Basilicom Hallway, Niux
I hope Nepgear is fine

Eh? Why is Noire signaling me to stop? But I can't let her be put down like that!

...Okay, maybe I came off as a tad too aggressive, but it's not like I wouldn't defend Nepgear or anything. I really would.

I make a mental note to ask the Ultradimension's Histoire when I get the chance. Having context on the matter would be much appreciated.

...Did my older sister just admit to being a tsundere? What a milestone! I never thought I'd see the day. I can only chuckle at that. Then again, Uni-me's own tendencies had to come from somewhere.

I return Nepgear's embrace, the warmth and comfort a nice feeling to have. "Will you be okay?" I ask her.
Nepgear nods as Neptune looks at you two. "Yeah. It's... a sore spot for her from what I can tell. Like Histy and the CPUs before Neptune. She gets irritable when anyone asks her..."

Neptune nods. "Yep yep. She goes all Pisty when it's asked."
I calmly walk back into the room, my face a picture of calm and composure. "I apologize for that small breach in behavior. It has been a long day, but that is not an excuse. In my tired state, I was forced to confront a negative aspect of my own personality, and wasn't able to deal with it properly, and so I apologize."

I give them all a small bow, like in those anime.
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Of hidden histories

Nepgear nods as Neptune looks at you two. "Yeah. It's... a sore spot for her from what I can tell. Like Histy and the CPUs before Neptune. She gets irritable when anyone asks her..."

Neptune nods. "Yep yep. She goes all Pisty when it's asked."

"I'm guessing you-know-who's worse than what we know," I remark. Such would plausibly explain why they don't want to talk about it. "But I don't know, things like that tend to come to light later on."

Anything important usually has a way of surfacing, despite efforts to hide it. Or does that only happen in stories?

I calmly walk back into the room, my face a picture of calm and composure. "I apologize for that small breach in behavior. It has been a long day, but that is not an excuse. In my tired state, I was forced to confront a negative aspect of my own personality, and wasn't able to deal with it properly, and so I apologize."

I give them all a small bow, like in those anime.

"It's okay," I say. Meanwhile, Nepgear's hug continues to feel nice...



I crossed my arms. "Hmm."
I was wary...but it seems she went to sleep. Though I agree, that vicious glaring. From just mentioning a name? Plutia needed to learn how to control her damn temper.

I sighed, going over to the two lovebirds, though not without addressing Noire.
"It's fine, you were stressed weren't you?" I waved away the Lastation CPU's worries away, finding her sudden formality a tad amusing, but also jarring. "Besides, we're friends, aren't we?"

And a for the two little sisters...I pat Nepgear on the shoulder briefly. She missed her friends, huh?


I crossed my arms. "Hmm."
I was wary...but it seems she went to sleep. Though I agree, that vicious glaring. From just mentioning a name? Plutia needed to learn how to control her damn temper.

I sighed, going over to the two lovebirds, though not without addressing Noire.
"It's fine, you were stressed weren't you?" I waved away the Lastation CPU's worries away, finding her sudden formality a tad amusing, but also jarring. "Besides, we're friends, aren't we?"

And a for the two little sisters...I pat Nepgear on the shoulder briefly. She missed her friends, huh?

"Yeah I was and... Yeah, we are. You're a good friend Vert." With that, I give her my best cutest smile, Smile Number 7: Happy Idol! Ah, having friends is already giving me a warm feeling inside my chest! Eat *that* Lonely Heart memes!

Me Note: I had a post all written out where I cooed over not being Lonely Heart anymore but apparently it didn't send or save, so sorry for the delay :(
I nodded to concede the point but there was a CPU who might not be so forgiving.
"What do you think Lady Iris Heart's reaction is going to be when she sees me?" I asked MAGES. dryly.
Given what the other Arfoire pulled in the other dimensions? I might just be screwed over the table without lube or even dinner first.

Play it cool or throw myself at her feet and beg for mercy? It might not have been me who hurt Plutia, but Iris Heart wasn't reasonable when she was angry. I glanced aside at MAGES. The magic scientist could be counted on to help keep me alive. I wouldn't use her as a shield. For the most part she was an alright person. Rather than contemplate using MAGES. as a meatshield I focused on whispering a few lines to a defensive spell. Something that would whisk me away from harm to someplace safe.

If I was really lucky it might even throw me back home!

Hey, I can dream can't I?

