Rescue the Survivors!

As we mount up the car, I asked Red on what's next. "So what now? I want to get out of this Dimension, being a CPU is nice and all but I can't survive without creature comforts which there is a total amount of Zero, Nada, Zilch, in this God-forsaken Dimension."
"We should find the other drivers and hopefully, Other Shas before going through a rift and Hightailing it out of here." I said, plopping myself in the back seat. I won't leave this dimension until I get the gang back together.
"Unless someone finds the 'Swirl Console' on another dimension, it'll be just us here. Let's rescue as much as we can before we get out of here. Who knows? Maybe K-sha is scavenging the streets of Lastation or C-sha's living alone in Lowee... Speaking of those nations, where do you want to go?"
I asked S-sha, who is currently on the driver seat.
S-Sha (Zero!Green Heart) and E-Sha (Zero!Green Sister)
Gooman (NPC) and Lady Dogoo (NPC)
Planeptune, Zero Dimension

Rescue the Survivors!

"We should find the other drivers and hopefully, Other Shas before going through a rift and Hightailing it out of here." I said, plopping myself in the back seat. I won't leave this dimension until I get the gang back together.

"Unless someone finds the 'Swirl Console' on another dimension, it'll be just us here. Let's rescue as much as we can before we get out of here. Who knows? Maybe K-Sha is scavenging the streets of Lastation or C-Sha's living alone in Lowee... Speaking of those nations, where do you want to go?" I asked S-Sha, who is currently on the driver seat.
"Winterhelm is a no no so we'll go with Lastation, that place is a bit more industrial than the rest so who know, we'll probably be able to salvage something better like a VTOL craft for faster movement or guns. More guns never hurt." Is my reply as we drove away.

Right o, can I ask you to do the thing again? Time skip to Lastation.
Planeptune -> Lastation

"Winterhelm is a no no so we'll go with Lastation, that place is a bit more industrial than the rest so who know, we'll probably be able to salvage something better like a VTOL craft for faster movement or guns. More guns never hurt."
Y'know, S-sha's actually right!
"Yep. We need to get armed in order to defend ourselves, and in case one of the Dark Jabronies come out, we can whoop their asses with heavy artillery."
I then asked E-sha to give me the Driver Detector, and set it to point towards Lastation's driver. I gave it back to the front seat, and before we rolled out, we made sure all of our belongings and weapons are in the back, including my megaphone.
"S-sha, drive us towards Lastation!"

After about two hours, I didn't think about boostpads nor daydreamed about extreme rides. We just chilled on the way to Lastation, and hoped that no one will be in the way.

And I just hope we rescue K-sha, and get her CPU Driver gear.

After some time, I though that instead of being Gold Thirds with Gold Energy, the Shas became "CPU Thirds". Fun!

"S-sha, are we there yet?" I asked, hopefully receiving a yes from her.

Timeskip is a go!
Also, I'll tag the GM below for possible scenarios.
S-Sha (Zero!Green Heart) and E-Sha (Zero!Green Sister)
Gooman (NPC) and Lady Dogoo (NPC)
Planeptune, Zero Dimension

Planeptune -> Lastation

Y'know, S-Sha's actually right! "Yep. We need to get armed in order to defend ourselves, and in case one of the Dark Jabronies come out, we can whoop their asses with heavy artillery."

I then asked E-Sha to give me the Driver Detector, and set it to point towards Lastation's driver. I gave it back to the front seat, and before we rolled out, we made sure all of our belongings and weapons are in the back, including my megaphone. "S-Sha, drive us towards Lastation!"

After about two hours, I didn't think about boostpads nor daydreamed about extreme rides. We just chilled on the way to Lastation, and hoped that no one will be in the way.

And I just hope we rescue K-Sha, and get her CPU Driver gear.

After some time, I though that instead of being Gold Thirds with Gold Energy, the Shas became "CPU Thirds". Fun!

"S-Sha, are we there yet?" I asked, hopefully receiving a yes from her.

Timeskip is a go!
Also, I'll tag the GM below for possible scenarios.
"... I'm inclined to say No by principle but yes, we are 'there' now." I say as I gently swerve and avoided some debris. "And by that, I mean yes, we have arrived at Lastation's borders."

