To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
[x] Discuss Takane with Akane. (PICK ONE)
-[x] Her potential secondary power.

I know people like the relationship talk, but powers talk comes first in my book!
Takane's power has some interesting implications for why she moved. Maybe it warned her some big blowup she couldn't survive was about to hit?

Other than that... love the pic there, @TheOneMoiderah. On any other character I'd probably think the arms were a touch oversized, but for seven-foot tall super-strong Akane it really works to sell just how much physical power she has. Also, it's nice to see how well she seems to be doing.
[X] Discuss Takane with Akane.
-[X] Kasamino gang.

I'll bite. This is a hook that has been dangled about by QB, and considering her being from Kasamino... well, that just reeks of plotline. The fact that Takane is able to analyse Akane's skillset and give up after figuring out that she's outclassed with the only thing that she didn't know being the whole Secondary Power shtick... is a bit disconcerting.

That reminds me, what was Kyouko's secondary again? The Christianity thematics?
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[x] Discuss Takane with Akane. (PICK ONE)
-[x] Kasamino gang.

Kinda want to discuss this one, we know sooner or later we're gonna have to deal with these girls.

Also Akane has gone for a combination of Asura and Akuma I see.
That reminds me, what was Kyouko's secondary again? The Christianity thematics?
Illusions and persuasion.

Namely that Kyouko created a lie in order to get more followers. She wished for her father to get more followers, to increase the numbers at his church.

And when that ultimately ended in the death of her family she suppressed the hell out of those powers.
That picture is the sort of thing to make me very glad Akane is on our side. A feeling that what we've seen of her current performance reinforces. And the timelapse is pretty dang impressive too.

I regards to the vote, I'm torn between Kasamino and the secondary power thing. They all have merits. I think...

[X] Discuss Takane with Akane. (PICK ONE)
-[X] Her potential secondary power.

On account on our immediate focus having been on training Takane. But Kasamino would also be a good choice, in my mind.

That reminds me, what was Kyouko's secondary again? The Christianity thematics?

I believe that would be illusion powers, for Kyoko, that got locked off in relation to her family... situation. Could be wrong, though.

Edit: Ninja'd by Moid
[] Discuss Takane with Akane.
-[] Kasamino gang.

I'll bite. This is a hook that has been dangled about by QB, and considering her being from Kasamino... well, that just reeks of plotline. The fact that Takane is able to analyse Akane's skillset and give up after figuring out that she's outclassed with the only thing that she didn't know being the whole Secondary Power shtick... is a bit disconcerting.

That reminds me, what was Kyouko's secondary again? The Christianity thematics?
Kyouko's wish-granted powerset (the part she lost access to) is illusions, but I'm not sure about the other half.
Illusions and persuasion.

Namely that Kyouko created a lie in order to get more followers. She wished for her father to get more followers, to increase the numbers at his church.

And when that ultimately ended in the death of her family she suppressed the hell out of those powers.
Assuming it's not a spoiler, what did it take for Kyouko to come to terms with that and stop suppressing them? If I had to guess I'd assume having Minako played a big role in it, but I'm curious about whether I'm right about that and what else (if anything) there was to it.
Assuming it's not a spoiler, what did it take for Kyouko to come to terms with that and stop suppressing them? If I had to guess I'd assume having Minako played a big role in it, but I'm curious about whether I'm right about that and what else (if anything) there was to it.
An extremely slow process of having Minako and Sayaka convincing her that therapy was a good idea.

It took fucking years.
"Yeah." You cross your arms. "Though I don't think Takane's made that connection yet. I sure as hell hope that Mina doesn't know that they're dating a magical girl."

"And if they do know?" Akane moves towards you. "I mean, speaking as an outsider, kid's probably gonna know. My son kinda figured that I was a magical girl after I obliterated the dumpster-"

"You already told me this story."

"I did, and I know that I did. It's more like kind of a warning. Your kid'll know. It might have even happened today." Akane frowns. "What are you gonna do then?"

"I'll play it by ear. That's what I did with Walpurgis and it worked back then."

"This isn't a big enemy you can kill." Akane rolls her shoulders. "It's no Tokyo Six and no Walpurgis."
Somebody has their head straight.
You nod once. "Yeah. I figured." You debate just making it immediately clear that you know that her partner is your child, buuuuut for now you decide against it. "Do make sure to keep it a secret, right? Your partner doesn't need to know about the whole business."
Somebody else, not so much.

[x] Discuss Takane with Akane. (PICK ONE)
-[x] Her relationship with Minako.

With luck we can get some input on Sayaka getting over her blindspot before somebody has to be at risk because of it.
[X] Discuss Takane with Akane.
-[X] Kasamino gang.

I think this is much more time-sensitive than the potential secondary power.
[x] Discuss Takane with Akane. (PICK ONE)
-[x] Kasamino gang.
[X] Discuss Takane with Akane.
-[X] Kasamino gang.

We should also cover our bases with Minako as soon as possible, before Kyubey sends misinformation.
We should also cover our bases with Minako as soon as possible, before Kyubey sends misinformation.
Problem is Sayaka refuses to. She's postponed The Magical Girl Talk indefinitely (I can only imagine when The Regular Talk is scheduled for, maybe after marriage?), our only hopes are Takane being thorough enough on her own, Akane knocking some sense into Sayaka, and Kyouko deciding she's done with this shit.

Which is like 3 hopes so I guess the situation isn't that bad.
Problem is Sayaka refuses to. She's postponed The Magical Girl Talk indefinitely (I can only imagine when The Regular Talk is scheduled for, maybe after marriage?), our only hopes are Takane being thorough enough on her own, Akane knocking some sense into Sayaka, and Kyouko deciding she's done with this shit.

Which is like 3 hopes so I guess the situation isn't that bad.
We can at least hint at it, I suppose. Either way, we ought to try our best in this, as far as our circumstances allow.