MAGES. glanced up at the Basilicom, scratching her chin. A Santa hat jingled forlornly atop her head. "It feels like we've been standing out here for months," said MAGES., brushing off the coat of snow that had spontaneously appeared over her body. A quick switch replaced the Santa hat with her normal magician one. Wouldn't help to be underdressed, after all. "Well, let's not hold ourselves in anymore suspense. Let's go in."
With a single wave of her staff, MAGES. opened the doors of the Basilicom and stepped through the doorway.
Where did the snow come from?

MAGES. glanced up at the Basilicom, scratching her chin. A Santa hat jingled forlornly atop her head. "It feels like we've been standing out here for months," said MAGES., brushing off the coat of snow that had spontaneously appeared over her body. A quick switch replaced the Santa hat with her normal magician one. Wouldn't help to be underdressed, after all. "Well, let's not hold ourselves in anymore suspense. Let's go in."
With a single wave of her staff, MAGES. opened the doors of the Basilicom and stepped through the doorway.

Random snow showers and santa hats weren't even the weirdest thing to happen to Gamindustri. At least I had great legs to go with the elf costume. A wave of my hand was all it took to restore my default outfit. At least it should have been my default Purefoire outfit. Why did I look like that character from Brave Neptunia now?

Then again, with Plutia inside the Basilicom, the shield might come in handy...
MAGES. glanced up at the Basilicom, scratching her chin. A Santa hat jingled forlornly atop her head. "It feels like we've been standing out here for months," said MAGES., brushing off the coat of snow that had spontaneously appeared over her body. A quick switch replaced the Santa hat with her normal magician one. Wouldn't help to be underdressed, after all. "Well, let's not hold ourselves in anymore suspense. Let's go in."
With a single wave of her staff, MAGES. opened the doors of the Basilicom and stepped through the doorway.
Where did the snow come from?

Random snow showers and santa hats weren't even the weirdest thing to happen to Gamindustri. At least I had great legs to go with the elf costume. A wave of my hand was all it took to restore my default outfit. At least it should have been my default Purefoire outfit. Why did I look like that character from Brave Neptunia now?

Then again, with Plutia inside the Basilicom, the shield might come in handy...
There was a presence in the air. One I hated. So. Fucking. Much. My magenta eyes turned to the doorway, and there she was. The traitorous bitch who has caused me so much sorrow. Who kiddnapped and traumatized IF. Who's damned sword sent to sleep for AT LEAST A HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS. "Arfoire." My voice was full of hate, and my hand clamped down on my dolls neck to choke her. I felt Neppy try to get me to stop but I ignored her. I have a CPU-killer to kill. "Die for me you fucking FRIEND KILLING BITCH!"
There was a presence in the air. One I hated. So. Fucking. Much. My magenta eyes turned to the doorway, and there she was. The traitorous bitch who has caused me so much sorrow. Who kiddnapped and traumatized IF. Who's damned sword sent to sleep for AT LEAST A HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS. "Arfoire." My voice was full of hate, and my hand clamped down on my dolls neck to choke her. I felt Neppy try to get me to stop but I ignored her. I have a CPU-killer to kill. "Die for me you fucking FRIEND KILLING BITCH!"

Ar... What? What the the hell is even... Ah hell I have to stop Plutia before she kills her, don't I. Me, Black Heart. Against Iris Heart while she's super pissed. Oh this will be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

"Black Heart, Transform! Plutia, honey, calm down. Neptune, Compa, help me restrain her if she doesn't calm. The rest of you, restrain Arfoire if she still is wholly the bitch. If not, tie her down and let her explain. Let's go!"
Planeptune -> Lastation

Y'know, S-sha's actually right!
"Yep. We need to get armed in order to defend ourselves, and in case one of the Dark Jabronies come out, we can whoop their asses with heavy artillery."
I then asked E-sha to give me the Driver Detector, and set it to point towards Lastation's driver. I gave it back to the front seat, and before we rolled out, we made sure all of our belongings and weapons are in the back, including my megaphone.
"S-sha, drive us towards Lastation!"

After about two hours, I didn't think about boostpads nor daydreamed about extreme rides. We just chilled on the way to Lastation, and hoped that no one will be in the way.

And I just hope we rescue K-sha, and get her CPU Driver gear.

After some time, I though that instead of being Gold Thirds with Gold Energy, the Shas became "CPU Thirds". Fun!

"S-sha, are we there yet?" I asked, hopefully receiving a yes from her.

