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- Somewhere
Anora Tasakar
The baby and the only girl of the Tasakar brood, Anora is quite something else. While not as... ah, energetic as her middle brother, she definitely did inherit all of her mother's passion, and then some more.
Bright, though definitely not mature far in advance of her tender years, and much stronger in The Spark than the rest of her family, one thing is for certain sure - everyone expects great things out of her.
The one cloud that darkens that future though, was the Mad Weather. Being born, just before a decade long natural catastrophe hits your lands is not something anyone could ever pretend was not ominous. Being of much higher sorcerous blood than your family just exacerbated the problem. Thus, at no fault of her own, her own people, or at least the low strata of it does, and probably always will consider Anora a harbinger of trouble.
Whereas her brothers got educated in matters of war, Anora's education was given to the Imperial colleges to educate her on the general academia, and special importance given to the Imperial College of Medicine.
Naturally intelligent as she is, she took to her lessons easily. On the other hand, it did not take her more than a few years for her spirited nature to start wearing down her tutors.
Thankfully for everyone involved, lady Myria Ladislaus was well equipped, both as the Grand master of the Imperial colleges, Grand master healer, and a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother to deal with cases just like hers.
Martial: 16-1+1+1+2+1+2=22
Diplomacy: 20-1+1+1+1=22 (23)
Intrigue: 18-1+1+2+1=21
Stewardship: 18+1+1+1+1+2+1+1+1=27
Learning: 19+1+1+2+1+2=26
Piety: 23-1+1+1=24
Old Blood - 30% purity
Tasakar - 15 attribute base. Can wield The Spark
You are of the blood of Turgud and Talasin, of Aseryah and Andora. You are the inheritor of more than 15 centuries of remarkable leaders, for good or bad, and it shows.
Heir apparent - You shall be the next Sparkbarer, and thus the one to inherit the throne.
Foolhardy - -1base to all attributes. Inheritable
Your thought processes are not always the soundest, for all that that they can be remarkably quick.
Inauspicious birth - -1M, -1D, -1P
While it is hardly your fault, you can not escape the stigma of your birth forevermore being associated with the arrival of the Mad Weather.
Genius - +2base to all attributes. Inheritable
You are gifted at everything you do.
Ardent passions - +1M, +1S, +1L, -1I, better spousal relations
Everything you do, you do 120%.
Scholar - +1L
You are training for scholarly pursuits and academia.
Neophyte healer - +1S
You are training to become a full-fledged healer.
Demanding master - +1D, +1S, +2L
You are under the personal tutelage of Lady Myria herself, you will damn well end up being worth her time.
Spark Traits:
Diviner - +1 all stats
Despite what it seems like, you cannot actually see into the future, your Spark enhanced senses and intellect are simply very acute at reading into correlations and deducing the causes and effects.
Dynamist - +2M, +2I, +2S, +2L
You command a firm grasp upon magical applications of movement.
Healing hands - +1D, +1S, reduces atrition by flat 10%
You are not limited to the small and simple magics when it comes to applying your powers to healing.
Enchanter - +1M, +1I, +1S
You are gifted in creating simple trinkets, that nonetheless hold real, if minor, powers.
Green Thumb - +1D, +1I, +1S
Affecting and altering the plantlife to get exactly the desired results is simplicity unto itself for you.
Daughter of the storm - +2M, +1S, +1P, +1D during turbulent weather
While you are in no way connected to the beginning of the Mad Weather, only a fool would expect that there would be no connection between you and it.
[3] Alric Tarikson of Fort Belami.
My least favourite, he has ambitous.
[2] Cainen Horn of Madara
Fotune is gold.
[1] Nicholas Ladislaus
Really smart, and knows fighting isn't his strength, but took to martial acts with a strong will. Cool traits as well. Might be Taesta's best friend.
Edit: Sofia could use omakes, probably.
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