Well this looks bad...

The barrier snapped into place to keep me from getting Force Choked. Plutia had a temper, yes, but this was not normal. I never saw her like this in any continuity.

"I am not the Arfoire from your dimension, Lady Iris Heart. Please don't do this. Listen to those closest to you. You're scaring them. Don't frighten them like you did to IF in the Ultradimension," I tried to appeal to her better nature. The barrier was holding, mainly because she wasn't trying yet. It was the 'yet' that worried me. I cast a Reinforcement spell on my body just in case she stepped up the assault. If my defenses broke I had my contingency teleport.

It wasn't paranoia if a hostile CPU really was out to get you.

The dark feelings she was exuding were even more worrying. Why did it make me feel sick to my stomach? It was also painfully familiar...
I heard what she said and stopped, taking a deep breath or ten to regain my temper... What's going on with me? Neither of my halves would explode like this in front of my friends... I hate her guts.... but I don't want to scare my friends... especially Neppy.... Before I did anything else I buried my face into Neptune's back, trying not to cry.

"Arfy? Do you know any reason why you showing up would trigger Plutie this badly? I know she really doesn't like Ultrafoire... but not to this extent." I heard Neptune say as she hugged me.

When I arrived, it seems the situation already resolved. Plutie held back by others in one side and Auntie (plus MAGES.) in another side. Since I am pretty sure the ominous feeling came from Plutie and the general mood in the air, I can make a pretty good guess what happened but not the reason. In any case, this is definitely not the time for my Genki self or a dynamic entry.

Silently, I appear beside Aun- Arfoire. It must look weird for others if they ever pay attention to me since I keeping my expression and body-language blank/neutral completely serious. I am ready if anyone tries anything, especially Plutie with my energy flowing in my body to counter her "curse" attack.

"What's happening here?" Even my voice sounds completely different than usual. Gone is the usual happy-go-lucky replaced by cold no-nonsense tone.

@ForgottonFuture @UbeOne @dingbat779 @BanTheFairyKing @TheFanficAddict @Unlucky Bibliophile @Roland27
Lowee, Some dungeon

"Don't be silly Rom!" I pull her into a side hug "We're CPU; creatures born from, and empowered by raw faith, by peoples wish for a brighter tomorrow! If there is some scary monster here, then it's our duty to make sure it can't hurt anyone!"
"You're right!" I reply, now slightly ashamed at my hesitation, "Let's go then!"

This time I end up being the one dragging Ram towards the weird noise.
Lowee, Some dungeon

"You're right!" I reply, now slightly ashamed at my hesitation, "Let's go then!"

This time I end up being the one dragging Ram towards the weird noise.
I felt a smile growing on my face as Rom of all people dragged me to danger, and tears started to grow in my eyes 'They grow up so fast.'
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Of tensions wavering

Nepgear shook her head. "I...I don't. I've never seen Plutia flip out like this."

Neptune meanwhile was trying to restrain Plutia. "Ploots! Calm the nep down! This isn't cute!"

"Me neither," I could only say to Nepgear, while still holding her hand to try and support each other. Uni-me has witnessed Plutia's sadistic side before, but not this. I've never seen such hatred from her, and it's scary, even suffocating... yet I try to compose myself. This should be nothing compared to the Deity of Sin and Rei... If I can't stay strong in the midst of this, then how am I supposed to do something about Kurome, someone full of hatred? Noire could do it. I should be able to do it, too...

"P-Plutia, she's not the enemy!" I call out. I nearly mention that Kurome is the enemy, but Nepgear and Neptune wouldn't get what I mean, and might ask who she is and everything, and where I thought of that.

Well this looks bad...

The barrier snapped into place to keep me from getting Force Choked. Plutia had a temper, yes, but this was not normal. I never saw her like this in any continuity.

"I am not the Arfoire from your dimension, Lady Iris Heart. Please don't do this. Listen to those closest to you. You're scaring them. Don't frighten them like you did to IF in the Ultradimension," I tried to appeal to her better nature. The barrier was holding, mainly because she wasn't trying yet. It was the 'yet' that worried me. I cast a Reinforcement spell on my body just in case she stepped up the assault. If my defenses broke I had my contingency teleport.

It wasn't paranoia if a hostile CPU really was out to get you.

The dark feelings she was exuding were even more worrying. Why did it make me feel sick to my stomach? It was also painfully familiar...