Timeskip is a go!
Also, I'll tag the GM below for possible scenarios.
S-Sha (Zero!Green Heart) and E-Sha (Zero!Green Sister)
Gooman (NPC) and Lady Dogoo (NPC)
Planeptune, Zero Dimension

"... I'm inclined to say No by principle but yes, we are 'there' now." I say as I gently swerve and avoided some debris. "And by that, I mean yes, we have arrived at Lastation's borders."

Steering us back at the right side of the roads, I asked Red. "Where is the thingy pointing us now? Kinda need directions to the thing."
Planeptune-Lastation border
We're technically here...

"I set it to point towards the Lastation Driver. Wait... Did I mention that it can search for survivors while I was daydreaming this thing into reality?"
I asked, and I thought long and hard about it. "Actually, scratch that. It can only detect CPU Drivers, alert us of Dark CPUs, and possibly point out a way out of here. I do not know about the last part, but the first two parts are real."

It must be a sad thing that it never detected survivors nor rifts. But I know that there is a rift out there that is undetectable by Dark CPUs nor monsters. I should know, I dreamt it myself.

"I think it may be pointing at either the basilicom or some random building with an underground bunker. It can only point where the CPU Driver is, not the possible user. One thing's for sure. It's in the city."

As I said that, I saw the Lastation city in the distance. As this is the Zero Dimension, some buildings were destroyed, and everything is abandoned. I just hope that we could find K-sha and her CPU Driver in this dump. The latter is possible, but the former will be hard.

"Let's look for buildings that may have broken in. K-sha may be using her 'Agent Persona' to survive. She needs to be armed in order to trigger that side of her, and as we all know, she's a yandere. But... Seeing as there's no Noire in this dimension, she isn't that dangerous, although she can still be lethal with that SMG of hers." I rattled off, hopefully we can strategize on how to deal with K-sha and how to give her the Lastation Driver.

"But before that, we need to find the Driver first. We will have a better chance at recruiting her if we have a CPU Driver to give." I said, adding to my earlier statement.

I am so ready for this.

[@ForgottonFuture, if you please...]
It's aimed right at the Basilicom...., which has a sleeping Dark Black sprawled over the top.
It skrees again and just floats in place. Seems like it is no longer hungry.
Then, you hear something roar. You feel your bones shake. It's in the depths. And it's coming, the Metroid is scared. The poor thing is shaking like a leaf in the wind.
@Card Captor @Jhin Lemon
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Then, you hear something roar. You feel your bones shake. It's in the depths. And it's coming, the Metroid is scared. The poor thing is shaking like a leaf in the wind.
@Card Captor @Jhin Lemon
Um. There was a roar that just made the jellyfish of turning-things-to-dust scared. I think my adventure-high is wearing off.

"Ram, should we really go look for that?" I ask, "It might be a bit too much for now..."

@Card Captor
Well this looks bad...

There was a presence in the air. One I hated. So. Fucking. Much. My magenta eyes turned to the doorway, and there she was. The traitorous bitch who has caused me so much sorrow. Who kiddnapped and traumatized IF. Who's damned sword sent to sleep for AT LEAST A HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS. "Arfoire." My voice was full of hate, and my hand clamped down on my dolls neck to choke her. I felt Neppy try to get me to stop but I ignored her. I have a CPU-killer to kill. "Die for me you fucking FRIEND KILLING BITCH!"

Ar... What? What the the hell is even... Ah hell I have to stop Plutia before she kills her, don't I. Me, Black Heart. Against Iris Heart while she's super pissed. Oh this will be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

"Black Heart, Transform! Plutia, honey, calm down. Neptune, Compa, help me restrain her if she doesn't calm. The rest of you, restrain Arfoire if she still is wholly the bitch. If not, tie her down and let her explain. Let's go!"

I wasn't going to make a hostile move, but I also wasn't going to get killed here. Especially not over something that wasn't even my fault. The shield on my forearm was small but it didn't need to be big. I used the shield as a focus to ready a defensive barrier. If Plutia didn't heed my non-hostile stance the shield would snap into place. My hands immediately shot up in the classic 'surrender' gesture.

"I am not the Arfoire you know! I am of the Hyperdimension and not the Ultradimension," I quickly said. Hopefully it worked.
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Well this looks bad...

