[Endbringer Quest] The Last Among Beasts!

So way I see it:
-Blaster - The ability to shoot poison, acid or engineered plagues at an opponent to debilitating effect.
-Striker - The ability to inflict RiTaC's mutations on touch, though it'd take an extended period of time.
-Changer - Shapeshifter with the ability to adapt to a form most suited to fighting a given opponent.
-Brute - Crawler.exe
-Breaker - ???
-Stranger - Chameleon able to to evolve countermeasure to exotic senses.
-Master - Breed's ability
-Thinker - A combat Thinker, who can rapidly identify the best strategies and countermeasures.
-Tinker - I don't think we have the databanks for this one.

EDIT: Dammit forgot the Shaker
-Shaker - An evolving obstacle course that challenges and threatens those entering it to a nightmarish funhouse
EDIT2: Goddamn Trump
-Trump - The ability to imitate powers on contact with a parahuman.
The last wolf said:
Wide area probability manipulation that works in users favor?
Thats likely very expensive. And would be a shaker skill not a breaker one.

Breaker would be more something a bit more like the ability to render the probability of certain events happening to ones body nil or 100%... like being able to perfectly transfer the energy of an attack though your body safely such that you get hit with a sledge hammer and the impact is transmitted behind you. Or that the chance of an impact interacting with your body beyond a certain threshold would be considered 0.... thus in both instances you have Perfectly dodged a particular type of attack.

But that would be for a probability manipulator shard... which Adaptor is NOT.
Could a combination of Homeostasis and Barrier result in us "displacing" damage?

Basically -- instead of us taking damage to a given point, the damage is spread out among our surface or body.

(With a safety involved, in case we get hit with an attack like the Sting, because we wouldn't want to "spread" that damage to "all over" us.)
veekie said:
So way I see it:
-Blaster - The ability to shoot poison, acid or engineered plagues at an opponent to debilitating effect.
-Striker - The ability to inflict RiTaC's mutations on touch, though it'd take an extended period of time.
-Changer - Shapeshifter with the ability to adapt to a form most suited to fighting a given opponent.
-Brute - Crawler.exe
-Breaker - ???
-Stranger - Chameleon able to to evolve countermeasure to exotic senses.
-Master - Breed's ability
-Thinker - A combat Thinker, who can rapidly identify the best strategies and countermeasures.
-Tinker - I don't think we have the databanks for this one.

EDIT: Dammit forgot the Shaker
-Shaker - An evolving obstacle course that challenges and threatens those entering it to a nightmarish funhouse
Accord or Uber might be examples of Thinkers with Adaptation.

And another possible version of Tinkeri: MacGuyvering.

What about Trump though? :p
Switch my vote from Brute calculation to

[X] Tactical Adaptation

Since Brute isn't winning, wouldn't mind seeing us pick up the ability to adapt Thinker shards as necessary.
Given our current capabilities though, we very much prefer them to be up close and practically hugging us. Can't eat at long distance yet.
That's eight points out of five points. And doesn't help accomplish objectives. Kill a lot of capes yes, but that's a lesser priority.
Also I think the following will have compatibility issues:
-Blast Wave - Drives capes away, making it harder to grab one. Given the amount of force involved it'd almost certainly destroy our cover.
-Thorns Aura - So, we now have a cape with a good offensive power we want to steal. Unfortunately we can't, because he hit us with it and we killed him on the reflect. In the future, strong offense capes without comparable defenses will just avoid us.
-Guardian Growth - If the growth really sticks around through multiple encounters we're going to be losing the benefits of small size. Mixed bag, but being small is what let us take advantage of cover and allows things like tunneling underground to prolong the battle.
[X] Wave Motion Cannon – Utilizing the property of Barrier to condense an area of space, it creates an area of unstable spacial pressure across multiple dimensions to carry out a slingshot effect and eject a stream or pellet of highly unstable super dense material. (Barrier Shard/Homeostasis)
[X] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
Changing Vote
[X] Neutron Annihilator – Allows you to cause an area you are touching to collapse into a super dense soup of material. Every use of this shard will cause an amount of growth equal to the area's worth of materia
[X] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[X] Absolute Terror – Allows you access to the original function of the Barrier shard, deflecting energy into a number of realities. This currently allows you to shave off 10% damage from all attacks, extending your encounter.
Seeing as Wave Motion Cannon obviously isn't going to win...

