a broader desire to do an open-world FF quest of some kind, without necessarily having to follow the plot of the game.

And on further reflection, the most straightforward/easily-worked premises for that would be where the player is a globetrotting monster slayer -- something like a SeeD in VIII, a Clansmen in XII or a Hunter in XV if we're talking about the player having more supportive infrastructure (active SeeDs get a salary independent of their actual exploits, and missions they're contracted to can allow for more variety/creativity than just "go [place], kill [thing], report back").

On the inverse side of that, however, I think I've demonstrated a bit of weakness/liability when it comes to protracted story arcs...

Eh, it's an idea to mull over a while longer before I fully commit to it one way or the other.

Going to have to declare right now, though: if I ever do run a SeeD quest, while the audience will get a good bit of freedom in chargen, I'm not letting you pick a gunblade as your weapon.

Mostly because of how much a big freaking deal was made at the start of the game over Squall and Seifer being able to master such notoriously difficult weapons despite their relative youth.
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SeeD quest musings
Since I'm the type who can't get an idea out of his mind until after devoting time and effort to it.... <sigh>

Might as well spitball some preliminary notes/concepts for how I'd do a SeeD quest.


First off, to keep from having to ape too much of the original game's plot, it'd probably have to be at least some degree of AU in terms of backstory, even more than just the fact of being a quest already makes it.

As far as chargen goes.... obvious stuff like name and gender are obvious, and you'd probably get to pick your weapon as well.


So without aping a "significant canon" character too closely, offhand I can think of Axe, Shield, Handgun, and Rapier. I can probably allow Shuriken as well.

True magic is only available to Sorceresses, but normals can still use Para-Magic if they're Junctioned with a Guardian Force.

This, I think, would be an interesting thing to work with as far as expanding the GF crew beyond what we saw in the game (which was pretty freaking extensive), and possibly introducing additional Summons from other games in the franchise. That's realistically a thing for later on, though, since you mostly have to explore the wider world to try and discover them.

Back to actual chargen, another critical element to your character is what Garden you graduated/are based from.

Balamb Garden is in the safest location (T-Rexaurs in the nearby forest notwithstanding) and has some of the best PR, but there are some major administrative power struggles going on behind the scenes.

Galbadia Garden is the most strictly militant of the three and is thought to have a link to the Galbadian government's own military instead of remaining a truly neutral force as it's supposed to.

Trabia Garden is in the most remote and dangerous location, and civilians abroad usually appear to forget about it in comparison to the Balamb and Galbadia Gardens. Whether that's good or bad depends on how you look at it.

As I mentioned above, SeeDs are known to get a regular salary depending on their rank, which is determined by their performance both in classroom and practical graduating exams, and in missions they're contracted with over the course of their career. Kick ass and bring your Garden glory, you get more money and more perks. Pretty straightforward, that.

However, that may be the end of the straightforwardness in your routine. As a mercenary, you could be assigned jobs anywhere from political assassination, to bodyguarding against potential assassins, instigating/supporting or suppressing rebellions, reinforcing one military force against another in open war, etc.

So in that light, the audience should probably be given some kind of morals/values axis for their characters, in terms of the kinds of jobs they'd be more or less comfortable with taking. ...actually, yeah, that would definitely be a thing to do, given the game being one where there isn't (or at least, its protagonist thinks there isn't) an absolute good or evil, only contrasting perspectives.