I wasn't going to make a hostile move, but I also wasn't going to get killed here. Especially not over something that wasn't even my fault. The shield on my forearm was small but it didn't need to be big. I used the shield as a focus to ready a defensive barrier. If Plutia didn't heed my non-hostile stance the shield would snap into place. My hands immediately shot up in the classic 'surrender' gesture.

"I am not the Arfoire you know! I am of the Hyperdimension and not the Ultradimension," I quickly said. Hopefully it worked.
I ignored Neptune. "There's so many fucking similarities in both worlds. Rei loses it when she goes HDD. Blanc has one hell of a temper. Vert wants a little sister. Noire is a tsundere. Neppy is adorable. So, what makes me trust that you didn't fucking kill them a hundred or so years ago?" Hate was thick in Plutia's voice as she tried to suffocate Arfoire. For the redeemed maker... that level of hate was familiar. And not in a good way.
A Dark CPU?!?

We're near the Lastation basilicom, and the screen suddenly turned red. Thank goodness it wasn't beeping loudly... but the screen being red can only mean one thing...

It's aimed right at the Basilicom...., which has a sleeping Dark Black sprawled over the top.
Shit. There goes the stealthy approach; Although we can attempt it...
"S-sha, We should go inside carefully and hopefully not wake up the sleeping giant; E-sha, get B-sha and make sure she's wearing the Driver. We're going in." I said in a whisper. "Also, check the back of the car for additional weapons. We will need more firepower for this one..."
S-Sha (Zero!Green Heart) and E-Sha (Zero!Green Sister)
Gooman (NPC) and Lady Dogoo (NPC)
Lastation, Zero Dimension

A Dark CPU?!?

We're near the Lastation basilicom, and the screen suddenly turned red. Thank goodness it wasn't beeping loudly... but the screen being red can only mean one thing...

Shit. There goes the stealthy approach; Although we can attempt it...
"S-Sha, We should go inside carefully and hopefully not wake up the sleeping giant; E-Sha, get B-Sha and make sure she's wearing the Driver. We're going in." I said in a whisper. "Also, check the back of the car for additional weapons. We will need more firepower for this one..."
"Huh. Yeah we're gonna have to put that on hold Red." Muttered S-Sha blankly as she kept her eyes on the Dark CPU as she stops the car whilst simultaneously preparing to maneuver the car back and around at any moment just in case they need to bolt.

"Yeah we're not going in there Red. Let's head to some other place instead, like Lowee or something." S-Sha says quickly to Uzume as soon as she felt E-Sha's apprehension and fear in their link. "If you still want to go and sneak in, you do it yourself or with B-Sha, we'll back you up if needed but trying to sneak in four people would only get us noticed by the thing."
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Okay then...

"Yeah, we're not going in there Red. Let's head to some other place instead, like Lowee or something."
"Alright... Let's pack some heat first." I said in exasperation, but it is what it is. We're not ready for the giant yet.
"I think Lastation's abandoned warehouses can be good sources of firepower, since we may need ammo to rain down on the giant fucker." I said, getting back in the car.

"Let's raid some warehouses and intact buildings. We can recruit K-sha when we find her."

Welp, there goes the sneaky sneaky plan I just cooked up. I sighed as I sat back down. Hopefully we can pull the plan off, but with K-sha on our side.
S-Sha (Zero!Green Heart) and E-Sha (Zero!Green Sister)
Gooman (NPC) and Lady Dogoo (NPC)
Lastation, Zero Dimension

Okay then...

"Alright... Let's pack some heat first." I said in exasperation, but it is what it is. We're not ready for the giant yet.

"I think Lastation's abandoned warehouses can be good sources of firepower, since we may need ammo to rain down on the giant fucker." I said, getting back in the car.

"Let's raid some warehouses and intact buildings. We can recruit K-Sha when we find her." Welp, there goes the sneaky sneaky plan I just cooked up. I sighed as I sat back down. Hopefully we can pull the plan off, but with K-Sha on our side.
"That, we can do." S-Sha says as she drove the car forward then steered towards the warehouses. Though they could've reached the place faster but doing so would need S-Sha to push the car harder and faster which means that there's a large chance of waking up the sleeping Dark CPU due to the noise a car's engine would make at full power.


"All right we're here. What now?" S-Sha asks as she stops the car and unlocks the doors. "Who's going in and who's going to stay? Someone needs to stay and guard the car in case something or someone gets some idea."

"If that is the case, we can stay and guard the car S-Sha-sama." Responds Lady Dogoo as she looks at her counterpart who then merely nodded.