Steering us back at the right side of the roads, I asked Red. "Where is the thingy pointing us now? Kinda need directions to the thing."
Planeptune-Lastation border
We're technically here...

Steering us back at the right side of the roads, I asked Red. "Where is the thingy pointing us now? Kinda need directions to the thing."
"I set it to point towards the Lastation Driver. Wait... Did I mention that it can search for survivors while I was daydreaming this thing into reality?"
I asked, and I thought long and hard about it. "Actually, scratch that. It can only detect CPU Drivers, alert us of Dark CPUs, and possibly point out a way out of here. I do not know about the last part, but the first two parts are real."

It must be a sad thing that it never detected survivors nor rifts. But I know that there is a rift out there that is undetectable by Dark CPUs nor monsters. I should know, I dreamt it myself.

"I think it may be pointing at either the basilicom or some random building with an underground bunker. It can only point where the CPU Driver is, not the possible user. One thing's for sure. It's in the city."

As I said that, I saw the Lastation city in the distance. As this is the Zero Dimension, some buildings were destroyed, and everything is abandoned. I just hope that we could find K-sha and her CPU Driver in this dump. The latter is possible, but the former will be hard.

"Let's look for buildings that may have broken in. K-sha may be using her 'Agent Persona' to survive. She needs to be armed in order to trigger that side of her, and as we all know, she's a yandere. But... Seeing as there's no Noire in this dimension, she isn't that dangerous, although she can still be lethal with that SMG of hers." I rattled off, hopefully we can strategize on how to deal with K-sha and how to give her the Lastation Driver.

"But before that, we need to find the Driver first. We will have a better chance at recruiting her if we have a CPU Driver to give." I said, adding to my earlier statement.

I am so ready for this.

[@ForgottonFuture, if you please...]
Alright score! Noone noticed my lie! I am so awesome at this stuff! Noire-me could never lie with a straight face and so always went for misdirections, but it seems Davis-me's poker face has won out in the end! Bwahahahaha!

As I gloat to myself, I realize the room has not only gotten quiet, but become further occupied as well... and they're all staring at me...

"Um... hi? I wasn't monologuing in my head... no, not at all..." I trail off, a light blush on my face as I trace circles on the ground with my foot and look towards my waist.

@ForgottonFuture @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @Roland27
Alright score! Noone noticed my lie! I am so awesome at this stuff! Noire-me could never lie with a straight face and so always went for misdirections, but it seems Davis-me's poker face has won out in the end! Bwahahahaha!

As I gloat to myself, I realize the room has not only gotten quiet, but become further occupied as well... and they're all staring at me...

"Um... hi? I wasn't monologuing in my head... no, not at all..." I trail off, a light blush on my face as I trace circles on the ground with my foot and look towards my waist.

@ForgottonFuture @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @Roland27
Plutia looked at Noire from her spot on Neptune. "Are you lying to me? You know I don't like that~" I teased.
Plutia looked at Noire from her spot on Neptune. "Are you lying to me? You know I don't like that~" I teased.

I duck my head even more. "N-no..." I manage to squeak out, my face going even redder. Teasing me in this state is unfair alright! Just because one half of me is experienced doesn't mean the other half... my blush turns nuclear.
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Not the ship I was asking about

"I like that name," I whisper to her. While I was actually asking about the ship of Plutia and Neptune, it's good to know that the name of... our ship... is the same here as on my world. How amusing that Neptune is the wizard of ships around here, like that one fanfic's version of Ozpin. I can imagine her doing that. "Has Neptune shipped herself with anyone?"

Meanwhile, Plutia's Neppy is still sleepwalking, and even plops herself onto the couch before outright snoring up an orchestra. Wow, I have never seen someone up and about while asleep before, until now. It's certainly unusual.

Nepgear shrugged. "She's got her own column but most of it's blacked out. So I don't know." Nepgear looked to her sister. "She better not hurt her back carrying Plutia around."
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Really, Onee-chan?

Nepgear shrugged. "She's got her own column but most of it's blacked out. So I don't know." Nepgear looked to her sister. "She better not hurt her back carrying Plutia around."