[X] Neutron Annihilator – Allows you to cause an area you are touching to collapse into a super dense soup of material. Every use of this shard will cause an amount of growth equal to the area's worth of material taken. Also repairs broken armour (Barrier Shard)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
So, how much of a threshold would we need for an upgrade to go through? It's not exactly competing for points with the other options.
So, how much of a threshold would we need for an upgrade to go through? It's not exactly competing for points with the other options.
The best defense against Sting is not to get hit or to have something expendable take the hit, trying to block something which is explicitly designed to collapse all dimensions and bypass all defenses around it's impact point and strike at the Greater Self is a foolhardy plan..
I would like to propose an ability.
Can't Run: Creates a one way barrier around our chosen hunting grounds with a radius equal to half that of RITAC . Things can enter but not exit the hunting grounds by any means including teleportation. Disperses at end of attack or earlier if we choose to dismiss it. (Barrier Shard)
Possible alterations include making the radius equal to RiTAC, having it move with us, or making it selective so it only blocks parahumans unmodified by RiTAC. More of a support ability but the general intent is to prevent evacuation of normal humans, wounded, or our targets from the battlefield. When faced with our supreme power you cannot run only fight in hopes of survival.
As for technical details is this okay as a passive or should I wait until we unlock cataclysmic upgrades and then propose it again.
Changing vote to
[X] Can't Run - Creates a one way barrier around our chosen hunting grounds with a radius equal to half that of RITAC . Things can enter but not exit the hunting grounds by any means including teleportation. Disperses at end of attack or earlier if we choose to dismiss it. (Barrier Shard)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[X] Upgrade: Echoes of Wrath - This ability uses the Homeostasis Shard to preserve the force that you apply to other objects and beings, so that the same amount of force will continue to be exerted on them for a certain amount of time even after physical contact is broken.
As an idea for either a new ability or an upgrade for Unholy Might/Unbearable Force, how does this sound?

Echoes of Wrath: This ability uses the Homeostasis Shard to preserve the force that we apply to other objects and beings, so that the same amount of force will continue to be exerted on them for a certain amount of time even after physical contact is broken.

Basically, the ability works like this: normally when one moving object make contact with another object a certain amount of force is applied to it and a certain amount of kinetic energy is transferred through that contact, but once the two are no longer in contact then the force exertion and kinetic energy transfer stops. With this ability, however, the force we exerted would continue to be applied even after we're no longer touching them and have wandered off to do something else. For example, if one of our blows imparted X kJ of kinetic energy into a target over the course of half a second, then after we break contact X kJ of kinetic energy would continue to be imparted into that target every half second until the effect ended. This would enhance the effect of our blows since we'd transmit far more energy overall, and also means that if we grab something and try to crush it then it would continue to have those crushing forces exerted on it even after we stopped actively crushing it. Not sure how long the effect would last for, though.
Changing to:
[X] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[X] Dance of Bacchus(Homeostasis, upgrade for Unholy Might) – Applies Homeostasis on our own body to conserve rotational momentum within the whole body and within individual parts, allowing each part to gain and maintain a high powered spin through a vigorous breakdancing motion
Changing to:
[X] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[X] Dance of Bacchus(Homeostasis, upgrade for Unholy Might) – Applies Homeostasis on our own body to conserve rotational momentum within the whole body and within individual parts, allowing each part to gain and maintain a high powered spin through a vigorous breakdancing motion
Vote tally:
[ ] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
Number of votes:10
Dark Lord Bob
Matthew Gunter
The Nomad
The last wolf

[ ] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
Number of votes:18
Dark Lord Bob
Matthew Gunter
The Great Lord
The last wolf

[ ] Dance of Bacchus(Homeostasis, upgrade for Unholy Might) – Applies Homeostasis on our own body to conserve rotational momentum within the whole body and within individual parts, allowing each part to gain and maintain a high powered spin through a vigorous breakdancing motion
Number of votes:9
Dark Lord Bob
Matthew Gunter