"I don't know, I want to trust you but you disappeared on us so..." Shrugs S-Sha whilst ignoring E-Sha's pointed look at her for insinuating that the two humanoid Goos would leave them behind.
Ominous Feeling

Hmm, how strange~ I know, It's been a while since the witches left me here but it feels much longer than I thought. As if, my mind was blacked out for months despite only just a few minutes passed. Perhaps I am more exhausted than I thought, it was a good decision to take a rest for moments then. Still, what should I really do now?"

"Ah~ Things are just a bit too much right now and I think it will continue to do so~" I mutter to myself while cuddling the weird thing Auntie summoned. Wonder what's with Arfoire and eggplant "...I wonder if I will be around long enough to see this to the end."

No matter how special I think my current situation, I know that in the big picture I am still no one. [RED] isn't of any importance in this wonderful world, [RED] is just another optional side-character. Even in the games, I am pretty sure [RED] is no longer exist after Megadimension. Maybe I am just thinking about this too much, but I can't really avoid this issue for so long right? I don't know what happened to me, to us, but now, I am stuck here with an uncertain condition.

Sigh... this is the worst. I know others are experiencing the same but that only makes things more concerning. For now, they seem don't know I am the same. Which probably speak of how much [RED] mattered to them, but I don't think I can keep up the act for so long. Hmm, maybe I can drop the innocent genki act under the pretence of trying other methods to get more wifey? That can works.

Before I can mull more about this, I feel a familiar and nauseating feeling washes over me. This...palpable mix of bloodlust and hatred, it comes from around where the direction of the others are. Something serious is happening, something bad. This is no time for me moping around, I must go. I don't know what I can do but others are there...at the very least I must see what's happening.

Holding the strange eggplant creature under my arms, I refined my breathing and feeling energy circulating inside my body with each beat of my heart. In an instant, my body explodes into action as I moving toward the others. I hope, I hope I am not too late.
On Guard Duty...

"Who's going in and who's going to stay? Someone needs to stay and guard the car in case something or someone gets some idea."
"Lil' B and I will take care of the car. You and E go in. You guys may have the knowledge on various ammunitions and stuff..."
"If that is the case, we can stay and guard the car S-Sha-sama."
"The Goo people can stay with us if they want..." I suggested.
S-Sha (Zero!Green Heart) and E-Sha (Zero!Green Sister)
Gooman (NPC) and Lady Dogoo (NPC)
Lastation, Zero Dimension

On Guard Duty...

"Lil' B and I will take care of the car. You and E go in. You guys may have the knowledge on various ammunitions and stuff..."

"The Goo people can stay with us if they want..." I suggested.
"I actually don't know that much about munitions and weapons." At least those in Nep-verse. Was left unsaid by S-Sha to Uzume but not to E-Sha as they are connected to each other. "?"

"I'll take E, and the Goos for searching, it'll be a lot faster that way and the quicker we get things done, the faster we'll be out of that Dark CPUs nose." Shrugging, S-Sha decided that having more people search the whole place seems more logical and as such, she took E-Sha and the Goos in search of whatever munitions and weapons left. "You and B can stay."

"Let's go." Motioning towards the warehouses, S-Sha called the others and started their search.

""Of course S-Sha-sama.""

@ForgottonFuture, what did we find?
Time for some trunk diving!

"I'll take E, and the Goos for searching, it'll be a lot faster that way and the quicker we get things done, the faster we'll be out of that Dark CPUs nose."
"Alright, Although we'll inevitably run into the bastard when they are alerted of my mere prescence." I warned, fearing for the worst.
"They may detect my Share Energy signatures and then make a run towards us. That's how strong their 'Uzume Sense' is." They were created to destroy me, the (supposed to be) Last CPU of the Zerodimension.

"Let's go." Motioning towards the warehouses, S-Sha called the others and started their search.

""Of course S-Sha-sama.""
"Take care guys..." I said as they went inside the warehouse. I waited for them to disappear from my sight before taking action.

"Okay, B. Since we have the keys to the car, we can open the trunk! Now where is that button..."
I looked for the button with the trunk label, which is easily seen. I pushed it, and I heard a click go off.
Yes! It worked!
"Stay inside, B-sha--Wait... Actually, come with me to the back." She stepped outside the car and we closed the doors (with the keys on my skirt pocket, of course) leaving the trunk open.

