[Endbringer Quest] The Last Among Beasts!

Vote tally:
[X] Wave Motion Cannon – Utilizing the property of Barrier to condense an area of space, it creates an area of unstable spacial pressure across multiple dimensions to carry out a slingshot effect and eject a stream or pellet of highly unstable super dense material. (Barrier Shard/Homeostasis)
Number of votes:3
The Nomad

[x] Brute Calculation
Number of votes:3

[X] Neutron Annihilator
Number of votes:3

[x] Blood Red - not only does it effectively upgrade our cataclysm but it makes tinker tech (which we will be seeing a lot of thanks to s.i.n. ) consistently degrade when used against us without some relatively specific hardening
Number of votes:1

[x] Brute Calculation - hopefully will help us shake off some of the infamous entity durp
Number of votes:1

[x] upgrade Unholy Might to extend the dimensional muscles beyond ourselves to form a pseudo-telekinesis
Number of votes:1

[X] Neutron Annihilator – Allows you to cause an area you are touching to collapse into a super dense soup of material. Every use of this shard will cause an amount of growth equal to the area's worth of material taken. Also repairs broken armor (Barrier Shard)
Number of votes:6

[X] Tactical Adaptability
Number of votes:1

[X] Shroud of Sorrows – Allows you to create Mirage type conditions around your body, foiling most passive observational abilities.
Number of votes:4

[X] Neutron Annihilator – Allows you to cause an area you are touching to collapse into a super dense soup of material. Every use of this shard will cause an amount of growth equal to the area's worth of material taken. Also repairs broken armour (Barrier Shard)
Number of votes:7
lost egos

[X] Upgrade Fractured Space to let us break through dimensions and cross long distances on Earth.
Number of votes:1

[x] Defensive Adaptation – Allows you to slowly adapt to any damaging attacks which you are receiving. These adaptations are purged at the end of the battle.
Number of votes:2

[x] Upgrade Unholy Might - Brute [7] to brute [8 or 9]
Number of votes:1

[x] Blood Red – Slowly brakes down inorganic materials into intermediary exotic materials which organic bodies can make use of, both causing destruction to enemy structures and improperly protected machinery, but also promotes the creation of more dangerous creature during Red In Tooth and Claw where they interact with the exotic materials and incorporate them.
Number of votes:9
lost egos

--[x]Upgrade heal ritc antenna faster.
Number of votes:1
lost egos

[X] Shroud of Sorrows
Number of votes:1

[X]Perfect Onslaught Distribution - The above mentioned upgrade to our strength. Effectively intended as a sort of tactile telekinesis type thing scaled up to Endbringing and brought within our themes.
Number of votes:1

[X] Guardian Growth – Allows your body to continually create and extrude armour, growing in size as it fight and though its growth in size enhancing its strength and ability recover from damage.
Number of votes:1

[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
Number of votes:4

[X] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
Number of votes:4
The Nomad
Well, to be quite honest with you all, I was quite tempted to strike Brute Calculation from the list for making things too easy. I'd prefer not to lead my players around by the nose since i figure they are smart enough to figure things out, but likely will take my word for gospel and rush towards options i present without actually trying to think of other ways around what I'm offering... but then I realized I could use it to both help and screw with you all alternately and even simultaneously... So I'm ok with this.

Hence the "This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances" line.

Yeah but RiTaC doesn't help succeed with the primary mission either, it's too slow, and only works as a distraction.
Our primary objective is stuff like the Tinker who got away though. Usually a specific target, which damage would induce large amounts of conflict or prevent the world from moving out of crisis. The Parahuman factory angle is more of a bonus score.
XenonPrime said:
Eh? It's pretty much a Parahuman factory which is pretty much guaranteed to produce large amounts of conflict.

It's slow but devastating and we're not immobilised whilst using it.

...Heh, I just realised that we literally have 'weak points' to aim for. Ha!
A CRYSTAL weakpoint too. ^_^
Changing vote
[ ] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[ ] Shroud of Sorrows – Allows you to create Mirage type conditions around your body, foiling most passive observational abilities.
[ ] Upgrade: Perfect Onslaught Distribution – Using the homeostasis shard you make it so that the force generated by your blows applies to a much larger area distributed as you choose.
The intent of Tactical Adaptation with Shroud of Sorrows is to make it ny-impossible to hit our RiTAC antenna. Shroud of Sorrows will make it so that attackers cannot tell where precisely we are thereby preventing them from knowing where the antenna are. Tactical adaptation on the other hand should allow us to keep track of all incoming attacks and shift slightly whenever an attack actually would hit an antenna in order to prevent it from connecting. Perfect Onslaught Distribution can allow us to do fun stuff like apply the impact from our strikes perfectly across entire surfaces with the force of the optimum point of our blow. if we want to get fancy we can do stuff like throwing stuff at extreme speeds at people by applying the force perfectly evenly across the entire object or go hyper lethal by only applying the force to somebody's internal organs.
[X] Tactical Adaptation
[X] Wave Motion Cannon

Although, votes should be tallied for individual choices, not just for which set has the most supporters. Some are only choosing one, and we don't want that.
And, since I'm weird...

