[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.
- [X] Luna's right there. Maybe include her in the spell?

The Dragon blanches at the very concept of heroism,

Of course. While heroism has to be phrased correctly to fall within the themes of other Primordials, to the Ebon Dragon it's antithetical. He can only comprehend it by its' absence.
[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.
- [X] Luna's right there. Maybe include her in the spell?
[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.
[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.

Please let try this... It would absolutely glorious...
[ ]Roll Int+Lore at difficulty 10 to use the Encounter Suit like it were the Eye of Autochthon and end the battle.
-[ ]Write in how we shall warp reality.
wouldn't that not work at all? The reason we can use the eye to release oramos is because the yozi are lesser than the primordials and what the primordial thinks it is seeing overrules what is actually occuring. here on pangaea, gaia is a primordial, we're on her goddamn worldform jouten, we are not going to overrule her using auto-kuns authority as a primordial.
wouldn't that not work at all? The reason we can use the eye to release oramos is because the yozi are lesser than the primordials and what the primordial thinks it is seeing overrules what is actually occuring. here on pangaea, gaia is a primordial, we're on her goddamn worldform jouten, we are not going to overrule her using auto-kuns authority as a primordial.
We could plug the Eye into Gaia and turn it back onto Autocthon, allowing her to truly see and understand him, probably without needing to make a roll to attempt like we would for Unity of the Closed Fist.
Did I read it wrong or did Sky just pull off a Noctis-style Warp?
1. I just bought FFXV. It is best summed up as 'A bachelor party goes horribly wrong.' It is also amazing.
2. Yes he did. It is either an artifact N/A power that Stone Splitter now has, which is an extension of its previous power that Sky can summon it back to his hand, or Sky has developed a charm with Call the Blade as a prerequesite, allowing him to instantly relocate to his blade when he throws it.

That, or he made a combo using Godspeed Steps.
[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.
- [X] Luna's right there. Maybe include her in the spell?
[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.
[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.
- [X] Luna's right there. Maybe include her in the spell?
World-Scarring Solar Glory
Cost: 5m, 1wp
Mins: Melee 6, Essence 6
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Mirror (Creation-Slaying Holocaust Blade)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rising Sun Slash

The Solar's weapon surges with the limitless power of the wrathful sun god. An attack supplemented by this Charm adds (Essence) dice of raw damage in Step Seven. Should the dice of damage to be rolled after soak in Step Eight exceed the target's maximum total health levels, the Solar may instead inflict as many or as few automatic levels of damage as desired.
At Essence 7+, this Charm may be used to inflict whatever level of damage the Lawgiver desires to nonmagical objects and structures up to the size of a palace. Cutting passes through hills or smashing down stout fortress gates are trivial exercises for such mighty heroes. At Melee 9+ the character may pay a five-mote surcharge upon activation to inflict as many or as few automatic levels of damage as desired to targets regardless of his total dice in Step Eight.
A second purchase, at Melee 8+, Essence 8+, allows the Solar to activate this Charm as a miscellaneous action (Speed 5, DV –1), and commit Essence to it to "store" it in advance. When the commitment is reflexively dropped (this must be done in Step One), the Charm activates without counting as a Charm use. At Essence 9+, the Solar may store up to (Essence/2) activations simultaneously, though each must have Essence committed to it separately.
New Abyssal Charm: Creation-Slaying Holocaust Blade (Prerequisites: Life-Severing Blade). The Abyssal Mirror to World-Scarring Solar Glory has different prerequisites but is otherwise identical.

Basically lets a sufficiently powerful Solar one-shot any opponent, up to and including Primordials and Neverborn.
Apologies for the delay- it was finals week and I have just finished all the grading.
[X]Use Unity of the Closed Fist to attempt to merge Gaia and Autochthon's mythos to bring about great understanding. This will require a Charisma+Presence attack on Gaia to convince her to allow this.

a better than likely chance that Autochthon's mythos- which probably lets him warp Creation via the Eye- would have no effect on Pangaea. Or at least, not helpful effect. Go with Plan A, then. You raise up the eye-form of your bound Primordial, and turn to the rumbling to watch Ladon burst from the ground, Sky dropping off and into a crouch.

Your husband flickers and appears in front of you. He swings his sword and catches one of the immense, blood mandibles of the behemoth, driving it into the ground.

"I'm going to try something," you shout, over the cheers of the ground and the rumbling of the earth, "Can you hold off the worm?!"

"I can! With a little help!"

You are about to protest that you're busy. Then, you hear it. Like crackling flame on high, followed by-


And then Gaist, out of fucking nowhere, drops out of the sky and slams into the crest of Ladon's head.

"How?!" you shout, "How did you get to fucking Pangaea?!"

"A Priest never reveals his secrets!" Gaist drives one flame claw into one of Ladon's eyes, and the worm bucks with the Anglok riding it with a yell and prayer to the Sun.

You pinch the bridge of your nose, turn from the battle-turned-clusterfuck, and raise up the eye.

"Gaia! Hear me!"

This is not the craziest thing you've done. Maybe. But you summon your staff in your other hand and raise it high, even as the worm slams into the ground behind you.

"You hate him! You hate him because you do not understand him! But I offer you a chance! Because we mortals understand that hate, for we barely understand ourselves!"