A secret, hm? But now I'd like to narrow it down to just her and Plutia, but how...?

Anyway, I'm not sure if she would really hurt her back. "Neptune's stronger than she looks. She'll be fine," I say, giving Nepgear a gentle pat on the shoulder and a supportive smile.

Alright score! Noone noticed my lie! I am so awesome at this stuff! Noire-me could never lie with a straight face and so always went for misdirections, but it seems Davis-me's poker face has won out in the end! Bwahahahaha!

As I gloat to myself, I realize the room has not only gotten quiet, but become further occupied as well... and they're all staring at me...

"Um... hi? I wasn't monologuing in my head... no, not at all..." I trail off, a light blush on my face as I trace circles on the ground with my foot and look towards my waist.

@ForgottonFuture @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @Roland27

Huh? Why is she suddenly saying and acting like that? That means she was totally monologuing.

Plutia looked at Noire from her spot on Neptune. "Are you lying to me? You know I don't like that~" I teased.
I duck my head even more. "N-no..." I manage to squeak out, my face going even redder. Teasing me in this state is unfair alright! Just because one half of me is experienced doesn't mean the other half... my blush turns nuclear.

"Admit it, Big Sis. You like hearing your own voice~" I lightly tease, adding on to what Plutia said. She kinda gets long-winded at times, which only corroborates my teasing.
The Amazing Vert

Alright score! Noone noticed my lie! I am so awesome at this stuff! Noire-me could never lie with a straight face and so always went for misdirections, but it seems Davis-me's poker face has won out in the end! Bwahahahaha!

As I gloat to myself, I realize the room has not only gotten quiet, but become further occupied as well... and they're all staring at me...

"Um... hi? I wasn't monologuing in my head... no, not at all..." I trail off, a light blush on my face as I trace circles on the ground with my foot and look towards my waist.

@ForgottonFuture @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @Roland27
"Fufufu...oh my what a specific denial" I laugh at my fellow CPU, hand over my mouth. Really, that was quite sudden of her. Wondwr what she was monolouging about...
Nepgear shrugged. "She's got her own column but most of it's blacked out. So I don't know." Nepgear looked to her sister. "She better not hurt her back carrying Plutia around."
I raised an eyebrow at that little tidbit. Well, it seems Neptune had quite the chart~
Wonder what my piece of it is like...?
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Really, Onee-chan?

A secret, hm? But now I'd like to narrow it down to just her and Plutia, but how...?

Anyway, I'm not sure if she would really hurt her back. "Neptune's stronger than she looks. She'll be fine," I say, giving Nepgear a gentle pat on the shoulder and a supportive smile.

Huh? Why is she suddenly saying and acting like that? That means she was totally monologuing.

"Admit it, Big Sis. You like hearing your own voice~" I lightly tease, adding on to what Plutia said. She kinda gets long-winded at times, which only corroborates my teasing.
"Fududududud..." But really..I couldn't help but giggle at the antics of my...friends. Yes, my friends.
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Really, Onee-chan?

A secret, hm? But now I'd like to narrow it down to just her and Plutia, but how...?

Anyway, I'm not sure if she would really hurt her back. "Neptune's stronger than she looks. She'll be fine," I say, giving Nepgear a gentle pat on the shoulder and a supportive smile.

Huh? Why is she suddenly saying and acting like that? That means she was totally monologuing.

"Admit it, Big Sis. You like hearing your own voice~" I lightly tease, adding on to what Plutia said. She kinda gets long-winded at times, which only corroborates my teasing.
The Amazing Vert

"Fufufu...oh my what a specific denial" I laugh at my fellow CPU, hand over my mouth. Really, that was quite sudden of her. Wondwr what she was monolouging about...

I raised an eyebrow at that little tidbit. Well, it seems Neptune had quite the chart~
Wonder what my piece of it is like...?

"Fududududud..." But really..I couldn't help but giggle at the antics of my...friends. Yes, my friends.
Nepgear chuckled alongside Vert. "Yeah. Sis is strong. She managed to save Arfoire, the person not the horrific eldritch horror that possessed her and decided it likes her name."