I remember what Nepgear told me, er, I mean Uni-me before, of that dimension's IF who was traumatized by witnessing Iris Heart, even if said CPU was defending her. I... don't blame her for not reacting well...

I heard what she said and stopped, taking a deep breath or ten to regain my temper... What's going on with me? Neither of my halves would explode like this in front of my friends... I hate her guts.... but I don't want to scare my friends... especially Neppy.... Before I did anything else I buried my face into Neptune's back, trying not to cry.

"Arfy? Do you know any reason why you showing up would trigger Plutie this badly? I know she really doesn't like Ultrafoire... but not to this extent." I heard Neptune say as she hugged me.

I turn to Purefoire, interested in what the veteran Maker would answer. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before Plutia's seemingly hidden history with Arfoire would come to light...


When I arrived, it seems the situation already resolved. Plutie held back by others in one side and Auntie (plus MAGES.) in another side. Since I am pretty sure the ominous feeling came from Plutie and the general mood in the air, I can make a pretty good guess what happened but not the reason. In any case, this is definitely not the time for my Genki self or a dynamic entry.

Silently, I appear beside Aun- Arfoire. It must look weird for others if they ever pay attention to me since I keeping my expression and body-language blank/neutral completely serious. I am ready if anyone tries anything, especially Plutie with my energy flowing in my body to counter her "curse" attack.

"What's happening here?" Even my voice sounds completely different than usual. Gone is the usual happy-go-lucky replaced by cold no-nonsense tone.

Now there's Red again, but I've never seen her this calm and serious before. "Plutia tried to choke Purefoire," I answer, stating plainly what had occurred.
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I simply sighed, though not quite relaxing as I kept my stare on Plutia...
If she tried to attack this woman again..
"Hmm.." I crossed my arms, subtly looking around at everyone with my usual lidded eyes.
Deescalation at last...

"Whatever happened to her in the Ultradimension must be affecting her now. I admit to not being the best of people once upon a time. I won't take the fall for someone else's sins. I have enough of my own..." I sighed. Arfoire's memories still troubled me.

Now that it looked like the violence was over I extended a gesture of trust. I visibly allowed the defensive spells to fall away in a shower of sparkles. To gain trust one must give trust. Hopefully I could show her that I meant no harm. Just in case I sidled up to RED and draped an arm around her shoulders. I admit it was cowardly but my body was shaking so hard I expected to fall at any moment. The redheaded Maker was exuding a more solid presence which helped me get my bearings.
Deescalation at last...

"Whatever happened to her in the Ultradimension must be affecting her now. I admit to not being the best of people once upon a time. I won't take the fall for someone else's sins. I have enough of my own..." I sighed. Arfoire's memories still troubled me.

Now that it looked like the violence was over I extended a gesture of trust. I visibly allowed the defensive spells to fall away in a shower of sparkles. To gain trust one must give trust. Hopefully I could show her that I meant no harm. Just in case I sidled up to RED and draped an arm around her shoulders. I admit it was cowardly but my body was shaking so hard I expected to fall at any moment. The redheaded Maker was exuding a more solid presence which helped me get my bearings.
I felt Neppy pull me into a hug as the world fell away as I returned to sleep.

"...To be fair to Plootsie, I know she's worrying about Peashy, and her Iffy and Compa..." Neptune said. She looked down to the sleeping CPU. "I AM going to ask Mini Histy about this though. I don't want Plootsie to tear herself apart emotionally.."
I felt Neppy pull me into a hug as the world fell away as I returned to sleep.

"...To be fair to Plootsie, I know she's worrying about Peashy, and her Iffy and Compa..." Neptune said. She looked down to the sleeping CPU. "I AM going to ask Mini Histy about this though. I don't want Plootsie to tear herself apart emotionally.."

Awww the sight of Neptune hugging Ploots is just adorable. Kawaii!




Serious Noire Time. "Okay, seeing as things have deescalated and Plutia seems to be asleep, may we talk about what's going on?"
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Of talks to have

Serious Noire Time. "Okay, seeing as things have deescalated and Plutia seems to be asleep, may we talk about what's going on?"

"Okay, sis," I answer her. We really could do without the sudden drama and interruptions. And Compa is supposed to show us her newfound city, too.

I glance towards the newly ascended CPU. Is she all right? All this happened at her new home...

For now, however, I just continue to hold Nepgear's hand, it remaining a source of comfort to me.