You gather the essence into the tip of the staff, using it as a focus. "We build walls between us! We craft our own mythos! We separate ourselves from each other, keeping ourselves at arms length! But you, Primordial, gave the Exalted the tools to break down those walls!"

Sunlight gathers and flows through the staff. The mechanical iris flits between you, the coliseum, and the ground beneath.

"So I offer you a chance to let down your walls, Gaia! Because through Unity there is Strength! Through Strength, we Evolve! And through evolution, we become something more!"

And you slam the staff to the ground.

"I invoke the Unity of the Closed Fist!"

(Charisma+Presence, 15 dice, 14 successes through ISS)

You feel- an acceptance. An acknowledgment. A hand on your shoulder tinged with silver as the golden light washes over Pangaea. The world fades into shadow and dust and the merging of perspectives, and you float- weightless, formless, but still defined as yourself in the ether.

You float, alongside Sky, alongside Gaist, alongside Autochthon, alongside...

Alongside Luna.

"Nice speech," the Incarnae of the Moon says.

You look around, scan around. "Did Gaia accept?"

Luna nods. "I don't see her," you add. Luna smiles.

You shrug and turn to Gaist, leveling a finger at the Anglok. "You. How did you get to Pangaea?"

"The Sun sent me." Gaist folds his arms, letting his statement hang. "He and I are close. He owed me a favor."

Your mouth hangs open. You shake your head, and then pinch the bridge of your nose with a sigh. "Right. That. Okay." Exhaling, you look around. Up. Down. Autochthon unfolds himself into his encounter suit. Sky sheathes his sword. "Where is Gaia?" you ask.

"She's right here," Luna says with a grin, "Good idea, having the Great Maker send the prayer strip. That got her attention."

"But where is she?" You look around. Spin around in the darkness of the gestalt. "Is this her being angry? Because of what happened in Malfeas?"

Luna is in front of you in that moment. She grins, and Sky is next to you, his sword- still in scabbard- between the two of you.

"Oh, relax," Luna says with a purr that works down your spine, "Why would she be mad? Is it about you wanting to free Oramus?"

You quickly nod.

"You already told me about that," Luna says, and floats back, "In truth, I care not if you free all the Yozi. Only that you take responsibility for your actions and know the consequences."

You exhale. Sky clips the scabbard back on his belt. "So where is Gaia, then?" Sky asks.

You think- what do you know about Gaia? What is there that stands out about her?

(Int+Lore, 15 dice +6 autosuccesses, 12 successes)

Oh, right. The only thing more terrifying to the gods of Yu Shan than the return of Autochthon is the Return of Gaia. Because she's an undiminished Primordial. "Hello, Gaia?"

Greetings, Sorcerer.

Twin suns illuminate the darkness. You feel the darkness around you become defined- not by darkness, but by the over abundance of everything that now fills it. Not darkness lacking light, but darkness of saturation. The endless growth and consumption that is her.

The face- a face of mountains and trees and elements, human but from great distance, forms in the darkness of the overgrowth, and you stare into the gaze of Gaia.

"Hello." You wave. "An enemy of Creation is planning to destroy it using the Greater Elemental Dragon of Earth. We would like to request that you keep it asleep and tell us where it is so we can stop them."


You blink.


What do I care about Creation, Sorcerer? Were you not paying attention when we last talked? What do I care of the Primordial's mistake?

Oh. Well, you're just going to have to convince her, aren't you? How?

[ ]Appeal to her duty as the remaining, undiminished Primordial. Her themes, her subsouls, are tied into Creation. If it is destroyed, will that not diminish her?

[ ]Appeal to love. Luna was created to guard Creation- if Creation was a mistake, was Luna a mistake? And if Luna is dedicated to protecting Creation, how can Gaia so readily abandon it?

[ ]Write in.​
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the ultimate goal of Oblivion eating everything, including the Wyld?
Furthermore, she may not care about Creation, but I imagine that the Engine of Extinction is something she would find ... concerning.
Because even Gaea would get her shit kicked in by the Engine of Extinction?

She doesn't think that it's just going to magically stop once it's destroyed Creation and not do anything else, does she?
[X] Appeal to love. Luna was created to guard Creation- if Creation was a mistake, was Luna a mistake? And if Luna is dedicated to protecting Creation, how can Gaia so readily abandon it?
Also, I don't think the Duty one would work. It argues that Gaea would be lessened by Creation's destruction when we just used the Strength is Evolution argument. She would see the 'deminishment' as an opportunity to evolve in new ways, make life under different conditions.
[X] Appeal to love. Luna was created to guard Creation- if Creation was a mistake, was Luna a mistake? And if Luna is dedicated to protecting Creation, how can Gaia so readily abandon it?
Not sure I like making that argument with Luna standing right there and able to speak for his/her self. Also I suspect that Luna's presence means that this is more about defining our relationship with Gaia than succeeding/failing. After all, Luna was created to guard Creation and can always just promise to do that thing with his/her tongue again.
[X] Appeal to love. Luna was created to guard Creation- if Creation was a mistake, was Luna a mistake? And if Luna is dedicated to protecting Creation, how can Gaia so readily abandon it?