Plutia unconciouslly shuddered and tightened her grip onto Neptune.
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Basilicom Hallway, Niux

The Amazing Vert

"Fufufu...oh my what a specific denial" I laugh at my fellow CPU, hand over my mouth. Really, that was quite sudden of her. Wondwr what she was monolouging about...

I raised an eyebrow at that little tidbit. Well, it seems Neptune had quite the chart~
Wonder what my piece of it is like...?

"Fududududud..." But really..I couldn't help but giggle at the antics of my...friends. Yes, my friends.
Nepgear chuckled alongside Vert. "Yeah. Sis is strong. She managed to save Arfoire, the person not the horrific eldritch horror that possessed her and decided it likes her name."
Now I hear Vert laughing like a noblewoman, and... oh goodness, my g-girlfriend here just mentioned Arfoire by name! My eyes widen at the possible reaction.

"Uh, Nepgear...?" I say to her, concern written on my face. If Plutia's response to the nightmares is to lash out, we may be in big trouble.
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"So what if I do! I happen to have a beautiful voice!" My blush continues to supernova, but I try and get it back under control. "Ahem, regardless, weren't we going to help Compa with her new responsibilities? I don't see why we're getting sidetracked by me here, we really should just get a move on."

That's a believable lie right? Right? Why is lying so hard when you're embarassedddddddd
With Friends

"So what if I do! I happen to have a beautiful voice!" My blush continues to supernova, but I try and get it back under control. "Ahem, regardless, weren't we going to help Compa with her new responsibilities? I don't see why we're getting sidetracked by me here, we really should just get a move on."

That's a believable lie right? Right? Why is lying so hard when you're embarassedddddddd
I chuckled again at that. "I see...hehe. Very well, let us go, hmm?"
I turned to Compa at this, though my amusement isn't gone, shooting knowing looks at Noire, the silly willy...

But I also noticed the concern in Uni's voice, wincing abit as well.

Better keep an eye on Plutia, just in case...
The girl might snap again.
Basilicom, Niux
Into the breach...

Play it cool or throw myself at her feet and beg for mercy? It might not have been me who hurt Plutia, but Iris Heart wasn't reasonable when she was angry. I glanced aside at MAGES. The magic scientist could be counted on to help keep me alive. I wouldn't use her as a shield. For the most part she was an alright person. Rather than contemplate using MAGES. as a meatshield I focused on whispering a few lines to a defensive spell. Something that would whisk me away from harm to someplace safe.

If I was really lucky it might even throw me back home!

Hey, I can dream can't I?
Basilicom Hallway, Niux

Now I hear Vert laughing like a noblewoman, and... oh goodness, my g-girlfriend here just mentioned Arfoire by name! My eyes widen at the possible reaction.

"Uh, Nepgear...?" I say to her, concern written on my face. If Plutia's response to the nightmares is to lash out, we may be in big trouble.
"So what if I do! I happen to have a beautiful voice!" My blush continues to supernova, but I try and get it back under control. "Ahem, regardless, weren't we going to help Compa with her new responsibilities? I don't see why we're getting sidetracked by me here, we really should just get a move on."

That's a believable lie right? Right? Why is lying so hard when you're embarassedddddddd
Nepgear flinched as my glare settled on her. I am NOT happy. "Do. Not. Mention that name around me." I hate that fucking bitch and the only reason I didn't torture her to death was because I didn't want to fuck up my friendships.

I yawned. "We'll help This Compa when Neppy wakes up." Nepgear seemed to accept that.
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Oh goodness

"So what if I do! I happen to have a beautiful voice!" My blush continues to supernova, but I try and get it back under control. "Ahem, regardless, weren't we going to help Compa with her new responsibilities? I don't see why we're getting sidetracked by me here, we really should just get a move on."

That's a believable lie right? Right? Why is lying so hard when you're embarassedddddddd

I raise an eyebrow at Noire's attempt to change the topic, but she has a point. Compa was going to tour us around her new city before things happened-

Nepgear flinched as my glare settled on her. I am NOT happy. "Do. Not. Mention that name around me." I hate that fucking bitch and the only reason I didn't torture her to death was because I didn't want to fuck up my friendships.

