Anora Tasakar

The baby and the only girl of the Tasakar brood, Anora is quite something else. While not as... ah, energetic as her middle brother, she definitely did inherit all of her mother's passion, and then some more.
Bright, though definitely not mature far in advance of her tender years, and much stronger in The Spark than the rest of her family, one thing is for certain sure - everyone expects great things out of her.
The one cloud that darkens that future though, was the Mad Weather. Being born, just before a decade long natural catastrophe hits your lands is not something anyone could ever pretend was not ominous. Being of much higher sorcerous blood than your family just exacerbated the problem. Thus, at no fault of her own, her own people, or at least the low strata of it does, and probably always will consider Anora a harbinger of trouble.
Whereas her brothers got educated in matters of war, Anora's education was given to the Imperial colleges to educate her on the general academia, and special importance given to the Imperial College of Medicine.
Naturally intelligent as she is, she took to her lessons easily. On the other hand, it did not take her more than a few years for her spirited nature to start wearing down her tutors.
Thankfully for everyone involved, lady Myria Ladislaus was well equipped, both as the Grand master of the Imperial colleges, Grand master healer, and a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother to deal with cases just like hers.

Martial: 16-1+1+1+2+1+2=22
Diplomacy: 20-1+1+1+1=22 (23)
Intrigue: 18-1+1+2+1=21
Stewardship: 18+1+1+1+1+2+1+1+1=27
Learning: 19+1+1+2+1+2=26
Piety: 23-1+1+1=24
Old Blood - 30% purity
Tasakar - 15 attribute base. Can wield The Spark
You are of the blood of Turgud and Talasin, of Aseryah and Andora. You are the inheritor of more than 15 centuries of remarkable leaders, for good or bad, and it shows.
Heir apparent - You shall be the next Sparkbarer, and thus the one to inherit the throne.
Foolhardy - -1base to all attributes. Inheritable
Your thought processes are not always the soundest, for all that that they can be remarkably quick.
Inauspicious birth - -1M, -1D, -1P
While it is hardly your fault, you can not escape the stigma of your birth forevermore being associated with the arrival of the Mad Weather.
Genius - +2base to all attributes. Inheritable
You are gifted at everything you do.
Ardent passions - +1M, +1S, +1L, -1I, better spousal relations
Everything you do, you do 120%.
Scholar - +1L
You are training for scholarly pursuits and academia.
Neophyte healer - +1S
You are training to become a full-fledged healer.
Demanding master - +1D, +1S, +2L
You are under the personal tutelage of Lady Myria herself, you will damn well end up being worth her time.
Spark Traits:
Diviner - +1 all stats
Despite what it seems like, you cannot actually see into the future, your Spark enhanced senses and intellect are simply very acute at reading into correlations and deducing the causes and effects.
Dynamist - +2M, +2I, +2S, +2L
You command a firm grasp upon magical applications of movement.
Healing hands - +1D, +1S, reduces atrition by flat 10%
You are not limited to the small and simple magics when it comes to applying your powers to healing.
Enchanter - +1M, +1I, +1S
You are gifted in creating simple trinkets, that nonetheless hold real, if minor, powers.
Green Thumb - +1D, +1I, +1S
Affecting and altering the plantlife to get exactly the desired results is simplicity unto itself for you.
Daughter of the storm - +2M, +1S, +1P, +1D during turbulent weather
While you are in no way connected to the beginning of the Mad Weather, only a fool would expect that there would be no connection between you and it.

[3] Alric Tarikson of Fort Belami.
My least favourite, he has ambitous.
[2] Cainen Horn of Madara
Fotune is gold.
[1] Nicholas Ladislaus
Really smart, and knows fighting isn't his strength, but took to martial acts with a strong will. Cool traits as well. Might be Taesta's best friend.

Edit: Sofia could use omakes, probably.
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I'd never so no to some omakes, it is true.
And that particular situation... Yeah, I'd imagine that to be... fertile soil for some nice ones.
Oh my god Anora has a reverse Harem!

She has an ambitious brash military man with an incredible athletic body, a suave and charming rake o a schemer and a nerdy childhood friend who is still ripped! this could not get more anime!

[3] Alric Tarikson of Fort Belami.

