Voting is open
I'm cool with however this shakes out, honestly.

That said if we do another re-vote -and for future votes- I'd probably ask for less people voting for two options at once, as that skews the numbers in a simple majority number-tally.
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Character Generation: as Hard IRL as it is ...VRL?
Alright, I guess I channeled a bit too much Solomon when trying to keep the momentum going. Runoff it is.

24-hour run-off vote, ranked choice voting only.
This means you rank all the options in order of preference like so: [X] [1] Option A; [X] [2] Option B, and so on. Use the Instant Runoff setting in the vote tallier if you want to see the appropriate results

[ ] [ ] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[ ] [ ] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[ ] [ ] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[ ] [ ] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[ ] [ ] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[ ] [ ] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[ ] [ ] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[ ] [ ] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [6] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [8] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [3] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [6] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [3] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [8] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [5] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [3] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [1] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [8] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [6] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [7] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [5] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [3] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [8] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [5] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [1] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [6] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist

[X] [5] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
Sorry, edited the OP whe I realized the issue but seems it was bit too late; the customized Eclipsed Orphan is now Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), so you may want to edit for clarity which one is which.
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [8] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [5] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [4] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [1] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [8] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [2] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [3] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[ ] [GENRE] ...standing in a vast metal chamber, receding beyond what the light can illuminate, filled with a dizzying variety of mysterious, high-tech structures and devices. A holographic map is projectd in front of you, of a chaotic maze of chambers and tunnels of widely varying size, extending beyond the bounds of the map itself. (Post-apocalyptic sci-fi within an enormous megastructure)
[ ] [GENRE] ...standing in a vast chamber of shining glass, marble, and gold, shot through with cracks of age and wear. A makeshift terminal sits in front of you, with a frayed power cord somehow attached to a glowing crystal marked with runic circuits. (Post-apocalyptic sci-fi alongside fantasy within an enormous megastructure)
[ ] [GENRE] …something else? (Write-in, requires approval; unlikely to get it)
Salt. Both those last two are super fun. other than your arc knights quest never read anything which took place in what could reasonably be called a megastructure, well, that wasn't the lame old citadel on mass effect. Doesn't feel like it counts.

Have ideas for Horror Mythologic Fantasy taking place on the floating flesh continent of a collosal half dead floating elder god of Cthulhu-ish nature, but it's too late and I'd rather just keep reading rather than write out a fitting vote example.

[X] [8] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [2] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [5] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [7] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist

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[1] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[8] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[5] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[4] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[2] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[6] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[7] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [3] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist

I genuinely liked the Meet in the middle option.
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Hmm... maybe I'll sleep on this one and vote in the morning. I definitely prefer Felixar to Hicys; that's my most important preference. Second-most important is background; I have a clear preference there, too (in order from most-desired to least desired: Tranquil Village, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Noble Scion, Eclipsed Orphan). (I really like Tranquil Village thematically. The custom eclipsed orphan is interesting: I find Gun Archivist and Astral Mage both interesting in different ways, so potentially getting access to some Astral Mage stuff, or some Tranquil Village stuff, or even some Noble Scion stuff, could add some interesting diversity options. Noble Scion is less preferred but could also be pretty interesting.) Regarding class... I'm torn between the two options. A lot of other people seem to feel much more passionate about class than I do. (Neither of the classes was my first choice, and I have some interest in both of them for different reasons.) Some of the arguments made for Astral Mage have been interesting. I'm just not sure. It almost makes me wish I could skip the class part of the vote and let others who are more invested in the class outcome decide. Well, at least I should find reasons to be happy either way as far as class goes.
[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [2] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [8] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [6] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [1] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [2] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [5] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [8] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [8] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [1] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [2] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [6] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [5] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
I would really go for a custom eclipsed orphan with Noble Scion and Gun Archivist parents, but that's not a choice.

The custom eclipsed orphan sound quite interesting actually. The Eclipsed Orphan advantage of having adventuring parents, and now one of them is even noble.
We only get one passive from them, so possibly no etiquette or upper-class residence from noble scion, but probably still some social influence. Possibly not Astral Mage passive, but still maybe access to magic via core nodes. I can see us socialising by day, enchanting bullets by evening, hunting targets by night.
Is there anything from the core nodes of a full astral mage that we might want that this doesn't give? I can't say for sure. Such a significant part of why I wanted Astral Mage is already in the passive.

[x] [1] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[x] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[x] [3] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[x] [8] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[x] [4] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[x] [2] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[x] [5] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[x] [7] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist

Edit: Looked back through the racial passives and found that Ambush Predator isn't actually innate. Though it's no longer an option, we could absolutely have chosen say, Bhomon and Eclipsed Orphan, then used luck on Eclipsed Orphan until we got a Felixar parent and taken Ambush from them.
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Edit: Looked back through the racial passives and found that Ambush Predator isn't actually innate. Though it's no longer an option, we could absolutely have chosen say, Bhomon and Eclipsed Orphan, then used luck on Eclipsed Orphan until we got a Felixar parent and taken Ambush from them.
Getting a Felixar parent would have been a long shot (the issue isnt just rarity, but other things at that rarity in the pool), but correct, it's not Innate. Innate tags are largely determined by the question of "does it make sense for someone to be taught this," and Ambush Predator is a pattern of behavior rather than a product of specific biology.

This is relevant post-Chargen too, because while it's not trivial, non-Innate Core Nodes can be picked up in game. Innate ones are... a bit harder, shall we say.
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[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] [7] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [2] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [8] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
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[X] [6] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan (Custom), Gun Archivist
[X] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Gun Archivist
[X] [4] Felixar, Noble Scion, Gun Archivist
[X] [5] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
[X] [3] Felixar, Eclipsed Orphan, Astral Mage
[X] [1] Felixar, Noble Scion, Astral Mage
[X] [2] Felixar, Tranquil Village, Astral Mage
[X] [8] Hicys, Tranquil Village, Gun Archivist
Seem to be missing a number here.
Voting is open