After digging in the trunk and setting aside my signature megaphone, B-sha's rocket launcher, and S&E's wands, I came across something...
I saw a high-tech blue and white case thingie. It's currently in its compact form (according to my hunch), and I don't want to touch it until S-sha arrives. I gently placed back the weapons, closed down the trunk and waited for S-sha's party to arrive.

[Now waiting for @ForgottonFuture post]
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Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Of tensions rising yet again

Things suddenly break loose. Arfoire, I mean Purefoire (Oh yeah, she's around! Nepgear mentioned her, and Neptune actually made a public explanation and pardon for her! Her outfit seems a bit different though) comes in, and Plutia is on the verge of snapping, even pulling a Vader. Nepgear looks shocked, and so am I. I let go of the hug, and hold her hand tightly. What should I do? What should I do? It's all too easy to resort to violence, but that's not going to solve this. Purefoire is not the enemy, and Plutia needs to calm down!

Ar... What? What the the hell is even... Ah hell I have to stop Plutia before she kills her, don't I. Me, Black Heart. Against Iris Heart while she's super pissed. Oh this will be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

"Black Heart, Transform! Plutia, honey, calm down. Neptune, Compa, help me restrain her if she doesn't calm. The rest of you, restrain Arfoire if she still is wholly the bitch. If not, tie her down and let her explain. Let's go!"

With my mind still reeling from all that is happening, I default to my big sister's instructions, noticing that she's using her HDD again. "Nepgear, do you have something to tie her with?" I quickly ask my girlfriend. If she doesn't respond, I would lightly shake her shoulder to try and help her out of her shock.

In my case, I don't. I do have a spell that slows down a target, called Charley Horse, but it might be construed as an attack, rather than a restraint.

Um. There was a roar that just made the jellyfish of turning-things-to-dust scared. I think my adventure-high is wearing off.

"Ram, should we really go look for that?" I ask, "It might be a bit too much for now..."

@Card Captor
"Don't be silly Rom!" I pull her into a side hug "We're CPU; creatures born from, and empowered by raw faith, by peoples wish for a brighter tomorrow! If there is some scary monster here, then it's our duty to make sure it can't hurt anyone!"
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Of tensions rising yet again

Things suddenly break loose. Arfoire, I mean Purefoire (Oh yeah, she's around! Nepgear mentioned her, and Neptune actually made a public explanation and pardon for her! Her outfit seems a bit different though) comes in, and Plutia is on the verge of snapping, even pulling a Vader. Nepgear looks shocked, and so am I. I let go of the hug, and hold her hand tightly. What should I do? What should I do? It's all too easy to resort to violence, but that's not going to solve this. Purefoire is not the enemy, and Plutia needs to calm down!

With my mind still reeling from all that is happening, I default to my big sister's instructions, noticing that she's using her HDD again. "Nepgear, do you have something to tie her with?" I quickly ask my girlfriend. If she doesn't respond, I would lightly shake her shoulder to try and help her out of her shock.

In my case, I don't. I do have a spell that slows down a target, called Charley Horse, but it might be construed as an attack, rather than a restraint.

Nepgear shook her head. "I...I don't. I've never seen Plutia flip out like this."

Neptune meanwhile was trying to restrain Plutia. "Ploots! Calm the nep down! This isn't cute!"
Well this looks bad...

I ignored Neptune. "There's so many fucking similarities in both worlds. Rei loses it when she goes HDD. Blanc has one hell of a temper. Vert wants a little sister. Noire is a tsundere. Neppy is adorable. So, what makes me trust that you didn't fucking kill them a hundred or so years ago?" Hate was thick in Plutia's voice as she tried to suffocate Arfoire. For the redeemed maker... that level of hate was familiar. And not in a good way.

The barrier snapped into place to keep me from getting Force Choked. Plutia had a temper, yes, but this was not normal. I never saw her like this in any continuity.

"I am not the Arfoire from your dimension, Lady Iris Heart. Please don't do this. Listen to those closest to you. You're scaring them. Don't frighten them like you did to IF in the Ultradimension," I tried to appeal to her better nature. The barrier was holding, mainly because she wasn't trying yet. It was the 'yet' that worried me. I cast a Reinforcement spell on my body just in case she stepped up the assault. If my defenses broke I had my contingency teleport.

It wasn't paranoia if a hostile CPU really was out to get you.

The dark feelings she was exuding were even more worrying. Why did it make me feel sick to my stomach? It was also painfully familiar...