[2] Cainen Horn of Madara

[1] Nicholas Ladislaus

Childhood friend is of course number 1, followed by the guy with the most inheritable traits and the boring one.
Oh my god Anora has a reverse Harem!
So she does.
And the funny thing? There were potentially two more in the running...
And it was all blind chance. Just the way the die fell.
She has an ambitious brash military man with an incredible athletic body, a suave and charming rake o a schemer and a nerdy childhood friend who is still ripped! this could not get more anime!
I would not call Nick ripped. Yes, he is enthusiastic about athleticism, but dainty, bookish Anora, his bff, could break him in half. Then again, Anora is a Tasakar, and that is one absurd bloodline :D
I would not call Nick ripped. Yes, he is enthusiastic about athleticism, but dainty, bookish Anora, his bff, could break him in half. Then again, Anora is a Tasakar, and that is one absurd bloodline :D
Can you post the stat sheet for the former spark bearer before Aelyn, aka the former emperor/empress? Just for an example of the absurd bloodline at that point.
Can you post the stat sheet for the former spark bearer before Aelyn, aka the former emperor/empress? Just for an example of the absurd bloodline at that point.
You really want to make me roll a dozen normal and an equal number of Spark traits?

I'll think about it, no promises.
but, on the whole, take mid to late 20s base (except for abysmal Piety) and traits pushing stuff up to mid 30s and 40s, heavy on Martial and/or Diplo (as in ~50) absurd.
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[3] Alric Tarikson of Fort Belami.

Has Ambitious, low Stewardship for that ambition of his and will probably give us problems with the IX legion. If his low stat was any other than Stewardship I would rank him higher than Cainen.

[2] Cainen Horn of Madara

Lower Old Blood than the other two, but is marrying the Heir Apparent of the Spark so not relevant in this case. High Intrigue, High Diplomacy, Stewardship and Learning are there, but low Piety. This guy is in general terms a bad idea because the Tasakars want good Piety to avoid a repeat of their own family folly from before. So Alric is literally one of the rare special cases that is worse for the Tasakar line than this guy.

[1] Nicholas Ladislaus

Childhood Friend, gives Spousal boosts, has Tactical skills and a boon to getting Athletic skills? This guy would be a steal in a far more competitive environment, let alone among such slim pickings as these.

Sofia Mantebrau

The only child of a pair of mid-ranking clergy of Isanela who, with the rest of their brethren and the priesthood, had folloved Aelyn as their goddess' chosen, and potential champion up the harrowing path to these wild and untamed lands. Having been born and raised in Pyratryst, Sofia knew no other life, and as everyone else held immense respect for Queen Aelyn for all the titanic efforts she poured into her people. Still, respect for the queen did not equal imediate respect for the rest of Tasakar.
Between the stories of atrocities and abandonment of the goddess of the imperial Tasakars, and the... troubling decision to delay building up a proper temple for, you know the goddess they just owed everything to, by the current ones, there was an understandable... Wariness concerning the line as a whole, especially for someone who could not even imagine any other path in life than priesthood.
And then she was told that her ambitions would have to be put on backburner to become a...a...A BROODMARE.
And it was not even the quiet and respectful prince Thomas whom she would marry. Oh, no. Her intended was to be the brash, boorish brat of the middle prince!
Well, never say she would refuse her duty to her goddess...

Martial: 18 (17/19)
Diplomacy: 18+2=20 (19/21)
Intrigue: 12 (11/13)
Stewardship: 12 (11/13)
Learning: 14+1=15
Piety: 21+2=23
Old Blood - 15% purity

Beautiful - +2D, better spousal relations, better chance for children, inheritable
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you do attract a lot of gazes your way.
Devout - +1L +2P; better spousal relations the closer or higher the partner's piety, worse for every 5 that it is lower; ±1M ±1D ±1I ±1S when religion affects the roll, as appropriate
You believe in the divine with such fervor that it became the lens through which you measure everything in your life.

Taesta and Sofia on the other hand... Yeah. Had Thom and Ema not fit so well together, I'd've switched the brides around just to evade the discord, but... Well, fireworks shall abound in the future, I guess?

Yup definitely a Grand Cathedral to Isanela next turn with Taesta as the Tasakar assigned to work on it. Might as well use synergy to make it so this is as unfucked as possible.
Is this Insightful you telling me you like my thought processes again? Or am I just right on the money this time @yannoshka?
Do you really expect me to answer that? :eyebrow:
Because I will not.
Making players question everything is half the fun of running a quest.
The other half is the sheer joy of managing something that other people can enjoy and engage with.
Do you really expect me to answer that? :eyebrow:
Because I will not.
Making players question everything is half the fun of running a quest.
The other half is the sheer joy of managing something that other people can enjoy and engage with.

No I do not expect an answer. I'm just thinking out loud and letting other players know that I got an Insightful from the OP. This is important for including other players in asking the question and guessing their own answers.
[3] Alric Tarikson of Fort Belami.

