Hey, so just so you guys know, I'll probably be calling the soon so I can get to work. If you want to change your vote, now's the time, especially since we're currently tied.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by RexHeller on Feb 12, 2018 at 1:51 PM, finished with 105 posts and 25 votes.
Burning the day away

As the song began to play, Taylor could feel a warmth ignite inside of her. More than mere warmth in fact. There was a fire burning in her heart. It didn't hurt though. It simply filled her with energy and with a grin, Taylor leaped up from the couch.

"Oh, yes."

"Taylor! Your hair!"

Her dad's panicked cry distracted Taylor from the feeling of sheer awesome in her chest. Looking to see what had him so scared, Taylor found that her hair was burning. And not just a little. It was as if she had a waterfall of flame rolling down past her shoulders, with the occasional strand floating into the air, just like an actual lick of flame. And yet, again, the fire didn't hurt. Curious, Taylor twirled a lock around a finger and found it warm to the touch, but not painful.

"I'm fine, Dad. See?" To prove her point, Taylor flipped her hair, sending the fire into a dance that it never quite settled down from.

"W-Well, if you say so…" Still looking rather pale, Danny moved on. "So, what's your new power then? Something to do with fire, I'm guessing?"

As answer, Taylor grinned confidently and pushed the fire in her chest out to her arms. Instantly, her forearms ignited in a blaze of fire, leaving her with gauntlets of fire wrapping around her fists. Still smiling, Taylor adopted a boxing pose and threw a few punches at the air.

"Easy there, Taylor." Her father warned.

"Pft, I got this." Taylor held one hand out, face up, and pushed on the fire a little bit. A small gout of flame, barely a foot long, rose up and detached from her hand. It flew around her in a circle before returning to her hand and disappearing. "See? I-"

"Taylor!" Her dad shouted. "Please don't burn the house down."

Taylor acquiesced and extinguished her hands, but also crossed her arms and pouted. Wasn't he just telling he believed she could control her powers? "Dad, c'mon. I can handle this."

"I'm serious, Taylor. No pyrokinesis in the house." Danny paused for a moment and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Can't believe I just said that…" He muttered under his breath.

"Alright, fine." Taylor gave up and threw herself back onto the couch, her flaming hair licking at the upholstery but not burning it. After a second, she relaxed. She supposed she could see her Dad's point of view. Fire was pretty scary, but it wasn't like she was throwing fireballs around at random or anything.

Taylor spent the rest of the song lying on the couch and ignoring her dad. She felt pretty energetic, but if she wasn't allowed to play, er, experiment with her powers, she didn't really want to do anything else. She spent the next few minutes bouncing her foot to the beat and singing along quietly to the chorus.

When the song ran out, the first thing Taylor did was double check that her hair was fine. Seeing that her black tresses were undamaged, she got up and went to find her dad, who had gone back into the kitchen to take care of dinner. When she saw him standing in front of the freezer, she felt that maybe she should hug him or something. But maybe that was a bit too much too. Their relationship might have been on the rise, but they still didn't talk much, let alone touch.

Unsure of what to do, Taylor just stood back and rubbed her arm awkwardly. "Hey, uh, Dad? Sorry for being a bit of a brat there."

Her father looked up from the freezer and gave her a smile. "Hey, don't worry about it. I know what it's like to be excited by something new. I don't want to stop you, I just want you to keep safe, okay?"

"Mhm, okay, Dad." Taylor nodded, relieved that she wasn't in trouble. She thought about telling him her new theory. She was starting to think that the songs affected her attitude as well as gave her powers, but she wasn't sure yet. It was really nothing more than a suspicious at the moment, but Taylor knew if she told him, he would get worried all over again, so she kept it to herself.

Dinner that night was a store-bought, frozen pizza. Not exactly high cuisine, but it was easy and fast and filled with grease, making it perfect comfort food for Taylor. Throughout dinner Taylor caught her dad looking like he wanted to say something several times, but every time, he shook his head and went back to his pizza. Between the two of them, Taylor and her father managed to finish off the entire thing. After getting a belly full of food, the events of the day finally caught up with Taylor and exhaustion set in. She went upstairs, fell into her bed and crashed into a deep sleep.

The next day, Danny made sure that Taylor eat her breakfast and took her antibiotics, but then he had to go. While both of them were happy that Taylor hadn't been seriously injured the day before, that also meant that he couldn't take time off work to take care of her, no matter how much he may have wanted to. And besides, he still needed to get the truck back.

And so Taylor was left alone for the day. She knew she was supposed to be resting for the day, but she pretty quickly grew bored. She didn't even have homework to do. So she decided to go out for the day, even if she didn't have a complete plan yet. But after walking for several blocks, she couldn't take it anymore. Maybe she had grown to used to having her headphones everywhere she went, but she needed some music. Ducking into a convenient alley, she double checked that no one was around, and pushed the play button in her mind.

Song: I Burn - Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams
Power: Basic pyrokinesis within five feet of Taylor, as well as fire immunity. Taylor can wrap her limbs in fire to enhance her combat effectiveness, as well as shape and move fire in basic ways within her range. For the duration of the song, Taylor's hair lights on fire but won't burn anything and is safe to touch.
Attitude: Confident. While this song is playing, Taylor will believe that she can do anything and that she's powerful and smart enough to take on any problems she might face. This might lead to overconfidence in certain circumstances, but she is at least capable of being able of getting talked down by someone she trusts.

I Burn saved to Playlist.

Vote for a Song

[] Playlist
-[] Track 1: Connect
-[] Track 2: I Burn No Repeats
[] New Song



-[] Write-in
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[X] Rejoice

I'm going to keep posting weird songs until one gets picked.
[X] Dark

Greed has a REALLY good power and the attitude change is unlikely to be that bad.
But does it really matter right now?

We can't tell whenever Taylor will keep it, and we have no threats or anything happening right now. We could probably recommend it at another time in a more appropriate situation.

I think this is a chance to get a more fun vote in and see what happens, so a situation like sitting in the living room for an entire Yang song doesn't happen.
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We can't tell whenever Taylor will keep it, and we have no threats or anything happening right now. We could probably recommend it at another time in a more appropriate situation.
Actually, you vote whether or not Taylor keeps a song, as well as what slot it overwrites if you do keep it.