I yawned. "We'll help This Compa when Neppy wakes up." Nepgear seemed to accept that.

I flinch as well, not wanting to be under that glare. I have a feeling that Plutia was holding back, that things could have been worse.

A glance at Nepgear beside me makes me worried. I'm not sure what to say to her, so instead, I hold her hand, trying to give her my support and comfort, even though I'm scared too. As it turns out, her warm hand also feels comforting to me.

Words flow from my lips as I look towards Plutia. "D-don't talk to her like that." I get not wanting to hear that name, probably because of bad experiences or something, but it doesn't justify snapping at Nepgear like that.

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Nepgear flinched as my glare settled on her. I am NOT happy. "Do. Not. Mention that name around me." I hate that fucking bitch and the only reason I didn't torture her to death was because I didn't want to fuck up my friendships.

I yawned. "We'll help This Compa when Neppy wakes up." Nepgear seemed to accept that.

Basilicom Hallway, Niux
Oh goodness

I raise an eyebrow at Noire's attempt to change the topic, but she has a point. Compa was going to tour us around her new city before things happened-

I flinch as well, not wanting to be under that glare. I have a feeling that Plutia was holding back, that things could have been worse.

A glance at Nepgear beside me makes me worried. I'm not sure what to say to her, so instead, I hold her hand, trying to give her my support and comfort, even though I'm scared too.

Words flow from my lips as I look towards Plutia. "D-don't talk to her like that." I get not wanting to hear that name, probably because of bad experiences or something, but it doesn't justify snapping at Nepgear like that.


My dream experience seems to have given me some amount of empathy for the little terror. She's lashing out because she doesn't know how to deal with the pain Arfoire caused her, only knowing how to inflict not heal, even to herself.

I give Uni a little 'cut-it-out' motion, lashing out won't help anybody.

I walk over to Plutia, and ruffle her hair. "Hey, it's okay Plootsie. All of us suffered under her but part of healing is not letting such things control you and your life. Do you really want her to control you, even in little ways like this?"

I give her a little hug, careful not to wake Neptune. "You're strong, stronger than most anyone I know. I know you can beat her."
My dream experience seems to have given me some amount of empathy for the little terror. She's lashing out because she doesn't know how to deal with the pain Arfoire caused her, only knowing how to inflict not heal, even to herself.

I give Uni a little 'cut-it-out' motion, lashing out won't help anybody.

I walk over to Plutia, and ruffle her hair. "Hey, it's okay Plootsie. All of us suffered under her but part of healing is not letting such things control you and your life. Do you really want her to control you, even in little ways like this?"

I give her a little hug, careful not to wake Neptune. "You're strong, stronger than most anyone I know. I know you can beat her."
I took a deep breath, and was trying oh so hard to not fucking scream. ".......No. I'm not." I yawned and slid off of Neppy's back and laid down on the coach... today has been one hell of a rollar coaster for my poor heart... Shit the ploots half of me has never talked to anyone about and never wants to think about ever again. Crap the Arkos side of me knows never happened in the games, but this isn't the games....

....I really need to calm down. I started taking deep breaths to calm down. Keep. Calm.
I took a deep breath, and was trying oh so hard to not fucking scream. ".......No. I'm not." I yawned and slid off of Neppy's back and laid down on the coach... today has been one hell of a rollar coaster for my poor heart... Shit the ploots half of me has never talked to anyone about and never wants to think about ever again. Crap the Arkos side of me knows never happened in the games, but this isn't the games....

....I really need to calm down. I started taking deep breaths to calm down. Keep. Calm.