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Topic: Endbringers Multiplying
In: Boards ► Endbringers ► Bakkhos
Fighter45 (Original Poster)
(Replied February 3rd, 2010)

(Showing page 1 of 1)

Replied February 3rd, 2010
It's official. The entity designated Bakkhos has been classified as an Endbringer. What does this mean for the future?

WarriorSpirit (Verified Cape)
Replied February 3rd, 2010
Well, I can say one thing: Nigeria is being abandoned for the time present. Those critters Bakkhos spawned are nasty suckers (making this a great time for a safari! from the air, of course), and apparently he even went mano a mano with Eidolon, and won!
Now I wonder how he would do against Levi...

Replied February 3rd, 2010
More importantly, it means that people will no longer feel as safe. Even using our most powerful capes, Bakkhos wasn't driven off.

He left.
And that worries me most of all...
blackdart6 said:
for those who want a master power hows this
[X] chains of growth - using similar principles to unholy might "threads" of dimensional energy are connected to 1-5 prospective beasts to form a hive mind to share sensory data, unite their purpose and dramatically accelerate their growth (essentially use dimensional threads to form a skitter esc hive mind and mainline them resources to accelerate their evolution) [barrier/adaption]
Would need the right kind of Thinker shard to support it. Adaptation... its no actual substitute for a dedicated shard.
[x] Hard Skin – Causes the outer case of your skin to take one attributes akin to your core temporarily, then explode off due to unstable dimensional pressures. (Barrier shard)

[x] Blood Red – Slowly brakes down inorganic materials into intermediary exotic materials which organic bodies can make use of, both causing destruction to enemy structures and improperly protected machinery, but also promotes the creation of more dangerous creature during Red In Tooth and Claw where they interact with the exotic materials and incorporate them.
Nah, whilst upgrading RiTaC or getting another Master power would be nice, our biggest weakness right now is that we can be outmaneuvered; what we need more than anything are teleportation or flight powers. I'd vote for grabbing a flying brick in our next attack, personally.
NSMS said:
Nah, whilst upgrading RiTaC or getting another Master power would be nice, our biggest weakness right now is that we can be outmaneuvered; what we need more than anything are teleportation or flight powers. I'd vote for grabbing a flying brick in our next attack, personally.
Excuse me if im wrong but dont we already have teleportation?
[X] Brute Calculation – A mental modification which allows you to always calculate the best fit path between yourself and your Objective. (GM provides extra information on how an objective might be achieved. This information may at times be misleading due to circumstances)
[X] Tactical Adaptation – Allows you to access modifications to your mental capabilities by evolving thinker abilities to handle novel combat situations. This is easier with Thinker classed Parahumans in the area using their abilities to fight you.
[X]Write In
-[X] Dance of Bacchus(Homeostasis, upgrade for Unholy Might) – Applies Homeostasis on our own body to conserve rotational momentum within the whole body and within individual parts, allowing each part to gain and maintain a high powered spin through a vigorous breakdancing motion.

Decided to just repost the vote since the counting script can't see it.
Gen.Raven said:
Excuse me if im wrong but dont we already have teleportation?
Not useful teleportation- our current power is slow and cumbersome, only really useful for entering and exiting our target sites. We'd massively benefit from something we can use to quickly and easily move around the battlefield, both for general combat boosts and so we can make it much harder for our objectives to escape.
The last wolf said:
It would be fun if we could punch our way in the past or something equally ridiculous.
Actual time travel in Worm is Ridiculously expensive... the cheapest method of it being anchoring a stable wormhole to the 'present' and then letting it send information from the 'future'... and even then its only Information (Phar'se)

Even Scion can't actually time travel. Just LOOKING into the future/sending information to the past, is unconscionably expensive to Scion...
Undead-Spaceman said:
Damn it, now I want us to be able to literally punch someone into next week.
Yep, get a temporal manipulator shard and this actually becomes possible... lol. And rather cheap too since time travel into the future without holding ON to the past is an easy exercise.
blackdart6 said:
I was more referring to shard class with many stranger shards being functional similar to master shards just broadcasting a notice-me-not aura as opposed to orders
Nay not all.

Thing is every shard has a way of taking up ALMOST any classification.... but its all according to what their users NEEDED at the moment of the trigger... or at least what the SHARD thought that the users needed.

Its ultimately a matter of programming.