Has Ambitious, low Stewardship for that ambition of his and will probably give us problems with the IX legion. If his low stat was any other than Stewardship I would rank him higher than Cainen.

[2] Cainen Horn of Madara

Lower Old Blood than the other two, but is marrying the Heir Apparent of the Spark so not relevant in this case. High Intrigue, High Diplomacy, Stewardship and Learning are there, but low Piety. This guy is in general terms a bad idea because the Tasakars want good Piety to avoid a repeat of their own family folly from before. So Alric is literally one of the rare special cases that is worse for the Tasakar line than this guy.

[1] Nicholas Ladislaus

Childhood Friend, gives Spousal boosts, has Tactical skills and a boon to getting Athletic skills? This guy would be a steal in a far more competitive environment, let alone among such slim pickings as these.
You got some things wrong. Low base stats mean little to a Tasakar.
Tasakar - 15 attribute base. Can wield The Spark
As far as I can tell the way children inherit stats is through a system we don't know about. Maybe a roll on a d8 then add the result to a 15?
The Spousal Boosts is probably a good reason to pick Nicholas, Nicholas would gain, M = 3, D = 3(4), I = 2, S = 8, L = 7, P = 5. While Anora would gain, M zero, D zero, I zero, S 6, L 10, P3. That is assuming the greater or equal to 20 is not the base stat. Nic's stats would be, M = 16, D = 18(19), I = 14, S = 33, L = 36, P = 27. Anora's stats would be, M = 22, D = 22(23), I = 21, S = 33, L = 36, P = 27.

Yup definitely a Grand Cathedral to Isanela next turn with Taesta as the Tasakar assigned to work on it. Might as well use synergy to make it so this is as unfucked as possible.
We don't need a grand cathedral, just a small place to worship Isanella. The issue is the piety score between Taesta, and Sophia. Yes, the place to worship Isanela is an issue, but we don't need to try and jump onto a grand cathedral when we don't need to if we want to appease our clergy.
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You got some things wrong. Low base stats mean little to a Tasakar.

Low base stats aren't the issue here. It's the character that comes with the low base stats in quests like this and how they will affect the development of our Dynasty during these preparation turns since we won't get the chance to get in front of the negative aspects of such personalities like we will in regular turns.

Also if that's how it works that's another plus in Nicolas' favor.

We don't need a grand cathedral, just a small place to worship Isanella. The issue is the piety score between Taesta, and Sophia. Yes, the place to worship Isanela is an issue, but we don't need to try and jump onto a grand cathedral when we don't need to if we want to appease our clergy.

I want to get a Grand Cathedral done next turn if it is cheap enough to just take care of Isanela's temple complex permanently since that is the only complex we will be expected to build up to the best of our ability.
I want to get a Grand Cathedral done next turn if it is cheap enough to just take care of Isanela's temple complex permanently since that is the only complex we will be expected to build up to the best of our ability.
Wouldn't a grand cathedral be too risky? We need a temple we can guarantee will be built for the clergy. A small temple is that guarantee. Maybe a medium temple.
Wouldn't a grand cathedral be too risky? We need a temple we can guarantee will be built for the clergy. A small temple is that guarantee. Maybe a medium temple.

That was this turn. Next turn we have a granite mine, the whole of the College of Architecture and a Tasakar who specializes in Architecture. We will have a lowered DC for temple building than this turn. I agree that it should be a guarantee of a temple, but I don't think such a guarantee will be as low as you think.
That was this turn. Next turn we have a granite mine, the whole of the College of Architecture and a Tasakar who specializes in Architecture. We will have a lowered DC for temple building than this turn. I agree that it should be a guarantee of a temple, but I don't think such a guarantee will be as low as you think.
The current DC for a Isanela Grand Cathedral is something around DC 60. A simple small temple to her is DC 15, a medium temple is DC 20. I'd rather take a guarantee of success than a risk for Isanela's clergy.
(No temples. Until circumstances get investigated, unable to build temples to Ulair; morale penalty eliminated due to Demagogue trait. Unless taken next turn loose bonuses to building temples to Isanela)
Looks to me we only need a small temple to appease them.

Edit: Agk, I got my numbers wrong.
Small 25,15
Medium 30,20
Large 45,35
Cathedral 55,45
Grand cathedral 70,60
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Yes! Yes! feed me with your theories and suppositions!
Only a few more million posts and I. SHALL. BE. INVINCI...gluh!