I give Plutia a smile. "I realized... We never introduced ourselves. My name is Noire, but it's also Davis. Davis William Ranger, also known as Ban and Theseus to some. You're already one half of me's friend, but... You wanna be Davis-me's friend too? He-I certainly wants to be friends with someone as special and amazing as you."
I give Plutia a smile. "I realized... We never introduced ourselves. My name is Noire, but it's also Davis. Davis William Ranger, also known as Ban and Theseus to some. You're already one half of me's friend, but... You wanna be Davis-me's friend too? He-I certainly wants to be friends with someone as special and amazing as you."
I ignored Noire and tried to fall asleep. I'm too tired to care right now.... "I hate the bitch... if you want to know why..... ask my Histy. When I'm not around..." And with that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

By pure luck(or the GM being lazy), at the moment Plutia fell asleep, Neptune woke up. "Everyone okay? Plootsie looks stressed in her sleep... Did something happen to make her go Sadie?"
I ignored Noire and tried to fall asleep. I'm too tired to care right now.... "I hate the bitch... if you want to know why..... ask my Histy. When I'm not around..." And with that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

By pure luck(or the GM being lazy), at the moment Plutia fell asleep, Neptune woke up. "Everyone okay? Plootsie looks stressed in her sleep... Did something happen to make her go Sadie?"

"No you imbecile. Your sister said Arfoire's name, which upset your mirror. If she had gone 'Sadie' as you so - oh God I *am* a Tsun!"

My face goes straight back to super Nova. Why oh why did I say thattttttttttttttt... Well, there's only one solution.

"OhheyIamprettytiredtoosoIamjustgonnagofindabeddonotmindmebye" and with that, I race off.
"No you imbecile. Your sister said Arfoire's name, which upset your mirror. If she had gone 'Sadie' as you so - oh God I *am* a Tsun!"

My face goes straight back to super Nova. Why oh why did I say thattttttttttttttt... Well, there's only one solution.

"OhheyIamprettytiredtoosoIamjustgonnagofindabeddonotmindmebye" and with that, I race off.
Neptune blinks. "A simple blah blah could have explained that without causing her to go all tsundere. At least she's realized it. Hmmm. I'll talk to Histy later. Ploots has never liked you know who even before she kidnapped Ultra Iffy." Neptune pouted. "I miss her. And Ultra Compa. And Peashy."

Nepgear hugs Uni, glad that she would stand up for her.
Basilicom Hallway, Niux
I hope Nepgear is fine

My dream experience seems to have given me some amount of empathy for the little terror. She's lashing out because she doesn't know how to deal with the pain Arfoire caused her, only knowing how to inflict not heal, even to herself.

I give Uni a little 'cut-it-out' motion, lashing out won't help anybody.

I walk over to Plutia, and ruffle her hair. "Hey, it's okay Plootsie. All of us suffered under her but part of healing is not letting such things control you and your life. Do you really want her to control you, even in little ways like this?"

I give her a little hug, careful not to wake Neptune. "You're strong, stronger than most anyone I know. I know you can beat her."

Eh? Why is Noire signaling me to stop? But I can't let her be put down like that!

...Okay, maybe I came off as a tad too aggressive, but it's not like I wouldn't defend Nepgear or anything. I really would.

I ignored Noire and tried to fall asleep. I'm too tired to care right now.... "I hate the bitch... if you want to know why..... ask my Histy. When I'm not around..." And with that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

By pure luck(or the GM being lazy), at the moment Plutia fell asleep, Neptune woke up. "Everyone okay? Plootsie looks stressed in her sleep... Did something happen to make her go Sadie?"

I make a mental note to ask the Ultradimension's Histoire when I get the chance. Having context on the matter would be much appreciated.

"No you imbecile. Your sister said Arfoire's name, which upset your mirror. If she had gone 'Sadie' as you so - oh God I *am* a Tsun!"

My face goes straight back to super Nova. Why oh why did I say thattttttttttttttt... Well, there's only one solution.

"OhheyIamprettytiredtoosoIamjustgonnagofindabeddonotmindmebye" and with that, I race off.

...Did my older sister just admit to being a tsundere? What a milestone! I never thought I'd see the day. I can only chuckle at that. Then again, Uni-me's own tendencies had to come from somewhere.

Neptune blinks. "A simple blah blah could have explained that without causing her to go all tsundere. At least she's realized it. Hmmm. I'll talk to Histy later. Ploots has never liked you know who even before she kidnapped Ultra Iffy." Neptune pouted. "I miss her. And Ultra Compa. And Peashy."

Nepgear hugs Uni, glad that she would stand up for her.

I return Nepgear's embrace, the warmth and comfort a nice feeling to have. "Will you be okay?" I ask her.