Eevee Therapy for Little Magi (Pokemon x F/SN)

I still don't get how Shirou was supposed to know that running away from a faster foe with orders to go after him would work. It did but that is because the orders were to test him.
If the Lopunny had orders to capture or kill I dont see how running would have helped.

Then again, I don't think anyone involved was thinking things through here, not completely. I actually came up with a scene around that scenario, of how fighting was the only way through because of exactly what you mentioned, and how it could be applied to protecting the life of another - which I ended with absurdism. Turning a "serious" fight into a wrestling match, and letting confusion and lack of focus finish the fight from there.

Still, we can't expect our lovely authors to think of everything. Especially when it is in character for the characters on question to not think about it.

Think about this less like a movie and more like a play on stage. You can practice all you want, but it'll be more organic and more interesting to see how the characters react to changing situations where they don't have a guide to go by.
Yeah, the test as it was... poorly designed. But Akari has acknowledged that and it seems to have sort-of worked so eh, guess it will do.

Also they just got a quest to find Xerneas. ...Who, in all probability, Kiritsugu is going to directly run into in the process of stopping Flare's insane plot. Guess we can guess how the three groups are going to end up temporarily converging.
I was just wondering if anyone else remembered the beginning of Fate where Lancer and Archer are dueling in the schoolyard and Shirou runs away from the two threats that he can tell are massively stronger than him?

And how that did not work out at all.

Xerneas is the deer right? I haven't actually played X or Y so I get those two confused. The story might also be talking about Zygarde, but it doesn't seem so.
Besides, before you doubt us, girlie, Misora had an ACE level healer on standby.

Because, you know... ethics? The Pokemon world has to have some version of the Hippocratic Oath, right? Even if Hippocrates might not have existed? Or at least some conception of how aiding, abetting, crime accessory, and/or failure to report is bad?

Yeah, the test as it was... poorly designed. But Akari has acknowledged that and it seems to have sort-of worked so eh, guess it will do.

Yeah, I think that level of acknowledgement is the best we're going to get, especially from ultimately well-meaning people who think they're doing good, even if they go about it very, very poorly. Everyone has made good points, on Shirou's combat sense and decisions, actions/reactions of traumatized people (old and young), and how running against a clearly superior, faster force just doesn't work and people with combat experience should know that. But it does seem there's going to be at least someone taking Akari and co. to task about everything:

Mespirit tilted her head. "Consent is extremely important. Something I will be discussing with you later, Akari."

So that's something, at least. Oh, and also:

"...wait, Pokemon can have bank accounts? Maybe I should open my own. Save some of Shirou's money for a rainy day," Ritsuka mused.

Okay, that... actually has a lot of implications. I mean, it makes sense, Pokemon clearly have a level of sapience here that definitely would grant them personhood in the eyes of the law, I'd imagine. And opening a bank account is a fairly benign financial action. But does that also mean they can legally participate in other financial actions, like stocks or futures trading? There are Pokemon that are just far-and-away more intelligent than many other living creatures, and can probably predict, manipulate, and react to financial trends more accurately and comprehensively (i.e. Alakazam, Metagross, Xatu, Porygon, etc.); I imagine there has to be legislation governing situations like that due to the danger of crashing economies, despite discrimination against a certain set of sapients. That has to be tricky, it'd be interesting to see if there's in-world lore for that.
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"Oh good… Right fuck, I was talking about the tree of life," Mana groaned, having finally realized she'd gone on an utterly massive tangent. "My point for all of this was that the Tree of Life existed at some point, and was tied to a legendary that was said to know a rather absurd amount of information about Life. They might have answers about our abilities that we'd never be able to find on our own."
Xerneas: "<Yawn>"
Kiritsugu: "Why am I stuck with this sleepy deer again?"
Xerneas: *Glances at the smoldering remains of Team Flare* "Because you couldn't let sleeping Poocheyanas lie? Could be worse, you could have gotten my brother instead."

The story might also be talking about Zygarde, but it doesn't seem so.
Zygarde doesn't have a dormant form, they just spread their cells around a region and sit around waiting to act as a defense mechanism if the ecosystem is thrown out of balance by humans. They may also show up if an extradimensional threat is present *Cough* Necrozma *Cough* though the defense of Ultrspace is usually handled by Lunala and Solgaleo. They're kind of like a beast of Gaia if you squint.
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Xerneas: "<Yawn>"
Kiritsugu: "Why am I stuck with this sleepy deer again?"
Xerneas: *Glances at the smoldering remains of Team Flare* "Because you couldn't let sleeping Poocheyanas lie? Could be worse, you could have gotten my brother instead."

Hey now, that is foul. Yveltal is as much part of the natural cycle as Xerneas: he is the one that must be triggered if the ecosystem runs to a terminal point where it just cannot recover from.
Hey now, that is foul. Yveltal is as much part of the natural cycle as Xerneas: he is the one that must be triggered if the ecosystem runs to a terminal point where it just cannot recover from.
Yeah, and as parts of the ecosystem, a human should delay that point as long as possible for the sake of our own survival.
*Amused author noises at people not actually getting what the Tree of Life is referring to*

Someone over on the Ao3 crosspost did actually guess correctly, but I do rather enjoy seeing people try and figure it out.
"Illya. From what my Xatu saw, you would've tried to curse Misora if this had been sprung on you. What drives you to that level of rage?"

"... That's… a good question," Illya answered, pausing to gather her thoughts. "I think it's because when I'm placed into a life and death situation, everything but surviving goes out the window, and I've always been a magus before a Pokemon Trainer before."

I dunno. Cursing first and asking questions later in a (seemingly) life and death situation doesn't sound that bad to me.
Yes they are the deer-thing, and the tree of life mentioned was explicitly Xerneas in their dormant form. Though really any of that trio is likely to have the answers sought.

While it is Xerneas that isn't the source. If you notice how it was talking about the teams of Red and Blue and the Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky and so on those are the mystery dungeon games. In super mystery dungeon Xerneas is the guardian of the tree of life which is an actual external tree to it which is the source of the protag's scarves' "special powers" where in like all mystery dungeon games they don't let you evolve naturally but through use of a location during the postgame in super that's the tree of life and Xerneas handles it but the scarves for certain fights nearby it temporarily evolve your team to their final state.
Illya's suppressed temper flared. "You did–" she hissed, before she was interrupted as Akari stepped forward, a flare of pink forming around her before she jabbed the small girl in the forehead. "-erk?" Illya swayed.

"Calm Mind into Baton Pass. You should be familiar with that," Akari said softly.

This seems kind of weird to me. I get that Akari is trying to calm Illya down but is using almost mind control really the way to go about it?
This seems kind of weird to me. I get that Akari is trying to calm Illya down but is using almost mind control really the way to go about it?

That's kind of been a running pattern with her recently still the legendaries are going to be giving her a probably offscreen talking to about it including Mespirit who is the being of emotions and probably picked up on it so just imagine they add that to the long list of what she did wrong.
I'm not sure if this is correct, but I find it weird how easily Illya let go of the whole thing, a big part of her problems come from older people telling her what's best for her, with Jubstacheit basically doing this all of her life. I don't feel like she would have let go of the matter as easily.
Rota's Tree of Life from that one Pokemon movie? Huge thing made of crystals that is protected by a Mew? I haven't seen the movie but apparently it is a thing.
...Huh? I didn't catch that.

Edit: Thanks, Dragon. I got a whole bunch of things mixed up.
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