Huh, what happened? I feel weird as if some ancient and malvolent force has been banished via percussive application method using a well-cured ham, toasted rye bread and some smelly hard cheese.

And anyone weird and niche enough to identify that reference gets all of my respects. Hold on comrades, for you are not alone!

Back to the point, this vote will probably remain open until week-end.
I've got new translation project for my freelance gig on top of my regular job to do, so... Yeah.
I'll still pop around every day for a bit, so if there are any questions feel free to tag me.
The current DC for a Isanela Grand Cathedral is something around DC 60. A simple small temple to her is DC 15, a medium temple is DC 20. I'd rather take a guarantee of success than a risk for Isanela's clergy.
Looks to me we only need a small temple to appease them.

Edit: Agk, I got my numbers wrong.
Small 25,15
Medium 30,20
Large 45,35
Cathedral 55,45
Grand cathedral 70,60


[] Building a proper temple complex (roll difficulty 20. Must have at least one specific temple. Aditional temples can be delayed for following turns without locking in any options by appending FT at the end)
-[] To Isanela, the great goddess of stars, and the personal patron of Tasakar dynasty (due to Isanela being the family patron, and bringing people from the great temple along, base roll difficulty is reduced by 10 for any temple to her)
--[] Small (raises difficulty by 5)
--[] Medium (raises difficulty by 10)
--[] Large (raises difficulty by 25)
--[] Cathedral (raises difficulty by 35)
--[] Grand Cathedral (raises difficulty by 50)

With the Granite Quarries, the College of Architecture and Taesta the DCs for all construction will go down and on top of that we can Froward Turn the building of the Isanela temple complex. So what I am proposing is that we take the safe option for temple building this upcoming turn that will guarantee that we build a temple to Isanela and then Froward Turn the rest of the Isanela temple constructions so that each turn an expansion of the Isanela temple complex is a guarantee until we reach the size of a Grand Cathedral. That way we will only have to take the Isanela temple construction once and then it will be done in however many turns that safe bet takes and we will have more action options on those turns.

Huh? Well, your meta-knowledge luck still holds strong.
Point of order!
upgrading medium temple to large and cathedral to the grand cathedral is more difficult than building them directly.

Huh? Well, your meta-knowledge luck still holds strong.
Point of order!
upgrading medium temple to large and cathedral to the grand cathedral is more difficult than building them directly.

So what we should build a large temple and then a Grand Cathedral through Forward Turns? Or just build a Grand Cathedral from the start for a one turn action?
That is entirely up to you.
I was just dispensing - as mandated by the die roll - valuable background info that might, or might not affect your future plans.
No more, no less.
if anyone is interested, I fixed up Nick's bio.
Also, only 4 people voted... :(
People, I know there was more of you taking a look. Quite a few even liked the post...
if anyone is interested, I fixed up Nick's bio.
Also, only 4 people voted... :(
People, I know there was more of you taking a look. Quite a few even liked the post...

Um I voted as far as I am aware and these aren't proper Husbando Wars as Nick just kicks the other two guys' butts. Also let's see:

[] Nicholas Ladislaus

The only child of Lyr Ladislaus, one of the sons of Captain Thaddeus Ladislaus, and thus a great-grandson of the inimitable Ser Luis and Lady Myria, Nicholas can be considered the premier scion of what is the defacto third family of the New Tasakarim, just below the Tasakarims and Fergazes themselves.
Barely a few months younger than prince Taesta, Nicholas was too young to remember their families' arrival to the Pyratryst. Being one of the exceedingly rare children of both the right age and high enough social background, it is rather unsurprising that he quickly got elevated to the position of both the best friend and main confidant to both prince Taesta and princess Anora, and was officially decreed chief royal minion by Prince Thomas.
Favoring his great-grandmother both physically and mentally, though thankfully displaying much more easy-going temperament, it is hardly surprising that, over the years growing up, when he was not getting into trouble with the royal offsprings, he was acting as lady Myria's official gofer and unofficial student.
The matriarch of the Ladislaus clan eventually deemed it would be beneficial for everyone around that both him and princess Anora should be directed to channel their excess of energy and youthful elan away from their usual mischief and into the scholarly rivalry, at which point he and his partner-in-crime became the esteemed ladies, official proteges.

"de facto third family" not "defacto third family"

"Royal Offsprings" not "royal offsprings"

Is the phrase "scholarly rivalry" supposed to be there? Or is there supposed to be something else there instead of it?

"esteemed ladies' official" not "esteemed ladies, official"

Yup this is neat and I'm looking forward to how you portray Nick.