[ ] Guardian Growth – Allows your body to continually create and extrude armour, growing in size as it fight and though its growth in size enhancing its strength and ability recover from damage.
Number of votes:2

[ ] Shroud of Sorrows – Allows you to create Mirage type conditions around your body, foiling most passive observational abilities.
Number of votes:6

[ ] Can't Run - Creates a one way barrier around our chosen hunting grounds with a radius equal to half that of RITAC . Things can enter but not exit the hunting grounds by any means including teleportation. Disperses at end of attack or earlier if we choose to dismiss it. (Barrier Shard)
Number of votes:1

[ ] Wave Motion Cannon – Utilizing the property of Barrier to condense an area of space, it creates an area of unstable spacial pressure across multiple dimensions to carry out a slingshot effect and eject a stream or pellet of highly unstable super dense material. (Barrier Shard/Homeostasis)
Number of votes:3
The Nomad

[ ] Upgrade: Echoes of Wrath - This ability uses the Homeostasis Shard to preserve the force that you apply to other objects and beings, so that the same amount of force will continue to be exerted on them for a certain amount of time even after physical contact is broken.
Number of votes:1

[ ] Blast wave – Allows you to create a pressure wave which intensifies as it works its way outward up to 250 metres. Any creature below a Brute 1 rating will outright be crushed and any below a Brute 3 rating will likely suffer severe damage.
Number of votes:1

[ ] Neutron Annihilator – Allows you to cause an area you are touching to collapse into a super dense soup of material. Every use of this shard will cause an amount of growth equal to the area's worth of material taken. Also repairs broken armour (Barrier Shard)
Number of votes:19
lost egos
The Great Lord
Random Asian Person

[ ] Upgrade Unholy Might - Brute [7] to brute [8 or 9]
Number of votes:1

[ ] Absolute Terror – Allows you access to the original function of the Barrier shard, deflecting energy into a number of realities. This currently allows you to shave off 10% damage from all attacks, extending your encounter.
Number of votes:2

[ ] Binding Trap – Creates areas of exceptionally stable space which hold those unfortunate enough to stumble into them in place. (Barrier/Homeostasis)
Number of votes:1

[ ]Write In
Number of votes:3

[ ] Hard Skin – Causes the outer case of your skin to take one attributes akin to your core temporarily, then explode off due to unstable dimensional pressures. (Barrier shard)
Number of votes:1

[ ] Blood Red – Slowly brakes down inorganic materials into intermediary exotic materials which organic bodies can make use of, both causing destruction to enemy structures and improperly protected machinery, but also promotes the creation of more dangerous creature during Red In Tooth and Claw where they interact with the exotic materials and incorporate them.
Number of votes:10
lost egos
Random Asian Person

[ ] chains of growth - using similar principles to unholy might "threads" of dimensional energy are connected to 1-5 prospective beasts to form a hive mind to share sensory data, unite their purpose and dramatically accelerate their growth (essentially use dimensional threads to form a skitter esc hive mind and mainline them resources to accelerate their evolution) [barrier/adaption]
Number of votes:1

[ ] Defensive Adaptation – Allows you to slowly adapt to any damaging attacks which you are receiving. These adaptations are purged at the end of the battle.
Number of votes:1

[ ] Upgrade Fractured Space to let us break through dimensions and cross long distances on Earth.
Number of votes:1

--[ ]Upgrade heal ritc antenna faster.
Number of votes:1
lost egos
changing to this too.

[X] Neutron Annihilator – Allows you to cause an area you are touching to collapse into a super dense soup of material. Every use of this shard will cause an amount of growth equal to the area's worth of material taken. Also repairs broken armor (Barrier Shard)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[X] Dance of Bacchus(Homeostasis, upgrade for Unholy Might) – Applies Homeostasis on our own body to conserve rotational momentum within the whole body and within individual parts, allowing each part to gain and maintain a high powered spin through a vigorous breakdancing motion
[X] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[X] Dance of Bacchus(Homeostasis, upgrade for Unholy Might) – Applies Homeostasis on our own body to conserve rotational momentum within the whole body and within individual parts, allowing each part to gain and maintain a high powered spin through a vigorous breakdancing motion